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We report here the significance of the Notch1 receptor in intracellular trafficking of recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 (rAAV2). RNA profiling of human prostate cancer cell lines with various degrees of AAV transduction indicated a correlation of the amount of Notch1 with rAAV transgene expression. A definitive role of Notch1 in enhancing AAV transduction was confirmed by developing clonal derivatives of DU145 cells overexpressing either full-length or intracellular Notch1. To discern stages of AAV2 transduction influenced by Notch1, competitive binding with soluble heparin and Notch1 antibody, intracellular trafficking using Cy3-labeled rAAV2, and blocking assays for proteasome and dynamin pathways were performed. Results indicated that in the absence or low-level expression of Notch1, only binding of virus was found on the cell surface and internalization was impaired. However, increased Notch1 expression in these cells allowed efficient perinuclear accumulation of labeled capsids. Nuclear transport of the vector was evident by transgene expression and real-time PCR analyses. Dynamin levels were not found to be different among these cell lines, but blocking dynamin function abrogated AAV2 transduction in DU145 clones overexpressing full-length Notch1 but not in clones overexpressing intracellular Notch1. These studies provide evidence for the role of activated Notch1 in intracellular trafficking of AAV2, which may have implications in the optimal use of AAV2 in human gene therapy.  相似文献   

We examined cytoplasmic trafficking and nuclear translocation of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) by using Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated wild-type AAV, A20 monoclonal antibody immunocytochemistry, and subcellular fractionation techniques followed by DNA hybridization. Our results indicated that in the absence of adenovirus (Ad), AAV enters the cell rapidly and escapes from early endosomes with a t(1/2) of about 10 min postinfection. Cytoplasmically distributed AAV accumulated around the nucleus and persisted perinuclearly for 16 to 24 h. Viral uncoating occurred before or during nuclear entry beginning about 12 h postinfection, when viral protein and DNA were readily detected in the nucleus. Few, if any, intact AAV capsids were found in the nucleus. In the presence of Ad, however, cytoplasmic AAV quickly translocated into the nucleus as intact particles as early as 40 min after coinfection, and this facilitated nuclear translocation of AAV was not blocked by the nuclear pore complex inhibitor thapsigargan. The rapid nuclear translocation of intact AAV capsids in the presence of Ad suggested that one or more Ad capsid proteins might be altering trafficking. Indeed, coinfection with empty Ad capsids also resulted in the appearance of AAV DNA in nuclei within 40 min. Escape from early endosomes did not seem to be affected by Ad coinfection.  相似文献   

PJ Xiao  RJ Samulski 《Journal of virology》2012,86(19):10462-10473
Understanding adeno-associated virus (AAV) trafficking is critical to advance our knowledge of AAV biology and exploit novel aspects of vector development. Similar to the case for most DNA viruses, after receptor binding and entry, AAV traverses the cytoplasm and deposits the viral genome in the cell nucleus. In this study, we examined the role of the microtubule (MT) network in productive AAV infection. Using pharmacological reagents (e.g., nocodazole), live-cell imaging, and flow cytometry analysis, we demonstrated that AAV type 2 (AAV2) transduction was reduced by at least 2-fold in the absence of the MT network. Cell surface attachment and viral internalization were not dependent on an intact MT network. In treated cells at 2 h postinfection, quantitative three-dimensional (3D) microscopy determined a reproducible difference in number of intracellular particles associated with the nuclear membrane or the nucleus compared to that for controls (6 to 7% versus 26 to 30%, respectively). Confocal microscopy analysis demonstrated a direct association of virions with MTs, further supporting a critical role in AAV infection. To investigate the underling mechanisms, we employed single-particle tracking (SPT) to monitor the viral movement in real time. Surprisingly, unlike other DNA viruses (e.g., adenovirus [Ad] and herpes simplex virus [HSV]) that display bidirectional motion on MTs, AAV2 displays only unidirectional movement on MTs toward the nuclei, with peak instantaneous velocities at 1.5 to 3.5 μm/s. This rapid and unidirectional motion on MTs lasts for about 5 to 10 s and results in AAV particles migrating more than 10 μm in the cytoplasm reaching the nucleus very efficiently. Furthermore, electron microscopy analysis determined that, unlike Ad and HSV, AAV2 particles were transported on MTs within membranous compartments, and surprisingly, the acidification of AAV2-containing endosomes was delayed by the disruption of MTs. These findings together suggest an as-yet-undescribed model in which after internalization, AAV2 exploits MTs for rapid cytoplasmic trafficking in endosomal compartments unidirectionally toward the perinuclear region, where most acidification events for viral escape take place.  相似文献   

《Research in virology》1990,141(1):17-30
We have investigated the effect of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1), a nuclear protein encoded by EBV, on herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection either in cells constitutively expressing EBNA-1 or in transient expression assays. Rat-1 cells and rat embryo fibroblasts (REF) immortalized by c-myc or E1A were transfected with a specific EBV DNA fragment coding for EBNA-1. Cloned cell lines which constitutively expressed this antigen were infected with HSV-1. Our results indicate that in EBNA-1-expressing cells, virus growth was higher than in control cells for different virus strains or rodent cell lines. This increase was maximal when cells were infected at low multiplicity, as determined by virus growth, and correlated with the stimulation of viral DNA synthesis. REF + c-myc and Vero cells were contransfected by an EBNA-1 expression vector driven by Moloney murine leukaemia virus LTR and HSV-1 immediate-early (α0) or early thymidine kinase upstream promoter regulatory regions linked to chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) coding sequences as effectors. In both cell lines, stimulation of CAT expression by EBNA-1 was observed only with the immediate-early promoter. These results suggest that EBNA-1 can transactivate immediate-early HSV-1 expression.  相似文献   

Although adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) has gained attention as a potentially useful alternative to the more commonly used retrovirus- and adenovirus-based vectors for human gene therapy, efficient gene transfer and transgene expression by AAV vectors require that the following two obstacles be overcome. First, the target cell must express the receptor and the coreceptor for AAV infection, and second, the cell must allow for viral second-strand DNA synthesis. We now describe a third obstacle, impaired intracellular trafficking of AAV to the nucleus, which results in the lack of transgene expression in murine fibroblasts which do express the AAV receptor and the coreceptor and which are permissive for viral second-strand DNA synthesis. We document that AAV vectors bind efficiently and gain entry successfully into NIH 3T3 cells, but trafficking into the nucleus is significantly impaired in these cells. In contrast, viral trafficking to the nucleus in cells known to be efficiently transduced by AAV vectors is both rapid and efficient. The demonstration of yet another obstacle in AAV-mediated gene transfer has implications for the optimal use of these vectors in human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Among the adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotypes which are discussed as vectors for gene therapy AAV type 5 (AAV5) represents a candidate with unique advantages. To further our knowledge on AAV5-specific characteristics, we studied the entry pathway of wild-type virus in HeLa cells in the absence of helper virus by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy and by Western blot analysis. We found virus binding at the apical cell surface, especially at microvilli and, with increasing incubation time, virus accumulation at cell-cell boundaries. The different binding kinetics suggest different binding properties at apical versus lateral plasma membranes. Endocytosis of viruses was predominantly by clathrin-coated vesicles from both membrane domains; however, particles were also detected in noncoated pits. AAV5 particles were mainly routed to the Golgi area, where they could be detected within cisternae of the trans-Golgi network and within vesicles associated with cisternae and with the dictyosomal stacks of the Golgi apparatus. These data suggest that AAV5 makes use of endocytic routes that have hitherto not been described as pathways for virus entry.  相似文献   

To allow the direct visualization of viral trafficking, we genetically incorporated enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) into the adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid by replacement of wild-type VP2 by GFP-VP2 fusion proteins. High-titer virus progeny was obtained and used to elucidate the process of nuclear entry. In the absence of adenovirus 5 (Ad5), nuclear translocation of AAV capsids was a slow and inefficient process: at 2 h and 4 h postinfection (p.i.), GFP-VP2-AAV particles were found in the perinuclear area and in nuclear invaginations but not within the nucleus. In Ad5-coinfected cells, isolated GFP-VP2-AAV particles were already detectable in the nucleus at 2 h p.i., suggesting that Ad5 enhanced the nuclear translocation of AAV capsids. The number of cells displaying viral capsids within the nucleus increased slightly over time, independently of helper virus levels, but the majority of the AAV capsids remained in the perinuclear area under all conditions analyzed. In contrast, independently of helper virus and with 10 times less virions per cell already observed at 2 h p.i., viral genomes were visible within the nucleus. Under these conditions and even with prolonged incubation times (up to 11 h p.i.), no intact viral capsids were detectable within the nucleus. In summary, the results show that GFP-tagged AAV particles can be used to study the cellular trafficking and nuclear entry of AAV. Moreover, our findings argue against an efficient nuclear entry mechanism of intact AAV capsids and favor the occurrence of viral uncoating before or during nuclear entry.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is a well-established mitogen in human breast cancer cells. We show here that human breast cancer MCF-7 cells, which were prevented from attaching to the substratum and were floating in medium, responded to IGF-I and initiated DNA synthesis. The addition of IGF-I to floating cells induced activation of protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, as to cells attached to the substratum. In addition, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular response kinase (ERK) and its upstream kinases, ERK kinase (MEK) and Raf-1, were activated by IGF-I in floating cells. While the IGF-I-induced activation of PKB/Akt was inhibited by PI3-K inhibitor LY294002 but not by MEK inhibitor PD98059, the activation of both MEK and ERK by IGF-I was inhibited by both. These findings suggest that the IGF-I signal that leads to stimulation of DNA synthesis of MCF-7 cells is transduced to ERK through PI3-K, only when they are anchorage-deficient.  相似文献   

Cells require growth factors to support glucose metabolism for survival and growth. It is unclear, however, how noninsulin growth factors may regulate glucose uptake and glucose transporters. We show that the hematopoietic growth factor interleukin (IL)3, maintained the glucose transporter Glut1 on the cell surface and promoted Rab11a-dependent recycling of intracellular Glut1. IL3 required phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase activity to regulate Glut1 trafficking, and activated Akt was sufficient to maintain glucose uptake and surface Glut1 in the absence of IL3. To determine how Akt may regulate Glut1, we analyzed the role of Akt activation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/regulatory associated protein of mTOR (RAPTOR) and inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)3. Although Akt did not require mTOR/RAPTOR to maintain surface Glut1 levels, inhibition of mTOR/RAPTOR by rapamycin greatly diminished glucose uptake, suggesting Akt-stimulated mTOR/RAPTOR may promote Glut1 transporter activity. In contrast, inhibition of GSK3 did not affect Glut1 internalization but nevertheless maintained surface Glut1 levels in IL3-deprived cells, possibly via enhanced recycling of internalized Glut1. In addition, Akt attenuated Glut1 internalization through a GSK3-independent mechanism. These data demonstrate that intracellular trafficking of Glut1 is a regulated component of growth factor-stimulated glucose uptake and that Akt can promote Glut1 activity and recycling as well as prevent Glut1 internalization.  相似文献   

We report here the crystal structure of an SF3 DNA helicase, Rep40, from adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2). We show that AAV2 Rep40 is structurally more similar to the AAA(+) class of cellular proteins than to DNA helicases from other superfamilies. The structure delineates the expected Walker A and B motifs, but also reveals an unexpected "arginine finger" that directly implies the requirement of Rep40 oligomerization for ATP hydrolysis and helicase activity. Further, the Rep40 AAA(+) domain is novel in that it is unimodular as opposed to bimodular. Altogether, the structural connection to AAA(+) proteins defines the general architecture of SF3 DNA helicases, a family that includes simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen, as well as provides a conceptual framework for understanding the role of Rep proteins during AAV DNA replication, packaging, and site-specific integration.  相似文献   

Sos-mediated activation of rac1 by p66shc   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The Son of Sevenless 1 protein (sos1) is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for either the ras or rac1 GTPase. We show that p66shc, an adaptor protein that promotes oxidative stress, increases the rac1-specific GEF activity of sos1, resulting in rac1 activation. P66shc decreases sos1 bound to the growth factor receptor bound protein (grb2) and increases the formation of the sos1-eps8-e3b1 tricomplex. The NH(2)-terminal proline-rich collagen homology 2 (CH2) domain of p66shc associates with full-length grb2 in vitro via the COOH-terminal src homology 3 (C-SH3) domain of grb2. A proline-rich motif (PPLP) in the CH2 domain mediates this association. The CH2 domain competes with the proline-rich COOH-terminal region of sos1 for the C-SH3 domain of grb2. P66shc-induced dissociation of sos1 from grb2, formation of the sos1-eps8-e3b1 complex, rac1-specific GEF activity of sos1, rac1 activation, and oxidative stress are also mediated by the PPLP motif in the CH2 domain. This relationship between p66shc, grb2, and sos1 provides a novel mechanism for the activation of rac1.  相似文献   

We constructed insertion and deletion mutants with mutations within the adeno-associated virus (AAV) sequences of the infectious recombinant plasmid pSM620. Studies of these mutants revealed at least three AAV phenotypes. Mutants with mutations between 11 and 42 map units were partially or completely defective for rescue and replication of the AAV sequences from the recombinant plasmids (rep mutants). The mutants could be complemented by mutants with replication-positive phenotypes. The protein(s) that is affected in rep mutants has not been identified, but the existence of the rep mutants proves that at least one AAV-coded protein is required for viral DNA replication. Also, the fact that one of the rep mutant mutations maps within the AAV intron suggests that the intron sequences code for part of a functional AAV protein. Mutants with mutations between 63 and 91 map units synthesized normal amounts of AAV duplex DNA but could not generate single-stranded virion DNA (cap mutants). The cap phenotype could be complemented by rep mutants and is probably due to a defect in the major AAV capsid protein, VP3. This suggests that a preformed capsid or precursor is required for the accumulation of single-stranded AAV progeny DNA. Mutants with mutations between 48 and 55 map units synthesized normal amounts of AAV single-stranded and duplex DNA but produced substantially lower yields of infectious virus particles than wild-type AAV (lip mutants). The lip phenotype is probably due to a defect in the minor capsid protein, VPI, and suggests the existence of an additional (as yet undiscovered) AAV mRNA. Evidence is also presented for recombination between mutant AAV genomes during lytic growth.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is frequently used as a vector for gene therapy. The viral capsid consists of three structural proteins (VP1, VP2, and VP3) that have a common C-terminal core (VP3), with N-terminal extensions of increasing length in VP2 and VP1. The capsid encloses a single-stranded genome of up to 4.7 kb, which is packaged into empty capsids. The N-terminal extension of VP1 carries a phospholipase domain that becomes accessible during infection in the endosomal pathway. We have used cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction to determine subnanometer-resolution structures of recombinant AAV1 that has packaged different amounts of a 3. 6-kb recombinant genome. The maps show that the AAV1 capsid undergoes continuous conformational changes upon packaging of the genome. The rearrangements occur at the inner capsid surface and lead to constrictions of the pores at the 5-fold symmetry axes and to subtle movements of the β-sheet regions of the capsid proteins. In fully packaged particles, the genome forms stem-like features that contact the inner capsid surface at the 3-fold symmetry axes. We think that the reorganization of the inner surface has an impact on the viral life cycle during infection, preparing the externalization of phospholipase domains through the pores at the 5-fold symmetry axes and possibly genome release.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are antigen-presenting cells pivotal for inducing immunity or tolerance. Gene transfer into DC is an important strategy for developing immunotherapeutic approaches against infectious pathogens and cancers. One of the vectors previously described for the transduction of human monocytes or DC is the recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV), with a genome conventionally packaged as a single-stranded (ss) molecule. Nevertheless, its use is limited by the poor and variable transduction efficiency of DC. In this study, AAV type 1 (AAV1) and AAV2 vectors, which expressed the enhanced green fluorescent protein and were packaged as ss or self-complementary (sc) duplex strands, were used to transduce different DC subsets generated ex vivo and the immunophenotypes, states of differentiation, and functions of the subsets were carefully examined. We show here for the first time that a single exposure of monocytes (M(o)) or CD34(+) progenitors (CD34) to sc rAAV1 or sc rAAV2 leads to high transduction levels (5 to 59%) of differentiated M(o)-DC, M(o)-Langerhans cells (LC), CD34-LC, or CD34-plasmacytoid DC (pDC), with no impact on their phenotypes and functional maturation of these cells, compared to those of exposure to ss rAAV. Moreover, we show that all these DC subpopulations can also be efficiently transduced after commitment to their differentiation pathways. Furthermore, these DC subsets transduced with sc rAAV1 expressing a tumor antigen were potent activators of a CD8(+)-T-cell clone. Altogether, these results show the high potential of sc AAV1 and sc AAV2 vectors to transduce ex vivo conventional DC, LC, or pDC or to directly target them in vivo for the design of new DC-based immunotherapies.  相似文献   

The chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha [MIP-1alpha] causes migration of B cells and also induces changes in antibody secretion. However, the signal transduction pathways leading to these phenotypic changes remain undefined. We have identified a signal transduction pathway initiated by MIP-1alpha in B cells. Here we report that stimulation of tonsil B cells with MIP-1alpha induces phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase [PI3-K] activation. Kinase activity was transient with peak induction occurring within 2.5 to 5 min after stimulation and was dose-dependent. In addition stimulation with MIP-1alpha induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the proline-rich tyrosine kinase Pyk-2. Immunoprecipitation analysis showed a constitutive association between Pyk-2 and PI3-K and pretreatment of MIP-1alpha-stimulated B cells with wortmannin, a specific inhibitor of PI3-K, resulted in a loss of PI3-K activity. The PI3-K inhibitor wortmannin prevented B cells from migrating in response to MIP-1alpha. Hence, PI3-K and Pyk-2 seem to be components of a signal transduction pathway induced by stimulation of B cells with MIP-1alpha, and this pathway may play a role in B-cell migration.  相似文献   

Several neurodegenerative disorders are associated with evidence of inflammation, one feature of which is increased activation of microglia, the most likely cellular source of inflammatory cytokines like interleukin-1β. It is now recognized that interaction of microglia with other cells contributes to maintenance of microglia in a quiescent state and the complementary distribution of the chemokine, fractalkine (CX3CL1) on neurons and its receptor (CX3CR1) on microglia, suggests that this interaction may play a role in modulating microglial activation. Here we demonstrate that both soluble and membrane-bound fractalkine attenuate lipopolysaccharide-induced microglial activation in vitro. We also show that fractalkine expression is reduced in the brain of aged rats and this is accompanied by an age-related increase in microglial activation. Treatment of aged rats with fractalkine attenuates the age-related increase in microglial activation and the evidence indicates that fractalkine-induced activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase pathway is required to maintain microglia in a quiescent state both in vivo and in vitro .  相似文献   

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