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In 1983 and 1984, potato seed tubers of five early and seven maincrop cultivars were inoculated with cultures of Rhizoctonia soluni during planting to simulate severe seed infection. Shoot and stolon infection was assessed in June-August and black scurf on tubers recorded after harvest in October. Almost all shoots of all cultivars had stem canker in both years and disease on shoots, stolons and tubers was more severe in 1984 than in 1983. In 1983 similar amounts of disease developed on all early cultivars and between 11% (Ulster Sceptre) and 32% (Maris Peer) shoots were pruned off. Maris Peer had a stem canker score lower than other cultivars in 1984 but more than half the shoots were pruned off. Shoot pruning on Estima, Ulster Prince and Ulster Sceptre was more common on plants from sprouted than non-sprouted seed. Between 30 and 50% of stolons were pruned off. After harvest in 1985, black scurf was least prevalent on Arran Comet and Maris Peer tubers and in 1984 on Arran Comet and Estima tubers from non-sprouted seed. Of the maincrop cultivars, King Edward plants from sprouted seed had many shoots pruned off in both years. Shoot pruning was also prevalent on Maris Piper and Pentland Squire plants from non-sprouted seed. Record had fewest pruned shoots and stolons and the lowest stem canker score. The disease was more severe on Pentland Crown and Maris Piper plants from non-sprouted than sprouted seed. Black scurf was most common on Cara and King Edward tubers in 1983 and on King Edward and Record tubers in 1984. In both years few shoots but many tubers were infected on plants from non-inoculated seed and the significance of this is discussed.  相似文献   

Eyes and lenticels on tubers of cvs King Edward, Record, Maris Peer and Majestic gradually became more resistant to infection by Phytophthora infestans as the growing season progressed. Lenticels of Record and Majestic, and eyes of Maris Peer and Majestic were more resistant than those of King Edward. Differences in resistance between cultivars were apparent at all concentrations of inoculum.  相似文献   

The effects of infection with potato leafroll virus (PLRV) on the four crop processes leading to tuber fresh weight yield were examined in field plots of four cultivars (Montana, Pentland Crown, Maris Piper and King Edward) differing in tolerance to infection. Averaged across cultivars, infection decreased yield by 50%. This decrease was equally due to less light (total solar radiation) being intercepted, a lower efficiency with which intercepted light was converted into dry weight, and a smaller proportion of dry weight being partitioned to tubers. Dry matter content of the tubers was also diminished but to a lesser extent. The main difference between the cultivars in their response to infection was in the partitioning of dry weight. In Montana and Pentland Crown, harvest index was decreased by 15% in infected plants, whereas in the less tolerant cultivars, Maris Piper and King Edward, it was decreased by 25%. The decline in photosynthetic performance of Montana, a cultivar with slightly earlier maturity than the other three, was delayed in PLRV-infected plants. Effects on number of daughter tubers essentially reflected those on yield to the extent that average tuber weight did not change in Maris Piper, was one third less in King Edward, and the change was intermediate in Montana and Pentland Crown.  相似文献   

The effect of planting seed tubers inoculated either near the stolon attachment (heel end), among the eyes at the apex (rose end) or mid-way along the tuber with Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica, was assessed in terms of growth of the plant, disease symptoms and yield. Invariably rose-end inoculation had the greatest and heel-end the least effect in decreasing yield when compared with uninoculated plants. Cultivars Majestic and King Edward were the most susceptible, Pentland Crown showed some resistance to invasion of stems (blackleg) although plant vigour, expressed in terms of plant height and stem number was affected and Maris Piper was the most resistant.  相似文献   

In experiments to develop a method for assessing the field susceptibility of potato cultivars to blackleg (Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica) seed tubers were stab-inoculated near the stolon (attachment end), with a suspension of the bacterium, or with water, before planting. Disease symptoms were recorded in three years (1980–1982) and plant growth and yield in 1982. Estima and Maris Bard were the most susceptible cultivars with many plants failing to emerge and most of those that did showing disease symptoms. Pentland Crown was the most resistant: few plants failed to emerge and few showed blackleg. Nevertheless compared with water-inoculated plants bacterial inoculation of the seed tubers of this cultivar caused loss of yield and differences in tuber size distribution. Cara, Wilja and King Edward showed intermediate reactions.  相似文献   

In 1983 and 1984, potato seed tubers of five early and seven maincrop cultivars were inoculated with cultures of Rhizoctonia solani during planting in field experiments to simulate severe seed infection. The size of foliage was assessed during June-August and tuber yields recorded during growth and at harvest in October. Stem canker delayed shoot emergence, decreased the number and length of stems and caused increased variation in stem length; these effects were greatest with Maris Peer and Arran Comet (early cultivars) and King Edward and Pentland Squire (maincrop cultivars). Total weight of foliage was decreased, especially with earlies, dry matter of stems increased and the proportion of foliage on lateral stems increased. With the early cultivars, tuber yield from sprouted Maris Peer seed 11 wk after planting in 1983 was decreased by 24%, and 13 wk after planting in 1984 yields were decreased by 42% (Maris Peer), 40% (Ulster Sceptre), 34% (Estima), 30% (Arran Comet) and 17% (Ulster Prince) with sprouted seed and by 20, 29, 53, 39 and 28% respectively with non-sprouted seed. Decrease in total yield at harvest in October averaged 13% with sprouted seed and 10% with non-sprouted seed. In all cultivars the weight of small tubers was decreased and with Estima the weight of large tubers was increased. Tuber bulking was also delayed with all maincrop cultivars and at harvest yields from sprouted King Edward seed were decreased by 13% in 1983 and by 16% (sprouted seed) and 23% (non-sprouted seed) in 1984; yields of Pentland Squire were decreased by 5, 16 and 21% respectively. Yield losses with other cultivars ranged from 5–13% with sprouted seed and 0–16% with non-sprouted seed. The yields of small tubers were decreased with all cultivars and yields of large tubers were increased with Pentland Squire, Pentland Crown and Cara.  相似文献   

The relationships between rain and blight (Phytophthora infestans) were studied in unsprayed crops of cultivars differing widely in foliage and tuber susceptibility. The occasions when tubers were infected depended on rain and not cultivar, but numbers of tubers infected after rain was affected by the blight susceptibility of the cultivar. Infected tubers were first found when less than 5 % (BMS key) of the potato foliage was infected but few fresh infections occurred when 50–75% of the foliage had been destroyed. Some tubers were infected after 8 mm rain (tubers near the surface with even less) but large increases in numbers of tubers infected usually occurred only after 25 mm or more had increased soil moisture to above ‘field capacity’ around the tuber for at least 24 h. The most susceptible cultivars Ulster Ensign and Arran Banner had all plants with some tuber blight, and some plants with all tubers affected and often many lesions per tuber. Cultivars of intermediate susceptibility, King Edward and Up-to-Date, had some plants without blighted tubers, many with a few and very few with all. The more resistant cultivars Majestic and Arran Viking had many plants without infected tubers and many lesions that aborted while still necrotic threads, so that the fungus did not spread. Most infections occurred through tuber eyes, lenticels or sometimes growth cracks. The distribution of blight lesions on tubers differed in the different seasons, for example, lenticels were most commonly infected on Arran Banner and Ulster Ensign and eyes on King Edward, Majestic and Arran Viking. In late or slowly developing attacks, lesions on stems became more numerous and larger than in fast, early attacks and were prolific sources of spores on King Edward and Up-to-Date but not on Majestic and Arran Viking. Because much rain water runs down the stems of Up-to-Date and King Edward, stem lesions can provide an important source of inoculum for tubers.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of stems of six potato cultivars to Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica was assessed in two years (1981 and 1982) either by direct inoculation in the field or by inoculation of detached stems in the laboratory. These six and a further 22 cultivars were also assessed in three years (1982-84) by inoculating stems of glasshouse-grown plants. Different methods of inoculation and types of inocula were tested. In the field, wooden toothpicks rubbed in bacterial slime were more successful in establishing infection than when dipped in a bacterial suspension, but injection of bacterial suspension with a hypodermic needle was reliable in establishing infection over a range of concentrations. Detached stems were more readily infected and gave more consistent results compared with inoculation in the field. The range of reaction of the six cultivars was similar in both detached stem and glasshouse tests. The early cultivars Pentland Javelin and Ulster Sceptre were most susceptible and of the maincrop cultivars, Maris Piper was intermediate and Desiree and King Edward least susceptible whereas Pentland Crown showed greater resistance in the glasshouse than in the field. Glasshouse tests using hypodermic inoculation indicated a range of susceptibilities; the early cultivars Manna, Maris Bard and Estima were most susceptible and the maincrop Pentland cultivars Crown, Dell, Hawk, Ivory and Squire least susceptible.  相似文献   

A method is described for using young field slugs Deroceras reticulatum (Muller) in a bioassay study of biochemical resistance of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars to slugs. Tuber parts or an artificial diet were provided as food sources. Comparisons were made of feeding, survival and weight gain between the susceptible cultivar Maris Piper and the resistant cultivar Pentland Dell. Biochemical analyses were made of these two cultivars and the resistant cultivars Stormont Enterprise and Majestic. Comparisons of tuber sections and peelings as food sources indicated factors affecting growth were located in the surface layers of the tubers. Phenolics and glycoalkaloids were concentrated in the surface layers but the amounts were similar in the susceptible and resistant cultivars and the bioassays indicated that neither acting alone could explain resistance. The amounts and distribution of free amino acids also did not correlate with resistance although when supplied in the artificial diet they partly inhibited feeding. Proteinaceous inhibitors of slug gut proteolytic enzymes were present throughout the tubers but were not concentrated in the surface layers and the amounts were similar in the different cultivars thus they too did not explain the difference in susceptibility between the cultivars. Bioassays using acetone extracts (low molecular weight substances) and acetone powders (high molecular weight substances) either alone or in combination indicated that the resistant cultivar Pentland Dell contained a high molecular weight substance which together with a low molecular weight substance from either the same cultivar or the susceptible Maris Piper could confer resistance. Bioassays using protein extracts supplied in the presence or absence of chlorogenic acid indicated that this mechanism could comprise enzymic oxidation of phenolics. Assays of phenolase confirmed this since activity was highest in the outer layers of the tubers and was highest in the three resistant cultivars. Thus the chief resistance factor identified was high phenolase activity acting rapidly on phenolics when the slug first bites the tuber surface. The quantity of phenolics per se did not control the resistance. Thus while phenolics must be available, resistance is compatible with low blackening on cutting the tuber.  相似文献   

1 This paper reviews and interprets relevant work on the biology and management of wireworms (Agriotes spp.) within the context of potato production in Europe, with particular reference to the U.K. Although the review concentrates on Agriotes spp., the extensive world literature on other Elateridae of economic importance is also drawn upon. 2 Possible reasons for the apparent increase in the importance of wireworms on the potato crop are discussed, followed by a review of wireworm biology, risk assessment techniques (soil sampling, bait trapping and adult pheromone trapping), crop damage, and cultural, biological and chemical control methods. 3 It is clear that the process of site risk assessment followed by appropriate control measures (usually insecticide use) will remain the mainstay of wireworm management programmes. However, there is considerable scope for adopting new risk assessment techniques, such as pheromone trapping of adult beetles. 4 These control measures will need to be underpinned by a greater understanding of wireworm biology, particularly adult dispersal. Factors affecting the initiation and maintenance of wireworm populations in individual fields also require further study. The current use of insecticides could also be optimized by a better appreciation of the interactions between insecticide use, potato variety choice and harvest dates.  相似文献   

In peaty loam soil in Cambridgeshire, 5.2 or 10.3 kg aldicarb/ha incorporated in the top-soil before potatoes were planted controlled potato cystnematode (Heterodera rostochiensis Woll.) better than 384, 769 or 1153 kg D-D/ha injected 15 cm deep into the top-soil in the preceding autumn. 10.3 kg aldicarb/ha applied in 1968 and 1969 permitted King Edward potatoes (susceptible to H. rostochiensis) to grow well in infested soil and prevented multiplication of pathotypes of H. rostochiensis on Maris Piper potatoes (resistant to H. rostochiensis pathotype A). Although large amounts of D-D applied in 1968 and 1969 increased the yield of King Edward potatoes in both years they did not control potato cyst-nematode in the second year.  相似文献   

Fusarium avenaceum is reported for the first time as a cause of rotting of potato tubers in Britain. The progress of rotting in tubers infected with F. avenaceum has been compared with dry rot due to F. caeruleum in the laboratory, clamp and potato store. Of the four varieties, Majestic, King Edward, Doon Star and Arran Pilot, tested for susceptibility, King Edward was the most susceptible to F. avenaceum and Doon Star to F. caeruleum.
Optimum temperatures for growth on potato-dextrose agar were 20-25 C. for F. avenaceum and 20 C. for F. caeruleum ; maximum temperatures were > 30 and 30 C. respectively. For infection of wounded potato tubers, cardinal temperatures for F. avenaceum were similar to those on agar, but for F. caeruleum the optimum was 15 C. and the maximum 25 C. The optimum temperature for rotting tended, with both species, to be higher in the more susceptible potato varieties. At low temperatures F. caeruleum caused quicker rotting than did F. avenaceum , even though its rate of growth on agar was scarcely more than half that of the latter.
High humidity favoured rotting especially by F. avenaceum; F. caeruleum was more tolerant of relatively low humidity. Both species caused quicker rotting in the clamp than in store, even though there was no appreciable difference in mean temperature between the clamp and the store. This was attributed to the higher atmospheric humidity in the clamp.  相似文献   

Effects of skin spot (Oospora pustulans) on potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
King Edward and Majestic seed potatoes selected as ‘clean’ (macroscopically symptomless), moderate and severe according to the extent of skin spot were planted in field experiments at Rothamsted between 1964 and 1968. Usually crops from ‘clean’ and moderately infected seed did not differ detectably in growth or yield. Plants from severely infected seed tubers emerged more slowly, had fewer stems and yielded less (King Edward 20 %, Majestic 13 %). Seed infection also affected tuber size distribution; severely infected seed of King Edward yielded almost 4 tons/acre less of 1 1/4-2 1/4 in tubers and Majestic, 1 ton/acre less of these and 2 tons/acre less 2 1/4-3 1/4 in tubers. However, the total yield from diseased seed stocks was only slightly less (King Edward, o-6 ton/acre and Majestic o-8 ton/acre) than the yields from the ‘clean’ tubers selected from them. Seed severely infected by Oospora pustulans often increased infection of the progeny tubers, and usually decreased their infection by Rhizoctonia solani and sometimes by Helmintho-sporium solani. Another series of experiments compared King Edward seed tubers classified according to the number of live eyes showing in March. Seed with one, two, three and more live eyes yielded equally. About half the tubers without live eyes in March eventually produced plants, but late, with few stems and giving only half the yield of seed with three or more live eyes. Surprisingly, the progeny tubers from seed without live eyes were least infected by O. pustulans, R. solani and H. solani. Progenies of King Edward and Majestic seed from a common source grown on seven widely separated farms were infected more in 1963 than in 1964, but in each year infection differed widely between farms. Often where O. pustulans was common, R. solani was scarce and vice versa. By contrast, when King Edward stocks very differently infected by O. pustulans were grown at Rothamsted their progenies were almost uniformly infected by O. pustulans and R. solani.  相似文献   

In March 1977 and 1978 King Edward seed potatoes from three commercial stocks and one stock derived from stem cuttings (healthier seed) were treated with thiabendazole at 320 g a.i./t and 46% of the material applied was deposited on tubers. Seed was stored on trays to sprout and in April samples were planted in replicated plots on two farms in Lincolnshire. Treatment did not consistently affect numbers of stemslplant or total yields but decreased infection of underground stems by Polyscytalum pustulans and Rhizoctonia solani and of tubers at harvest by P. pustulans, R. solani and Helminthosporium solani. In samples stored for 20 wk at Sutton Bridge Experimental Station seed treatment decreased the incidence of skin spot from 25 to 4%, of black scurf from 36 to 20% but had less effect on silver scurf (untreated 52% tubers, treated 47%) and did not affect the incidence of black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) on stored tubers. In another series of experiments 1 t samples of seed from six King Edward stocks (1977) and four King Edward and one Maris Piper stocks (1978), collected from different farms in Lincolnshire in March, were treated with thiabendazole at 40 g a.i./t. Tubers retained 48% of the material applied. The treated seed was planted on the respective farms in a single large plot adjacent to untreated seed similarly stored and sprouted. Seed treatment significantly decreased the incidence of skin spot, black scurf, silver scurf and gangrene in tubers stored at Sutton Bridge in 1977–78. After lifting the experiment in 1978 samples from treated and untreated seed were treated with thiabendazole (40 g a.i./t) before storage (ware treatment). Skin spot was decreased more by seed treatment than ware treatment whereas silver scurf was controlled best by ware treatment. Incidence of black dot was not consistently affected by seed or ware treatment.  相似文献   

In experiments in three years, seed tubers were inoculated before planting with either Fusarium solani var. coeruleum or F. sulphureum to initiate a rot, or were contaminated by dipping in soil slurries containing spore suspensions of one or other of the pathogens. Transmission to progeny tubers was tested by uniformly wounding and incubating tubers and by dilution plating of soil samples. In two years, transmission of F. sulphureum was greater from highly contaminated than from rotting seed and was greater on cv. Pentland Crown than on cvs Desiree and Maris Piper. F. solani var. coeruleum appeared to be transmitted most readily from rotting seed and Maris Piper was the cultivar most extensively contaminated. In experiments with different harvest dates, transmission of both fungi from highly contaminated seed could be detected by late June or mid-July. More progeny tuber wounds rotted in F. sulphureum than in F. solani var. coeruleum plots and in one year, F. sulphureum caused more rots on cv. Record than on cv. Maris Piper. These differences between the pathogens may be related to their differing abilities to sporulate underground on the surface of seed tubers and on stem bases.  相似文献   

In 1982 – 88, potatoes were grown in 2-, 4- and 6-course rotations with spring barley on a field infested with Globodera rostochiensis. Severity of stem canker and black scurf increased with increasing frequency of previous potato crops, and seed tuber treatment with tolclofos-methyl became less effective in controlling diseases. This suggested that previous crops had increased the amounts of soil-borne inoculum of Rhizoctonia solani. Oxamyl soil treatment increased stem canker in one year and decreased black scurf in four years. Seed tuber treatment with imazalil or prochloraz decreased stem base infection by Polyscytalum pustulans and skin spot and silver scurf on tubers. Black dot was prevalent on tubers in all years and was not affected by seed tuber treatment or previous cropping. Oxamyl increased black dot and common scab in five years and decreased % tuber dry matter in six years. Cysts of G. rostochiensis were found attached to Désirée but not to Maris Piper tubers in August. At harvest tubers of both cultivars were affected by superficial pitting and its severity was related to soil populations of G. rostochiensis at planting. This damage was controlled by oxamyl. It is suggested that the pitting developed from holes made in the tuber skin at larval invasion. In 1989, Désirée seed tubers and healthy mini tubers were planted in all plots and severity of stem canker and black scurf increased with increasing proximity of previous potato crops and with the number of previous crops. Black dot on stems and tubers was not affected by previous cropping but was much less severe in a plot that had not grown potatoes during the seven years of the experiment. The severity of common scab generally decreased as the number of preceding potato crops increased.  相似文献   

In experiments on skin-spot disease of potatoes, caused by Oospora pustulans Owen & Wakef., Kerr's Pink proved the most susceptible of twenty-four commercial varieties; Arran Banner, Majestic and King Edward were highly susceptible; Home Guard and Golden Wonder were highly resistant.
Thymol and tetrachlornitrobenzene, applied as dusts to pits of potatoes at lifting, did not give satisfactory control of the disease. The efficacy of an organo-mercury dip treatment at lifting time was confirmed.
The incidence of the disease was considerably decreased by storing tubers in boxes instead of in pits, by digging the crop about a month before normal harvest, or by cutting the haulms at this time and digging at the normal time.
Ware tubers showed a significantly higher infection than seed tubers of the same crop, indicating that susceptibility of tubers increases towards maturity.
The difference in eye infection between varieties may not be related to that of general superficial infection. It is suggested that, in future, the assessment of varietal susceptibility should be based upon the degree of eye infection, which is in practice the measure of the economic importance of the disease. Tubers having pustules at or near all the eyes gave markedly reduced sprout emergence and plant stand.  相似文献   

King Edward and Majestic seed tubers, selected as ‘clean’ (macroscopically symptomless), moderate and severe according to the extent of black scurf, were planted in field experiments at Rothamsted between 1964 and 1968. Seed infection sometimes delayed plants emerging but did not affect final plant populations. Crops from severely diseased seed yielded, on average, 7% less than ‘clean’ tubers (King Edward 6–8% less and Majestic 0–20% less). Seed infection affected tuber size distribution; compared with ‘clean’ seed, severely infected King Edward seed yielded slightly more chats (< 1 ½ in, 3.8 cm) and 1.5 ton/acre (3.8 t/ha) less large tubers (2 ¼–3 ¼ in, 5.7–8.3 cm). The effects were similar with Majestic although differences were smaller. However, total yields from diseased stocks (unselected) seldom differed significantly from the ‘clean’ tubers selected from them. Crops from moderately and severely diseased seed had more Corticium on stems and black scurf on tubers and usually less Oospora pustulans than from ‘clean’ seed.  相似文献   

The feeding of soil dwelling insects on storage roots is one of the most serious management issues faced by sweetpotato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (Convolvulaceae), growers in the southern United States. Field studies were conducted to evaluate the relative susceptibility of two commonly grown sweetpotato varieties to sweetpotato flea beetle, Chaetocnema confinis Crotch (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae, various species). The incidence and severity of sweetpotato flea beetle damage was significantly lower in the variety Covington than Beauregard in two small plot replicated studies. Surveys conducted in commercial sweetpotato fields also showed significantly less sweetpotato flea beetle damage in fields planted to Covington compared with those planted to Beauregard. There was no clear evidence of varietal effect on the incidence of wireworm damage in the study. Results indicate that the severity of wireworm damage as measured by the size of feeding scars may be less in Covington than Beauregard.  相似文献   

The wireworm survey in the Eastern Counties revealed many cases where the observed wireworm damage failed to correspond with the estimated field population. A possible explanation for this was the inaccuracy of counts made by picking wireworms out of the soil samples by hand. Tests showed that such methods recovered an extremely variable proportion of the wireworms in the- samples and, on the average, only two-fifths of the larvae were obtained. A modified form of the washing and flotation technique used by Salt & Hollick (1944) was introduced for large-scale work and is described. By this method, ten samples of soil (4 in. diam. and 6 in. deep) bulked together are examined at a time and can be dealt with at the rate of 13 samples per man per hour with an efficiency of 95-100% in the extraction of wireworms. The populations estimated on 600 fields sampled between December 1942 and May 1943 have thrown more light on the size and composition of the wireworm population in grass and arable fields. Inspection of the crop results on fields tested by the washing process showed a much closer relationship between wireworm population and wireworm damage than had been obtained by the hand-sorting method in the previous year.  相似文献   

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