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The potential of mean force (PMF) calculation in single molecule manipulation experiments performed via the steered molecular dynamics (SMD) technique is a computationally very demanding task because the analyzed system has to be perturbed very slowly to be kept close to equilibrium. Faster perturbations, far from equilibrium, increase dissipation and move the average work away from the underlying free energy profile, and thus introduce a bias into the PMF estimate. The Jarzynski equality offers a way to overcome the bias problem by being able to produce an exact estimate of the free energy difference, regardless of the perturbation regime. However, with a limited number of samples and high dissipation the Jarzynski equality also introduces a bias. In our previous work, based on the Brownian motion formalism, we introduced three stochastic perturbation protocols aimed at improving the PMF calculation with the Jarzynski equality in single molecule manipulation experiments and analogous computer simulations. This paper describes the PMF reconstruction results based on full-atom molecular dynamics simulations, obtained with those three protocols. We also want to show that the protocols are applicable with the second-order cumulant expansion formula. Our protocols offer a very noticeable improvement over the simple constant velocity pulling. They are able to produce an acceptable estimate of PMF with a significantly reduced bias, even with very fast perturbation regimes. Therefore, the protocols can be adopted as practical and efficient tools for the analysis of mechanical properties of biological molecules.  相似文献   

Electrostatic solvent effects on the ozonolysis of ethylene have been investigated using correlated ab initio and density functional approaches. We use a simple polarizable continuum model for the solvent. It allows us to evaluate the medium effect on both the electronic and nuclear structure of the chemical species involved in the reaction. The computations confirm that basically the reaction proceeds through the Criegee mechanism. However, formation of the van der Waals complexes ethyl-ene/ozone and carbonyl oxide/formaldehyde also appears to play a role. All the calculated species are stabilized with respect to the reactants except the transition state corresponding to the primary ozonide formation. In general, electrostatic solvent effects are relatively small for activation barriers of single reaction steps and more substantial for the corresponding reaction energies. Moreover, the medium significantly modifies the structure of some species for which polarization effects are crucial.  相似文献   

To reveal the molecular determinants of biological function, one seeks to characterize the interactions that are formed in conformational and chemical transition states. In other words, what interactions govern the molecule’s energy landscape? To accomplish this, it is necessary to determine which degrees of freedom can unambiguously identify each transition state. Here, we perform simulations of large-scale aminoacyl-transfer RNA (aa-tRNA) rearrangements during accommodation on the ribosome and project the dynamics along experimentally accessible atomic distances. From this analysis, we obtain evidence for which coordinates capture the correct number of barrier-crossing events and accurately indicate when the aa-tRNA is on a transition path. Although a commonly used coordinate in single-molecule experiments performs poorly, this study implicates alternative coordinates along which rearrangements are accurately described as diffusive movements across a one-dimensional free-energy profile. From this, we provide the theoretical foundation required for single-molecule techniques to uncover the energy landscape governing aa-tRNA selection by the ribosome.  相似文献   

We combine atomic-force-microscopy particle-size-distribution measurements with earlier measurements on 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate, thioflavin T, and dynamic light scattering to develop a quantitative kinetic model for the aggregation of β-lactoglobulin into amyloid. We directly compare our simulations to the population distributions provided by dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy. We combine species in the simulation according to structural type for comparison with fluorescence fingerprint results. The kinetic model of amyloidogenesis leads to an aggregation free-energy landscape. We define the roles of and propose a classification scheme for different oligomeric species based on their location in the aggregation free-energy landscape. We relate the different types of oligomers to the amyloid cascade hypothesis and the toxic oligomer hypothesis for amyloid-related diseases. We discuss existing kinetic mechanisms in terms of the different types of oligomers. We provide a possible resolution to the toxic oligomer-amyloid coincidence.  相似文献   

Long-range coupling between distant functional elements of proteins may rely on allosteric communication trajectories lying along the protein structure, as described in the case of the Shaker voltage-activated potassium (Kv) channel model allosteric system. Communication between the distant Kv channel activation and slow inactivation pore gates was suggested to be mediated by a network of local pairwise and higher-order interactions among the functionally unique residues that constitute the allosteric trajectory. The mechanism by which conformational changes propagate along the Kv channel allosteric trajectory to achieve pore opening, however, remains unclear. Such conformational changes may propagate in either a concerted or a sequential manner during the reaction coordinate of channel opening. Residue-level structural information on the transition state of channel gating is required to discriminate between these possibilities. Here, we combine patch-clamp electrophysiology recordings of Kv channel gating and analysis using linear free-energy relations, focusing on a select set of residues spanning the allosteric trajectory of the Kv channel pore. We show that all allosteric trajectory residues tested exhibit an open-like conformation in the transition state of channel opening, implying that coupling interactions occur along the trajectory break in a concerted manner upon moving from the closed to the open state. Energetic coupling between the Kv channel gates thus occurs in a concerted fashion in both the spatial and the temporal dimensions, strengthening the notion that such trajectories correspond to pathways of mechanical deformation along which conformational changes propagate.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of Light Emission and Free-Energy Storage in Photosynthesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A Planck law relationship between absorption and emission spectra is used to compute the fluorescence spectra of some photosynthetic systems from their absorption spectra. Calculated luminescence spectra of purple bacteria agree well but not perfectly with published experimental spectra. Application of the Planck law relation to published activation spectra for Systems I and II of spinach chloroplasts permits independent calculation of the luminescence spectra of the two systems; if the luminescence yield of System I is taken to be one-third the yield of System II, then the combined luminescence spectrum closely fits published experimental measurement.

Consideration of the entropy associated with the excited state of the absorbing molecules is used to compute the oxidation-reduction potentials and maximum free-energy storage resulting from light absorption. Spinach chloroplasts under an illumination of 1 klux of white light can produce at most a potential difference of 1.32 ev for System I, and 1.36 ev for System II. In the absence of nonradiative losses, the maximum amount of free energy stored is 1.19 ev and 1.23 ev per photon absorbed for Systems I and II, respectively. The bacterium Chromatium under an illumination of 1 mw/cm2 of Na D radiation can produce at most a potential difference of 0.90 ev; the maximum amount of free energy stored is 0.79 ev per photon absorbed.

The combined effect of partial thermodynamic reversibility and a finite trapping rate on the amount of luminescence is considered briefly.


DNA unzipping, the separation of its double helix into single strands, is crucial in modulating a host of genetic processes. Although the large-scale separation of double-stranded DNA has been studied with a variety of theoretical and experimental techniques, the minute details of the very first steps of unzipping are still unclear. Here, we use atomistic molecular-dynamics simulations, coarse-grained simulations, and a statistical-mechanical model to study the initiation of DNA unzipping by an external force. Calculation of the potential of mean force profiles for the initial separation of the first few terminal basepairs in a DNA oligomer revealed that forces ranging between 130 and 230 pN are needed to disrupt the first basepair, and these values are an order of magnitude larger than those needed to disrupt basepairs in partially unzipped DNA. The force peak has an echo of ∼50 pN at the distance that unzips the second basepair. We show that the high peak needed to initiate unzipping derives from a free-energy basin that is distinct from the basins of subsequent basepairs because of entropic contributions, and we highlight the microscopic origin of the peak. To our knowledge, our results suggest a new window of exploration for single-molecule experiments.  相似文献   

We use continuum mechanics to calculate an entire least energy pathway of membrane fusion, from stalk formation, to pore creation, and through fusion pore enlargement. The model assumes that each structure in the pathway is axially symmetric. The static continuum stalk structure agrees quantitatively with experimental stalk architecture. Calculations show that in a stalk, the distal monolayer is stretched and the stored stretching energy is significantly less than the tilt energy of an unstretched distal monolayer. The string method is used to determine the energy of the transition barriers that separate intermediate states and the dynamics of two bilayers as they pass through them. Hemifusion requires a small amount of energy independently of lipid composition, while direct transition from a stalk to a fusion pore without a hemifusion intermediate is highly improbable. Hemifusion diaphragm expansion is spontaneous for distal monolayers containing at least two lipid components, given sufficiently negative diaphragm spontaneous curvature. Conversely, diaphragms formed from single-component distal monolayers do not expand without the continual injection of energy. We identify a diaphragm radius, below which central pore expansion is spontaneous. For larger diaphragms, prior studies have shown that pore expansion is not axisymmetric, and here our calculations supply an upper bound for the energy of the barrier against pore formation. The major energy-requiring deformations in the steps of fusion are: widening of a hydrophobic fissure in bilayers for stalk formation, splay within the expanding hemifusion diaphragm, and fissure widening initiating pore formation in a hemifusion diaphragm.  相似文献   

Bambuterol, a dimethylcarbamate, carbamoylates butyrylcholinesterase (BChE; EC The carbamoylated enzyme is not very stable and the final product of the two-step hydrolysis is a bronchodilator drug, terbutaline (1-(3,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-2-t-butylaminoethanol sulphate). Both bambuterol and terbutaline inhibit BChE, but their affinities differ in human serum BChE variants (U, A, F, K and S) due to their positive charge. Bambuterol inhibition rate constants for the homozygous usual (UU), Kalow (KK), fluoride-resistant (FF) or atypical (AA) variant ranged from 4.4 to 0.085?min-1?μM-1. Terbutaline showed competitive reversible inhibition for all BChE variants. The dissociation constants for UU, FF and AA homozygotes were 0.18, 0.31 and 3.3?mM, respectively. The inhibition rate or dissociation constants for heterozygotes were distributed between the respective constants for the corresponding homozygotes. A 50-fold difference in inhibition between the UU and AA enzyme might affect terbutaline release in humans. The affinity of all studied BChE variants for terbutaline was low, which suggests that terbutaline originating from bambuterol hydrolysis should not affect the hydrolysis of bambuterol by BChE.  相似文献   

A comparative study has been carried out on effects of berberine (diisoquinoline alkaloid) and sanguinarine and chelidonine (benzophenanthridine alkaloids( on erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase and serum butyrylcholinesterase from human blood. The studied alkaloids have been shown to be strong reversible inhibitors of the cholinesterase activity. Acetylcholinesterase is more sensitive to their action, than butyrylcholinesterase. The type of reversible inhibition was determined, and inhibitor constants were calculated. It is revealed that the character of inhibition is identical for the both cholinesterases. Berberine and sanguinarine are competitive-noncompetitive inhibitors, whereas chelidonine, a competitive inhibitor.  相似文献   

Testosterone and ten of its metabolites were examined as inhibitors of butyrylcholinesterase. A significant enzyme inhibition activity (IC(50) = 1.55 microM) was observed for androst-4-en-3,7-dione. The kinetic parameters of butyrylcholinesterase inhibition were determined and molecular docking was carried out in order to develop a better understanding of the inhibitor-enzyme interactions. The results showed that the inhibition was non-competitive, stabilized mainly by hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions between the inhibitor and butyrylcholinesterase.  相似文献   

Testosterone and ten of its metabolites were examined as inhibitors of butyrylcholinesterase. A significant enzyme inhibition activity (IC50 = 1.55 μM) was observed for androst-4-en-3,7-dione. The kinetic parameters of butyrylcholinesterase inhibition were determined and molecular docking was carried out in order to develop a better understanding of the inhibitor-enzyme interactions. The results showed that the inhibition was non-competitive, stabilized mainly by hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions between the inhibitor and butyrylcholinesterase.  相似文献   

The muscle acetylcholine receptor channel (AChR) is a large (Mr 290K) transmembrane protein that mediates synaptic transmission. Theactivation of this ion channel can be understood in the framework of athermodynamic cycle with spontaneous gating (i.e., the closed open reaction) and ligand-binding events as the elementary steps. Becauseagonists bind more tightly to the open than to the closed state, gating ofliganded receptors is more favorable than that of unliganded receptors.Accordingly, channel opening must involve two major conformationalchanges: the ACh-binding sites switch from a low-affinity to a high-affinityform, and the pore (located 45 Å away from the binding sites)switches from an ion-impermeable to an ion-permeable conformation. Togain insight into the reaction mechanism of fully-liganded gating, wecharacterized the corresponding transition state in the context of the `linearfree-energy relationships' of physical organic chemistry (-valueanalysis). Gating of fully-liganded AChRs was studied by recordingsingle-channel currents using the patch-clamp technique. Perturbations tothe wild-type receptor were either series of different mutations at individualpositions or series of different agonists. Based on the obtained `snapshot'of the gating reaction at the transition state, and aware of the lack ofinformation about the rest of the energy profile, the most parsimoniousmechanism seems to be one where opening proceeds asynchronously, withthe low-to-high affinity change at the binding sites preceding the completeopening of the distant pore.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) from vertebrates, other than their predominant acylcholine hydrolase (esterase) activity, display a genuine aryl acylamidase activity (AAA) capable of hydrolyzing the synthetic substrate o-nitroacetanilide to o-nitroaniline. This AAA activity is strongly inhibited by classical cholinesterase (ChE) inhibitors. In the present study, benzalkonium chloride (BAC), a cationic detergent widely used as a preservative in pharmaceutical preparations, has been shown to distinctly modulate the esterase and AAA activities of BChEs. The detergent BAC was able to inhibit the esterase activity of human serum and horse serum BChEs and AChEs from electric eel and human erythrocyte. The remarkable property of BAC was its ability to profoundly activate the AAA activity of human serum and horse serum BChEs but not the AAA activity of AChEs. Thus BAC seem to preferentially activate the AAA activity of BChEs alone. Results of the study using the ChE active site-specific inhibitor diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate indicated that BAC binds to the active site of ChEs. Furthermore, studies using a structural homolog of BAC indicated that the alkyl group of BAC is essential not only for its interaction with ChEs but also for its distinct effect on the esterase and AAA activities of BChEs. This is the first report of a compound that inhibits the esterase activity, while simultaneously activating the AAA activity, of BChEs. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(1):25-36.e6
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Abstract: Investigating the possibility that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) are regulated in a coordinated manner, we have examined the natural variation in activity of these two enzymes in several tissues of adult male Sprague-Dawley, Fischer-344, and Wistar-Furth rats. Both enzymes varied greatly in mean activity among brain, diaphragm, atria, serum, superior cervical ganglia, and liver. In Sprague-Dawley rats there were also large individual variations with up to a fivefold range of AChE activities and up to a 100-fold range of BuChE activities in a given tissue. Individual variations in cholinesterase activities appeared to be smaller in the inbred Fischer-344 or Wistar-Furth rats. Experiments with internal standards of partially purified AChE and BuChE indicated that the individual variations probably reflected differences in the intrinsic content or specific activity of the tissue enzymes. Comparison of the AChE activities in different tissues of a given group of rats failed to reveal statistically significant correlations in any strain (i.e., the relative activity of any one tissue was no guide to the relative activity of any other tissue in the same rat). This result indicates that the regulation of AChE is tissue-specific. By contrast, BuChE activity showed highly significant correlations among the majority of the tissues examined in the Sprague-Dawley rats, implying that widely dispersed factors can affect the regulation of this enzyme. Body-wide regulation is not necessarily the rule, however, since only a single tissue pair in the inbred Fischer rats and none of the pairs in the Wistar-Furth rats showed significant correlations of BuChE activity. In general, AChE and BuChE activities were not correlated with each other to a statistically significant degree. We conclude that the control of these enzymes normally involves different mechanisms and is strongly affected by the genetic background of the sample population.  相似文献   

Arora R  Palta JP 《Plant physiology》1988,87(3):622-628
Incipient freeze-thaw stress in onion bulb scale tissue is known to cause enhanced efflux of K+, along with small but significant loss of cellular Ca2+. During the post-thaw period, irreversibly injured cells undergo a cytological aberration, namely, `protoplasmic swelling.' This cellular symptom is thought to be caused by replacement of Ca2+ from membrane by extracellular K+ and subsequent perturbation of K+ transport properties of plasma membrane. In the present study, onion (Allium cepa L. cv Sweet Sandwich) bulbs were slowly frozen to either −8.5°C or −11.5°C and thawed over ice. Inner epidermal peels from bulb scales were treated with fluorescein diacetate for assessing viability. In these cells, membrane-associated calcium was determined using chlorotetracycline fluorescence microscopy combined with image analysis. Increased freezing stress and tissue infiltration (visual water-soaking) were paralleled by increased ion leakage. Freezing injury (−11.5°C; irreversible) caused a specific and substantial loss of membrane-associated Ca2+ compared to control. Loss of membrane-associated Ca2+ caused by moderate stress (−8.5°C; reversible) was much less relative to −11.5°C treatment. Ion efflux and Ca2+-chlorotetracycline fluorescence showed a negative relationship. Extracellular KCl treatment simulated freeze-thaw stress by causing a similar loss of membrane-associated calcium. This loss was dramatically reduced by presence of extracellular CaCl2. Our results suggest that the loss of membrane-associated Ca2+, in part, plays a role in initiation and progression of freezing injury.  相似文献   

Girard E  Bernard V  Minic J  Chatonnet A  Krejci E  Molgó J 《Life sciences》2007,80(24-25):2380-2385
At the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) can hydrolyze acetylcholine (ACh). Released ACh quanta are known to diffuse rapidly across the narrow synaptic cleft and pairs of ACh molecules cooperate to open endplate channels. During their diffusion through the cleft, or after being released from muscle nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs), most ACh molecules are hydrolyzed by AChE highly concentrated at the NMJ. Advances in mouse genomics offered new approaches to assess the role of specific cholinesterases involved in synaptic transmission. AChE knockout mice (AChE-KO) provide a valuable tool for examining the complete abolition of AChE activity and the role of BChE. AChE-KO mice live to adulthood, and exhibit an increased sensitivity to BChE inhibitors, suggesting that BChE activity facilitated their survival and compensated for AChE function. Our results show that BChE is present at the endplate region of wild-type and AChE-KO mature muscles. The decay time constant of focally recorded miniature endplate currents was 1.04 +/- 0.06 ms in wild-type junctions and 5.4 ms +/- 0.3 ms in AChE-KO junctions, and remained unaffected by BChE-specific inhibitors, indicating that BChE is not limiting ACh duration on endplate nAChRs. Inhibition of BChE decreased evoked quantal ACh release in AChE-KO NMJs. This reduction in ACh release can explain the greatest sensitivity of AChE-KO mice to BChE inhibitors. BChE is known to be localized in perisynaptic Schwann cells, and our results strongly suggest that BChE's role at the NMJ is to protect nerve terminals from an excess of ACh.  相似文献   

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