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Summary We report cytogenetic and molecular studies on a family that carries, in the father, an unusually large chromosome 14p+ variant [WSi-var(14)(p+)] and, in one of his children, a translocation [DSi-der(14)] involving the variant chromosome. Increase in the size of WSi-var(14)(p+) was estimated to be approximately 35% that of a normal chromosome 14. Presence of extra chromosomal material in this variant chromosome was demonstrated by G-banding using trypsin and staining with Leishman, G-banding using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and Giemsa, and R-banding using BrdU and Giemsa. This material was positive using C-banding with BaOH and staining with Giemsa and negative in DAPI/distamycin staining, suggesting that it contained repetitive DNA but probably not of the types found in the heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1, 9, 15, 16, and Y. Staining of the nucleolus organiser region (NOR) with AgNO3 indicated the retention of the NOR in WSi-var(14)(p+) but not in DSi-der(14). In situ hybridisation of metaphase cells with an alpha satellite DNA probe specific for human acrocentric chromosomes demonstrated a significantly increased amount of centromeric alpha sequences in WSi-var(14)(p+). Most or all of the extra alpha sequences were retained in DSi-der(14), indicating translocation near the very distal end of the enlarged region. The extra alpha satellite DNA material may have originated through amplification of some centromeric segments. The possible role of the amplified DNA in chromosomal translocations is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic methods and molecular probes derived from the centromere and short arm of chromosome 14 were used to investigate the structural properties of a chromosome 14 variant. Results of GTL, CBG, Ag-NOR, and non-banded Giemsa staining of the chromosomes suggested the complete absence of the short arm and possibly a large part of the centromere. Negative in situ hybridisation with an alpha satellite III probe confirmed the absence of the arm; the detection of normal amounts of alpha satellite DNA, however, indicated retention of the centromeric domain. The natural occurrence of a human acrocentric variant lacking a short arm was thus established. Within the detection limits of the methods used, the results demonstrate that satellite III DNA is not essential for normal centromeric activity and allow us to exclude the presence of this satellite DNA within the centromere and proximal long-arm region of human chromosome 14.  相似文献   

We describe a new subfamily of satellite III DNA (pTRS-63), which, by a combination of in situ hybridization to human metaphase chromosomes and analysis of a panel of somatic cell hybrids, is shown to be specific for human chromosome 14. This DNA has a basic 5-bp repeating unit of diverged GGAAT which is tandemly repeated and organized into either one of two distinct higher-order structures of 5 kb (designated the "L" form) or 4.8 kb (designated the "S" form). In addition, a third (Z) form, representing no detectable levels of this satellite III subfamily, is found. Results from five somatic cell hybrid lines and from a number of informative human individuals suggest that, on any one chromosome 14, only one of the three forms may exist. Subchromosomally, this sequence has been mapped to the p11 region and is distal to the domain occupied by another previously described satellite III subfamily (pTRS-47) found on chromosome 14. The pTRS-63 sequence described adds to the understanding of the structural organization of the short arm of human chromosome 14 and should be useful for the investigation of the molecular etiology of the frequently occurring t(13q14q) and t(14q21q) Robertsonian translocations.  相似文献   

Summary An inherited human karyological variant (14p+) has been studied with a number of cytochemical techniques. The short arm of this variant chromosome 14 is nearly as long as the long arm, giving the chromosome a submetacentric to metacentric appearance. In conventionally Giemsa-stained preparations, a maximum of three secondary constrictions can be observed in the marker arm. The secondary constrictions are silver-positive in Ag-NOR preparations. However, the entire arm stains deeply in N-banded preparations. The 14p+ arm also Q-negative, C-negative, G-negative, and R-positive with an almost homogeneous texture. The difference between N-banding and silver staining is interpreted as the result of gene activities of the ribosomal cistrons.  相似文献   

C. Lee  X. Li  E. W. Jabs  D. Court  C. C. Lin 《Chromosoma》1995,104(2):103-112
The cosmid clone, CX16-2D12, was previously localized to the centromeric region of the human X chromosome and shown to lack human X-specific satellite DNA. A 1.2 kb EcoRI fragment was subcloned from the CX16-2D12 cosmid and was named 2D12/E2. DNA sequencing revealed that this 1,205 bp fragment consisted of approximately five tandemly repeated DNA monomers of 220 bp. DNA sequence homology between the monomers of 2D12/E2 ranged from 72.8% to 78.6%. Interestingly, DNA sequence analysis of the 2D12/E2 clone displayed a change in monomer unit orientation between nucleotide positions 585–586 from a tail-to-head arrangement to a head-to-tail configuration. This may reflect the existence of at least one inversion within this repetitive DNA array in the centromeric region of the human X chromosome. The DNA consensus sequence derived from a compilation of these 220 bp monomers had approximately 62% DNA sequence similarity to the previously determined 8 satellite DNA consensus sequence. Comparison of the 2D12/E2 and 8 consensus sequences revealed a 20 bp DNA sequence that was well conserved in both DNA consensus sequences. Slot-blot analysis revealed that this repetitive DNA sequence comprises approximately 0.015% of the human genome, similar to that found with 8 satellite DNA. These observations suggest that this satellite DNA clone is derived from a subfamily of satellite DNA and is thus designated X satellite DNA. When genomic DNA from six unrelated males and two unrelated females was cut with SstI or HpaI and separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, no restriction fragment length polymorphisms were observed for either X (2D12/E2) or 8 (50E4) probes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization localized the 2D12/E2 clone to the lateral sides of the primary constriction specifically on the human X chromosome.  相似文献   

Two cosmids (HRS-1 and HRS-2) containing mouse minor satellite DNA sequences have been isolated from a mouse genomic library. In situ hybridization under moderate stringency conditions to metaphase chromosomes from RCS-5, a tumor cell line derived from the SJL strain, mapped both HRS-1 and HRS-2 to the centromeric region of chromosome 4. Sequence data indicate that these cloned minor satellite DNA sequences have a basic higher order repeat of 180 bp, composed of three diverged 60-bp monomers. Digestion of mouse genomic DNA with several restriction enzymes produces a ladder of minor satellite fragments based on a 120-bp repeat. The restriction enzyme NlaIII (CATG) digests all the minor satellite DNA into three prominent bands of 120, 240, and 360 bp and a weak band of 180 bp. Thus, the majority of minor satellite sequences in the genome are arranged in repeats based on a 120-bp dimer, while the family of minor satellite sequences described here represents a rare variant of these sequences. Our results raise the possibility that there may be other variant families of minor satellites analogous to those of alphoid DNA present in humans.  相似文献   

K H Choo  E Earle    C McQuillan 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(19):5641-5648
We describe a new subfamily of human satellite III DNA that is represented on two different acrocentric chromosomes. This DNA is composed of a tandemly repeated array of diverged 5-base-pair monomer units of the sequence GGAAT or GGAGT. These monomers are organised into a 1.37-kilobase higher-order structure that is itself tandemly reiterated. Using a panel of somatic cell hybrids containing specific human chromosomes, this higher-order structure is demonstrated on chromosomes 14 and 22, but not on the remaining acrocentric chromosomes. In situ hybridisation studies have localised the sequence to the proximal p-arm region of these chromosomes. Analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) reveals that 70-110 copies of the higher-order structure are tandemly organised on a chromosome into a major domain which appears to be flanked on both sides by non-tandemly repeated genomic DNA. In addition, some of the satellite III sequences are interspersed over a number of other PFGE fragments. This study provides fundamental knowledge on the structure and evolution of the acrocentric chromosomes, and should extend our understanding of the complex process of interchromosomal interaction which may be responsible for Robertsonian translocation and meiotic nondisjunction involving these chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome studies were carried out on normal individuals from three generations of one family with a 14p+ chromosome. The short arm of the 14p+ chromosome stained well using Giemsa but poorly using quinacrine or trypsin-Giemsa methods; in each case there was an unstained secondary constriction near the distal end of the short arm. Two Ag bands of average size were present on the 14p+ short arm, indicating that there were two active nucleolus organizer regions; the Ag band near the distal end of the short arm was slightly larger than that near the centromere. Each of the two Ag bands was seen associated with the short arm of one or more of the other acrocentric chromosomes, with a combined frequency of association no greater than that of other chromosomes with an Ag band of the same size. In one individual, hybridization in situ with radioactive 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA showed six times as many autoradiographic silver grains over the short arm of the 14p+ chromosome as over that of any other acrocentric chromosome. The results obtained using in situ labeling indicated that the 14p+ chromosome had a large number of rRNA genes compared with the other acrocentric chromosomes, whereas the results obtained using Ag-staining and association frequency indicated that the 14p+ chromosome had no greater nucleolus organizer activity than did the other acrocentrics. The difference in these findings suggests that not all the rRNA genes on the 14p+ chromosome were active.  相似文献   

A couple presenting with habitual spontaneous abortion both showed a chromosome rearrangement. The male had an apparently balanced paracentric inversion of chromosome 14 - 46,XY,inv(14) (q11q32). The female had a karyotype with a rare large short arm variant of chromosome 9 - 46,XX,var(9) (p11p21). Testing of a living normal child showed that he had inherited both rearrangements. Family testing showed the chromosome 9 variant in three generations, with all carriers being of normal phenotype and intelligence. This study confirms that the presence of more than one chromosomal rearrangement can be compatible with normal development. This is useful for genetic counselling. Nevertheless when such cases arise, each must be individually assessed.  相似文献   

A O Wilkie  D R Higgs 《Genomics》1992,13(1):81-88
Previous work has demonstrated discontinuous length variation at the tip of the short arm of human chromosome 16 (16pter) due to polymorphism of the subtelomeric region. We have now analyzed the zone where the two most common subtelomeric alleles (A and B) diverge. This lies 145 kb distal to the alpha-globin genes and comprises a complex segment of approximately 4 kb where there is partial loss of homology between the alleles, preceding the final point of divergence. Most notably, there is an imperfect (CA)n repeat that differs in length with different 16pter alleles and is exceptionally large (n = 250-350) in the case of the A allele and homologous sequences on Xqter and Yqter. Both the (CA)n expansion and the genetic exchange between chromosomes 16, X, and Y seem to have occurred since the divergence of man from other great apes. The occurrence of long (CA)n tracts may be related to the biology of subtelomeric regions.  相似文献   

Amplification of plasmid pGG10 inserted into the Bacillus subtilis chromosome is described. The possibility of the 3.2 kb fragment of eucaryotic (wheat) DNA to be amplified within the bacterial genome is shown. The models explaining this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We report a further case of the 16p+ chromosome studied by replication banding. The extra euchromatic material was shown to be uniformly light staining, indicating that it is late replicating.  相似文献   

The chromosomal location of human satellite DNA III   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
In situ hybridisation of radioactive complementary RNA has been used to localise the chromosomal distribution of human satellite DNA III. This DNA is found to be concentrated in paracentromeric heterochromatin mainly on chromosome 9 and in minor concentrations on chromosomes chiefly of the D and G groups.  相似文献   

Summary In a family with a stable dicentric 13:14 translocation chromosome, the distribution of DNA sequences complementary to satellite DNAs I, II and III and ribosomal RNA were studied. The translocation chromosome showed a loss of sequences complementary to all three satellite DNAs, located in the short arms of all the acrocentric chromosomes, but slightly more of the sequences complementary to satellite I were retained than of the other two satellite DNAs. The fact that material was lost from all three satellites indicates that they are not present as single discrete blocks in these chromosomes, when we would expect to find the distal sequences lost and the proximal ones retained, but consist of interspersed blocks with each sequence represented by more than one, and probably several blocks. There was a total loss of ribosomal DNA from the nucleolar organiser regions of the chromosomes involved in the 13:14 translocation, but an interesting finding was the presence of extra ribosomal DNA and satellite DNAs I, II and III in one chromosome 22 which was found in seven out of nine individuals of the family with the 13:14 translocation, and in only one of five individuals without the translocation. There may be a compensatory mechanism present when certain sequences are eliminated during chromosomal rearrangements. The relationship of such mechanisms to reproductive fitness is discussed.  相似文献   

Assessments of DNA inhomogeneities in yeast chromosome III.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
With the sequencing of the first complete eukaryotic chromosome, III of yeast (YCIII) of length 315 kb, several types of questions concerning chromosomal organization and the heterogeneity of eukaryotic DNA sequences can be approached. We have undertaken extensive analysis of YCIII with the goals of: (1) discerning patterns and anomalies in the occurrences of short oligonucleotides; (2) characterizing the nature and locations of significant direct and inverted repeats; (3) delimiting regions unusually rich in particular base types (e.g., G+C, purines); and (4) analyzing the distributions of markers of interest, e.g., delta (delta) elements, ARS (autonomous replicating sequences), special oligonucleotides, close repeats and close dyad pairings, and gene sequences. YCIII reveals several distinctive sequence features, including: (i) a relative abundance of significant local and global repeats highlighting five genes containing substantial close or tandem DNA repeats; (ii) an anomalous distribution of delta elements involving two clusters and a long gap; (iii) a significantly even distribution of ARS; (iv) a relative increase in the frequency of T runs and AT iterations downstream of genes and A runs upstream of genes; and (v) two regions of complex repetitive sequences and anomalous DNA composition, 29000-31000 and 291000-295000, the latter centered at the HMRa locus. Interpretations of these findings for chromosomal organization and implications for regulation of gene expression are discussed.  相似文献   

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