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Organismal metabolic rates (MRs) are the basis of energy and nutrient fluxes through ecosystems. In the marine realm, fishes are some of the most prominent consumers. However, their metabolic demand in the wild (field MR [FMR]) is poorly documented, because it is challenging to measure directly. Here, we introduce a novel approach to estimating the component of FMR associated with voluntary activity (i.e., the field active MR [AMRfield]). Our approach combines laboratory‐based respirometry, swimming speeds, and field‐based stereo‐video systems to estimate the activity of individuals. We exemplify our approach by focusing on six coral reef fish species, for which we quantified standard MR and maximum MR (SMR and MMR, respectively) in the laboratory, and body sizes and swimming speeds in the field. Based on the relationships between MR, body size, and swimming speeds, we estimate that the activity scope (i.e., the ratio between AMRfield and SMR) varies from 1.2 to 3.2 across species and body sizes. Furthermore, we illustrate that the scaling exponent for AMRfield varies across species and can substantially exceed the widely assumed value of 0.75 for SMR. Finally, by scaling organismal AMRfield estimates to the assemblage level, we show the potential effect of this variability on community metabolic demand. Our approach may improve our ability to estimate elemental fluxes mediated by a critically important group of aquatic animals through a non‐destructive, widely applicable technique.  相似文献   

Metabolic scope and its utilization in relation to feeding and activity were measured in individual and grouped zebrafish (weight range, 430–551 mg) at 24° C by respirometry. Mean maximum metabolic rate, induced by swimming to exhaustion, Rmax(i), was 1223 (s.d. , 157) mg O2, kg?1 h?1 for individuals. Standard metabolic rate, Rs. was 364 mg O2 kg?1 h?1, as estimated by extrapolating to zero activity from measurements of unfed, spontaneously active individuals. Mean routine metabolic rate, Rrout, of individuals was 421 (s.d. , 58) mg O2, kg-1 h-1. The mean voluntary maximum metabolic rate, Rmax(v), following transfer of minimally exercised fish to the respirometer, was 1110 (s.d. , 83) mg O2 kg ?1 h?1 for groups of six fish, and was not significantly different from the value measured for individuals, 1066 (s.d. , 122) mg O2, kg?1 h?1. Grouped fish acclimated to the respirometer more slowly than individual fish and exhibited significantly higher Rrout, apparently a result of greater social interaction and activity in groups. Mean Rrout for groups was 560 (s.d. , 78) mg O2, kg?1 h?1. While groups of zebrafish fed a ration of 5% wet body weight day?1 exhibited consistently higher metabolic rates than fish fed rations of 2.5% wet body weight day?1 the high ration group still used only a maximum of 77% of the metabolic scope. Zebrafish of the size studied do not appear to demonstrate a high degree of conflict in utilization of metabolic scope by different respiratory components. The metabolic rates measured for zebrafish are among the highest yet measured for fish of similar size and at similar temperatures.  相似文献   

P. A. Parsons 《Genetica》1993,89(1-3):245-253
1. Little evolutionary change may occur at species borders since the cost of accommodating environmental stresses is high. Extreme examples of such stasis include cave animals in stable stressed environments and ‘living fossils’ in widely fluctuating stressed environments. 2. Variability from the molecular to the organismic level tends to be high under extreme stress. At the developmental level, the fitness of such variants may be low. This means that much developmental variability in natural populations may have little evolutionary significance. 3. Rapid evolutionary change of morphological traits is most likely to be based upon genes acting late in a developmental pathway under conditions which are ecologically and energetically permissive. 4. Although some increases in resistance to temperature extremes have been recorded in laboratory selection experiments, major extensions of extremes in natural populations appear difficult to achieve. The energetic costs of surviving extremes at species borders implies that the evolution of major developmental and morphological shifts is more likely to be a feature of populations of more equable habitats.  相似文献   

李苗  陈小勇 《生态学报》2023,43(17):6951-6967
全球渔业衰退是21世纪人类面临的重要挑战之一。为了有效地遏制鱼类资源的衰退,精确的鱼类生态调查是其首要任务。传统的鱼类监测以渔获物采集与形态学鉴定为主,往往耗时耗力且效果不佳,已无法满足现阶段大尺度上的精确调查。环境DNA (eDNA)技术作为一种近年来新兴的鱼类生态调查方法,其与传统方法相比具有灵敏度高、经济高效、采样受限小且对生态系统无干扰的优势,目前其已被广泛地应用于鱼类物种监测、多样性调查、生物量评估以及繁殖活动监测等方面的研究。然而,eDNA技术在鱼类生态学研究的具体应用中暴露出的一些问题将会影响其监测结果的精确性,诸如操作流程的不规范、基因数据库的不完善以及eDNA在环境中生态学过程的不明确等。鉴于上述原因,首先对eDNA技术的发展历程、分析流程以及eDNA技术在鱼类生态学研究领域中的研究进展进行了综述,而后着重分析了eDNA技术的发展当前所面临的困难与挑战,并提出了相应的解决方案,最后对eDNA技术未来在鱼类生态学研究领域中的发展趋势做出了展望。通过本研究,以期能够为eDNA技术在鱼类生态学领域中的准确应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA)-based methods of species detection are enabling various applications in ecology and conservation including large-scale biomonitoring efforts. qPCR is widely used as the standard approach for species-specific detection, often targeting a fish species of interest from aquatic eDNA. However, DNA metabarcoding has the potential to displace qPCR in certain eDNA applications. In this study, we compare the sensitivity of the latest Illumina NovaSeq 6000 NGS platform to qPCR TaqMan assays by measuring limits of detection and by analysing eDNA from water samples collected from Churchill River and Lake Melville, NL, Canada. Species-specific, targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) assays had significantly higher sensitivity than qPCR, with limits of detection 14- to 29-fold lower. For example, when analysing eDNA, qPCR detected Gadus ogac (Greenland cod) in 21% of samples, but targeted NGS detected this species in 29% of samples. General NGS assays were as sensitive as qPCR, while simultaneously detecting 15 fish species from eDNA samples. With over 34,000 fish species on the planet, parallel and sensitive methods such as NGS will be required to support effective biomonitoring at both regional and global scales.  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has seen rapid development in the last decade, as a novel biodiversity monitoring method. Previous studies have evaluated optimal strategies, at several experimental steps of eDNA metabarcoding, for the simultaneous detection of fish species. However, optimal sampling strategies, especially the season and the location of water sampling, have not been evaluated thoroughly. To identify optimal sampling seasons and locations, we performed sampling monthly or at two‐monthly intervals throughout the year in three dam reservoirs. Water samples were collected from 15 and nine locations in the Miharu and Okawa dam reservoirs in Fukushima Prefecture, respectively, and five locations in the Sugo dam reservoir in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. One liter of water was filtered with glass‐fiber filters, and eDNA was extracted. By performing MiFish metabarcoding, we successfully detected a total of 21, 24, and 22 fish species in Miharu, Okawa, and Sugo reservoirs, respectively. From these results, the eDNA metabarcoding method had a similar level of performance compared to conventional long‐term data. Furthermore, it was found to be effective in evaluating entire fish communities. The number of species detected by eDNA survey peaked in May in Miharu and Okawa reservoirs, and in March and June in Sugo reservoir, which corresponds with the breeding seasons of many of fish species inhabiting the reservoirs. In addition, the number of detected species was significantly higher in shore, compared to offshore samples in the Miharu reservoir, and a similar tendency was found in the other two reservoirs. Based on these results, we can conclude that the efficiency of species detection by eDNA metabarcoding could be maximized by collecting water from shore locations during the breeding seasons of the inhabiting fish. These results will contribute in the determination of sampling seasons and locations for fish fauna survey via eDNA metabarcoding, in the future.  相似文献   

Growing research effort has shown that physical enrichment (PE) can improve fish welfare and research validity. However, the inclusion of PE does not always result in positive effects and conflicting findings have highlighted the many nuances involved. Effects are known to depend on species and life stage tested, but effects may also vary with differences in the specific items used as enrichment between and within studies. Reporting fine-scale characteristics of items used as enrichment in studies may help to reveal these factors. We conducted a survey of PE-focused studies published in the last 5 years to examine the current state of methodological reporting. The survey results suggest that some aspects of enrichment are not adequately detailed. For example, the amount and dimensions of objects used as enrichment were frequently omitted. Similarly, the ecological relevance, or other justification, for enrichment items was frequently not made explicit. Focusing on ecologically relevant aspects of PE and increasing the level of detail reported in studies may benefit future work and we propose a framework with the acronym DETAILS ( D imensions, E cological rationale, T iming of enrichment, A mount, I nputs, L ighting and S ocial environment). We outline the potential importance of each of the elements of this framework with the hope it may aid in the level of reporting and standardization across studies, ultimately aiding the search for more beneficial types of PE and the development of our understanding and ability to improve the welfare of captive fish and promote more biologically relevant behaviour.  相似文献   

During the flood season of 1992–1993, 139 species of fishes were collected from a floodplain lake system in the central Amazon Basin. Fish species distribution was examined relative to abiotic variables in seven vegetation strata on Marchantaria Island, Solimões River. Both environmental variables and species distributions were influenced by a river channel to floodplain-interior gradient. Species diversity was significantly higher in vegetated areas than in unvegetated areas, with deeper water Paspalum repens stands harbouring the highest diversity. As a result, species richness and catches were positively related to habitat complexity, while catch was also negatively related to dissolved oxygen (DO) and water depth. Low DO and shallow waters appeared to act as a refuge from predation. Fish assemblages were related to water chemistry, but species richness was not. Canonical correspondence analysis provided evidence that floodplain fish assemblages formed by the 76 most common species were influenced by physical variables, macrophyte coverage and habitat complexity, which jointly accounted for 67% of the variance of fish species assemblages. Omnivores showed no pattern relative to the river channel to floodplain-interior gradient while detritivores were more likely to be found at interior floodplain sites and piscivores closer to the river. Piscivores could be further separated into three groups, one with seven species associated with free-floating macrophytes in deep water, a second with five species found in shallow waters with rooted grasses and a third with six open water orientated species. The results suggest that fish assemblages in the Amazon floodplain are not random associations of species.  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) promises to ease noninvasive quantification of fish biomass or abundance, but its integration within conservation and fisheries management is currently limited by a lack of understanding of the influence of eDNA collection method and environmental conditions on eDNA concentrations in water samples. Water temperature is known to influence the metabolism of fish and consequently could strongly affect eDNA release rate. As water temperature varies in temperate regions (both seasonally and geographically), the unknown effect of water temperature on eDNA concentrations poses practical limitations on quantifying fish populations using eDNA from water samples. This study aimed to clarify how water temperature and the eDNA capture method alter the relationships between eDNA concentration and fish abundance/biomass. Water samples (1 L) were collected from 30 aquaria including triplicate of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 Brook Charr specimens at two different temperatures (7 °C and 14 °C). Water samples were filtered with five different types of filters. The eDNA concentration obtained by quantitative PCR (qPCR) varied significantly with fish abundance and biomass and types of filters (mixed‐design ANOVA,< 0.001). Results also show that fish released more eDNA in warm water than in cold water and that eDNA concentration better reflects fish abundance/biomass at high temperature. From a technical standpoint, higher levels of eDNA were captured with glass fibre (GF) filters than with mixed cellulose ester (MCE) filters and support the importance of adequate filters to quantify fish abundance based on the eDNA method. This study supports the importance of including water temperature in fish abundance/biomass prediction models based on eDNA.  相似文献   

连江鱼类群落多样性及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前连江梯级开发至12级,为了解梯级开发后连江鱼类群落状况,于2009年3月和2010年4月对连江上、中、下游7个代表江段的鱼类群落结构以及环境因子分别进行了调查,共采集鱼类98种,分属于9目20科75属。海南墨头鱼Garra pingi hainanensis、南方长须鳅鮀Gobiobtia longibarba meridionalis为连江新纪录种。银鮈Squalidus argentatus、黄颡鱼Pelteobagrus fulvidraco、小鳈Sarcocheilichthys parvus、马口鱼Opsariichthys bidens、餐Hemiculter lecuisculus等小型鱼类在鱼类群落结构中占优势地位。对鱼类群落进行聚类分析(CLUSTER)和非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)分析结果表明连江鱼类被划分为3个类群,即下游河口类群、中下游类群及中上游类群;S2、S3两个站位鱼类物种多样性(H’)、丰富度(D’)和均匀度(J’)均高于其他站位。通过对连江各站位鱼类群落与环境因子的典型对应分析发现:河宽、温度、海拔、pH值和水坝之间的距离5个因子与鱼类群落相关性较强(P<0.05)。与历史资料对比后发现,连江鱼类种类、分布、生态类型都发生了巨大变化。  相似文献   

The tropical niche conservatism hypothesis suggests that most groups should be most phylogenetically clustered in cold, dry environments. This idea has been well-tested in plants and some animal groups, but not for fishes. We assess the geographic patterns of freshwater fish phylogenetic structure and investigate the relationships between these patterns and environmental variables across North America and within two biogeographic realms. Phylogenetic relatedness and diversity of 360 freshwater fish assemblages across North America were quantified with three metrics based on a well-dated phylogeny, and were related to 15 environmental variables using correlation and regression analyses. Geographically, the data were analyzed for North America as well as for separate biogeographic realms. We found that cold temperatures are the strongest determinant of phylogenetic clustering overall. However, in the arid west, clustering is most pronounced in the driest regions. In eastern North America, phylogenetic clustering increases at higher latitudes, while the reverse is true in western North America. The strongest phylogenetic clustering for freshwater fish assemblages on the continent is found in the most arid, rather than the coldest, climate in North America. Our results highlight that patterns of phylogenetic structure of freshwater fishes in North America are driven by both ecological and evolutionary processes that differ regionally.  相似文献   

Industrial symbiosis (IS), where different entities collaborate in the management of energy, utilities, materials, or services, has been identified as an approach to improve resource efficiency and circularity in industry. This article assesses the environmental performance of an IS network with firms involved in waste management, soil, surfaces, paper, lumber, and energy. The aim is to highlight the environmental performance of an IS network and pay particular attention to the improved performance for products in the IS network. Life cycle assessment is used to compare the current IS network with a reference scenario and a potential future development. The results suggest that there are significant benefits from the IS network. Large reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and abiotic resource depletion were identified. Furthermore, large reductions in local impacts, namely eutrophication and acidification impacts are illustrated. It was shown that all firms in the network benefit from the synergies involved, with a large share of the benefits stemming from the facilitated exchanges with the waste management company. The replacement of conventional products and energy streams with bio‐based counterparts from within the network is of significant importance. Finally, the results point to the importance of the facilitation of by‐product synergies, and the significant value this creates in the region, with large potential to improve the environmental performance of firms and their products.  相似文献   

Coral reef ecosystems are under increasing anthropogenic pressures making it ever more important to monitor changes in fish communities to implement appropriate management. In contrast to long-term spatial and temporal variation which has been extensively documented, little work has been carried out to identify variability in fish assemblages on short time scales, with few studies testing patterns of fish assemblages between and within days. Here we investigated the diurnal changes in species richness, relative abundance and assemblage composition in a shallow coral reef fish community in Egypt. To do so, a section of coral reef was filmed during the morning (0600 h), midday (1000 and 1400 h) and afternoon (1800 h) over eleven days. Dusk (0600 h) and dawn samples (1800 h) showed higher species richness compared to late morning (1000 h) and mid-day samples (1400 h) and borderline significantly higher numbers of total individuals, likely associated with feeding activity and predator avoidance. Assemblage composition varied across days and time-of-day, showing greater variability during dusk and dawn associated with a transition between day-time and night-time assemblages. Our results have implications for designing coral reef fish surveys, emphasising that short-term changes in fish communities should be considered when designing experiments to monitor fish assemblages over time. Where possible, we suggest increasing replication within sites and time scales or randomising data within a specific time window at all sites, looking to exclude dusk and dawn.  相似文献   

Turbot Scophthalmus maximus maximum oxygen uptake following feeding and exhaustive exercise increased from 107 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 at 6° C to c . 218 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 at 18° C, then increased slightly from 18 to 22° C to 224 mg O2 kg−1 h−1. Standard oxygen uptake increased exponentially as a function of temperature from 11 mg O2 kg −1 h−1 at 6° C to 66 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 at 22° C. Gradual reduction in oxygen concentration to 87–90% air saturation at 6, 10. 18° C and <80% at 14 and 22° C limited the maximum metabolic rate but, supersaturation (>100% saturation) had little effect. Metabolic scope attained a maximum of 176 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 at 18° C. Interpolation of the results showed that this value changed little between 16 and 20° C. It is suggested that this temperature range is optimal for turbot of c . 500 g. A comparison with a previous study on feeding demand in intensive farming conditions showed a linear relationship between appetite and metabolic scope. It is concluded that the ability of a fish to supply energy (including the energy requirement of digestive metabolism) above a standard level is a limiting factor in the manifestation of its feeding demand.  相似文献   

Objective: It is unclear if resting metabolic rate (RMR) and spontaneous physical activity (SPA) decrease in weight‐reduced non‐obese participants. Additionally, it is unknown if changes in SPA, measured in a respiratory chamber, reflect changes in free‐living physical activity level (PAL). Research Methods and Procedures: Participants (N = 48) were randomized into 4 groups for 6 months: calorie restriction (CR, 25% restriction), CR plus structured exercise (CR+EX, 12.5% restriction plus 12.5% increased energy expenditure via exercise), low‐calorie diet (LCD, 890 kcal/d supplement diet until 15% weight loss, then weight maintenance), and control (weight maintenance). Measurements were collected at baseline, Month 3, and Month 6. Body composition and RMR were measured by DXA and indirect calorimetry, respectively. Two measures of SPA were collected in a respiratory chamber (percent of time active and kcal/d). Free‐living PAL (PAL = total daily energy expenditure by doubly labeled water/RMR) was also measured. Regression equations at baseline were used to adjust RMR for fat‐free mass and SPA (kcal/d) for body weight. Results: Adjusted RMR decreased at Month 3 in the CR group and at Month 6 in the CR+EX and LCD groups. Neither measure of SPA decreased significantly in any group. PAL decreased at Month 3 in the CR and LCD groups, but not in the CR+EX group, who engaged in structured exercise. Changes in SPA in the chamber and free‐living PAL were not related. Discussion: Body weight is defended in non‐obese participants during modest caloric restriction, evidenced by metabolic adaptation of RMR and reduced energy expenditure through physical activity.  相似文献   

信号分子ppGpp与微生物环境适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物能感知环境胁迫信号,通过触发严谨反应对生长速率进行调节,并通过一系列代谢调控,使细胞能在不利环境中生存。高度磷酸化的鸟苷四/五磷酸ppGpp/pppGpp(文中以ppGpp统称)作为信号分子对微生物生理具有广泛的调节作用,至今仍是微生物学研究热点之一。ppGpp对于微生物适应高温、高压等环境起到了积极的作用。综述了信号分子ppGpp合成降解机制及其调控微生物适应性方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

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