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The high fluorescent potential and the exceptional photostability of lipophilic derivatives of perylene-3,4:9,10-bis(dicarboximides) are utilized for the fluorescence-labelling of liposomes. The preparation of the liposomes is effected by supersonic starting from a lipid mixture consisting of the matrix lipids soy lecithin, cholesterol, alpha-tocopherol and the perylene dyes. From a multitude of perylene derivatives investigated only those are optimally incorporated into the bilayer membrane of unilamellar liposomes which are substituted at both nitrogen atoms by one or two linear hydrocarbon groups. In order to attain an optimal fluorescent quantum yield, about 200 to 300 dye molecules can be incorporated per liposome. The liposomes thus obtained have a diameter of about 70 to 80 nm, are homogeneous and may be stored for more than seven months. Neither the fluorescent properties nor the stability of these liposomes are influenced by the additional incorporation of various ara C-derivatives and lipophilic anchor groups which subsequently enable the coupling of antibodies to the liposomes. As the water-insoluble perylene dyes are incorporated into the bilayer membrane, the aqueous inner volume of the liposomes remains available for a further utilization.  相似文献   

N,N-dipentadecylaminostyrylpyridinium iodide is a dye that is approximately 100-fold more intensely fluorescent in a lipid than aqueous environment. This observation suggests its potential as a fluorescence stain for lipoproteins. This work reports the staining of LDL with this dye for use in studies of cellular binding. The staining procedure is simple, resulting in stable attachment of the dye as determined by transfer experiments, physical properties essentially identical to native LDL as demonstrated by virtually identical electrophoretic mobility, and consistent results in studies of cellular binding using flow cytometry. Increased signal to noise ratio over other dyes used for lipoprotein staining including the widely used Dil (3,3'-dioctadecylindocarbocyanine iodide) allows determinations of greater sensitivity and precision to be made. This is demonstrated by the flow cytometric determination of the 4 degrees C binding curve of LDL with freshly isolated human peripheral blood lymphocytes (i.e., cells not LDL receptor upregulated). Mediation of binding by the LDL receptor is demonstrated by correspondence between the LDL receptor dissociation constant derived from this work and literature values; increased specific binding in lymphocytes cultured in lipoprotein-deficient media to up-regulate the LDL receptor; and decreased specific binding in lymphocytes cultured in the presence of 25-hydroxy cholesterol for 48 h to suppress the LDL receptor.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,224(2):337-342
Unilamellar phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (5:1, w/w) vesicles and the fluorescent dye safranine O mixed in appropriate ratios produced a membrane potential-dependent enhancement of dye fluorescence. The fluorescence enhancement was shown to be dependent on the sign and magnitude of valinomycin-induced potassium diffusion potentials. The enhancement and a blue-shifted maximum (both of which also occur in ethanol vs aqueous solution) provided evidence that the enhanced fluorescence arises from an additional population of safranine O molecules which become associated with a hydrophobic region of the vesicular membrane. Consistent with this interpretation, the polarization of safranine O fluorescence was also found to increase in a potential-dependent manner. A time-dependent decay of the fluorescence enhancement — presumably due to decay of the membrane potential — was attributed to non-specific ion leakage at valinomycin concentrations above 3 μM.  相似文献   

Kostetskiĭ PV 《Biofizika》2005,50(6):993-997
It was found that the chymotrypsin active site is located in the largest cleft on the enzyme surface approximated by a sphere with a radius of 20 angstroms. The active site cleft volume is about 2 nm3, as computed by the Monte-Carlo method. The size and shape of the active site cleft-- the intersection of two unequal spheres--are sufficient for large (about 1 nm3) fragments of substrate molecules to enter the active site. The active site bottom and the adjacent narrow section are about 600 angstroms3 in volume and may serve as a combustion chamber of a water-substrate mixture during the operation of the enzyme machinery. Intrinsic water molecules inside the combustion chamber can take part in heat exchange during different steps of the enzymatic process.  相似文献   

The active centre of triose phosphate isomerase   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. Cystamine (2,2'-diaminodiethyl disulphide) caused an unmasking of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase and a leakage of Mg(2+) from the mitochondria, and decreased the stimulation of adenosine triphosphatase by 2,4-dinitrophenol. When Mg(2+) was added, cystamine potentiated the activation of adenosine triphosphatase by 2,4-dinitrophenol. 2. Cystamine was without effect on the adenosine triphosphatase of disrupted mitochondria. 3. Cystamine was moderately potent as an uncoupling agent and as an inhibitor of the [(32)P]P(i)-ATP exchange reaction. 4. Cysteamine (2-aminoethanethiol) was without the above effects, when special precautions were taken to counteract its autoxidation. 5. The effects of cystamine should probably be ascribed to its disulphide group, since the diamine cadaverine protected slightly against the loss of Mg(2+) and the decrease of 2,4-dinitrophenol-stimulated adenosine-triphosphatase activity caused by aging of the mitochondria. It is suggested that cystamine acts by a breakdown of mitochondrial permeability barriers.  相似文献   

A kinetic study of procine chymotrypsin A-pi revealed two characteristic properties of this type of chymotrypsin: 1. Porcine chymotrypsin A-pi, like bovine chymotrypsin B-pi does not bind proflavin, which is a competitive inhibitor of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin A-alpha. 2. The pH profiles of the steady-state parameters show the two usual important pK's. The basic one, pK2 = 9.6, affects both Km and kcat/Km and probably controls the binding conformation of chymotrypsin. The acidic one, pK1 = 5.7, affects kcat and kcat/Km and plays a role in the catalytic process. The value of pK1 is unusually low.  相似文献   

We describe a development of a novel high-throughput phagocytosis assay based on a pH-sensitive cyanine dye, CypHer5E, which is maximally fluorescent in an acidic environment. This dye is ideally suited for the study of phagocytosis because of the acidic conditions generated in the intracellular phagocytic vesicles after particle uptake. Use of CypHer5E-labeled particles results in greatly reduced background from noninternalized particles and makes the assay more robust. Additionally, CypHer5E-labeled particles are resistant to fluorescence quenching observed in the aggressive and acidic environment of the phagosome with traditional dyes. The CypHer5E-based assay has been shown to work reliably in a variety of cell types, including primary human monocytes, primary human dendritic cells, primary human endothelial cells, human monocytic THP-1 cell line, and human/mouse hybrid macrophage cell line WBC264-9C. Inhibition of CypHer5E bead uptake by cytochalasin D was studied, and the 50% inhibition concentration (IC50) was determined. The assay was performed in 96- and 384-well formats, and it is appropriate for high-throughput cellular screening of processes and compounds affecting phagocytosis. The CypHer5E phagocytosis assay is superior to existing protocols because it allows easy distinction of true phagocytosis from particle adherence and can be used in microscopy-based measurement of phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Cells possessing a known enzymic activity may be located by fluorescent probes designed to act as competitive inhibitors of this enzyme. We have prepared a series of dansyl N-substituted guanidino derivatives which bind to the active centre of guanidinobenzoatase. 9-Aminoacridine also acts as a competitive inhibitor and behaves similarly to these guanidino derivatives. These fluorescent probes have been used to locate tumour cells possessing this enzyme in thin sections of fixed tissue by employing fluorescent microscopy.  相似文献   

A reversible cell labelling method has been developed for non-destructive and non-invasive cell labelling and purification. Our method uses high affinity single strand DNA (ssDNA) aptamers against surface exposed target molecules on cells. The aptamers are subsequently removed from the cell surface using DNase nuclease treatment. We exemplified our method by labelling human acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells with Qdot-ssDNA aptamers, and restoring them to the label-free condition by treatment with Benzonase. Binding of the fluorescent-aptamers to the cells was evaluated by measuring fluorescence intensity and was further confirmed using flow cytometry. Removal of the aptamers can be achieved in ~10 min by the DNase nuclease digestion. Incubation of cells with aptamers or with the nucleases results in no apparent damage to the cells and does not affect their growth rates. The latter were equivalent to the rates measured for the untreated cells. Our method provides an alternative to traditional antibody-based techniques and could be especially suitable for non-invasive reversible cell labelling and cell separations where maintaining native cell activity is needed.  相似文献   

The use of Cyanine dye (Cy5 and Cy5.5) labeled dideoxy terminators with Thermo Sequenase DNA polymerase in DNA sequencing provides uniform band intensity, improved sequence read-length, and accuracy. It also greatly improves the ability to detect single base heterozygotes with dye-terminator sequencing method.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, fluorescent end-labeling of DNA fragments has evolved into the preferred method of DNA detection for a wide variety of applications, including DNA sequencing and PCR fragment analysis. One of the advantages inherent in fluorescent detection methods is the ability to perform multi-color analyses. Unfortunately, labeling DNA fragments with different fluorescent tags generally induces disparate relative electrophoretic mobilities for the fragments. Mobility-shift corrections must therefore be applied to the electrophoretic data to compensate for these effects. These corrections may lead to increased errors in the estimation of DNA fragment sizes and reduced confidence in DNA sequence information. Here, we present a systematic study of the relationship between dye structure and the resultant electrophoretic mobility of end-labeled DNA fragments. We have used a cyanine dye family as a paradigm and high-resolution capillary array electrophoresis (CAE) as the instrumentation platform. Our goals are to develop a general understanding of the effects of dyes on DNA electrophoretic mobility and to synthesize a family of DNA end-labels that impart identically matched mobility influences on DNA fragments. Such matched sets could be used in DNA sequencing and fragment sizing applications on capillary electrophoresis instrumentation.  相似文献   

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