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Postcranial remains referable to the enigmatic sauropterygian Pistosaurus longaevus , from the Hauptmuschelkalk (Middle Triassic) of southern Germany, are described and comparisons are made with other sauropterygian groups. A phylogenetic hypothesis of sauropterygian interrelationships is presented. The Sauropterygia are most closely related to the Lepidosauromorpha. Pislosaurus most closely resembles the Plesiosauria in a number of cranial and postcranial features.  相似文献   

The nature, timing, and location of the origin of modern humans has been the subject of intense controversy for the last 15 years.1–4 Genetic data and new radiometric dates for key fossils that lie beyond the range of radiocarbon dating have substantially added to the knowledge derived from the fossil evidence documenting the transition from archaic to modern humans. These new data, however, have failed to resolve the problem in its entirety. Most authorities now accept that Africa played an important, and probably central, role in the origin of modern humans.7–13 The genetic evidence seems to be particularly emphatic that an African population that existed between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago (100 ka) is ancestral to all living humans.6,7 Controversy still surrounds the question of how much, if at all, archaic humans from outside of Africa, such as Neandertals, late archaic Chinese hominins such as Jinniushan, and the Indonesian Ngandong hominins, may have contributed to the morphological and genetic diversity present in living populations and the morphology of the earliest fossils of modern humans.10  相似文献   

Paleoneurology concerns the study and analysis of fossil endocasts. Together with cranial capacity and discrete anatomical features, shape can be analysed to consider the spatial relationships between structures and to investigate the endocranial structural system. A sample of endocasts from fossil specimens of the genus Homo has been analysed using traditional metrics and 2D geometric morphometrics based on lateral projections of endocranial shape. The maximum and frontal widths show a size-related pattern of variation shared by all the taxa considered. Furthermore, as cranial capacity increases in the non-modern morphotypes there is a general endocranial vertical stretching (mainly centred at the anterior ascending circumvolution) with flattening and relative shortening of the parietal areas. This pattern could have involved some structural stress between brain development and vault bones at the parietal midsagittal profile in the heavy encephalised Neandertals. In contrast, modern humans show a species-specific neomorphic hypertrophy of the parietal volumes, leading to a dorsal growth and ventral flexion (convolution) and consequent globularity of the whole structure. Brain tensors such as the falx cerebri have been hypothesised to represent one of the main physical constraints on morphogenetic trajectories, with additional influences from cranial base structures. The neurofunctional inferences discussed here stress the role of the parietal areas in the visuo-spatial coordination and integration, which can be involved in higher cerebral functions and related to conceptual thinking.  相似文献   

With the exception of leaping, lorises and galagos move in many similar ways although frequencies and styles differ. This peculiar locomotor distinction in two closely related subfamilies has profoundly altered their respective postcranial anatomies from their common ancestor. A comparison of postcranial adaptation in extant forms shows that lorises and galagos differ somewhat in forelimb mobility, but are more fundamentally disparate in hindlimb adaptation. Inferences concerning locomotor adaptation in the lorisid fossil record indicate a more generalized locomotor pattern which is more like that of extant cheirogaleids than either living galagos or lorises. Thus, vertical clinging and leaping in galagines and the slow-climbing and suspensory movements of lorisines appear to be evolutionarily recent innovations from a more generalized locomotor past.  相似文献   

Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. & Gambaryan, P.P. 1994 12 15: Postcranial anatomy and habits of Asian multituberculate mammals. Fossils and Strata  相似文献   

The low brachial and crural indices of the European Neandertals have long been considered indicative of cold adaptation. Recent work has documented lower limb/trunk ratios and deeper chests (anterior-posterior diameter) in European Neandertals than among their successors. The present study uses variables reflective of limb length, body mass and trunk height, and compares European Neandertals to 15 globally diverse recent human samples (1 “Eskimo,” 3 North African, 4 sub-Saharan African and 7 European). Bivariate plots, as well as principal components analysis plots of log shape-transformed data, indicate that European Neandertals had an overall body shape that falls at the extreme end of modern higher latitude groups' range of variation. Cluster analysis (minimum spanning tree on a principal coordinates plot) indicates that the Neandertals are closest in body shape to modern “Eskimos,” but even in this dendrogram, they are joined to the “Eskimo” via a long branch. In fact, it appears that European Neandertals were “hyperpolar” in body shape, likely due to two factors: 1) the extremely cold temperatures of glacial Europe and 2) less effective cultural buffering against cold stress. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:245–258, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Patterns of postcranial skeletal pneumatization (PSP) indicate that pterosaurs possessed components of a bird-like respiratory system, including a series of ventilatory air-sacs. However, the presence of PSP in the oldest known pterosaurs has not been unambiguously demonstrated by previous studies. Here we provide the first unequivocal documentation of PSP in Late Triassic and earliest Jurassic pterosaurs. This demonstrates that PSP and, by inference, air-sacs were probably present in the common ancestor of almost all known pterosaurs, and has broader implications for the evolution of respiratory systems in bird-line archosaurs, including dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Members of the order Carnivora display a broad range of locomotor habits, including cursorial, scansorial, arboreal, semiaquatic, aquatic, and semifossorial species from multiple families. Ecomorphological analyses from osteological measurements have been used successfully in prior studies of carnivorans and rodents to accurately infer the locomotor habits of extinct species. This study uses 20 postcranial measurements that have been shown to be effective indicators of locomotor habits in rodents and incorporates an extensive sample of over 300 individuals from more than 100 living carnivoran species. We performed statistical analyses, including analysis of variance (ANOVA) and stepwise discriminant function analysis, using a set of 16 functional indices (ratios). Our ANOVA results reveal consistent differences in postcranial skeletal morphology among locomotor groups. Cursorial species display distal elongation of the limbs, gracile limb elements, and relatively narrow humeral and femoral epicondyles. Aquatic and semiaquatic species display relatively robust, shortened femora and elongate metatarsals. Semifossorial species display relatively short, robust limbs with enlarged muscular attachment sites and elongate claws. Both semiaquatic and semifossorial species have relatively elongate olecranon process of the ulna and enlarged humeral and femoral epicondyles. Terrestrial, scansorial, and arboreal species are characterized by having primarily intermediate features, but arboreal species do show relatively elongate manual digits. Morphological indices effectively discriminate locomotor groups, with cursorial and arboreal species more accurately classified than terrestrial, scansorial, or semiaquatic species. Both within and between families, species with similar locomotor habits converge toward similar postcranial morphology despite their independent evolutionary histories. The discriminant analysis worked particularly well to correctly classify members of the Canidae, but not as well for members of the Mustelidae or Ursidae. Results are used to infer the locomotor habits of extinct carnivorans, including members of several extinct families, and also 12 species from the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two nearly complete specimens of Champsosaurus (Diapsida, Choristodera) with distinctive morphologies, from the Tullock Formation (Early Paleocene) of northeastern Montana, USA, were described as different species. The limb bones of C. ambulator are more robust than those of C. laramiensis, indicating that C. ambulator was more adapted for walking than C. laramiensis. The phylogenetic significance of these limb bone morphologies, however, appears questionable because similar dimorphic variations occur in a closely related genus and champsosaurs from other geologic ages and locations. Female champsosaurs may have been better adapted to a terrestrial life than males due to nesting behavior on land, resulting in variable limb bone morphologies between sexes. The observed morphologic variations are, hence, hypothesized to reflect sexual dimorphism rather than sympatry of species. The C. ambulator-shaped humeri and femora, demonstrating a terrestrial adaptation, are suggested to belong to females and C. laramiensis-shaped limb bones to males. No significant variations of humeral and femoral morphologies occur in small champsosaur specimens, suggesting an aquatic niche for juveniles like adult males.  相似文献   

Spalacotheroid “symmetrodontans” are a group of extinct Mesozoic mammals. They are basal taxa in the trechnotherian clade that includes modern marsupials and placentals. Therefore, fossils of spalacotheroids can provide information on the ancestral condition from which marsupials and placentals likely have evolved. Here, we describe the postcranial skeleton of Akidolestes cifellii, a spalacotheroid species from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of northeastern China. Our comparison of the skeletal features of Akidolestes and the closely related Zhangheotherium and Maotherium indicates some major morphological and functional differences in the postcranium among these spalacotheroid mammals. Akidolestes shows characters for terrestrial habitat preference. Overall it appears to be a generalized terrestrial mammal. Akidolestes differs from Zhangheotherium and Maotherium in some characteristics of the scapula, the pelvis, and the hind limb, some of which can be directly correlated with different locomotor capabilities, and possibly also habitat preferences. This suggests that a greater ecomorphological differentiation occurred in these stem therian mammals than previously thought and that ecological differentiation is a major pattern in early therian mammal evolution.  相似文献   

The Loridae are an arboreal family of small primates that are specialized for slow and quiet climbing. This paper examines the relationship between lorid locomotory behaviour and postcranial skeletal morphology. Lorid humeral and femoral diaphyseal geometric cross-sectional properties, articular surface areas, and lengths are compared to those properties in other small primates with less specialized locomotory behaviour. The comparative sample includes both closely related prosimians and more distantly related platyrrhines.
Results indicate that lorids have greater humeral and femoral diaphyseal rigidity than other quadrupedal primates of similar body size, suggesting that lorid limbs are subjected to greater forces. Lorids also have relatively larger humeral and femoral articulations, corresponding to field and laboratory observations which indicate that lorid joints are highly mobilc. In addition, lorids have long humeri relative to femoral length, and compared to humeral length in less specialized prosimians of similar body mass. Long humeral length relative to femoral length is interpreted as a climbing adaptation because similar limb proportions are also seen in many non-primate climbers. Altogether, humeral and femoral diaphyseal cross-sectional properties, articular surface areas, and lengths comprise a suite of characters which have potential for identifying climbing specialists in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Despite their rarity today, rhynchocephalians formed a diverse Early Mesozoic clade with a comparatively good fossil record. They had a Pangaean distribution in the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic, although the Gondwanan record remains more limited than the Laurasian one. We report here on new sphenodontian material from the Jurassic Kota Formation of peninsular India. Two taxa are represented, and both are attributed to new genera. One is a relatively derived sphenodontian with a premaxillary morphology similar to that of the Late Triassic/ Early Jurassic genus Clevosaurus. The other is somewhat more primitive in its morphology, although clearly a crown-group sphenodontian. In addition, three dentary fragments and a partial maxilla signal the presence of a primitive pleurodont lepidosauromorph similar to the basal rhynchocephalians Gephyrosaurus and Diphydonto-saurus from Britain.  相似文献   

Disparity and geometry of the skull in Archosauria (Reptilia: Diapsida)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A metric comparison of 155 fossil and extant species in lateral view based on the proportions of three homologous units (braincase, orbit and rostrum) reveals the existence of an archosaurian skull geometry. An empirical morphospace depicting skull proportions shows that the most variable unit is the rostrum. Three skull types based on rostral proportion are proposed: meso-, longi- and brevirostral. These types depend, on one hand, on a direct numerical relationship between the braincase and the orbit, with a mean ratio of 1:1; never surpassing a 2:1 or 1:2 ratio limit. On the other hand, skull types show a significant negative correlation between braincase and rostrum proportions. Close relationships have been obtained between orbit and the rostrum, although with lower significance and a geometric meaning specific to each group. Skull types depend mainly on the proportional relationship between the rostrum and the braincase. Mesorostral types account for more natural occurrences within morphospace, implying a plesiomorphic condition in Archosauria. Skulls with highest longirostral values (flying forms) display a more restrictive braincase–orbit ratio relationship. Brevirostrals are limited to the smallest skull lengths, up to approximately 180 mm. 85% of brevirostral modern birds have altricial post-hatchling development. General allometric pattern is very similar for all sampled archosaurs, although giant taxa (i.e. non-avian theropods) display a different type of skull proportional growth, closer to isometry. Results reveal the existence of a constructional skull geometry, highlighting the importance of the deviance of the structural design from adaptive explanations on craniofacial morphology in macroevolution.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80, 67–88.  相似文献   

Sacral centra are occasionally fused with or without severe deformation in Champsosaurus (Diapsida, Choristodera). The sympatrical occurrence of fusion and non-fusion of sacra in adults through their evolution questions that sacral fusion represents the final form of a simple ontogenetic change or specific variation. Females are proposed to possess more robust limb bones than males because they are considered to have been more terrestrial due to the nesting behaviour on land. The coincidental occurrence of fusion of sacral centra without severe deformation and more robust limb bones in same individuals suggests that sacral fusion is a phenomenon occurring in females as a result of terrestrial adaptation for reproductive activities. Sacral fusion associated with severe deformation is considered a pathological condition although its etiology and factors remain undefined.  相似文献   

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