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NDC1 is a transmembrane nucleoporin that is required for NPC assembly and nucleocytoplasmic transport. We show here that NDC1 directly interacts with the nucleoporin ALADIN, mutations of which are responsible for triple-A syndrome, and that this interaction is required for targeting of ALADIN to nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Furthermore, we show that NDC1 is required for selective nuclear import. Our findings suggest that NDC1-mediated localization of ALADIN to NPCs is essential for selective nuclear protein import, and that abrogation of the interaction between ALADIN and NDC1 may be important for the development of triple-A syndrome.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) and its relationship to the nuclear envelope (NE) was characterized in living cells using POM121-green fluorescent protein (GFP) and GFP-Nup153, and GFP-lamin B1. No independent movement of single pore complexes was found within the plane of the NE in interphase. Only large arrays of NPCs moved slowly and synchronously during global changes in nuclear shape, strongly suggesting mechanical connections which form an NPC network. The nuclear lamina exhibited identical movements. NPC turnover measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of POM121 was less than once per cell cycle. Nup153 association with NPCs was dynamic and turnover of this nucleoporin was three orders of magnitude faster. Overexpression of both nucleoporins induced the formation of annulate lamellae (AL) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Turnover of AL pore complexes was much higher than in the NE (once every 2.5 min). During mitosis, POM121 and Nup153 were completely dispersed and mobile in the ER (POM121) or cytosol (Nup153) in metaphase, and rapidly redistributed to an immobilized pool around chromatin in late anaphase. Assembly and immobilization of both nucleoporins occurred before detectable recruitment of lamin B1, which is thus unlikely to mediate initiation of NPC assembly at the end of mitosis.  相似文献   

Nuclear pore complexes are rotationally symmetric structures that span the nuclear envelope and provide channels for nucleocytoplasmic traffic. These large complexes normally consist of eight spokes arranged around a central channel, although, occasionally, 9- and 10-fold nuclear pore complexes are found in preparations of Xenopus oocyte macronuclei. Here we examine these unusual nuclear pore complexes by negative stain electron microscopy and image analysis and compare the results with data previously obtained from 8-fold structures. The details in two-dimensional and three-dimensional maps indicate that the substructure of the spoke is the same in 8-, 9- and 10-fold nuclear pore complexes: therefore, the spoke is likely an immutable structural component. In all three variant forms, the spacing between adjacent annular subunits, which surround the central channel, is identical. Distances between spokes at higher radius decrease in the 9- and 10-fold nuclear pore complexes. These data imply that the most important connections holding the nuclear pore complex together are those between adjacent annular subunits and that these interactions may play a predominant role in nuclear pore complex assembly. Circumferential connections mediated by ring subunits and radial arms presumably further stabilize the structure and are flexible enough to accommodate additional spokes.  相似文献   

SUMOs (small ubiquitin-related modifiers) are eukaryotic proteins that are covalently conjugated to other proteins and thereby regulate a wide range of important cellular processes. The molecular mechanisms by which SUMO modification influences the functions of most target proteins and cellular processes, however, remain poorly defined. A major obstacle to investigating the effects of SUMO modification is the availability of a system for selectively inducing the modification or demodification of an individual protein. To address this problem, we have developed a procedure using the rapamycin heterodimerizer system. This procedure involves co-expression of rapamycin-binding domain fusion proteins of SUMO and candidate SUMO substrates in living cells. Treating cells with rapamycin induces a tight association between SUMO and a single SUMO substrate, thereby allowing specific downstream effects to be analyzed. Using RanGAP1 as a model SUMO substrate, the heterodimerizer system was used to investigate the molecular mechanism by which SUMO modification targets RanGAP1 from the cytoplasm to nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Our results revealed a dual role for Ubc9 in targeting RanGAP1 to NPCs: In addition to conjugating SUMO-1 to RanGAP1, Ubc9 is also required to form a stable ternary complex with SUMO-1 modified RanGAP1 and Nup358. As illustrated by our studies, the rapamycin heterodimerizer system represents a novel tool for studying the molecular effects of SUMO modification.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope (NE) separates the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus of interphase eukaryotic cells and nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) mediate the macromolecular exchange between these two compartments. The NE and the NPCs of vertebrate cells disassemble during prophase and the nuclear pore proteins (nucleoporins) are distributed within the mitotic cytoplasm. For an increasing number of them active mitotic functions have been assigned over the past few years. Nucleoporins are participating in spindle assembly, kinetochore organisation, and the spindle assembly checkpoint, all processes that control chromosome segregation and are important for maintenance of genome integrity. But nucleoporins are also engaged in early and late mitotic events, such as centrosome positioning and cytokinesis. Here we will highlight recent progress in deciphering the roles for nucleoporins in the distinct steps of mitosis.  相似文献   

To go beyond the current structural consensus model of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), we performed cryo-electron tomography of fully native NPCs from Xenopus oocyte nuclear envelopes (NEs). The cytoplasmic face of the NPC revealed distinct anchoring sites for the cytoplasmic filaments, whereas the nuclear face was topped with a massive distal ring positioned above the central pore with indications of the anchoring sites for the nuclear basket filaments and putative intranuclear filaments. The rather "spongy" central framework of the NPC was perforated by an elaborate channel and void system, and at the membrane pore interface it exhibited distinct "handles" protruding into the lumen of the NE. The most variable structural moiety of the NPC was a rather tenuous central plug partially obstructing the central pore. Its mobile character was documented by time-lapse atomic force microscopy. Taken together, the new insights we gained into NPC structure support the notion that the NPC acts as a constrained diffusion pore for molecules and particles without retention signal and as an affinity gate for signal-bearing cargoes.  相似文献   

High-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy was used to study the organisation of intermediate filaments around lipid droplets and their binding to these droplets, in primary culture of bovine adrenal cells. Whole-mount preparations of intermediate filaments and bound lipid droplets were prepared from cells grown on Formvar-coated grids and processed by freeze-drying. Intermediate filaments were seen as an interconnected network enveloping the entire droplet. The bound filaments appear to be directly adherent to the surface of the droplet and hence take on its curved contour. The binding of the filaments to the droplets was determined by means of tilting. This study provides a new approach to investigate the cytoskeleton and its associated structures with high-resolution three-dimensional images.  相似文献   

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Transport into and out of the nucleus is regulated by the nuclear pore complex. Vital to this regulation are nuclear pore proteins with FG sequence repeats, which have been shown to be crucial for cell viability and which interact with nuclear transport receptors. Here we use molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the binding of FG-repeat peptides to the surface of NTF2, the Ran importer. The simulations, covering over 254 ns, agree with previous X-ray, mutational, NMR, and computational data in identifying four binding spots. They also serve to provide an all-atom view of binding at each spot, whereas FG-repeat binding has been only directly observed at a single spot. Furthermore, the simulations identify two novel binding spots in addition to the four others. All six binding spots broadly form a stripe across the surface of NTF2. The resulting regularity and proximity of binding spots on the surface may be necessary for identification of the transport receptor by the FG-repeats in the nuclear pore complex and for the successful transit of NTF2 through the pore.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of acidic polysaccharides from the cell walls of brown algae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied the ultrastructure of acidic polysaccharides from the cell walls of brown algae using a variety of electron microscopy techniques. Polysaccharides from Padina gymnospora present self assembled structures, forming trabecular patterns. Purified fractions constituted by alginic acid and sulfated fucan also form well-organized ultrastructures, but the pattern of organization varies depending on the polysaccharide species. Alginic acid presents sponge-like structures. Sulfated fucan exhibits particles with polygonal forms with a polycrystalline structure. These particles are in fact constituted by sulfated fucan molecules since they are recognized by a lectin specific for alpha-l-fucosyl residues. X-ray microanalysis reveal that S is a constituent element, as expected for sulfated groups. Finally, an exhaustive purified sulfated fucan shows the same ultrastructure formed by polygonal forms. Furthermore, elemental analyses of acidic polysaccharides indicate that they retain Zn, when algae were collected from a contaminated area. This observation is supported by direct quantification of heavy metal in the biomass and also in the solubilized polysaccharides compared with the algae from a non-contaminated site. We conclude that these molecules have specific ultrastructure and elemental composition; and act as metal binder for the nucleation and precipitation of heavy metals when the algae are exposed to a metal contaminated environment.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the only known gateway for exchange of macromolecules between the cytoplasm and nucleus of eukaryotic cells. One key compound of the NPC is the p62 subcomplex, which consists of the nucleoporins p62, p54, and p58/p45 and is supposed to be involved in nuclear protein import and export. Here we show the localization of distinct domains of the p62 complex by immuno-electron microscopy using isolated nuclei from Xenopus oocytes. To determine the exact position of the p62 complex, we examined the localization of the C and N-terminal domains of p62 by immunogold-labeling using domain-specific antibodies against p62. In addition we expressed epitope-tagged versions of p62, p54, and p58 in Xenopus oocytes and localized the domains with antibodies against the tags. This first systematic analysis of the domain topology of the p62 complex within the NPC revealed that the p62 complex is anchored to the cytoplasmic face of the NPC most likely by the coiled-coil domains of the three nucleoporins. Furthermore, we found the phenylalanine-glycine (FG)-repeat domain of p62, but not of p58 and p54, to be of mobile and flexible nature.  相似文献   

Nuclear transport carriers interact with proteins of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) to transport their cargo across the nuclear envelope. One such carrier is nuclear transport factor 2 (NTF2), whose import cargo is the small GTPase Ran. A domain highly homologous to the small NTF2 protein (14kDa) is also found in a number of additional proteins, which together make up the NTF2 domain containing superfamily of proteins. Using structural, computational and biochemical analysis we have identified a functional site that is present throughout this superfamily, and our results indicate that this site functions as an NPC binding site in NTF2. Previously we showed that a D23A mutant of NTF2 exhibits increased affinity for the NPC. The mechanism of this mutation, however, was unknown as this region of NTF2 had not been implicated in binding to NPC proteins. Here we show that the D23A mutation in NTF2 does not result in gross structural changes affecting other known NPC binding sites. Instead, the D23 residue is located in an evolutionarily important region in the NTF2 domain containing superfamily, that in NTF2, is involved in binding to the NPC.  相似文献   

High resolution scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the surface of epimastigote, amastigote and trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. Significant differences were observed between these forms and in different areas of the same cell. The cytostome found in amastigote and epimastigote forms could be easily visualized in images, which resemble those obtained only using the freeze-fracture technique. In contrast to other areas of the cell surface, the region of the cytostome, localized close to the flagellar pocket, showed a rugous surface and an opening with a diameter of 90 nm. Gold-labeled concanavalin A binds to the whole cell surface. However, the extent of binding was much higher in the region of the cytostome. The results obtained show that high resolution scanning electron microscopy is a powerful technique for analyzing the surface of protozoa.  相似文献   

SUMO modification plays a critical role in a number of cellular functions including nucleocytoplasmic transport, gene expression, cell cycle and formation of subnuclear structures such as promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies. In order to identify the sites where SUMOylation takes place in the cell, we developed an in situ SUMOylation assay using a semi-intact cell system and subsequently combined it with siRNA-based knockdown of nucleoporin RanBP2, also known as Nup358, which is one of the known SUMO E3 proteins. With the in situ SUMOylation assay, we found that both nuclear rim and PML bodies, besides mitotic apparatuses, are major targets for active SUMOylation. The ability to analyze possible SUMO conjugation sites would be a valuable tool to investigate where SUMO E3-like activities and/or SUMO substrates exist in the cell. Specific knockdown of RanBP2 completely abolished SUMOylation along the nuclear rim and dislocated RanGAP1 from the nuclear pore complexes. Interestingly, the loss of RanBP2 markedly reduced the number of PML bodies, in contrast to other, normal-appearing nuclear compartments including the nuclear lamina, nucleolus and chromatin, suggesting a novel link between RanBP2 and PML bodies. SUMOylation facilitated by RanBP2 at the nuclear rim may be a key step for the formation of a particular subnuclear organization. Our data imply that SUMO E3 proteins like RanBP2 facilitate spatio-temporal SUMOylation for certain nuclear structure and function.  相似文献   

Tpr is a coiled-coil protein found near the nucleoplasmic side of the pore complex. Since neither the precise localization of Tpr nor its functions are well defined, we generated antibodies to three regions of Tpr to clarify these issues. Using light and EM immunolocalization, we determined that mammalian Tpr is concentrated within the nuclear basket of the pore complex in a distribution similar to Nup153 and Nup98. Antibody localization together with imaging of GFP-Tpr in living cells revealed that Tpr is in discrete foci inside the nucleus similar to several other nucleoporins but is not present in intranuclear filamentous networks (Zimowska et al., 1997) or in long filaments extending from the pore complex (Cordes et al., 1997) as proposed. Injection of anti-Tpr antibodies into mitotic cells resulted in depletion of Tpr from the nuclear envelope without loss of other pore complex basket proteins. Whereas nuclear import mediated by a basic amino acid signal was unaffected, nuclear export mediated by a leucine-rich signal was retarded significantly. Nuclear injection of anti-Tpr antibodies in interphase cells similarly yielded inhibition of protein export but not import. These results indicate that Tpr is a nucleoporin of the nuclear basket with a role in nuclear protein export.  相似文献   

Clode PL  Marshall AT 《Protoplasma》2003,220(3-4):153-161
Summary.  Field emission scanning electron microscopy of frozen-hydrated preparations of the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis revealed organic fibrils which have a diameter of 26 nm and are located between calicoblastic ectodermal cells and the underlying CaCO3 skeleton. Small (37 nm in diameter) nodular structures observed upon this fibrillar organic material possibly correspond to localised Ca-rich regions detected throughout the calcifying interfacial region of freeze-substituted preparations by X-ray microanalysis. We propose that these Ca-rich regions associated with the organic material are nascent crystals of CaCO3. Significant amounts of S were also detected throughout the calcifying interfacial region, further verifying the likely presence of organic material. However, the bulk of this S is unlikely to be derived from mucocytes within the calicoblastic ectoderm. It is suggested that in the scleractinian coral G. fascicularis, nodular crystals of CaCO3 establish upon a fibrillar, S-containing, organic matrix within small but distinct extracellular pockets formed between calicoblastic ectodermal cells and skeleton. This arrangement conforms with the criteria necessary for biomineralisation and with the long-held theory that organic matrices may act as templates for crystal formation and growth in biological mineralising systems. Received April 30, 2002; accepted September 11, 2002; published online March 11, 2003  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(20):3856-3871.e6
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