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Rapid activation of ATR by ionizing radiation requires ATM and Mre11   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR) protein kinases are crucial regulatory proteins in genotoxic stress response pathways that pause the cell cycle to permit DNA repair. Here we show that Chk1 phosphorylation in response to hydroxyurea and ultraviolet radiation is ATR-dependent and ATM- and Mre11-independent. In contrast, Chk1 phosphorylation in response to ionizing radiation (IR) is dependent on ATR, ATM, and Mre11. The ATR and ATM/Mre11 pathways are generally thought to be separate with ATM activation occurring early and ATR activation occurring as a late response to double strand breaks. However, we demonstrate that ATR is activated rapidly by IR, and ATM and Mre11 enhance ATR signaling. ATR-ATR-interacting protein recruitment to double strand breaks is less efficient in the absence of ATM and Mre11. Furthermore, IR-induced replication protein A foci formation is defective in ATM- and Mre11-deficient cells. Thus, ATM and Mre11 may stimulate the ATR signaling pathway by converting DNA damage generated by IR into structures that recruit and activate ATR.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT : Unrepaired DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are a major cause for genomic instability. Therefore, upon detection of a DSB a rapid response must be assembled to coordinate the proper repair/signaling of the lesion or the elimination of cells with unsustainable amounts of DNA damage. Three members of the PIKK family of protein kinases -ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs- take the lead and initiate the signaling cascade emanating from DSB sites. Whereas DNA-PKcs activity seems to be restricted to the phosphorylation of targets involved in DNA repair, ATM and ATR phosphorylate a broad spectrum of cell cycle regulators and DNA repair proteins. In the canonical model, ATM and ATR are activated by two different types of lesions and signal through two independent and alternate pathways. Specifically, ATR is activated by various forms of DNA damage, including DSBs, arising at stalled replication forks ("replication stress"), and ATM is responsible for the signaling of DSBs that are not associated with the replication machinery throughout the cell cycle. Recent evidence suggests that this model might be oversimplified and that coordinated crosstalk between ATM and ATR activation routes goes on at the core of the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

We examined the formation of phosphorylated ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) foci in exponentially growing normal human diploid cells exposed to low doses of X rays. Phosphorylated ATM foci were detected immediately after irradiation, and the number of foci decreased as the time after irradiation increased. The kinetics of phosphorylated ATM foci was comparable to that of phosphorylated histone H2AX. We found that there were fewer spontaneous phosphorylated ATM foci than that phosphorylated histone H2AX foci. Notably, significant numbers of phosphorylated histone H2AX foci, but not phosphorylated ATM foci, were detected in the S-phase cells. The induction of foci showed a linear dose-response relationship with doses ranging for 10 mGy to 1 Gy, and the average number of phosphorylated ATM foci per gray was approximately 50. The average size of the foci was comparable for the cells irradiated with 20 mGy and 1 Gy, and there was no significant difference in the kinetics of disappearance of foci, indicating that DNA double-strand breaks are similarly recognized by DNA damage checkpoints and are repaired irrespective of the dose.  相似文献   

Although germline mutations in BRCA1 highly predispose women towards breast and ovarian cancer, few substantial improvements in preventing or treating such cancers have been made. Importantly, BRCA1 function is closely associated with DNA damage repair, which is required for genetic stability. Here, we examined the efficacy of radiotherapy, assessing the accumulation of genetic instabilities, in the treatment of BRCA1-associated breast cancer using a Brca1-mutant mouse model. Treatment of Brca1-mutant tumor-engrafted mice with X-rays reduced tumor progression by 27.9% compared with untreated controls. A correlation analysis of irradiation responses and biomarker profiles in tumors at baseline identified differences between responders and non-responders at the protein level (pERα, pCHK2, p53, and EpCAM) and at the SOX2 target expression level. We further demonstrated that combined treatment of Brca1-mutant mammary tumors with irradiation and AZD2281, which inhibits PARP, significantly reduced tumor progression and extended survival. Our findings enhance the understanding of DNA damage and biomarker responses in BRCA1-associated mammary tumors and provide preclinical evidence that radiotherapy with synthetic DNA damage is a potential strategy for the therapeutic management of BRCA1-associated breast cancer.  相似文献   

Germline mutations of BRCA1 predispose women to breast and ovarian cancers. However, the downstream mediators of BRCA1 function in tumor suppression remain elusive. We found that human BRCA1-associated breast cancers have lower levels of SIRT1 than their normal controls. We further demonstrated that mammary tumors from Brca1 mutant mice have low levels of Sirt1 and high levels of Survivin, which is reversed by induced expression of Brca1. BRCA1 binds to the SIRT1 promoter and increases SIRT1 expression, which in turn inhibits Survivin by changing the epigenetic modification of histone H3. Absence of SIRT1 blocks the regulation of Survivin by BRCA1. Furthermore, we demonstrated that activation of Sirt1 and inhibition of Survivin expression by resveratrol elicit a more profound inhibitory effect on Brca1 mutant cancer cells than on Brca1-wild-type cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest that resveratrol treatment serves as an excellent strategy for targeted therapy for BRCA1-associated breast cancer.  相似文献   

The non-RTK (receptor tyrosine kinase) ACK1 [activated Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42)-associated kinase 1] binds a number of RTKs and is associated with their endocytosis and turnover. Its mode of activation is not well established, but models have suggested that this is an autoinhibited kinase. Point mutations in its SH3 (Src homology 3)- or EGF (epidermal growth factor)-binding domains have been reported to activate ACK1, but we find neither of the corresponding W424K or F820A mutations do so. Indeed, deletion of the various ACK1 domains C-terminal to the catalytic domain are not associated with increased activity. A previous report identified only one major tyrosine phosphorylated protein of 60 kDa co-purified with ACK1. In a screen for new SH3 partners for ACK1 we found multiple Src family kinases; of these c-Src itself binds best. The SH2 and SH3 domains of Src interact with ACK1 Tyr518 and residues 623-652 respectively. Src targets the ACK1 activation loop Tyr284, a poor autophosphorylation site. We propose that ACK1 fails to undergo significant autophosphorylation on Tyr284 in vivo because it is basophilic (whereas Src is acidophilic). Subsequent ACK1 activation downstream of receptors such as EGFR (EGF receptor) (and Src) promotes turnover of ACK1 in vivo, which is blocked by Src inhibitors, and is compromised in the Src-deficient SYF cell line. The results of the present study can explain why ACK1 is responsive to so many external stimuli including RTKs and integrin ligation, since Src kinases are commonly recruited by multiple receptor systems.  相似文献   

The breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 plays a major role in the DNA damage response pathway. The lack of well-characterized human BRCA1-null cell lines has limited the investigation of BRCA1 function, particularly with regard to its role in ovarian cancer. We propagated a novel BRCA1-null human ovarian cancer cell line UWB1.289 from a tumor of papillary serous histology, the most common form of ovarian carcinoma. UWB1.289 carries a germline BRCA1 mutation within exon 11 and has a deletion of the wild-type allele. UWB1.289 is estrogen and progesterone receptor negative and has an acquired somatic mutation in p53, similar to the commonly used BRCA1-null breast cancer cell line HCC1937. We used ionizing radiation to induce DNA damage in both UWB1.289 and in a stable UWB1.289 line in which wild-type BRCA1 was restored. We examined several responses to DNA damage in these cell lines, including sensitivity to radiation, cell cycle checkpoint function, and changes in gene expression using microarray analysis. We observed that UWB1.289 is sensitive to ionizing radiation and lacks cell cycle checkpoint functions that are a normal part of the DNA damage response. Restoration of wild-type BRCA1 function in these cells partially restores DNA damage responses. Expression array analysis not only supports this partial functional correction but also reveals interesting new information regarding BRCA1-positive regulation of the expression of claudin 6 and other metastasis-associated genes and negative regulation of multiple IFN-inducible genes.  相似文献   

The product of the ATM gene, which is mutated in ataxia telangiectasia, is a nuclear phosphoprotein, and it involves the activation of the p53 pathway after ionizing radiation. Here we show that the ATM protein is constitutively associated with double strand DNA and that the interaction increases when the DNA is exposed to ionizing radiation. The ATM protein also had affinity to restriction endonuclease PvuII-digested DNA, but not to UV-irradiated DNA nor X-irradiated single-stranded DNA. The immunoprecipitation experiment detected very weak association between ATM and DNA-PK proteins, and immunodepletion of DNA-PK showed little or no effect on the interaction of the ATM protein with damaged DNA, indicating that an interaction with DNA-PK might not be required for the recruitment of the ATM protein to damaged DNA. Furthermore, the association was also confirmed in xrs-5 and xrs-6e cells, which are Chinese hamster ovary mutant cell lines defective in Ku80 function. These results indicate that the ATM protein is recruited to the site of DNA damage and it recognizes double strand breaks by itself or through an association with other DNA-binding protein other than DNA-PK and Ku80 proteins.  相似文献   

Compared with the general population, women who have inherited a germline mutation in the BRCA1 gene have a greatly increased risk of developing breast cancer. However, there is also substantial interindividual variability in the occurrence of breast cancer among BRCA1 mutation carriers. We hypothesize that other genes, particularly those involved in endocrine signaling, may modify the BRCA1-associated age-specific breast cancer risk. We studied the effect of the CAG repeat-length polymorphism found in exon 1 of the androgen-receptor (AR) gene (AR-CAG). AR alleles containing longer CAG repeat lengths are associated with a decreased ability to activate androgen-responsive genes. Using a sample of women who inherited germline BRCA1 mutations, we compared AR-CAG repeat length in 165 women with and 139 women without breast cancer. We found that women were at significantly increased risk of breast cancer if they carried at least one AR allele with >/=28 CAG repeats. Women who carried an AR-CAG allele of >/=28, >/=29, or >/=30 repeats were given a diagnosis 0.8, 1.8, or 6.3 years earlier than women who did not carry at least one such allele. All 11 women in our sample who carried at least one AR-CAG allele with >/=29 repeats had breast cancer. Our results support the hypothesis that age at breast cancer diagnosis is earlier among BRCA1 mutation carriers who carry very long AR-CAG repeats. These results suggest that pathways involving androgen signaling may affect the risk of BRCA1-associated breast cancer.  相似文献   

In mammals, the ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated) and ATR (ATM and Rad3-related) protein kinases function as critical regulators of the cellular DNA damage response. The checkpoint functions of ATR and ATM are mediated, in part, by a pair of checkpoint effector kinases termed Chk1 and Chk2. In mammalian cells, evidence has been presented that Chk1 is devoted to the ATR signaling pathway and is modified by ATR in response to replication inhibition and UV-induced damage, whereas Chk2 functions primarily through ATM in response to ionizing radiation (IR), suggesting that Chk2 and Chk1 might have evolved to channel the DNA damage signal from ATM and ATR, respectively. We demonstrate here that the ATR-Chk1 and ATM-Chk2 pathways are not parallel branches of the DNA damage response pathway but instead show a high degree of cross-talk and connectivity. ATM does in fact signal to Chk1 in response to IR. Phosphorylation of Chk1 on Ser-317 in response to IR is ATM-dependent. We also show that functional NBS1 is required for phosphorylation of Chk1, indicating that NBS1 might facilitate the access of Chk1 to ATM at the sites of DNA damage. Abrogation of Chk1 expression by RNA interference resulted in defects in IR-induced S and G(2)/M phase checkpoints; however, the overexpression of phosphorylation site mutant (S317A, S345A or S317A/S345A double mutant) Chk1 failed to interfere with these checkpoints. Surprisingly, the kinase-dead Chk1 (D130A) also failed to abrogate the S and G(2) checkpoint through any obvious dominant negative effect toward endogenous Chk1. Therefore, further studies will be required to assess the contribution made by phosphorylation events to Chk1 regulation. Overall, the data presented in the study challenge the model in which Chk1 only functions downstream from ATR and indicate that ATM does signal to Chk1. In addition, this study also demonstrates that Chk1 is essential for IR-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis and the G(2)/M checkpoint.  相似文献   

Human SNM1B/Apollo is involved in the cellular response to DNA-damage, however, its precise role is unknown. Recent reports have implicated hSNM1B in the protection of telomeres. We have found hSNM1B to interact with TRF2, a protein which functions in telomere protection and in an early response to ionizing radiation. Here we show that endogenous hSNM1B forms foci which colocalize at telomeres with TRF1 and TRF2. However, we observed that additional hSNM1B foci could be induced upon exposure to ionizing radiation (IR). In live-cell-imaging experiments, hSNM1B localized to photo-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) within 10s post-induction. Further supporting a role for hSNM1B in the early stages of the cellular response to DSBs, we observed that autophosphorylation of ATM, as well as the phosphorylation of ATM target proteins in response to IR, was attenuated in cells depleted of hSNM1B. These observations suggest an important role for hSNM1B in the response to IR damage, a role that may be, in part, upstream of the central player in maintenance of genome integrity, ATM.  相似文献   

BRCA1 accumulates in nuclear foci during S-phase and reassembles into DNA repair-associated foci after DNA damage, reflecting its role in genome maintenance. BRCA1 comprises a RING domain at the N terminus and a BRCT domain at the C terminus, through which it associates with DNA repair proteins. The key sequences that target BRCA1 to DNA damage-induced foci have not been identified. Here, we mapped the BRCA1 foci-targeting domains of yellow fluorescence protein (YFP)-tagged BRCA1 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells exposed to ionizing radiation (IR). Cancer mutations specific to the BRCT domain, but not the RING domain, abolished BRCA1 recruitment to IR-induced foci. The YFP-BRCT domain itself, however, localized poorly at IR-induced foci, and the RING domain and other sequences were negative. We discovered that only when the RING and BRCT domains were combined was foci targeting restored to levels observed for wild-type BRCA1. The RING-BRCT fusion co-localized at foci with the MDC1 DNA damage response factor and inhibited entry of endogenous BRCA1 into nuclear foci. Our results explain why exon 11-deficient BRCA1 splice variants are targeted to IR-induced foci even though they are incapable of repairing DNA damage. We propose that both RING and BRCT domains together target BRCA1 to large focal assemblies at DNA double-stranded breaks.  相似文献   

The effect of prior incubation with [3H]thymidine on survival and mutagenesis after X-irradiation of human lymphocytes was studied by incubating lymphocytes with 0.001-1.0 mu Ci/ml [3H]thymidine for 6 h at 37 degrees C and then irradiating with 150 or 300 rad. Survival was measured using lymphocyte cloning and mutagenesis was measured using 6-thioguanine selection to detect clones mutated at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase locus. [3H]Thymidine alone had no effect on survival or mutagenesis and X-radiation alone produced the expected decrease in survival and increase in mutations. [3H]Thymidine prior to X-radiation had no effect on lethality of X-radiation but at concentrations of 0.1 and 1.0 mu Ci/ml produced a significant decrease in the number of mutations induced after both 150 and 300 rad. The results suggest that ionizing radiation, produced by disintegration of 3H, reduces the mutagenic effect of a subsequent exposure to ionizing radiation by induction of a system which prevents or repairs a restricted class of radiation damage.  相似文献   

BACH1 (also known as FANCJ and BRIP1) is a DNA helicase that directly interacts with the C-terminal BRCT repeat of the breast cancer susceptibility protein BRCA1. Previous biochemical and functional analyses have suggested a role for the BACH1 homolog in Caenorhabditis elegans during DNA replication. Here, we report the association of BACH1 with a distinct BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex during the S phase of the cell cycle. Depletion of BACH1 or BRCA1 using small interfering RNAs results in delayed entry into the S phase of the cell cycle. Such timely progression through S phase requires the helicase activity of BACH1. Importantly, cells expressing a dominant negative mutation in BACH1 that results in a defective helicase displayed increased activation of DNA damage checkpoints and genomic instability. BACH1 helicase is silenced during the G(1) phase of the cell cycle and is activated through a dephosphorylation event as cells enter S phase. These results point to a critical role for BACH1 helicase activity not only in the timely progression through the S phase but also in maintaining genomic stability.  相似文献   

The heritable disorder ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is caused by mutations in the AT-mutated (ATM) gene with manifestations that include predisposition to lymphoproliferative cancers and hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation (IR). We investigated gene expression changes in response to IR in human lymphoblasts and fibroblasts from seven normal and seven AT-affected individuals. Both cell types displayed ATM-dependent gene expression changes after IR, with some responses shared and some responses varying with cell type and dose. Interestingly, after 5 Gy IR, lymphoblasts displayed ATM-independent responses not seen in the fibroblasts at this dose, which likely reflect signaling through ATM-related kinases, e.g., ATR, in the absence of ATM function.  相似文献   

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