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Most stoneflies oviposit several times during their adult stage. In this study, the relations among oviposition frequency, the number of eggs per egg mass, and body size were examined in the chloroperlid stonefly Sweltsa sp. and two perlodid stoneflies, Isoperla aizuana and Stavsolus japonicus. It was found that larger individuals tended to oviposit more frequently than smaller ones, but the relation was significant only in Isoperla aizuana. In Sweltsa sp. and Isoperla aizuana, the number of eggs per egg mass was higher for the less-frequently ovipositing individuals than for those ovipositing more frequently, and the number of eggs per egg mass decreased with successive oviposition events. Stavsolus japonicus showed the same tendency but it was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Lifetime reproductive success in female insects is often egg‐ or time‐limited. For instance in pro‐ovigenic species, when oviposition sites are abundant, females may quickly become devoid of eggs. Conversely, in the absence of suitable oviposition sites, females may die before laying all of their eggs. In pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae), each species has an obligate mutualism with its host fig tree species [Ficus spp. (Moraceae)]. These pro‐ovigenic wasps oviposit in individual ovaries within the inflorescences of monoecious Ficus (syconia, or ‘figs’), which contain many flowers. Each female flower can thus become a seed or be converted into a wasp gall. The mystery is that the wasps never oviposit in all fig ovaries, even when a fig contains enough wasp females with enough eggs to do so. The failure of all wasps to translate all of their eggs into offspring clearly contributes to mutualism persistence, but the underlying causal mechanisms are unclear. We found in an undescribed Brazilian Pegoscapus wasp population that the lifetime reproductive success of lone foundresses was relatively unaffected by constraints on oviposition. The number of offspring produced by lone foundresses experimentally introduced into receptive figs was generally lower than the numbers of eggs carried, despite the fact that the wasps were able to lay all or most of their eggs. Because we excluded any effects of intraspecific competitors and parasitic non‐pollinating wasps, our data suggest that some pollinators produce few offspring because some of their eggs or larvae are unviable or are victims of plant defences.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the spawning strategy in the Atlantic bobtail squid Sepiola atlantica, in order to add new information to the knowledge of its reproductive strategy. A total of 12 females that spawned in aquaria were examined. Characteristics of the reproductive traits and egg clutches were similar to those of other known Sepiolidae. Clutch size varied from 31 up to 115 eggs. Females of this species had incorporated up to 1.58 times of their body weight into laid eggs. The size of laid eggs showed a positive correlation with maternal body size, supporting the idea that female size is a determinant of egg size. Our data suggest that S. atlantica is an intermittent terminal spawner, and that its spawning strategy comprises group-synchronous ovary maturation, multiple egg laying, and deposition of egg clutches in different locations. The obtained data provide insights for future comparative studies on reproductive allocation.  相似文献   

Adult size, longevity, egg load dynamics and oviposition ofMicroplitis rufiventris Kok. which began their development in the first, second, third (preferred hosts) or fourth (non-preferred hosts) instar larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) were studied. The parasitoid size was largely determined by the initial host size at parasitism. Non-ovipositing females derived from older hosts lived for longer periods than those derived from younger ones. However, the ovipositing females, irrespective of their size, lived for almost the same periods. At emergence, the oviducts of adult females contain a significant amount of mature eggs available for oviposition for a few hours on eclosion day. Egg load increases during the early phase of adult life. The amount of additional mature eggs and rate of egg maturation per hour was greater for wasps derived from preferred hosts compared with those in females derived from non-preferred hosts. The pattern of egg production in M. rufiventris females depended on the availability of hosts for parasitization. Host-deprived females depleted the egg complement with aging; the longer the host deprivation, the lower the oviduct egg load. Marked reduction in both realized or potential fecundity of host-deprived females was observed following host availability. Host privation for more than 3 days induced a marked deficit fecundity pattern through the female' s life. The realized fecundity was determined by the interaction among host availability, the number of eggs that are matured over the female' s life span, oviposition rate and host size from which the female was derived. These results suggest that: (i) M. rufiventris wasp is a weak synovigenic species; (ii) the maturation of additional eggs is inhibited once the maximum oviduct egg load is reached; (iii) the egg load of the newly emerged female is significantly less than the realized fecundity; and (iv) because M. rufiventris females oviposit fewer eggs when they begin depleting their egg supply at 3 days, augmentative releases will require release immediately following emergence to ensure the highest parasitization rate in the field.  相似文献   

Field observations and laboratory experiments have demonstrated that infestation by the serpentine leaf miner, Liriomyza trifolii Burgess (Diptera: Agromyzidae), begins in the lower leaves of the potato plant, and proceeds through the middle leaves to those of the upper canopy. In choice and no‐choice experiments, mated adult L. trifolii females were given access for 48 h to potato plants, and caged on differently aged leaves. The extent of their feeding and oviposition on the 5–7 leaflets of the upper, middle, and lower leaves were recorded. The life history variables of the next generation were estimated: percentage egg hatch, number of mines formed, larval survival, number of pupae formed, size and weight of pupae, percentage pupation, number of adults formed, percentage emergence, size and weight of adults, sex ratio, adult longevity, and their reproductive performance. The results showed that L. trifolii females laid fewer eggs on the upper leaves, which were poor hosts for larvae. However, a comparison of oviposition behavior between the middle and lower leaves showed that the data did not fit the oviposition preference–offspring performance hypothesis, which postulates that females preferentially oviposit on hosts on which larvae perform best. Females exhibited a preference for the larger, older, lower leaves, although the middle leaves were superior for the growth and development of the young stages. It is hypothesized that adult ovipositional preference for the older, larger, and thicker leaves of the lower foliage may be influenced by factors other than resource quality for larvae.  相似文献   

In species that lack parental care and whose larvae are restricted to a given space throughout development, choice of egg-laying or reproductive sites often greatly influences fitness. Furthermore, reproductive success of individuals may be affected not only by conditions of the breeding area but also by the time when they start to breed, because intraspecific variation in the timing of breeding may result in asymmetric competition between larvae. We addressed these issues in an experimental and field study of the Japanese brown frog, Rana japonica. We tested whether the survival success of larvae decreased with an increase in the number of deposited egg masses and with a greater delay in oviposition. We found that the number of egg masses and timing of oviposition together significantly predicted larval survival per clutch. Moreover, we observed the natural oviposition of R. japonica to examine the prediction that if the density of larvae and the timing of oviposition affect survivorship of larvae, R. japonica will avoid depositing eggs in pools in which egg masses have already been deposited. We found that for small pools only, R. japonica tended to favor oviposition at unoccupied pools (those lacking egg masses and larvae) in the spawning season. For large pools, however, adults favored those already occupied by egg masses in the spawning period. The density of egg masses and tadpoles or the timing of oviposition may have less effect on spawning or the survival of tadpoles in large pools than in small pools.  相似文献   

Chad J. Huth  Olle Pellmyr 《Oecologia》1999,119(4):593-599
Insect larvae such as those of yucca moths that feed on small, patchily distributed food items often face an elevated risk of intraspecific competition or cannibalism. For this reason, ovipositing females may assess a potential oviposition site for prior conspecific eggs or larvae before deciding whether to oviposit. Selective abortion of yucca flowers with high egg numbers prevents competition among larvae of the yucca moth Tegeticula yuccasella, but the same mechanism should select for female detection of and fewer ovipositions in flowers that already contain eggs. Female yucca moths presented with either virgin or previously visited flowers laid significantly fewer eggs in the latter flowers and pollinated them less often. A significant negative association was found between number of previous oviposition attempts in a flower and number of additional attempts by a female, suggesting a quantitative assessment of prior egg load, but the correlation coefficient was low. Factors contributing to this low correlation may include variation in signal quality, poor detection capability, uncertainty contributed by a variable oviposition attempt to egg ratio, and a variable response criterion based on recent female experience and physiological status. Females rationed their pollen by pollinating at decreasing frequency during a bout within a flower, and by depositing smaller pollen loads during later pollinations within a flower. Females ovipositing into a previously visited flower pollinated as frequently as would a first female for a given oviposition attempt within a flower, i.e., the probability of pollination after the nth oviposition was independent of whether it was performed by a first or a later moth. Experimental presentation of virgin flowers marked with a homogenate from female abdomens induced the same oviposition and pollination behavior as seen on previously visited flowers, suggesting the presence of a host-marking pheromone. Given that all eggs within a selectively aborted flower die, there may be selection among some yucca moths for providing a strong signal of floral egg status to conspecific females. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 7 February 1999  相似文献   

The number of mature eggs remaining in the ovaries and the time left for oviposition determine the reproductive decisions of the hyperdiverse guild of insects that require discrete and potentially limiting resources for oviposition (such as seeds, fruits or other insects). A female may run out of eggs before all available oviposition sites are used (egg limitation), or die before using all of her eggs (time limitation). Females are predicted to change clutch size depending on whether eggs or time is the limiting resource. We extend this framework and ask whether the same constraints influence a strategy in which females modify eggs into protective shields. In response to egg parasitism cues, female seed beetles (Mimosestes amicus) lay eggs in vertical groups of 2–4, modifying the top 1–3 eggs into shields in order to protect the bottom egg from attack by parasitoids. We made contrasting predictions of how egg and time limitation would influence egg size and the incidence and level of egg protection. By varying access to seed pods, we manipulated the number of remaining eggs a female had at the time she received a parasitism cue. Although egg size was not affected, our results confirm that egg‐limited females protected fewer eggs and time‐limited females protected more eggs. Female body size explained the number of eggs in a stack rather than host deprivation or the timing of parasitoid exposure. Our results clearly show that host availability relative to female age influences the incidence of egg protection in M. amicus. Furthermore, our study represents a novel use of life history theory to explain patterns in an unusual but compelling defensive behaviour.  相似文献   

To investigate whether or not oviposition on substrates other than host plants (e.g., non‐host plants, abiotic materials) would affect the evolution of egg size in phytophagous insects, we studied the winter cherry bug, Acanthocoris sordidus (Thunberg) (Heteroptera: Coreidae), as a model organism for its interpopulation variation in oviposition preference. The rate of oviposition off host plants is much higher in the Amami Island population than in either the Kyoto or Kochi populations. We compared egg size and number among the three local populations from Kyoto, Kochi, and Amami Island. In addition, to evaluate the adaptive significance of larger eggs for offspring in terms of searching for host plants, we examined the relationship between egg size and first‐instar body size. We also searched for a relationship between egg size and starvation tolerance in the second instars because first instars can develop to second instars without food intake, and thus the substantial host‐searching stage is the second instar, when females lay their eggs off host plants. Females from the Amami population produced fewer larger eggs than females from either the Kyoto or Kochi population. Regardless of the local population, the body size of first instars that emerged from larger eggs was larger, and the second instars originating from larger eggs had a higher starvation tolerance. The larger body size and higher starvation tolerance should enable nymphs to disperse further, which may enhance the probability of successfully reaching host plants. These results suggest that egg size in A. sordidus may be determined in relation to its oviposition habits to maximize reproductive success, resulting in interpopulation variation in egg size.  相似文献   

1 The braconid parasitoid Bracon hylobii Ratz. is one of the few specialist natural enemies of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis L., a destructive pest of conifer transplants. An assessment of its role as an agent of biological control requires a detailed knowledge of the allocation of its reproductive effort. 2 Parasitoid females were continuously observed in laboratory culture with individually reared host larvae in bark discs. The outcome of sequential parasitoid–host encounters was recorded by subsequent examination of hosts and by rearing all parasitoids. 3 Parasitoids avoided ovipositing on host larvae < 100 mg fresh weight, even though such larvae represented sufficient biomass for complete parasitoid development. All larger larvae were vulnerable to attack, which leaves a window of vulnerability for parasitoids of about 90% of weevil larval life. 4 Parasitoids presented with a range of host sizes showed no preference above 100 mg for the size of host first attacked, but allocated more eggs and a greater total handling time to larger hosts. 5 Most eggs were deposited on the first host attacked, with progressively fewer allocated to subsequent hosts. However, oviposition experience did not affect the time spent on the next host. 6 From these results it is anticipated that when weevil larval size is reduced by less favourable feeding substrates, fewer parasitoid eggs will be allocated to each but more host larvae will ultimately be attacked. 7 Generation time, host finding, oviposition rate, clutch size, life expectancy and diapause induction are strongly affected by temperature. Life expectancy is substantially shorter for parasitoids deprived of non‐host food supplement. At 15 and 20 °C the number of hosts attacked and the number of eggs deposited decreased with female age. 8 Bracon hylobii is inevitably poorly synchronized with a variable life‐cycle host; it is egg‐limited and can enter diapause at a relatively high field temperature. None of these characteristics suggest that it could stabilize the abundance of its host below an economically acceptable threshold density. However, the reproductive potential of the parasitoid suggests that it could make a significant contribution to larval mortality and suppress adult recruitment, thus complementing other control strategies.  相似文献   

Females of the subsocial shield bug Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Parastrachiidae) incorporate trophic eggs (nutritive eggs) into their egg mass. Considerable variation occurs among females in trophic egg number and the proportion of an egg mass that is composed of trophic eggs. Because trophic eggs are essential to the development and survival of young, this variation could significantly impact female fitness. We tested the hypothesis that trophic egg abundance is induced by maternal phenotype (weight, body size) and resource exposure. We predicted that resource limitations would cause females to produce fewer fertile eggs and more trophic eggs and that larger and heavier females would produce more of each egg type. Females ovipositing early in the season are exposed to different resource conditions than those that oviposit late. Thus, we compared egg production patterns between these two groups and several other factors related to nesting. No correlation was seen between body size and trophic egg abundance, or, indeed, egg production, overall; however, heavier females produced heavier egg masses. Counter to our prediction, late females, which had greater access to food, produced significantly more total eggs, fewer fertile eggs, and more trophic eggs than early females. A binomial generalized linear model analysis indicated that the factors most correlated with the percentage of an egg mass destined to become trophic eggs were resource abundance, resulting from early or late oviposition, and distance of the nest from the host tree, with closer females producing more trophic eggs. The findings support our hypothesis that resource availability and, to a lesser extent, maternal phenotype affect trophic egg abundance.  相似文献   

When size‐dependent contests over resources influence reproductive success, the trade‐off between number and size of offspring depends on the frequency of contests. Under these circumstances, clutch size should decrease and offspring size should increase as contests become more frequent. We tested these predictions with the burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus through manipulation of rearing densities. Burying beetles reproduce on small vertebrate carcasses, a rare but high quality food source for the larvae. Large beetles are more likely to win contests over carcasses and gain exclusive access to a carcass. The winner of a contest kills eggs and larvae already present on a carcass. As a result of the rarity of carcasses, burying beetles are unlikely to breed more than once. As predicted, brood size of N. pustulatus decreased with increasing rearing density. Despite a negative correlation between brood size and larval mass, larval mass did not increase with increasing rearing density. This may be due to the special biology of N. pustulatus which can use snake eggs for reproduction. Potentially larger supply of resources and generally small population densities of N. pustulatus may weaken selection on body size and thus the correlation between brood size and larval mass. As size‐dependent constraints can limit reproductive phenotypes, we examined whether female size influenced reproductive phenotype. Small females produced larger broods with smaller, but more variable, offspring than large females. Mechanical constraints of egg size seem an unlikely explanation for the differences because burying beetles can compensate for small egg size through parental care. Energetic constraints may impact small females because body mass and brood size of small females decreased with increasing density. Yet, at all density levels small females produced larger, not smaller, broods than large females. The larger and more variable broods of small females seem to be in agreement with a bet‐hedging strategy.  相似文献   

Although the temperature‐size rule, that is, an increase in egg (and body) size at lower temperatures, applies almost universally to ectotherms, the developmental mechanisms underlying this consistent pattern of phenotypic plasticity are hitherto unknown. By investigating ovarian dynamics and reproductive output in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in relation to oviposition temperature and mating status, we tested the relevance of several competing hypotheses for temperature‐mediated variation in egg size and number. As expected, females ovipositing at a lower temperature laid fewer but larger eggs than those ovipositing at a higher temperature. Despite pronounced differences in egg‐laying rates, oocyte numbers were equal across temperatures at any given time, while oocyte size increased at the lower temperature. In contrast, there were greatly reduced oocyte numbers in mated compared to virgin females. Our results indicated that temperature‐mediated plasticity in egg size cannot be explained by reduced costs of somatic maintenance at lower temperatures, enabling the allocation of more resources to reproduction (reproductive investment was higher at the higher temperature). Furthermore, there was no indication for delayed oviposition (no accumulation of oocytes at the lower temperature, in contrast to virgin females). Rather, low temperatures greatly reduced the oocyte production (i.e., differentiation) rate and prolonged egg‐maturation time, causing low egg‐laying rates. Our data thus suggested that oocyte growth is less sensitive to temperature than oocyte production, resulting in a lower number of larger eggs at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Oviposition decisions and their fitness consequences for the seed parasite Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were investigated. Female S. oryzae lay eggs inside seeds such as wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.)]. Because larvae develop to adult within a single seed, the resources available are determined by the behavior of the female parent and characteristics of the seed in which the egg was deposited. Females were demonstrated to lay more eggs in kernels 20 mg. Females initiated the chewing of oviposition holes in shriveled kernels but were less likely to oviposit in them. Progeny size increased with increasing seed size, but the probability of an adult emerging was not affected. Females accepted large kernels more quickly than small kernels and this contributed to increased oviposition in large kernels. The increase in the number of eggs per kernel appears to result from an increase in number of visits resulting in oviposition rather than an increase in the number of eggs laid during a visit.  相似文献   

D. T. Briese 《Oecologia》1996,105(4):464-474
Female Larinus latus lay eggs into the capitula of their Onopordum spp. host plants from the onset of capitulum development until the completion of flowering. This tight linkage between insect life-history and plant development optimised larval survival, apart from some initial asynchrony between the readiness of the females to oviposit and the suitability of the very small capitula to physically support eggs. Eggs were laid on bracts and stems of capitula or directly in the florets, when these became available. Both the location of the egg and time of oviposition influenced mortality factors such as egg and larval parasitism, egg desiccation and larval establishment. Overall, survival of eggs laid later in the season into florets was higher, although the adults that emerged were smaller. The change in choice of oviposition site that occurs at the onset of flowering, not only favours survival, but ensures more efficient resource use by the larvae. This occurs because sequential flowering of Onopordum spp. drives a sequential oviposition pattern and spreads the egg load more evenly over the available capitula, reversing a trend earlier in the season to clump eggs that were laid directly on the bracts. Other potential constraints, such as capitulum size, absolute egg density and previous egg-laying do not play a major role in determining the oviposition pattern of L. latus. Larval survival was positively correlated with capitulum size and not strongly influenced by egg density. Competition for resources only appeared to play a role in smaller capitula, and manifested itself in a reduction in the size of emerging adults rather than the death of immatures. In the absence of strong interspecific competition, the oviposition behavior of L. latus has become geared to maximising resource use for larvae (i.e. its own potential competitiveness) rather than minimising interactions with other members of the capitulum endophage guild.  相似文献   

Larvae of the salamander, Hynobius retardatus, are carnivorous, and even though there are two morphs, a typical morph and a broad-headed or “cannibal” morph, both are cannibalistic. They also sometimes eat other large prey, for example larvae of the frog, Rana pirica. In natural habitats, use of both conspecific and R. pirica larvae as food may contribute more strongly to high survival and substantially to fitness when larval densities are higher, because early-stage H. retardatus larvae sometimes experience scarcity of their typical prey. In cannibalistic oviparous amphibians, larger individuals that developed from larger eggs can more efficiently catch and consume larger prey and thus their survival may be better than that of smaller individuals developed from smaller eggs. Populations might therefore diverge in respect of egg size in response to variation in the density of conspecific and R. pirica larvae in natural ponds, with eggs being larger when larval density is higher. I examined how variance in hatchling size correlated with the incidence of cannibalism, and whether increasing larval density in natural ponds correlated with increasing egg size. Variance in initial larval body size facilitated cannibalism, and egg size increased as larval density in the ponds increased. In ponds with high larval density, where cannibalism and large prey consumption is a critical factor in offspring fitness, the production of fewer clutches with larger eggs, and thus of fewer and larger offspring, results in greater maternal fitness. Variation among the mean egg size in populations is likely to represent a shift in optimum egg size across larval density gradients.  相似文献   

The relationship between offspring size and offspring number is crucial to life history evolution. To examine how these two life history variables are coupled and whether an altered balance between them will result in changes in maternal fitness, we manipulated clutch size of the Chinese cobra (Naja atra) by using the techniques of hormonal manipulation and follicle ablation. Females receiving exogenous follicle-stimulating hormone produced more but smaller eggs, and females undergoing follicle ablation produced fewer but larger eggs. Neither body size (body mass and snout-vent length) at hatching nor egg mass at oviposition had a role in determining hatchling survival and growth. Female hatchlings were more likely to die in early post-hatching days and grew more slowly than male hatchlings. Our data show that: (1) there is a nonlinear continuum of egg size-number trade-offs in N. atra within which there is a single inflexion where the rate at which egg size decreases with increasing clutch size, or clutch size increases with decreasing egg size, is maximized; (2) there is a fixed upper limit to egg size for a given-sized female, and the limit is not determined by her body volume; (3) egg size has no role in determining hatchling survival and growth; and (4) the extent to which females may enjoy reproductive benefits in a given reproductive episode depends on how well egg size and egg number are balanced.  相似文献   

Synopsis Prespawning female dace were examined in 7 successive years; in 6 years mean egg size (mm3) and egg number were inversely related and hence the ovary weights of equivalent-sized females were constant. Fecundity increased logarithmically with fish length, and an index of reproductive effort (ovary weight ÷ length cubed) also increased. The number of eggs per gram of ovarian tissue decreased with fish length; this was because mean egg size (mm3) increased and not because of a change in the proportion of connective tissue in the ovary. But in 1977, both egg number and mean egg size were low, although very high somatic growth had occurred in the previous, very warm, summer of 1976. Eggs from different-sized female dace were artificially fertilized, and incubated at a constant temperature. Dry weights of larvae, egg dry weights, mean egg size and larval starvation times showed linear correlations with each other and with parental (female) lengths. The progeny from the very smallest parent died several days earlier than those from the other parents. Size-related predation rates may be of more consequence than starvation death in natural populations. The optimum position of dace along the continuum between many small eggs and fewer larger eggs may vary at different levels of reproductive effort.  相似文献   

Behavioural interactions among relatives may have consequences for many other traits. We tested the hypothesis that solitary parasitoids (displaying siblicidal behaviour in their larvae) have narrower host ranges than gregarious parasitoids (with tolerant larvae). In laboratory experiments, we compared parasitization success in two sister species of braconid wasp [Aphaereta genevensis (Fischer), solitary, and Aphaereta pallipes (Say), gregarious (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Alysiini)] on eight Drosophila species or strains. Host species or strain was the most important factor affecting parasitization success, and some of this variation was accountable to host physiological defences. Although two hosts were more suitable for the solitary species, and one more suitable for the gregarious species, these differences were small, and there was no consistent difference across all hosts. Wasp body size was positively correlated with parasitization success in both wasp species. This may be because body size increases oviposition success, or the motivation to oviposit. In A. pallipes parasitization success peaked after 3–4 days, but later in A. genevensis. This is likely due to low life expectancy and high egg loads increasing oviposition tendency in young A. pallipes, and egg limitation decreasing oviposition tendency in old A. pallipes. These data suggest that interactions among wasp larvae do not greatly affect the size of the fundamental niche examined here. However, they show the potential for life history traits, which differ between the species as a likely consequence of larval interactions, to affect the extent of the realized niche.  相似文献   

Abstract. In some insects, the finding of oviposition substrate triggers the uptake into oocytes of yolk proteins that are stored in the fat body during post‐embryonic development. The main host of the bean weevil Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae; Bruchinae; Amblycerini), in which larval resources are the sole source for future egg maturation, is Phaseolus vulgaris. Despite not feeding as adults, females of this species are able to lay eggs after encountering host seeds but it is not known how females react to changes in the availability of bean seeds. In the present study, the behaviour of Z. subfasciatus facing two very different environments for oviposition is investigated, as well as how this influences offspring fitness. The results obtained show that females of Z. subfasciatus react to variations in the availability of seeds belonging to the same host species by adjusting egg size and number. Females on low bean seed density lay larger and fewer eggs than those on high bean seed density, demonstrating a trade‐off between these reproductive traits. Moreover, females can adjust egg size to changing levels of host availability during the first 4 days of their oviposition period. Although no difference in offspring weight is found, those from small eggs (low competition environment) result in larger adults. No response to selection on these traits after rearing beetles on the same host for 40 generations is observed. This unresponsiveness may indicate that beetle populations behave according to their reaction norm that already allows rapid adaptation to a varying amount of host‐seed availability and better exploitation of the environments of this widespread stored‐seed pest.  相似文献   

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