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Summary Histochemical and immunohistochemical staining techniques have been used to investigate the localization of hexokinase isoenzymes within rat kidney tissue. Hexokinase type I was shown to be the major isoenzyme present. It was located mainly in the thin and thick limbs of loops of Henle, in distal tubules and in the transitional or dark cells in the initial portions of collecting ducts. The smooth muscle cells of arteries and arterioles, peripheral nerves and the transitional epithelial cells lining the renal pyramid also contained large amounts of the isoenzyme while smaller quantities were present in glomeruli and in collecting tubules near the papillary tip. The distribution pattern obtained in tubular epithelia agrees well with that demonstrated in earlier microdissection studies. It is also consistent with the suggestion that glycolysis provides the majority of the energy fuelling the sodium transport mechanisms which form such an essential feature of the countercurrent urine concentration system present within the renal medulla.  相似文献   

Summary In the rat kidney the presence of the kallikrein-like pro-phe-arg-naphthylester esterase activity was demonstrated by a simultaneous coupling azo dye method. The enzyme was identified as a serine-protease because it was inhibited by preincubation with diisopropyl-fluorophosphate and unaffected by sodium iodoacetate. Since kallikrein is a serine-protease and pro-phe-arg-naphthylester is a synthetic and sensitive substrate for kallikrein, the enzyme activity revealed by this method was considered to represent kallikrein, although non-kallikrein esterase activity is not totally excluded. The enzyme activity was localized mainly in the outer stripe of the outer medulla, with focal extensions primarily only in the lower half of the cortex corresponding to the medullary rays.  相似文献   

Sunopsis Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity has been demonstrated histochemically in rat hypothalamic ependyma using the sulphate-tetrazolium and coupled peroxidatic techniques with tryptamine, tyramine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and benzylamine as substrates. Both methods were applied to cryostat sections with and without exposure to selective amine oxidase inhibitors, including the selective A-MAO inhibitor clorgyline, and the B-MAO inhibitor deprenyl. Our results show that both cuboidal-columnar and tanycyte ependyma contain one or more forms of MAO not generally present in the hypothalamus. It is suggested that ependymal MAO may form an amine-barrier system modulating the movement and effect within the hypothalamus of specific cerebrospinal fluid or blood monoamines.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the cadmium-binding protein, metallothionein, was studied in rat liver and kidney after injection of cadmium chloride. A simplified procedure for the isolation of metallothionein from liver and kidney tissues was devised. It was found that the concentration of a subcutaneously injected dose of 30 μmoles of 109CdCl2/kg in the liver reached the maximum within 36 h. Thereafter, a slow decrease in the concentration of the isotope was noted during the 3 week period. In the kidney, the isotope was taken up in two phases. During the first phase the uptake was faster and lasted for about 4 days. The second phase of 109Cd accumulation showed a slower increase in the concentration of the isotope. In both liver and kidney tissues 75–80% of the 109Cd was associated with metallothionein. Amino acid incorporation studies revealed that active biosynthesis of metallothionein took place in the kidney as well as in the liver of cadmium-exposed rats. The turnover of 35S-labeled metallothionein was also investigated and the half-lives of the hepatic and the renal metallothionein were found to be 2.8 and 5 days, respectively.  相似文献   

Eighteen hours of immobilization stress, accompanied by food and water deprivation, increased liver metallothionein (MT) but decreased kidney MT levels. Food and water deprivation alone had a significant effect only on liver MT levels. In contrast, stress and food and water deprivation increased both liver and kidney lipid peroxidation levels, indicating that the relationship between MT and lipid peroxidation levels (an index of free radical production) is unclear. Adrenalectomy increased both liver and kidney MT levels in basal conditions, whereas the administration of corticosterone in the drinking water completely reversed the effect of adrenalectomy, indicating an inhibitory role of glucocorticoids on MT regulation in both tissues. Changes in glutathione (GSH) metabolism produced significant effects on kidney MT levels. Thus, the administration of buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GSH synthesis, decreased kidney GSH and increased kidney MT content, suggesting that increased cysteine pools because of decreased GSH synthesis might increase kidney MT levels through an undetermined mechanism as it appears to be the case in the liver. However, attempts to increase kidney MT levels by the administration of cysteine or GSH were unsuccesful, in contrast to what is known for the liver. The present results suggest that there are similarities but also substantial differences between liver and kidney MT regulation in these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the increase of metallothionein mRNA in rat liver and kidney after CuCl2 injection was determined by cell-free translation and dot-blot hybridization of total RNA isolated at various times after the injection. Both assay procedures gave essentially the same result: a 16-fold increase in hepatic metallothionein mRNA was observed 7h after CuCl2 injection, with a decline to basal values by 15 h. The response in the kidney was less dramatic, with a 6-fold increase in metallothionein mRNA 5 h after injection, and basal values were attained by 12h. The rise in Cu2+ concentration in both organs was closely correlated with the increase in metallothionein mRNA; hepatic Cu2+ was increased 5.9-fold by 5h after injection and renal Cu2+ was increased 4.3-fold 5h after injection. The Zn2+ concentration in the liver had not risen significantly within 5h of Cu2+ injection. Renal Zn2+ concentrations did not alter appreciably in the Cu2+-treated animals. These results support the conclusion that Cu2+ is acting as a primary inducer of metallothionein mRNA in the rat.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of copper is probably determined by its molecular association and subcellular localisation rather than its concentration within tissues. Metallothionein (MT) is a copper binding protein distributed between the particulate and soluble cellular components. The role of MT in conferring protection to the copper-loaded rat has been investigated by comparing the distribution of the immunoreactive protein between the soluble and particulate fractions of liver and kidney during the development of copper tolerance. Young male Wistar rats were fed a high copper (1 g/kg) diet for 16 weeks and killed sequentially during this period; liver and kidneys were retained. Pellet and supernatant preparations from homogenised, pooled samples of liver and kidney were subjected to chromatographic separation. Copper and zinc were analysed in whole tissue, homogenates and eluant fractions and MT identified likewise using an enzyme-linked immunoassay. Copper accumulated for 5 weeks in the liver falling subsequently accompanied by similar changes in MT content. Kidney copper and MT rose to maximum concentrations at 8 weeks and were maintained thereafter. Substantial differences were apparent in the relative distribution of MT between the two organs. MT was the major, predominantly cytosolic, copper-binding protein in the kidney but in the liver immunoreactive MT was pelleted and present in lower concentration than the high molecular weight cuproproteins. It was concluded that whilst MT plays a role in the detoxification and adaptation of rats to copper-loading the regulatory functions of liver and kidney may differ significantly in this respect.  相似文献   

A low-molecular weight metal-binding protein has been found in the liver of the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) in both control and cadmium-treated animals and in both male and female animals. This protein is present as Zn, Cu-protein in control and as Cd, Zn, Cu-protein cadmium-treated (both water and i.p. administration) animals. This hepatic protein was characterized as metallothionein from several properties related to mammalian metallothionein. A different response to cadmium administration between sexes is suggested.  相似文献   

When rat kidney slices were incubated in the presence of horseradish peroxidase, there was an energy-dependent uptake of the protein by the cells of the kidney tubules. The uptake was greatest in the proximal convoluted tubules and in the thick ascending limbs of the loops of Henle; it was abolished by cold, anoxia, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and fluoroacetate, and was more readily depressed by unfavorable metabolic conditions in the proximal convoluted tubules than in the thick ascending limbs. Protein uptake was inhibited when the kidney slices were incubated in electrolyte-free media. In sodium chloride solutions, uptake was reduced as sodium was progressively replaced by choline, and ouabain inhibited uptake in the proximal convoluted tubules, but not in the thick ascending limbs. To a limited extent, lithium could replace sodium in the incubation medium with no depression of peroxidase uptake. These results suggest that a sodium-stimulated, ouabain-sensitive ATPase may be involved in the uptake of protein by cells of the kidney tubule. The intracellular transport of peroxidase in cells of the proximal convoluted tubules was abolished by cold, anoxia, and 2,4-dinitrophenol, but it was not affected by concentrations of ouabain which inhibited the uptake of the protein.  相似文献   

To clarify the relationships between DNA damage and Cu-MT and between DNA damage and Cu in kidneys of rats injected with Au, we examined the histochemical localization of DNA damage, metallothionein (MT), and the accumulated Cu in the kidneys of rats injected with Au, Cu, or Cu-MT. The immunoreactivity of MT was observed predominantly in the outer stripe of the outer medulla and the inner cortex of the Au-injected rat, and the signals of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) were observed in the cortex. Cu detected by Timm's method was mainly distributed in the cortex of the Au-injected rat. These results indicated that DNA damage could be caused by free Cu in the cortex but not by the Cu bound to MT in the outer stripe of the outer medulla. This consideration was supported by the data from rats injected with Cu and Cu-MT. Furthermore, we determined the Cu contents in three fractions (cytosol, organelle, and precipitate-containing nuclei) of the kidneys. Interestingly, most of the Cu content in the kidney of the rat injected with Au or Cu-MT was detected in the cytosol, whereas most of the Cu content in the kidney of the rat injected with Cu was detected in the nuclei-containing precipitate. These findings suggest that the DNA damage in the kidneys of rats injected with Au may be associated with Cu-binding proteins but not with Cu-MT.  相似文献   

Rat alanine aminopeptidase was purified from kidney by isolation of the brush border membrane with CaCl2 followed by differential centrifugation and tryptic proteolysis. It is a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 210,000 daltons comprising two 110,000-dalton subunits and has an amino acid composition similar to that of the human enzyme. Two zinc atoms are covalently bound to each protein subunit.  相似文献   

Absorption, circular dichroism (CD), magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and emission spectra are reported for rat kidney Hg,Cu-metallothionein isoform 3 isolated following induction of the metallothionein with HgCl2. While the absorption spectrum is featureless, both the CD and MCD spectra show resolved bands that arise from the Cu-thiolate and Hg-thiolate groups. The emission spectrum at 77 K is much more complicated than would be expected for a copper (I)-containing metallothionein. It is suggested the emission only arises from the copper-thiolate groups but that the presence of the mercury results in copper ions in several different environments depending on the nature of the nearest neighbour.  相似文献   

The ability of cadmium-bound metallothionein(Cd-MT) to induce apoptosis was investigated in vivo and in vitro. Administration of purified Cd-MT (0.15 mg MT bound Cd per kg body weight) to the rat induces DNA fragmentation, a biochemical characteristic of apoptosis in the kidney at 16 h, which was detectable by ethidium bromide staining on an agarose gel. It was still detected 24 h after administration. Induction of apoptosis by Cd-MT was specific to kidney; it was not observed in cerebrum, cerebellum, heart, lung, liver, testis, dorsolateral prostate, and ventral prostate. In contrast, addition of Cd-MT (0.01-100 microM) to the cultured porcine kidney LLC-PK1 cells failed to induce apoptosis under the condition where cadmium chloride (10 microM) did. There was no additivity of induction of apoptosis by CdCl2 (10 microM) in the presence of Cd-MT (0.01-100 microM). To examine the effect of intracellular MT on cadmium-induced apoptosis in cultured cells, new cell lines were established, which constitutively produce MT, being termed as Cd(r)-LLC-PK1 cells since Cd-MT exogenously added had much less permeability to the cultured cells. Followed by exposure of wild-type LLC-PK1 cells to 50 microM CdCl2 for 24 h, the surviving cells(Cd(r)-LLC-PK1 cells) induce MT at the level of 1.9 microg/2 x 10(6) cells. In Cd(r)-LLC-PK1 cells, 10 microM CdCl2 failed to induce apoptosis, but 60 microM CdCl2 could exert the apoptotic response, indicating that intracellular MT which was induced by CdCl2 did not facilitate CdCl2-elicited apoptosis. Furthermore, chromatin in rat kidneys was condensed by Cd-MT, but not that in LLC-PK1 cells. Thus, Cd-MT induces apoptosis in rat kidneys, but not in the cultured renal cells, suggesting that the ionic form of cadmium was required for programmed cell death.  相似文献   

A simple, inexpensive and convenient radioimmunoassay for rat liver metallothionein has been developed. The double-antibody assay involves the labeling of homogeneous, rat liver zinc thionein with trace amounts of 109Cd(II) to a specific activity of 1–2 × 106 cpm/μg protein; the binding of this antigen by rabbit anti-rat liver metallothionein antiserum; the displacement of this antigen by unlabeled zinc thionein or cadmium, zinc-thionein; the precipitation of the rabbit antibody-rat antigen complex by goat anti-rabbit IgG immunoglobulins; and the binding of this precipitate to cellulose acetate filters. The radioimmunoassay is useful in the range of concentration of metallothionein of 10–500 ng protein. The assay is accurate as compared with a previous technique of quantitating metallothionein in extracts of rat liver. A radial immunodiffusion assay for metallothionein is also described.  相似文献   

Metallothionein (MT) bound to zinc and copper was detected in high concentration in fetal and newborn rat livers by a cadmium saturation method. The levels of both hepatic zinc and MT remained high for the first 14 days after birth and decreased to adult levels by 24 days of age. There was a direct linear relationship between hepatic metallothionein and zinc concentrations during the first 31 days after birth. The ratio of MT to zinc levels also decreased with age suggesting a rapid degradation of MT during postnatal development. Immunohistochemical localization of MT by peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique, using a specific antibody to MT, showed intense intranuclear staining for MT in fetal and newborn rat liver which persisted until Day 9. The nuclear MT staining decreased with age; at 11 days it was equal both in nucleus and cytoplasm and at 14 days, MT was localized mainly in the cytoplasm, similar to adult rat liver pattern. The intranuclear localization of MT in neonates could be considered as a typical fetal-neonatal morphological pattern and its subsequent presence in the cytoplasm, an adult pattern.  相似文献   

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