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A super-repressed mutant of purR (purRS), which encodes a repressor protein controlling expression of purine biosynthetic genes inSalmonella typhimurium, grew very slowly on NCE medium with 10 μg/mL Ade and lactose as sole carbon source (cannot form colonies). However, a phenomenon of late-arising mutations was observed when purRS mutants were spread on NCE+lactose plates and subjected to a prolonged non-lethal selection. The reconstruction experiments of revertants showed that the late-arising “lac+” mutants are not slow growing mutants. Statistical analysis indicated that the distribution of late-arising mutants is Poisson distribution, showing that reversion occurred after plating. The result of co-transductional analysis preliminarily showed that late-arising mutation occurred at selected genepurR or 16 bp PUR box,cis element of structural genepurD. The above results suggest that the phenomenon of late-arising mutation observed by our system is a result of adaptive mutations which are different from random mutations. This is the first time to extend target genes at which adaptive mutations could occur from structural genes involved in carbon metabolism and amino acid biosynthesis totrans regulatory gene coding repressor protein. Our results have provided not only a new proof for generality of adaptive mutations but also a new system for study on adaptive mutations.  相似文献   

Replication repair mediates error-free bypass of DNA damage in a series of steps that include regression of the replication fork, primer-terminus switching to use the other daughter strand as an undamaged template, primer extension, primer switching back to its cognate template with the primer terminus now having bypassed the damage, and fork rearrangement to a normal configuration. By both genetic and biochemical criteria, bacteriophage T4 catalyzes replication repair with two alternative sets of proteins, one including the gp32 SSB and the gp41 DNA helicase and the other including the UvsX recombinase. In each pathway, synthesis is conducted by the gp43 DNA polymerase. Here we show that defects in gp32, gp41 or UvsX that impair replication repair also increase mutation rates generally, but especially for templated mutations. Such templated mutations are associated with palindromic or direct repeats that are either perfect or imperfect. Models of templated mutagenesis require that the primer terminus switches to an ectopic template, but one that yields mutations instead of error-free bypass. We suggest that the proteins that conduct replication repair normally direct a blocked primer strand specifically to the other daughter strand with considerable accuracy, but that strand switching becomes promiscuous when these proteins are mutationally impaired, thus promoting templated mutations.  相似文献   

Peischl S  Kirkpatrick M 《Genetics》2012,191(3):895-906
Understanding adaptation in changing environments is an important topic in evolutionary genetics, especially in the light of climatic and environmental change. In this work, we study one of the most fundamental aspects of the genetics of adaptation in changing environments: the establishment of new beneficial mutations. We use the framework of time-dependent branching processes to derive simple approximations for the establishment probability of new mutations assuming that temporal changes in the offspring distribution are small. This approach allows us to generalize Haldane's classic result for the fixation probability in a constant environment to arbitrary patterns of temporal change in selection coefficients. Under weak selection, the only aspect of temporal variation that enters the probability of establishment is a weighted average of selection coefficients. These weights quantify how much earlier generations contribute to determining the establishment probability compared to later generations. We apply our results to several biologically interesting cases such as selection coefficients that change in consistent, periodic, and random ways and to changing population sizes. Comparison with exact results shows that the approximation is very accurate.  相似文献   

Determining the probability of fixation of beneficial mutations is critically important for building predictive models of adaptive evolution. Despite considerable theoretical work, models of fixation probability have stood untested for nearly a century. However, recent advances in experimental and theoretical techniques permit the development of models with testable predictions. We developed a new model for the probability of surviving genetic drift, a major component of fixation probability, for novel beneficial mutations in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans, based on the life-history characteristics of its colony growth on a solid surface. We tested the model by measuring the probability of surviving drift in 11 adapted strains introduced into wild-type populations of different densities. We found that the probability of surviving drift increased with mutant invasion fitness, and decreased with wild-type density, as expected. The model accurately predicted the survival probability for the majority of mutants, yielding one of the first direct tests of the extinction probability of beneficial mutations.  相似文献   

The existence of genetic variation for resistance in host populations is assumed to be essential to the spread of an emerging virus. Models predict that the rate of spread slows down with the increasing frequency and higher diversity of resistance alleles in the host population. We have been using the experimental pathosystem Arabidopsis thaliana—tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV) to explore the interplay between genetic variation in host''s susceptibility and virus diversity. We have recently shown that TEV populations evolving in A. thaliana ecotypes that differ in susceptibility to infection gained within-host fitness, virulence and infectivity in a manner compatible with a gene-for-gene model of host–parasite interactions: hard-to-infect ecotypes were infected by generalist viruses, whereas easy-to-infect ecotypes were infected by every virus. We characterized the genomes of the evolved viruses and found cases of host-driven convergent mutations. To gain further insights in the mechanistic basis of this gene-for-gene model, we have generated all viral mutations individually as well as in specific combinations and tested their within-host fitness effects across ecotypes. Most of these mutations were deleterious or neutral in their local ecotype and only a very reduced number had a host-specific beneficial effect. We conclude that most of the mutations fixed during the evolution experiment were so by drift or by selective sweeps along with the selected driver mutation. In addition, we evaluated the ruggedness of the underlying adaptive fitness landscape and found that mutational effects were mostly multiplicative, with few cases of significant epistasis.  相似文献   

Disgust is an evolved psychological system for protecting organisms from infection through disease avoidant behaviour. This 'behavioural immune system', present in a diverse array of species, exhibits universal features that orchestrate hygienic behaviour in response to cues of risk of contact with pathogens. However, disgust is also a dynamic adaptive system. Individuals show variation in pathogen avoidance associated with psychological traits like having a neurotic personality, as well as a consequence of being in certain physiological states such as pregnancy or infancy. Three specialized learning mechanisms modify the disgust response: the Garcia effect, evaluative conditioning and the law of contagion. Hygiene behaviour is influenced at the group level through social learning heuristics such as 'copy the frequent'. Finally, group hygiene is extended symbolically to cultural rules about purity and pollution, which create social separations and are enforced as manners. Cooperative hygiene endeavours such as sanitation also reduce pathogen prevalence. Our model allows us to integrate perspectives from psychology, ecology and cultural evolution with those of epidemiology and anthropology. Understanding the nature of disease avoidance psychology at all levels of human organization can inform the design of programmes to improve public health.  相似文献   

The accumulation of somatic mutations in mtDNA is correlated with aging. In this work, we sought to identify somatic mutations in the HVS-1 region (D-loop) of mtDNA that might be associated with aging. For this, we compared 31 grandmothers (mean age: 63 ± 2.3 years) and their 62 grandchildren (mean age: 15 ± 4.1 years), the offspring of their daughters. Direct DNA sequencing showed that mutations absent in the grandchildren were detected in a presumably homoplasmic state in three grandmothers and in a heteroplasmic state in an additional 13 grandmothers; no mutations were detected in the remaining 15 grandmothers. However, cloning followed by DNA sequencing in 12 grandmothers confirmed homoplasia in only one of the three mutations previously considered to be homoplasmic and did not confirm heteroplasmy in three out of nine grandmothers found to be heteroplasmic by direct sequencing. Thus, of 12 grandmothers in whom mtDNA was analyzed by cloning, eight were heteroplasmic for mutations not detected in their grandchildren. In this study, the use of genetically related subjects allowed us to demonstrate the occurrence of age-related (> 60 years old) mutations (homoplasia and heteroplasmy). It is possible that both of these situations (homoplasia and heteroplasmy) were a long-term consequence of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation that can lead to the accumulation of mtDNA mutations throughout life.  相似文献   

M.J.K. Macey 《Phytochemistry》1974,13(8):1353-1358
Two different mutations in Brassica oleracea, gl5 and gl4 have been re-investigated using acetate-1-14C labelling in an attempt to define more closely the nature of the genetic blocks to wax synthesis. It has been found that gl5 is a mutation which blocks elongation in the Step C28–C30. The mutation gl4 exhibits no elongation block and could be blocked in the decarboxylation Step C30–C29. 0·1 mM TCA supplied in the culture solution of cauliflower seedlings affected the leaf surface by producing a glossy appearance similar to that induced by gl3 and gl4. At this concentration growth was not inhibited and the appearance of the plants was normal except for the surface wax. The amount of surface wax produced was about 40% of that in untreated seedlings on a leaf area basis. Slight, but significant changes in wax composition were noted, mainly involving a reduction in C30 acids and aldehydes, a slight reduction (33–29%) in alkane content, and a marked difference in chain length composition of the alkanes with C27 increased relative to C29. Over a range of concentrations from 0·1–1 mM, TCA inhibited incorporation of label from acetate-1-14C into C30 acids and aldehydes more than into C28 at concentrations 0·4–0·8 mM while label tended to accumulate in C24 and C26 acids; thus elongation C28–C30 was especially sensitive to TCA. TCA also inhibited incorporation into primary alcohols and esters almost as much as into C29 compounds. In spite of relatively specific effects on incorporation of label into longer chain lengths, the resulting block to C30 synthesis is not sufficient to make much difference to the overall rate of C29 synthesis. Both results of analysis of wax from whole plants and experiments with tissue slices in vitro indicated that the effect of TCA in reducing the glaucousness of the leaf surface is a combination of overall reduction of wax synthesis together with slight but significant changes in wax composition.  相似文献   

Models of adaptive radiation through intraspecific competition have attracted mounting attention. Here we show how extending such models in a simple manner, by including a quantitative trait under weak directional selection, naturally leads to rich macroevolutionary patterns involving recurrent adaptive radiations and extinctions. Extensive tests demonstrate the robustness of this finding to a wide range of variations in model assumptions. In particular, recurrent adaptive radiations and extinctions readily unfold both for asexual and for sexual populations. Since the mechanisms driving the investigated processes of endogenous diversification result from generic geometric features of the underlying fitness landscapes--frequency-dependent disruptive selection in one trait and weak directional selection in another--the reported phenomena can be expected to occur in a wide variety of eco-evolutionary settings.  相似文献   

The products ofPRP17 andPRP18 genes are required for the second step of pre-mRNA splicing reactions inSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Temperature-sensitive mutants at either of these loci accumulate products of the first splicing reaction at nonpermissive temperature. To characterize functional regions in these proteins the mutations in three temperature-sensitive alleles ofPRP17 and two temperature-sensitive alleles ofPRP18 were mapped by the plasmid rescue strategy, One of the procedures adopted in the past is plasmid rescue of the mutant allele followed by sequencing of the entire gene. In this work we describe an adaptation of the above procedure that allows, first, rapid mapping of chromosomal segments bearing the mutations, followed by sequence characterization of the minimal segment. The strategy adopted was to integrate a wild-type copy of the gene at the homologous mutant chromosomal locus, followed by recovery of the chromosomal fragments from these integrants as plasmids inE. coli. The recovered plasmids were screened by a complementation assay for those that contained in them the chromosomal mutation. The mutations in all the three alleles ofPRP17 map to a small region in the N-terminal half of the protein, whereas the temperature-sensitive mutations in the two alleles ofPRP18 map to different regions of the PRP18 protein. The recovered mutant plasmids from all five alleles at the two loci were sequenced and the nucleotide changes were found to result in missense mutations in each case. Our strategy is therefore a rapid method to map chromosomal mutations and is of general use in structure-function analysis of cloned genes.  相似文献   

An experimental model was developed in order to study the protective effect of antioxidant molecules. Human diploid WI-38 fibroblasts were cultivated under 2 atm of 95% O2. Antioxidants like alpha-tocopherol or superoxide dismutase (SOD) were added respectively in the culture medium or directly inside the cell through a microinjection technique. With both antioxidant molecules a protection was observed. In the control experiment, cells died within 6 or 8 days depending on the confluency and the malonaldehyde content increased sharply. This model represents a new tool in order to test other antioxidant systems towards an oxidative stress.  相似文献   

We evaluate some common simulation procedures as well as a recently developed likelihood method used for testing hypotheses regarding microsatellite evolution. Results from simulated data revealed that the tests for the detection of multi-step mutations in general have some power, whereas tests for the presence of constraints on the repeat number have only very limited power. The tests were applied to population data obtained from nine different baleen whale populations. High agreement was found between results obtained using the simulation-based approach and results obtained using a likelihood ratio test. In four of the nine population samples the tests rejected the one-step mutation model. In two instances the significant deviation was due to excess of heterozygosity and in two instances to a reduced level of heterozygosity relative to the expectations under the stepwise mutation model. The former significant deviation was consistent with occasional multi-step mutations, whereas the latter may indicate the presence of constraints on the number of repeats.  相似文献   

A modified enzyme digestion technique of ovary isolation followed by staining and squash preparation has allowed us to observe female meiosis in normal maize meiotically dividing megaspore mother cells (MMCs). The first meiotic division in megasporogenesis of maize is not distinguishable from that in mi-crosporogenesis. The second female meiotic division is characterized as follows: (1) the two products of the first meiotic division do not simultaneously enter into the second meiotic division; as a rule, the chalazal-most cell enters division earlier than the micropylar one, (2) often the second of the two products does not proceed with meiosis, but degenerates, and (3) only a single haploid meiotic product of the tetrad remains alive, and this cell proceeds with three rounds of mitoses without any intervening cell wall formation to produce the eight-nucleate embryo sac. This technique has allowed us to study the effects of five meiotic mutations (aml, aml-pral, afdl, dsy *-9101, and dvl) on female meiosis in maize. The effects of the two alleles of the aml gene (aml and aml-pral) and of the afdl and dsy *-9101mutations are the same in both male and female meiosis. The aml allele prevents the entrance of MMCs into meiosis and meiosis is replaced by mitosis; the aml-pral permits MMCs to enter into meiosis, but their progress is stopped at early prophase I stages. The afdl gene is responsible for substitution of the first meiotic (reductional) division by an equational division including the segregation of sister chromatid centromeres at anaphase I. The dsy * -9101 gene exhibits abnormal chromosome pairing; paired homologous chromosomes are visible at pachytene, but only univalents are observed at diakinesis and metaphase I stages. These mutation specific patterns of abnormal meiosis are responsible for the bisexual sterility of these meiotic mutants. The abnormal divergent shape of the spindle apparatus and the resulting abnormal segregation of homologous chromosomes observed in micro-sporogenesis in plants homozygous for the dv1 mutation have not been found in meiosis of megasporogenesis. Only male sterility is induced by the dv1 gene in the homozygous condition. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Evaluation of: Miotto O, Heiny AT, Albrecht R et al. Complete-proteome mapping of human influenza A adaptive mutations: implications for human transmissibility of zoonotic strains. PLoS ONE 5(2), e9025 (2010).

The emergence of an influenza pandemic is of great concern globally. It is, therefore, necessary to have a better understanding of the adaptation of influenza A viruses to humans. The mutation patterns affecting host tropism may provide information on the mechanisms and determinants of the host barrier. The work by Miotto et al. describes a catalog of mutations observed specifically in human influenza A viruses by analyzing almost 100,000 influenza A virus protein sequences. These sites may be important for host tropism and characteristic mutations of human influenza viruses may be required for efficient human-to-human transmission. The catalog can be used for genetic surveillance of zoonotic strains of the influenza A virus to determine their pandemic potential, as well as for basic research on the influenza A virus.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that computer simulations of processes that generate selectively advantageous changes together with random duplications and deletions give rise to genomes with many different genes embedded in a large amount of dispensable DNA sequence. We now explore the consequences of neutral changes on the evolution of genomes. We follow the consequences of sequence divergences that are neutral when they occur in dispensable sequences or extra copies of genes present in multigene families. We find that when divergence occurs at about the same frequency as duplication/deletion events, genomes carry repetitive sequences in proportion to their size. Inspection of the genomes as they evolved showed that multigene families were generated by relatively recent duplications of single genes and so would be expected to be highly homogeneous.  相似文献   

Denaturing HPLC was used to determine mutations occurring during the adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli K-12. The strains were evolved over 700 generations on glycerol as the sole carbon source from a sub-optimal to an optimal growth rate. The mutations detected by direct sequencing of amplicons of the glycerol-phosphate regulon repressor (glpR) gene were a synonymous substitution Val20Val in two separately evolved strains. Non-synonymous substitutions, Val119Gly and Gly179Trp, were also observed in each of the two strains. This procedure can be scaled to determine genome-scale sequence variations that have occurred during adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

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