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Abstract: Bulk sampling of upper Campanian to lower–middle Maastrichtian coastal and lagoonal deposits in five sections of the Tremp Formation in the south‐central Pyrenees yielded numerous neoselachian teeth. The fauna comprises nine taxa of which three species and one genus are new: Hemiscyllium sp., Lamniformes indet., Paratrygonorrhina amblysoda gen. et sp. nov., Coupatezia trempina sp. nov., Coupatezia sp., Coupatezia? sp., Rhombodus ibericus sp. nov. and Igdabatis indicus. The neoselachian fauna is dominated by small nectobenthic rays. This composition resembles assemblages known from the marine Upper Cretaceous, but differs from nearby localities of the Basque‐Cantabrian region and continental selachian associations of the French Pyrenees. The results indicate that Rhombodus might not be a reliable biostratigraphic marker for the Maastrichtian. The faunal composition suggests a shallow trans‐Tethyan connection between Eurasia and India at the end of the Cretaceous Period.  相似文献   

甘肃白垩纪的一个甲虫新科   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文记述一种化石甲虫,采自甘肃玉门,白垩纪地层。标本相当完整,虽属中生代产物,却保持有一些较原始的特征,如多节的触角,不平行的鞘翅纵脉,不折的膜翅以及翅端的密集脉纹。据此种种,作者认为鞘翅目应与广翅目近缘,两者源出于共同的原始祖型。  相似文献   

辽宁黑山恐龙蛋──长形蛋类新分子的发现及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
辽宁西部黑山县下白垩统发现我国最早的恐龙蛋壳化石,属长形蛋类,取名常氏黑山蛋(新属新种)(Heishanoolithus chaogii oogen et oosp nov)。该新属种蛋壳表面具密集的细瘤状纹饰,局部相邻的两个或数个细瘤联结成链条状细脊,锥体层极薄,锥体层与柱状层之比约为1:7。根据埋藏情况来看,产蛋恐龙生活在湿热、植被茂盛的河湖沼泽附近的生态环境。  相似文献   

本文记述天牛科沟胫天牛亚科1新属,球胸天牛属Gibbohammusgen.nov.和1新种:缩颈球胸天牛Gibbohammusstricticollissp.nov。  相似文献   

段冶  程绍利 《古生物学报》2006,45(3):393-398
描述的昆虫化石产自辽西朝阳县大平房乡原家洼九佛堂组。该化石为一新种,命名为原家洼始长腹细蜂(Eopelecinusyuanjiawaensissp.nov.),归入长腹细蜂科(Pelecinidae)。该科是昆虫纲膜翅目中一个现生小科,仅包括1属3种,分布在美洲大陆。该科在白垩纪曾广泛分布于欧亚大陆,在我国曾发现于辽西的义县组和山东的莱阳组中。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new fauna of Lower Cretaceous (Albian) ichthyosaurs, which includes at least one new genus and species, was recovered from deposits of the Loon River Formation at Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada. All Cretaceous ichthyosaurs have been referred to a single genus, Platypterygius . The Loon River Formation material, however, does not satisfy the diagnosis for Platypterygius , and it is distinctive enough to warrant the erection of a new genus and species of ichthyosaur. Maiaspondylus lindoei gen. et sp. nov. is distinguished from other ichthyosaurs by an extensive overlapping contact of the jugal and the maxilla; marginal teeth with smooth crowns, fluted cementum, lingual curvature and implantation in a dental groove; and humerus with isomorphic proximal and distal ends, featuring three distal articular facets in which the medial articular facet is smaller than the lateral facets. The holotype and referred material is described here, and the relationship of Maiaspondylus to other ophthalmosaurs is discussed.  相似文献   

内蒙古查布地区下白垩统巨齿龙足印化石   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
内蒙古鄂尔多斯市鄂托克旗查布地区下白垩统中产有大量的蜥脚类和兽脚类恐龙足迹及鸟类足迹化石,作者对这个地区的足迹化石进行全面普查,发现许多新暴露出来的恐龙足迹化石,包括兽脚类恐龙足迹一新属新种Chapuslockleyiichnogen.etichnosp.nov.属于巨齿龙类(megalosaurid)所留。与兽脚类足迹保存在一起的蜥脚类足迹Brontopodusbirdi分布凌乱,反映了造迹恐龙搏斗的场面。通过测量连续的兽脚类足迹计算,Chapuslockleyi的造迹恐龙的行走速度为4.33km/h。通过足迹化石还识别出造迹恐龙的病态特征。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Lower Cretaceous rocks of South Australia have yielded a diverse marine reptile assemblage of up to five families of plesiosaur (including a new cryptoclidid or cimoliasaurid, indeterminate elasmosaurids, a possible polycotylid, rhomaleosaurids, and pliosaurid) and one family of ichthyosaur (ophthalmosaurid). Other common associated vertebrates include chimaerids and osteichthyans. Sharks, dipnoans and dinosaurs are uncommon and marine turtles are notably absent. The main fossil‐producing strata belong to the Lower Aptian–Lower Albian Bulldog Shale although the Upper Albian Oodnadatta Formation has produced isolated elements. Both these units comprise finely laminated shaly mudstones and claystones deposited in a transgressive shallow coastal, epicontinental marine environment. Estimates of palaeolatitude place South Australia between 60° and 70°S, in the late Early Cretaceous. Sedimentary structures (including lonestone boulders and glendonites), fossils, isotope data and climatic modelling also indicate that seasonally cool–cold conditions (possibly with winter freezing) prevailed during deposition of the Bulldog Shale. This contrasts markedly with climate regimes typically tolerated by modern aquatic reptiles but suggests that some of the South Australian Mesozoic taxa may have possessed adaptations (including elevated metabolic levels and/or annual migration) to cope with low temperatures. A high proportion of juvenile plesiosaur remains in the Bulldog Shale might also indicate that nutrient‐rich cold‐water coastal habitats functioned as both ‘safe calving grounds’ and refuges for young animals prior to their entering the open sea as adults. The occurrence of plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs in the high‐latitude Lower Cretaceous of southern Australia, along with plesiosaurs and mosasaurs in the Upper Cretaceous of South America, Antarctica, New Zealand and the Chatham Islands, demonstrates that Mesozoic marine reptiles utilized southern high‐latitude environments over a considerable period of time, and that these records do not represent casual occupation by isolated taxa.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with two species of the Cerambycid genus Cyamgapanthia Breuning from China, including a new species: C. aurecens sp. nov. A key to the genus is provided. The type specimen is deposited in the Insect Collection, Nakai University, China.  相似文献   

系统研究了中国金蓝天牛属CyanagapanthiaBreuning ,共记述 2种 ,其中包括 1新种 :黄毛金蓝天牛Cyana gapanthiaaurecenssp .nov .。新种模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本馆。黄毛金蓝天牛Cyanagapanthiaaurecenssp .nov .:正模 :♂ ,云南思茅菜阳河 ,12 0 0m ,2 0 0 0 Ⅴ 2 3,卜文俊采。本种与二色金蓝天牛C .bicolor的区别为 :鞘翅金属蓝色 ,密被金黄色绒毛而非鞘翅光裸金属绿色 ;复眼下叶长宽略等而非长显胜于宽 ;小盾片半圆形而非三角形及鞘翅密布粗皱纹而非细皱纹等。  相似文献   

记述了树甲属Strongylium 5新种:棕黑树甲S.brunneum sp.nov.,凹翅树甲S.sulcielytrum sp.nov.,四斑树甲S.quadrimaculatum sp nov.,暗红树甲S.fuscum sp.nov.,缘毛树甲S.pilimarginum sp.nov..模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

莫花金龟属Moscriana在全世界仅记载过1种(越南),本文报道我国5种,其中包括4新种,1种中国新记录。新种为:亮莫花金龟Moseriana nitida,皱莫花金龟M. rugulosa,长毛莫花金龟M. longipilosa, 短毛莫花金龟M. brevipilosa。本文还编有种检索表。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对原鉴定为cf. FrenelopsishoheneggeriSchenk的青海化隆早白垩世河口群的标本重新进行了扫描电镜观察和研究,并与我国已知的有关的掌鳞杉科化石以及Frenelopsishoheneggeri的波兰 (模式产地 )标本做了对比研究。结果显示青海标本的表皮构造与Frenelopsishoheneggeri完全不同,而与Pseudofrenelopsispapillosa基本一致。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Platynotan lizards underwent a dramatic Late Cretaceous radiation into marine habitats. Beginning with small-bodied forms, the lineage culminated with the mosasaurs, large predatory lizards with a world-wide distribution in the Santonian–Campanian. Moreover, the marine squamate radiations of the Cenomanian–Turonian are remarkable in having produced a range of long-bodied, reduced-limbed swimmers (dolichosaurs, adriosaurs, coniasaurs and limbed snakes) that seem to have thrived in the shallow coastal environments of the Western Tethys region. Until now, none of these long-bodied aquatic squamates has been recorded prior to the Cenomanian, none has been recovered from a non-marine locality and none is known from Asia. Here we describe a small, gracile, long-bodied mosasauroid lizard from a swampy continental deposit in the Lower Cretaceous of Japan.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Xenoposeidon proneneukos gen. et sp. nov. is a neosauropod represented by BMNH R2095, a well-preserved partial mid-to-posterior dorsal vertebra from the Berriasian–Valanginian Hastings Beds Group of Ecclesbourne Glen, East Sussex, England. It was briefly described by Lydekker in 1893, but it has subsequently been overlooked. This specimen's concave cotyle, large lateral pneumatic fossae, complex system of bony laminae and camerate internal structure show that it represents a neosauropod dinosaur. However, it differs from all other sauropods in the form of its neural arch, which is taller than the centrum, covers the entire dorsal surface of the centrum, has its posterior margin continuous with that of the cotyle, and slopes forward at 35 degrees relative to the vertical. Also unique is a broad, flat area of featureless bone on the lateral face of the arch; the accessory infraparapophyseal and postzygapophyseal laminae which meet in a V; and the asymmetric neural canal, small and round posteriorly but large and teardrop-shaped anteriorly, bounded by arched supporting laminae. The specimen cannot be referred to any known sauropod genus, and clearly represents a new genus and possibly a new 'family'. Other sauropod remains from the Hastings Beds Group represent basal Titanosauriformes, Titanosauria and Diplodocidae; X. proneneukos may bring to four the number of sauropod 'families' represented in this unit. Sauropods may in general have been much less morphologically conservative than is usually assumed. Since neurocentral fusion is complete in R2095, it is probably from a mature or nearly mature animal. Nevertheless, size comparisons of R2095 with corresponding vertebrae in the Brachiosaurus brancai holotype HMN SII and Diplodocus carnegii holotype CM 84 suggest a rather small sauropod: perhaps 15 m long and 7600 kg in mass if built like a brachiosaurid, or 20 m and 2800 kg if built like a diplodocid.  相似文献   

Abstract  Two species. Cybocephalus flavicapitus and C. undatus (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae), are recorded as new to science in this paper. The type specimens are preserved in the Insects Collection of South China Agricultural University.  相似文献   

本文是云南西双版纳地区萤叶甲亚科区系研究的一部分,记述了3新种及中国3新纪录种,它们分别为:云南萤叶甲Galeruca yunnana Yang etLi,sp.nov.、毛殊角萤叶Agetocera similis Chen,sp.nov.、黄胸摹萤叶甲Munina flavida Yang et Yao,sp.nov.以及罗氏阿波萤叶甲Aplosonyx robinsoni(Jacoby,19  相似文献   

Pertyl832报道,将瘤长蠹属Dysides定为新属,只有暗瘤长蠹Dysides obscurus一种,Lesne(1921)将成虫背面观可见头部的Dysides和Apoleon属列入长蠹科Bostrichidae内,建立瘤长蠹亚科Dysidinae。本文介绍l新种尖瘤长蠹郎Dysides spineus sp.nov.的形态特征及列出该属2种的检索表。属的特征其中触角10节,末节长条形,前胸背板顶后有4颗大瘤突横向排列,其中两侧瘤较大(上述论文末提及)。  相似文献   

本文记述了中国方头甲属两新种:黄头方头甲Cybocephalus flavicapitus sp. nov.,和曲茎方头甲Cybocephalus undatus sp. nov.模式标本保存在华南农业大学。 黄头方头甲采于广东始兴,其形态特征与C. politissimus Reitt. 相似,但前足胫节和雄性外生殖器与后者明显不同。曲茎方头甲采于四川成都,与日本方头甲Cybocephalus nipponicus Endr(?)dy-Younga近缘,但雄虫头部和前胸背板黑色,阳茎端平截。  相似文献   

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