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海马位置细胞研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gao J  Sui JF 《生理科学进展》2003,34(2):162-165
位置细胞是与动物行为活动所处位置密切相关并具有复杂锋电位的海马锥体细胞,是脑内认知地图的基本组成单元。当个体处于特定的“位置野”时,相应的位置细胞呈现最大放电。位置细胞并非单纯的感觉神经元,内、外源性信息输入均可影响位置细胞的放电活动,使位置野表现出一定的可塑性。本文对近年来关于海马位置细胞的发现、分布及其电生理特性等研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

Kumaran D  Maguire EA 《Neuron》2006,49(4):617-629
Sequence disambiguation, the process by which overlapping sequences are kept separate, has been proposed to underlie a wide range of memory capacities supported by the hippocampus, including episodic memory and spatial navigation. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore the dynamic pattern of hippocampal activation during the encoding of sequences of faces. Activation in right posterior hippocampus, only during the encoding of overlapping sequences but not nonoverlapping sequences, was found to correlate robustly with a subject-specific behavioral index of sequence learning. Moreover, our data indicate that hippocampal activation in response to elements common to both sequences in the overlapping sequence pair, may be particularly important for accurate sequence encoding and retrieval. Together, these findings support the conclusion that the human hippocampus is involved in the earliest stage of sequence disambiguation, when memory representations are in the process of being created, and provide empirical support for contemporary computational models of hippocampal function.  相似文献   

海马位置细胞接收各种来源的空间信息后,可对这些信息进行加工处理,在海马内形成认知地图或加强联合皮层内细胞集群的突触联系以形成对空间位置的永久记忆。海马内的空间信息输出后,在伏核(nucleus accumbens,NAC)。内与其它来源的信息进行整合,最终通过运动环路形成目标指向性行为。  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(2):112119
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 A computational model of hippocampal activity during spatial cognition and navigation tasks is presented. The spatial representation in our model of the rat hippocampus is built on-line during exploration via two processing streams. An allothetic vision-based representation is built by unsupervised Hebbian learning extracting spatio-temporal properties of the environment from visual input. An idiothetic representation is learned based on internal movement-related information provided by path integration. On the level of the hippocampus, allothetic and idiothetic representations are integrated to yield a stable representation of the environment by a population of localized overlapping CA3-CA1 place fields. The hippocampal spatial representation is used as a basis for goal-oriented spatial behavior. We focus on the neural pathway connecting the hippocampus to the nucleus accumbens. Place cells drive a population of locomotor action neurons in the nucleus accumbens. Reward-based learning is applied to map place cell activity into action cell activity. The ensemble action cell activity provides navigational maps to support spatial behavior. We present experimental results obtained with a mobile Khepera robot. Received: 02 July 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

In the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus, visual stimulation produces two distinct types of responses known as tonic and burst. Due to the dynamics of the T-type Ca 2+ channels involved in burst generation, the type of response evoked by a particular stimulus depends on the resting membrane potential, which is controlled by a network of modulatory connections from other brain areas. In this study, we use simulated responses to natural scene movies to describe how modulatory and stimulus-driven changes in LGN membrane potential interact to determine the luminance sequences that trigger burst responses. We find that at low resting potentials, when the T channels are de-inactivated and bursts are relatively frequent, an excitatory stimulus transient alone is sufficient to evoke a burst. However, to evoke a burst at high resting potentials, when the T channels are inactivated and bursts are relatively rare, prolonged inhibitory stimulation followed by an excitatory transient is required. We also observe evidence of these effects in vivo, where analysis of experimental recordings demonstrates that the luminance sequences that trigger bursts can vary dramatically with the overall burst percentage of the response. To characterize the functional consequences of the effects of resting potential on burst generation, we simulate LGN responses to different luminance sequences at a range of resting potentials with and without a mechanism for generating bursts. Using analysis based on signal detection theory, we show that bursts enhance detection of specific luminance sequences, ranging from the onset of excitatory sequences at low resting potentials to the offset of inhibitory sequences at high resting potentials. These results suggest a dynamic role for burst responses during visual processing that may change according to behavioral state.  相似文献   

In networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons with mutual synaptic coupling, specific drive to sub-ensembles of cells often leads to gamma-frequency (25-100 Hz) oscillations. When the number of driven cells is too small, however, the synaptic interactions may not be strong or homogeneous enough to support the mechanism underlying the rhythm. Using a combination of computational simulation and mathematical analysis, we study the breakdown of gamma rhythms as the driven ensembles become too small, or the synaptic interactions become too weak and heterogeneous. Heterogeneities in drives or synaptic strengths play an important role in the breakdown of the rhythms; nonetheless, we find that the analysis of homogeneous networks yields insight into the breakdown of rhythms in heterogeneous networks. In particular, if parameter values are such that in a homogeneous network, it takes several gamma cycles to converge to synchrony, then in a similar, but realistically heterogeneous network, synchrony breaks down altogether. This leads to the surprising conclusion that in a network with realistic heterogeneity, gamma rhythms based on the interaction of excitatory and inhibitory cell populations must arise either rapidly, or not at all. For given synaptic strengths and heterogeneities, there is a (soft) lower bound on the possible number of cells in an ensemble oscillating at gamma frequency, based simply on the requirement that synaptic interactions between the two cell populations be strong enough. This observation suggests explanations for recent experimental results concerning the modulation of gamma oscillations in macaque primary visual cortex by varying spatial stimulus size or attention level, and for our own experimental results, reported here, concerning the optogenetic modulation of gamma oscillations in kainate-activated hippocampal slices. We make specific predictions about the behavior of pyramidal cells and fast-spiking interneurons in these experiments.  相似文献   

Epsztein J  Brecht M  Lee AK 《Neuron》2011,70(1):109-120
For each environment a rodent has explored, its hippocampus contains a map consisting of a unique subset of neurons, called place cells, that have spatially tuned spiking there, with the remaining neurons being essentially silent. Using whole-cell recording in freely moving rats exploring a novel maze, we observed differences in intrinsic cellular properties and input-based subthreshold membrane potential levels underlying this division into place and silent cells. Compared to silent cells, place cells had lower spike thresholds and peaked versus flat subthreshold membrane potentials as a function of animal location. Both differences were evident from the beginning of exploration. Additionally, future place cells exhibited higher burst propensity before exploration. Thus, internal settings appear to predetermine which cells will represent the next novel environment encountered. Furthermore, place cells fired spatially tuned bursts with large, putatively calcium-mediated depolarizations that could trigger plasticity and stabilize the new map for long-term storage. Our results provide new insight into hippocampal memory formation.  相似文献   

A simple model is presented for the formation of functional groups in a random neural net. They show the following characteristics: 1. They can maintain autonomous activity which might serve as temporary memory traces. 2. Early in the process of formation they become resistant to contraction. 3. Later they become resistant to expansion. 4. Nearby groups inhibit one another. 5. Two groups may contain some cells in common.  相似文献   

Since the cell assembly (CA) was hypothesised, it has gained substantial support and is believed to be the neural basis of psychological concepts. A CA is a relatively small set of connected neurons, that through neural firing can sustain activation without stimulus from outside the CA, and is formed by learning. Extensive evidence from multiple single unit recording and other techniques provides support for the existence of CAs that have these properties, and that their neurons also spike with some degree of synchrony. Since the evidence is so broad and deep, the review concludes that CAs are all but certain. A model of CAs is introduced that is informal, but is broad enough to include, e.g. synfire chains, without including, e.g. holographic reduced representation. CAs are found in most cortical areas and in some sub-cortical areas, they are involved in psychological tasks including categorisation, short-term memory and long-term memory, and are central to other tasks including working memory. There is currently insufficient evidence to conclude that CAs are the neural basis of all concepts. A range of models have been used to simulate CA behaviour including associative memory and more process- oriented tasks such as natural language parsing. Questions involving CAs, e.g. memory persistence, CAs’ complex interactions with brain waves and learning, remain unanswered. CA research involves a wide range of disciplines including biology and psychology, and this paper reviews literature directly related to the CA, providing a basis of discussion for this interdisciplinary community on this important topic. Hopefully, this discussion will lead to more formal and accurate models of CAs that are better linked to neuropsychological data.  相似文献   

We examined the extent to which temporal encoding may be implemented by single neurons in the cercal sensory system of the house cricket Acheta domesticus. We found that these neurons exhibit a greater-than-expected coding capacity, due in part to an increased precision in brief patterns of action potentials. We developed linear and non-linear models for decoding the activity of these neurons. We found that the stimuli associated with short-interval patterns of spikes (ISIs of 8 ms or less) could be predicted better by second-order models as compared to linear models. Finally, we characterized the difference between these linear and second-order models in a low-dimensional subspace, and showed that modification of the linear models along only a few dimensions improved their predictive power to parity with the second order models. Together these results show that single neurons are capable of using temporal patterns of spikes as fundamental symbols in their neural code, and that they communicate specific stimulus distributions to subsequent neural structures.  相似文献   

Deformation of brain tissue in response to mechanical loading of the head is the root-cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even below ultimate failure limits, deformation activates pathophysiological cascades resulting in delayed cell death. Injury response of soft tissues, such as the chest and spinal cord, is dependent on the product of deformation and velocity, a parameter termed the viscous criterion. We set out to test if hippocampal cell death could be predicted by a similar combination of strain and strain rate and if the viscous criterion was valid for hippocampus. Quantitative prediction of the brain's biological response to mechanical stimuli is difficult to achieve in animal models of TBI, so we utilized an in vitro model of TBI based on hippocampal slice cultures. We quantified the temporal development of cell death after precisely controlled deformations for 30 combinations of strain (0.05-0.50) and strain rate (0.1-50s(-1)) relevant to TBI. Loading conditions for a subset of cultures were verified by analysis of high-speed video. Cell death was found to be significantly dependent on time-post injury, on strain magnitude, and to a lesser extent, on anatomical region by a repeated-measures, three-way ANOVA. The responses of the CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus were not statistically different in contrast to some in vivo TBI studies. Surprisingly, cell death was not dependent on strain rate leading us to conclude that the viscous criterion is not a valid predictor for hippocampal tissue injury. Given the large data set and extensive combinations of biomechanical parameters, predictive mathematical functions relating independent variables (strain, region, and time post-injury) to the resultant cell death were defined. These functions can be used as tolerance criteria to equip finite element models of TBI with the added capability to predict biological consequences.  相似文献   

  • 1 Temporal constancy in the structure of grasshopper assemblies (about forty-five species each) from two types of North American grasslands was assessed; one site was followed 25 years and the other 7 years.
  • 2 Densities and relative abundances varied but composition of assemblies based on ranks suggested significant structure when three or more species were included in the analysis.
  • 3 Results compared favourably with other insect herbivore assemblies which have been examined; variability in population change was intermediate along the spectrum of organisms which have been studied.

Calcium dynamics into astrocytes influence the activity of nearby neuronal structures. However, because previous reports show that astrocytic calcium signals largely mirror neighboring neuronal activity, current information coding models neglect astrocytes. Using simultaneous two-photon calcium imaging of astrocytes and neurons in the hippocampus of mice navigating a virtual environment, we demonstrate that astrocytic calcium signals encode (i.e., statistically reflect) spatial information that could not be explained by visual cue information. Calcium events carrying spatial information occurred in topographically organized astrocytic subregions. Importantly, astrocytes encoded spatial information that was complementary and synergistic to that carried by neurons, improving spatial position decoding when astrocytic signals were considered alongside neuronal ones. These results suggest that the complementary place dependence of localized astrocytic calcium signals may regulate clusters of nearby synapses, enabling dynamic, context-dependent variations in population coding within brain circuits.

A combination of functional imaging of astrocytes and neurons in the mouse hippocampus with information theory analysis shows that calcium dynamics in topographically-organized subcellular regions of astrocytes encode information about an animal’s position that is complementary and synergistic to that encoded in the spike output of surrounding neurons.  相似文献   

Hebbian cell assemblies provide a theoretical framework for the modeling of cognitive processes that grounds them in the underlying physiological neural circuits. Recently we have presented an extension of cell assemblies by operational components which allows to model aspects of language, rules, and complex behaviour. In the present work we study the generation of syntactic sequences using operational cell assemblies timed by unspecific trigger signals. Syntactic patterns are implemented in terms of hetero-associative transition graphs in attractor networks which cause a directed flow of activity through the neural state space. We provide regimes for parameters that enable an unspecific excitatory control signal to switch reliably between attractors in accordance with the implemented syntactic rules. If several target attractors are possible in a given state, noise in the system in conjunction with a winner-takes-all mechanism can randomly choose a target. Disambiguation can also be guided by context signals or specific additional external signals. Given a permanently elevated level of external excitation the model can enter an autonomous mode, where it generates temporal grammatical patterns continuously.  相似文献   

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