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Chick blastodiscs at the primitive streak and head-fold stages of development were dissociated into suspensions of single cells, which were fractionated by sedimentation through discontinuous Ficoll gradients. Isolated cell populations were tested for the ability to form hemoglobin when incubated as aggregates on a solidified medium. Two distinct populations of cells formed quantities of hemoglobin readily visible to the naked eye, and consisting of both embryonic and adult species of hemoglobin. They differed in sensitivity to suppression by brief treatment with 5-bromodeoxyuridine of the ability to form hemoglobin when subsequently incubated as cell aggregates. One of these populations was further resolved into two subpopulations which individually formed no detectable hemoglobin, but together formed visible quantities of hemoglobin. These two subpopulations differed markedly in sensitivity to inhibition by brief treatment with mitomycin C of the ability to cooperate with cells of the complementary sub-population to form hemoglobin in mixed aggregates.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy of suspensions of cells prepared by dispersing chick blastodiscs at primitive-streak and head-fold stages showed the presence of numerous yolk granules, yolk-rich endodermal cells and occasional presumed ecto- and mesodermal cells. Several cell fractions prepared from this suspension by sedimentation through discontinuous Ficoll gradients were of similar composition. No enrichment of any particular cell type which might account for either differential sedimentation or erythropoietic potential of the fractions could be recognized. Two fractions, EP 1 and EP 2, were cultured as cell aggregates on vitelline membranes. EP l produced highly organized blood islands containing developing erythrocyte cells, organized endothelium, fibroblasts, thrombocytes and occasional granulocytes. Blood islands derived from EP 2, on the other hand, contained essentially only aggregates of erythroblasts embedded in endoderm. It is tentatively suggested that EP 1 contains young multipotential hematopoietic precursors while EP 2 has only older blood-cell precursors committed to erythrocyte development. No cellular basis for the resolution of EP I into two complementary subfractions could be recognized.  相似文献   

Fresh pullet eggs (White Leghorn Strain) were incubated to the primitive streak stage of development. Blastoderms were fixed in situ with isotonic aldehyde fixatives and prepared for scanning electron miscropy by means of post-osmication, critical point drying and gold-palladium coating. Cells judged to be in various stages of mitosis by their surface contours were numerous on the ventral surface of the chick blastoderm. Cells which were in the late preparatory stages for mitosis had rounded up from their surroundings. Microvilli dominated the surface. The degree of separation and number of microvilli increased until late metaphase or anaphase. Mitotic cells did not completely separate themselves from adjacent cells. Ruffles and blebs were not prominent during mitotis and long filopodia were absent. A definite localization of microappendages (microvilli, blebs, ruffles) to the area of cytokinesis was evident in early telophase and persisted through daughter cell formation.  相似文献   

Gastrulation in the amniote begins with the formation of a primitive streak through which precursors of definitive mesoderm and endoderm ingress and migrate to their embryonic destinations. This organizing center for amniote gastrulation is induced by signal(s) from the posterior margin of the blastodisc. The mode of action of these inductive signal(s) remains unresolved, since various origins and developmental pathways of the primitive streak have been proposed. In the present study, the fate of chicken blastodermal cells was traced for the first time in ovo from prestreak stages XI-XII through HH stage 3, when the primitive streak is initially established and prior to the migration of mesoderm. Using replication-defective retrovirus-mediated gene transfer and vital dye labeling, precursor cells of the stage 3 primitive streak were mapped predominantly to a specific region where the embryonic midline crosses the posterior margin of the epiblast. No significant contribution to the early primitive streak was seen from the anterolateral epiblast. Instead, the precursor cells generated daughter cells that underwent a polarized cell division oriented perpendicular to the anteroposterior embryonic axis. The resulting daughter cell population was arranged in a longitudinal array extending the complete length of the primitive streak. Furthermore, expression of cVg1, a posterior margin-derived signal, at the anterior marginal zone induced adjacent epiblast cells, but not those lateral to or distant from the signal, to form an ectopic primitive streak. The cVg1-induced epiblast cells also exhibited polarized cell divisions during ectopic primitive streak formation. These results suggest that blastoderm cells located immediately anterior to the posterior marginal zone, which secretes an inductive signal, undergo spatially directed cytokineses during early primitive streak formation.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of the primitive streak is correlated with specific qualitative and quantitative changes in protein synthesis in the component areas of chick blastoderm. Blastoderm embryos at the initial to intermediate primitive streak stage were labeled with L-[35S] methionine. Radioactively labeled proteins separated by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed differences in the number and density of spots among the component areas of the epiblast and hypoblast. Protein patterns of the area opaca, marginal zone and central area of the epiblast are very similar qualitatively but show distinct quantitative differences. A comparison between any of the component areas of the epiblast and the hypoblast in chick blastoderm embryos, however, reveals both qualitative and quantitative differences. A protein with a molecular weight of 30,000 unique to the component areas of the epiblast, and proteins with a molecular weight of 22,000 and 37,000 unique to the hypoblast are prominent and seem to be related to the initial appearance of the primitive streak.  相似文献   

The competence of stage XIII chick epiblast which under the influence of an inductive hypoblast is directed to form a normal primitive streak, is affected by 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR). The BUdR-treated epiblast forms an atypical primitive streak and no axial mesoderm. However, a nonorganized mesenchymal layer is formed between the epiblast and the hypoblast, and atypical neural tissue in the epiblast. BUdR interferes neither with hypoblast formation nor with its inductivity even when blastoderms are treated with BUdR as early as uterine stage VIII and later.  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of the epiblast cell behavior to the primitive streak formation, we examined the motility of a single epiblast cell from pre-streak stage embryo in vitro . On the substratum that was evenly coated with laminin gel, epiblast cells attached well to the gel and one or a few very long and broad cellular processes protruded from their spherical cell bodies; however, they hardly locomoted on it. Unexpectedly, after overnight culture, half of the single cells dissolved the laminin gel beneath them to make well-like holes, and invaded in the holes. On the substratum lined parallel with the fibrous laminin gels supplemented with fibronectin, they locomoted actively in accordance with the alignment. That is, they were subjected to contact guidance. In locomotion they looked like snails, extending one or a few long and broad processes in a forward direction from the spherical cell bodies. However, on the substratum lined with laminin or fibronectin only, they did not locomote actively. Individual chick pre-streak epiblast cells had already been committed to invade, and their migratory nature existed in each cell, even though they were isolated from the epithelial sheet. The implication of these findings on the cellular basis of primitive streak formation will be discussed.  相似文献   

Vertebrate somitogenesis is associated with a molecular oscillator, the segmentation clock, which is defined by the periodic expression of genes related to the Notch pathway such as hairy1 and hairy2 or lunatic fringe (referred to as the cyclic genes) in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). Whereas earlier studies describing the periodic expression of these genes have essentially focussed on later stages of somitogenesis, we have analysed the onset of the dynamic expression of these genes during chick gastrulation until formation of the first somite. We observed that the onset of the dynamic expression of the cyclic genes in chick correlated with ingression of the paraxial mesoderm territory from the epiblast into the primitive streak. Production of the paraxial mesoderm from the primitive streak is a continuous process starting with head mesoderm formation, while the streak is still extending rostrally, followed by somitic mesoderm production when the streak begins its regression. We show that head mesoderm formation is associated with only two pulses of cyclic gene expression. Because such pulses are associated with segment production at the body level, it suggests the existence of, at most, two segments in the head mesoderm. This is in marked contrast to classical models of head segmentation that propose the existence of more than five segments. Furthermore, oscillations of the cyclic genes are seen in the rostral primitive streak, which contains stem cells from which the entire paraxial mesoderm originates. This indicates that the number of oscillations experienced by somitic cells is correlated with their position along the AP axis.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of serum protein synthesis and secretion in aggregates of extraembryonic endoderm cells (EEC) from the area opaca of primitive streak chick embryos was studied. EEC aggregates were cultured for various time intervals and serum proteins were detected using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and fluorography. Serum proteins were identified based on their comigration with reference proteins from 4 day chick embryo serum and with reference proteins from egg white albumen and chicken serum. A number of serum proteins were detected in EEC aggregates including: two variants of immunoglobulin (IgG), four variants of transferrin, a protein with a molecular weight of 66 500 which may correspond to globulins, prealbumin, and a protein with a molecular weight of 38 600 (serum protein 11) which remains unidentified. These proteins were also detected in the culture medium. The banding profiles of EEC extracts and culture medium were compared over various time intervals of culture (6, 18 and 30 h). The IgGs, transforms and serum protein 11 decreased in concentration in EEC extracts over the culture interval. These proteins as well as prealbumin, were detected in the culture medium. A number of proteins were synthesized by EEC, as determined by radiolabelled amino acid incorporation. All of the labelled serum proteins were detected in the culture medium, not in EEC extracts. These results suggest that serum proteins are synthesized by EEC then rapidly released into the medium. Labelled serum proteins detected in the culture medium include prealbumin and an unidentified serum protein (serum protein 14) which migrates with the tracking dye, both synthesized early in culture (6 h), and transferrin which was synthesized later (18 h) during culture.  相似文献   

During ontogenesis of the chick, three normocyte populations can be resolved on the basis of their membrane antigens. Embryonic erythrocytes bear an embryonic antigen (E1) which is not present on adult red cells. Conversely an adult antigen (A) is detected only on adult red cells. A third population bearing simultaneously both antigens develops transiently during the first month after hatching. These normocyte antigens were investigated at the level of erythrocytic stem cell identified by in vivo and in vitro assays. The antigens can be revealed only on erythrocytic precursors CFU-cE giving rise to erythrocytic clones in vitro in presence of avian erythropoietin. Three CFU-cE populations were defined therefrom. In marrow, all these populations are present in the embryo but only CFU-cE bearing A antigen subsist after hatching.  相似文献   

The developmental potency of cells isolated from the primitive streak and the tail bud of 8.5- to 13.5-day-old mouse embryos was examined by analyzing the pattern of tissue colonization after transplanting these cells to the primitive streak of 8.5-day embryos. Cells derived from these progenitor tissues contributed predominantly to tissues of the paraxial and lateral mesoderm. Cells isolated from older embryos could alter their segmental fate and participated in the formation of anterior somites after transplantation to the primitive streak of 8.5-day host embryo. There was, however, a developmental lag in the recruitment of the transplanted cells to the paraxial mesoderm and this lag increased with the extent of mismatch of developmental ages between donor and host embryos. It is postulated that certain forms of cell-cell or cell-matrix interaction are involved in the specification of segmental units and that there may be age-related variations in the interactive capability of the somitic progenitor cells during development. Tail bud mesenchyme isolated from 13.5-day embryos, in which somite formation will shortly cease, was still capable of somite formation after transplantation to 8.5-day embryos. The cessation of somite formation is therefore likely to result from a change in the tissue environment in the tail bud rather than a loss of cellular somitogenetic potency.  相似文献   

Avian embryos have a remarkable capacity to regulate: when a pre-primitive streak stage embryo is cut into fragments, each fragment can spontaneously initiate formation of a complete embryonic axis. We investigate the signalling pathways that initiate primitive streak formation and the mechanisms that ensure that only a single axis normally forms. As reported previously, an ectopic primitive streak can be induced by misexpression of Vg1 in the marginal zone. We now show that Vg1 induces an inhibitor that travels across the embryo (3 mm distance) in less than 6 hours. We provide evidence that this inhibitor acts early in the cascade of events downstream of Vg1. We also show that FGF signalling is required for primitive streak formation, in cooperation with Nodal and Chordin. We suggest that three sequential inhibitory steps ensure that a single axis develops in the normal embryo: an early inhibitor that spreads throughout the embryo (which can be induced by Vg1), a second inhibition by Cerberus from the underlying hypoblast, and finally a late inhibition from Lefty emitted by the primitive streak itself.  相似文献   

In the chick the inducing power of the hypoblast for primitive streak was assumed to reach its maximum at the beginning of the primitive streak stage and to last until its completion. It was therefore of interest to trace the protein synthetic activity of the epiblast and hypoblast during five successive developmental stages and to correlate them with the known morphogenetic events.The investigation was done along two lines: 1) A quantitative survey was made of the uptake of tritiated phenylalanine into epiblasts versus hypoblasts and their incorporation into trichloroacetic acid-precipitable protein. 2) Incorporation of label into protein was followed by a comparative investigation of the electropherograms of epiblast versus hypoblast at the different stages.The quantitative survey has shown an almost uniform and rather low incorporation of label into protein in the hypoblast layer with a very short period of doubled activity between full hypoblast and initial primitive streak (p.s.). During this period the inductive capacity of the hypoblast for primitive streak was supposed to reach its maximal value.The qualitative survey indicated different patterns of incorporation in the two layers studied. Of special interest are two peaks (III and IV) which appear in the hypoblast previous to p.s. formation at the time of its augmented synthetic activity which also coincides with the onset of its inductive capacity. At later stages two similar peaks appear in the epiblast. It is suggested that a protein included in the above peaks might represent the inductor of the primitive streak.  相似文献   

The reproductive compatibility between four different species/populations of the tephritid parasitoid Psyttalia (Walker) species from Kenya and individuals of the morphologically identical Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from a laboratory culture in Italy used in augmentative biological control of olive fly, Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae) was assessed through cross mating tests using single-pair and group mating methods. Reciprocal crosses among the species resulted in the production of viable offsprings up to the second generation. In spite of the successful production of viable offspring in the laboratory, Psyttalia species are known to have specific host fruit and/or host fly preferences and populations/species may be isolated in one way or the other. However, it is not known whether these populations/species interbreed in the field. We discuss the ability of these parasitoids to interbreed and the potential effects of that on their use as biological control agents, especially in environments where other closely related species are present or in situations where multiple parasitoid introductions are intended.  相似文献   

The microscopic anatomy of uterine and freshly laid unincubated and briefly incubated chick germs is described. Special attention is paid to the difference between the three developmental periods involved: cleavage, area pellucida formation, and primary hypoblast formation. During cleavage the cytoplasm of the germinal disc divides into blastomeres, which become constantly smaller, and the subgerminal cavity is formed. The germ is accumulating extensive glycogen reserves for utilization during the next period. The most fascinating period is the formation of the area pellucida, which arises as a result of a polarized cell-shedding process. During this process all the subepithelial cells round up and fall into the subblastodermic cavity, where they assemble beneath the future anterior side of the blastoderm. The cell-shedding process is presumably energy consuming and the glycogen reserves are utilized as cell shedding progresses, starting at the posterior and terminating at the anterior side of the germ. The germ loses about one-fifth of its initial cytoplasmic mass during this process. The formation of the primary hypoblast is again polarized, posterioanteriorly. The onset of the process of polyinvagination takes place concomitantly with the shedding of the last subepithelial cells.  相似文献   

Two mouse genes, Evx-1 and Evx-2, each encoding a homeodomain closely related to that of the Drosophila even-skipped gene were isolated using a PCR-based strategy. The structure and sequence of these genes are described. Mapping studies localized Evx-1 to chromosome 6, near the Hox-1 gene cluster, and Evx-2 to chromosome 2, near the Hox-4 cluster. The evolutionary implications of these linkages are discussed. RNA in situ hybridization analysis of Evx expression in embryos demonstrated a striking pattern of Evx-1 expression during gastrulation, whereas Evx-2 RNA could not be detected at any stage by this technique. Evx-1 RNA is first detected shortly before the onset of gastrulation in a region of ectoderm containing cells that will soon be found in the primitive streak. This localized expression of Evx-1 provides the first molecular evidence for regional differences in the mouse embryonic ectoderm before gastrulation. Throughout gastrulation, Evx-1 expression is limited to cells near and within the streak and that expression is graded, with a posterior-to-anterior decrease in the level of RNA. Based on fate-mapping studies indicating that different types of mesoderm emerge from different regions of the primitive streak and our observation that high levels of expression are localized to the region that will give rise to extraembryonic and ventral mesoderm, we speculate that Evx-1 plays a role in the dorsoventral specification of mesodermal cell fate.  相似文献   

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