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To study the antigens secreted by promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania infantum which are able to induce a humoral response in human patients and dogs, we have carried out immunoprecipitation assays with different supernatants of in vitro cultured parasites, metabolically labelled with [35S]methionine, using serum samples from human patients and dogs. In addition, some metabolic labelling experiments were performed daily during the in vitro culture parasite's life cycle to follow the time course excretion-secretion of parasitic antigens. The results demonstrated that the two different hosts developed an antibody response against secreted antigens of both stages of Leishmania infantum. Nevertheless, the humoral response directed against the excreted-secreted antigens of the promastigote forms was qualitatively and quantitatively different when we compare the human and the dog immune responses. On the other hand, when the excreted-secreted antigens of the amastigote forms are immunoprecipitated with either human or canine immune serum, the humoral response is similar. In addition, the time course study showed that excretion-secretion of antigens was qualitatively and quantitatively modulated during the parasitic in vitro life cycle.  相似文献   

Complex life cycles are a hallmark of parasitic trematodes. In several trematode taxa, however, the life cycle is truncated: fewer hosts are used than in a typical three-host cycle, with fewer transmission events. Eliminating one host from the life cycle can be achieved in at least three different ways. Some trematodes show even more extreme forms of life cycle abbreviations, using only a mollusc to complete their cycle, with or without sexual reproduction. The occurrence of these phenomena among trematode families are reviewed here and show that life cycle truncation has evolved independently many times in the phylogeny of trematodes. The hypotheses proposed to account for life-cycle truncation, in addition to the factors preventing the adoption of shorter cycles by all trematodes are also discussed. The study of shorter life cycles offers an opportunity to understand the forces shaping the evolution of life cycles in general.  相似文献   

Energy generation in parasitic helminths   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Although parasitic helminths are a very heterogeneous group of organisms, they share many interesting properties in their energy metabolism. In certain stages of their life cycle, they all have a large capacity for anaerobic functioning. In other stages, an aerobic energy metabolism prevails. Parasites have to adapt to different environments in which the availability of oxygen and food varies widely. These variations in their external conditions strongly influence their energy metabolism. Here, Louis Tielens presents an introduction to the current ideas on the bioenergetics of parasitic helminths, focusing on the differences in energy metabolism between various stages (free-living and parasitic), and paying special attention to the mechanisms involved in the transitions between the different methods of energy generation.  相似文献   

Diclazuril, a new benzeneacetonitrile anticoccidial, has potent activity against various stages of Eimeria tenella. A single treatment of experimentally infected chickens during the prepatent phase (up to day 5) results in a complete interruption of the life cycle and oocyst shedding. The first- and second-generation schizonts show extensive degenerative changes that finally result in a complete loss of the parasitic stage. The degeneration is characterized by loss of internal structure, the appearance of many intracytoplasmic vacuoles, and incomplete merogony. The merozoites themselves show similar degenerative changes, including the presence of numerous small vacuoles in the cytoplasm. Diclazuril is also effective against both the micro- and macrogametocytes that have a ballooned appearance and loose their internal structure completely. In the macrogametocytes, wall-forming bodies either do not develop or disappear rapidly. Development of typical caecal lesions is prevented when treatment with diclazuril is initiated before large numbers of second-generation schizonts appear, i.e., day 3. It is concluded that diclazuril is lethal against both the asexual and the sexual stages of E. tenella. At the proposed use level of 1 ppm in the feed, the life cycle is interrupted at a very early stage and lesion development and oocyst shedding are completely prevented.  相似文献   

The analysis of the general structure of orthonectids shows that free-living sexual specimens are bilaterial, while the parasitic plasmodium is anaxonic. All worm-like stages in the life cycle of dicyemids are characterized by monaxonic heteropolar symmetry, while their infusorioform is bilaterial.  相似文献   

The parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti has a complex life cycle. The progeny of the parasitic females can develop into three distinct morphs, namely directly developing infective third-stage larvae (iL3s), free-living adult males and free-living adult females. We have analysed of the effect of host immune status (an intra-host factor), environmental temperature (an extra-host factor) and their interaction on the proportion of larvae that develop into these three morphs. The results are consistent with the developmental decision of larvae being controlled by at least two discrete developmental switches. One is a sex-determination event that is affected by host immune status and the other is a switch between alternative female morphs that is affected by both host immune status and environmental temperature. These findings clarify the basis of the life cycle of S. ratti and demonstrate how such complex life cycles can result from a combination of simple developmental switches.  相似文献   

Several genera of marine dinoflagellates contain species that have evolved parasitic life styles. Dinoflagellate infections have been reported for a wide range of host organisms including sarcodines. ciliates, free-living dinoflagellates, various invertebrates, and a few vertebrates. Some dinoflagellates even parasitize other parasitic dinoflagellates. Most species are obligately parasitic and rely on heterotrophy as their sole means of nutrition; however, some are mixotrophic, as they possess chloroplasts during part or all of their life cycle. Many are ectoparasites that use highly specialized structures to attach to their host and feed, while others are intracellular parasites that feed by osmotrophy. Parasitic dinoflagellates often have adverse effects on their host that can lead to reproductive castration or death. The ecological importance of parasitic dinoflagellates is particularly evident during epidemic outbreaks that cause mass mortality of host organisms. Species that infect fish can pose threats to aquaculture. while other species can make commercially important crustacea unpalatable. In the planktonic realm, parasitic dinoflagellates influence the structure and function of the microbial food web. They compete with copepods and other grazers by utilizing ciliates as hosts and can stimulate rapid recycling of nutrients by causing the decline of toxic and non-toxic red tides.  相似文献   

The nematode Strongyloides ratti has a remarkable life cycle, which has both a parasitic and a free-living phase. The free-living phase includes a choice between two developmental routes. Here, Mark Viney discusses recent advances in understanding the biology of this developmental switch and shows how the life cycle of this nematode can be used to explore the lifestyle transitions common to all parasitic nematodes, as well as to address other basic biological questions.  相似文献   

Analysis of original and literary data permits to conclude that the life cycle in Orthonectida may be characterized as a monohost--monoxenous one, including regular interchange of three generations: asexual and parthenogenetic ones, which are represented by parasitic plasmodiums, and sexual generation, represented by free living and non-feeding males and females or, rarely, hermaphrodites. The sexual individuals are bilaterial, while the parasitic ones are anaxonic. The life cycle of Orthonectida includes the agamic reproduction, apomictic parthenogenesis and sexual reproduction regularly following one another. The life cycle of Orthonectida can be considered as a combination of metagenesis and heterogony. So far, such combination has not been described in any group of metazoan parasites.  相似文献   

Malaria can be a very severe disease, particularly in young children, pregnant women (mostly in primipara), and malaria na?ve adults, and currently ranks among the most prevalent infections in tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world. The widespread occurrence and the increased incidence of malaria in many countries, caused by drug-resistant parasites (Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax) and insecticide-resistant vectors (Anopheles mosquitoes), indicate the need to develop new methods of controlling this disease. Experimental vaccination with irradiated sporozoites can protect animals and humans against the disease, demonstrating the feasibility of developing an effective malaria vaccine. However, developing a universally effective, long lasting vaccine against this parasitic disease has been a difficult task, due to several problems. One difficulty stems from the complexity of the parasite's life cycle. During their life cycle, malaria parasites change their residence within the host, thus avoiding being re-exposed to the same immunological environment. These parasites also possess some distinct antigens, present at different life stages of the parasite, the so-called stage-specific antigens. While some of the stage-specific antigens can induce protective immune responses in the host, these responses are usually genetically restricted, this being another reason for delaying the development of a universally effective vaccine. The stage-specific antigens must be used as immunogens and introduced into the host by using a delivery system that should efficiently induce protective responses against the respective stages. Here we review several research approaches aimed at inducing protective anti-malaria immunity, overcoming the difficulties described above.  相似文献   

Ryss AIu 《Parazitologiia》2007,41(6):484-511
Phylogenic models for each aphelenchid family and phylogeny of the order Aphelenchida as a whole were developed on the base of detailed comparative morphological and bionomical analysis of the order. Bionomical and morphological characters having a phylogenetic significance were selected. Classification proposed by Hunt, 1993 was used as the starting-point of the study. Life cycles and their evolution in Aphelenchida were analyzed on the base of phylogenetic trees. It is concluded, that aphelenchid ancestors combined mycophagy, plant parasitic, and partly predaceous feeding. Relations of the primitive Aphelenchida with their symbionts developed from the spots of the fungal organic matter decomposition in the "nema- tode-fungi" associations, followed by a transition to the temporary endoparasitic habit omitting ectoparasitism. With a complication of the nematodes' life cycles, the insect vector (detritophagous or pollinator) transformed into the real insect host of the parasitic nematode in the 2-host life cycle (with the plant and insect hosts) or in the obligate 1-host entomoparasitic life cycle of the aphelenchid nematodes. Specialization of the aphelenchid life cycles to insect vectors followed two main ways. In the first way, the resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions nematode juveniles, known already for the primitive aphelenchids transformed into dispersal juveniles, and later into parasitic juveniles. In the second evolution line the dispersal function were laid on inseminated but non-gravid (not egg-producing) females. Both above-mentioned trends of parasitic specialization were arisen independently in different phylogenetic lines of the Aphelenchida. In each line of the parasitic development in different nematode families, the highly specialized ectoparasites, as well as endoparasites on insects, were formed. In the evolution of life cycle of parasitic nematodes, a tendency to decrease the body size took place. The function of dispersion shifted to more junior juvenile stage (the first line of specialization), or body sizes of non-gravid females and males copulated with the latter become smaller (second specialization line, till the development of dwarf males and location of the males and small inseminated non-gravid females in the uterus of gravid nematode female). The hypothetic fundamental model of the parasitic cycles' specialization in the order Aphelenchida was developed, basing on the comparison of known life cycles in different phylogenetic lines within aphelenchid families. The conception of the geographic origin and historic dispersal of the order Aphelenchida was proposed. The origin of the superfamily Aphelenchoidoidea and order Aphelenchida as a whole probably took place in eastern areas of Gondwana (parts of which are recently Hindustan, Indo-Malaya, Australia and Antarctica), presumably in the Devonian period. When the Gondwana and Laurasia paleocontinents were joined into Pangea in Carbon period, aphelenchids dispersed in the Laurasian part of Pangea. Endemism of the advanced entomophilic ectoparasitic Acugutturidae indicates on the secondary hotbed of speciation in Caribbean area. Development of the anhydrobiotic adaptations in the Aphelenchida promoted their successful invasion in the cold regions of Holarctic. Another important adaptations was the transformation of the initially resistant nematode life cycle phase into the dispersal phases vectored by insects.  相似文献   

Many microbial pathogens can switch to new hosts or adopt alternative transmission routes as environmental conditions change, displaying unexpected flexibility in their infection pathways and often causing emerging diseases. In contrast, parasitic worms that must develop through a fixed series of host species appear less likely to show phenotypic plasticity in their transmission pathways. Here, I demonstrate experimentally that a trematode parasite, Coitocaecum parvum, can accelerate its development and rapidly reach precocious maturity in its crustacean intermediate host in the absence of chemical cues emanating from its fish definitive host. Juvenile trematodes can also mature precociously when the mortality rate of their intermediate hosts is increased. Eggs produced by precocious adults hatch into viable larvae, capable of pursuing the parasite's life cycle. In the absence of chemical cues from fish hosts, the size of eggs released by precocious trematodes in their intermediate hosts becomes more variable, possibly indicating a bet-hedging strategy. These results illustrate that parasitic worms with complex life cycles have development and transmission strategies that are more plastic than commonly believed, allowing them to skip one host in their cycle when they perceive limited opportunities for transmission.  相似文献   

The sedentary semi-endoparasitic nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis, the reniform nematode, is a serious pest of cotton and soybean in the United States. In recent years, interest in the molecular biology of the interaction between R. reniformis and its plant hosts has increased; however, the unusual life cycle of R. reniformis presents a unique set of challenges to researchers who wish to study the developmental expression of a particular nematode gene or evaluate life stage–specific effects of a specific treatment such as RNA-interference or a potential nematicide. In this report, we describe a simple method to collect R. reniformis juvenile and vermiform adult life stages under in vitro conditions and a second method to collect viable parasitic sedentary females from host plant roots. Rotylenchulus reniformis eggs were hatched over a Baermann funnel and the resultant second-stage juveniles incubated in petri plates containing sterile water at 30°C. Nematode development was monitored through the appearance of fourth-stage juveniles and specific time-points at which each developmental stage predominated were determined. Viable parasitic sedentary females were collected from infected roots using a second method that combined blending, sieving, and sucrose flotation. Rotylenchulus reniformis life stages collected with these methods can be used for nucleic acid or protein extraction or other experimental purposes that rely on life stage–specific data.  相似文献   

A comparative cytomorphological analysis of Myxozoa and parasitic Cnidaria Polypodium hydriforme has been carried out in view of the Weill (1938) hypothesis, which regards Myxozoa as a reduced Cnidaria. The question on the relation of Myxozoa and Cnidaria was arising several times with the application of some new methods during the Myxozoa studies. At present the idea on their phylogenetic relationships has appeared again in connection with an absolutely new understanding of the myxozoan life cycle (Wolf, Markiw, 1984), as well as with the application of molecular-biological methods for their phylogenetic studies. The latter, however, provided some diverse results. So far no comparative cytomorphological analysis of Myxozoa and Polypodium has been carried out. The present paper is to fill the gap on the basis of accumulated facts. According to Weill (1938), the features of similarity of parasitic Cnidaria and Myxozoa are the following: 1) the presence in both of extrusomes (nematocysts and polar capsules) whose structure and development are surprizingly similar; 2) the nuclear dimorphism and somato-generative segregation; 3) the presence of a somatic nutritional cell, surrounding the multiplying generative cells; at present it is known that polyploidy of somatic nuclei and the absence of parasitophorous vacuole are characteristic of trophamnion of Polypodium and trophozoite of Myxozoa; 4) the presence of radial symmetry in both groups; 5) the construction of a diblastic organism made of a cluster of endodermal cells and a few ectodermal cells; 6) the similarity of their cell contacts (Grassé, 1970). At present it is possible to add to Weill's (1938) list of features common for parasitic Cnidaria and Myxozoa the number of important similarities between Polypodium and Myxozoa, some of which being not characteristic of Cnidaria: 1) the "cell in cell" organization of all Polypodium parasitic stages and all Myxozoa life cycle stages; 2) the presence of gametophore supplied with extrusomes; 3) both organisms have haplophase in their life cycles preceded by two-step meiosis; 4) there are mitochondria with tubular cristae in both organisms; 5) the absence of spermatozoa and eggs in both organisms; 6) the similarity of Polypodium cnidocile structure and the cone-like formation situated at the anterior end of polar capsule of actinospore (Lom. Dykova, 1997); 7) the participation of MTOC in the formation of extrusomes in both animals. In spite of the obvious similarity between Myxozoa and parasitic Cnidaria (including Polypodium) it is, however, necessary to take into account differences between them, the main being as follows: the absence in Myxozoa of flagellated stages, centrioles, tissues and organs, true blastophylla, planula-like larvae, gastrulation; the presence of low cell integrations in Myxozoa; Cnidaria and Myxozoa have different types of mitosis, their life cycles and the discharge mechanism of their stinging apparatus being also different. We consider as quite valid a suggestion by Siddall et al. (1995) that parasitic Cnidaria could present an early separated branch of the cnidarian evolution. Further studies of Myxozoa life cycle may show their more definite relation to parasitic Cnidaria. The problem has not yet been solved completely since the available molecular-biological data are rather contradictory and moreover there is no distinct idea as to the Eumetazoa ancestor so far. A further thorough investigation is badly needed in the feelds of developmental cycle, cytomorphology and molecular biology of the variety of narcomedusae and representatives of Myxozoa. This may help to find some transitional forms and stages of the animals and to understand whether we deal with a regressive evolution of parasitic Cnidaria or with a parallel evolution of taxa originated from the common ancestor.  相似文献   

Daubaylia potomaca is a parasitic nematode that exhibits a direct life cycle using planorbid snails as their only host. Within the snail host Helisoma anceps , all developmental stages of the parasite are present at any given time. The nematode has an unusual life cycle, with the adult female being the infective stage rather than the third-stage larvae (L(3)), as is commonly the case in many other parasitic nematode life cycles. In addition, length analysis showed that L(1) and L(2) were not present in tissues, suggesting that larvae hatch from eggs as the L(3). Previous studies by other investigators show that adult females abandon Biomphalaria glabrata at some point between 3 and 9 days of host death; in the present study, adult female D. potomaca leave H. anceps up to 59 days (and a mean of 14.8 days) before host death. This observation indicates a striking physiological difference between an experimental and a natural host for the parasite.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton is an important component of the plant’s defense mechanism against the attack of pathogenic organisms. Plants however, are defenseless against parasitic rootknot and cyst nematodes and respond to the invasion by the development of a special feeding site that supplies the parasite with nutrients required for the completion of its life cycle. Recent studies of nematode invasion under treatment with cytoskeletal drugs and in mutant plants where normal functions of the cytoskeleton have been affected, demonstrate the importance of the cytoskeleton in the establishment of a feeding site and successful nematode reproduction. It appears that in the case of microfilaments, nematodes hijack the intracellular machinery that regulates actin dynamics and modulate the organization and properties of the actin filament network. Intervening with this process reduces the nematode infection efficiency and inhibits its life cycle. This discovery uncovers a new pathway that can be exploited for the protection of plants against nematodes.Key words: cytoskeleton, actin, actin depolymerizing factor, nematode, giant cells, syncytium, cytochalasin, taxol  相似文献   

N. Jones 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):727-737

B chromosomes (Bs) can be described as “selfish chromosomes”, a term that has been used for the repetitive DNA which comprises the bulk of the genome in large genome species, except that Bs have a life of their own as independent chromosomes. They can accumulate in number by various processes of mitotic or meiotic drive, especially in the gametophyte phase of the life cycle of flowering plants. This parasitic property of drive ensures their survival and spread in natural populations, even against a gradient of harmful effects on the host plant phenotype. B chromosomes are inhabitants of the nucleus and they are subject to control by “genes” in the A chromosome (As) complement. This interaction with the As, together with the balance between drive and harmful effects makes a dynamic system in the life of a Bs. In this review, we concentrate mainly on recent developments in the Bs of rye and maize, two of the species currently receiving most attention. We focus on their population dynamics and on the molecular basis of their structural organisation and mechanisms of drive, as well as on their mode of origin and potential applications in plant biotechnology.  相似文献   

There is no licenced vaccine against any human parasitic disease and Plasmodium falciparum malaria, a major cause of infectious mortality, presents a great challenge to vaccine developers. This has led to the assessment of a wide variety of approaches to malaria vaccine design and development, assisted by the availability of a safe challenge model for small-scale efficacy testing of vaccine candidates. Malaria vaccine development has been at the forefront of assessing many new vaccine technologies including novel adjuvants, vectored prime-boost regimes and the concept of community vaccination to block malaria transmission. Most current vaccine candidates target a single stage of the parasite's life cycle and vaccines against the early pre-erythrocytic stages have shown most success. A protein in adjuvant vaccine, working through antibodies against sporozoites, and viral vector vaccines targeting the intracellular liver-stage parasite with cellular immunity show partial efficacy in humans, and the anti-sporozoite vaccine is currently in phase III trials. However, a more effective malaria vaccine suitable for widespread cost-effective deployment is likely to require a multi-component vaccine targeting more than one life cycle stage. The most attractive near-term approach to develop such a product is to combine existing partially effective pre-erythrocytic vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

The virulent RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii was attenuated after a few passages or just one long passage in mice immunized twice with a four-week interval between immunizations with an emulsion of Toxoplasma lysate antigens and complete Freund's adjuvant. Three avirulent strains, RH-cyst III, IV and VIII were established from the RH strain. The RH-cyst III strain was effective for vaccination against challenge with the original, virulent RH strain. The attenuation of T. gondii is an expression of the innate attributes of this parasite necessary to maintain its parasitic life cycle in nature.  相似文献   

食线虫真菌资源研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张颖  李国红  张克勤 《菌物学报》2011,30(6):836-845
食线虫真菌是指寄生、捕捉、定殖和毒害线虫的一类真菌,这类真菌是自然界中线虫种群控制的重要因子,也是动植物病害生物防治的重要研究材料,具有特殊的研究意义和经济价值。目前全世界共报道700余种食线虫真菌,包括捕食线虫真菌380余种,线虫内寄生真菌120余种,产毒真菌270余种和大量机会真菌。针对丰富的食线虫真菌资源,近年来世界各国尤其是中国科学家对其进行了广泛研究,在捕食线虫真菌资源的分类、系统进化、生态分布、有性无性联系等方面的研究取得了重要进展,在线虫内寄生真菌侵染宿主的方式及产毒真菌的次生代谢产物挖掘等方面也进行了广泛研究,文章综述了以上研究进展并简述了食线虫真菌资源的生物防治应用概况。  相似文献   

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