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The plant stress hypothesis states that plant stress factors other than herbivory improve herbivore performance due to changes in the content of nutritive or defensive compounds in the plants. In Norway, the bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is important forage for the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) in winter and for the moose (Alces alces) in summer and autumn. The observed peaks in bank vole numbers after years with high production of bilberries are suggested to be caused by increased winter survival of bank voles due to improved forage quality. High production of bilberries should also lead to higher recruitment rates in moose in the following year. We predict, however, that there is an increasing tendency for a 1-year delay of moose indices relative to vole indices with decreasing summer temperatures, because low temperatures prolong the period needed by plants to recover in the vole peak year, and thus positively affect moose reproduction also in the succeeding year. In eight out of nine counties in south-eastern Norway, there was a positive relationship between the number of calves observed per female moose during hunting and a bilberry seed production index or an autumn bank vole population index. When dividing the study area into regions, there was a negative relationship between a moose-vole time-lag index and the mean summer temperature of the region. These patterns suggest that annual fluctuations in the production of bilberries affect forage quality, but that the effect on moose reproduction also depends on summer temperatures.  相似文献   

Austrheim  Gunnar 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(2):193-205
Leaf demography and growth of six common, co-occurring woody plant species that varied in stature (tree vs. shrub) and leaf texture (sclerophyllous, coriaceous, malacophyllous) were examined in a subtropical savanna parkland in southern Texas, USA. We tested the hypotheses that, (a) leaves of plants with evergreen canopies would have longer life spans than those of deciduous species; (b) supplementation of soil moisture would decrease leaf life span in both evergreen and deciduous species; (c) species responses to increased soil moisture availability would be inversely related to leaf longevity; and (d) deciduous growth forms would exhibit a greater growth response to increased soil moisture availability than their evergreen counterparts.A variety of seasonal leaf habits (evergreen, winter-deciduous and summer-deciduous canopies) and leaf life spans (median = 66 to 283 days) were represented by the targeted species, but there was no clear relationship between seasonal leaf habit and leaf longevity. Among species with evergreen canopies, median leaf longevity ranged from short (Zanthoxylum fagara = 116 days; Condalia hookeri = 158 days) to long (Berberis trifoliolata = 283 days) but did not exceed 1 yr. In fact, leaf longevity in evergreen shrubs was often comparable to, or shorter than, that of species with deciduous canopies (Ziziphus obtusifolia = 66 days; Diospyros texana = 119 days; Prosopis glandulosa = 207 days). Augmentation of surface soil moisture had no detectable effect on median leaf life span in any species and there was no clear relationship between leaf longevity and species growth responses to irrigation. Contrary to expectations, species with evergreen canopies responded to irrigation by producing more leaf biomass, longer shoots and more leaf cohorts/year than did deciduous species.Species differences in the annual cycle of leaf initiation, leaf longevity and canopy development, combined with contrasts in root distributions and a highly variable climate, may allow for spatial and temporal partitioning of resources and hence, woody species coexistence and diversity in this system. However, the lack of expected relationships between leaf longevity, leaf habit and plant responses to resource enhancement suggests that structure-function relationships and functional groupings developed in strongly seasonal environments cannot be applied with confidence to these subtropical savannas and thorn woodlands.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is the main driver of the current high rate of species extinction, particularly in tropical forests. Understanding the factors associated with biodiversity loss, such as the extinction of species interactions and ecological functions, is an urgent priority. Here, our aim was to evaluate how landscape‐scale forest cover influences fruit biomass comparing different tree functional groups. We sampled 20 forest fragments located within landscapes with forest cover ranging from 2 to 93 percent in the Atlantic forest of southern Bahia, Brazil. In each fragment, we established five plots of 25 × 4 m and carried out phenological observations on fleshy fruit throughout 1 year on all trees ≥5 cm dbh. We estimated fruit availability by direct counting of all fruits and derived fruit biomass from this count. We used spatial mixed linear models to evaluate the effects of forest cover on species richness, abundance, and fruit biomass. Our results indicated that forest cover was the main explanatory variable and negatively influenced the total richness and abundance of zoochoric and shade‐tolerant but not shade‐intolerant species. A linear model best explained variations in richness and abundance of total and shade‐tolerant species. We also found that forest cover was positively correlated with the fruit biomass produced by all species and by the shade‐tolerant assemblages, with linear models best explaining both relationships. The loss of shade‐tolerant species and the lower fruit production in fragments with lower landscape‐scale forest cover may have implications for the maintenance of frugivore, seed dispersal service, and plant recruitment.  相似文献   

Lambrecht SC  Dawson TE 《Oecologia》2007,151(4):574-583
Variation in flower size is an important aspect of a plant’s life history, yet few studies have shown how flower size varies with environmental conditions and to what extent foliar responses to the environment are correlated with flower size. The objectives of this study were to (1) develop a theoretical framework for linking flower size and leaf size to their costs and benefits, as assessed using foliar stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) under varying degrees of water limitation, and then (2) examine how variation in flower size within and among species growing along a naturally occurring moisture availability gradient correlates with variation in δ13C and leaf size. Five plant species were examined at three sites in Oregon. Intra- and inter-specific patterns of flower size in relation to moisture availability were the same: the ratios of the area of flower display to total leaf area and of individual flower area to leaf area were greater at sites with more soil moisture compared to those sites with less soil moisture. The increase in flower area per unit increase in leaf area was greater at sites with more soil moisture than at sites where water deficit can occur. Values of δ13C, an index of water-use efficiency, were greater for plants with larger floral size. The patterns we observed generalize across species, irrespective of overall plant morphology or pollination system. These correlations between flower size, moisture availability, and δ13C suggest that water loss from flowers can influence leaf responses to the environment, which in turn may indirectly mediate an effect on flower size. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Peter Sunde 《Ibis》2002,144(2):301-310
Relative starvation risk and body condition were investigated in 599 Goshawks that had died in collision accidents or of starvation. Specimens were collected by the public along a 1300-km north–south (58°N–71°N) gradient in Norway, representing the northernmost geographical range of the species. The probability of a Goshawk's death being caused by starvation as opposed to by a collision accident increased with latitude with juvenile males at a disproportionately higher risk than others. Of birds killed in accidents, females generally were in better condition than males, and adults in better condition than juveniles. A season-by-latitude interaction indicated that males from northern latitudes were in poorer condition during winter and spring than males from southern parts of the country. This could also be modelled as a curvilinear relationship with daylength. There were no significant relationships between weather factors in the weeks prior to the deaths of the birds and the relative starvation probability or the condition of trauma victims. The results suggest that food limitation plays a relatively higher role in northern populations, affecting young males especially. This was also supported by the fact that the sex ratio of accidentally killed birds was increasingly female biased with increasing latitudes. It is suggested that the relatively higher mortality risk of males is due to their smaller average body size, and that selection for starvation resistance during winter is the reason behind the clinal increase of body size in Goshawks towards the northern and eastern parts of Europe.  相似文献   

Short‐term measurements of carbon dioxide, water, and energy fluxes were collected at four locations along a mean annual precipitation gradient in southern Africa during the wet (growing) season with the purpose of determining how the observed vegetation–atmosphere exchange properties are functionally related to the long‐term climatic conditions. This research was conducted along the Kalahari Transect (KT), one in the global set of International Geosphere‐Biosphere Program transects, which covers a north–south aridity gradient, all on a homogenous sand formation. Eddy covariance instruments were deployed on a permanent tower in Mongu, Zambia (879 mm of rainfall per year), as well as on a portable tower in Maun (460 mm yr?1), Okwa River Crossing (407 mm yr?1), and Tshane (365 mm yr?1), Botswana for several days at each site. The relationships between CO2 flux, Fc, and photosynthetically active radiation were described well by a hyperbolic fit to the data at all locations except for Mongu, the wettest site. Here, there appeared to be an air temperature effect on Fc. While daytime values of Fc routinely approached or exceeded ?20 μmol m?2 s?1 at Mongu, the magnitude of Fc remained less than ?10 μmol m?2 s?1 when the air temperature was above 27°C. Canopy resistances to water vapor transfer, rc, displayed an overall decline from the wetter sites to the more arid sites, but the differences in rc could be almost exclusively accounted for by the decrease in leaf area index (LAI) from north to south along the KT. Ecosystem water use efficiency (WUE), defined as the ratio of net carbon flux to evapotranspiration, showed a general decrease with increasing vapor pressure deficit, D, for all of the sites. The magnitudes of WUE at a given D, however, were dissimilar for the individual sites and were found to be stratified according to the position of the sites along the long‐term aridity gradient. For example, Mongu, which has the wettest climate, has a much lower WUE for like levels of D than Tshane, which historically has the most arid climate. Given the similar inferred stomatal resistances between the sites, the disparate carbon uptake behavior for the grass vs. woody vegetation is the likely cause for the observed differences in WUE along the aridity gradient. The short‐term flux measurements provide a framework for evaluating the vegetation's functional adaptation to the long‐term climate and provide information that may be useful for predicting the dynamic response of the vegetation to future climate change.  相似文献   

Information on the habitat requirements of wood-inhabiting fungi is needed to understand the factors that affect their diversity. We applied culture-free DNA extraction and 454-pyrosequencing to study the mycobiota of decaying Norway spruce (Picea abies) logs in five unmanaged boreal forests. Fungal habitat preferences in respect of wood density gradient were then estimated with generalized additive mixed models. Fungal diversity and wood density were inversely related, i.e., OTU richness generally increased as the log became increasingly decomposed. White-rot fungi (e.g., Phellinus nigrolimitatus) and members of Hyphodontia did not show a clear response to the wood-density gradient, whereas abundance of Phellinus viticola and brown-rot fungi (e.g., Fomitopsis pinicola, Antrodia serialis, Coniophora olivaceae) peaked during intermediate decay and mycorrhizal fungi (e.g., Piloderma, Tylospora, Russula) increased in the later stages. This information on fungal habitat requirements facilitates the development of management practices that preserve fungal diversity in managed forests.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated analysis of organic carbon (C) pools in soils and vegetation, within-ecosystem fluxes and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in three 40-year old Norway spruce stands along a north-south climatic gradient in Sweden, measured 2001–2004. A process-orientated ecosystem model (CoupModel), previously parameterised on a regional dataset, was used for the analysis. Pools of soil organic carbon (SOC) and tree growth rates were highest at the southernmost site (1.6 and 2.0-fold, respectively). Tree litter production (litterfall and root litter) was also highest in the south, with about half coming from fine roots (<1 mm) at all sites. However, when the litter input from the forest floor vegetation was included, the difference in total litter input rate between the sites almost disappeared (190–233 g C m−2 year−1). We propose that a higher N deposition and N availability in the south result in a slower turnover of soil organic matter than in the north. This effect seems to overshadow the effect of temperature. At the southern site, 19% of the total litter input to the O horizon was leached to the mineral soil as dissolved organic carbon, while at the two northern sites the corresponding figure was approx. 9%. The CoupModel accurately described general C cycling behaviour in these ecosystems, reproducing the differences between north and south. The simulated changes in SOC pools during the measurement period were small, ranging from −8 g C m−2 year−1 in the north to +9 g C m−2 year−1 in the south. In contrast, NEE and tree growth measurements at the northernmost site suggest that the soil lost about 90 g C m−2 year−1. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning is increasingly well understood, but it has mainly been studied in small‐scale experiments of plant‐based ecosystem functions. In contrast, the relevance of biodiversity for animal‐mediated ecosystem functions like seed dispersal still poses an important gap in ecological knowledge. In particular, it is little understood how avian diversity affects frugivory rates, one of the most important parameters of seed dispersal rates, along large environmental gradients. Even less is known about the environmental context dependence of the frugivore–frugivory relationship. We used artificial fruits to analyze experimentally how the abundance and richness of three avian frugivore guilds (with incrementally more stringent classifications of frugivory) contributed to frugivory rates across 13 different habitat types along an elevational gradient from 870 to 4550 m a.s.l. at Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. We further investigated how environmental context, in terms of local vegetation structure and natural fruit availability, modified the relationship between frugivores and frugivory rates. Our results demonstrate that the positive effect of avian diversity on frugivory rates holds along a large elevational gradient. We found marked differences in frugivory rates among the 13 habitat types, which were strongly related to the abundance and richness of obligate frugivorous birds. Vegetation structure had no significant effect on frugivory rates. An intermediate abundance of natural fruits enhanced frugivory rates, but this effect did not alter the positive frugivore–frugivory relationship. These results emphasize the fundamental importance of obligate frugivore diversity for frugivory rates and suggest that the positive effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning holds along large environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - The decrease in liana diversity with increasing latitude has been indicated as the major physiognomic difference between tropical and temperate forests’ ecosystem. Despite the...  相似文献   

We document spatial changes in species diversity, composition, community structure, and mortality of trees across a gradient of water availability in a tropical dry forest in western Mexico. This gradient occurs along the main stream of a small watershed of less than 1 km in length. Four 30 × 80 m plots were established systematically to include the driest (ridge top of the watershed) to the wettest sites (watershed bottom) within this watershed. All stems larger than 5 cm were identified, and measured for diameter and height. Dead stems larger than 5 cm were measured and classified as: a) found on live or dead trees, and b) standing (“snags”) or lying (“downlogs”) on the ground. The number of recorded species per plot declined from 73 to 44 species as water availability decreased. A decline in estimated total richness, and in Shannon-Wiener and Simpson diversity indices was also observed in the drier plots. Species composition strongly changed along the gradient, with the two ends of the gradient sharing only 11% of the species. Stem density and percentage of dead stems and trees increased in abundance and basal area from the wetter to the drier sites. Tree and stem size (basal area, height and stem diameter) showed the opposite trend. Nonetheless, total basal area of live trees was largest at the two end gradient locations and oscillated between 12.22 m2 ha−1 and 7.93 m2 ha−1. Proportion of snags increased towards the driest site (from 46 to 72%), while that of down logs decreased. Overall, our results suggest that small-scale gradients of water availability play a paramount role in the spatial organization of tree communities in seasonal tropical environments. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Question: Are vines light‐demanding species? Location: Temperate evergreen rain forest of southern Chile (40°39′S, 72°11′W). Methods: In 45 plots of 25 m2 distributed in treefall canopy gaps, secondary forest stands and old‐growth forest (15 plots per light environment), all climbing and non‐supported vines were counted and identified to species level, and canopy openness was quantified using hemispherical photographs. Vine abundance and diversity (species richness and Simpson's index) were compared in the three light environments and similarity between vine communities was estimated using Jaccard's similarity coefficient. We also determined the relationship between light niche breadth and local dominance at the species level. Results: In total there were 2510 vine individuals of 14 species. Canopy openness was significantly different in the three light environments. Species richness, diversity, community composition and density of vines were similar in treefall gaps, secondary and old‐growth forest. Of the seven more common vine species, which accounted for 91% of all vines, three had even distribution, two were more abundant in the shaded understorey, and two had higher density in well‐lit sites. Local dominance of vine species and niche breadth were not significantly associated. Conclusions: Our study in a temperate rain forest questions the widespread notion of vines as pioneer‐like species, which may be a consequence of the abundance of some lianas in disturbed sites of tropical forests. Functional arguments are needed to justify a general hypothesis on light requirements of vines, which constitute a vast group of species.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Positive below-ground interactions (facilitation) should be more pronounced when resources limit crop growth, according to the stress-gradient hypothesis. Our aim was to test this hypothesis for intercropped durum wheat and faba bean along a P-fertilizer gradient.


A field experiment was conducted in a long-term P-fertilizer trial with three rates of P-fertilization (No, Low and High P). Microbial biomass was assessed by chloroform fumigation-extraction. Quantitative PCR was applied to evaluate the abundance of relevant microbial groups.


Phosphorus availability and microbial biomass systematically increased in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. P-fertilization resulted in higher abundance of targeted bacterial phyla, whole bacterial and fungal communities, and depressed mycorrhizal colonization of durum wheat, but not faba bean. Microbial biomass carbon significantly increased in the rhizosphere only in P-fertilized treatments, pointing to P limitation of microbial communities. Intercropping yielded a significant effect on rhizosphere microbial properties only at High P. Microbial biomass P increased in the rhizosphere of intercropped faba bean only at No P level, and was thus the sole finding supporting the stress-gradient hypothesis.


P-fertilization was the main driver of microbial communities in this field trial, and P-fertilizer application modulated the species-specific effect in the intercrop. Plant performance did not validate the stress-gradient hypothesis as positive plant-plant interactions occurred regardless of the level of P-fertilization.

Photoperiod extension with weak include from 8 to 24 h stimulated relative growth rate (RGR) of Poa alpina up to 20%. The response was greatest in young plants at low temperatures. The leaf area ratio (LAR) increased by about 50% which more than compensated for a reduction in net assimilation rate (NAR) by about 20%. The effect of daylength extension on RGR was similar for an arctic ecotype of P. alpina from Svalbard, an alpine ecotype from southern Norway and a borealtemperate ecotype from southern Norway. The main changes in the growth parameters occurred over the 13 to 17 h photoperiod range in P. alpina from both Svalbard and Rondane, although plants at Svalbard are exposed to midnight sun throughout their growing season. The ecotype of P. alpina from southern Norway had fewer tillers and allocated less dry matter to the roots than the two other ecotypes.  相似文献   

Diversity patterns of forest snail assemblages have been studied mainly in Europe. Siberian snail faunas have different evolutionary history and colonization dynamics than European faunas, but studies of forest snail diversity are almost missing from Siberia. Therefore, we collected snails at 173 forest sites in the Russian Altai and adjacent areas, encompassing broad variation in climate and forest types. We found 51 species, with a maximum of 15 and an average of seven species per site. The main gradient in species composition was related to soil pH, a variable that also positively correlates with snail abundances. The second gradient was associated with climate characteristics of winter. We observed significant differences in both species richness and composition among six forest types defined based on vegetation classification. Hemiboreal continental forests were the poorest of these types but hosted several species characteristic of European full-glacial stages of the Late Pleistocene. A high snow cover in Temperate coniferous and mixed forests, protecting the soil from freezing, allowed the frost-sensitive large-bodied (>10 mm) species to inhabit this forest type. In contrast to most of the European snail assemblages studied so far we found that the factors responsible for the variation in species richness differed from those driving species composition. This may be attributed to the sharp climatic gradient and the presence of the cold-adapted species typical of the Pleistocene cold stages. We suggest that southern Siberian forests hosting these species can serve as modern analogues of full-glacial forests in periglacial Central and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Central Western Norway was divided up into seven mountain areas, representing an east-west gradient from Hardangervidda (area A) westwards to the islands of Tysnes and Stord (area G). The alpine flora of totally 138 species thins out gradually where A has the greatest number (137 species) and G has the fewest (55 species). A drop of 83 species from east to west must be due to ecological barriers which prevent growth on the coastal mountains. Several factors have been taken into account and discussed. Rich Cambro-Ordovician rocks are present in all the explored areas, but the zone narrows towards the west due to the overlying base-poor thrusted rocks in the Caledonian nappe system. West of Hardangervidda, the summits of the mountains are almost entirely composed of acid rocks, and habitats for basiphilous species are therefore not present at the highest altitudes. Climate during the season of winter dormancy differs much more than during the growing season between east and west. Alpine plants require climatic conditions conducive to the termination of growth in autumn, a state of quiescence due to cold winters, and stable snow conditions which give a rapid transition from winter to summer. As the oceanic climate does not comply with these requirements, the number of alpine species declines. The alpine flora of Westem Norway is closely related to that of Great Britain. This is probably explained historically by a common origin during the Late Weichselian period.  相似文献   

To examine responses of a plant species to nutrient availability, we investigated changes in soil nutrient availability, litterfall production and nutrient content in litterfall along a topographic gradient in aPinus thunbergii Parl. plantation. Responses were evaluated in terms of three efficiency indices: (i) nutrient-uptake efficiency (the ratio of nutrient return in litterfall to soil nutrient availability); (ii) nutrient-use efficiency (the ratio of litterfall mass to nutrient return in litterfall); and (iii) nutrient-response efficiency (the ratio of litterfall mass to soil nutrient availability). These indices can distinguish the ability of a species to acquire nutrients and its ability to use them in litterfall production. Nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities in soil were lower in upper slope positions. The three efficiencies were higher in upper slope positions and negatively correlated with soil nutrient availability for both nitrogen and phosphorus. An increase in nutrient-response efficiency was achieved by both increases in nutrient-uptake and nutrient-use efficiencies.  相似文献   

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