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Protection and restoration of species in the wild may require conservation breeding programs under genetic management to minimize deleterious effects of genetic changes that occur in captivity, while preserving populations' genetic diversity and evolutionary resilience. Here, through interannual pedigree analyses, we first assessed the efficiency of a 21-year genetic management, including minimization of mean kinship, inbreeding avoidance, and regular addition of founders, of a conservation breeding program targeting on Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) in Morocco. Secondly, we compared pedigree analyses, the classical way of assessing and managing genetic diversity in captivity, to molecular analyses based on seven microsatellites. Pedigree-based results indicated an efficient maintenance of the genetic diversity (99% of the initial genetic diversity retained) while molecular-based results indicated an increase in allelic richness and an increase in unbiased expected heterozygosity across time. The pedigree-based average inbreeding coefficient F remained low (between 0.0004 and 0.003 in 2017) while the proportion of highly inbred individuals (F > .1) decreased over time and reached 0.2% in 2017. Furthermore, pedigree-based F and molecular-based individual multilocus heterozygosity were weakly negatively correlated, (Pearson's r = −.061 when considering all genotyped individuals), suggesting that they cannot be considered as alternatives, but rather as complementary sources of information. These findings suggest that a strict genetic monitoring and management, based on both pedigree and molecular tools can help mitigate genetic changes and allow to preserve genetic diversity and evolutionary resilience in conservation breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is positively linked to the viability and evolutionary potential of species but is often compromised in threatened taxa. Genetic rescue by gene flow from a more diverse or differentiated source population of the same species can be an effective strategy for alleviating inbreeding depression and boosting evolutionary potential. The helmeted honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix is a critically endangered subspecies of the common yellow‐tufted honeyeater. Cassidix has declined to a single wild population of ~130 birds, despite being subject to intensive population management over recent decades. We assessed changes in microsatellite diversity in cassidix over the last four decades and used population viability analysis to explore whether genetic rescue through hybridization with the neighbouring Lichenostomus melanops gippslandicus subspecies constitutes a viable conservation strategy. The contemporary cassidix population is characterized by low genetic diversity and effective population size (Ne < 50), suggesting it is vulnerable to inbreeding depression and will have limited capacity to evolve to changing environments. We find that gene flow from gippslandicus to cassidix has declined substantially relative to pre‐1990 levels and argue that natural levels of gene flow between the two subspecies should be restored. Allowing gene flow (~4 migrants per generation) from gippslandicus into cassidix (i.e. genetic rescue), in combination with continued annual release of captive‐bred cassidix (i.e. demographic rescue), should lead to positive demographic and genetic outcomes. Although we consider the risk of outbreeding depression to be low, we recommend that genetic rescue be managed within the context of the captive breeding programme, with monitoring of outcomes.  相似文献   

Computer simulations have been carried out tocompare, under realistic genetic models, twomethods proposed in the literature to retaingenetic diversity in conservation programmes.In a two-step method, contributions of parentsare set up to produce minimum coancestry(kinship) among the offspring, and this isindependent of the mating system subsequentlyapplied. In a single-step method,contributions and matings are decidedsimultaneously in order to minimise coancestry.The comparison is made in terms of maintainedgenetic diversity and in terms of populationfitness. We conclude that the two methodsmaintain approximately the same geneticdiversity but the latter induces higher levelsof inbreeding, reducing the fitness of thepopulation. Avoidance of close relatives'matings improves this latter method, but thefitness levels do not reach those of thetwo-step scheme. We also investigate theperformances of different mating strategies incombination with minimum coancestry (two-stepmethod), concluding that these mating systemsdo not substantially affect the effectivenessof the management. Finally, we illustrate howminimum group coancestry can be restrictedto a minimum loss of fitness, if a measure ofthis is available for the individuals.  相似文献   

The riverine rabbit (Bunolagus monticularis) is an endangered and endemic species found within a small geographic range in semiarid southern Africa. A captive breeding program has been initiated for reintroducing rabbits into suitable but vacant habitat. DNA fingerprinting was used to identify individuals within a captive group suitable for inclusion in a larger captive breeding program. This methodology allowed the ranking of suitabilities of these individuals, and the results emphasize the need to capture wild rabbits over a wide geographic area for setting up a larger founder population. A statistical technique for inferring linkage between fingerprint probes was used. Fingerprinting methodology allowed a genetic basis for planning the captive breeding program. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report an investigation on molecular variation in the endangered univoltine butterfly Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775), a species heavily affected by habitat degradation and fragmentation in Denmark. Levels of genetic variation in extant populations were estimated using six variable number tandem repeat loci and were found to be low compared to other butterfly species with low migration rates. An analysis of genetic structure, based on both allele frequencies and genotype distributions, divided the entire sample into four distinct clusters. This was partially concordant with the a priori subdivision based on collection areas. An overall FST value of 0.16 (pairwise values ranging from 0.087–0.276) indicated restrictions of gene flow. Especially two populations had higher FST values than the others, suggesting their isolation, and showed signs of bottlenecks/founder events. One population deviated significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, suggesting a possible Wahlund effect or the presence of null alleles. The results suggest habitat fragmentation, resulting in genetic drift and possibly inbreeding. Future management is therefore recommended to increase gene flow between the remaining populations while habitats are restored in order to increase carrying capacity. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 677–687.  相似文献   

Robert C. Lacy 《Zoo biology》1995,14(6):565-577
Some of the concepts, terms, and methods used in the genetic management of captive populations have not been defined precisely in the scientific literature and consequently have been misunderstood and misused. The definitions and interrelationships among gene diversity, effective population size, founder genome equivalents, inbreeding, allelic diversity, mean kinship, and kinship value are presented here. It is important to understand what populations and generations are used as the baselines against which losses of genetic variation are measured. Gene diversity and founder genome equivalents are defined relative to a source population from which founders of the captive population were randomly sampled. Inbreeding and allelic diversity are assessed relative to the founders. The potential gene diversity that would result from an equalization of frequencies of founder alleles retained in the population can never be achieved because, among other limitations, the random process of gene transmission will prevent equalization of allele frequencies even if animals are bred optimally. The gene diversity achievable with the population can be determined by iterative production of hypothetical offspring from the pairs with lowest mean kinship. The long-term objective for offspring production from each animal is also thereby generated. Mean kinships should be recalculated with each real or hypothetical birth and death, because offspring objectives based on current mean kinships might correlate poorly with the optimal long-term offspring objectives. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A dynamic method (DM) recently proposed for the management of captive subdivided populations was evaluated using the pilot species Drosophila melanogaster. By accounting for the particular genetic population structure, the DM determines the optimal mating pairs, their contributions to progeny and the migration pattern that minimize the overall coancestry in the population with a control of inbreeding levels. After a pre-management period such that one of the four subpopulations had higher inbreeding and differentiation than the others, three management methods were compared for 10 generations over three replicates: (1) isolated subpopulations (IS), (2) one-migrant-per-generation rule (OMPG), (3) DM aimed to produce the same or lower inbreeding coefficient than OMPG. The DM produced the lowest coancestry and equal or lower inbreeding than the OMPG method throughout the experiment. The initially lower fitness and lower variation for nine microsatellite loci of the highly inbred subpopulation were restored more quickly with the DM than with the OMPG method. We provide, therefore, an empirical illustration of the usefulness of the DM as a conservation protocol for captive subdivided populations when pedigree information is available (or can be deduced) and manipulation of breeding pairs is possible.  相似文献   

Although some African rhinoceros populations are currently increasing, others are critically endangered. Even healthy populations are extensively managed in the wild and in captivity. While political and demographic considerations are of primary concern, many decisions are made in the name of genetic management. Such decisions should be informed by a full understanding of the multiple meanings of inbreeding and effective population size. In this essay, we examine inbreeding and effective size of wild and captive populations of African rhinoceroses. We conclude by showing how misunderstanding of effective size and Franklin’s 50/500 rule can make a crucial difference in informing management decisions.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that mating strategies with genomic information realise lower rates of inbreeding (∆F) than with pedigree information without compromising rates of genetic gain (∆G). We used stochastic simulation to compare ∆F and ∆G realised by two mating strategies with pedigree and genomic information in five breeding schemes. The two mating strategies were minimum-coancestry mating (MC) and minimising the covariance between ancestral genetic contributions (MCAC). We also simulated random mating (RAND) as a reference point. Generations were discrete. Animals were truncation-selected for a single trait that was controlled by 2000 quantitative trait loci, and the trait was observed for all selection candidates before selection. The criterion for selection was genomic-breeding values predicted by a ridge-regression model. Our results showed that MC and MCAC with genomic information realised 6% to 22% less ∆F than MC and MCAC with pedigree information without compromising ∆G across breeding schemes. MC and MCAC realised similar ∆F and ∆G. In turn, MC and MCAC with genomic information realised 28% to 44% less ∆F and up to 14% higher ∆G than RAND. These results indicated that MC and MCAC with genomic information are more effective than with pedigree information in controlling rates of inbreeding. This implies that genomic information should be applied to more than just prediction of breeding values in breeding schemes with truncation selection.  相似文献   

植物的交配系统与濒危植物的保护繁育策略   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王崇云 《生物多样性》1998,6(4):298-303
植物的交配系统在理论上被视为影响种群遗传结构最为显著的因素之一。在具体实践中,指导着遗传育种和濒危植物的保护。本文首先剖析了交配系统及其相关的概念,并简要回顾交配系统研究的历史、重要的理论模型和方法。然后说明交配系统与种群遗传结构的具体关系,进而讨论交配系统在濒危植物进化与适应中的作用。最后说明交配系统的信息在就地与迁地保护中的重要性。  相似文献   

Preserving genetic health is an important aspect of species conservation. Allelic diversity is particularly important to conserve, as it provides capacity for adaptation and thus enables long‐term population viability. Allele retention is difficult to predict beyond one generation for real populations with complex demography and life‐history traits, so we developed a computer model to simulate allele retention in small populations. AlleleRetain is an individual‐based model implemented in r and can be applied to assess management options for conserving allelic diversity in small populations of animals with overlapping generations. AlleleRetain remedies the limitations of similar existing software, and its source code is freely available for further modification. AlleleRetain and its supporting materials can be downloaded from https://sites.google.com/site/alleleretain/ or CRAN ( http://cran.r-project.org ).  相似文献   

Pedigrees of broodstock with unknown relationship of the critically endangered Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, was evaluated using microsatellite markers to facilitate genetic management in restocking programs with small broodstock size. We characterized the distributions of relatedness values to reconstruct kin groups in four hatchery families with known pedigrees using microsatellites. The distributions of relatedness values for kin classes were used for partitioning full sibling groups of wild A. sinensis broodstock kept in two hatcheries, resulted in 13 full sibling clusters, four of which containing 62% of all the wild individuals. This indicates high probability of choosing close related breeder pairs in random mating, thus selective breeding is necessary to minimize inbreeding and maintain genetic diversity. This study provides a useful tool for genetic management in conservation programs of A. sinensis in aim of preserving self‐sustained wild populations.  相似文献   

The genetically effective population size (Ne) is of key importance for quantifying rates of inbreeding and genetic drift and is often used in conservation management to set targets for genetic viability. The concept was developed for single, isolated populations and the mathematical means for analysing the expected Ne in complex, subdivided populations have previously not been available. We recently developed such analytical theory and central parts of that work have now been incorporated into a freely available software tool presented here. gesp (Genetic Effective population size, inbreeding and divergence in Substructured Populations) is R‐based and designed to model short‐ and long‐term patterns of genetic differentiation and effective population size of subdivided populations. The algorithms performed by gesp allow exact computation of global and local inbreeding and eigenvalue effective population size, predictions of genetic divergence among populations (GST) as well as departures from random mating (FIS, FIT) while varying (i) subpopulation census and effective size, separately or including trend of the global population size, (ii) rate and direction of migration between all pairs of subpopulations, (iii) degree of relatedness and divergence among subpopulations, (iv) ploidy (haploid or diploid) and (v) degree of selfing. Here, we describe gesp and exemplify its use in conservation genetics modelling.  相似文献   

The primary goal of captive breeding programmes for endangered species is to prevent extinction, a component of which includes the preservation of genetic diversity and avoidance of inbreeding. This is typically accomplished by minimizing mean kinship in the population, thereby maintaining equal representation of the genetic founders used to initiate the captive population. If errors in the pedigree do exist, such an approach becomes less effective for minimizing inbreeding depression. In this study, both pedigree‐ and DNA‐based methods were used to assess whether inbreeding depression existed in the captive population of the critically endangered Attwater's Prairie‐chicken (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri), a subspecies of prairie grouse that has experienced a significant decline in abundance and concurrent reduction in neutral genetic diversity. When examining the captive population for signs of inbreeding, variation in pedigree‐based inbreeding coefficients (fpedigree) was less than that obtained from DNA‐based methods (fDNA). Mortality of chicks and adults in captivity were also positively correlated with parental relatedness (rDNA) and fDNA, respectively, while no correlation was observed with pedigree‐based measures when controlling for additional variables such as age, breeding facility, gender and captive/release status. Further, individual homozygosity by loci (HL) and parental rDNA values were positively correlated with adult mortality in captivity and the occurrence of a lethal congenital defect in chicks, respectively, suggesting that inbreeding may be a contributing factor increasing the frequency of this condition among Attwater's Prairie‐chickens. This study highlights the importance of using DNA‐based methods to better inform management decisions when pedigrees are incomplete or errors may exist due to uncertainty in pairings.  相似文献   

Within breeds and other captive populations, the risk of high inbreeding rates and loss of diversity can be high within (small) herds or subpopulations. When exchange of animals between different subpopulations is organised according to a rotational mating scheme, inbreeding rates can be restricted. Two such schemes, a breeding circle and a maximum avoidance of inbreeding scheme, are compared. In a breeding circle, flocks are organised in a circle where each flock serves as a donor flock for another flock, and the same donor-recipient combination is used in each breeding season. In the maximum inbreeding avoidance scheme, donor-recipient combinations change each year so that the use of the same combination is postponed as long as possible. Data from the Kempisch Heideschaap were used with computer simulations to determine the long-term effects of different breeding schemes. Without exchanging rams between flocks, high inbreeding rates (>1.5% per year) occurred. Both rotational mating schemes reduced inbreeding rates to on average 0.16% per year and variation across flocks in inbreeding rates, caused by differences in flock size, almost disappeared. Inbreeding rates with maximum inbreeding avoidance were more variable than with a breeding circle. Moreover, a breeding circle is easier to implement and operate. Breeding circles are thus efficient and flexible and can also be efficient for other captive populations, such as zoo populations of endangered wild species.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the Alpine marmot, Marmota marmota, was studied by an analysis of five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Eight locations were sampled in the French Alps, one from Les Ecrins valley (n = 160), another from La Sassière valley (n = 289) and the six others from the Maurienne valley (n = 139). Information on social group structure was available for both Les Ecrins and La Sassière but not for the other samples. The high levels of genetic diversity observed are at odds with the results obtained using microsatellites, minisatellites and allozymes on Alpine marmots from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Strong deficits in heterozygotes were found in Les Ecrins and La Sassière. They are caused by a Wahlund effect due to the family structure (i.e. differentiation between the family groups). The family groups exhibit excess of heterozygotes rather than deficits. This may be caused by outbreeding and this is compatible with recent results from the genetics of related social species when information on the social structure is taken into account. The observed outbreeding could be the result of females mating with transient males or males coming from neighbouring colonies. Both indicate that the species may not be as monogamous as is usually believed. The results are also compatible with a male-biased dispersal but do not allow us to exclude some female migration. We also found a significant correlation between geographical and genetic distance indicating that isolation by distance could be an issue in marmots. This study is the first that analysed populations of marmots taking into account the social structure within populations and assessing inbreeding at different levels (region, valley, population, and family groups). Our study clearly demonstrated that the sampling strategy and behavioural information can have dramatic effects on both the results and interpretation of the genetic data.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a polymorphic gene family associated with immune defence, and it can play a role in mate choice. Under the genetic compatibility hypothesis, females choose mates that differ genetically from their own MHC genotypes, avoiding inbreeding and/or enhancing the immunocompetence of their offspring. We tested this hypothesis of disassortative mating based on MHC genotypes in a population of great frigatebirds (Fregata minor) by sequencing the second exon of MHC class II B. Extensive haploid cloning yielded two to four alleles per individual, suggesting the amplification of two genes. MHC similarity between mates was not significantly different between pairs that did (n = 4) or did not (n = 42) exhibit extra-pair paternity. Comparing all 46 mated pairs to a distribution based on randomized re-pairings, we observed the following (i): no evidence for mate choice based on maximal or intermediate levels of MHC allele sharing (ii), significantly disassortative mating based on similarity of MHC amino acid sequences, and (iii) no evidence for mate choice based on microsatellite alleles, as measured by either allele sharing or similarity in allele size. This suggests that females choose mates that differ genetically from themselves at MHC loci, but not as an inbreeding-avoidance mechanism.  相似文献   

The need for conservation of farm animal genetic resources is widely accepted. A key question is the choice of breeds to be conserved. For this purpose, a core set of breeds was introduced in that the total genetic variance of a hypothetical quantitative trait was maximised (MVT core set). For each breed the relative contribution to the core set was estimated and the breeds were ranked for conservation priority according to their relative contribution. The method was based on average kinships between and within breeds and these can be estimated using genetic marker data. The method was compared to a recently published core set method that maximises the variance of a hypothetical population that could be obtained by interbreeding the conserved breeds (MVO core set). The results show that the MVT (MVO) core set favours breeds with a high (low) within breed kinship that are not related to other breeds. Following this, the MVT core set method suggests conserving breeds that show a large difference in the respective population mean of a hypothetical quantitative trait. This maximises the speed of achieving selection response for this hypothetical selection direction. Additionally, bootstrap based methods for the estimation of the breed''s contribution to the core sets were introduced, substantially improving the accuracy of the contribution estimates.  相似文献   

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