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MOTIVATION: Cell sizes and shapes are a fundamental defining characteristic of all cellular life. In bacteria like Escherichia coli, the machinery that determines cell length is complex and interconnected, spanning extracellular cues, biosynthesis and cell division. Few tools exist to study cell lengths in a population. We have developed and tested three automated image analysis routines on growing E.coli cultures to simultaneously measure cell lengths and nucleoid numbers in populations of bacteria. We find population profiles changing with culture density-higher density of culture leads to fewer long cells. Additionally, lab strains mutant for recA show a correlation between the number of nucleoids and cell length. CONTACT: cathale@iiserpune.ac.in; chaitanya.athale@gmail.com. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

Nutritional shifts of Escherichia coli B/r to richer media have been analyzed is synchronously growing and exponential-hase populations. Early perturbations in the timing of cell division were observed. At the slow growth, division progressed at a rate equal to or less than the preshift rate for about 1 h. At intermediate growth, both delays and acceleration in division were observed. The extent of the perturbation depended upon the age of the cells at the time of the shift and the composition of the preshift and postshift media. The perturbation was different in the two substrains of E. coli B/r used in this study.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell growth and cell division are highly complicated and diversified biological processes. In most rod-shaped bacteria, actin-like MreB homologues produce helicoidal structures along the cell that support elongation of the lateral cell wall. An exception to this rule is peptidoglycan synthesis in the rod-shaped actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicum, which is MreB-independent. Instead, during cell elongation this bacterium synthesizes new cell-wall material at the cell poles whereas the lateral wall remains inert. Thus, the strategy employed by C. glutamicum to acquire a rod-shaped morphology is completely different from that of Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis. Cell division in C. glutamicum also differs profoundly by the apparent absence in its genome of homologues of spatial or temporal regulators of cell division, and its cell division apparatus seems to be simpler than those of other bacteria. Here we review recent advances in our knowledge of the C. glutamicum cell cycle in order to further understand this very different model of rod-shape acquisition.  相似文献   

Cell growth and length distribution in Escherichia coli.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The length growth rate of an exponentially growing population of Escherichia coli B/r was calculated from the population length and birth length distributions. Cell elongation took place at a constant rate that doubled at a certain length. This change in rate was responsible for a sudden drop in the frequency of classes of cells longer than that length. Asymmetry in cell partition was able to generate cells both shorter and longer than the expected twofold range, but did not greatly modify the length distribution in between.  相似文献   

A new Escherichia coli cell division gene, ftsK.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A mutation in a newly discovered Escherichia coli cell division gene, ftsK, causes a temperature-sensitive late-stage block in division but does not affect chromosome replication or segregation. This defect is specifically suppressed by deletion of dacA, coding for the peptidoglycan DD-carboxypeptidase, PBP 5. FtsK is a large polypeptide (147 kDa) consisting of an N-terminal domain with several predicted membrane-spanning regions, a proline-glutamine-rich domain, and a C-terminal domain with a nucleotide-binding consensus sequence. FtsK has extensive sequence identity with a family of proteins from a wide variety of prokaryotes and plasmids. The plasmid proteins are required for intercellular DNA transfer, and one of the bacterial proteins (the SpoIIIE protein of Bacillus subtilis) has also been implicated in intracellular chromosomal DNA transfer.  相似文献   

Bacterial genome segregation and cell division has been studied mostly in bacteria harbouring single circular chromosome and low-copy plasmids. Deinococcus radiodurans, a radiation-resistant bacterium, harbours multipartite genome system. Chromosome I encodes majority of the functions required for normal growth while other replicons encode mostly the proteins involved in secondary functions. Here, we report the characterization of putative P-loop ATPase (ParA2) encoded on chromosome II of D. radiodurans. Recombinant ParA2 was found to be a DNA-binding ATPase. E. coli cells expressing ParA2 showed cell division inhibition and mislocalization of FtsZ-YFP and those expressing ParA2-CFP showed multiple CFP foci formation on the nucleoid. Although, in trans expression of ParA2 failed to complement SlmA loss per se, it could induce unequal cell division in slmAminCDE double mutant. These results suggested that ParA2 is a nucleoid-binding protein, which could inhibits cell division in E. coli by affecting the correct localization of FtsZ and thereby cytokinesis. Helping slmAminCDE mutant to produce minicells, a phenotype associated with mutations in the ‘Min’ proteins, further indicated the possibility of ParA2 regulating cell division by bringing nucleoid compaction at the vicinity of septum growth.  相似文献   

Quantitative electron microscope observations were performed on Escherichia coli B/r after balanced growth with doubling times (tau) of 32 and 60 min. The experimental approach allowed the timing of morphological events during the cell cycle by classifying serially sectioned cells according to length. Visible separation of the nucleoplasm was found to coincide with the time of termination of chromosome replication as predicted by the Cooper-Helmstetter model. The duration of the process of constrictive cell division (10 min) appeared to be independent of the growth rate for tau equals 60 min or less but to increase with increase doubling time in more slowly growing cells. Physiological division, i.e., compartmentalization prior to physical separation of the cells, was only observed to occur in the last minute of the cell cycle. The morphological results indicate that cell elongation continues during the division process in cells with tau equals 32 min, but fails to continue in cells with tau equals 60 min.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP and cell division in Escherichia coli.   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We examined several aspects of cell division regulation in Escherichia coli which have been thought to be controlled by cyclic AMP (cAMP) and its receptor protein (CAP). Mutants lacking adenyl cyclase (cya) or CAP (crp) were rod shaped, not spherical, during exponential growth in LB broth or glucose-Casamino Acids medium, and lateral wall elongation was normal; in broth, stationary-phase cells became ovoid. Cell mass was smaller for the mutants than for the wild type, but it remained appropriate for their slower growth rate and thus probably does not reflect early (uncontrolled) septation. The slow growth did not seem to reflect a gross metabolic disorder, since the mutants gave a normal yield on limiting glucose; surprisingly, however, the cya mutant (unlike crp) was unable to grow anaerobically on glucose, suggesting a role for cAMP (but not for CAP) in the expression of some fermentation enzyme. Both cya and crp mutants are known to be resistant to mecillinam, an antibiotic which inhibits penicillin-binding protein 2 (involved in lateral wall elongation) and also affects septation. This resistance does not reflect a lack of PBP2. Furthermore, it was not simply the result of slow growth and small cell mass, since small wild-type cells growing in acetate remained sensitive. The cAMP-CAP complex may regulate the synthesis of some link between PBP2 and the septation apparatus. The ftsZ gene, coding for a cell division protein, was expressed at a higher level in the absence of cAMP, as measured with an ftsZ::lacZ fusion, but the amount of protein per cell, shown by others to be invariable over a 10-fold range of cell mass, was independent of cAMP, suggesting that ftsZ expression is not regulated by the cAMP-CAP complex.  相似文献   

The refractive indices of nucleoid and cytoplasm in Escherichia coli were derived theoretically and experimentally. For the theoretical estimates, we made use of the known macromolecular composition of E. coli B/r (G. Churchward and H. Bremer, J. Theor. Biol. 94:651-670, 1982) and of estimates of cell and nucleoid volumes. These were obtained from micrographs of living bacteria made with a confocal scanning light microscope. The theoretical values were calculated, assuming that all DNA occurred in the nucleoid and that all protein and RNA occurred in the cytoplasm. Comparison with experimental refractive index values directly obtained by immersive refractometry showed that, besides its DNA, the nucleoid must contain an additional amount of solids equivalent to 8.6% (wt/vol) protein. With the nucleoid containing 6.8% (wt/vol) DNA and 8.6% (wt/vol) protein and the cytoplasm containing 21% (wt/vol) protein and 4% (wt/vol) RNA, a mass difference is obtained, which accounts for the phase separation observed between the nucleoid and cytoplasm in living cells by phase-contrast microscopy. The decrease in the refractive index of the nucleoid relative to that of the cytoplasm observed upon, for instance, OsO4 fixation was interpreted as being indicative of the loss of protein content in the nucleoid.  相似文献   

Cell division in Escherichia coli minB mutants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In Escherichia coli minB mutants, cell division can take place at the cell poles as well as non-polarly in the cell. We have examined growth, division patterns, and nucleoid distribution in individual cells of a minC point mutant and a minB deletion mutant, and compared them to the corresponding wild-type strain and an intR1 strain in which the chromosome is over-replicated. The main findings were as follows. In the minB mutants, polar and non-polar divisions appeared to occur independently of each other. Furthermore, the timing of cell division in the cell cycle was found to be severely affected. In addition, nucleoid conformation and distribution were considerably disturbed. The results obtained call for a re-evaluation of the role of the MinB system in the E. coli cell cycle, and of the concept that limiting quanta of cell division factors are regularly produced during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Fifteen low-temperature conditional division mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 was isolated. They grew normally at 39 degrees C but formed filaments at 30 degrees C. All exhibited a coordinated burst of cell division when the filaments were shifted to the permissive temperature (39 degrees C). None of the various agents that stimulate cell division in other mutant systems (salt, sucrose, ethanol, and chloramphenicol) was very effective in restoring colony-forming ability at 25 degrees C or in stimulating cell division in broth. One of these mutants, strain JS10, was found to have an altered cell envelope as evidenced by increased sensitivity to deoxycholate and antibiotics, as well as leakage of ribonulcease I, a periplasmic enzyme. This mutant had normal rates of DNA synthesis, RNA synthesis, and phospholipid synthesis at both the nonpermissive and permissive temperatures. However, strain JS10 required new protein synthesis in the apparent absence of new RNA synthesis for division of filaments at the permissive temperature. The division of lesion in strain JS10 is cotransducible with malA, aroB, and glpD and maps within min 72 to 75 on the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Isolation of the Escherichia coli nucleoid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Numerous protocols for the isolation of bacterial nucleoids have been described based on treatment of cells with sucrose-lysozyme-EDTA and subsequent lysis with detergents in the presence of counterions (e.g., NaCl, spermidine). Depending on the lysis conditions both envelope-free and envelope-bound nucleoids could be obtained, often in the same lysate. To investigate the mechanism(s) involved in compacting bacterial DNA in the living cell, we wished to isolate intact nucleoids in the absence of detergents and high concentrations of counterions. Here, we compare the general lysis method using detergents with a procedure involving osmotic shock of Escherichia coli spheroplasts that resulted in nucleoids free of envelope fragments. After staining the DNA with DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) and cell lysis by either isolation procedure, free-floating nucleoids could be readily visualized in fluorescence microscope preparations. The detergent-salt and the osmotic-shock nucleoids appeared as relatively compact structures under the applied ionic conditions of 1 M and 10 mM, respectively. RNase treatment caused no dramatic changes in the size of either nucleoid.  相似文献   

Cell division of the Escherichia coli lon- mutant   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary Escherichia coli lon -cells were subjected to treatments which produced a decrease in the DNA/mass ratio of the cell. Thymine starvation, a shift-up from minimal medium to rich medium, and exposure to BUdR each caused greater inhibition of cell division in lon -cells than in lon +cells. DNA metabolism was found to be the same in both lon +and lon -cells during these treatments. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the lon -defect leads to inhibition of cell division under conditions which produce a decreased DNA/mass ratio.  相似文献   

Double mutants which carry mutations in genes (rodA, pbpA) required for cell elongation (i.e., maintenance of rod shape) in combination with mutations in genes (ftsA, ftsI, ftsQ, or ftsZ) required for septation were constructed. Such mutants were able to grow for about two mass doublings at a normal rate at the restrictive temperature (42 degrees C). The morphology of the cells formed under these conditions was interpreted by assuming the existence of a generalized system for peptidoglycan growth together with two additional systems which modify the shape of the growing peptidoglycan layer. The results also showed that different fts genes probably control different stages in septation. ftsZ (sulB or sfiB) appears to be required for the earliest step in septation, ftsQ and ftsI (pbpB or sep) are required for a later step or steps, and ftsA is required only for the latest stages in septation.  相似文献   

Autolytic enzymes and cell division of Escherichia coli   总被引:96,自引:0,他引:96  

Abstract Fourteen species of ciliates, seven of which are new, were found living in a sample of anoxic water collected from a small lake in Spain. The species belong to all six orders in which anaerobic ciliates have been described and they include the first anaerobic representatives of the order Prostomatida. This surprising diversity is probably sustained because it embraces all ciliate feeding types, and because protozoa are the only important consumers of the diversity of microbes in anoxic habitats. Six of the anaerobic ciliate species have aerobic congeners; this strengthens the contention that anaerobic ciliates evolved independently from aerobes belonging to several taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

FtsZ regulates frequency of cell division in Escherichia coli.   总被引:16,自引:12,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Cell division is regulated so that it occurs only once per cell cycle. In Escherichia coli, a rod-shaped bacterium, division normally takes place at the center of the long axis of the cell; however, in the minicell mutant, division can also take place at the cell pole. Such divisions take place at the expense of normal divisions, resulting in an overall increase in nucleated cell length. We report here that increasing the level of FtsZ can completely suppress the cell length of the minicell mutant by increasing the frequency at which cell division events take place. This result suggests that the level of FtsZ controls the frequency of cell division in E. coli.  相似文献   

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