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As the first step in the transfer of barely yellow dwarf virus resistance and salt tolerance from decaploid tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum) into hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), octoploid intergeneric hybrids (2n = 8x = 56) were synthesized by crossing the tall wheatgrass cultivar Alkar with wheat cvs. Fukuhokomugi (Fuko) and Chinese Spring. (Fuko x Alkar) F1 hybrids were studied in detail. The F1 hybrids were perennial and generally resembled the male wheatgrass parent with regard to morphological features and gliadin profile. Most hybrids were euploid with 56 chromosomes and showed high chromosome pairing. On an average, in 6 hybrids 83.6% of the complement showed chiasmatic association, some between wheat and wheatgrass chromosomes. Such a high homoeologous pairing would be obtained if Ph1, the major homoeologous pairing suppressor in wheat, was somehow inactivated. Some of the Fuko x Alkar hybrids had high pollen fertility (18.5–42.0% with a mean of 31.5%) and high seed fertility (3–29 seeds wtih a mean of 12.3 seeds per spike), offering excellent opportunities for their direct backcrossing onto the wheat parent.  相似文献   

Thinopyrum intermedium is a promising source of resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), a devastating disease of wheat. Three wheat germplasm lines possessing resistance to WSMV, derived from Triticum aestivum×Th. intermedium crosses, are analyzed by C-banding and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) to determine the amount and location of alien chromatin in the transfer lines. Line CI15092 was confirmed as a disomic substitution line in which wheat chromosome 4A was replaced by Th. intermedium chromosome 4Ai?2. The other two lines, CI17766 and A29-13-3, carry an identical Robertsonian translocation chromosome in which the complete short arm of chromosome 4Ai?2 was transferred to the long arm of wheat chromosome 4A. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using ABD genomic DNA from wheat as a probe and S genomic DNA from Pseudoroegneria stipifolia as the blocker, and vice versa, revealed that the entire short arm of the translocation was derived from the short arm of chromosome 4Ai?2 and the breakpoint was located at the centromere. Chromosomal arm ratios (L/S) of 2.12 in CI17766 and 2.15 in A29-13-3 showed that the translocated chromosome is submetacentric. This translocated chromosome is designated as T4AL?? 4Ai?2S as suggested by Friebe et al. (1991).  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to transfer genes for salt tolerance and other desirable traits from the diploid wheatgrasses, Thinopyrum bessarabicum (2n=2x=14; JJ genome) and Lophopyrum elongatum (2n=2x=14; EE genome), into durum wheat cv Langdon (2n=4x=28; AABB genomes), trigeneric hybrids with the genomic constitution ABJE were synthesized and cytologically characterized. C-banding analysis of somatic chromosomes of the A, B, J, and E genomes in the same cellular environment revealed distinct banding patterns; each of the 28 chromosomes could be identified. They differed in the total amount of constitutive heterochromatin. Total surface area and C-banded area of each chromosome were calculated. The B genome was the largest in size, followed by the J, A, and E genomes, and its chromosomes were also the most heavily banded. Only 25.8% of the total chromosome complement in 10 ABJE hybrids showed association, with mean arm-pairing frequency (c) values from 0.123 to 0.180 and chiasma frequencies from 3.36 to 5.02 per cell. The overall mean pairing was 0.004 ring IV + 0.046 chain IV + 0.236 III + 0.21 ring II + 2.95 rod II + 20.771. This is total pairing between chromosomes of different genomes, possibly between A and B, A and J, A and E, B and J, B and E, and J and E, in the presence of apparently functional pairing regulator Ph1. Because chromosome pairing in the presence of Ph1 seldom occurs between A and B, or between J and E, it was inferred that pairing between the wheat chromosomes and alien chromosomes occurred. The trigeneric hybrids with two genomes of wheat and one each of Thinopyrum and Lophopyrum should be useful in the production of cytogenetic stocks to facilitate the transfer of alien genes into wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplast fusion allows the transfer of both mono- and polygenic traits between species that are sexually incompatible. This approach has particular relevance for potato, and somatic hybridisation has been used to introduce a range of disease resistance genes from sexually incompatible wild species into the cultivated potato gene pool. In addition, protoplast fusion allows the resynthesis of tetraploid genotypes from pre-selected diploid or dihaploid donor parents. A limiting factor for the efficient exploitation of this technology in potato breeding is the difficulty of unequivocally identifying nuclear hybrids (heterokaryons). In order to facilitate the identification of hybrids at an early stage following fusion, Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) have been used to characterise molecularly both inter- and intra-specific somatic hybrids of potato. RAPD markers detect naturally occurring polymorphism in the donor genotypes and utilise short oligonucleotide primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence in combination with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The exploitation of RAPDs in the characterisation of both somatic and sexual hybrids is discussed.  相似文献   

Construction of a genetic linkage map for roses using RAPD and AFLP markers   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A segregating population of diploid rose hybrids (2n = 2x = 14) was used to construct the first linkage maps of the rose genome. A total of 305 RAPD and AFLP markers were analysed in a population of 60 F1 plants based on a so-called ”double-pseudotestcross” design. Of these markers 278 could be located on the 14 linkage groups of the two maps, covering total map lengths of 326 and 370 cM, respectively. The average distances between markers in the maps for 93/1–117 and 93/1–119 is 2.4 and 2.6 cM, respectively. In addition to the molecular markers, genes controlling two phenotypic characters, petal number (double versus single flowers) and flower colour (pink versus white), were mapped on linkage groups 3 and 2, respectively. The markers closest to the gene for double flowers, Blfo, and to the gene for pink flower colour, Blfa, cosegregated without recombinants. The maps provide a tool for further genetic analyses of horticulturally important genes as, for example, resistance genes and a starting point for marker-assisted breeding in roses. Received: 22 September 1998 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

A set of 187 doubled haploid lines derived from the cross between cvs. Courtot and Chinese Spring was explored for QTLs for three bread-making quality tests: hardness, protein content and strength of the dough (W of alveograph). The scores of the parental lines were quite different except for protein content, and the population showed a wide range of variation. About 350 molecular and biochemical markers were used to establish the genetic map, and technological criteria were evaluated in 1 to 3 years. QTL detection was performed by the ”marker regression” method. The most significant unlinked markers were used in the model as covariates, and the results were tested by bootstrap resampling. For hardness, we confirmed a previously tagged major QTL on chromosome 5DS, and two additional minor QTLs were found on chromosome 1A and 6D, respectively. For protein content two main QTLs were identified on chromosomes 1B and 6A, respectively. For W, three consistent QTLs were detected: two at the same location as those for hardness, on chromosomes 1A and 5D; the third one on chromosome 3B. Therefore, it appeared that except for the Glu-1A locus, storage protein loci were not clearly involved in the genetic control of the criteria studied in the present work. Despite the reasonable size of the population no QTL with interactive effects could be substantially established as measured. All computations were carried out using home-made programmes in Splus language, and these are available upon request. Received: 16 May 1999 / Accepted: 15 October 1999  相似文献   

 Plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) is known to be under polygenic control. Crosses involving genes Rht-B1 and Rht-D1, located on chromosomes 4BS and 4DS, respectively, have shown that these genes have major effects. Two RFLP loci were found to be linked to these two genes (Xfba1-4B with Rht-B1 and Xfba211-4D with Rht-D1) by genotyping a population of F1-derived doubled-haploid lines [‘Courtot’ (Rht-B1b+Rht-D1b)בChinese Spring’]. Using a well-covered molecular marker map, we detected three additional regions and one interaction influencing plant height. These regions, located on chromosome arms 4BS (near the locus Xglk556-4B), 7AL (near the locus Xglk478-7A) and 7BL (near the locus XksuD2-7B) explained between 5% and 20% of the variability for this trait in this cross. The influence of 2 loci from chromosome 4B (Xfba1-4B and Xglk556-4B) suggests that there could be a duplication of Rht-B1 on this chromosome originating from Cv ‘Courtot’. Moreover, an interaction effect between loci from chromosome arms 1AS (near the locus Xfba393-1A) and 1BL (near the locus Xcdo1188-1B) was comparable to or even higher than those of the Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b alleles. A model including the main effects of the loci from chromosomes 4B and 4D (Xfba1-4B, Xglk556-4B and Xfba211-4D) and the interaction effect between Xfba393-1A and Xcdo1188-1B is proposed, which explains about 50% of the variation in plant height. The present results are discussed in relation to those obtained using nullisomic or substitution lines. Received: 13 June 1997 / Accepted: 13 October 1997  相似文献   

 Seventy nine microsatellite markers from hexaploid bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) were integrated into a genetic linkage map of durum wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum (Desf.) Huns.) created by RFLP segregation data from a population of 65 recombinant inbred lines. The results indicate a relatively even distribution of microsatellite loci and demonstrate that microsatellite markers from hexaploid wheat provide an excellent source of molecular markers for use in the genetics and breeding of durum wheat. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 13 October 1998  相似文献   

李海凤  刘慧萍  戴毅  黄帅  张军  高勇  陈建民 《遗传》2016,38(11):1020-1029
通过细胞学方法和染色体特异分子标记鉴定六倍体小偃麦(AABBEE)与硬粒小麦(AABB)杂交的自交后代F2和F3植株,探讨长穗偃麦草染色体在硬粒小麦背景中世代间的传递特征,并筛选硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草E染色体附加系。对218个F2单株染色体数检测表明,2n=28植株占41.7%,2n=29植株占18.3%,其余40.0%植株的染色体数在2n=31~42范围内。分子标记鉴定表明,在F2代2n=29单体附加植株中,不同的长穗偃麦草染色体传递率之间存在明显差异,1E传递率最高,3E和6E传递率最低。在F2代2n=30单株中,1E、4E、7E和5E染色体相互组合产生的双单体多,6E参与组合较少,未检测到2E或3E与其他染色体的组合单株。在1E~7E单体附加株自交后代F3中,E染色体传递率变化范围为9.1%~27.5%,1E传递率最高,6E传递率最低,与F2的传递率一致。从F3代中选育出1E~7E单体附加及少数二体附加,所有单体附加均可育。这些附加E染色体材料将对小麦代换系和易位系的创制提供有益的中间材料。  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of durum wheat   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14  
 A genetic linkage map of tetraploid wheat [Triticum turgidum (L.) Thell.] was constructed using segregation data from a population of 65 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between the durum wheat cultivar Messapia and accession MG4343 of T. turgidum (L.) Thell. ssp dicoccoides (Korn.) Thell. A total of 259 loci were analysed, including 244 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), one PCR (polymerase chain reaction) marker (a sequence coding for a LMW (low-molecular-weight) glutenin subunit gene located at the Glu-B3 locus), seven biochemical (six seed-storage protein loci and one isozyme locus) and seven morphological markers. A total of 213 loci were mapped at a LOD≥3 on all 14 chromosomes of the A and B genomes. The total length of the map is 1352 cM and the average distance between adjacent markers is 6.3 cM. Forty six loci could not be mapped at a LOD≥3. A fraction (18.6%) of the markers deviated significantly from the expected Mendelian ratios; clusters of loci showing distorted segregation were found on chromosomes 1B, 3AL, 4AL, 6AL and 7AL. The durum wheat map was compared with the published maps of bread wheat using several common RFLP markers and general features are discussed. The markers detected the known structural rearrangements involving chromosomes 4A, 5A and 7B as well as the translocation between 2B-6B, but not the deletion on 2BS. This map provides a useful tool for analysing and breeding economically important quantitative traits and for marker-assisted selection, as well as for studies of genome organisation in small grain cereal species. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 31 March 1998  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) of wild-abortive (WA) cytoplasm has been widely used for breeding hybrid rice. Two restorer genes for the CMS have been found by traditional genetic analysis. To tag the restorer genes we used a set of near-isogenic lines (NILs) of Zhenshan 97 carrying different genotypes for fertility restoration from IR24, to perform RAPD analysis. From the survey of 720 random primers, six RAPD markers were identified to be associated with Rf-3. Three of these OPK05-800, OPU10-1100 and OPW01-350, were mapped on chromosome 1. Two populations from the crosses between Zhenshan 97 A and a near-isogenic restorer line ZSR21 and between Zhenshan 97 A and IR24 were used for mapping Rf-3. The three RAPD markers and three RFLP markers, RG532, RG140 and RG458, were found to be closely linked to Rf-3 in the two populations. The same location of Rf-3 was also found in a population from the cross of IR58025 A//IR36/IR58025 B. At the RG532 locus, different alleles were found between two CMS lines, Zhenshan 97 A and IR58025 A, and between two restorer lines, IR24 and IR36. The use of these molecular markers closely linked to Rf-3 in facilitating the development of hybrid rice is discussed. Received: 3 January 1996 / Accepted: 17 May 1996  相似文献   

 An integrated genetic map of the dioecious species Asparagus officinalis L. has been constructed on the basis of RFLP, RAPD, AFLP and isoenzyme markers. The segregation analysis of the polymorphic markers was carried out on the progeny of five different crosses between male and female doubled-haploid clones generated by anther culture. A total of 274 markers have been organized to ten linkage groups spanning 721.4 cM. Since the haploid chromosome number of asparagus is ten, the established linkage groups probably represent the different chromosomes; however, the only group associated with a specific chromosome is the one which includes sex, whose determinant genes have been located on chromosome 5. A total of 33 molecular markers (13 RFLPs, 18 AFLPs, 2 RAPDs and 1 isoenzyme) have been located on this chromosome. The closest marker to the sex determinant is the AFLP SV marker at 3.2 cM. Received: 26 March 1998 / Accepted: 30 April 1998  相似文献   

Summary Thinopyrum bessarabicum (2n = 2x = 14, JJ) with its unique property of salt tolerance provides a potential means for the transfer of this important and complex trait into cultivated wheat through intergeneric hybridization. To accomplish this, diagnostic markers for detecting the presence of Th. bessarabicum chromosomes in a wheat background have to be established. The C-banded karyotype of Th. bessarabicum distinctly identifies individual Th. bessarabicum chromosomes and separates them from those of Triticum aestivum. Also, seven protein/isozymes, i.e., malate dehydrogenase, high-molecular-weight glutenin, Superoxide dismutase, grain esterase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, -amylase and -amylase, were identified as being positive markers specific to Th. bessarabicum; these were also expressed in the T. aestivum/Th. bessarabicum amphiploid. These diagnostic biochemical markers could be useful in detecting and establishing homoeology of Th. bessarabicum chromosomes in T. aestivum/Th. bessarabicum intergeneric hybrid derivatives.  相似文献   

The leaf rust resistance gene Lr47 confers resistance to a wide spectrum of leaf rust strains. This gene was recently transferred from chromosome 7S of Triticum speltoides to chromosome 7A of hexaploid wheat Triticum aestivum. To facilitate the transfer of Lr47 to commercial varieties, the completely linked restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) locus Xabc465 was converted into a PCR-based marker. Barley clone ABC465 is orthologous to the type-I wheat sucrose synthase gene and primers were designed for the conserved regions between the two sequences. These conserved primers were used to amplify, clone and sequence different alleles from T. speltoides and T. aestivum. This sequence information was used to identify the T. speltoides sequence, detect allele-specific mutations, and design specific primers. Cosegregation of the PCR product of these primers and the T. speltoides chromosome segment was confirmed in four backcross-populations. To complement this dominant marker, a cleavage amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) was developed for the 7A allele of Xabc465. This CAPS marker is useful to select homozygous Lr47 plants from F2 or backcross-F2 segregating populations, and in combination with the T- speltoides specific primers is expected to facilitate the deployment of Lr47 in new bread wheat varieties. Received: 11 October 1999 / Accepted: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

Development of PCR markers for the wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr47   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The leaf rust resistance gene Lr47 confers resistance to a wide spectrum of leaf rust strains. This gene was recently transferred from chromosome 7 S of Triticum speltoides to chromosome 7 A of hexaploid wheat Triticum aestivum. To facilitate the transfer of Lr47 to commercial varieties, the completely linked restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) locus Xabc465 was converted into a PCR-based marker. Barley clone ABC465 is orthologous to the type-I wheat sucrose synthase gene and primers were designed for the conserved regions between the two sequences. These conserved primers were used to amplify, clone and sequence different alleles from T. speltoides and T. aestivum. This sequence information was then used to identify the T. speltoides sequence, detect allele-specific mutations, and design specific primers. Cosegregation of the PCR product of these primers and the T. speltoides chromosome segment was confirmed in four backcross-populations. To complement this dominant marker, a cleavage amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) was developed for the 7 A allele of Xabc465. This CAPS marker is useful to select homozygous Lr47 plants from F2or backcross-F2 segregating populations, and in combination with the T. speltoides-specific primers is expected to facilitate the deployment of Lr47 in new bread wheat varieties. Received: 7 June 1999 / Accepted: 30 September 1999  相似文献   

Picea mariana (black spruce) and P. rubens (red spruce) are closely related species which are difficult to differentiate morphologically. RAPD markers differentiating black and red spruces have been previously identified. In the present study, genetic validity of these markers was determined using samples representing range–wide provenances. Their applicability for certifying genetic identity of individual black, red trees and their hybrids from several sympatric and allopatric locations was demonstrated. These diagnostic fragments of both red and black spruce were present at a frequency of over 0.95 in allopatric provenances, but at a lower frequency in some sympatric provenances (0.43–1.00). Natural populations of red spruce exhibiting typical red spruce phenotype contained black spruce diagnostic RAPD fragments and black spruces growing in bogs with typical bog black spruce morphology, contained red spruce-specific RAPD markers. Some major RAPD markers were cloned and sequenced. The results reveal an extremely high degree of identity between the random primer and the primer binding sites on the genome. Amplification of black and red spruce genomic DNA with designed primers flanking the species-diagnostic RAPD markers indicates that most of RAPD markers used to differentiate black spruce from red spruce are not species specific since these sequences were detected in several spruce species using a more sensitive detection method. Received June 17, 2002; accepted August 5, 2002 Published online: February 4, 2003  相似文献   

 Low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GSs) are wheat endosperm proteins mostly encoded by genes located at the Glu-3 loci. These proteins are of particular interest in durum wheat because a correlation between LMW-GSs encoded by genes at the Glu-B3 locus and the pasta-making quality of durum wheat semolina has been shown. We isolated and characterized two allelic lmw-gs genes located at the Glu-B3 locus and present in durum wheat lines displaying different qualitative properties. The clones pLMW1CL and λLMW3.1 were found to contain allelic sequences encoding LMW-GSs belonging to the good and poor quality-related groups named LMW-2 and LMW-1, respectively. The LMW-GSs specified by these genes have very large repetitive domains which are composed of repeats regularly distributed along the domain. The main difference between these two proteins is an insertion of 13 amino acids within the repetitive domain which, by itself, seems insufficient to explain the qualitative differences between LMW-2 and LMW-1. These results further support the hypothesis that the greater amount of LMW-2, rather than sequence peculiarities, accounts for the better quality observed in durum wheat cultivars possessing these subunits. The characterization of the complete primary structure of these alleles, other than providing information for an understanding of the structure-function relationship among LMW-GSs and furnishing basic material for wheat engineering, should also assist in our understanding of the evolutionary relationship between the different lmw-gs genes. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted: 5 August 1998  相似文献   

The development of Septoria nodorum blotch-resistant cultivars has become a high priority objective for durum wheat breeding programs. Marker-assisted selection enables breeders to improve selection efficiency. In order to develop markers for resistance to Septoria nodorum blotch, a set of F5 recombinant inbred lines, derived from the crosses Sceptre/3–6, Sceptre/S9–10 and Sceptre/S12–1, was developed based on the F2-derived family method. Two RAPD markers, designated UBC521650 and RC37510, were detected by bulked segregant analysis and located approximately 15 and 13.1 centiMorgans (cM) from the resistance gene snbTM, respectively. A SCAR marker was also successfully developed for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs based on the sequence of the RAPD marker UBC521650. This is the first report of DNA-based markers linked to resistance for Septoria nodorum blotch in durum wheat. Received: 8 March 2000 / Accepted: 25 June 2000  相似文献   

 Three lines of the tetraploid wheat Aegilops ventricosa Tausch (2n=4x=28), which contains good resistance to eyespot, were analysed using fluorescent in situ hybridization. Probes used included rDNA, cloned repeated sequences from wheat and rye, simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) and total genomic DNA. The banding patterns produced could be used to distinguish most chromosome arms and will aid in the identification of Ae. ventricosa chromosomes or chromosome segments in breeding programmes. All lines had a single major 18S-25S rDNA site, the nucleolar organizing region (NOR) in chromosome 5N and several minor sites of 18S-25S rDNA and 5S rDNA. A 1NL.3DL, 1NS.3DS translocation was identified, and other minor differences were found between the lines. Received: 11 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

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