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Eight varieties of Ligurian common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were analysed using molecular approaches. Results were compared with two commercial cultivars (‘Cannellino’ and ‘Borlotto’). Data suggest that all Ligurian bean varieties have a low genetic variability and are very close to the commercial varieties. In particular, the three ‘Bianco’ varieties showed a molecular affinity, probably due to their common genomic origin.  相似文献   

Common beans were introduced from the Americas to China over 400 years ago and presently constitute an important export crop in many areas of the country. Evaluation of the genetic diversity present in Chinese accessions of common beans is essential for conservation, management and utilization of these genetic resources. The objective of this research was to evaluate a collection of 229 Chinese landraces with 30 microsatellite markers to evaluate the genetic variability, genepool identity and relationships within and between the groups identified among the genotypes. A total of 166 alleles were detected with an average of 5.5 alleles per locus for all microsatellites. The landraces were clustered into two genepools with two subgroups each. The level of diversity for Chinese landraces of Andean origin was higher than for the Chinese landraces of Mesoamerican origin due to the presence of more infrequent alleles in this first group. The range of marker prevalence indices was from 0.288 to 0.676 within the Andean group and from 0.426 to 0.754 within the Mesoamerican group. Two subgroups were identified in each genepool group with one of the Mesoamerican subgroups arising from introgression. Gene flow (N ( m )) was 0.86 or below between subgroups from different gene pools and 2.6 or above between subgroups within the genepools. We discuss the existence of a secondary center of diversity for common beans in China and the importance of inter genepool introgression.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of RFLP, DAMD-PCR, ISSR and RAPD markers in assessing polymorphism and relationships between 24 commercial lines of Phaseolus vulgaris L.was evaluated. We have used a Phaseolus-specific minisatellite sequence as a probe, which enabled 23 of the bean lines tested to be fingerprinted. Based on the sequence information obtained, primers corresponding to the bean-specific minisatellite core sequence were used in subsequent PCR amplifications. Our observations indicated that while the DAMD-PCR was sensitive in detecting genetic variation between bean species and between accessions of P. vulgaris, when used alone it may be limited in its ability to detect genetic variation among cultivated bean lines due to the low number of loci amplified. Only one out of the five ISSR primers tested was efficient in generating multiple band profiles, which was insufficient to distinguish all the different bean lines. Reproducible RAPD profiles were obtained, and these allowed us to differentiate all the genotypes tested with seven primers. We ultimately used only results from RFLP and RAPD markers to explore the genetic diversity among commercial bean lines. Both analyses led to the same clustering of the bean lines according to their geographical origins (United States or Europe). With respect to the European lines, the results obtained from RAPD data also enable the lines to be clustered according to their creators. Received: 15 January 2000 / Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   


Background and Aims

This study was conducted to reveal the genetic diversity of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) nodulating rhizobia in various agroecological regions in Nepal.


A total of 63 strains were isolated from common bean grown in the soils collected from seven bean fields in Nepal and characterized based on the partial sequences of 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, 16S rDNA, nodC, and nifH. Symbiotic properties of some representative strains with host plants were examined to elucidate their characteristics in relation to genotype and their origin.


The isolated strains belonged to Rhizobium leguminosarum, Rhizobium etli, Rhizobium phaseoli, and one unknown Rhizobium lineage, all belonging to a common symbiovar (sv.) phaseoli. Nine ITS genotypes were detected mainly corresponding to a single site, including a dominant group at three sites harboring highly diverse multiple ITS sequences. Three symbiotic genotypes corresponded to a geographical region, not to the ribosomal DNA group, suggesting horizontal transfer of symbiotic genes separately in each region. Great differences in nitrogenase activity and nodule forming ability among the strains irrespective of their species and origin were observed.


Nepalese Himalaya harbor phylogenetically highly diverse and site-specific strains of common bean rhizobia, some of which could have high potential of symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Fourteen microsatellite markers were used to describe genetic diversity in a sample of 128 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions cultivated within the territory of Slovenia and its nearby regions between 1800 and 2000. The accessions were grouped into three periods: period I comprising accessions from the beginning of the 19th century, while the other two periods included accessions from the middle (period II) and the end of the 20th century (period III). Seven control accessions of known Mesoamerican and Andean origin were also included in the study. A total of 130 alleles were generated. Allelic richness, in terms of number of alleles per locus, was 6.07 for period I, 6.71 for period II, and 6.07 for period III. In the UPGMA dendrogram, all studied accessions were intermixed in three main clusters, indicating that the diversity in the time periods overlapped. Two clusters consisted of accessions of Andean and Mesoamerican origin, while the third represents additional variation, which existed in this area already 200 years ago. The analysis of molecular variance showed that a great part of genetic diversity has been preserved till today, confirming the results of cluster analysis. The calculation of number of alleles per locus revealed no significant quantitative change in genetic diversity over the last 200 years of common bean cultivation. However, the calculation of genetic distances indicated slight qualitative shifts in genetic diversity of common bean germplasm over time, while the calculations of allelic frequency variation and polymorphic information content revealed recent decline of some alleles’ frequencies. These findings should stress the need for establishing an appropriate strategy of genetic resources management. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Fourteen microsatellite markers were used to describe genetic diversity in a sample of 128 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions cultivated within the territory of Slovenia and its nearby regions between 1800 and 2000. The accessions were grouped into three periods, Period I comprising accessions from the beginning of the 19th century, while the other two periods included accessions from the middle (Period II) and the end of the 20th century (Period III). Seven control accessions of known Mesoamerican and Andean origin were also included in the study. A total of 130 alleles were generated. Allelic richness, in terms of number of alleles per locus, was 6.07 for Period I, 6.71 for Period II and 6.07 for Period III. In the UPGMA dendrogram, all studied accessions were intermixed in three main clusters, indicating that the diversity in the time periods overlapped. Two clusters consisted of accessions of Andean and Mesoamerican origin, while the third represents additional variation, which existed in this area already 200 years ago. The analysis of molecular variance showed that a great part of genetic diversity has been preserved till today, confirming the results of cluster analysis. The calculation of number of alleles per locus revealed no significant quantitative change in genetic diversity over the last 200 years of common bean cultivation. However, the calculation of genetic distances indicated slight qualitative shifts in genetic diversity of common bean germplasm over time, while the calculations of allelic frequency variation and polymorphic information content revealed recent decline of some alleles' frequencies. These findings should stress the need for establishing an appropriate strategy of genetic resources management.  相似文献   

A new set of EST-SSR markers were developed and employed to analyze the genetic diversity and population structure of Phaseolus vulgaris in China. A total of 2452 microsatellites were identified in 2144 unigenes assembled from P. vulgaris ESTs, indicating that merely 6.9% of the 30,952 unigene sequences contained SSRs. Seventeen of 153 randomly designed EST-SSR primer pairs successfully amplified polymorphic products in 31 landraces from six major production provinces of China, with the mean number of alleles per locus of 2.700 and polymorphism information content of 0.378. The observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.100 to 0.954 and 0.081 to 0.558, respectively. Using these markers, both an unrooted neighbor-joining tree and principal coordinates analysis showed that almost all of the landraces were separated according with their regional distribution. Moreover, population structure analysis revealed that all genotypes formed into three distinct clusters (k = 3), suggesting that geographic and climatic factors could provide diverse degrees of selection pressure. Accordingly, germplasm collection and cross breeding among different regions are suggested to accelerate the process of diverse germplasm creation and broaden germplasm resources of Chinese common bean.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids in bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phytoglycolipid has been isolated for the first time from plant leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris). The purified product (almost identical with the phytoglycolipid isolated from flax seed) was a ceramide attached through phosphate diester linkage to an oligosaccharide, which consisted of the usual trisaccharide unit (inositol, hexuronic acid, hexosamine) to which were attached mannose, galactose, and arabinose. The major fatty acids were the saturated 2-hydroxy C(22), C(24), and C(26) acids; the major long-chain bases were dehydrophytosphingosine (d-ribo-1,3,4-trihydroxy-2-amino-8-trans-octadecene) (53%) and phytosphingosine (d-ribo-1,3,4-trihydroxy-2-amino-octadecane) (32%). A ceramide and a cerebroside were also isolated. In the ceramide the major fatty acids and the major long-chain bases were the same as in the phytoglycolipid. In the cerebroside, the fatty acid composition was similar to that in the ceramide and phytoglycolipid, but the long-chain bases consisted of dehydrophytosphingosine and phytosphingosine (7:1) with a substantial amount of unidentified long-chain base. The sugar component was glucose.  相似文献   

Microsatellite marker diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A diversity survey was used to estimate allelic diversity and heterozygosity of 129 microsatellite markers in a panel of 44 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes that have been used as parents of mapping populations. Two types of microsatellites were evaluated, based respectively on gene coding and genomic sequences. Genetic diversity was evaluated by estimating the polymorphism information content (PIC), as well as the distribution and range of alleles sizes. Gene-based microsatellites proved to be less polymorphic than genomic microsatellites in terms of both number of alleles (6.0 vs. 9.2) and PIC values (0.446 vs. 0.594) while greater size differences between the largest and the smallest allele were observed for the genomic microsatellites than for the gene-based microsatellites (31.4 vs. 19.1 bp). Markers that showed a high number of alleles were identified with a maximum of 28 alleles for the marker BMd1. The microsatellites were useful for distinguishing Andean and Mesoamerican genotypes, for uncovering the races within each genepool and for separating wild accessions from cultivars. Greater polymorphism and race structure was found within the Andean gene pool than within the Mesoamerican gene pool and polymorphism rate between genotypes was consistent with genepool and race identity. Comparisons between Andean genotypes had higher polymorphism (53.0%) on average than comparisons among Mesoamerican genotypes (33.4%). Within the Mesoamerican parental combinations, the intra-racial combinations between Mesoamerica and Durango or Jalisco race genotypes showed higher average rates of polymorphism (37.5%) than the within-race combinations between Mesoamerica race genotypes (31.7%). In multiple correspondance analysis we found two principal clusters of genotypes corresponding to the Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools and subgroups representing specific races especially for the Nueva Granada and Peru races of the Andean gene pool. Intra population diversity was higher within the Andean genepool than within the Mesoamerican genepool and this pattern was observed for both gene-based and genomic microsatellites. Furthermore, intra-population diversity within the Andean races (0.356 on average) was higher than within the Mesoamerican races (0.302). Within the Andean gene pool, race Peru had higher diversity compared to race Nueva Granada, while within the Mesoamerican gene pool, the races Durango, Guatemala and Jalisco had comparable levels of diversity which were below that of race Mesoamerica.  相似文献   

The present study describes a new set of 61 polymorphic microsatellite markers for beans and the construction of a genetic map using the BAT93 x Jalo EEP558 (BJ) population for the purpose of developing a reference linkage map for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). The main objectives were to integrate new microsatellites on the existing framework map of the BJ population, and to develop the first linkage map for the BJ population based exclusively on microsatellites. Of the total of 264 microsatellites evaluated for polymorphism, 42.8% showed polymorphism between the genitors. An integrated map was created totaling 199 mapped markers in 13 linkage groups, with an observed length of 1358 cM and a mean distance between markers of 7.23 cM. For the map constructed exclusively with microsatellites, 106 markers were placed in 12 groups with a total length of 606.8 cM and average distance of 6.8 cM. Linkage group designation and marker order for BM microsatellites generally agreed with previous mapping, while the new microsatellites were well distributed across the genome, corroborating the utility of the BJ population for a reference map. The extensive use of the microsatellites and the availability of a reference map can help in the development of other genetic maps for common bean through the transfer of information of marker order and linkage, which will allow comparative analysis and map integration, especially for future quantitative trait loci and association mapping studies.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among the Turkish cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was estimated by studying the Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP), Peroxidase Gene Polymorhism (POGP), and Chloroplast Simple Sequence Repeats (cpSSR) markers. The unweighted pair group method arithmetic average (UPGMA) and Neighbor joining (NJ) algorithm resulted in a dendrogram representing the genetic relationship among major common bean cultivars grown in Turkey. The dendrogram generated two groups possibly representing two different major gene pools. By using three different marker systems, 194 alleles were detected and 118 were found to be polymorphic. For SRAP, POGP and cpSSR, 64, 64 and 26% polymorphism ratio were obtained, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was also carried out to determine genetic variation among common bean genotypes and three different groups were generated. The individuals were placed into three different populations in structure analysis. Three populations created in structure analysis were exactly corresponded to the three groups in PCA. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) was used to partition the genetic variations. The percentage of the variance was approximately 59%, 3%, and 38% among groups, among populations within groups and, within populations, respectively. The percentages of variation were found to be significantly high within the populations and among the groups.  相似文献   

Genetic variation among 44 cucumber accessions was assessed using morphological and SSR markers. High genetic variability was observed for days to 50% female flowering (37–46 days from sowing), number of fruits per plant (1.4–6.0), individual fruit weight (0.04–0.552 kg) and root length (14.25–32.8 cm). The pair-wise Jaccard similarity coefficient ranged between 0.25 and 0.85 indicating that the accessions represent genetically diverse populations. The allelic diversity of polymorphic markers ranged from 0.001 to 0.9396 with an average of 0.31 based on polymorphic information content. The clustering pattern of SSR markers was not in consonance with the groupings based on quantitative traits. The accession of Indian state i.e.; Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh were diverged from the accessions of other parts of India. The study provides information for future exploration and collection of cucumber germplasm in India and utilization of diverse germplasm for developing cultivars/hybrids for specific traits.  相似文献   

Studies of the level and the structure of the genetic diversity of local varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris are of fundamental importance, both for the management of genetic resources and to improve our understanding of the pathways of dissemination and the evolution of this species in Europe. We have here characterized 73 local bean populations from Sardinia (Italy) using seed traits and molecular markers (phaseolins, nuSSRs and cpSSRs). American landraces and commercial varieties were also included for comparison. We see that: (a) the Sardinian material is distinct from the commercial varieties considered; (b) the variation in the seed traits is high and it mostly occurs among populations (95%); (c) compared to the American sample and the commercial varieties, the Sardinian collection has a low level of diversity; (d) the majority (>95%) of the Sardinian individuals belong to the Andean gene pool; (e) the Sardinian material shows a strong genetic structure, both for cpSSRs and nuSSRs; (f) the nuSSRs and cpSSRs concur in differentiating between gene pools, but a lack of congruence between nuclear and chloroplast has been observed within gene pools; and (g) there are three putative hybrids between the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools. Despite the relatively low level of diversity, which is probably due to a strong founder effect, the Sardinian landraces are worth being conserved and studied further because of their distinctiveness and because hybridization within and between the gene pools could generate variation that will be useful for breeding. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) is a dry-land crop species that originated in the deserts of Mexico and the south-western United States and therefore is proposed as a source of drought and salt tolerance for related species and for production in marginal rainfall areas. Few genetic tools have been developed or tested for tepary bean but microsatellites from common bean are an obvious choice for diversity analysis in the crop. The first goal of this study was to validate a set of gene-derived and non-gene simple sequence repeat or microsatellite markers from common bean in tepary bean cultivars and wild relative accessions. The second and more extensive objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity and population structure of the tepary bean accessions to determine if leaf-morphology variants are valid as separate sub-groups of wild tepary beans; if P. parvifolius exist as a separate variants or species; and if cultivated tepary beans originated from one domestication event or several events. Our analysis of 140 tepary bean genotypes showed that a single domestication was likely as the cultivars were most closely related to accessions from Sinaloa and northern Mexico and that diversity was much higher in the wild genotypes compared to the cultivated ones. Other results were that P. parvifolius was classified as a separate species by population structure analysis while the variants P. acutifolius var. acutifolius and var. tenuifolius were admixed and inter-crossed. P. latifolius is not a valid species or variant of P. acutifolius but represents a group of cultivars within tepary bean. This is the first analysis of microsatellite diversity in tepary beans and has implications for breeding and conservation of this crop and its wild relatives.  相似文献   

A sound knowledge of the genetic diversity among germplasm is vital for strategic germplasm collection, maintenance, conservation and utilisation. Genomic simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMPO) markers were used to analyse diversity and relationships among 48 pepper (Capsicum spp.) genotypes originating from nine countries. These genotypes covered 4 species including 13 germplasm accessions, 30 improved lines of 4 domesticated species and 5 landraces derived from natural interspecific crosses. Out of 106 SSR markers, 25 polymorphic SSR markers (24 %) detected a total of 76 alleles (average, 3.04; range, 2–5). The average polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.69 (range, 0.29–0.92). Seventeen RAMPO markers produced 87 polymorphic fragments with average PIC of 0.63 (range, 0.44–0.81). Dendrograms based on SSRs and RAMPOs generated two clusters. All 38 Capsicum annuum genotypes and an interspecific landrace clustered together, whereas nine non-annuum (three Capsicum frutescens, one Capsicum chinense, one Capsicum baccatum and four interspecific landraces) genotypes clustered separately. Genetic variation within non-annuum genotypes was greater than the C. annuum genotypes. Distinctness of interspecific derivative landraces grown in northeast India was validated; natural crossing between sympatric Capsicum species has been proposed as the mechanism of their origin.  相似文献   

The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important food legume throughout the world. Because of the conservation across different plant species, it is possible to evaluate the degree of genetic diversity in the common bean using gene-based marker techniques. The lipoxygenase (LOX) and resistance gene analog (RGA) genes play an important role in the response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Eighty-six common bean accessions were genotyped using gene-based LOX and RGA markers. The total number of polymorphic bands ranged from 193 for LOX to 17 for RGA markers. We detected considerable diversity with a mean of 8.7 alleles per primer for the LOX analysis. For the RGA markers, the number of alleles per polymorphic locus varied from 1 to 4 with an average allele number of 2.8. The genetic similarity between the accessions based on the LOX and RGA markers ranged from 0.12 to 0.55. Using STRUCTURE, 3 groups were revealed among the accessions. The results of this study should provide valuable information for future studies on the genetic diversity of common bean accessions and for association mapping studies examining the relationships between the genotypic and phenotypic traits related to the stress response.  相似文献   

We estimated the genetic diversity of 49 accessions of the hot pepper species Capsicum chinensis through analyses of 12 physicochemical traits of the fruit, eight multi-categorical variables, and with 32 RAPD primers. Data from the physicochemical traits were submitted to analysis of variance to estimate the genetic parameters, and their means were clustered by the Scott-Knott test. The matrices from the individual and combined distance were estimated by multivariate analyses before applying Tocher's optimization method. All physicochemical traits were examined for genetic variability by analysis of variance. The responses of these traits showed more contribution from genetic than from environmental factors, except the percentage of dry biomass, content of soluble solids and vitamin C level. Total capsaicin had the greatest genetic divergence. Nine clusters were formed from the quantitative data based on the generalized distance of Mahalanobis, using Tocher's method; four were formed from the multi-categorical data using the Cole-Rodgers coefficient, and eight were formed from the molecular data using the Nei and Li coefficient. The accessions were distributed into 14 groups using Tocher's method, and no significant correlation between pungency and origin was detected. Uni- and multivariate analyses permitted the identification of marked genetic diversity and fruit attributes capable of being improved through breeding programs.  相似文献   

V L Velasquez  P Gepts 《Génome》1994,37(2):256-263
Eighty-five wild and cultivated accessions of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), representing a wide geographic area in the centres of domestication were tested for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Genomic DNA was digested with one of three restriction enzymes (EcoRI, EcoRV, and HindIII) and hybridized to 12 probes distributed throughout the common bean genome. Accessions could be classified into two major groups with a distinct geographical distribution in Middle America and the Andes. Within each gene pool, cultivated accessions clustered together with wild forms from the same geographical area supporting the multiple domestications hypothesis for this crop. Estimates of Nei's genetic distances among the cultivated races from the two different gene pools varied from 0.12 to 0.56 and among races from the same gene pool from 0.04 to 0.12, suggesting that the divergence in Phaseolus vulgaris has reached the subspecies level. The level of genetic diversity (Ht = 0.38) was twice the value obtained with isozyme analysis. Genetic diversity within races (Hs = 0.27) was four to five times higher compared with isozymes, but genetic diversity between races (Dst = 0.11) was similar for both categories of markers. These results corroborate previous studies on the characterization of genetic diversity in common bean that clearly showed two distinct gene pools, Middle American and Andean. Moreover, RFLP markers are superior to isozymes because they provide better coverage of the genome and reveal higher level of polymorphisms.  相似文献   

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