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Summary Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) plantlets grown in vitro often grow slowly when transferred to the field possibly, due to a limited photosynthetic capacity of in vitro-cultured plantlets, apparently caused by the sucrose added to growth medium causing negative feedback for photosynthesis. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that high exogenous sucrose will decrease ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity and photosynthesis resulting in limited ex vitro growth. Plantlets grown with high exogenous sucrose (90 gl−1) had reduced photosynthetic activity that resulted in a poor photosynthetic response to high levels of light and CO2. These plantlets also had low amounts of Rubisco protein, low Rubisco activity, and reduced growth despite showing high survival when transferred to the field. Decreasing the medium’s sucrose concentration from 90 to 22.5 gl−1 or 0 gl−1 resulted in increased photosynthetic response to light and CO2 along with increased Rubisco and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activities and proteins. However, plantlets grown in vitro without exogenous sucrose died when transferred ex vitro, whereas those grown with intermediate exogenous sucrose showed intermediate photosynthetic response, high survival, fast growth, and ex vitro photosynthesis. Thus, exogenous sucrose at moderate concentration decreased photosynthesis but increased survival, suggesting that both in vitro photosynthesis and exogenous sucrose reserves contribute to field establisment and growth of coconut plantlets cultured in vitro.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the sucrose normally added to the culture medium affects negatively the photosynthetic capacity of plantlets. At the same time, however, sucrose cannot be eliminated from the medium, as it is required for normal in vitro growth. We argue that this is true only under the conventional light conditions of growth-rooms. In the present paper irradiance of growth-rooms was increased 10 times and although the sucrose-inhibitory effect was found at high sucrose concentrations, it was possible to grow coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) plantlets without sucrose. Those plantlets showed both high photosynthetic capacity and comparable in vitro growth to those grown with sucrose in the medium under conventional growth-room irradiance. Nevertheless, the best growth was achieved under mixotrophic conditions where at high irradiance and moderate sucrose concentrations plantlets accumulated 27 % more biomass than plantlets grown without sucrose under high irradiance and 43 and 73 % more biomass than their counterparts at low irradiance with or without sucrose, respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine whether exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) applied immediately after ex vitro transfer of in vitro grown plants can improve their acclimatization. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plantlets were transferred into pots with Perlite initially moistened either by water or 50 μM ABA solution and they were grown under low (LI) or high (HI) irradiance of 150 and 700 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively. Endogenous content of ABA in tobacco leaves increased considerably after ABA application and even more in plants grown under HI. Stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and net photosynthetic rate decreased considerably 1 d after ex vitro transfer and increased thereafter. The gas exchange parameters were further decreased by ABA application and so wilting of these plants was limited. Chlorophyll (a+b) and β-carotene contents were higher in ABA-treated plants, but the content of xanthophyll cycle pigments was not increased. However, the degree of xanthophyll cycle pigments deepoxidation was decreased what also suggested less stress in ABA-treated plants. No dramatic changes in most chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters after ex vitro transfer suggested that the plants did not suffer from restriction of electron transport or photosystem damage.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics were compared between plants of low altitude (LA) grown at LA (Palampur; 1 300 m) and at high altitude, HA (Kibber; 4 200 m), and plants naturally occurring at different altitudes (Palampur, 1 300 m; Palchan, 2 250 m; and Marhi, 3 250 m). Net photosynthetic rate (P N) was not significantly different between altitudes. However, the slopes of the curve relating P N to intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) were higher in plants at Palchan, Marhi, and Kibber compared to those at Palampur, indicating that plants had higher efficiency of carbon uptake (the initial slope of P N/C i curve is an indication) at HA. They had also higher stomatal conductance (g s), transpiration rate, and lower water use efficiency at HA. g s was insensitive to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) for plants naturally occurring at Palampur, Palchan, and Marhi, whereas plants from LA grown at Palampur and Kibber responded linearly to increasing PPFD. Insensitivity of g s to PPFD could be one of the adaptive features allowing wider altitudinal distribution of the plants.This research is supported by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India vide grant number BT/PR/502/AGR/08/39/966-VI.  相似文献   

Plants differ in how much the response of net photosynthetic rate (P N) to temperature (T) changes with the T during leaf development, and also in the biochemical basis of such changes in response. The amount of photosynthetic acclimation to T and the components of the photosynthetic system involved were compared in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica oleracea to determine how well A. thaliana might serve as a model organism to study the process of photosynthetic acclimation to T. Responses of single-leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence to CO2 concentration measured over the range of 10–35 °C for both species grown at 15, 21, and 27 °C were used to determine the T dependencies of maximum rates of carboxylation (VCmax), photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax), triose phosphate utilization rate (TPU), and mesophyll conductance to carbon dioxide (gm). In A. thaliana, the optimum T of P N at air concentrations of CO2 was unaffected by this range of growth T, and the T dependencies of VCmax, Jmax, and gm were also unaffected by growth T. There was no evidence of TPU limitation of P N in this species over the range of measurement conditions. In contrast, the optimum T of P N increased with growth T in B. oleracea, and the T dependencies of VCmax, Jmax, and gm, as well as the T at which TPU limited P N all varied significantly with growth T. Thus B. oleracea had much a larger capacity to acclimate photosynthetically to moderate T than did A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Calycanthus chinensis is an endangered plant of the national second-grade protection of China restricted in a small area in Zhejiang Province. We studied parameters of photosynthesis, chlorophyll (Chl) contents, and Chl fluorescence (minimum fluorescence, F0, maximum fluorescence, Fm, variable fluorescence, Fv, and Fv/Fm) of C. chinensis and Chimonanthus praecox. C. chinensis had lower compensation irradiance but higher saturation irradiance than C. praecox. Hence C. chinensis has more advantage in obtaining and utilizing photon energy and higher Chl content, and is more adaptive to higher temperature and propitious to thermal dissipation than C. praecox. In addition, C. chinensis produces abundant, well-preserved seed with a higher germination rate and a wider adaptability to temperature than C. praecox. Thus C. chinensis is prone to survival and viability, and gets rid of the endangered plant species of the national second-grade protection of China.  相似文献   

The species Solanum surattense Burm.f. has importance in ayurvedic medicine and also as vegetable. Streptomycin-resistant plantlets were induced showing chloroplast encoded mutants in S. surattense from mutagenised (ethyl methane sulphonate and gamma-rays) cotyledon explants. Chloroplast encoded – streptomycin resistant – shoots were developed from green (unbleached) sectors of the cotyledons. The streptomycin-resistant plants were similar to parental plants in morphology and ploidy level (2n=2x=24). Reciprocal crosses between streptomycin-resistant and the original streptomycin sensitive plants have shown the non-Mendelian transmission under the control of chloroplast – DNA. These antibiotic resistant plants are useful in designing biochemical selection schemes aimed at somatic hybrid/cybrid recovery in S. surattense.  相似文献   

Summary Lilium Asiatic hybrid ‘Mona’ bulblets were cultured in vitro for 100 d under photoautotrophic (CO2-enriched conditions and without sucrose in the medium) and heterotrophic (non-enriched CO2 conditions and sucrose-supplemented medium) methods and under various levels of photosynthetic photon flux (PPF). Bulblet growth and net photosynthetic rate (NPR) were analyzed. CO2− and PPF-enriched conditions enhanced the overall growth of bulblets, scale leaves, and roots. Heterotrophic conditions enhanced bulblet growth but higher PPF levels were inhibitory to the development of scale leaves. These results indicate the CO2− and PPF-enriched conditions (photoautotrophic conditions) are beneficial for the production of high-quality bulblets of Asiatic hybrid lilies in vitro  相似文献   

The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae.  相似文献   

We have investigated the floral ontogeny of Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis (of the eucalypt group, Myrtaceae) using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Several critical characters for establishing relationships between these genera and to the eucalypts have been determined. The absence of compound petaline primordia in Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis excludes these taxa from the eucalypt clade. Post-anthesis circumscissile abscission of the hypanthium above the ovary in Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia is evidence that these three taxa form a monophyletic group; undifferentiated perianth parts and elongated fusiform buds are characters that unite Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis as sister taxa. No floral characters clearly associate Arillastrum with either the eucalypt clade or the clade of Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia.We gratefully acknowledge Clyde Dunlop and Bob Harwood (Northern Territory Herbarium) for collecting specimens of Allosyncarpia, and Bruce Gray (Atherton) for collecting specimens of Stockwellia. The Australian National Herbarium (CANB) kindly lent herbarium specimens of Eucalyptopsis for examination. This research was supported by a University of Melbourne Research Development Grant to Andrew Drinnan.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of Robinia pseudoacacia explants by vitrification achieved 78% survival following the stepwise preculture of shoot tips in (0.3 + 0.5 + 0.7 M) sucrose with a 80 min incubation in PVS2; compared to 87% survival after desiccation of explants to 30% water content, following 3 days alginate bead (with glycerol and sucrose treatments) preculture in 0.7 M sucrose.  相似文献   

A pea rust fungus, Uromyces viciae-fabae, has been classified into two varieties, var. viciae-fabae and var. orobi, based on differences in urediniospore wall thickness and putative host specificity in Japan. In principal component analyses, morphological features of urediniospores and teliospores of 94 rust specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum did not show definite host-specific morphological groups. In molecular analyses, 23 Uromyces specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum formed a single genetic clade based on D1/D2 and ITS regions. Four isolates of U. viciae-fabae from V. cracca and V. unijuga could infect and sporulate on P. sativum. These results suggest that U. viciae-fabae populations on different host plants are not biologically differentiated into groups that can be recognized as varieties.Contribution no. 184, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   

An mRNA differential display (DD) analysis during rooting in grape cuttings was carried out to determine whether gene expression patterns differed under in vitro and ex vitro conditions. The four tissue samples for differential display and subsequent Northern hybridization analyses included control stem tissue from in vitro and ex vitro sources, microcuttings planted in MS based in vitro rooting medium and softwood cuttings planted in ex vitro soil medium, both collected 48 h after planting. DD autoradiographs showed gross similarity in banding pattern between in vitro and ex vitro stem tissue, whether constitutive or induced. Northern blot analysis of a few bands that appeared to be differentials did not indicate them as true positives. The results suggested that gene expression pattern during physiological processes such as rooting may be identical under in vitro and ex vitro conditions.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic parameters, growth, and pigment contents were determined during expansion of the fourth leaf of in vitro photoautotrophically cultured Nicotiana tabacum L. plants at three irradiances [photosynthetically active radiation (400–700 nm): low, LI 60 μmol m−2 s−1; middle, MI 180 μmol m−2 s−1; and high, HI 270 μmol m−2 s−1]. During leaf expansion, several symptoms usually accompanying leaf senescence appeared very early in HI and then in MI plants. Symptoms of senescence in developing leaves were: decreasing chlorophyll (Chl) a+b content and Chl a/b ratio, decreasing both maximum (FV/FM) and actual (ΦPS2) photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2, and increasing non-photochemical quenching. Nevertheless, net photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate (P N) did not decrease consistently with decrease in Chl content, but exhibited a typical ontogenetic course with gradual increase. P N reached its maximum before full leaf expansion and then tended to decline. Thus excess irradiance during in vitro cultivation did not cause early start of leaf senescence, but impaired photosynthetic performance and Chl content in leaves and changed their typical ontogenetic course.  相似文献   

Summary Explants of sugarcane, a C4 plant, were cultured in vitro for 18d on Floridalite (a solid cube consisting of vermiculite and cellulose fibers) used as supporting material with sugar-free Murashige and Skoog liquid medium with double-strength KH2PO4, MgSO4, FeSO4, and Na2-EDTA in the vessel with enhanced natural ventilation. CO2 concentration in the culture room was kept at 1500 μmol mol−1 (four times the atmospheric CO2 concentration) during the photoperiod. A factorial experiment was designed with two levels of photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) and three levels of N (number of air exchanges of the vessel). The results were compared with those in the control treatment (photomixotrophic culture using sugar-containing agar medium under low PPF and low N). PPF and N showed significant positive effects on the growth of sugarcane plantlets in vitro. In the photoautotrophic (using sugar-free medium) treatments with relatively high PPF (200–400 μmol m−2 s−1) and high N (2–10 h−1), the growth of plantlets was four to seven times greater than that in the control. Also, the culture period for multiplication and rooting was shortened from 30 d in the control to 18 d or less in the photoautotrophic, high PPF, and high N treatments. Use of porous supporting material in photoautotrophic treatments promoted rooting and plantlet growth significantly.  相似文献   

The small group of resurrection plants is a unique model which could help us in further understanding of abiotic stress tolerance. The most frequently used approach for investigations on gene functions in plant systems is genetic transformation. In this respect, the establishment of in vitro systems for regeneration and micro propagation is necessary. On the other hand, in vitro cultures of such rare plants could preserve their natural populations. Here, we present our procedure for in vitro regeneration and propagation of Haberlea rhodopensis – a resurrection plant species, endemic for the Balkan region.  相似文献   

In vitro rooting of oil palm shoots derived from somatic embryos was achieved through a single-phase protocol in which three shoots are cultured in the same culture tube on an α-naphtaleacetic acid-enriched culture medium. Rooting performance was dependent on both the genetic origin and initial size of the shoot explants. All shoots from a given tube showed a tendency to give roots of the same type, independent of the original size of the explant. Whatever the clonal line, longer-size shoots (L-type: >9 cm) showed higher rooting rates than medium-size (M-type: 7–9 cm) and short-size ones (S-type: 5–7 cm). When groups of three shoots from the same clonal line were rooted together in the same culture tube, the combination of plant size within the group impacted overall quality of rooting. Within triplets of shoots containing more than one short individual, the probability of obtaining adequate rooting was low. Similarly, when more than one long shoot was included in the triplet rooting, quality was also poor. By avoiding such combinations, the rate of well-rooted plantlets increased by 25%, with a maximum of 66% when triplets of S/M/L combination were used. Smaller shoots, which usually showed poor rooting performance, were therefore found to benefit from the presence of their neighbors. This interaction between the sizes of individuals in a given tube was found to be associated with a within-tube correlation effect, a phenomenon previously described as “event coupling,” which was estimated using a distorted binomial-type distribution of probabilities. The resulting calculation of a coupling factor (average r = 0.60) explains the behavior of shoots within the same culture tube and their average rooting performance. Modeling of the interactions that occurred during in vitro rooting is described here and is recommended for improvement of this critical step in micropropagation.  相似文献   

We have developed a protocol for the in vitro propagation of the genus Clivia. Shoots were regenerated when fragments of the peduncle-pedicel junction (PP junction) from young inflorescences were used as explants. The optimal media for PP junction were Murashige and Skoog (MS)-based medium containing 10 M of 6-benzyladenine (BA) and 10 M of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) or MS supplemented with 5 M BA, 10 M -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 250 mg l-1 glutamine and 500 mg l–1 casein hydrolysate and their usage depended on the breeding lines. Multiplication from initiations and in vitro seedlings was the best when the explants were cut longitudinally through the meristem and placed on MS plus 44 M BA. Plantlets were transferred on to hormone -free MS medium with charcoal for rooting.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors affecting in vitro flowering of Perilla frutescens. The shoots regenerated from cotyledonary and hypocotyl explants cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with benzyladenine (BA) and indole-3-acetic acid, each at 0.5 mg l−1, were excised and transferred to MS medium containing 30 g l−1 of sucrose, 8.25 g l−1 of ammonium nitrate, and 1.0 mg l−1 of BA. After 40 d of culture, 86.2% of shoots flowered and most of which self-fertilized in vitro and produced mature fruits with viable seeds. These seeds were germinated and plants were grown to maturity and flowered in soil under greenhouse conditions. The in vitro flowering system reported in this study may facilitate rapid breeding of P. frutescens and offers a model system for studying the physiological mechanism of flowering.  相似文献   

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