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Reactivity of histidine residues in equine growth hormone to ethoxyformic anhydride was studied. The existence of two kinetically different sets was demonstrated: one of them including only the slow reacting histidine 169 (k = 0.164 min-1) and the other containing fast reacting histidines 19 and 21 (k = 0.892 min-1). A correlation between the decrease in the capacity to compete with 125I-labeled hormone for rat liver binding sites and the degree of ethoxyformylation of the fast group was found. Circular dichroism studies indicated no significant conformational changes in the protein with all three residues modified. These results fully agree with those obtained for bovine growth hormone which is further evidence supporting the vinculation of histidines 19 and/or 21 with the binding site of these hormones to their specific receptors.  相似文献   

Bovine growth hormone was chemically modified with picryl sulfonic acid, at pH 8.4 during 2 and 5 min of reaction. The N-terminal residue provides the most reactive amino group followed by the epsilon-amino groups of lysine 179 and lysines 143, 69, 111, 170 and 166 in decreasing order. These results agree with those obtained previously with equine growth hormone, except that residue 156 is not modified in bovine growth hormone. An important decrease in biological activity occurs between 2 and 5 min of reaction without sensible modification in the alpha-helix content of the molecule.  相似文献   

A new purification scheme for both prolactin and growth hormone from bovine pituitaries has been developed which avoids the use of potentially damaging solution conditions. Both hormones were greater than 95% pure as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and had specific activities similar to or greater than standard samples of the same hormone as judged by several bioassays. Small single crystals of bovine growth hormone were obtained by vapor diffusion techniques. Examination of these crystals by x-ray diffraction, using the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source, showed that they were well ordered, and exhibited diffraction to 2.8-A resolution on still photographs. Precession and oscillation photographs showed that they belonged to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) (or P2(1)2(1)2) with unit cell dimensions a = 219 A, b = 51.9 A, c = 68.9 A. The density of the crystals was 1.19 +/- 0.02 g/ml from which the presence of eight 45,000-dalton dimers/unit cell was deduced. The protein content of the crystals was shown by isoelectric focusing to be identical to that of purified growth hormone in solution. These crystals appear suitable for use in the x-ray structure determination of bovine growth hormone to at least 3.2-A resolution.  相似文献   

pH-induced conformational states of bovine growth hormone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The folding behavior of bovine growth hormone (bGH) is examined by chemical and pH denaturation using several spectroscopic probes of protein secondary and tertiary structure. Partially denaturing concentrations of urea eliminate the native-state quenching of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, from the single protein tryptophan, but the fluorescence emission spectrum is not red-shifted like the unfolded state, and the protein retains substantial secondary structure. A neutral-to-acid pH shift also eliminates tryptophan quenching; however, the loss of quenching is not accompanied by an emission red-shift. In addition, the protein undergoes a pH-dependent UV absorbance transition; the changes in absorptivity have the same midpoint as the transition associated with the change in intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. The magnitude of the absorption transition is similar to that observed previously for urea denaturation of the protein. In a similar fashion, a pH-dependent CD transition is also observed; however, the transition occurs at a higher pH. The behavior of the various optical probes indicates that the pH-induced conformational transition produces a highly populated species in which the microenvironment surrounding the single protein tryptophan residue resembles that observed during the urea-induced unfolding/refolding transition. The pH-induced changes in tertiary structure occur at a lower pH than the changes associated with a portion of the secondary structure. Proton NMR of the low-pH intermediate indicates that the three His and six Tyr resonances are indistinguishable from the unfolded state. The intermediate(s) observed by either chemical or pH-induced denaturation resemble(s) a molten globule state which contains significant secondary structure. The residual secondary structure present in the intermediate could be nonnative.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) is a polipeptide that controls the differentiation, growth and metabolism of many cell types, and is secreted from the hypophysis of all vertebrate species tested so far. Despite the overlapping evolutionary, structural, immunological and biological properties, it is well-known that GHs from distinct mammalian species have significant species-specific characteristics. The main purpose of this review is to highlight bovine GH (bGH) structural features related to its species-specific properties. Novel interest in bGH is also aroused by the advent of biotechnological methods for production of recombinant proteins. In fact recombinant bGH will have a great importance in veterinary medicine research and as a ‘high tech’ drug that needs to be monitored in zootechnical productions.  相似文献   

A number of mouse x mouse hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against bovine growth hormone (bGH) were prepared by fusion of spleen cells from bGH-primed mice (Balb/c) with non-secretory mouse myeloma cells (PAIOP3) and characterized. MAbs obtained from three fusion experiments belonged to IgM, IgG1 and IgG2b class/subclass of antibodies. Cross-reaction studies indicated that generated antibodies were against three different epitopes of bGH. VIA6E8 (IgG1) and VIIB2E11C9 (IgM) did not cross-react with ovine prolactin (oPRL), ovine leutinizing hormone (oLH) and porcine follicle stimulating hormone. Antibody VIB3C9E8 (IgM) exhibited cross-reaction with oPRL and oLH. Antibody VIC1F9 (IgG2b) cross reacted with oPRL. All MAbs were against conformational epitopes of bGH.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of performic acid-oxidized bovine pituitary growth hormone with plasmin has been investigated. It was found that not all tryptic-sensitive bonds were cleaved by plasmin, and that most of the peptide fragments from plasmin digest were derived from the carboxyl terminal portion of the bovine growth hormone molecule.  相似文献   

Synthesis of bovine growth hormone by Streptomyces lividans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Streptomyces lividans 66 was transformed with a plasmid containing the regulatory region of the Streptomyces fradiae aph gene and a structural gene that specifies bovine growth hormone (bGH). When grown in liquid culture the transformant contained a protein identical to authentic bGH, as judged by radioimmunoassay and immuno-blotting (Western analysis). The bGH was present in cells that had been in culture for up to four weeks but was not found in the medium. The strategy employed should be generally applicable to the expression of foreign genes in actinomycetes.  相似文献   

Reaction of bovine growth hormone with hydrogen peroxide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C B Glaser  C H Li 《Biochemistry》1974,13(5):1044-1047

Although growth hormone (GH) exerts various direct and indirect stimulatory effects on gonadal development and function, excessive levels of GH in acromegalic patients and in transgenic animals are often associated with reproductive disorders. We have examined reproductive performance of transgenic female mice expressing the following hybrid genes: mouse metallothionein-1 (MT)/human placental GH variant (hGH.V), MT/bovine GH(bGH), and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)/bGH. This allowed us to evaluate the effects of chronic GH excess in three animal models and to obtain some information on the significance of the lactogenic activity of the foreign GH (hGH.V vs. bGH) and on the developmental stage of transgene expression (MT vs. PEPCK). Transgenic animals from each line had elevated plasma insulin-like growth factor-I levels and greatly increased adult body weight. Plasma bGH levels were significantly higher in PEPCK/bGH than in MT/bGH transgenic mice. Approximately 20% of transgenic MT/hGH.V and MT/bGH females and over 60% of transgenic PEPCK/bGH females were infertile. Transgenic females that did reproduce ovulated either a normal or increased number of eggs but exhibited a variety of reproductive disorders including increased interval between pairing with a male and conception, increased interval between litters, reduced number of litters, reduced fetal growth, increased pre- and postnatal mortality, and alterations in sex ratio. Among adult offspring of these females, the proportion of transgenic animals was significantly less than the expected 50%. While some characteristics (e.g., fetal crown-rump length and weight on Day 14 of pregnancy) were affected to a comparable extent in transgenic females from all three lines, MT/hGH.V and PEPCK/bGH females were, in general, more severely affected than the MT/bGH animals. Sterility of PEPCK/bGH females appeared to be due to luteal failure since treatment with progesterone led to pregnancy. Greatly increased intervals between successive litters appeared to be due to failure to mate during postpartum estrus and to sterile matings during this period. Reduced fetal size and weight may have been due to chronic glucocorticoid excess because comparable changes could be induced in normal females by injections of dexamethasone during pregnancy, and plasma corticosterone levels were previously shown to be elevated in transgenic mice from each of these lines. Comparison of these results with data obtained from matings of normal female mice to transgenic males from the same lines suggests that reduced fetal growth is due primarily to maternal genotype, while reduced "transmission" of the hybrid genes is not, and presumably reflects increased mortality of transgenic progeny at various stages of development.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Detection of desamido forms of purified bovine growth hormone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tryptic peptide mapping and amino acid sequencing were used for the identification of desamido forms of bovine growth hormone. The major desamido forms of bovine growth hormone resulted from deamidation of asparagine in position 13, 148 and glutamine 140. These forms did not seem to be produced by prolonged treatment of bovine growth hormone in tryptic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Holladay and co-workers [Holladay, L. A., Hammonds, R. G., & Puett, D. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 1653-1661] reported the presence of an equilibrium intermediate in the guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) induced denaturation of pituitary-derived bovine growth hormone (p-bGH). Since then, numerous reports have appeared demonstrating the inherent heterogeneity in p-bGH. In this report we show that a standard preparation of p-bGH can be separated into two components of almost equal abundance differing in molecular weight by approximately 1000. Each of these two components could give rise to different denaturation transitions which would be interpreted as evidence for equilibrium intermediates. We report here the equilibrium denaturation of bGH produced by Escherichia coli through recombinant DNA technology. The recombinant-derived bGH (r-bGH) is more homogeneous than that derived from pituitary sources and is greater than 95% a single polypeptide entity. Nevertheless, the GdnHCl-induced denaturation profiles of both recombinant bGH and pituitary bGH are very similar. The presence of equilibrium intermediates is verified by the asymmetry of the denaturation transition as measured by size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography and by noncoincidence of the denaturation transitions as observed by ultraviolet absorbance, fluorescence intensity, and circular dichroism. These findings conclusively show that the secondary structure of bovine growth hormone is more stable than the tertiary structure and is consistent with a framework model of protein folding.  相似文献   

In rodents, bovine (b) growth hormone (GH) binds only to GH receptors, while human (h) GH binds to both GH and PRL receptors. The phenotypic consequences of expression of bGH and hGH in transgenic mice are different and, in some cases, opposite. In the present study, site-directed in vitro mutagenesis of the bGH gene was used systematically to eliminate its differences from hGH at one, two, three or four sites suspected of conferring lactogenic activity: D11, H18, S57 and T60, respectively (corresponding to sites 12, 19, 57 and 60 of the bGH molecule). The resulting bGH analogues were expressed in cell lines and in transgenic mice. All of the seven bGH analogues produced retained their ability to bind to GH receptors and exhibited somatogenic activity in vitro and in vivo. However, none of them were able to bind to PRL receptors or to elicit detectable lactogenic response in vitro. Transgenic animals expressing any of the generated analogues were characterized by gigantism and splanchnomegaly. The effects of expression of each of the double, triple or quadruple mutants on the seminal vesicle weight resembled the effects of wild-type hGH and differed from the effects of expression of wild-type bGH. There were differences between the effects of the expression of different bGH analogues on plasma PRL levels and on the PRL response to pharmacological blockade of catecholamine synthesis. Plasma LH levels in ovariectomized females were suppressed by several of the analogues tested, an effect not seen in animals expressing wild-type bGH or hGH. Dopamine turnover in the median eminence of male mice was also altered in animals expressing different bGH analogues but not in those expressing wild-type bGH or hGH. In ovariectomized females, the effects of different bGH analogs on the turnover of dopamine and norepine phrine in the median eminence included changes resembling those detected in animals expressing hGH, as well as alterations differing from the effects of bot h bGH and hGH.The results indicate that biological actions of these bGH analogues cannot be characterized simply in terms of enhanced or reduced somatogenic or lactogenic activity and raise a possibility that different sites, domains or features of the tri-dimensional structure of GH are involved in its actions on different cellular targets  相似文献   

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