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Newly emerged worker honeybees (focal bees) were caged individually for 8 days either isolated or together with one companion bee of known age (2–30 days) taken from a colony. The companion bee was replaced every 2nd day. After 8 days, various parameters were investigated in the focal bees as indicators of the level of development. Focal bees which had been caged with 6-day-old companion bees were better developed than isolated focal bees, newly emerged bees, or focal bees caged with almost all other ages of companion bees. They had hypopharyngeal glands that were larger and contained more protein, their thoraces had a higher protein content, and they had a higher rate of proteolytic activity in the midgut. Although the focal bees were supplied with pollen as well as honey, they consumed only small amounts of pollen. We attribute their better development to their having been fed worker jelly by the accompanying companion bees. The 6-day-old companion bees consumed high quantities of pollen and spent more time (18.7 ± 11.85 s/h) feeding focal bees than 12-day-old bees (6.5 ± 4.09 s/h) or foragers (no feeding of focal bees). The results show that even under such artificial conditions, the exchange of food (trophallaxis) promotes the development of young honeybee workers. Accepted: 26 February 1999  相似文献   

Summary Honeybee nurses (8 days old) were injected with 14C-phenylalanine. These bees then dispensed the 14C-labelled protein-rich products of their hypopharyngeal glands to the queen and the brood, and also to young drones and workers of all age classes. In small colonies containing 400–800 bees, nearly one-quarter of the radioactivity which could not be recovered in the nurses was fed by them in a protein-bound form to other members of the worker caste. During one night, one nurse fed an average of 4–5 foragers with proteinaceous food. The role of nurses in the work allotment system of honeybee colonies therefore needs a new, extended definition. Nurses are largely responsible for preparing nutrients from pollen, which is difficult to digest. They then distribute the nutritionally valuable protein produced by their hypopharyngeal glands to practically all hive mates.Dedicated to Professor Dr. O. Kepka on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Social parasitism is widespread in the eusocial insects. Although social parasites often show a reduced worker caste, unmated workers can also parasitize colonies. Cape honeybee workers, Apis mellifera capensis, can establish themselves as social parasites in host colonies of other honeybee subspecies. However, it is unknown whether social parasitism by laying workers also occurs among Cape honeybee colonies. In order to address this question we genotyped worker offspring of six queenless A. m. capensis colonies and determined the maternity of the reproducing workers. We found that three non-nestmate workers dominated reproduction in a host colony and produced 62.5% of the progeny. Our results show that social parasitism by laying workers is a naturally occurring part of the biology of Cape honeybees. However, such social parasitism is not frequently found (6.41% of the total worker offspring) probably due to co-evolutionary processes among A. m. capensis resulting in an equilibrium between selection for reproductive dominance in workers, colony maintenance and queen adaptation. Received 28 July 2005; revised 19 September and 11 November 2005; accepted 16 November 2005.  相似文献   

Honeybees fixed in small tubes scan an object within the range of the antennae by touching it briefly and frequently. In our experiments the animals were able to scan an object for several minutes with the antennae. After moving the object out of the range of the antennae, the animals showed antennal movements for several minutes that were correlated with the position of the removed object. These changes of antennal movements are called “behavioural plasticity” and are interpreted as a form of motor learning. Bees showed behavioural plasticity only for objects with relatively large surfaces. Plasticity was more pronounced in bees whose compound eyes were occluded. Behavioural plasticity was related to the duration of object presentation. Repeated presentations of the object increased the degree of plasticity. After presentation durations of 30 min the animals showed a significant increase of antennal positions related to the surface of the object and avoidance of areas corresponding to the edges. Behavioural plasticity was compared with reward-dependent learning by conditioning bees to objects. The results of motor learning and reward-dependent conditioning suggest that bees have tactile spatial memory. Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   

Colonies of social insects that undergo fission as a componentof reproduction produce large excesses of males. Hypothesesto explain this phenomenon have assumed that the workers thatconstitute the entourage for the new queen (or queens) representinvestment in female reproductives. Selection for optimal colonysex allocation then leads to an increase in production of malesthat balances the investment in females based on their relativereproductive values. We show that the construction of comb dedicatedto the production of males (drone comb) versus workers (workercomb) is a component of sex investment under the control ofcolony workers. Relative comb construction was highly correlatedwith the relative investment in male and worker brood. Coloniesthat invested relatively more in their total numbers of malesinvested less in the dry weight of individual workers. Coloniesthat had more adult workers produced a greater number of malesand workers, but colony size did not affect the proportionalinvestment in drone comb or brood. Genetic variability was foundfor the number of adult workers in colonies, the amount of dronecomb produced, the amount of worker comb produced, and the dryweight of adult workers, suggesting that sex allocation is aselectable trait in honeybees.  相似文献   

To study the relationship between the individual and social thermoregulatory behaviour, we used honeybee workers and American cockroaches. Single insects or groups of 10-20 individuals were placed in a temperature gradient chamber, and their thermal preference was recorded for 48 h under natural summer photoperiod. Single bees showed diurnal changes in selected ambient temperature, which culminated at 14:00 reaching 34+/-2 degrees C, and then slowly decreased, reaching a nocturnal minimum of 28+/-2 degrees C at 04:00. In contrast, the zenith of temperature selected by groups of bees (31+/-1 degrees C) was reached at 04:00 and the nadir (29+/-2 degrees C) was recorded at 14:00. Groups of bees clustered together during the night time, and dispersed during intense day time activity. Such changes were absent in groups of cockroaches. Cockroaches selected an ambient temperature of 30+/-1 degrees C both during day and night. In conclusion, there is a striking analogy in the diurnal thermal behaviour between a colony of bees and mammals. During their nychthemeral rest phase, both of them select higher temperatures than during the activity phase and, simultaneously, they reduce their overall surface area of heat loss to conserve metabolic heat. Therefore, the colony behaves as a homeothermic superorganism. In contrast, a single bee, isolated from the colony, utilizes a heterothermic strategy to save energy for a morning warm up.  相似文献   

The mode of intranest transfer of the honey bee queen mandibular gland pheromone complex (QMP) was investigated in unpopulous and populous, slightly congested colonies, using synthetic QMP containing tritiated 9-keto-2(E)-decenoic acid, one of the QMP components. Radiolabel was rapidly transported from the center to the peripheral regions of the nest, and in a manner consistent with worker to worker transport. Population size and congestion had no effect on the relative rates of movement from the center to the periphery of the nest or on the mean amounts of radiolabel on individual bees. However, a significantly smaller proportion of the workers in the populous colonies received detectable amounts of radiolabel than in the uncongested colonies, and workers carrying especially large amounts of radiolabel were less numerous in the crowded colonies. It is suggested that, at the stage of colony development that the colonies were in, population size has more of an effect on intranest pheromone transmission than does crowding. Interference with pheromone transfer may occur only at higher levels of congestion than were created, and nearer to the reproductive phase of colony development. An alternative hypothesis is that colony crowding does not significantly affect QMP transport and that the onset of reproductive queen rearing may be associated more with changes in worker thresholds of response to QMP.  相似文献   

At a natural drone congregation area freeflying drones were attracted by a fast-moving queen dummy and the pursuits of drones were stereoscopically recorded (Fig. 1). The reconstruction of 192 flight paths from successfully approaching drones in chronological three dimensional sequences (Fig. 4) lead to the following results: 1. The alignment of the drone's longitudinal body axis coincides fairly well with the line connecting drone and queen (drone-queen-axis), its mean angular deviation from this line being only 14°. Angles between -5° and 5° occur most frequently (Fig. 5B). Thus, drones head straight to the queen. 2. Lateral deviations from the drone-queen-axis most frequently lie between — 30° and 30° (Fig. 5A) which corresponds to the drone's binocular visual field. 3. The drone's heading was continuously adjusted to the actual target, mean turning speed being 1890°/s. 4. The results lead to the conclusion that honeybee drones choose the shortest way to a fast and not predictably moving mate. A comparison with earlier observations suggests that a drone's mating success depends not only on his skills to win a race but also on his persistence within a group.  相似文献   

Summary Queen attendance behavior of workers from selected honey bee colonies with high and low worker retinue response to synthetic queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) was investigated. Antennating, licking, grooming, and feeding of the queen by workers from high and low responding colonies were examined. High and low QMP responding workers did not attend the queen differently. However, workers originating from different colonies antennated and licked the queen more frequently than others, suggesting there may be a genetic basis for queen attendance behavior not necessarily associated with response to QMP. The median age of queen attendance was independent of strain.  相似文献   

周婷  姚军  王强  王风忠 《昆虫学报》2004,47(4):530-533
微孢子虫Nosema apis和狄斯瓦螨微孢子虫Nosema apis和狄斯瓦螨 Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae)均为危害意蜂Apis mellifera的重要寄生虫,该文对其危害后意蜂血淋巴蛋白质含量的变化进行了研究。用考马斯亮蓝法测定了意蜂受侵染后血淋巴的蛋白质总量,并用高压超薄层等电点聚焦法进行血淋巴蛋白质分类。结果显示,病蜂血淋巴蛋白质总量,在人工感染微孢子虫后1~10天呈微孢子虫Nosema apis和狄斯瓦螨 Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae)均为危害意蜂Apis mellifera的重要寄生虫,该文对其危害后意蜂血淋巴蛋白质含量的变化进行了研究。用考马斯亮蓝法测定了意蜂受侵染后血淋巴的蛋白质总量,并用高压超薄层等电点聚焦法进行血淋巴蛋白质分类。结果显示,病蜂血淋巴蛋白质总量,在人工感染微孢子虫后1~10天呈上升趋势,然后逐渐下降,感染后12~27天保持在感染前意蜂血淋巴总蛋白质含量水平以下。螨侵染后意蜂血淋巴蛋白质含量明显增高,与健康意蜂相比差异极显著。高压超薄层等电点聚焦分析表明:狄斯瓦螨自然侵染意蜂后,意蜂血淋巴蛋白质组分与健康对照组相比发生了明显改变。这些结果提示,意蜂对于微孢子虫或狄斯瓦螨的侵染产生了一定的免疫反应。  相似文献   

Abstract.  To explore the role of brain tyramine in reproductive worker honeybees, its effects after injection and oral treatment on brain dopamine levels and ovarian development in queenless worker honeybees are determined. Both tyramine injection and oral treatment in 10-day-old queenless bees leads to tyramine transportation into the brain and significantly elevates brain dopamine levels as a function of the tyramine concentration. Ovarian diameters are significantly larger in 10-day-old queenless bees treated with tyramine compared with queenless bees of the same age without tyramine treatment. Results on yolk formation in the ovary support the finding of increased ovarian diameter, suggesting that oral tyramine treatment accelerates ovarian development through dopamine effects and/or direct effects of tyramine on the ovary in queenless bees. Thus, tyramine has potential effects on the enhancement of brain dopamine levels and the acceleration of ovarian development for the transition of normal workers to reproductive worker honeybees.  相似文献   

Though social insects generally seem to have a reduced individual immunoresponse compared to solitary species, the impact of heat stress on that response has not been studied. In the honey bee, the effect of heat stress on reproductives (queens and males/drones) may also vary compared to workers, but this is currently unknown. Here, we quantified the activity of an enzyme linked to the immune response in insects and known to be affected by heat stress in solitary species: phenoloxidase (PO), in workers, queens and drones of Africanized honey bees (AHBs) experimentally subjected to elevated temperatures during the pupal stage. Additionally, we evaluated this marker in individuals experimentally infected with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. Differences in PO activity were found between sexes and castes, with PO activity generally higher in workers and lower in reproductives. Such differences are associated with the likelihood of exposure to infection and the role of different individuals in the colony. Contrary to our expectation, heat stress did not cause an increase in PO activity equally in all classes of individual. Heat stress during the pupal stage significantly decreased the PO activity of AHB queens, but not that of workers or drones, which more frequently engage in extranidal activity. Experimental infection with Metarhizium anisopliae reduced PO activity in queens and workers, but increased it in drones. Notably, heat stressed workers lived significantly shorter after infection despite exhibiting greater PO activity than queens or drones. We suggest that this discrepancy may be related to trade-offs among immune response cascades in honey bees such as between heat shock proteins and defensin peptides used in microbial defence. Our results provide evidence for complex relationships among humoral immune responses in AHBs and suggest that heat stress could result in a reduced life expectancy of individuals.  相似文献   

The results of bioassay and colony evaluation demonstrated that British and Texas Buckfast honey bee stocks had one-third to one-half the mean prevalence and abundance of tracheal mites as Canadian standard stock, indicating that Buckfast stocks are less susceptible to tracheal mites than Canadian standard stock. Hybrid Canadian and Buckfast stocks exhibited resistance characteristics similar to only one of their parental stocks, suggesting the colony has an unknown effect on the expression of a bee's resistance to mites. A high correlation (r s=0.66) between abundance values from the bioassay and colony evaluations indicates that the bioassay can be used to screen bees for mite resistance.  相似文献   

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