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Summary We have examined the cortex of the teleost (Brachydanio rerio) egg before and during exocytosis of cortical granules by scanning, transmission, and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. In the unactivated egg, the P-face of the plasma membrane exhibits a random distribution of intramembranous particles, showing a density of 959/m2 and an average diameter of 8 nm. Particles over P- and E-faces of the membranes of cortical granules are substantially larger and display a significantly lower density. An anastomosing cortical endoplasmic reticulum forms close associations with both the plasma membrane of the egg and the membranes of cortical granules. Exocytosis begins with cortical granules pushing up beneath the plasma membrane to form domeshaped swellings, coupled with an apparent clearing of particles from the site of contact between the apposed membranes. A depression in the particle-free plasma membrane appears to mark sites of fusion and pore formation between cortical granules and plasma membranes. Profiles of exocytotic vesicles undergo a predictable sequence of morphological change, but maintain their identity in the egg surface during this transformation. Coated vesicles form at sites of cortical granule breakdown. Differences in particle density between cortical granules and egg plasma membranes persist during transformation of the exocytotic profiles. This suggests that constituents of the 2 membrane domains remain segregated and do not intermix rapidly, lending support to the view that the process of membrane retrieval is selective (i.e., cortical granule membrane is removed).  相似文献   

Summary In Eufolliculina uhligi and other folliculinid ciliates, a territory has been identified that differs ultrastructurally from other areas of the cell, and that is especially sensitive to mechanical stimuli. This territory is located around the anterior oral apparatus of the loricate trophont and posterior to the membranellar spiral of the swarmer. Each cilium in this territory is closely apposed to a small membrane-covered pin that is supported by transverse microtubules of the cilium. In front of the pin, the base of the cilium bulges out; the ciliary membrane is interconnected with the axoneme by filamentous material. Freeze-fractured cilia show a large rectangular particle array at the site of the basal swelling. Only scattered particles have been observed in the pin membrane. It is suggested that the cilium and the pin act as a unit, which has therefore been named the ciliumpin-complex. Comparison with ciliary organelles of unicellular and multicellular organisms indicates that, because of their polar organization, the complexes are involved in the transduction of oriented, presumably mechanical, stimuli.  相似文献   

Markhors (Capra falconeri) are among the most endangered mammal species, and several conservation measures, including ex situ breeding, are implemented to prevent their extinction. We studied sequence diversity and differentiation of the first hypervariable segment of the mitochondrial DNA control region among C. f. heptneri and C. f. megaceros kept in four zoos in relationship to lineages of other wild and domestic goats, to assess for the first time the level of molecular distinctness and variability among those subspecies, and to check for possible introgression by related Capra taxa, such as domestic goats. Levels of differentiation between some Capra falconeri lineages and modern domestic goats were similar to levels between other wild goat species (i.e., Capra aegagrus, Capra ibex) and domestic goats. Among pure markhor lineages, paraphyly was observed for C. f. heptneri, suggesting occurrence of shared ancestral polymorphism among markhor subspecies and/or ancient or recent gene exchange between subspecies. Interestingly, 35.7% of all studied markhors from three zoos are introgressed by the domestic goat. Furthermore, despite relatively small breeding group sizes, markhors have maintained a relatively high proportion of mtDNA variation within zoo groups. In any case, the existence of markhors introgressed with domestic goat DNA in zoos should be considered when selecting markhors for ex situ breeding programs with the aim of building up a stock for later reintroduction into the wild.  相似文献   

The systematics of the genus Capra remain controversial in spite of studies conducted using morphology, mtDNA, and allozymes. Here, we assess the evolutionary history of Capra (i) using phylogenetic analysis of two nuclear genes located on the Y-chromosome and (ii) previously published and new cytochrome b sequences. For the Y-chromosome phylogeny, we sequenced segments from the amelogenin (AMELY) and zinc finger (ZFY) genes from all of the eight wild taxa and from domestic goats (Capra hircus). Phylogenetic analysis of the Y-chromosome data revealed two well-defined clades. The domestic goat (C. hircus), the bezoar (Capra aegagrus), and the markhor (C. falconeri) belong to one clade (ML bootstrap value [BP]: 98%), suggesting that domestic goats originated from one or both of these wild species. The second clade (ML BP: 92%) is comprised of all the other wild species. Horn morphology is generally concordant with the Y-chromosome phylogeny. The mtDNA data also revealed two well-defined clades. However, the species in each clade are different from those inferred from the Y-chromosome data. To explain the discordance between Y-chromosome and mtDNA phylogenies, several hypotheses are considered. We suggest that a plausible scenario involves mtDNA introgression between ancestral taxa before the relatively recent colonization of Western Europe, the Caucasus Mountains, and East Africa by Capra populations.  相似文献   

Summary Six subcellular fractions were isolated by differential centrifugation of the homogenate of spermatozoa of Ascaris suum. The cellular constituents of pelleted fractions, as identified by electron microscopy, were membranes and membranous organelles (fraction A1), microsomal (A2), cytoplasmic (A3), large refringent granules (B1), small refringent granules (B2) and a detergent-soluble fraction (B3).Polypeptide analysis by SDS-PAGE showed that the 18,400-dalton band, one of the major spermatozoan proteins, is detectable in all of the fractions. However, the cytoplasmic (A1) and refringent-granule (B1) fractions contained the highest level.The isolated refringent granules consisted of 2–6 % lipid while the nonlipid fraction formed an insoluble matrix with a fibrillar network morphology. This fibrillar matrix contained three polypeptides of small molecular weight (7,000–14,000) in addition to the 18,400-dalton polypeptide. These small polypeptides (7,000–14,000 MW) are detectable only in fractions of the refringent granules and are therefore called the refringent-granule proteins (RGP). These RGP are sensitive to tryptic hydrolysis and have solubility properties similar to the protein, ascaridine.Adult Ascaris suum were generously provided by Wilson and Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This study was supported by postdoctoral fellowship 5F32AI05646 from NIH. The assistance of Mr. Douglas Wood is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to optimise protocols for freezing spermatozoa of the Pacific oyster. All the phases of the cryopreservation procedure (choice of cryoprotectant, cooling, freezing, and thawing) were studied in relation to the species of spermatozoa to restore on thawing the morphological and physiological characteristics of fresh semen. The choice of type and concentration of cryoprotectant in which semen is incubated before freezing is fundamental for a successful cryopreservation: the cryoprotectants (dimethylsulfoxide--Me(2)SO, ethylene glycol--EG, propylene glycol-PG, and glycerol in concentrations between 5 and 15%) were tested for their toxicity on the semen exposed up to 30 min at +26 degrees C (room temperature) by evaluating its ability to fertilise and the embryo development to the regular D larval stage. The best cryoprotectants, Me(2)SO, EG, and PG 5, 10, and 15% respectively, were used for the pre-cooling (adaptation/cooling) tests. Two different adaptation/cooling procedures were tested: (A) from +26 degrees C to 0-2 degrees C (2.6 degrees C/min) and (B) at +26 degrees C for 15 min. Lastly, using the cryoprotectants and the adaptation procedure (B) that had given the best results in the preceding stages of the experiment, four cooling rates were tested: 6, 11, 16, and 21 degrees C/min. It was seen that the semen that was incubated with EG 10%, adapted at +26 degrees C for 15 min, and then cooled at a rate of 6 degrees C/min showed a percentage of regular D larvae on thawing comparable to that of fresh semen (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

The acrosome-less spermatozoon of Aristaeopsis edwardsiana (Crustacea, Aristeidae), which consists of a central non-membrane bound nuclear region surrounded by a thin peripheral cytoplasm, much resembles that of the previously studied aristeid Aristaeomorpha foliacea. The marked spermatozoal similarities between these two species appear to indicate a close phylogenetic proximity. A considerably different spermatozoal pattern is observed in aristeids from the genus Aristeus (A. varidens and A. antennatus), whose spermatozoa possess an anterior spherical acrosome, lacking a spike, and partially embedded in (instead of capping) the main sperm body. The two distinct sperm types found in the Aristeidae differ significantly from the spiked sperm typically found in most penaeoids (Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Sicyoniidae), thus suggesting a phylogenetic separation of the Aristeidae from the remaining Penaeoidea.  相似文献   

Mucous consists of glycoproteins and proteoglycans produced by specific secretory cells (mucocytes). In anurans the cutaneous mucous is produced by intradermal glands and displays both mechanical and chemical protection functions. Indeed, mucous maintains the integument moist and facilitates gas exchange (cutaneous respiration). In this work, the carbohydrate moiety distribution was investigated in the integument of Bufo ictericus using conventional and lectin histochemistry to describe the pattern of cutaneous glycoconjugate expression, including both secretory and structural proteoglycans. As a preliminary step, the descendent chromatography in Whatmann 1MM paper was undertaken to prepare the histochemical trials involving the lectins. In B. ictericus, the integument exhibits the basic morphological structure found in lower terrestrial vertebrates: the epidermis is a keratinized squamous stratified epithelium supported by spongious and compact layers. The spongy dermis contain secretory portion of both mucous and serous (or poison) glands. The paper chromatography identified galactose, fucose and mannose as characteristic sugar residues. The secretory cells of the mucous gland in the dermis, as well as the interstice between the stratum corneum and the subjacent stratum spinosum in the epidermis exhibit alpha-l-fucose and alpha-galactose residues. The serous glands give no reaction. The alpha-mannose residue was detected in the extracellular matrix of spongious dermis, but not in the dermal glands. The different glycoconjugate location reflects in two glycoconjugates categories: the secretory which participate in the water flow regulation, and the structural which is involved in the dermal maintenance.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids from the crossing Brassica campestris x B. hirta are reported in our study for the first time. F1 plants were obtained by using ovary culture. The phenotype of hybrids was similar to B. napus; the plants were self-fertile. Investigation of meiotic division and nuclear DNA content measurements showed the amphidiploid origin of these hybrids. The relationship between genome A and D, as well as the spontaneous amphidiploidization of the hybrids, are discussed.  相似文献   

The history and species status of free-ranging goats inhabiting the Eastern Mediterranean islands is discussed with reference to morphometric, archaeological and genetic findings. A case study on the free-ranging goats on Crete (Capra aegagrus cretica) is presented. The phenotype of the Cretan goat resembles that of the wild bezoar goat (C. aegagrus). However, the mitochondrial DNA of cytochrome b and d-loop sequences shows affinity with domestic goats. It has been suggested that the Cretan goat represents a feral animal that was introduced onto the island during the 6th millennium b.c. as a primitive domestic, and has retained the wild morphotype but has undergone significant genetic change. An alternative explanation, and the one that is proposed here, is that the goat was introduced onto the island in wild form and released as a food source. Subsequent introgressions with domestic animals, especially ewes, have influenced its genotype. These conclusions are applicable to other free-living goats and sheep which inhabit islands in the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

植物核DNA含量(2C-值)与倍性水平是重要的植物学基本特征,是进行种群进化、物种分类和生态学等研究的有力证据.为确定中国吊钟花属(Enkianthus Lour.)各物种的核DNA含量与倍性水平并探究该属植物在种间、种内核DNA含量差异,该研究以6种中国吊钟花属植物共23个居群60个样品为试验材料,以水稻品种'日本晴...  相似文献   

Two questions are of interest concerning the male reproductive system in Gordiida: (1) is the epithelium surrounding the testis continuous or discontinuous and (2) is the type of spermatozoon as described at the transmission electron-microscopical level for the two species of Gordius typical for all Gordiida? An examination of the South American species Pseudochordodes bedriagae has allowed us to add new information to this poorly studied phylum. Testicular tubes are large, filled with spermatozoa, and surrounded by a continuous epithelium. The epithelial cells that line the posterior testes occasionally overlap, and their cytoplasm is narrow and contains dense granules, abundant endoplasmic reticulum, and vesicles. The plasma membrane possesses microvilli with many filaments. This epithelium rests on a basement membrane. The spermatozoa in P. bedriagae resemble the known spermatozoa of two Gordius species but differ in presenting a uniform halo layer of less dense chromatin that surrounds the dense chromatin in the nucleus. The finding that a similar type of spermatozoa occurs in both genera (Pseudochordodes and Gordius) makes it likely that it is present in all other Gordiida and is therefore an autapomorphy of the Gordiida.  相似文献   

Summary Using flow cytometry, spherulating nuclei of Physarum isolated at the beginning of spherule wall formation were found to exhibit a DNA content corresponding to the G2 phase of the cell cycle, although 8% lower. Before the first mitosis after spherule germination, a very slight incorporation of 3H thymidine into DNA was observed that was too weak to correspond to S phase, strongly suggesting that nuclei are stopped in G2 phase inside the spherules. The lower value of nuclear DNA content found using flow cytometry of germinating spherules may not be related to DNA quantity, but may be due to a difference in chromatin organization during growth or spherulation, resulting in interference with the staining.  相似文献   

The genome size and base composition of the triploidCrocus sativus and its two diploid most probable ancestors,C. cartwrightianus andC. thomasii, was investigated and compared inter- and intra-specifically by means of flow cytometry. There was little variation inC. sativus and little difference fromC. cartwrightianus. Crocus thomasii was significantly different from the others.Crocus cartwrightianus is the most probable diploid ancestor ofC. sativus.  相似文献   

Chen LP  Ge YM  Zhu XY 《Plant cell reports》2006,25(9):907-913
Interspecific chimeras between tuber mustard and red cabbage were obtained by in vitro graft-culture method. Before grafting, 6-day-old seedlings of tuber mustard and red cabbage were vertically half-cut and treated with different concentrations of 6-BA and NAA for 1 min, then, they were symmetrically fit together. As a result, sectorial chimeras were initially produced from the united shoot tips. The maximum frequency of chimeral bud formation reached 6.33% when the vertical sections of tuber mustard and cabbage were treated with 2 mg/l 6-BA and 1 mg/l NAA. When sectorial chimeras were propagated on MS medium containing 1 mg/l 6-BA, periclinal and mericlinal chimeras gradually developed. Chimeral shoots were rooted on half-strength MS medium containing 0.1 mg/l NAA. The rooted chimeras were acclimatized and transferred to the field for cytological and morphological analysis. The results showed that stomata density in the chimeras was significantly higher than that of their parents, while chloroplast size, starch grain size and number were intermediate between the two parents. The chimeras were further analyzed by flow cytometry, and the results indicated that they contained both sets of parental chromosomes. Moreover, chimeral plants possessed valuable characters from the two parents.  相似文献   

Fifteen cultivars, landraces, and wild accessions ofPisum sativum subspecies, and one accession ofP. abyssinicum were analysed with flow cytometry (DAPI staining) usingP. sativum Kleine Rheinländerin as internal standard. Applying the method of jointly isolating, staining, and measuring nuclei of individual seedlings of test and standard material, it was found that in allP. sativum comparisons G 1 and G 2 peaks were invariably unimodal and symmetric at coefficients of variation mostly less than 2%. This is strong evidence for absence of significant genome size variation in theP. sativum strains analysed. These data are markedly at variance to results of other authors reporting considerable genome size variation withinP. sativum. However, inP. abyssinicum flow cytograms and Feulgen densitometric measurements indicate 4–8% more DNA, at same chromosome number (2n = 14), than inP. sativum. This result demonstrates that genome size variation is indeed existent in the genus and requires further examination.  相似文献   

The development of powerful software has made possible spermatozoa morphology studies. However, some problems have emerged in relation to protocol standardization to compare results from different laboratories. This study was carried out to compare two techniques commonly used (staining vs phase contrast technique) for the morphometry study of gilthead sea bream spermatozoa using an integrated sperm analysis system (ISAS). Spermatozoa morphometry values were significantly affected by the technique used, and phase contrast technique was found to be the more accurate method, showing lower coefficients of variation on spermatozoa morphometry parameters measurements. Moreover, it has been shown that cryopreservation process produces damage in gilthead sea bream spermatozoa, causing negative effects in sperm parameters as spermatozoa morphometry (a decrease in cell volume), motility (from 95 to 68% motile cells) and viability (from 95 to 87% of live cells), being the addition of freezing medium containing cryoprotectant (DMSO) an important factor that caused the morphometry changes.  相似文献   

Summary Geosiphon pyriforme represents a photoautotrophic endosymbiosis of aGlomus-like fungus with the cyanobacteriumNostoc punctiforme. The fungus forms unicellular bladders of up to 2 mm in length and 0.5 mm in diameter growing on the soil surface and harboring the endosymbioticNostoc filaments. The cyanobacteria are located in a compartment (the symbiosome) bordered by a host membrane. The space between this symbiosome membrane (SM) and theNostoc cell wall is filled with an about 30–40 nm thick layer of amorphous material, which is present also in the regions of the symbiosome where noNostoc filaments are located. At these sites the amorphous material consists of a 20–30 nm thick layer separating the SM. The region between the SM and the cyanobacterium is defined as symbiosome space (SS). Fungal bladders, hyphae and free livingNostoc were analyzed by affinity techniques as well as the material occurring in the SS. FITC-coupled lectins with sugar specificity to -D-mannosyl/-D-glucosyl (Con A), N-acetyl--D-glucosamine oligomers (WGA), -L-fucosyl (UEA-I), -D-galactosyl (RCA-120), -D-galactosyl (BS-I-B4), N-acetyl--D-galactosamine (HPA), and sialic acid (EBL) residues were tested. WGA binding and calcofluor white staining demonstrated that the bladder wall as well as the SS contain fibrillar chitin. Of the other lectins only Con A clearly labeled the symbiosome. On the contrary, the lectin binding properties of the slime produced by free livingNostoc-colonies indicate the presence of mannose, fucose, GalNAc, sialic acid, and galactose, while chitin or GlucNAc-oligomers could not be detected. The symbiosome was also investigated electron microscopically. WGA-gold binding confirmed the presence of chitin, while a slight PATAg reaction indicated some polysaccharidic molecules within the SS. Our results show that the amorphous material within the SS contains molecules typical of the fungal cell wall and suggest that the SM is related to the fungal plasma membrane. The applied lectins all bind to the hyphal surface, indicating a high molecular complexity. Mannosyl, -galactosyl, and sialic acid residues are strongly exposed at the outer cell wall layer, whereas GlucNAc, GalNAc, and -galactosyl residues seem to be present in smaller amounts. The symbiotic interface established between the fungus andNostoc inGeosiphon shows many similarities to that occurring between fungi and root cells in arbuscular mycorrhizas.Abbreviations AM arbuscular mycorrhiza - BS-I-B4 Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin I isolectin B4 - CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy - Con A Concanavalin A - EBL elderberry bark lectin I - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HPA Helix pomatia agglutinin - PATAg periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-Ag proteinate - SM symbiosome membrane - SS symbiosome space - RCA-120 Ricinus communis agglutinin 120 - UEA-I Ulex europaeus agglutinin I - WGA wheat germ agglutinin Dedicated to Professor Dr. Peter Sitte at the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

In order to investigate the polymorphism of α-globin chain of hemoglobin amongst caprines, the linked Iα and IIα globin genes of Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), goat (Capra hircus), European mouflon (Ovis aries musimon), and Cyprus mouflon (Ovis aries ophion) were completely sequenced, including the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions. European and Cyprus mouflons, which do not show polymorphic α globin chains, had almost identical α globin genes, whereas Barbary sheep exhibit two different chains encoded by two nonallelic genes. Four different α genes were observed and sequenced in goat, validating previous observations of the existence of allelic and nonallelic polymorphism. As in other vertebrates, interchromosomal gene conversion appears to be responsible for such polymorphism. Evaluation of nucleotide sequences at the level of molecular evolution of the Iα-globin gene family in the caprine taxa suggests a closer relationship between the genus Ammotragus and Capra. Molecular clock estimates suggest sheep-mouflon, goat-aoudad, and ancestor-caprine divergences of 2.8, 5.7, and 7.1 MYBP, respectively.  相似文献   

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