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The process of embryogenesis is described for the inarticulate brachiopod Discinisca strigata of the family Discinidae. A fate map has been constructed for the early embryo. The animal half of the egg forms the dorsal ectoderm of the apical and mantle lobes. The vegetal half forms mesoderm and endoderm and is the site of gastrulation; it also forms the ectoderm of the ventral regions of the apical and mantle lobes of the larva. The plane of the first cleavage goes through the animal-vegetal axis of the egg along the future plane of bilateral symmetry of the larva. The timing of regional specification in these embryos was examined by isolating animal, vegetal, or lateral regions at different times from the 2-cell stage through gastrulation. Animal halves isolated at the 8-cell and blastula stages formed an epithelial vesicle and did not gastrulate. When these halves were isolated from blastulae they formed the cell types typical of apical and mantle lobes. Vegetal halves isolated at all stages gastrulated and formed a more or less normal larva; the only defect these larvae had was the lack of an apical tuft, which normally forms from cells at the animal pole of the embryo. When lateral isolates were created at all developmental stages, these halves gastrulated. Cuts which separated presumptive anterior and posterior regions generated isolates at the 4-cell and blastula stages that formed essentially normal larvae; however, at the midgastrula stage these halves formed primarily anterior or posterior structures indicating that regional specification had taken place along the anterior-posterior axis. The plane of the first cleavage, which predicts the plane of bilateral symmetry, can be shifted by either changing the cleavage pattern that generates the bilateral 16-cell blastomere configuration or by isolating embryo halves prior to, or during, the 16-cell stage. These results indicate that while the plane of the first cleavage predicts the axis of bilateral symmetry, the axis is not established until the fourth cleavage. The development of Discinisca is compared to development in the inarticulate brachiopod Glottidia of the family Lingulidae and to Phoronis in the phylum Phoronida.  相似文献   

The pattern of cleavage was examined during second and third furrowing of the rabbit egg. Two-cell eggs, collected just prior to onset of second cleavage, were continuously observed in a culture chamber, which was kept at 37 degrees C. Semi-cinematographic techniques were used to photograph progressive stages of cleavage. It was demonstrated that the pattern of cleavage in the rabbit differs from that in the sea urchin, because the blastomeres at the 4-cell stage are arranged crosswise in the former, while they are situated next to each other in the latter. The crosswise arrangement of the blastomeres in the rabbit at the 4-cell stage is a consequence of a 90 degree rotation of the polar axis in one hemisphere of the egg. Subsequently, due to the rotation of the original polar axis in one hemisphere, the third cleavage plane through one half of the egg is transverse to the third cleavage plane through the other half. Evidence is provided to show that the cross wise configuration of blastomeres at the 4-cell stage occurs in other eutherian mammals. It is proposed that this rotational cleavage pattern be recognized as distinct from those of radial, spiral and bilateral.  相似文献   

The micromeres at the 16-cell stage of sea urchin embryo have already been endowed with a faculty to self-differentiate into spicule-forming cells (11). The present experiment was designed to test whether the factor(s) necessary for such self-differentiation had already been localized at the 8-cell stage in an area corresponding to the presumptive micromere region in Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Since the blastomeres at the 8-cell stage are all equal in size in normal embryo, unequal 3rd cleavage, by which small blastomeres are pinched off toward the vegetal pole (precocious micromeres), was experimentally induced either by treatment with 4NQO (4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide) at the 2-cell stage or by continuous culture in Ca-free sea water. The precocious micromeres were cultured in vitro in natural sea water containing horse serum. Descendants of the precocious micromeres formed spicules. In comparison their spicule formation with that by the descendants of the micromere of normal embryo, no differences were found regarding 1) time of initiation of spicule formation, 2) rate of growth of spicule, 3) size and shape of resultant spicule and 4) percentage of clones which formed spicule. The fact indicates that factor(s) indispensable for self-differentiation into spicule-forming cells have already been localized near the vegetal pole as early as the 8-cell stage.  相似文献   

Summary InLymnaea stagnalis, mesoderm induction occurs at the 24-cell stage, when the apical tip of the macromere 3D establishes a close contact with a number of micromeres. Via its tip, the macromere 3D is supposed to receive an inductive signal from the micromeres, resulting in the determination of the mesodermal stem cell 4d at the next division. In view of the possibility that transcellular ionic currents might somehow be involved, either in the processes that bring about this particular configuration of blastomeres or in the induction process itself, we mapped the electric field around the embryo during the 24-cell stage, using a vibrating probe. We detected a reversal of the current direction as compared to the uncleaved egg, whilst the polarity of the field along the animal-vegetal axis was maintained. We also mapped the localization of Ca2+-stimulated AT-Pase, an enzyme that drives the Ca2+-efflux from the cell. We found that this enzyme is localized exclusively along the cytoplasmic face of the apical plasma membrane of macromere 3D, and that its presence is restricted to the period from 110 to 135 min after the fifth cleavage, when there is close contact between macormere 3D and the micromeres. Since the localization of the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase coincides both in time and space with the induction of the mesoderm-mother cell, we suggest that localized calcium fluxes may play a role in this induction process.  相似文献   

Embryos of the gastropod snail Crepidula fornicata exhibit a typical spiral cleavage pattern. Although a small polar lobe is formed at the first and second cleavage divisions, the embryo of C. fornicata exhibits a mode of development similar to that of equal-cleaving spiralians in which the D quadrant is conditionally specified by inductive interactions involving the derivatives of the first quartet micromeres. This study demonstrates that mitogen activated protein kinases, MAPK, are initially activated in the progeny of the first quartet micromeres, just prior to the birth of the third quartet (e.g., late during the 16-cell and subsequently during the 20-cell stages). Afterwards, MAPK is activated in 3D just prior to the 24-cell stage, transiently in 4d and finally in a subset of animal micromeres immediately following those stages. This pattern of MAPK activation differs from that reported for other spiralians. Using an inhibitor of MAPK kinase (MEK), we demonstrated that activated MAPK is required for the specification of the 3D macromere, during the late 16-cell through early 24-cell stages. This corresponds to the interval when the progeny of the first quartet micromeres specify the D quadrant macromere. Activated MAPK is not required in 3D later during the 24-cell stage or in the embryonic organizer, 4d, for its normal activity. Likewise, activated MAPK is not required in the animal micromeres during subsequent stages of development. Additional experiments suggest that the polar lobe, though not required for normal development, may play a role in restricting the activation of MAPK and biasing the specification of the 3D macromere.  相似文献   

Many members of the spiralian phyla (i.e., annelids, echiurans, vestimentiferans, molluscs, sipunculids, nemerteans, polyclad turbellarians, gnathostomulids, mesozoans) exhibit early, equal cleavage divisions. In the case of the equal-cleaving molluscs, animal-vegetal inductive interactions between the derivatives of the first quartet micromeres and the vegetal macromeres specify which macromere becomes the 3D cell during the interval between fifth and sixth cleavage. The 3D macromere serves as a dorsal organizer and gives rise to the 4d mesentoblast. Even though it has been argued that this situation represents the ancestral condition among the Spiralia, these inductive events have only been documented in equal-cleaving molluscs. Embryos of the nemertean Cerebratulus lacteus also undergo equal, spiral cleavage, and the fate map of these embryos is similar to that of other spiralians. The role of animal first quartet micromeres in the establishment of the dorsal (D) cell quadrant was examined in C. lacteus by removing specific combinations of micromeres at the eight-cell stage. To follow the development of various cell quadrants, one quadrant was labeled with DiI at the four-cell stage, and specific first quartet micromeres were removed from discrete positions relative to the location of the labeled quadrant. The results indicate that the first quartet is required for normal development, as removal of all four micromeres prevented dorsoventral axis formation. In most cases, when either one or two adjacent first quartet micromeres were removed from one side of the embryo, the cell quadrant on the opposite side, with its macromere centered under the greatest number of the remaining animal micromeres, ultimately became the D quadrant. Twins containing duplicated dorsoventral axes were generated by removal of two opposing first quartet micromeres. Thus, any cell quadrant can become the D quadrant, and the dorsoventral axis is established after the eight-cell stage. While it is not yet clear exactly when key inductive interactions take place that establish the D quadrant in C. lacteus, contacts between the progeny of animal micromeres and vegetal macromeres are established during the interval between the fifth and sixth round of cleavage divisions (i.e., 32- to 64-cell stages). These findings argue that this mechanism of cell and axis determination has been conserved among equal-cleaving spiralians.  相似文献   

The first cleavage in the freshwater oligochaete Tubifex hattai is unequal and meridional, and produces a smaller cell AB and a larger cell CD. This study traces the process of furrow formation, reorganization of cortical F-actin and the assembly of a mitotic apparatus during this unequal division. Cleavage furrow formation consists of two stages: (i) when eggs are viewed from the animal pole, meridionally running furrows emerge at two points of the egg's equator that are 90° apart from each other and approach the egg axis as they deepen; and (ii) at the midpoint between the equator and the egg center, the bottoms of these furrows link to each other on the animal and vegetal surfaces of the egg and form a continuous ring of constriction in a plane parallel to the egg axis. Egg cortices, isolated during the first step and stained with rhodamine-phalloidin, show that the bottoms of recently formed furrows are underlaid by a belt of tightly packed actin bundles (i.e. a contractile arc). The transition to the second stage of furrow formation coincides with the conversion of these actin belts into a continuous ring of F-actin. Whole-mount immunocytochemistry of microtubules reveals that the first cleavage in Tubifex involves an asymmetric mitotic spindle, which initially possesses an aster at one pole but not the other. This ‘monastral’ spindle is located at the egg's center and orients itself perpendicular to the egg axis. During anaphase, astral rays elongate to reach the cell surface, so that the array of astral microtubules in the plane of the egg's equator covers a sector of 270–300°. In contrast, it is not until the transition to telophase that microtubules emanating from the anastral spindle pole approach the cell margin. If eggs are compressed along the egg axis or forced to elongate, they form monastral spindles and divide unequally. In living compressed eggs, mitotic spindles, which are recognizable as bright streaks at the egg's center, appear not to shift their position along the spindle axis during division, suggesting that without eccentric migration of spindles Tubifex eggs are able to divide unequally. These results suggest that mechanisms that translocate the mitotic spindle eccentrically do not operate in Tubifex eggs during the first cell cycle. The mechanisms that generate asymmetry in spindle organization are discussed in the light of the present results.  相似文献   

Fourth cleavage of the sea urchin embryo produces 16 blastomeres that are the starting point for analyses of cell lineages and bilateral symmetry. We used optical sectioning, scanning electron microscopy and analytical 3-D reconstructions to obtain stereo images of patterns of karyokinesis and cell arrangements between 4th and 6th cleavage. At 4th cleavage, 8 mesomeres result from a variant, oblique cleavage of the animal quartet with the mesomeres arranged in a staggered, offset pattern and not a planar ring. This oblique, non-radial cleavage pattern and polygonal packing of cells persists in the animal hemisphere throughout the cleavage period. Contrarily, at 4th cleavage, the 4 vegetal quartet nuclei migrate toward the vegetal pole during interphase; mitosis and cytokinesis are latitudinal and subequatorial. The 4 macromeres and 4 micromeres form before the animal quartet divides to produce a 12-cell stage. Subsequently, macromeres and their derivatives divide synchronously and radially through 8th cleavage according to the Sachs-Hertwig rule. At 5th cleavage, mesomeres and macromeres divide first; then the micromeres divide latitudinally and unequally to form the small and large micromeres. This temporal sequence produces 28-and 32-cell stages. At 6th cleavage, macromere and mesomere descendants divide synchronously before the 4 large micromeres divide parasynchronously to produce 56- and 60-cell stages.  相似文献   

We investigated the inductive signals originating from the vegetal blastomeres of embryos of the sand dollar Peronella japonica, which is the only direct developing echinoid species that forms micromeres. To investigate the inductive signals, three different kinds of experimental embryos were produced: micromere-less embryos, in which all micromeres were removed at the 16-cell stage; chimeric embryos produced by an animal cap (eight mesomeres) recombined with a micromere quartet isolated from a 16-cell stage embryo; and chimeric embryos produced by an animal cap recombined with a macromere-derived layer, the veg1 or veg2 layer, isolated from a 64-cell stage embryo. Novel findings obtained from this study of the development of these embryos are as follows. Micromeres lack signals for endomesoderm specification, but are the origin of a signal establishing the oral–aboral (O–Ab) axis. Some non-micromere blastomeres, as well as micromeres, have the potential to form larval skeletons. Macromere descendants have endomesoderm-inducing potential. Based on these results, we propose the following scenario for the first step in the evolution of direct development in echinoids: micromeres lost the ability to send a signal endomesoderm induction so that the archenteron was formed autonomously by macromere descendants. The micromeres retained the ability to form larval spicules and to establish the O–Ab axis.  相似文献   

Spiralian development is shared by several protostome phyla and characterized by regularities in early cleavage, fate map, and larva. Experimental evidence from multiple spiralian species implicates cells in the D quadrant lineage as the organizer of future axial development of the embryo. However, the mechanisms by which the D quadrant is specified differ between species with equal and unequal spiral cleavage. Equally cleaving mollusc embryos establish the D quadrant via cell-cell interactions between the micromeres and macromeres at the 24- to 36-cell stage. In unequally cleaving embryos, the D quadrant is established at the 4-cell stage via asymmetries in the first 2 cell divisions. We have begun to explore the molecular mechanisms of D quadrant patterning in spiralians. Previously, we showed that, in the unequally cleaving embryo of the mollusc Ilyanassa obsoleta, the MAPK pathway is activated and functionally required in 3D and also in the micromeres known to require a signal from 3D. Here, we examine the role of MAPK signaling in 4 spiralians with equal cleavage. In 3 equally cleaving molluscs, the chiton Chaetopleura, the limpet Tectura, and the snail Lymnaea, the MAPK pathway is activated in the 3D cell but not in the overlying micromeres. In the equally cleaving embryo of the polychaete annelid Hydroides, MAPK activation was not detected in the 3D macromere but was observed in one of its daughter cells, 4d. In addition, inhibiting Tectura MAPK activation disrupts differentiation of 3D and cells induced by it, supporting a functional role for MAPK in axis specification in equally cleaving spiralians. Thus, MAPK signaling may have a conserved role in the D quadrant organizer cell 3D in molluscs. However, there have been at least 2 evolutionary changes in the activation of the MAPK pathway during spiralian evolution. MAPK function in the Ilyanassa micromeres is a recent cooption and, since the divergence of annelids and molluscs, there has been a shift in onset of MAPK activation between 3D and 4d. We propose that this latter shift correlates with a change in the timing of specification of the secondary embryonic axis.  相似文献   

The oral-aboral axis of a sea urchin embryo is specified by first cleavage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several lines of evidence suggest that the oral-aboral axis in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos is specified at or before the 8-cell stage. Were the oral-aboral axis specified independently of the first cleavage plane, then a random association of this plane with the blastomeres of the four embryo quadrants in the oral-aboral plane (viz. oral, aboral, right and left) would be expected. Lineage tracer dye injection into one blastomere at the 2-cell stage and observation of the resultant labeling patterns demonstrates instead a strongly nonrandom association. In at least ninety percent of cases, the progeny of the aboral blastomeres are associated with those of the left lateral blastomeres and the progeny of the oral blastomeres with the right lateral ones, respectively. Thus, ninety percent of the time the oral pole of the future oral-aboral axis lies 45 degrees clockwise from the first cleavage plane as viewed from the animal pole. The nonrandom association of blastomeres after labeling of the 2-cell stage implies that there is a mechanistic relation between axis specification and the positioning of the first cleavage plane.  相似文献   

Eggs of Xenopus laevis were exposed to ultraviolet (uv) radiation (2537 Å) on the vegetal hemisphere soon after fertilization at doses sufficient to impair greatly the subsequent development of dorsal structures. It was found that temporary orientation of irradiated eggs 90° off the natural vertical axis rescues these eggs, allowing them to develop into normal embryos. Complete rescue results when oblique orientation is initiated well before first cleavage, and eggs remain in this position until the 16-cell stage. Significant rescue is seen, however, in eggs which remain off axis for shorter periods of time or when eggs are obliquely oriented, even after first cleavage. Furthermore, a period of oblique orientation prior to uv irradiation results in insensitivity of eggs to irradiation. Ultraviolet irradiation is found to randomize the position of the dorsal side with respect to the sperm entrance point, whereas the position of the dorsal side of rescued embryos is strongly specified by the orientation of the egg during the rescue period, and not by the sperm entrance point. Other effects of uv irradiation on early development include decreased pigmentation differences among 4-cell stage blastomeres and delayed gastrulation. It is proposed (1) that oblique orientation promotes in irradiated eggs a set of internal rearrangements mimicking those normally accomplished by the unirradiated egg in a period prior to first cleavage and as part of an early dorsalization process, and (2) that the uv-sensitive targets are part of the morphogenic machinery used by the egg for internal rearrangements in this period and are not elements of a system of transmitted particulate dorsal determinants.  相似文献   

The entry of beta-catenin into vegetal cell nuclei beginning at the 16-cell stage is one of the earliest known molecular asymmetries seen along the animal-vegetal axis in the sea urchin embryo. Nuclear beta-catenin activates a vegetal signaling cascade that mediates micromere specification and specification of the endomesoderm in the remaining cells of the vegetal half of the embryo. Only a few potential target genes of nuclear beta-catenin have been functionally analyzed in the sea urchin embryo. Here, we show that SpWnt8, a Wnt8 homolog from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, is zygotically activated specifically in 16-cell-stage micromeres in a nuclear beta-catenin-dependent manner, and its expression remains restricted to the micromeres until the 60-cell stage. At the late 60-cell stage nuclear beta-catenin-dependent SpWnt8 expression expands to the veg2 cell tier. SpWnt8 is the only signaling molecule thus far identified with expression localized to the 16-60-cell stage micromeres and the veg2 tier. Overexpression of SpWnt8 by mRNA microinjection produced embryos with multiple invagination sites and showed that, consistent with its localization, SpWnt8 is a strong inducer of endoderm. Blocking SpWnt8 function using SpWnt8 morpholino antisense oligonucleotides produced embryos that formed micromeres that could transmit the early endomesoderm-inducing signal, but these cells failed to differentiate as primary mesenchyme cells. SpWnt8-morpholino embryos also did not form endoderm, or secondary mesenchyme-derived pigment and muscle cells, indicating a role for SpWnt8 in gastrulation and in the differentiation of endomesodermal lineages. These results establish SpWnt8 as a critical component of the endomesoderm regulatory network in the sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

Previous fate mapping studies as well as the culture of isolated blastomeres have revealed that the dorsoventral axis is specified as early as the 2-cell stage in the embryos of the direct developing echinoid, Heliocidaris erythrogramma. Normally, the first cleavage plane includes the animal-vegetal axis and bisects the embryo between future dorsal and ventral halves. Experiments were performed to establish whether the dorsoventral axis is set up prior to the first cleavage division in H. erythrogramma. Eggs were elongated and fertilized in silicone tubes of a small diameter in order to orient the cleavage spindle and thus the first plane of cell division. Following first cleavage, one of the two resulting blastomeres was then microinjected with a fluorescent cell lineage tracer dye. Fate maps were made after culturing these embryos to larval stages. The results indicate that the first cleavage division can be made to occur at virtually any angle relative to the animal-vegetal and dorsoventral axes. Therefore, the dorsoventral axis is specified prior to first cleavage. We argue that this axis resides in the unfertilized oocyte rather than being set up as a consequence of fertilization.  相似文献   

In Patella vulgata the 32-cell stage represents a pause in the mitotic activity prior to the differentiation of the mesentoblast mother cell 3D. At the onset of this stage, the embryo is radially symmetrical. Nevertheless, the plane of bilateral symmetry is indicated as it passes through the macromeres forming the vegetal cross-furrow. From the early beginning of the 32-cell stage, all four macromeres intrude far into the interior and touch the centrally radiating cells of the first quartet of micromeres. The two cross-furrow forming macromeres (3B and 3D) intrude the farthest and come into contact with the greatest number of micromeres. Finally, the contacts are extended significantly and maintained with only one of these macromeres. From that moment, this cell can be called the macromere 3D and the dorsoventral axis is determined. The evolution of the internal cell contacts between the micromeres of the first quartet and the macromeres indicates an essential role of the former in the determination of one of the latter as the mesentoblast mother cell, and thus in the determination of dorsoventral polarity.  相似文献   

RNA was extracted from pure preparations of micromeres and meso-plus macromeres isolated from 16-cell stage embryos of Dendraster excentricus. Molecular hybridization-competition experiments disclosed that the binding of 16-cell stage labeled RNA to denatured sperm DNA was competed equally well by micromere RNA, meso-plus macromere RNA, total 16-cell RNA and unfertilized egg RNA, indicating the egg-type populations were distributed almost equally in the different blastomeres. In contrast, experiments with 3H-RNA extracted from micromeres obtained from pulse-labeled 16-cell stage embryos showed qualitative differences when unfertilized egg RNA and total 16-cell stage RNA were used as competitors. Such differences in RNA populations could not be detected in 3H-RNA isolated from the meso-plus macromere fraction.  相似文献   

In order to understand when the orientation of the first cleavage plane is fixed along the animal-vegetal axis in starfish eggs, the behavior of the sperm aster was examined by indirect immunofluorescence staining. After duplication, the sperm aster organizes the mitotic apparatus for first cleavage perpendicular to the cleavage plane. The sperm aster located in the egg periphery just after fertilization and moved to the site close to the animal pole rather than the egg center by meiosis II. At early metaphase II, duplication of the sperm aster was detected but the axis of the resultant sperm diaster randomly pointed. Subsequently, its axis had already turned perpendicular to the animal-vegetal axis before pronucleus fusion. These results indicate that the orientation processes of the sperm diaster consist of positioning before its duplication and successive determining its azimuth. Furthermore, the azimuth and position of the mitotic apparatus for first cleavage did not change by shifting or eliminating the meiotic division-related structures such as the germinal vesicle, meiotic spindle, and female pronucleus by micromanipulation. These results show that none of them determines the first cleavage plane. Therefore, we discuss the pointing mechanism of the first cleavage plane without the influence of these meiotic division-related structures.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the lectin concanavalin A (Con A) on cleavage were studied in early embryos of the gastropodNassarius reticulatus. Progression of the first cleavage furrow is inhibited by incubating eggs before the first cleavage with 0.3–20 μg/ml Con A. Treatment with 1.0–20 μg/ml Con A during first cleavage causes regression of the cleavage furrow. Treatment with low concentrations (0.3–1.0 μg/ml) during the same period does not affect first cleavage. However, when further development of such eggs is followed, one finds that second cleavage is inhibited typically in only one of the two blastomeres of the 2-cell stage, i.e. the CD-blastomere. As a result, a 3-cell embryo is formed. At third cleavage of such embryos, the CD-blastomere forms either one double-sized micromere (1cd-micromere) or two normal-sized micromeres (1c and 1d) simultaneously. Sometimes micromere formation in the CD-blastomere is inhibited. Con A binding does not affect karyokinesis, nor does it affect the division asynchronies typical for normal development. On the basis of these and other results it is argued that binding of Con A to sites located at the vegetal pole of the egg is responsible for the cell lineage-specific inhibition of cleavage by Con A. This effect is most probably mediated by changes in the organization of the egg cortex.  相似文献   

 The teleost dorsoventral axis cannot be distinguished morphologically before gastrulation. In order to examine whether the yolk cell affects axis determination, we bisect early cleavage embryos of the goldfish, Carassius auratus. When the vegetal yolk hemisphere is removed by bisection along the equatorial plane at the 2-cell stage, the embryos develop abnormally and exhibit a symmetrical morphology. No dorsal structures, such as notochord, somites and neural tube, differentiate and no embryonic shield is formed during gastrulation. In addition, no goosecoid mRNA is expressed before gastrulation. The frequency of abnormality decreases as the age at which the vegetal yolk hemisphere is removed increases. Most embryos removed at the 32-cell stage develop normally. Their morphological phenotype is similar to that of a Xenopus ventralized embryo generated by ultraviolet irradiation on the vegetal hemisphere soon after fertilization. We also observed that, when the embryos were bisected along the first cleavage plane at the 2-cell stage, the proportion of pairs of embryos of which one embryo developed normally was 44.8%. These results indicate that the vegetal yolk hemisphere of the early cleavage embryo of the goldfish contains axis determination factor(s), which are necessary for generation of dorsal structures. Furthermore, it is suggested that these determinant(s) are distributed asymmetrically within the vegetal yolk hemisphere. Received: 25 May 1996 / Accepted: 19 September 1996  相似文献   

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