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Calcium crosslinks are load-bearing bonds in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) hypocotyl cell walls, but they are not the same load-bearing bonds that are broken during acid-mediated cell elongation. This conclusion is reached by studying the relationship between wall calcium, pH and the facilitated creep of frozenthawed soybean hypocotyl sections. Supporting data include the following observations: 1) 2-[(2-bis-[carboxy-methyl]amino-5-methylphenoxy)methyl]-6-methoxy-8-bis[carboxymethyl]aminoquinoline (Quin 2) and ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) caused only limited facilitated creep as compared with acid, despite removal of comparable or larger amounts of wall calcium; 2) the pH-response curves for calcium removal and acid-facilitated creep were different; 3) reversible acid-extension occurred even after removal of almost all wall calcium with Quin 2; and 4) growth of abraded sections did not involve a proportional loss of wall calcium. Removal of wall calcium, however, increased the capacity of the walls to undergo acid-facilitated creep. These data indicate that breakage of calcium crosslinks is not a major mechanism of cell-wall loosening in soybean hypocotyl tissues. This research was supported by Department of Energy grant DE-FG06-88ER13830 and NASA grant NAGW 1394. The authors are grateful to Dr. David Rayle (San Diego State University, Cal.) for stimulating discussions and comments during the course of this work.  相似文献   

During modulated Chl fluorescence kinetics in zoospores of the green alga Haemutococcus lacustris Rostafinski, sudden reversible drops in fluorescence intensity immediately following each saturating light flash occur. In order to characterize the cause of these low-waves several treatments were applied to modify their expression: (I) inhibition of non-photochemical quenching by application of uncouplers: (2) application of effectors to the photosynthetic electron transport system: (3) brief chilling treatment and UV-B irradiation. The results indicate that the phenomenon is not related to oscillations of the trans-thylakoid pH gradient. The reversible short-term decrease in fluorescence after a saturating light pulse seems to originate from an imbalance between charge separation capacity of the photosystems and the electron buffering capacity of the intersystem electron transport pool.  相似文献   

M. C. Jarvis 《Planta》1992,187(2):218-220
Near-isotropic stresses were generated within collenchyma cell walls of celery (Apium graveolens L.) by exchanging K+ for Ca2+ ions, varying the ionic strength and de-esterifying the pectic carboxyl groups, treatments that changed the free-charge density of the pectic polysaccharides. The collenchyma strands swelled radially with increasing free-charge density but there was very little longitudinal swelling. Depolymerising the pectins by -elimination also induced much more radial than longitudinal swelling. Supported by earlier work on Nitella, these results indicate that pectins control the interlamellar spacing in cell walls and hold them together across their thickness, particularly against turgor stresses tending to delaminate the walls at the cell corners.The author thanks J.S.G. Reid (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Stirling, UK) and M. Demarty (SCUEOR, University of Rouen, France) for critical comments.  相似文献   

The 2 major photosynthetic products and translocated carbohydrates in celery ( Apium graveolens L.) are sucrose and the sugar alcohol, mannitol. Sucrose is produced and utilized in leaves of all ages. Mannitol, however, is synthesized primarily in mature leaves, utilized in young leaves and stored in all leaves. Here we show that mannitol export was lower from young, expanding leaves than from older leaves. After a 10 min pulse of 14CO2 and a 2 h chase in the light or dark there was more radioactivity in sucrose than in mannitol in petiole tissues from leaves of all ages. However, after a chase of 15 h in the dark or 6 h in the light followed by 9 h in the dark, mannitol was the predominant [14C]-labeled carbohydrate remaining in all leaf and petiole tissues. Thus, newly synthesized sucrose was apparently exported at a faster rate than mannitol and more mannitol was partitioned into vacuolar storage pools than was sucrose. It also appears that in the light both sucrose and mannitol were exported, but in the dark, once sucrose pools were depleted, mannitol remained as the predominant substance translocated. Both mannitol and sucrose were unloaded into petiole storage parenchyma tissue, but sucrose was hydrolyzed prior to storage.  相似文献   

Structure and properties of pectin gels in plant cell walls   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
Abstract This review deals with recent advances in the structural characterization of pectins and the gels which they form, in relation to auxin-induced extension growth, the ripening of fruit, and cellular recognition. Pectins are block polysaccharides. Heavily branched, largely methyl-esterified blocks alternate with unbranched blocks of varying degrees of esterification. The unbranched, non-esterified blocks can aggregate through calcium binding to form the junction zones that hold a gel together. The aggregates are of two, or possibly four, chains at low calcium levels, and larger with excess calcium. The fall in wall pH during auxin-induced growth activates glycanase enzymes. These may attack some components of the pectic fraction, as well as xyloglucans. Pectin-bound calcium ions may be displaced but this probably has little effect on gel strength. Pectins may be cross-linked by diferulate esters when growth stops. The softening of ripe fruit is due to loss of cohesion in the pectin gel. In apples this results from replacement of the pectins by more esterified forms. In many other fruits it results from depolymerization by polygalacturonases, assisted by pectinesterases, so that the remaining segments are too short for effective calcium binding. Pectins have a further role in the recognition reactions between plant cells and some of their bacterial and fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Somaclonal variation derived from tissue culture is a potential source of variation that can be used in crop improvement programmes. The characteristics of this variation are first shown in the regenerant generation and their heritability is then confirmed by examination of the progeny. There would be savings of time, space and labour if this variation could be detected in vitro using easily assessed visual cues. The aim of this study was to relate variation in the source of explant and the morphology of the newly initiated callus to the characteristics of the regenerant plant, of which the most important was resistance to leaf spot disease caused by Septoria apiicola. Associations were investigated by isolating four stem explants from each of 564 surface sterile seedlings, var. Celebrity, on a callus initiation medium (MS medium, 30 g litre‘1sucrose, 0.5 mg litre’12,4-D, 0.6 mg litre‘1kinetin) and assessing the morphology and colour of the callus. After this initial culture (8 wk), each callus was transferred to a regeneration medium (MS medium, 30 g litre“1sucrose). Plantlets were regenerated from many of the callus cultures and these were transferred to the glasshouse. When all of the surviving regenerant plants (276) were mature, leaf shape, amount and composition of the essential oils and resistance to late blight were assessed. Statistical analysis revealed that the character of the newly initiated callus (width, height, colour, organogenesis) showed poor correlation with all aspects of the regenerated plant measured. However, it was shown that increased variation resulted from different seedlings more than from plants derived from within seedlings or within callus.  相似文献   

Plants of annual celery ( Apium graveolens L.) were treated with paclobutrazol during anthesis. Seeds collected from the treated plants showed a marked reduction in germination in light and failed to germinate in the dark. Application of GA4/7 to the imbibition solution reversed the inhibitory effect of paclobutrazol while gibberellic acid (GA3) was ineffective. Benzyladenine (BA) interaction with GA4/7 was light and concentration-dependent. At relatively low concentrations in the dark there was a synergistic effect, but at higher concentrations, especially in the light, BA, antagonized the GA4/7 effect. Seedlings emerging from the seeds from paclobutrazol-treated plants were only slightly shortened. It is suggested that paclobutrazol applied to the mother plants inhibited the biosynthesis of endogenous GAs, which normally enable the germination of annual seeds under unfavorable conditions. Exogenously applied GA4/7 fulfills the function of the absent endogenous GAs.  相似文献   

Germination of seeds of annual and biennial celery (Apium graveolens)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seeds of 4 annual cultivars of celery ( Apium graveolens L. No. 15, 16, 17 and 143) were able to germinate in the dark, under high temperature, in relatively high concentrations of NaCl solutions and in the presence of relatively high concentrations of the inhibitors of the biosynthesis of gibberellin, paclobutrazol and ancymidol. Seeds of two biennial cultivars [Florida and Earlibell (EB)] showed very low germinability, or failed to germinate under the same conditions. These results are discussed in terms of endogenous gibberellin levels, which may be higher in the seeds of annual cultivars as compared to biennial ones.  相似文献   

Underdeveloped (small) embryos embedded in abundant endosperm tissue, and thus having morphological dormancy (MD) or morphophysiological dormancy (MPD), are considered to be the ancestral state in seed dormancy evolution. This trait is retained in the Apiaceae family, which provides excellent model systems for investigating the underpinning mechanisms. We investigated Apium graveolens (celery) MD by combined innovative imaging and embryo growth assays with the quantification of hormone metabolism, as well as the analysis of hormone and cell-wall related gene expression. The integrated experimental results demonstrated that embryo growth occurred inside imbibed celery fruits in association with endosperm degradation, and that a critical embryo size was required for radicle emergence. The regulation of these processes depends on gene expression leading to gibberellin and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production by the embryo and on crosstalk between the fruit compartments. ABA degradation associated with distinct spatiotemporal patterns in ABA sensitivity control embryo growth, endosperm breakdown and radicle emergence. This complex interaction between gibberellins, IAA and ABA metabolism, and changes in the tissue-specific sensitivities to these hormones is distinct from non-MD seeds. We conclude that the embryo growth to reach the critical size and the associated endosperm breakdown inside MD fruits constitute a unique germination programme.  相似文献   

White fluorescent light (5 W m−2) inhibited Avena coleoptile growth. Light caused in increase in minimum stress relaxation time and a decrease in extensibility (strain/load) of coleoptile cell walls. Light increased the contents of ferulic acid (FA) and diferulic acid (DFA) ester-linked to the hemicellulose I in cell walls. These changes in the phenolic contents correlated with those of the mechanical properties of cell walls, suggesting that light stimulates the formation of DFA in hemicellulose I, making cell walls rigid, and thus results in growth inhibition. The ratio of DFA to FA was almost constant in the dark, but decreased in light, although it was almost constant in Oryza coleoptiles either in the dark or in light (Tan et al. 1992). From this fact, it is speculated that in the light condition, the formation of DFA in cell walls is limited in the step of the peroxidase catalyzed coupling reaction to produce DFA, while in the dark it is limited in the step of the feruloylation of hemicellulose I.  相似文献   

Primary roots of intact maize plants (Zea mays L.) grown for several days in nutrient solutions containing 100 mol m−3 NaCl and additional calcium, had relatively inhibited rates of elongation. Possible physical restraints underlying this salt induced inhibition were investigated. The inhibition did not involve reductions in osmotic potential gradients and turgor in the tip tissues responsible for root elongation growth. The apparent yield threshold pressure, which is related to capacity of cell walls to undergo loosening by stress relaxation, was estimated psychrometrically in excised root tips. Salinity increased yield threshold values. Comparative root extensibility values were obtained for intact plants by determining the initial (1 min) increase in root elongation rate induced by an 0.1 MPa osmotic jump. Comparative extensibility was significantly reduced in the salinized root tips. Salinity did not reduce capacities for water efflux and associated elastic contraction in root tip tissues of intact plants exposed to hypertonic mannitol. We conclude that cell wall hardening in the elongating root tips is an important component of root growth inhibition induced by long-term salinization.  相似文献   

The growth rate of maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Cross Bantam T51) coleoptiles in the dark was highest at the basal zone and decreased towards the tip. Growth was strongly inhibited by white fluorescent light (5 W m−2), especially in the basal zone of coleoptiles. Light irradiation caused an increase in the values of stress-relaxation parameters, the minimum stress-relaxation time and the relaxation rate and a decrease in the extensibility (strain/stress) of the cell walls at all zones. In addition, during growth, the accumulation of osmotic solutes was strongly inhibited by white light irradiation, resulting in an increased osmotic potential. The influences of white light on the mechanical properties of the cell wall and the osmotic potential of the tissue sap were most prominent in the basal zone. Significant correlations were observed between the increment of coleoptile length and the mechanical properties of the cell walls or the osmotic potential of the tissue sap and osmotic solutes content. Furthermore, light inhibited the outward bending of split coleoptile segments. These facts suggest that white light inhibits elongation of maize coleoptiles by modifying both the mechanical properties of the cell walls and cellular osmotic potential, which control the rate of water uptake.  相似文献   

Rapid calcium exchange for protons and potassium in cell walls of Chara   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Net fluxes of Ca2+, H+ and K+ were measured from intact Chara australis cells and from isolated cell walls, using ion-selective microelectrodes. In both systems, a stimulation in Ca2+ efflux (up to 100 nmol m?2 s?1, from an influx of ~40 nmol m?2 s?1) was detected as the H+ or K+ concentration was progressively increased in the bathing solution (pH 7.0 to 4.6 or K+ 0.2 to 10mol m?3, respectively). A Ca2+ influx of similar size occurred following the reverse changes. These fluxes decayed exponentially with a time constant of about 10 min. The threshold pH for Ca2+ efflux (pH 5.2) is similar to a reported pH threshold for acid-induced wall extensibility in a closely related characean species. Application of NH4+ to intact cells caused prolonged H+ efflux and also transient Ca2+ efflux. We attribute all these net Ca2+ fluxes to exchange in the wall with H+ or K+. A theoretical treatment of the cell wall ion exchanges, using the ‘weak acid Donnan Manning’ (WADM) model, is given and it agrees well with the data. The role of Ca2+ in the cell wall and the effect of Ca2+ exchanges on the measured fluxes of other ions, including bathing medium acidification by H+ efflux, are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in the mechanical strength of isolated cell walls of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Wayne) hypocotyls has been investigated, using the Instron technique to measure the plastic extensibility (PEx) of methanol-boiled, bisected hypocotyl sections and epidermal strips, and atomic absorption spectroscopy to measure wall calcium. Plastic extensibility was closely correlated with the growth rate of intact soybean hypocotyls. Removal of calcium from isolated cell walls by ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) or low pH increased PEx, while addition of calcium decreased PEx; both effects were reversible. The amount of calcium removed and the increase in PEx at pH 4.5 were strongly dependent upon the chelating ability of the buffer anion. There was a direct correlation between the amount of calcium removed from the wall by EGTA or acid and the increase in PEx. Removal of up to 60% of the calcium increased PEx of half-section up to two fold, but further loss of calcium caused a much greater increase in PEx. With epidermal strips, PEx increased only when calcium was reduced below a threshold. At pH 3.5, there was an additional increase in PEx after a lag of about 2 h; this additional increase may be the result of acid-induced cleavage of a different set of load-bearing bonds. We conclude that calcium bridges are part of the load-bearing bonds in soybean hypocotyl cell walls, and that breakage of these crosslinks by apoplastic acid participates in wall loosening. Acid-induced solubilization of wall calcium may be one mechanism involved in wall loosening of dicotyledonous stems.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - PEx Instron plastic extensibility  相似文献   

The cell wall of the tip‐growing cells of the giant‐cellular xanthophycean alga Vaucheria frigida is mainly composed of cellulose microfibrils (CMFs) arranged in random directions and the major matrix component into which the CMFs are embedded throughout the cell. The mechanical properties of a cell‐wall fragment isolated from the tip‐growing region, which was inflated by artificially applied pressure, were measured after enzymatic removal of the matrix component by using a protease; the results showed that the matrix component is involved in the maintenance of cell wall strength. Since glucose and uronic acid are present in the matrix component of Vaucheria cell walls, we measured the mechanical properties of the cell wall after treatment with endo‐1,3‐ß‐glucanase and observed the fine structures of its surfaces by atomic force microscopy. The major matrix component was partially removed from the cell wall by glucanase, and the enzyme treatment significantly weakened the cell wall strength without affecting the pH dependence of cell wall extensibility. The enzymatic removal of the major matrix component by using a protease released polysaccharide containing glucose and glucuronic acid. This suggests that the major matrix component of the algal cell walls contains both proteins (or polypeptides) and polysaccharides consisting of glucose and glucuronic acid as the main constituents.  相似文献   

Because of their large sizes and simple shapes, giant‐celled algae have been used to study how the structural and mechanical properties of cell walls influence cell growth. Here we review known relationships between cell wall and cell growth properties that are characteristic of three representative taxa of giant‐celled algae, namely, Valonia ventricosa, internodal cells of characean algae, and Vaucheria frigida. Tip‐growing cells of the genus Vaucheria differ from cells undergoing diffuse growth in V. ventricosa and characean algae in terms of their basic architectures (non‐lamellate vs. multilamellate) and their dependence upon pH and Ca2+ for cell wall extensibility. To further understand the mechanisms controlling cell growth by cell walls, comparative analyses of cell wall structures and/or associated growth modes will be useful. The giant‐celled algae potentially serve as good models for such investigations because of their wide variety of developmental processes and cell shapes exhibited.  相似文献   

M. Hohl  P. Schopfer 《Planta》1992,187(4):498-504
Segments of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles demonstrate plastic cell-wall extensibility (Epl) as operationally defined by the amount of irreversible strain elicited by stretching living or frozen-thawed tissue under constant load in an extensiometer (creep test). Changes of Epl are correlated with auxin- and abscisic-acid-dependent growth responses and have therefore been causally related to hormone-controlled cell-wall loosening. Auxin induces an increase of Epl specifically in the outer epidermal wall of maize coleoptiles which is considered as the growth-limiting wall of the organ. However, detailed kinetic measurements of load-induced extension of frozen-thawed coleoptile segments necessitates a revision of the view that Epl represents a true plastic (irreversible) wall deformation. Segments demonstrate no significant irreversible extension when completely unloaded between loading cycles. Moreover, Epl can be demonstrated repeatedly if the same segment is subjected to repeated loading cycles in the extensiometer. It is shown that these phenomena result from the hysteresis behaviour of the cell wall. Stress-strain curves for loading and unloading form a closed hysteresis loop, the width of which represents Epl at a particular load. Auxin-treatment of segments leads to a deformation of the hysteresis loop, thereby giving rise to an increase of Epl. These results show that the creep test estimates the viscoelastic (retarded elastic) properties rather than the plastic properties of the wall.Abbreviations Etot, Eel, Epl total, elastic, and plastic cell-wall extensibility as defined by the standard creep test - L load Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 206).  相似文献   

ATP content (per g fresh weight) and energy charge were higher during incubation at 8°C than at 28°C in the early stages of callus induction of potato tuber discs ( Solanum luberosum L. cv. Bintje). After a transfer from 28°C to 8°C, ATP content increased while a sharp decline in ATP content was observed after a transfer from 8°C to 28°C. ADP and AMP pools did not increase correspondingly. When the callus discs had entered the logarithmic growth phase, the energy charge was maintained within relatively narrow limits (0.77–0.80) at all culture temperatures.  相似文献   

Changes in the composition and structure of cell walls and extracellular polysaccharides (ECP) were studied during the growth of suspension-cultured Arabidopsis thaliana microcalli. Three growth phases, namely the cell division phase, the cell expansion phase, and the stationary phase, were distinguished and associated with a decreasing cell cluster adhesion strength. Degradation of the homogalacturonan pectic backbone and of linear pectic side chains (1,4)-beta-D-galactan were observed concomitantly with the cell expansion and stationary phases and the decrease in cell adhesion. Also, in the stationary phase, branched (1,5)-alpha-L-arabinans were linearized. The AGP content of the culture medium increased while it decreased in the cell wall during cell growth and as cell adhesion decreased. These data suggest that, in addition to homogalacturonan, pectic side chains and AGP are involved in plant cell development and particularly in cell-cell attachment.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanism by which white fluorescent light (5 W m-2) stimulates the formation of diferulic acid (DFA) in cell walls, the effect of light on phenylalanine-and tyrosine-ammonia-lyase (PAL, EC and TAL, EC and peroxidase activities was studied using coleoptiles of maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Cross Bantam T51). Growth rate of dark-grown coleoptiles was highest at the basal zone and decreased towards the tip, while continuous irradiation caused an inhibition of growth, especially at the basal zone. Light decreased the cell wall extensibility in all zones of the coleoptile. The amounts of DFA, ferulic acid (FA) and p -coumaric acid ( p -CA) increased by severalfold in cell walls of light-grown maize coleoptiles as compared with those grown in the dark. Strong correlations were observed between the increase in the contents of either DFA, FA or p -CA and the decrease in cell wall extensibility. Light decreased the wall-bound peroxidase activity. No correlation was found between DFA content and peroxidase activity. The activities of PAL and TAL were enhanced upon white light irradiation. The increment in either DFA, FA or p -CA content was correlated with an increase in PAL activity, but not with that in TAL activity. White light may promote DFA formation in the cell walls of maize coleoptiles by enhancing PAL activity.  相似文献   

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