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藏北高原草地群落的数量分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王景升  姚帅臣  普穷  王志凯  冯继广 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6889-6896
采用TWINSPAN数量分类和DCA、CCA排序的方法,对藏北高原草地29个样点进行统计分析。结果显示:(1)TWINSPAN数量分类将藏北高寒草地群落划分成10种类型。(2)样点DCA排序第一轴基本反映了水分环境梯度,第二轴基本反映了热量梯度。(3)TWINSPAN分类所划分的各群落在DCA排序图上都有各自的分布范围和界限,说明DCA排序能较好的反应各优势群落与其环境资源之间的关系。(4)样点CCA排序表明,影响群落分布的首要环境因子是水分因子(年均降水量)和空间因子(经度),其次是热量因子(年均温度),CCA排序进一步阐明了群落分布决定于水分和温度等环境因子,并间接验证了TWINSPAN的分类结果。(5)物种CCA排序和TWINSPAN分类结果表明:植物群落中物种的分布格局与植物群落类型的分布格局存在一定的相似性。  相似文献   

拉萨河流域植物群落的数量分类与排序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青藏高原植物群落空间分异格局是异质生境条件下物种性状、种间相互作用等生态学过程共同作用的结果,对其分析有助于深入理解群落形成与环境因子之间的关系。基于拉萨河流域自然植被样带调查,采用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和典范对应分析(CCA)等方法,探讨了群落的结构组成及影响其结构分异的主导环境因子。结果表明:(1) TWINSPAN数量分类将拉萨河流域草地系统划分成12个群系类型,即圆叶合头菊+唐古拉翠雀花群系;紫花针茅群系;青藏臺草群系;雪层杜鹃+鲜卑花-西藏嵩草群系;高山嵩草群系;小叶金露梅群系;硬叶柳+杯腺柳群系;水栒子+拱枝绣线菊-高山嵩草群系;绢毛蔷薇-冷蒿+白草群系;大果圆柏-垂穗披碱草群系;铺地柏-藏橐吾+高原荨麻群系;醉鱼草+砂生槐群系。12种群系类型包含了较多的植被类型,包括高寒灌丛草甸、高寒灌丛草原、稀树草原、高寒草甸和高寒草原等。(2) CCA排序表明:影响拉萨河流域植物群系分布的主要环境因子是年均温度、海拔和经度和纬度,其次是年均降雨量。(3) TWINSPAN分类与CCA排序结合反映了群系分布格局变异与环境因子之间的关系,可为拉萨河流域草地的保护和可持续利用,以及相关的植被群落研究提供参考。  相似文献   

  1. Factors influencing grazing behavior in species‐rich grasslands have been little studied. Methodologies have mostly had a primary focus on grasslands with lower floristic diversity.
  2. We test the hypothesis that grazing behavior is influenced by both animal and plant factors and investigate the relative importance of these factors, using a novel combination of video technology and vegetation classification to analyze bite and step rates.
  3. In a semi‐natural, partially wooded grassland in northern Estonia, images of the vegetation being grazed and records of steps and bites were obtained from four video cameras, each mounted on the sternum of a sheep, during 41 animal‐hours of observation over five days. Plant species lists for the immediate field of view were compiled. Images were partnered by direct observation of the nearest‐neighbor relationships of the sheep. TWINSPAN, a standard vegetation classification technique allocating species lists to objectively defined classes by a principal components procedure, was applied to the species lists and 25 vegetation classes (15 open pasture and 10 woodland) were identified from the images.
  4. Taking bite and step rates as dependent variables, relative importance of animal factors (sheep identity), relative importance of day, and relative importance of plant factors (vegetation class) were investigated. The strongest effect on bite rates was of vegetation class. Sheep identity was less influential. When the data from woodland were excluded, sheep identity was more important than vegetation class as a source of variability in bite rate on open pasture.
  5. The original hypothesis is therefore supported, and we further propose that, at least with sheep in species‐rich open pastures, animal factors will be more important in determining grazing behavior than plant factors. We predict quantifiable within‐breed and between‐breed differences, which could be exploited to optimize conservation grazing practices and contribute to the sustainability of extensive grazing systems.

拉萨河谷草地群落的数量分类与排序   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用TWINSPAN数量分类和DCA、CCA排序的方法,对拉萨河谷草地23个样点进行统计分析。结果显示:(1)TWINSPAN数量分类将拉萨河谷草地群落划分成8种类型,拉萨河谷的草地群落分布呈现明显的垂直地带性分布格局。(2)TWINSPAN分类所划分的各群落在DCA排序图上都有各自的分布范围和界限,说明DCA排序能较好的反应各群落与其环境资源之间的关系,同时,TWINSPAN的分类结果也在排序图上得到较好的印证。(3)样点DCA排序的第一轴基本反映了海拔高度的变化梯度,第二轴基本反映了坡向的变化。(4)样点CCA排序表明,影响群落分布的主要环境因子是海拔,其次是坡向。CCA排序进一步阐明了拉萨河谷草地群落分布决定于海拔和坡向等环境因子,并间接验证了TWINSPAN的分类结果。(5)物种CCA排序和TWINSPAN分类结果表明:植物群落中物种的分布格局与植物群落类型的分布格局存在一定的相似性,物种的分布格局在很大程度上影响着群落的分布格局。  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of species and microhabitats in a dry grassland mosaic in a Central Alpine valley was studied by a variance/mean analysis. In addition, the water-usage strategies of the dominant species were investigated. A significant correlation between species pattern and microhabitat pattern was found for the grass species. Grasses, with their homorhizal root system, are unable to exploit sources of water in deep rock crevices, and are therefore dependent on the water-storage capacity of the particular soil layer. Dwarf shrubs and succulents (with one exception) are independent of this latter water source. The common chamaephytes exhibit contradictory types of stomatal behaviour.Artemisia alba is characterized by a water-conservation strategy, whereasHelianthemum nummularium spp.obscurum andTeucrium chamaedrys are not. The careful usage of the water reserves byArtemisia alba would seem to represent an adaptation to dry grassland conditions. The other dwarf shrubs, in contrast, with their ‘water-wasting’ strategy, have a root system like that ofArtemisia and are unable to compensate for the higher rate of water loss. Thus, the observed ecophysiological differences cannot be interpreted as being ‘different solutions to the same problem’, as a result of divergent evolution. Two alternative interpretations are: a) the stomatal behaviour of the chamaephytes is a characteristic of their respective genera and which is not particularly adaptive here; b) the dry grasslands studied are the remnants of a former vegetation type, which had a low level of competition.  相似文献   

Leaf blade parameters and leaf demography of Festuca pallens Host were studied in two types of dry grasslands. The field work was carried out in the Považsky Inovec Mts (Western Carpathians) during 1993–1995. The permanent plot in the Poo badensis-Festucetum pallentis was located on a steep, strongly eroded S-facing slope covered with dolomite outcrops, scree and sparse vegetation (20%) dominated by Festuca pallens. The permanent plot in the Festuco pallentis-Caricetum humilis was located on the even ridge plateau with shallow stony soil and vegetation covering about 70% dominated by Carex humilis and Festuca pallens. In comparison to other grasses Festuca pallens had a very low rate of leaf turnover. The highest leaf birth rates and the lowest leaf death rates were observed in June. Leaf mortality was uniformly distributed in time without a distinct minimum or maximum. For the surviving tillers the leaf production exceeded the leaf mortality during the whole growing season. The steady net gain of leaves in tillers was not interrupted by the parallel process of tillering. Among the leaf cohorts the leaves produced in May had the longest leaf blades. Leaves grew during the whole year. The winter cold and summer drought might slow down the growth rate or interrupt the growth. The growth of a leaf blade took five to eight weeks. Leaf life span was estimated to 150–200 days (time from leaf appearance at the apex to the complete loss of its green assimilating parts). In comparison to other grasses Festuca pallens belongs to the species with the longest leaf life span. The effect of environmental factors on leaf demography was followed by the comparison of two populations belonging to two phytosociological associations differing mostly in habitat xericity. Differences were revealed in the following characteristics: length of leaf blade in cohorts born during May and June, maximum length of a leaf blade in a tiller and daily increments in May and June. The course of leaf natality and mortality was similar in the studied populations.  相似文献   

J. Rydell 《Journal of Zoology》1992,227(3):517-529
The population density of the northern bat Eptesicus nilssoni at 65° N was about one-fifth of that in southern Sweden (57° N). No other bat species was observed at 65° N. In one maternity colony, young northern bats were born in July and were flying by early August. The diet consisted mainly of small insects, predominantly dipterans, which were captured and eaten in the air. The bats maintained a nocturnal (22:00–02:30 h) foraging schedule in summer, partly reflecting the activity of insects, and spent about three hours away from the day roost each night. Owing to the short periods of darkness, the foraging flights usually started and ended in daylight. Habitat use reflected the occurrence of small insects near vegetation.  相似文献   

中国西南干旱河谷植被是我国西南横断山区特有的植被类型, 目前关于西南干旱河谷植被还没有整体性的群落类型划分研究。根据对甘肃、四川、云南三省九条主要河流的干旱河谷段野外调查和文献来源的1,339个植物群落样方数据, 采用自适应仿射传播聚类方法, 对我国西南干旱河谷的植物群落进行数量分类, 并采用典范对应分析方法进行排序分析。结果表明: (1)调查样方的植物群落分为7个植被型(稀树草原、肉质灌丛、常绿阔叶灌丛、暖性落叶阔叶灌丛、常绿硬叶林、落叶阔叶林和暖性针叶林), 24个群系, 31个群丛类型。暖性落叶阔叶灌丛是本植被区的代表性植被类型; 分布最广的群系为鞍叶羊蹄甲灌丛(Form. Bauhinia brachycarpa, 样方比例50.9%)、黄茅灌草丛(Form. Heteropogon contortus, 样方比例11.9%)、孔颖草灌草丛(Form. Bothriochloa pertusa, 样方比例5.6%)、黄荆灌丛(Form. Vitex negundo, 样方比例4.2%)、知风草灌草丛(Form. Eragrostis ferruginea, 样方比例3.8%)、车桑子灌丛(Form. Dodonaea viscosa, 样方比例3.4%)、云南松疏林(Form. Pinus yunnanensis, 样方比例3.3%)。(2)冬季低温和降水的季节性是限制干旱河谷植物群落分布的主要气候因子。稀树草原、肉质灌丛是典型的干热河谷植被类型; 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛、常绿硬叶林、常绿阔叶灌丛是干暖河谷植被的优势类型; 暖性针叶林、落叶阔叶林则主要在干温河谷环境占优势。  相似文献   

The population ecology of newts was investigated between 1969 and 1974 in two localities near Gothenburg, SW Sweden: the Gunnebo park pond (about 300 m2) where Triturus cristatus Laurenti and T. vulgaris L. are sympatric, and a rock-pool (6 m2) in Billdal with only T. vulgaris. At Gunnebo, a population of about 350 breeding T. cristatus was found with about as many males as females but males being more aquatic than females. An annual survival of 0.7–0.8 was estimated for the adults. The T. vulgaris population at the same locality was estimated to about 250–300 breeding adults with a sex ratio possibly in favour of males. The survival of adults was found to be extremely low and a very small percent of the adults seems to breed more than once. The Billdal T. vulgaris population was estimated to contain nearly 70 breeding adults with a sex ratio very near to 1:1. The annual survival of adults was found to be 0.5. The different survival of the two T. vulgaris populations are discussed with particular reference to predation. The age at which newts breed for the first time seems to vary; for T. vulgaris five years may well be the normal age. Factors that may limit the sizes of the populations, possible reasons for differences in frequency of occurrence in water, and possible predators are discussed.  相似文献   

The subsistence ecology of Venezuelan Cuiva foragers during the early dry season is described. Data on diet, time allocation, demography, and physical measurements are presented. Analyses show that the Cuiva depend primarily on game and wild roots during the early dry season for their subsistence. Sex differentials in productive efficiency, total contribution to the diet, and time allocation to food acquisition and other activities are also examined. As in most other foraging societies, men specialize in hunting while women specialize in gathering. During the early dry season, men provide more calories than women and are the more efficient food producers. However, men spend slightly less time than women in food acquisition. Demographic data show that child mortality rates, female infertility rates, female infanticide rates,and the sex ratio among juveniles are high in the Cuiva population. Comparisons between the patterns found among the Cuiva and other foraging populations are made.  相似文献   

刘璐  刘志成  杨瑞莹  张任菲  李豪  许晓明 《生态学报》2020,40(24):9129-9137
为探究永定河干涸段河流廊道的植物群落结构特征及多样性特征,给永定河河道防护林、水源涵养林建设等提供科学的理论依据,通过对河流廊道植物群落的实地调查,对124个植物群落进行了TWINSPAN数量分类,并探究了不同层次间的物种多样性的区别以及垂直和水平梯度上的分布格局。结果表明:(1)植物群落包括9种群丛类型,其中优势群丛为"狗尾草+猪毛菜+尖头叶藜群丛"、"狗尾草群丛"和"加杨-狗尾草+蒺藜群丛"。(2)草本层物种的丰富程度和均匀程度整体大于乔木层,且物种组成复杂程度的变化幅度更大。(3)从垂直梯度上看,植物群落乔木层上游的物种结构组成较下游更加丰富、整体分布更加均匀,草本层从上游到下游物种组成的丰富程度和均匀程度先降低后升高、再降低;从水平梯度上看,越靠近左、右两堤,乔木层的物种结构组成越丰富、分布越均匀,左堤的物种组成较右堤更加复杂且分布更加均匀,草本层的物种多样性在水平梯度上变化较大,在靠近左堤的位置物种组成最丰富。影响乔木层物种多样性变化的主要原因是人类活动干扰的强度。  相似文献   

Goldenrods (Solidago sp.) are currently one of the most invasive plant species in Central Europe. They threaten abandoned semi-natural wet grasslands which are extremely vulnerable to plant succession and invasions. We assessed whether Solidago invasion affects ants, keystone organisms essential to proper ecosystem functioning and to the existence of myrmecophilous Phengaris butterflies. Ten meadows containing 60 plots with and without goldenrods were studied. We found a strong, negative dependence between the presence of goldenrod cover and the number of ant nests (more than 50 % reduction compared to control) as well as the number of species, and changes in species composition. Myrmica ants, essential hosts for Phengaris larvae, were among the most affected species by goldenrod invasion. Immediate action should be undertaken for restoration and maintenance of biodiversity hotspots affected by goldenrod invasion.  相似文献   

Effect of warming and drought on grassland microbial communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The soil microbiome is responsible for mediating key ecological processes; however, little is known about its sensitivity to climate change. Observed increases in global temperatures and alteration to rainfall patterns, due to anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases, will likely have a strong influence on soil microbial communities and ultimately the ecosystem services they provide. Therefore, it is vital to understand how soil microbial communities will respond to future climate change scenarios. To this end, we surveyed the abundance, diversity and structure of microbial communities over a 2-year period from a long-term in situ warming experiment that experienced a moderate natural drought. We found the warming treatment and soil water budgets strongly influence bacterial population size and diversity. In normal precipitation years, the warming treatment significantly increased microbial population size 40–150% but decreased diversity and significantly changed the composition of the community when compared with the unwarmed controls. However during drought conditions, the warming treatment significantly reduced soil moisture thereby creating unfavorable growth conditions that led to a 50–80% reduction in the microbial population size when compared with the control. Warmed plots also saw an increase in species richness, diversity and evenness; however, community composition was unaffected suggesting that few phylotypes may be active under these stressful conditions. Our results indicate that under warmed conditions, ecosystem water budget regulates the abundance and diversity of microbial populations and that rainfall timing is critical at the onset of drought for sustaining microbial populations.  相似文献   

退化土地植被恢复群落物种多样性与生物量分配格局   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了湘西北女儿寨小流域7种典型植被恢复群落生物量的空间分配格局、物种多样性特征及其相互关系。结果表明:1)润楠次生林乔木层生物量最高,马尾松天然林灌木层生物量最大,油桐人工林草本层生物量最高,乔木层最低,毛竹-杉木林灌木层与草本层生物量最小,群落总生物量以马尾松天然林群落最高,荒草灌丛群落最低。2)乔木层物种以润楠次生林最丰富,多样性指数最高,物种分布最均匀;灌木层物种丰富度以毛竹-杉木混交林最高,油桐人工林多样性与均匀度指数最大,优势度最小,荒草灌丛群落的物种丰富度、多样性及均匀度最低;草本层物种丰富度以油桐人工林最高,马尾松天然林最低,杉木人工林草本层多样性指数与均匀度指数最大,润楠次生林优势度最高;群落总体物种丰富度以油桐人工林最高,润楠次生林群落的多样性指数最高,种群分布最均匀,荒草灌丛群落的多样性、均匀度与优势度都最低。3)女儿寨小流域退化土地物种丰富度与群落生物量之间的关系可用"S"曲线较好地描述,双曲线能较好地描述群落多样性指数、群落均匀度指数与生物量之间的关系,而生态优势度与生物量之间为非性线关系。  相似文献   

浮游被囊动物的分类及其生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
被囊动物(Tunicata)是一类低等脊索动物,包括3个纲:有尾纲、海樽纲和海鞘纲;全部生活在海洋里,其中有尾纲和海樽纲营浮游生活。综述了国内外浮游被囊动物分类和生态研究的现状和进展,综述介绍了有尾纲和海樽纲的分类依据、研究现状、趋势和在海洋生态系统中的作用。浮游被囊动物是热带和亚热带海域重要的浮游动物类群,种类和数量的分布变化受物理和生物环境因素的影响;它一方面大量摄食浮游细菌和微小浮游植物,另一方面被一些经济动物摄食,因此在海洋食物链的传递和生态系统的物质循环中占有重要位置。  相似文献   

On the ecology of wintering Dippers(Cinclus cinclus) in northern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Wintering Dippers were studied in the coastal region of the province Västerbotten in northern Sweden with special emphasis on winter movements, winter site-tenacity and population dynamics. In three different streams the number of wintering Dippers varied markedly during the winter, with maximum numbers in mid-winter (December–January). Sex and age ratio also varied during the winter. and adult birds outnumbered and juvenile birds during most of the winter. The wintering Dippers showed a good site-tenacity and about 17 % of the birds returned to the same stream the following season. Two long-distance recoveries and one control of a Dipper banded in Finland might indicate the origin of the wintering Dippers as well as the migratory routes of the species in northern Scandinavia, all in consistence with earlier studies of the migration of the species. Body-weight and wing-length data corresponded well with earlier investigations in southern Scandinavia.It is suggested that the structure of the wintering Dipper population can be explained by a mechanism of dominance-influenced migration proposed byGauthreaux (1978).
Zur Winterökologie der Wasseramsel(Cinclus cinclus) in Nordschweden
Zusammenfassung 1975–1979 wurden Wasseramseln in drei verschiedenen Flüssen im Küstenbereich der Provinz Västerbotten untersucht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wanderungen, Ortstreue und Populationsstruktur im Winter.Die Anzahl der Wasseramseln zeigte klare jahreszeitliche Unterschiede mit einem Maximum in den Monaten Dezember und Januar. Die Geschlechter- und Altersverteilungen variierten deutlich während des Winters; und Altvögel überwogen vor allem am Ende des Winters gegenüber und Jungvögeln. Die überwinterten Wasseramseln zeigten eine ausgeprägte Ortstreue; ca. 17 % der Vögel kehrten im folgenden Jahre zu den gleichen Flüssen zurück.Zwei Wiederfunde von Wasseramseln, die im Untersuchungsgebiet beringt worden waren, aus Norwegen und eine Kontrolle aus Finnland deuten auf Herkunft und Zugwege der in Nordschweden überwinternden Wasseramseln hin. Diese Wiederfunde stimmen mit den Untersuchungen vonAndersson &Wester (1976) überein.Die Körpergewichte und Flügellängen zeigten gute Übereinstimmung mit Untersuchungen in Südschweden (Andersson &Wester 1971, 1972).Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Populationsstruktur überwinternder Wasseramseln anhand eines Modells der dominance-influenced migration (Gauthreaux 1978) zu erklären.

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