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In this work, cardio-ventilatory coupling (CVC) refers to the statistical relationship between the onset of either inspiration (I) or expiration (E) and the timing of heartbeats (R-waves) before and after these respiratory events. CVC was assessed in healthy, young (<45 yr), resting, supine subjects (n = 19). Four intervals were analyzed: time from I-onset to both the prior R-wave (R-to-I) and the following R-wave (I-to-R), as well as time from E-onset to both the prior R-wave (R-to-E) and following R-wave (E-to-R). The degree of coupling was quantified in terms of transformed relative Shannon entropy (tRSE), and χ(2) tests based on histograms of interval times from 200 breaths. Subjects were studied twice, from 5 to 27 days apart, and the test-retest reliability of CVC measures was computed. Several factors pointed to the relative importance of the R-to-I interval compared with other intervals. Coupling was significantly stronger for the R-to-I interval, coupling reliability was largest for the R-to-I interval, and only tRSE for the R-to-I interval was correlated with height, weight, and body surface area. The high test-retest reliability for CVC in the R-to-I interval provides support for the hypothesis that CVC strength is a subject trait. Across subjects, a peak ~138 ms prior to I-onset was characteristic of CVC in the R-to-I interval, although individual subjects also had earlier peaks (longer R-to-I intervals). CVC for the R-to-I interval was unrelated to two separate measures of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), suggesting that these two forms of coupling (CVC and RSA) are independent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the variability and patterns of spontaneous respiratory behaviour in awake cats. Respiration was measured in six cats over 80 or 90 min by the plethysmographic technique. In three cats, arterial blood gases were measured. Breath frequency (f) and tidal volume (VT) varied considerably breath-to-breath, although on average, these measurements as well as average ventilation remained relatively constant. The incidence of breath ventilation (VT X 60/TTOT) and VT were distributed unimodally but the incidence of breath f had a bimodal distribution. In the low f range, average f was 22.5 breaths/min, and in the high f range, average f was 41.6 breaths/min. The latter range appeared to be associated with purring. Inspiratory duration (TI) was less than expiratory duration (TE) at low f but exceeded TE at high f. For a given breath ventilation there was a predictable f and VT. At shorter TI (higher f) mean inspiratory flow, an index of central respiratory drive, increased but VT decreased. This study indicates that "normal" control respiratory behaviour in awake cats is better described by the range and pattern of breathing than by average values.  相似文献   

We compared the changes in nasal and pharyngeal resistance induced by modifications in the central respiratory drive in 8 patients with sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) with the results of 10 normal men. Upper airway pressures were measured with two low-bias flow catheters; one was placed at the tip of the epiglottis and the other above the uvula. Nasal and pharyngeal resistances were calculated at isoflow. During CO2 rebreathing and during the 2 min after maximal voluntary hyperventilation, we continuously recorded upper airway pressures, airflow, end-tidal CO2, and the mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI); inspiratory pressure generated at 0.1 s after the onset of inspiration (P0.1) was measured every 15-20 s. In both groups upper airway resistance decreased as P0.1 increased during CO2 rebreathing. When P0.1 increased by 500%, pharyngeal resistance decreased to 17.8 +/- 3.1% of base-line values in SAS patients and to 34.9 +/- 3.4% in normal subjects (mean +/- SE). During the posthyperventilation period the VT/TI fell below the base-line level in seven SAS patients and in seven normal subjects. The decrease in VT/TI was accompanied by an increase in upper airway resistance. When the VT/TI decreased by 30% of its base-line level, pharyngeal resistance increased to 319.1 +/- 50.9% in SAS and 138.5 +/- 4.7% in normal subjects (P less than 0.05). We conclude that 1) in SAS patients, as in normal subjects, the activation of upper airway dilators is reflected by indexes that quantify the central inspiratory drive and 2) the pharyngeal patency is more sensitive to the decrease of the central respiratory drive in SAS patients than in normal subjects.  相似文献   

Introduction. Sit-to-stand (SitTS) and stand-to-sit (StandTS) are very important functional tasks that become compromised in stroke patients. As in other voluntary movements, they require an adequate postural control (PC) involving the generation of anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs). In order to give clues for more efficient and directed rehabilitation programs, a deeper knowledge about APAs during challenging and daily life movements is essential.

Purpose. To analyze the activation timing of tibialis anterior (TA) and soleus (SOL) muscles during SitTS and StandTS in healthy subjects and in post-stroke patients.

Methods. Two groups participated in this study: one composed of ten healthy subjects and the other by ten subjects with a history of stroke and increased H-reflex. Electromyographic activity (EMGa) of SOL and TA was analyzed during SitTS and StandTS in the ipsilateral (IPSI) and the contralateral (CONTRA) limb to the side lesion in stroke subjects, and in one limb in healthy subjects. A force plate was used to identify the movement onset.

Results. In both sequences, in the stroke group SOL activation timing occurred prior to movement onset, contrary to the pattern observed in the healthy subjects. Statistically significant differences were found in SOL activation timings between each lower limb of the stroke and healthy groups, but no significant differences were found between the IPSI and the CONTRA limb. The TA activation timing seems to be delayed in the CONTRA limb when compared to the healthy subjects and showed a better organization of TA timing activation in StandTS when compared to SitTS.

Conclusion. Compared to healthy subjects, APAs seem to be altered in both limbs of the post-stroke subjects, with the SOL activation timing being anticipated in both SitTS and StandTS.  相似文献   

To date, the large majority of studies evaluating growth hormone (GH) response to acute physical exercise has been performed involving gross muscle groups. To the best of our knowledge, none has evaluated the effects of a respiratory muscle endurance training (RMET) on hormonal secretions, particularly on GH release, though some respiratory devices have been widely used in athletes to train respiratory muscles and to improve cardiopulmonary function and physical performance. 8 healthy men underwent an incremental progressive RMET protocol of 11 daily sessions, obtained through the use of a specifically designed respiratory device (Spiro Tiger?). The 12th session of RMET (15 min duration: 1 min at a respiration rate of 28 acts/min, 5 min at 32 acts/min, 5 min at 34 acts/min, 4 min at 36 acts/min) was associated with blood samplings for determination of GH, cortisol, ghrelin, glucose, and lactate (LA) levels. GH and cortisol responses significantly increased after a 15-minute RMET session, which, in contrast, inhibited ghrelin secretion. There was a minimal, though significant, increase in LA levels with a significant elevation in glycemia. A 15-minute RMET session, administered after a 11-days incremental progressive RMET protocol, was capable of stimulating GH and cortisol release and suppressing ghrelin secretion. Optimization of incremental progressive RMET protocols would be important to maximize the positive chronic effects of this intervention on somatotropic function and muscle performance.  相似文献   

Resting and stimulated whole and parotid salivary composition and flow rate were examined in 63 healthy volunteers. No significant differences were found between the young and old in secretion rates and salivary concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and total protein. The activity of amylase in the resting and stimulated parotid saliva was significantly lower in the old.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to analyze results of studies on characteristics of protein variability and diversity of posttranslational modifications of proteins in healthy humans. Numerous studies have demonstrated that a proteomic profile is characterized by significant intra- and inter-individual variability, and quite often natural (“normal”) variability of some proteins can be comparable to changes observed in pathological processes. Results obtained by our research group have demonstrated high intra-individual variability of serum low-molecular subproteome of healthy volunteers, certified by a special medial committee (the coefficient of variation (CV) of 42.6%). The proteins characterized by high variability under normal conditions (e.g. haptoglobin — 0–40 mg/ml; lysozyme — 0.01–0.1 mg/ml; C-reactive protein — 0.01–0.3 mg/ml) cannot be considered as potential biomarkers of diseases. On the contrary, proteins and peptides characterized by insignificant dispersion in healthy population (such as albumin ( CV = 9%); transferrin-(CV = 14%); C3c complement (CV = 17%), α-1 acid glycoprotein (CV = 21%), α-2-macroglobulin (CV = 20%); transthyretin fragment (CV = 28.3%) and α2-HS-glycoprotein βchain (CV = 29.7%)) can provide valuable information about the state of health. Thus, studies of plasticity in the proteomic profiles of healthy humans will help to correct reference intervals used in clinical proteomics.  相似文献   

The amount of asymmetry in various digital and palmar characters found in healthy and pathological individuals (presenting Cooley's anemia, cleft lip, cleft palate and breast cancer) was examined. Males with cleft palate presented higher asymmetry index values than did healthy males. No great differences were found in the other pathologies, while different behaviour in the two sexes was noted. Work supported by M.U.R.S.T. 60%  相似文献   

In the present study, we assessed the reproducibility and responsiveness of transcutaneous electromyography (EMG) of the respiratory muscles in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and healthy subjects during breathing against an inspiratory load. In seven healthy subjects and seven COPD patients, EMG signals of the frontal and dorsal diaphragm, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, and scalene muscles were derived on 2 different days, both during breathing at rest and during breathing through an inspiratory threshold device of 7, 14, and 21 cm H2O. For analysis, we used the logarithm of the ratio of the inspiratory activity during the subsequent loads and the activity at baseline [log EMG activity ratio (EMGAR)]. Reproducibility of the EMG was assessed by comparing the log EMGAR values measured at test days 1 and 2 in both groups. Responsiveness (sensitivity to change) of the EMG was assessed by comparing the log EMGAR values of the COPD patients to those of the healthy subjects at each load. During days 1 and 2, log EMGAR values of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles correlated significantly. For the scalene muscles, significant correlations were found for the COPD patients. Although inspiratory muscle activity increased significantly during the subsequent loads in all participants, the COPD patients displayed a significantly greater increase in intercostal and left scalene muscle activity compared with the healthy subjects. In conclusion, the present study showed that the EMG technique is a reproducible and sensitive technique to assess breathing patterns in COPD patients and healthy subjects.  相似文献   

Preopsonized live and heat-killed S. aureus stimulated, without the washing of serum, the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of human neutrophils obtained from healthy donors. The intensity of chemiluminescence was evaluated by the index of stimulation with staphylococci, with due consideration for their concentration. With the microbe/phagocyte ratio equal to 10:1, these indices had the maximum values when both live and killed staphylococci were used. At high concentrations of staphylococci, especially live ones, all indices were low (those for live staphylococci had negative values) and uniform. As the concentration of the antigen decreased, individual features in the reaction of each donor became apparent. With the microbe/phagocyte ratio equal to 100:1, stimulation with live and killed staphylococci induced the identical fluorescence of neutrophils. The capacity of nonopsonized staphylococci for inducing chemiluminescence was poorly pronounced. For this reason, the test system using S. aureus at low concentrations was proposed for the prognostication of this infection, while the ratio 100:1 can be used for the evaluation of the opsonin-phagocytic system in case of a developed purulent process.  相似文献   

An index of airway caliber can be tracked in near-real time by measuring airway resistance (Raw) as indicated by lung resistance at 8 Hz. These measurements require the placing of an esophageal balloon. The objective of this study was to establish whether total respiratory system resistance (Rrs) could be used rather than Raw to track airway caliber, thereby not requiring an esophageal balloon. Rrs includes the resistance of the chest wall (Rcw). We used a recursive least squares approach to track Raw and Rrs at 8 Hz in seven healthy and seven asthmatic subjects during tidal breathing and a deep inspiration (DI). In both subject groups, Rrs was significantly higher than Raw during tidal breathing at baseline and postchallenge. However, at total lung capacity, Raw and Rrs became equivalent. Measured with this approach, Rcw appears volume dependent, having a magnitude of 0.5-1.0 cmH2O. l-1. s during tidal breathing and decreasing to zero at total lung capacity. When resistances are converted to an effective diameter, Rrs data overestimate the increase in diameter during a DI. Simulation studies suggest that the decrease in apparent Rcw during a DI is a consequence of airway opening flow underestimating chest wall flow at increased lung volume. We conclude that the volume dependence of Rcw can bias the presumed net change in airway caliber during tidal breathing and a DI but would not distort assessment of maximum airway dilation.  相似文献   

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