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The relationships between invasion pressure, post-transport inoculant survival, and regional susceptibility to invasion are poorly understood. In marine ecosystems, the movement and release of ballast water from ocean-going ships provides a model system by which to examine the interplay among these factors. One of the largest estuaries in North America, the Chesapeake Bay, receives tremendous amounts of foreign ballast water annually and thus should be at high invasion risk. To date, however, few introductions in Chesapeake Bay have been attributed to ballast release. To understand better the dynamics of this invasion process, we (1) characterized and quantified the biota arriving to Chesapeake Bay in foreign ballast water, (2) compared temperatures and salinities of ballast water and harbor water in upper Chesapeake Bay, and (3) tested experimentally survival of organisms collected from ballast water in temperatures and salinities characteristic of the region. From 1993 to 1994, we sampled planktonic and benthic organisms from 60 foreign vessels arriving to Chesapeake Bay. Our data show that the estuary is being inoculated by a diverse assemblage of aquatic organisms from around the world. Furthermore, the short transit time (15d) for most vessels ensured that substantial numbers of larval and post-larval organisms were being deballasted alive. Most of the ballast water discharged into the upper Chesapeake Bay, however, was significantly higher in salinity (>20) than that of the receiving harbor. In laboratory tolerance experiments, ballast water organisms perished under such conditions. Thus, a mismatch in physical conditions between donor and receiver regions may explain the dearth of invasions in the upper Bay. It is likely that the lower Chesapeake Bay, which is more saline, remains at higher risk to ballast water invasion. Recognition of such intraregional differences should allow more focused predictions for monitoring and management.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of metazoan parasites were recorded from adult spot and 26 from adult croaker. Of the 33 parasitic species found, 17 occurred in both spot and croaker. No significant differences in intensity of parasites occurred between sexes of either spot or croaker. All of the parasites had over-dispersed, or clumped, distributions among hosts. Adult spot and croaker collected offshore had much greater species-richness, diversity, and total number of individual parasites than juvenile fishes collected in adjoining estuaries during another study. The juvenile spot and croaker had less time to acquire parasites and inhabited less diverse and more confined habitats in inshore estuaries, which resulted in less diverse parasite communities than offshore fishes. The number of species and diversity of parasites in adult fish was greater in croaker than spot. However, when only gastrointestinal helminths were considered, spot had greater species-richness as well as greater numbers of individual helminths, suggesting that they had a more diverse diet and that they fed on more infected intermediate hosts than croaker. In both adult spot and croaker the mean number of parasitic species was greater than those of freshwater fishes and fewer than those for birds and mammals. The total number of individual parasites was similar to that of freshwater fishes. The opportunistic diet and the migratory habits of both spot and croaker contribute to their diverse parasite faunas. Comparison of adult spot and croaker parasite faunas collected offshore indicated that their respective parasite component communities were distinct and that similar parasite infracommunity variability existed in both hosts and that their communities were not ‘random’ samples, but restricted subsets of the compound community. Although the parasite dominance hierarchy in adults of both species varied slightly between areas and seasons sampled, there appeared to be a predictable dominant species that was accompanied by subordinate, less predictable species. However, the variability in both relative intensities and presence-absence of parasites within communities resulting from their diverse diets make them less predictable than those of other vertebrates with less diverse diets such as the lesser scaup duck and more like those of other marine fishes.  相似文献   

Trypauchen vagina (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) is a goby that lives burrowed into the substrata feeding on small invertebrates. It is native to the Indo-pacific region, ranging from Kuwait to China. Recently, this fish has been reported outside the original range of distribution, being found in the Mediterranean Sea, and more recently in the northeastern Brazilian coast. The Mediterranean reports are usually associated with Lessepsian migration, while the reports from Brazil are possibly related to ballast water transportation. In the present work, we provide eight new records from southeastern Brazilian coast, all made in São Paulo state, far from the first record. These additional records raised concern since the presence of an alien species could implicate in environmental and economic losses. Thus, we decide to model the environmental suitability for this goby in the Brazilian coast, specially focusing on major ports, usually places with high ballast water propagule pressure. In addition, an analysis of the suitability in the Red Sea was also made, to verify the hypothesis of Lessepsian migration. The results revealed that temperature and primary productivity are among the most important parameters for the presence of T. vagina, also indicating a high environmental suitability for this species in the Red Sea and Brazilian coast, especially in southeastern region, where the new records were made. Due to the number of collected individuals, it is hard to affirm that this taxon presents a self-sustaining population in Brazilian waters, but the several registers, in different locations and different life stages point to an establishment of the species in this new region. This population status allied with a high environmental suitability is alarming and should motivate new studies concerning T. vagina in Brazilian waters.  相似文献   

The residence time, movements, and growth of tagged young-of-the-year Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus L., were studied from July to October 1998 as measures of the success of a marsh restoration project adjacent to Delaware Bay. A total of 8173 croaker (41-121 mm SL) were tagged from each of two creeks in both marshes during July and August with internal sequential coded wire microtags. A prior tag-retention study in the laboratory found a 95% tag retention rate. Of those tagged, 3.6% were recaptured within and nearby the study creeks using seines, otter trawls, and weirs during a 105-day period. Recapture percentages ranged from 1.5% to 6.1% in individual creeks in the restored marsh. There was some movement of tagged fish between creeks in the restored marsh and out into the main creek, but 95% of the recaptures were made in the subtidal and intertidal portions of the same creek in which they were tagged. Fewer fish were recaptured at the reference marsh (1.6% recapture; n=1489 tagged) up to 50 days after tagging, with no evidence of movement between creeks. The average individual growth rates for recaptured croaker was the same in both restored (0.69 mm/day) and reference (0.63 mm/day) marshes before egress from the creeks in September and October. As a result, both created creeks in a restored marsh and natural creeks in a reference marsh appeared to be utilized as young-of-the-year habitat in a similar way during the summer and until egress out of the marshes during the fall, thus this restoration effort has been successful in creating suitable habitat for Atlantic croaker.  相似文献   

The patterns of spread of the three exotic species Solidago altissima L., S. gigantea Ait. and S. graminifolia (L.) Salisb. after their introduction to Europe were investigated, based on herbarium specimens and literature records. The spread was analysed by mapping the localities for each decade since 1850. Cumulative numbers of localities as well as numbers of occupied grid squares showed a continuous increase since 1850 for all three species. The slopes, however, were significantly different among the species. Solidago gigantea had the highest colonization rate, followed by S. altissima , and finally S. graminifolia . The latter showed only a slight increase in abundance over time. The increase in diameter of the range in central Europe was logistic for S. altissima and S. gigantea with a rapid increase between 1850 and 1880. The spread of the species in area and time over Europe showed no clear front; new localities at large distances were simultaneously colonized. A large part of the actual range of S. altissima and S. gigantea was already achieved about 1950. It is assumed that the spread of the species followed the hierarchical diffusion model with several independent foci from which the species began to spread. The data suggest that S. altissima and S. gigantea will successfully spread further, leading to an increase in abundance and area, while S. graminifolia seems to spread slowly.  相似文献   

In a field study, infecting European flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) subclinically with different parasite species did not result in any alteration of the innate immune response. Due to the high variability in infection status and the immune parameters measured, no relationships of biological significance were found. The data indicate that copepods, as the most abundant parasites, most probably had no major influence on immune responses measured here. Thus it might be concluded that these parameters were not sensitive to parasite infections occurring under natural conditions. The immune parameters considered here are regarded as promising indicators of chemical contaminant-induced variation in piscine immune responses, which could be implemented in pollution monitoring programmes. Communicated by H. v. Westernhagen, A. Diamant  相似文献   

Nodularia is a halotolerant, filamentous, dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium that forms massive blooms in some coastal oceans, estuaries, and saline lakes worldwide. Although the genus is globally distributed, its blooms are sporadic and appear to be confined to certain water bodies. Blooms are frequently associated with phosphorus enrichment; therefore Nodularia may benefit from increased anthropogenic nutrient loading to coastal waters. We studied the potential for Nodularia to grow in the nitrogen-limited Neuse River Estuary (North Carolina, U.S.A.) with laboratory growth experiments in Neuse River Estuary water and by examining physico-chemical data from the estuary. Analysis of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), salinity, and temperature data from the Neuse River Estuary between 1994 and 1998 revealed that suitable conditions for Nodularia prevailed during the summer of each of these years for time spans ranging from 1.5 to 5 months. Growth of two laboratory strains in Neuse River Estuary water was as fast or slightly slower than in artificial growth medium, as long as the culture inoculum had phosphorus reserves. Phosphorus addition did not stimulate growth of already phosphorus-sufficient inocula. Phosphorus starvation of the inoculum before the experiment decreased growth rates in the estuarine water unless additional phosphorus was supplied. Although phosphorus addition had a stimulatory effect on dinitrogen fixation and productivity, the effect differed for the two Nodularia strains. Results suggest that growth of Nodularia in North Carolinian estuaries is possible, and that such growth would be phosphorus-limited at times. Phosphorus availability may determine the times and locations for potential establishment of Nodularia in this and similar estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

In long-lived species, variance in allele frequencies over time may vary according to the number of generations contributing to progeny. Here, we investigate the temporal stability of genetic diversity and structure in relation to sex and age in introduced populations of Crepidula fornicata , an exotic gastropod that successfully invaded Europe . This protandrous species has the potential to change sex from male to female according not only to age, but also to local sex ratio (social environment). This mechanism may adjust the reproduction efficiency across different cohorts and thus decrease the likelihood of genetic drift in the following generations. Based on crude demographic structure analysis in two spatially closed introduced French populations, we demonstrate that recruitment is discontinuous. Although timing of sex change is different across populations, both populations have a similar age structure characterized by distributions of males and females changing across generations. Using five microsatellite loci, we show that both populations display a temporal genetic homogeneity and a stability in genetic diversity indices across age groups examined. Our results highlight that the social control of sex change in C. fornicata has strong implications to the maintenance of high genetic diversity by enhancing breeding across several generations at each reproductive season.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 365–374.  相似文献   

Drinking in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) juveniles was investigated in fresh water and following transfer to sea water. There was a significant effect of fish size on drinking, and smolts (20–30 g) imbibed about ten times less water than alevins of 0.2–0.3 g. Freshwater smolts drank at a rate of 0.15 ± 0.03 ml · kg−1 · h−1 and administration of doses of 10 or 20 mg · kg−1 of papaverine (stimulator of the renin- angiotensin system RAS) or [Asn1, Val5]-Angiotensin II (0.4 μmol · kg−1) resulted in significant increases in drinking, while administration of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, enalapril (50 mg · kg−1) had no effect on drinking. Transfer of Atlantic salmon smolts to 1/3, 2/3 and full strength sea water resulted in significant increases in drinking to 1.06 ± 0.12, 1.24 ± 0.0.16 and 3.89 ± 0.28 ml · kg−1 · h−1, respectively. In sea water, stimulation of the endogenous RAS by administration of papaverine (20 mg · kg−1) resulted in a 20% increase in drinking, while administration of enalapril to doses of 50 and 200 mg · kg−1 lowered drinking to 1.99 ± 0.48 and 0.32 ± 0.06 ml · kg−1 · h−1, respectively. All treatments were without effect on blood plasma levels of Na+ and Cl in fresh water, while in sea water smolts both stimulation and inhibition of drinking resulted in hemoconcentration of Na+ and Cl. The role of the renin angiotensin system in control of drinking and hydromineral balance in Atlantic salmon is discussed. Accepted: 27 February 1997  相似文献   

Working towards a future Rhine Sturgeon Action Plan the outmigration pathways of stocked juvenile European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio L., 1758) were studied in the River Rhine in 2012 and 2015 using the NEDAP Trail system. A total of 87 sturgeon of 3 to 5 years old (n = 43 in 2012, n = 44 in 2015) were implanted with transponders and released in May and June in the river Rhine at the Dutch‐German border, approximately 160 km from the sea. In total three sturgeons (3%) were found dead on river banks within seven days after the release. Based upon their wounds these sturgeons were likely hit by ship‐propellers. Tracking results were obtained from 57 (66%) of the sturgeons, of which 39 (45%) indicated movement into the Port of Rotterdam. Here the sturgeons remained for an average of two weeks, which suggests they spent time to acclimatize to higher salinities before entering the North Sea. Of the 45 (52%) sturgeons that were confirmed to have entered the North Sea, ten (22%) were recaptured (mainly by shrimpers and gill‐nets) close to the Dutch coastline; nine were alive and were released. From the results we obtained the preferred outmigration pathways, movement speeds and an indication of impacting factors (i.e. ship propellers and bycatch). Bycatches provided also localisations information in the coastal area. A next step to complete this work would be to assess habitat selection in freshwater and downstream migration of young of the year (YOY sturgeons) in the Lower Rhine.  相似文献   

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