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鳖性腺发育的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
湖南地区鳖的性成熟年龄是四年。成熟雌鳖每年产卵3—5次(窝),一般每次产卵8—12个,最多可达20—26个,是典型的多次产卵类型。由8—10微米直径的卵原细胞,长足到17—20毫米的成熟卵子,其间可以分为卵原细胞期、初级卵泡期、生长卵泡期和成熟卵泡期。在生长卵泡期可以看到由卵表伸向放射膜内的微绒毛(microvilli),这种结构与卵黄形成所需的物质转运有关。曲细精管中精子的正常形成和存活,不受季节变化的影响。进入雌鳖输卵管中的精子经过冬季到来年的生殖季节仍保持受精能力。  相似文献   

中华鳖性腺的发生与发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了揭示中华鳖性腺的发生与发育规律,在(32±0.5)℃温度下孵化鳖卵,72h时,从组织切片中可见原始生殖细胞移向中肠附近的内胚层;第5天生殖嵴形成;第13天性腺分化为皮质和髓质;第16天性腺开始分化为精巢或卵巢,至第22天时分化结束,形成精巢或卵巢.胚胎期、稚鳖和1龄鳖的性腺均呈短细管状,表面光滑,无色,胶状透明;2龄、3龄、4龄鳖的精巢呈长椭圆形.稚鳖的卵巢发育至卵原细胞期,组成精巢的曲细精管不明显,管内为精原细胞;1龄幼鳖的卵巢发育至初级卵泡期,精巢的曲细精管内精原细胞的数量增加;2龄和3龄鳖的卵巢处于生长卵泡期,3龄末的卵巢内可见到成熟卵泡,2龄鳖的曲细精管内出现初级精母细胞,3龄末的曲细精管开始出现精细胞和精子;4龄鳖的卵巢发育至成熟卵泡期,曲细精管内由管壁向管腔依次为精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和精子.结果表明,在(32±0.5)℃温度下,鳖胚发育至22d时,精巢或卵巢形成;在自然条件下,中华鳖至4龄时,性腺才完全发育成熟.  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼性腺发育的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
湖南地区生长于池塘环境的尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia nilotica),性成熟日龄是110—130天,雄性比雌性普遍早熟20天。精细胞的发生能够完成由精原细胞到精子的全部发育过程,同样,卵细胞的发生也能完成由卵原细胞到卵子的全部发育过程。初级卵母细胞处于Ⅲ时相阶段时,可由包被卵周的滤泡细胞分泌产生放射膜,但放射膜不在动物性极形成受精孔,也无精孔细胞的分化,证实尼罗罗非鱼是属于非受精孔受精类型。初级卵母细胞由Ⅲ时相发育到Ⅳ时相是非同步性的,产后卵巢的组织学结构为第Ⅳ期,卵巢系数在繁殖季节可出现三次高峰,证实尼罗罗非鱼是属于多次产卵类型。通过对精巢组织学的研究,发现尼罗罗非鱼的第Ⅰ期精巢是自然两性嵌合体。    相似文献   

大弹涂鱼性腺发育的组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于光镜下对大弹涂鱼性腺切片作了组织学观察,对大弹涂鱼卵细胞和精子发育规律进行研究。结果表明:大弹涂鱼在一个生殖季节中只能产卵1次,大弹涂鱼属于一次性产卵类型。大弹涂鱼3月卵母细胞进入大生长期发育阶段,4—6月为繁殖盛期,7—8月为繁殖末期。10月卵巢基本修整完毕,进入Ⅱ′恢复期。卵细胞发育可分为6个时相:卵原细胞、卵母细胞单层滤泡、卵母细胞出现脂滴和卵黄、卵母细胞卵黄充满、卵母细胞核极化、卵母细胞退化时相。卵母细胞膜单层,由具有辐射纹的放射带构成,滤泡膜细胞分泌而成的次级卵膜成为成熟卵子的附着丝。大弹涂鱼2月精巢开始发育,5月GSI值达最高值,平均成熟系数达0.70%,排精量最旺盛,出现高峰。7—9月GSI值明显下降。11月至翌年2月GSI值波动于0.08%—0.20%之间,变辐小,此期间精巢处于静止发育状态。大弹涂鱼的精巢属于小叶型结构。精子发育分为6个时期:精原细胞期、精原细胞增殖期、精母细胞生长成熟期、精子细胞变态期、精子成熟期和退化吸收期。繁殖季节精小叶内充满精子,精小囊消失。    相似文献   

金泽革蜱的生物学特性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
姜在阶 《昆虫学报》1987,(3):285-290
金泽革蜱是分布于东洋区的三寄主蜱, 成虫活跃于夏季到晚秋, 其发育历期随季节而不同.雌虫在兔休上吸血时间, 七、八月为16—20天, 十一月只需9天.产卵前期在夏季饱食的雌虫为13—27天;十一月饱食者产生滞育, 至少需244天.产卵期持续31—43天(七、八月), 总产卵量为1749—8995粒.雌虫产卵显与饱血雌虫体重之间有非常显著的正相关(r=0.989, p<0.001).金泽革蜱的产卵力(饱食后每毫克体重产卵数)为7.631.卵期为55—79天(九、十月), 幼虫在兔体上吸血4—6天, 饱食后经18—29天脱皮为若虫, 若虫寿命可达124天.  相似文献   

动物卵原细胞形成成熟卵细胞的过程称为卵子发生。昆虫卵子发生在卵巢里进行,经历了卵原细胞的增殖、卵母细胞的生长和卵母细胞的成熟三个阶段。在此过程中,昆虫卵子的发生受到很多内外因素的影响,如基因、细胞因子和环境等。卵子的发生影响着成熟卵细胞的质量以及卵细胞与精子的结合。本文就影响昆虫卵子发生的因素进行综述。  相似文献   

银鲴性腺发育和胚胎发育的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生长在湖南江河、池塘、水库环境的银鲴,性成熟年龄一般是二冬龄(2^ ),雄性比雌性提前一年成熟。江河银鲴每到生殖季节,可以自行产卵、受精,繁衍后代;池养银鲴却不能自然产卵,其卵母细胞只能发育到初级卵母细胞阶段(Ⅳ时相),必须通过人工催情,才使卵母细胞由第Ⅳ时相发育到第Ⅴ时相。池养雄性银鲴,能够完成由精原细胞到精子的全部发育过程。冬季,达性成熟的银鲴,雌性卵巢为Ⅲ期,雄性精巢为Ⅳ期。每年的3月份,银鲴开始进入性成熟期,4月份为它的生殖盛期。银鲴是鲴亚科中产半浮性卵的鱼类。银鲴在胚胎发育早期行盘状卵裂。当水温21—23℃时,其胚胎发育历经26小时10分,胚胎发育总热量为550-602度时;银鲴从受精卵到仔鱼期结束(鱼苗下池),整个过程历时112小时,区分胚胎发育、仔鱼发育两个阶段。胚胎发育又划为5个时期。  相似文献   

生长在湖南江河、池塘、水库环境的银鲴,性成熟年龄一般是二冬龄(2+),雄性比雌性提前一年成熟。江河银鲴每到生殖季节,可以自行产卵、受精,繁衍后代;池养银鲴却不能自然产卵,其卵母细胞只能发育到初级卵母细胞阶段(Ⅳ时相),必须通过人工催情,才使卵母细咆由第Ⅳ时相发育到第Ⅴ时相。池养雄性银鲴,能够完成由精原细胞到精子的全部发育过程。冬季,达性成熟的银鲴,雌性卵巢为Ⅲ期,雄性精巢为Ⅳ期。每年的3月份,银鲴开始进入性成熟期,4月份为它的生殖盛期。银鲴是鲴亚科中产半浮性卵的鱼类。银鲴在胚胎发育早期行盘状卵裂。当水温21—23℃时,其胚胎发育历经26小时10分,胚胎发育总热量为550—602度时;银鲴从受精卵到仔鱼期结束(鱼苗下池),整个过程历时112小时,区分胚胎发育、仔鱼发育两个阶段。胚胎发育又划为5个时期。    相似文献   

黄尾密鲴性腺发育的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生长在湖南地区水库环境的黄尾密鲴,雌、雄鱼性成熟一般为2冬龄。在具备繁殖条件的水库,其黄尾密鲴能自行产卵、受精、繁衍后代,不具备条件的,不能自然产卵,其卵母细胞只能发育到初级卵母细胞阶段(Ⅳ时相),而精细胞则能完成由精原细胞发育到精子的全部发育过程。冬季,达性成熟的黄尾密鲴,雌性卵巢为Ⅲ期,雄性精巢为Ⅳ期。每年的4月份,黄尾密鲴开始达人性腺成熟期,5月中旬至6月初为它的生殖盛期。初级卵母细胞由Ⅲ时相发育到Ⅳ时相基本是同步性的,卵巢成熟系数在一年中只出现1次高峰,经组织学研究与生产实践证明,黄尾密鲴系一年1次产卵类型。  相似文献   

青鱼性腺发育的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
湖南地区生长于池塘环境的青鱼,性成熟年龄是5—6年,雄性比雌性普遍地早熟一年。卵母细胞和滤泡细胞是同源的,都来自于卵原细胞。池养青鱼的卵母细胞只能发育到初级卵母细胞阶段(Ⅳ时相),必须通过人工催情,才能进行染色体的减数分裂,使卵母细胞由第Ⅳ时相发育到第Ⅴ时相。精细胞的发生,能够完成由精原细胞到精子的全部发育过程。青鱼在第一次性周期内,雄性精巢在第5个冬季进入第Ⅳ期,雌性卵巢在第6个冬季进入第Ⅲ期,从此以后,每年冬季,雄性精巢回复到第Ⅳ期,雌性卵巢回复到第Ⅲ期,这种性腺季节周期变化的规律,为生产上选留亲鱼提供了理论依据。青鱼雌性卵母细胞由第Ⅲ时相到第Ⅳ时相是同步性的;经人工催情产卵或自然退化后,卵巢的组织学结构又回复到第Ⅱ期,证明青鱼是一次产卵类型。已经达到性成熟年龄的雌性青鱼,卵母细胞的卵黄形成有两种不同的类型。第一种类型是泡内卵黄,第二种类型是泡外卵黄。如果饲养管理工作如投饵、水质调节不适宜,卵母细胞不能正常形成卵黄,就会出现卵子的败育现象,这是生产上一个重要问题,必须进一步研究。  相似文献   

Eight female pumas were treated i.m. with 1000 (N = 5) or 2000 (N = 3) i.u. PMSG followed 84 h later by 800 i.u. hCG. Eggs were recovered 24-26 h after hCG from ovarian follicles by using laparoscopy and transabdominal aspiration. Mature eggs were inseminated in vitro 4-6 h later whereas immature eggs were cultured for 24 h and then inseminated. Electroejaculates from 3 pumas were diluted with mKRB before insemination to evaluate the influence of sperm concentration on fertilization. Seven of 8 pumas responded with follicle development, and 140 eggs were recovered from 145 follicles (96.6%; 77 mature, 43 immature, 20 degenerate eggs; mean +/- s.e.m., 20.0 +/- 5.9 eggs/female). Overall fertilization rate was 43.5% (total eggs fertilized = 40) despite using inseminates containing 82-99% pleiomorphic spermatozoa. Of the 36 immature oocytes matured in vitro and inseminated, 12 were fertilized even though 50% of the inseminating spermatozoa contained an acrosomal defect. Fertilization rate of mature oocytes collected from follicles appeared unrelated (P greater than 0.05) to PMSG dose or number of spermatozoa/inseminate. This study demonstrates that a high proportion of follicular eggs can be recovered laparoscopically from adult pumas treated with PMSG and hCG. These gametes are capable of being fertilized in vitro (immediately or after maturation in vitro) even with low quality semen with a high incidence of sperm pleiomorphisms.  相似文献   

M Idei  K Osada  S Sato  K Toyoda  T Nagumo  DG Mann 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41890
cGametogenesis and auxospore development have been studied in detail in surprisingly few centric diatoms. We studied the development of sperm, eggs and auxospores in Actinocyclus sp., a radially symmetrical freshwater diatom collected from Japan, using LM and electron microscopy of living cultures and thin sections. Actinocyclus represents a deep branch of the 'radial centric' diatoms and should therefore contribute useful insights into the evolution of sexual reproduction in diatoms. Spermatogenesis was examined by LM and SEM and involved the formation of two spermatogonia (sperm mother-cells) in each spermatogonangium through an equal mitotic division. The spermatogonia produced a reduced 'lid' valve, resembling a large flat scale with irregular radial thickenings. Sperm formation was merogenous, producing four sperm per spermatogonium, which were released by dehiscence of the 'lid' valve. The sperm were spindle-shaped with numerous surface globules and, as usual for diatoms, the single anterior flagellum bore mastigonemes. One egg cell was produced per oogonium. Immature eggs produced a thin layer of circular silica scales before fertilization, while the eggs were still contained within the oogonium. Sperm were attracted in large numbers to each egg and were apparently able to contact the egg surface via a gap formed between the long hypotheca and shorter epitheca of the oogonium and a small underlying hole in the scale-case. Auxospores expanded isodiametrically and many new scales were added to its envelope during expansion. Finally, new slightly-domed initial valves were produced at right angles to the oogonium axis, after a strong contraction of the cell away from the auxospore wall. At different stages, Golgi bodies were associated with chloroplasts or mitochondria, contrasting with the constancy of Golgi-ER-mitochondrion (G-ER-M) units in some other centric diatoms, which has been suggested to have phylogenetic significance. Electron-dense bodies in the vacuole of Actinocyclus are probably acidocalcisomes containing polyphosphate.  相似文献   

合浦珠母贝的配子发生   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
沈亦平  马丽君 《动物学报》1992,38(2):113-117
本文研究了合浦珠母贝精子和卵子的发生过程,详细描述了原始生殖细胞,精原细胞,卵原细胞,精母细胞,卵母细胞以及精子和卵子的形态结构;另外还报道了合浦珠母贝中独特的精、卵退化现象,并讨论了它们对合浦珠母贝人工育苗生产的影响。  相似文献   

Oögenesis defects observed in ecd-1 females depend on the stage at which the shift from the permissive temperature (20°C) to the non-permissive temperature (28.5°C) is performed. Pupae shifting earlier than 48 hours after puparium formation have underdeveloped ovaries and die at emergence. In ecd-1 females shifted 2 days or more after puparium formation, egg chambers develop normally up to the early vitellogenic stage, and then degenerate—no mature oöcytes are formed. When the shift is performed after maturation of the females at 20°C, their egg-laying rate decreases slowly after the shift; the eggs display abnormal chorions and fail to develop into larvae. By shifting the ecd-1 females back to 20°C, a complete reversal of abnormalities of eggshell formation and egg development may be observed. The temperature-sensitive periods related to these different defects were determined. For egg development, the period extends from 2 days to 1 day before laying. For eggshell formation, the beginning and end of the temperature-sensitive period were not separated—both were located around 24 hours before laying. For the block of vitellogenesis, we concluded that this is probably due to an inhibition of yolk uptake. This inhibition would be effective only in follicles younger than the previtellogenic stage 7 when submitted to the non-permissive temperature.  相似文献   

A commercial turtle pond in South Louisiana was studied to identify the mechanism by which turtle hatchlings acquire Salmonella flora. The visceral organs and mature eggs removed from 31 adult gravid female turtles over the course of two egg-laying seasons and from 37 adult females during one winter dormant period were examined bacteriologically for Salmonella. Pond water, egg nest soil, and hatchlings produced by eggs removed from the oviducts and nest soil were also tested. Eighty-eight turtles hatched from eggs removed from the oviducts of 15 turtles at necropsy did not excrete or harbor systemically Salmonella, nor were these pathogens isolated from ovarian tissue or immature eggs. The findings suggest transovarian transmission of these pathogens does not occur frequently. Turtles hatched from eggs retrieved from soil nests 1 to 2 h after deposition harbor and excrete these organisms. This result coupled with the isolation of these pathogens from the cloaca, colon contents, and bursal fluid from 18 females captured in the act of egg laying supports the cloaca to egg and nest soil to egg mode for salmonellae infection in the resultant hatchling. Salmonella arizonae and Salmonella serogroups B, C2, and E1 were isolated from the cloaca, colon contents, pond water, and nest soil, and were excreted by hatchlings produced from eggs removed from the soil nests. These same serogroups were isolated from the colon contents of 19 of 37 females tested during the dormant period, suggesting the salmonellae persist in the pond environment in the adult throughout the year.  相似文献   

The germinal vesicle (GV) was removed from toad oocytes at various times after treatment with progesterone, and enucleated eggs were inseminated under conditions that ensured fertilization of nucleated control eggs. The eggs enucleated before the initiation of GV break-down did not show genuine cleavage. Cytological examinations revealed, however, that spermatozoa enter the eggs enucleated even before the hormone treatment, without subsequent formation of pronuclei or DNA synthesis. The same lack of response was observed when several detergent-pretreated sperm were injected into enucleated eggs. When GV material was injected back into enucleated oocytes, the injected spermatozoa underwent transformation and DNA synthesis, although in variable degrees, in the egg cytoplasm. It is concluded that the egg becomes fertilizable independently of the GV during the hormone-induced maturation process. After entering the egg, however, spermatozoa require GV material for their participation in the developmental process.  相似文献   

Oocytes recovered at various times from immature rats treated with PMSG and HCG were incubated with capacitated epididymal spermatozoa of mature rats. In the presence of follicular cells, sperm penetration was not observed 4 hr after incubation in the oocytes at stages from the intact germinal vesicle to the chromatin mass, but 7 to 55% of oocytes were penetrated at stages from the condensed germainal vesicle to metaphase II. After the removal of follicular cells, 15 to 72% of the oocytes at any stage were penetrated. After further incubation for 15 hr, the proportion of penetrated oocytes increased from 8 to 98% from early to late stages and that of penetrated oocytes with a male and female pronucleus increased from 9 to 100% as maturation progressed. Although the average number of spermatozoa/oocyte was not correlated with its maturation, transformation of the sperm head into a male pronucleus was retarded or failed, especially in the younger oocytes. Following incubation in a defined medium for 13 hr, 85% of oocytes at the intact germinal vesicle stage matured to the stage of the first polar body formation, but only 18 to 22% of these mature oocytes were penetrated by spermatozoa and only a few of the penetrated oocytes cleaved into normal two-cell eggs. When eggs recovered from oviducts 14 to 20 hr after ovulation were exposed to capacitated spermatozoa, the proportion of penetrated eggs (86 to 98%) and that of polyspermic eggs (11 to 27%) were not related to the ages of the eggs, but failure of transformation of the sperm head and the proportion of abnormal eggs increased 14 to 20 hr after ovulation.  相似文献   

Pallisentis rexus Wongkham & Whitfield, 1999 (Eoacanthocephala: Quadrigyridae) infects the freshwater snakehead fish, Channa striata, in the Chiang Mai Basin, Thailand. All stages of egg development within the body cavity of the female parasite were observed, using transmission electron microscopy. Changes in mature eggs after contact with water were also investigated. The mature egg has five egg envelopes separated from each other by four gaps. The fertilization membrane, which is formed first, is pushed centrifugally by other, subsequently formed, envelopes and gaps, which produces a final total shell thickness of 8-36 microm around the acanthor. The disappearance of the outermost layer and the unpleating of an adjacent inner layer causes the expansion of eggs on contact with water. The volume of an expanded egg is approximately 27 times that of an unexpanded one, but the density of eggs is reduced from a value greater than water to one almost equal to water. This is believed to aid the dispersion of eggs.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the breeding season, gonadal development, egg laying period, clutch size and other biological aspects of spotted flapshell turtle, Lissemys punctata, of Bangladesh between January 1997 and December 2001. The egg laying period of L. punctata, was found between August and March. The nesting sites were elevated fallow lands in secluded areas. The female turtle laid all the mature eggs at a time for each clutch at night. A gravid female turtle laid three clutches of eggs in each year and the mean clutch size was 13.0 ± 1.9 eggs and mean weight of each egg was 10.3 ± 1.3 g. The eggs are spherical in shape and whitish in color. The mean incubation period was 173 ± 34 days (range 119–225 days). The incubation period of first clutch was the longest than the second and third clutches. Hatching success was found 41%. Maximum hatching was observed in June. The present investigation was made to explore the possibility to raise turtle farming in captive condition. The findings would, hopefully, help to rear the species and to assess the commercial potentiality of turtle farming in captive condition, that is, in the eco-climatic condition of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

1. Whether the potential fecundity of herbivorous insects is realised or not may depend on female behaviour, which in turn may be influenced by host plant acceptability. Female Bupalus piniarius were observed to discriminate against needles growing out the year following defoliation (current‐year needles) of its host plant Pinus sylvestris. 2. It was hypothesised that the discriminatory behaviour was due to current‐year needles being less secure as a substrate. Field and laboratory experiments were designed to test this hypothesis and to estimate the discrepancy between potential and realised fecundity when females were offered defoliated branches. 3. In a laboratory oviposition experiment, B. piniarius females were exposed to branches bearing either current‐year needles only or both mature and current‐year needles. Daily oviposition rate, egg batch size, longevity, and mature eggs and fat retained at death were recorded for each female. In field experiments, the rate at which eggs dropped from expanding needles and the capacity of neonate larvae hatching from the dropped eggs to colonise a tree were assessed. 4. Significantly fewer eggs were laid when females were exposed to defoliated branches. 5. Twenty‐six and 16% of the eggs laid on current‐year needles dropped from the needles in 1998 and 1999 respectively, whereas no eggs dropped from mature needles in 1998 and only one egg (< 1%) dropped in 1999. 6. A very small proportion of larvae hatching on the forest floor (simulated egg drop) was able to recolonise host trees. 7. These results emphasise the importance of oviposition behaviour on realised fecundity when analysing insect population dynamics. In the case of B. piniarius, egg placement, although a minor detail during the normal course of events, became of key importance when defoliation deprived females of their preferred egg attachment site.  相似文献   

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