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Seven populations of site-specific antibodies were isolated from each of three sera of rabbits immunized against glutaraldehyde-polymerized horse cytochrome c. The antibodies were separated using an immunoadsorption scheme which employed the following cytochromes c: horse, beef, guanaco, rabbit, mouse testicular, pigeon, and the cyanogen-bromide cleaved fragment of the rabbit protein containing residues 1 to 65. The monovalent, antigen-binding fragments of the antibodies (Fab') gave 1:1 stoichiometries with native horse cytochrome c in fluorescence quenching assays. Cross-reactivities with heterologous cytochromes c using fluorescence quenching and a modified Farr assay demonstrated that the antigenic determinants are situated around residues 44, 60, and 89/92, four of the six amino acid sequence positions where horse and rabbit cytochromes c differ. The remaining two differences occur at residues 47 and 62. The apparent lack of immunogenicity of these two substitutions may result from the presence of the more immunogenic residues 44 and 60 nearby. Of the seven antibody populations isolated, four were shown to bind in the region of residues 89 and 92. Since several cytochromes c have amino acid sequence differences from the horse protein at either of these two residue positions, it was possible to fractionate the antibodies directed against this complex site on the basis of subtle specificity differences between them. Two antibody populations bind in the region of residue 44. One of these is specific for proline at that position, while the other antibody population also binds to cytochrome c containing glutamic acid at position 44. The remaining antibody population binds in the region of the lysine residue at position 60. Each of the seven site-specific antibody populations binds effectively to any cytochrome c having a suitable amino acid sequence in the antigenic determinant regardless of any residue differences from the immunogen outside of that area. It was also demonstrated that these seven antibody populations represent the totality of the antibodies elicited in rabbits against horse cytochrome c, since the immunoadsorbants bound all the antibodies specific for the native protein. Furthermore, the rabbit antisera contained no other antibody population that could bind to the conformationally disturbed, cyanogen bromide-cleaved fragment of horse cytochrome c containing residues 1 to 65, making it appear that there were no antibodies elicited against a "processed" form of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

The specificity of the IgG fraction of the sera of several rabbits hyperimmunized with glutaraldehyde-polymerized pigeon cytochrome c was examined by fluorescence-quenching titration and a sensitive competitive plate-binding radioimmunoassay developed for the analysis of small amounts of antiserum. Four pigeon cytochrome c-specific Fab fragments were found to bind simultaneously to the immunogen. Competition assays, using an extensive set of naturally occurring, chemically prepared hybrid and enzymically modified cytochromes c, implicated in antibody binding all seven amino acid residues at which the immunogen differs from the homologous rabbit cytochrome c. Thus, rabbits produce small amounts of three antibody populations directed against the regions of serine 15, alanine 44, and glycine 89, respectively, on pigeon cytochrome c, and a large amount of the population which binds to an assembled topographic determinant composed of isoleucine 3, glutamine 100, alanine 103, and lysine 104. The latter four residues are from the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal alpha-helices, and cluster where the two helices cross each other on the back surface of the molecule. Antibodies against native pigeon cytochrome c reacted very poorly with the several cyanogen bromide-cleaved fragments of the molecule, consisting of residues 1 to 65, 1 to 80, 66 to 104, and 81 to 104.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the diversity of epitopes on a protein, the specificities of 103 monoclonal antibodies to a model antigen, horse cytochrome c(cyt c), were analyzed. The antibodies were generated in in vitro monoclonal, secondary antibody responses against horse cyt c coupled to hemocyanin in splenic fragment cultures. For this assay, horse cyt c-primed murine B lymphocytes were transferred to irradiated, hemocyanin-primed recipients. A panel of seven mammalian cyts c differing at one to six residues out of 104 and cyanogen bromide-cleaved fragments of horse cyt c containing residues 1-65, 1-80, and 66-104 was used to examine the specificities of the antibodies. Twenty-two distinct reactivity patterns were observed, even though the majority of the monoclonal antibodies were found to bind in the three previously identified antigenic regions of the molecule about residues 44-47, 60-62, and 89-92. The results indicate that each of the three antigenic regions consists of multiple overlapping epitopes. Few of the antibodies directed to any given antigenic region bound polypeptide fragments inclusive of the epitope sequences, demonstrating that some antibodies were more conformationally dependent than others. Only 13% of the antibodies bound to cyanogen bromide-cleaved polypeptide fragments that together encompassed the entire length of the protein. Considering the large number of antibodies analyzed and the reoccurrence of 13 of the 22 clonotypes in different lymphocyte donors, it is likely that the antibody specificities tabulated herein approach yet do not completely enumerate the total inventory of the horse cyt c-specific B cell repertoire. The remarkable diversity for epitope recognition within antigenic regions observed here is likely to pertain to protein antigens in general, and strongly supports the widely held notion that the entire surface of a protein is potentially antigenic. The restriction of the epitopes of horse cyt c to three antigenic regions where the amino acid sequences of the mammalian cyts c differ probably results from tolerance of the mice to their own cyt c.  相似文献   

Mapping of the cytochrome c binding site on cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Yeast cytochrome c peroxidase and horse heart cytochrome c have been cocrystallized in a form suitable for x-ray diffraction studies and the structure determined at 3.3 A. The asymmetric unit contains a dimer of the peroxidase which was oriented and positioned in the unit cell using molecular replacement techniques. Similar attempts to locate the cytochrome c molecules were unsuccessful. The peroxidase dimer model was subjected to eight rounds of restrained parameters least squares refinement after which the crystallographic R factor was 0.27 at 3.3 A. Examination of a 2Fo-Fc electron density map showed large "empty" regions between peroxidase dimers with no indication of cytochrome c molecules. Electrophoretic analysis of the crystals demonstrated the presence of the peroxidase and cytochrome c in an approximate equal molar ratio. Therefore, while cytochrome c molecules are present in the unit cell they are orientationally disordered and occupy the space between peroxidase dimers.  相似文献   

Iodination of horse cytochrome c with the lactoperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-iodide system results initially in the formation of the monoiodotyrosyl 74 derivative. This singly modified protein was obtained in pure form by ion exchange chromatography and preparative column electrophoresis. It shows an intact 695 nm absorption band, the midpoint potential of the native protein, a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum which indicates an undisturbed heme crevice structure, a normal reaction with antibodies directed against native horse cytochrome c, and circular dichroic spectra in which the only changes from those of the native protein can be ascribed to the spectral properties of iodotyrosine itself. This conformationally intact derivative reacts with the succinate-cytochrome c reductase and the cytochrome c oxidase systems of beef mitochondrial particle preparations indistinguishably from the unmodified protein, showing that the region including tyrosine 74 is not involved in these enzymic electron transfer functions of the protein. The circular dichroic spectra of this derivative indicate that the minima observed at 288 and 282 nm in the spectrum of native ferricytochrome c originate from tyrosyl residue 74.  相似文献   

Protection and deprotection of horse cytochrome c   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The last step in the semisynthesis of horse cytochrome c analogues (formation of the bond 65-66) requires the conformation of the complex between two complementary fragments, (1-65) lactone and (66-104). The fragments can be obtained from a limited degradation with cyanogen bromide. The amino component in this reaction can also be obtained from organo chemical synthesis in which the C-terminal fragment (81-104) is required in a selectively protected form. The latter is available from a cyanogen bromide degradation of ubiquitously protected cytochrome c. The details of the protection/deprotection reaction and the properties of nonadecamethylsulfonylethyloxycarbonyl cytochrome c are described.  相似文献   

Five mouse hybridoma cell lines secreting SA, SB, SC, SD, and SE monoclonal antibodies (McAb) to cytochrome c have been produced. From the cross-reactivities of these McAb with various vertebrate cytochromes c, the antigenic sites for SA and SB McAb were proposed to be at Thr(89)-Glu(92)-Ala(96) and Asn(103), respectively. The binding site for other McAb have not been determined. Cross-reactivity studies based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and dot immunobinding assays indicated that SA, SB, and SC McAb did not bind to apo-cytochrome c nor to any of the three CNBr-peptide fragments. This observation suggests that (i) the antigenic specificity of these McAb is dependent on the conformatiuon of the antigenic site which is inherent to the native holoprotein molecule and (ii) the ordered conformation in the C-terminal regions of holo-cytochrome c is destroyed during CNBr-peptide fragmentation. On the other hand, the lack of binding of SD and SE McAb to apo-cytochrome c indicates that these McAb are also specific for conformational sites. The binding of SD and SE McAb to the heme-containing A-peptide fragment (residues 1-65) suggests that the conformation around the heme, as possible antigenic sites, are stable because of the thioether linkages by the Cys residues.  相似文献   

High-resolution three-dimensional structure of horse heart cytochrome c   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The 1.94 A resolution three-dimensional structure of oxidized horse heart cytochrome c has been elucidated and refined to a final R-factor of 0.17. This has allowed for a detailed assessment of the structural features of this protein, including the presence of secondary structure, hydrogen-bonding patterns and heme geometry. A comprehensive analysis of the structural differences between horse heart cytochrome c and those other eukaryotic cytochromes c for which high-resolution structures are available (yeast iso-1, tuna, rice) has also been completed. Significant conformational differences between these proteins occur in three regions and primarily involve residues 22 to 27, 41 to 43 and 56 to 57. The first of these variable regions is part of a surface beta-loop, whilst the latter two are located together adjacent to the heme group. This study also demonstrates that, in horse cytochrome c, the side-chain of Phe82 is positioned in a co-planar fashion next to the heme in a conformation comparable to that found in other cytochromes c. The positioning of this residue does not therefore appear to be oxidation-state-dependent. In total, five water molecules occupy conserved positions in the structures of horse heart, yeast iso-1, tuna and rice cytochromes c. Three of these are on the surface of the protein, serving to stabilize local polypeptide chain conformations. The remaining two are internally located. One of these mediates a charged interaction between the invariant residue Arg38 and a nearby heme propionate. The other is more centrally buried near the heme iron atom and is hydrogen bonded to the conserved residues Asn52, Tyr67 and Thr78. It is shown that this latter water molecule shifts in a consistent manner upon change in oxidation state if cytochrome c structures from various sources are compared. The conservation of this structural feature and its close proximity to the heme iron atom strongly implicate this internal water molecule as having a functional role in the mechanism of action of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

 In the frame of a broad study on the structural differences between the two redox forms of cytochromes to be related to the electron transfer process, the NMR solution structure of horse heart cytochrome c in the reduced form has been determined. The structural data obtained in the present work are compared to those already available in the literature on the same protein and the presence of conformational differences is discussed in the light of the experimental method employed for the structure determination. Redox-state dependent changes are analyzed and in particular they are related to the role of propionate-7 of the heme. Also some hydrogen bonds are changed upon reduction of the heme iron. A substantial similarity is observed for the backbone fold, independently of the oxidation state. At variance, some meaningful differences are observed in the orientation of a few side chains. These changes are related to those found in the case of the highly homologous cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The exchangeability of the NH protons has been investigated and found to be smaller than in the case of the oxidized protein. We think that this is a characteristic of reduced cytochromes and that mobility is a medium for molecular recognition in vivo. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 13 October 1998  相似文献   

Spectral studies of horse heart porphyrin cytochrome c   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Removal of the heme iron from cytochrome c to generate porphyrin cytochrome c relieves the quenching of porphyrin fluorescence and enhances the fluorescence of the single tryptophan residue and the 4 tyrosine residues. The intensity of the porphyrin fluorescence is not perturbed by denaturation of the protein at neutral pH using either urea or guanidine hydrochloride. However, the amplitude of tryptophan fluorescence is increased by these denaturants from 5 to about 85% of a model tryptophan residue using solutions of 2 microM tryptophan. In contrast to cytochrome c, the tryptophan fluorescence amplitude of denatured porphyrin cytochrome c is independent of pH over the range pH 3.0 to 7.4. Acidification of solutions of either native or denatured porphyrin cytochrome c markedly alters both the visible absorbance and fluorescence of the protein consistent with protonation of two pyrrole nitrogens on the porphyrin. Preliminary analysis of the spectral changes occurring in the acid transition suggests the presence of an intermediate form having only one of these two pyrrole nitrogens protonated.  相似文献   

The extent of exposure of heme to solvent in horse heart cytochrome c and Rhodospirillum rubrum c2 was investigated to determine whether a correlation exists between the properties of these oxidation-reduction proteins and their heme environments. Solvent perturbation absorption difference spectra were measured using ethylene glycol, glycerol, and sucrose at concentrations between 0 and 30%. Cytochrome c appears to exhibit a somewhat greater extent of heme exposure than cytochrome c2 for both the oxidized and reduced states. These results suggest that the lower oxidation-reduction potential of cytochrome c may in part be due to a greater extent of exposure of the heme. The oxidized state of both proteins appears to exhibit a greater exposure than that of the reduced state which is consistent with a more favorable environment for the charge on the ferric heme coordination center.  相似文献   

Antibody-secreting hybridoma cell lines produced from BALB/c mice that had been immunized with horse cytochrome c (cyt c) conjugated to hemocyanin yielded six hybridoma subclones that produced four monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with different patterns of cross-reactivity with a panel of evolutionarily variant cyt c. The recognition sites for three of these mAb lay in the same region of the intact molecule, because two of the mAb were sensitive to the amino acid residue present at sequence position 44, with one requiring threonine at position 47. The fourth mAb bound in another region of the molecule at a site that involves either residue 60 or residue 89. Synthetic peptides that included these residues did not react with these mAb, indicating that these sites may require interactions from noncontiguous regions of the molecule to bind antibody. The association constants for the interaction of the mAb with horse cyt c were very similar and of the order of 10(10) M-1. Specificity studies with anti-idiotypic sera and competition assays between mAb for binding to horse cyt c confirmed that the six positive hybridoma subclones produced from this fusion produced mAb that had one of these four distinct specificities. The idiotypes of these four mAb were serologically distinct, and were derived from Vh genes of the J558 family.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that methionine–heme iron coordination is perturbed in domain-swapped dimeric horse cytochrome c. To gain insight into the effect of methionine dissociation in dimeric cytochrome c, we investigated its interaction with cyanide ion. We found that the Soret and Q bands of oxidized dimeric cytochrome c at 406.5 and 529 nm redshift to 413 and 536 nm, respectively, on addition of 1 mM cyanide ion. The binding constant of dimeric cytochrome c and cyanide ion was obtained as 2.5 × 104 M?1. The Fe–CN and C–N stretching (ν Fe–CN and ν CN) resonance Raman bands of CN?-bound dimeric cytochrome c were observed at 443 and 2,126 cm?1, respectively. The ν Fe–CN frequency of dimeric cytochrome c was relatively low compared with that of other CN?-bound heme proteins, and a relatively strong coupling between the Fe–C–N bending and porphyrin vibrations was observed in the 350–450-cm?1 region. The low ν Fe–CN frequency suggests weaker binding of the cyanide ion to dimeric cytochrome c compared with other heme proteins possessing a distal heme cavity. Although the secondary structure of dimeric cytochrome c did not change on addition of cyanide ion according to circular dichroism measurements, the dimer dissociation rate at 45 °C increased from (8.9 ± 0.7) × 10?6 to (3.8 ± 0.2) × 10?5 s?1, with a decrease of about 2 °C in its dissociation temperature obtained with differential scanning calorimetry. The results show that diatomic ligands may bind to the heme iron of dimeric cytochrome c and affect its stability.  相似文献   

Equilibrium and kinetic folding studies of horse cytochrome c in the reduced state have been carried out under strictly anaerobic conditions at neutral pH, 10 degrees C, in the entire range of aqueous solubility of guanidinium hydrochloride (GdnHCl). Equilibrium unfolding transitions observed by Soret heme absorbance, excitation energy transfer from the lone tryptophan residue to the ferrous heme, and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) are all biphasic and superimposable, implying no accumulation of structural intermediates. The thermodynamic parameters obtained by two-state analysis of these transitions yielded DeltaG(H2O)=18.8(+/-1.45) kcal mol(-1), and C(m)=5.1(+/-0.15) M GdnHCl, indicating unusual stability of reduced cytochrome c. These results have been used in conjunction with the redox potential of native cytochrome c and the known stability of oxidized cytochrome c to estimate a value of -164 mV as the redox potential of the unfolded protein. Stopped-flow kinetics of folding and unfolding have been recorded by Soret heme absorbance, and tryptophan fluorescence as observables. The refolding kinetics are monophasic in the transition region, but become biphasic as moderate to strongly native-like conditions are approached. There also is a burst folding reaction unobservable in the stopped-flow time window. Analyses of the two observable rates and their amplitudes indicate that the faster of the two rates corresponds to apparent two-state folding (U<-->N) of 80-90 % of unfolded molecules with a time constant in the range 190-550 micros estimated by linear extrapolation and model calculations. The remaining 10-20 % of the population folds to an off-pathway intermediate, I, which is required to unfold first to the initial unfolded state, U, in order to refold correctly to the native state, N (I<-->U<-->N). The slower of the two observable rates, which has a positive slope in the linear functional dependence on the denaturant concentration indicating that an unfolding process under native-like conditions indeed exists, originates from the unfolding of I to U, which rate-limits the overall folding of these 10-20 % of molecules. Both fast and slow rates are independent of protein concentration and pH of the refolding milieu, suggesting that the off-pathway intermediate is not a protein aggregate or trapped by heme misligation. The nature or type of unfolded-state heme ligation does not interfere with refolding. Equilibrium pH titration of the unfolded state yielded coupled ionization of the two non-native histidine ligands, H26 and H33, with a pK(a) value of 5.85. A substantial fraction of the unfolded population persists as the six-coordinate form even at low pH, suggesting ligation of the two methionine residues, M65 and M80. These results have been used along with the known ligand-binding properties of unfolded cytochrome c to propose a model for heme ligation dynamics. In contrast to refolding kinetics, the unfolding kinetics of reduced cytochrome c recorded by observation of Soret absorbance and tryptophan fluorescence are all slow, simple, and single-exponential. In the presence of 6.8 M GdnHCl, the unfolding time constant is approximately 300(+/-125) ms. There is no burst unfolding reaction. Simulations of the observed folding-unfolding kinetics by numerical solutions of the rate equations corresponding to the three-state I<-->U<-->N scheme have yielded the microscopic rate constants.  相似文献   

The tyrosine residues of guanidinated horse heart cytochrome c have been specifically acetylated by reaction with N-[1-13C]acetylimidazole (90 atom%). Acetylation was monitored by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The tyrosine residues were found to show widely varying reactivities ranging from one that is completely and exclusively acetylated at low reagent concentration (residue 67) to one that is acetylated only when the protein is unfolded (residue 97). Homogeneous derivatives were prepared containing one (either residue 67 or 97), three 48, 67 and 74), or four (residues 48, 67, 74 and 97) O-[1-13C]acetyl groups. 13C-NMR spectra of selected derivatives were obtained at pH 5.8, in the presence of cyanide ion, in the ferrous and ferric oxidation states, and after denaturation with 6M guanidine hydrochloride. The O-[1-13C]acetyltyrosyl resonances gave chemical shift values ranging from 171.8 to 176.0 ppm. These resonances were assigned to specific groups based on the known order of reactivity of the tyrosyl side chains toward N-acetylimidazole. The chemical shift of O-[1-13C]acetyltyrosyl 67 was found to be particularly sensitive to changes in protein structure. The proximity of this group to the heme makes it subject to distance-dependent paramagnetic and ring current effects. Acetylation of tyrosyl 74 gives rise to a pH-dependent equilibrium between conformers in the ferric state and a conformation change in the ferrous state. Acetylation of this residue also leads to an absorbance decrease at 695 nm that can be related to the 13C-NMR-detected conformational equilibrium. Addition of cyanide ion abolished this equilibrium.  相似文献   

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