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Glycoproteins synthesized by the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum have been shown to contain asparagine-linked high-mannose oligosaccharides which have an N-acetylglucosamine group in a novel intersecting position (attached beta 1-4 to the mannose linked alpha 1-6 to the core mannose). We have used crude membrane preparations from vegetative D. discoideum (strain M4) to characterize the enzyme activity responsible for catalyzing the transfer of GlcNAc to the intersecting position of high-mannose oligosaccharides. UDP-GlcNAc:oligosaccharide beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity in these preparations attaches GlcNAc to the mannose residue-linked alpha 1-6 to the beta-linked core mannose of the following Man9GlcNAc oligosaccharide as shown by the arrow. (formula; see text) It will also attach GlcNAc to the same intersecting position and/or to the bisecting position (beta-linked core mannose) of the following Man5GlcNAc oligosaccharide. (formula; see text) An analysis of the pH profiles, effects of heat denaturation, and substrate inhibitions on the addition of GlcNAc to either the intersecting or bisecting position of this Man5GlcNAc oligosaccharide indicates that a single enzyme activity is responsible for transferring GlcNAc to both positions. Various oligosaccharides were assayed to determine the substrate specificity of the transferase activity. These data indicate that both the mannose-attached alpha 1-3 and the mannose-attached alpha 1-6 to the mannose receiving the GlcNAc play a critical role in substrate suitability; absence of the alpha 1-6 mannose results in at least a 90% decrease in activity, while absence of the alpha 1-3 mannose results in a completely inactive substrate. This suggests that the minimal substrate is the disaccharide Man alpha 1-3Man.  相似文献   

We describe sixteen new families of cDNA clones representing mRNAs that are expressed preferentially in either prespore or prestalk cells during development of Dictyostelium discoideum and two new mRNAs that are expressed in a non-cell-type-specific manner. None of the prespore-enriched mRNAs are detectable in Dictyostelium cells until 13-15 h of development but then they increase dramatically and peak at 18-22 h. Upon dissociation of developing aggregates, all these mRNAs rapidly decay to low levels. In marked contrast to data presented for prespore genes by other workers, cyclic AMP either has no effect on the mRNA levels in dissociated cells or is only weakly effective in restoring normal expression. A prestalk-enriched mRNA examined, 5G mRNA, is similarly expressed late in development but is also expressed in vegetative cells. The level of 5G mRNA is only moderately affected by cell disaggregation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1544-1558
Developmental changes in the plasma membrane proteins of Dictyostelium discoideum have been studied using metabolic labeling with [35S]methionine and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Pulse labeling for 1 h at the early interphase, late interphase, aggregation, and tip formation stages of development showed that the profile of newly synthesized plasma membrane proteins changed dramatically over this interval. Only 14% of the polypeptide species were synthesized at all four stages at detectable levels; 86% of the species changed over this developmental interval according to the criterion that they were synthesized at some but not all of the four stages tested. Long-term labeling during vegetative growth followed by initiation of development showed that the "steady-state" levels of the plasma membrane proteins changed very little over the same period. The only changes were in minor species (33% overall change). Similar analyses of whole cell proteins showed 27 and 20% change, respectively. Cell surface radioiodination revealed 52 external proteins in the plasma membrane. Comparison with the uniform methionine labeling results showed that these proteins were, with one notable exception, minor membrane components. In these external proteins, also, developmental changes were limited and were observed in the less abundant species. These results demonstrate the existence of two general classes of plasma membrane proteins. The first is a population of high-abundance proteins that are present in vegetative cells and are largely conserved through development. These possibly serve "housekeeping" functions common to all stages. The second class consists of low-abundance species that are expressed in a highly stage-specific manner and which presumably participate in developmentally important functions.  相似文献   

In the preceding report we demonstrated that the expression of two developmentally regulated alpha-mannosidase activities is induced in Dictyostelium discoideum during its differentiation from single-cell amoebae to multicellular organism (Sharkey, D. J., and Kornfeld, R. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 18477-18484). These activities, designated membrane alpha-mannosidase I (MI) and membrane alpha-mannosidase II (MII), were shown to have several properties in common with rat liver Golgi alpha-mannosidases I and II, respectively, suggesting that MI and MII may play a role in the processing of asparagine-linked oligosaccharides in developing D. discoideum. In this study we analyzed the structures of the asparagine-linked oligosaccharides synthesized by D. discoideum at various stages of development to determine the timing and extent of asparagine-linked oligosaccharide processing. Cells were labeled with [2-3H] mannose, and then total cellular glycoproteins were digested with Pronase to generate glycopeptides that were fractionated on concanavalin A-Sepharose. Glycopeptides from each fraction were digested with endoglycosidase H, both before and after desulfation by solvolysis, and the released, neutral oligosaccharides were sized by high pressure liquid chromatography. At early stages of development, D. discoideum contain predominantly large high mannose-type oligosaccharides (Man9GlcNAc and Man8GlcNAc). Some of these are modified by GlcNAc residues attached beta 1-4 to the mannose-linked alpha 1-6 to the beta-linked core mannose (the "intersecting" position), as well as by fucose, sulfate, and phosphate. In contrast, the oligosaccharides found at late stages of development (18-24 h) have an array of sizes from Man9GlcNAc to Man3GlcNAc. These are still modified by GlcNAc, fucose, sulfate, and phosphate, but the percent of larger high mannose oligosaccharides that are modified with GlcNAc in the intersecting position decreases after 6 h of development, in parallel with the decrease in the intersecting GlcNAc transferase activity. Similarly, the changes in the size of asparagine-linked oligosaccharides synthesized during development correlate well with the appearance of MI and MII activities and suggest that these developmentally regulated alpha-mannosidase activities function in the processing of these oligosaccharides. This is supported further by the observation that oligosaccharide processing was inhibited in late stage cells labeled in the presence of either deoxymannojirimycin, an inhibitor of MI, or swainsonine, an inhibitor of MII.  相似文献   

Developmental decisions in Dictyostelium discoideum.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A few hours after the onset of starvation, amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum start to form multicellular aggregates by chemotaxis to centers that emit periodic cyclic AMP signals. There are two major developmental decisions: first, the aggregates either construct fruiting bodies directly, in a process known as culmination, or they migrate for a period as "slugs." Second, the amoebae differentiate into either prestalk or prespore cells. These are at first randomly distributed within aggregates and then sort out from each other to form polarized structures with the prestalk cells at the apex, before eventually maturing into the stalk cells and spores of fruiting bodies. Developmental gene expression seems to be driven primarily by cyclic AMP signaling between cells, and this review summarizes what is known of the cyclic AMP-based signaling mechanism and of the signal transduction pathways leading from cell surface cyclic AMP receptors to gene expression. Current understanding of the factors controlling the two major developmental choices is emphasized. The weak base ammonia appears to play a key role in preventing culmination by inhibiting activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, whereas the prestalk cell-inducing factor DIF-1 is central to the choice of cell differentiation pathway. The mode of action of DIF-1 and of ammonia in the developmental choices is discussed.  相似文献   

Four isozymes of α-glucosidase in Dictyostelium discoideum have been identified and some of their enzymatic and physical properties characterized (R. H. Borts and R. L. Dimond, 1981, Develop. Biol.87, 176–184). In this report the cellular localization and developmental regulation of three of these isozymes are determined. α-Glucosidase-1 is the major isozyme of vegetative amoebae. It is lysosomally localized and secreted from the cell under certain conditions. It has an acidic pH optimum and carries the common antigenic determinant found on all lysosomal enzymes in this organism. The specific activity of this isozyme begins to decrease within a few hours after the initiation of development and is no longer detectable in the mature fruiting body. α-Glucosidase-2 has a neutral pH optimum and is neither lysosomal nor secreted. Rather it is membrane bound and is possibly located on the cisternal side of microsomal vesicles. This isozyme does not possess the common antigenic determinant. α-Glucosidase-2 comprises 20–40% of the total α-glucosidase activity of the vegetative cell. Its specific activity increases threefold during development. This isozyme appears to be developmentally controlled since it fails to accumulate in aggregation deficient mutants. Its accumulation is also dependent upon continued protein synthesis. α-Glucosidase-4, like α-glucosidase-1, has an acidic pH optimum. It does not appear to be lysosomally localized nor membrane bound. Approximately 30% of the activity is precipitable by antibody against the common antigenic determinant indicating that it is less highly modified or fewer molecules are modified. The isozyme is undetectable during vegetative growth and does not begin to accumulate until late aggregation. Activity peaks in mature fruiting bodies where it is the predominant acidic α-glucosidase activity. Accumulation of α-glucosidase-4 is blocked in morphologically deficient mutants and by inhibitors of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

A simple assay has been developed to measure cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase (cGPD) activity in crude soluble extracts of amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum. When amoebae of different wild-type strains were starved on buffered agar, all strains exhibited an 8- to 12-fold increase in cGMP-specific hydrolyzing activity during development, with the major increase occurring at aggregation. cGMP-specific activity was found in both prestalk and prespore cells. To determine if the elevated cGMP-specific hydrolyzing activity observed during late development was associated with the same enzyme present in vegetative cells, cGMP-specific activities were partially purified from cells at different developmental stages and characterized. Activity in vegetative cells was fractionated by gel filtration into three components with molecular weights of approximately 172,000, 115,000 and 56,000. In contrast, cells starved 4 hr in suspension or 18 hr on agar possessed only the 172,000 or 115,000 Mr forms, respectively. The low-molecular-weight enzyme differed from the two larger forms in kinetic properties and in sensitivity to sulfhydryl reagents. Nevertheless, the three activities probably represent different forms of the same enzyme because mutants defective at the stmF locus lacked appreciable cGMP-specific hydrolyzing activity throughout development. These results indicate that D. discoideum produces a single cGPD which is strongly developmentally regulated. These findings further suggest that intracellular cGMP might be involved in regulating postaggregative as well as preaggregative development.  相似文献   

Abstract. Monoclonal antibodies reactive with proteins specifically present either in the prespore cells or the prestalk cells of Dictyostelium discoideum were obtained. Four of them recognized prespore-enriched proteins, as shown by both immunoblotting assays and immunofluorescent staining. The other monoclonal antibody ( mab150 ) produced more than 10 protein bands when reacted with both prespore and prestalk cell extracts in immunoblotting assays. However, a protein band with molecular weight 35 000 (st35) was specifically detected in prestalk cells as well as mature stalk cells. St35 was solubilized from the Triton X-100 insoluble fraction of mature stalks by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The purified sample gave a single spot on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, with pI of 5.0. During development, st35 first appeared at the tipped aggregate stage and accumulated up to stalk-cell formation without modification. The protein was not lost even when slugs were disaggregated. The importance of the tipped aggregate stage for prestalk differentiation as well as prespore differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Upon starvation, Dictyostelium discoideum cells halt cell proliferation, aggregate into multicellular organisms, form migrating slugs, and undergo morphogenesis into fruiting bodies while differentiating into dormant spores and dead stalk cells. At almost any developmental stage cells can be forced to dedifferentiate when they are dispersed and diluted into nutrient broth. However, migrating slugs can traverse lawns of bacteria for days without dedifferentiating, ignoring abundant nutrients and continuing development. We now show that developing Dictyostelium cells revert to the growth phase only when bacteria are supplied during the first 4 to 6 h of development but that after this time, cells continue to develop regardless of the presence of food. We postulate that the cells' inability to revert to the growth phase after 6 h represents a commitment to development. We show that the onset of commitment correlates with the cells' loss of phagocytic function. By examining mutant strains, we also show that commitment requires extracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling. Moreover, cAMP pulses are sufficient to induce both commitment and the loss of phagocytosis in starving cells, whereas starvation alone is insufficient. Finally, we show that the inhibition of development by food prior to commitment is independent of contact between the cells and the bacteria and that small soluble molecules, probably amino acids, inhibit development during the first few hours and subsequently the cells become unable to react to the molecules and commit to development. We propose that commitment serves as a checkpoint that ensures the completion of cooperative aggregation of developing Dictyostelium cells once it has begun, dampening the response to nutritional cues that might inappropriately block development.  相似文献   

Developmental decisions in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dictyostelium discoideum is an excellent system in which to study developmental decisions. Synchronous development is triggered by starvation and rapidly generates a limited number of cell types. Genetic and image analyses have revealed the elegant intricacies associated with this simple development system. Key signaling pathways identified as regulating cell fate decisions are likely to be conserved with metazoa and are providing insight into differentiation decisions under circumstances where considerable cell movement takes place during development.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that cells developing at high density release a low-molecular-weight factor that can induce isolated Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae of strain V12M2 to differentiate into stalk cells in the presence of cyclic AMP. We now show that this differentiation-inducing factor, called DIF, can be extracted from cells during normal development and that its production is strongly developmentally regulated. DIF is not detectable in vegetative cells but rises dramatically after aggregation to reach a peak during slug migration. DIF levels are very low in two mutants defective in aggregation. The postaggregative synthesis of DIF is stimulated by the addition of extracellular cyclic AMP. We propose that DIF is a morphogen controlling prestalk cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a microorganism in which growth and development are strictly separated. Starvation initiates a developmental program in which extracellular cAMP plays a major role as a signal molecule. In response to cAMP several second messengers are produced, including cAMP, cGMP and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, (Ins(1,4,5)P3). Ins(1,4,5)P3 levels are controlled by the activation of phosphoinositidase C and the activity of the Ins(1,4,5)P3-degrading phosphatases. In Dictyostelium discoideum two major routes for the dephosphorylation of Ins(1,4,5)P3 are present: a 5-phosphatase, which hydrolyses Ins(1,4,5)P3 at the 5-position producing Ins(1,4)P2 as in vertebrate cells, and a 1-phosphatase which removes the 1-phosphate, giving Ins(4,5)P2, as in plants. In this paper we show that at the onset of development both the 1-phosphatase and the 5-phosphatase are present in equal amounts. During development the 5-phosphatase disappears leaving the 1-phosphatase as the single enzyme to remove Ins(1,4,5)P3. We conclude that during development Dictyostelium discoideum switches from a mixed type of Ins(1,4,5)P3 degradation to a more plant-like degradation pathway.  相似文献   

The cAMP-dependent protein kinase of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, is developmentally regulated; there is an approximately 4-fold increase in activity during development. The incorporation of [3H]leucine into the enzyme demonstrates that there is de novo synthesis of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The activities of the catalytic and regulatory subunits increase in parallel. The maximal rate of increase of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity precedes "tip" formation, a stage of development characterized by a sharp increase in mRNA complexity. The high level of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity, attained at this stage of development, persists when aggregates are dispersed and the amoebae are kept in suspension without added cAMP. The synthesis of the developmentally regulated mRNAs under these conditions is dependent on exogenous cAMP. The increase in cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity during development does not require sustained cell-cell contact insofar as it occurs in single cell suspensions of amoebae. Furthermore, the increase does not require exogenous cAMP, although added cAMP stimulates the synthesis of the enzyme to a level higher than that found, when cAMP is not added. These observations support the hypothesis that in D. discoideum cAMP-dependent protein kinase mediates the effects of cAMP on development.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of glycoprotein N-linked oligosaccharides in D. discoideum is initiated by the transfer of a large precursor glycan from a carrier lipid. The subsequent processing of this precursor is dramatically dependent upon the stage of development. In early development processing retains the high mannose structure of the precursor and modifies some glycans by addition of fucose to core sugars and sulfate and phosphate to others. These reactions are coordinately lost during aggregation. Processing in late development extensively trims the precursor and adds fucose to peripheral mannose units of the smallest glycans. These reactions appear coincident with formation of tips on cell mounds. Experiments in which cells were starved in shaken suspension suggest that intercellular contacts and cyclic AMP signals may be sufficient to cause the controlled expression of these two alternate sets of processing enzymes.  相似文献   

In the presence of Mn2+ and uridine diphosphate-N-acetyl-D-[14C]glucosamine, a total particulate fraction prepared from Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae catalyzed the transfer of N-acetyl[14C]glucosamine to endogenous membrane protein acceptors. No transfer to lipid acceptors was evident. The 14C products obtained from growth-phase and aggregation-competent amoebae were converted to glycopeptides by pronase digestion. The respective glycopeptides appeared identical in their chemical and chromatographic properties, suggesting that the same activity was functioning in both growing and differentiating cells. The results provided no evidence for developmental regulation of this activity in D. discoideum.  相似文献   

Two isozymes of β-galactosidase (EC have been identified during growth and development of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. The isozymes have been partially purified and differ in a variety of physical and enzymatic properties. β-Galactosidase-1 is present in vegetative cells. The specific activity is reduced during early development and then increases again during culmination. The specific activity of β-galactosidase-2 increases in early development and then again during culmination and spore maturation. The specific activity of β-galactosidase-2 is extremely dependent upon growth conditions and is regulated over a 160-fold range. The accumulation of both isozymes is dependent on concomitant RNA and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated the presence of multiple folate-binding sites on the cell surface of Dictyostelium discoideum. These sites were divided into two major classes, with different ligand specificities (A and B). Each major class consists of several interconvertible subtypes. In the present report, the ability of 13 folate analogs to activate both adenylate and guanylate cyclase in pre- as well as postaggregative cells is examined. The patterns of correlation between binding and activation data indicate that guanylate cyclase activation is mediated by the B-sites in both developmental stages (P less than 0.001). In postaggregative cells, adenylate cyclase also seems to be activated by the B-sites (P less than 0.001). In contrast, adenylate cyclase activation in preaggregative cells was well correlated with the specificity of A-sites (P less than 0.01). Remarkably, the potencies of activation were less affected by molecular modifications than the binding affinities were, as suggested by a slope of 0.4 in a plot of K0.5 values of activation vs. binding. This observation argues against the existence of a transduction mechanism in which the response is proportional to receptor occupancy. For the B-receptor, however, the degree of receptor occupancy appears to determine the response. The existence of folic acid antagonists is demonstrated, some of which are specific for either A-sites coupled to adenylate cyclase or for B-sites coupled to guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

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