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An ultrastructural analysis has been carried out on the seminiferous tubules after different periods of stay of the rat testis in the abdominal cavity. With respect to control rats, no changes are detectable after 5 days, while after 15 and 30 days considerable modifications take place. A number of cellular features are modified, such as the nuclear shape and the perinuclear vesicles, while the cytoplasmic filaments show a less ordered appearance. In addition, the extracellular amorphous matrix undergoes a large increase, due either to an enhanced production or to a reduced turnover related with a lowered cell activity.  相似文献   

We developed a rat model of cadmium (Cd)-induced nephrotoxicity and tried to prevent renal damage by treating the animals with pentoxifylline (PTX). Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats given CdCl2 3.0 mg/kg sc, daily for 2 wk showed evidences of renal proximal tubular damage, including significant increases in urine volume, urinary excretion ofN-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), alanine aminopeptidase (AAP), and fractional excretion of sodium (FENa), and a decrease in the percentage of tubular reabsorption of phosphate (%TRP). PTX significantly improved the urinary excretion of NAG and %TRP. Urine volume was increased threefold in the CdCl2-treated rats and fivefold in the Cd+PTX-treated rats, respectively, as compared with saline-treated control. Total protein, AAP, and creatinine clearance, showed no change after PTX administration. Concentration of Cd in the renal cortex was three times higher than that in the renal medulla, but there were no differences in concentration between the Cd-treated rats and the Cd+PTX-treated rats. Our animal model was useful in studying the renal tubular damage produced by cadmium. PTX appears useful for improving the nephrotoxicity of Cd.  相似文献   

Summary Vegetative growth of Nosema sp. occurs within the gut submucosal cells of Callinectes sapidus. Vegetative cell morphology is dominated by profiles of endoplasmic reticulum, numerous free ribosomes and aggregates of vesicles enclosed by a membranous sac. The dikaryotic vegetative cell is the earliest stage found in the target area for sporogenesis, the sarcoplasm of the striated muscle cell. The next obvious stage is the sporoblast mother cell; it undergoes karyokinesis without breakdown of the nuclear envelope. Intranuclear mitotic microtubules extend from the chromosomes to the intact nuclear envelope. After repeated nuclear divisions, the sporoblast mother cell undergoes delayed cytokinesis and a series of sporoblast progeny develops.The polar filament is the first visually apparent system to develop during sporogenesis. It appears to be of dual origin: (1) the central core component is condensed in Golgi-like saccules, and (2) the envelopes around the core originate from the endoplasmic reticulum.The polaroplast, which forms after early polar filament development, appears to originate as an elaboration of the endoplasmic reticulum.Supported in part by a training grant from the National Institutes of Health (GM-669-05) and research grants from the National Science Foundation (GB-3036, GB-5235, and GB-7938) to Prof. F. Sogandares-Bernal. The skillful guidance of Prof. F. Sogandares-Bernal is acknowledged. Special thanks are extended to Prof. D. E. Copeland for the use of a Siemens Elmiskop IA electron microscope. I also wish to thank Mr. Julian King, professional fisherman of Irish Bayou, Louisiana, for providing hundreds of blue crabs used in the course of this study.  相似文献   

The pubertal initiation of spermatogenesis is reliant on androgens, and during this time, 5alpha-reduced androgens such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are the predominant androgens in the testis. Two 5alpha-reductase (5alphaR) isoenzymes (5alphaR1 and 5alphaR2) have been identified, which catalyze the conversion of testosterone to the more potent androgen DHT. The present study aimed to investigate the developmental pattern of 5alphaR isoenzymes and their relationship to the production of 5alpha-reduced androgens in the postnatal rat testis. Both 5alphaR1 and 5alphaR2 isoenzyme mRNAs were measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction, isoenzyme activity levels by specific assays, and testicular androgens by radioimmunoassay after high-performance liquid chromatographic separation. Both 5alphaR1 and 5alphaR2 mRNAs and activity levels were low in the 10-day-old (prepubertal) testis, peaked between Days 20 and 40 during puberty, and then declined to low levels at 60-160 days of age. The developmental pattern of both 5alphaR isoenzyme activity levels was mirrored by the testicular production of 5alpha-reduced metabolites. Although 5alphaR1 was greater than 5alphaR2 at all ages, it is likely, given the substrate preferences of the two, that both isoenzymes contribute to the pubertal peak of 5alpha-reduced androgen biosynthesis. The peak in 5alphaR isoenzymes and 5alpha-reduced metabolite production coincided with the first wave of spermatogenesis in the rat, suggesting a role for 5alpha-reduced metabolites in the initiation of spermatogenesis. This was explored by acute administration of a 5alphaR inhibitor (L685,273) to immature rats. The L685,273 markedly suppressed testicular 5alphaR activity during puberty by 75%-86%. However, a marked increase was observed in testicular testosterone levels (in the absence of changes in LH), and no decrease was observed in the absolute levels of 5alpha-reduced metabolites. Therefore, whether the formation of DHT in the presence of low testosterone levels in the pubertal testis is required for the initiation of spermatogenesis cannot be tested using 5alphaR inhibitors. We conclude that both 5alphaR1 and 5alphaR2 isoenzymes are involved in the peak of 5alpha-reduced androgen biosynthesis in the testis during the pubertal initiation of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

We produced an animal model of CdCl2 nephrotoxicity in rats, and treated them with polyaspartic acid (PAA) to prevent renal damage. Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (190–200 g) were used to induce proximal renal tubular damage by daily injection of CdCl2 3.0 mg/1,000 g body wt for 2 wk. CdCl2-exposed SD rats exhibited significant increases in urine volume, urinary excretion ofN-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), alanine aminopeptidase (AAP), and fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) and a decrease in the percentage of tubular reabsorption of phosphate (%TRP). Of these indicators of proximal tubular function, AAP and %TRP are more sensitive than NAG or FENa. No glycosuria or aminoaciduria, however, were observed. PAA markedly improved these indicators of proximal tubular function. Daily urinary protein excretion and creatinine clearance, on the other hand, did not change after administration of PAA. Cd concentrations in the cortex were 3 times higher than in the medulla, however, there were no differences between Cd-treated rats and PAA-treated rats. Our animal model is an excellent one for determining the effect of cadmium on renal proximal tubule damage. PAA appears to be useful in the treatment of CdCl2 nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

Rat oocytes in the meiotic prophase are studied by means of classical techniques of electron microscopy, preferential staining methods for DNA and RNA and specific enzymatic hydrolysis. The axial cores in leptotene and the lateral arms in the pachytene synaptonemal complex are composed by fibrils that keep a positive contrast after the application of the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid staining method. They disappear with RNAse treatment, which reveals the presence of chromatin fibrils in the zone occupied by the cores. Preferential staining for DNA corroborates this evidence. Medial arm and lateral-medial fibrils are formed by ribonucleoproteic filaments that form bridges between pairing homologues in the zygotene. In the advanced pachytene stage, the RNA becomes scarce in these structures. No DNA can be detected either in the lateral-medial fibrils or in the medial arm. During diplotene the synaptonemal complex loses its individually and the synaptic space becomes wider and irregular. At the same time, loss of chromatin and a large increase of RNA-containing particles occur. These processes lead to the typical interphasic arrangement of nuclear components seen in the dictyate stage.  相似文献   

Regulation of rat testis steroid sulfatase. A kinetic study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary The ultrastructure of testis of immature rats from birth to ten postnatal days was studied in order to describe the development of germ cells into definitive spermatogonia. The primordial germ cells showed no structural changes from birth to 4 days after birth. At the 5th postnatal day the gonocytes were transformed into darker cells and began to migrate towards the basement membrane. As they reached the periphery of the seminiferous cords they resumed mitoses and gave rise to smaller gonocytes, which were progressively transformed in definitive spermatogonia. A lighter kind of supporting cell was also detected.We wish to thank Mrs. L. Giaccardo, A. Pozzolini and E. Taccini for skilled technical assistance.From the Department of Medical Pathology, Pisa University, Pisa, Italia.  相似文献   

Process of oxygen consumption of rat small intestine have already been studied at the level of whole intestinal wall or mucosa only by means of manometric or polarographic methods. The influence of cadmium on mucosal respiration of three sections of rat small intestine was determined because of its toxicological importance. Oxygen consumption was measured polarographically with Clark electrode at 38 degrees C in Krebs Ringer phosphate medium with 0.011 mol/l glucose. Control as well as cadmium affected respiration values were measured one after the other on the same mucosa. High cadmium concentration (applied as CdCl2) that is 2.2 and 1.4 . 10(-2) mol/l significantly inhibited the respiration in duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Observed inhibition of 80 and 50% on the average approximately for these two concentrations was related (similarly as following effects) to 100% value of control respiration. Concentrations 7.8 and 4.5. 10(-3) mol/l caused mostly lower inhibition of oxygen consumption (with the exception of significant 53% inhibition of jejunal respiration for 7.8. 10(-3) mol/l CdCl2). Low concentrations 10(-4) - 10(-6) mol/l CdCl2 had either no effect or stimulated oxygen uptake in intestinal mucosa. In older rats (weight 300-350 g) the respiration of duodenal and jejunal mucosa was inhibited with cadmium chloride concentration of 10(-6) mol/l.  相似文献   

Laboratory rats fed sporocysts of Sarcocystis singaporensis (Zaman & Colley, 1975) Zaman & Colley, 1976 originating from Singapore were euthanized 22, 23, 33 and 80 days later. Sporocysts were extracted from feces of either naturally or laboratory-infected Python reticulatus. Electron microscopically examined longue and esophageal muscles yielded images of successive developing stages of sarcocysts. The primary wall evolved from a continuous thin layer into folds and later, into villar protrusions. At all stages the wall was interrupted by pinocytotic-like indentations. Young sarcocysts contained only metrocytes, they divided by endodyogeny into daughter metrocytes. The first bradyzoites appeared only 33 d.p.i. Sarcocysts by 80 d.p.i. were enclosed in a fully differentiated primary wall and contained almost entirely bradyzoites.  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of the rat prostate has been studied with the electron microscope. Major developmental changes begin during the second week after birth and involve organelles associated with the formation of secretions. The amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum and the size of the Golgi complex increase greatly. Large vacuoles that probably contain secretory material are formed, and the lumen of the prostatic acini appears to contain secreted material. Large lysosomes with polymorphic interiors are present as early as 10 days after birth, and they become numerous by the end of the third week. Differences in fine structure between the different lobes of the prostate are detectable in 10–14 day old rats. The subsequent differentiation of the granular endoplasmic reticulum into the forms characteristic of the different prostatic lobes is described. The initial changes in the prostate occur in advance of sexual maturity of the animal, and the adult appearance of the gland is attained by 4–5 weeks after birth.This study was supported by Contract No. 69-2104, Program Project HD-02282, Health Sciences Advancement Award FR-02084, and a Research Career Development Award (1-K3-GM-28, 214-03) from the National Institutes of Health.The author wishes to acknowledge the technical assistance of Mrs. Stephanie Krah.  相似文献   

A divalent metal dependent gluconolactonase has been isolated from porcine liver and purified to apparent homogeneity. Its molecular weight is estimated at 223,000 and that of the subunits is 37,200 as determined by gel electrophoresis. A Km value of 6.2 mM was obtained at 27° in 50 mM tris HCl buffer. Gluconolactonase is specific for gluconolactone, and manganese is preferred over magnesium for maximum activity. The hepatic concentration of gluconolactonase is estimated to be 7.2 μmol of enzyme per kg of porcine liver, and a subcellular fractionation study indicates that this enzyme is located primarily within the cytosol.  相似文献   

Rat testis steroid sulfatase. 2. Kinetic study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A D Notation  F Ungar 《Steroids》1969,14(2):151-159

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