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Plasma membranes have been isolated from neonatal through adult cerebella by a sequence of differential centrifugation, aqueous two-phase polymer fractionation and density gradient centrifugation. The protein composition of cerebellar membranes from various aged mice was compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Increases in the relative amount of membrane proteins with molecular weights (X 10(-3)) of 400, 340, 270, 220, 54, 44, and 9.5 were most pronounced, while a protein of 66,000 Mr disappeared between birth and Day 25. The relationship of these proteins and others to specific cell types in the cerebellum was examined by preparing membrane fractions from isolated granule and Purkinje cells, as well as from the cerebella of neurological mutant mice: reeler, weaver, staggerer, and nervous. In addition, those membrane proteins on the surface of dissociated cerebellar cells were identified by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination, while glycoproteins were identified by galactose oxidase treatment and NaB3H4 reduction. Rabbit antisera were prepared toward those SDS-PAGE membrane proteins which appeared cell specific or developmentally regulated. Sera from these rabbits were used with indirect immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence to stain frozen sections of mouse cerebellum and dissociated cerebellar cell cultures. In tissue sections antiserum toward the 400,000 Mr protein (p400) and antiserum p14.7 gave strong reactions with Purkinje cells while anti-p130 reacted preferentially with Purkinje cell somas, anti-p220 stained small cells in the internal granule layer and anti-p30 displayed a coarse, grainy staining of the granule and molecular layers, characteristic of a synaptic localization. Only anti-p220 and anti-p130 bound to freshly dissociated cells or cultured cerebellar cells. Large phase-bright cells in the cultures bound antiserum p130. Anti-p220 reacted specifically with a subpopulation of small round viable cells that bound tetanus toxin and decreased in number from 9% at Day 3 to 0.5% of the cells by Day 11, suggestive of granule neurons.  相似文献   

Spt-Ada-Gcn5-乙酰转移酶(Spt-Ada-Gcn5-acetyltransferase, SAGA)是高度保守的辅助转录起始复合物,转录接头蛋白-激活的改变/缺失亚基1 (alteration/deficiency in activation 1, ADA1),也称作组蛋白H2A功能互作因子1 (histone H2A functional interactor 1, HFI1),它是SAGA核心模块中的一个亚基,在植物的生长发育和抗逆性方面发挥着重要的作用。为了解香蕉ADA1的分子特性,本研究基于香蕉基因组数据库,对香蕉ADA1基因家族成员进行鉴定,分析其基本理化性质、系统进化、选择压力、启动子顺式作用元件及生物与非生物胁迫下的表达等。结果显示,香蕉A、B及阿宽蕉基因组中分别有10、6、7个ADA1家族成员;成员均为不稳定的亲水性蛋白,均保守地含有SAGA-Tad1结构域,MaADA1和MbADA1均可与SAGA核心模块中的SAGA相关因子11 (SAGA-associated factor 11, Sgf11)互作;系统发育显示香蕉ADA1基因家族成员可划分为3个亚族,进化过程中大多受纯化选择;香蕉ADA1基因家族成员的基因结构差异性较大;香蕉ADA1基因家族成员含有多个响应激素的作用元件;MaADA1-1可能对香蕉在低温胁迫下的抗性起着重要的作用,MaADA1均响应香蕉枯萎病菌胁迫。本研究表明,ADA1基因家族成员在香蕉中高度保守,并可能响应生物与非生物胁迫。  相似文献   

Bv8/Prokineticin proteins and their receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Bv8/Prokineticins (PKs) are a new family of peptides identified in frog, fish, reptiles and mammals that signal through two highly homologous G-protein coupled receptors, PKR1 and PKR2. Bv8/PK proteins possess a unique structural motif comprising five disulfide bonds and a completely conserved N-terminal hexapeptide sequence that is essential for the peptide's biological activities. Over the past few years, several biological functions of Bv8/PK proteins have been elucidated. This review considers all the published data on the action and physiological role of this new biological system implicated in angiogenesis and neurogenesis, in reproduction and cancer and in regulating physiological functions that underly circadian rhythms, such as the sleep/wake cycle, hormone secretion and ingestive behaviors. The high expression level of human Bv8/PK2 in bone marrow, lymphoid organs and leukocytes suggested an involvement of these peptides in hematopoiesis and in inflammatory and immunomodulatory processes. Our review highlights the role of the Bv8/PK and their receptor system in setting the pain threshold under normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

C2H2锌指蛋白是真核生物体内一类重要的转录因子,在植物生长发育和应对非生物胁迫方面具有重要作用。实验室前期克隆了水稻C2H2锌指蛋白OsZAT12,该基因在水稻根中特异表达,定位于细胞核,异源过表达OsZAT12的拟南芥植株矮小。为进一步研究OsZAT12在水稻中的功能,该文分析了OsZAT12的启动子元件和转录活性,并采用qRT-PCR技术分析OsZAT12在非生物胁迫和植物激素处理下的响应模式。结果表明:(1)OsZAT12含有2个典型的C2H2锌指结构域和1个EAR motif,具有转录抑制活性,该基因的启动子中含有与非生物胁迫和植物激素相关的元件。(2)对野生型水稻进行非生物胁迫和激素处理发现,低温胁迫(4 ℃)和激素脱落酸(ABA)处理显著下调OsZAT12的表达; 而渗透胁迫(20% PEG 6 000)、激素油菜素甾醇(BR)或吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)处理则显著上调OsZAT12的表达,这说明OsZAT12介导了水稻应对多种非生物胁迫和激素的变化。(3)利用含35S启动子的过表达载体和CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术分别得到纯合的OsZAT12过表达植株和OsZAT12敲除植株。(4)对过表达OsZAT12的水稻表型观察发现,相比于野生型,OsZAT12过表达植株在分蘖期、抽穗期和成熟期这3个时期的株高均显著降低; OsZAT12敲除植株的株高与野生型虽无明显差异,但每株穗数和结实率均显著低于野生型,这说明OsZAT12影响了水稻株型、穗型及结实率等农艺性状的建成。(5)实验进一步表明,过表达OsZAT12降低了水稻对外源ABA的敏感性,而OsZAT12敲除植株则相反。因此推测,OsZAT12对植株生长发育的影响可能与该基因响应多种非生物胁迫和激素信号的调控有关,该研究结果为将来利用OsZAT12进行水稻耐逆稳产分子设计育种提供了依据。  相似文献   

自抑制Ca^(2+)-ATPase酶(auto-inhibited Ca2+-ATPase,ACA)作为Ca2+-ATPase的亚家族之一,在植物细胞内维持Ca2+浓度平衡发挥着重要的作用。为探究蓖麻(Ricinus communis)RcACA基因家族的功能及基因表达模式,文中采用生物信息学手段鉴定蓖麻RcACA基因家族成员,预测分析了其基础的理化性质、亚细胞位置、蛋白的二级和三级结构、保守域、保守基序、基因结构、染色体位置及共线关系、进化特征、启动子顺式作用元件,并通过蓖麻转录组数据中的表达量(fragments per kilobase of exon model per million mapped fragments,FPKM)分析RcACA基因在非生物胁迫下的表达模式。结果表明,在蓖麻中共鉴定到8个RcACA基因家族成员,均是酸性蛋白且定位在细胞质膜;所有蛋白的二级和三级结构中α-螺旋和不规则卷曲较多;RcACA基因被聚为3类,同一类别中基因的结构与保守基序相似;均有典型的4个结构域RcACA3–RcACA8,还有1个Ca^(2+)-ATPase N端自抑制结构域(N-terminal autoinhibitory domain);RcACA基因多位于染色体长臂,拥有2对共线关系。RcACA基因编码区上游拥有较多的光响应作用元件,激素诱导类作用元件较少。种间聚类显示ACA基因在物种间的进化是保守的。组织表达模式分析显示,RcACA基因拥有明显的组织表达特异性,且多数基因在雄花中表达量最高;非生物胁迫表达分析表明,RcACA2–RcACA8在高盐和干旱胁迫下均上调表达,RcACA1在低温胁迫的0–24 h上调表达,表明RcACA基因积极地响应非生物胁迫。上述结果为探究RcACA基因在蓖麻生长发育和逆境胁迫中的作用提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are N-glycosidases that inhibit protein synthesis by depurinating rRNA. Despite their identification more than 25 years ago, little is known about their biological functions. Here, we report a genome-wide identification of the RIP family in rice based on the complete genome sequence analysis. Our data show that rice genome encodes at least 31 members of this family and they all belong to type 1 RIP genes. This family might have evolved in parallel to species evolution and genome-wide duplications represent the major mechanism for this family expansion. Subsequently, we analyzed their expression under biotic (bacteria and fungus infection), abiotic (cold, drought and salinity) and the phytohormone ABA treatment. These data showed that some members of this family were expressed in various tissues with differentiated expression abundances whereas several members showed no expression under normal growth conditions or various environmental stresses. On the other hand, the expression of many RIP members was regulated by various abiotic and biotic stresses. All these data suggested that specific members of the RIP family in rice might play important roles in biotic and abiotic stress-related biological processes and function as a regulator of various environmental cues and hormone signaling. They may be potentially useful in improving plant tolerance to various abiotic and biotic stresses by over-expressing or suppressing these genes.  相似文献   

The complex dynamic structure of the plasma membrane plays critical roles in cellular signaling; interactions with the membrane lipid milieu, spatial segregation within and between cellular membranes and/or targeting to specific membrane-associated scaffolds are intimately involved in many signal transduction pathways. In this review, we focus on the membrane interactions of Ras proteins. These small GTPases play central roles in the regulation of cell growth and proliferation, and their excessive activation is commonly encountered in human tumors. Ras proteins associate with the membrane continuously via C-terminal lipidation and additional interactions in both their inactive and active forms; this association, as well as the targeting of specific Ras isoforms to plasma membrane microdomains and to intracellular organelles, have recently been implicated in Ras signaling and oncogenic potential. We discuss biochemical and biophysical evidence for the roles of specific domains of Ras proteins in mediating their association with the plasma membrane, and consider the potential effects of lateral segregation and interactions with membrane-associated protein assemblies on the signaling outcomes.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (CAB) serves in both photosystems (PS), I and II, as a coordinator of antenna pigments in the light-harvesting complex (LHC). The CABs constitute abundant and important proteins in the thylakoid membrane of higher plants. In our study, five CAB genes, which contained full-length cDNA sequences from the 4-year-old ginseng leaves (Panax ginseng Meyer), were isolated and named PgCAB. Phylogenetic comparison of the members of the subfamily between ginseng and higher plants, including Arabidopsis, revealed that the putative functions of these ginseng CAB proteins were clustered into the different family of Arabidopsis CABs; two PgCABs in LHCII family and three PgCABs in LHCI family. The expression analysis of PgCABs consistently showed dark-dependent inhibition in leaves. Expression analysis during abiotic stress identified that PgCAB genes responded to heavy metal, salinity, chilling, and UV stresses differently, suggesting their specific function during photosynthesis. This is the first comprehensive study of the CAB gene family in P. ginseng.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that inhibition of plant water transport by either osmotic stress or salinity is mediated by aquaporins (AQPs), but the function and regulation of AQPs are highly variable among distinct isoforms and across different species. In this study, cucumber seedlings were subjected to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or NaCl stress for duration of 2 h or 24 h. The 2 h treatment with PEG or NaCl had non‐significant effect on the expression of plasma membrane AQP (CsPIPs) in roots, indicating the decrease in hydraulic conductivity of roots (Lpr) and root cells (Lprc) measured in these conditions were due to changes in AQP activity. After both 2 h and 24 h PEG or NaCl exposure, the decrease in hydraulic conductivity of leaves (Kleaf) and leaf cells (Lplc) could be attributed to a down‐regulation of the two most highly expressed isoforms, CsPIP1;2 and CsPIP2;4. In roots, both Lpr and Lprc were further reduced after 24 h PEG exposure, but partially recovered after 24 h NaCl treatment, which were consistent with changes in the expression of CsPIP genes. Overall, the results demonstrated differential responses of CsPIPs in mediating water transport of cucumber seedlings, and the regulatory mechanisms differed according to applied stresses, stress durations and specific organs.  相似文献   

The FA translocase cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36) facilitates FA uptake by the myocardium, and its surface recruitment in cardiomyocytes is induced by insulin, AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK), or contraction. Dysfunction of CD36 trafficking contributes to disordered cardiac FA utilization and promotes progression to disease. The Akt substrate 160 (AS160) Rab GTPase-activating protein (GAP) is a key regulator of vesicular trafficking, and its activity is modulated via phosphorylation. Our study documents that AS160 mediates insulin or AMPK-stimulated surface translocation of CD36 in cardiomyocytes. Knock-down of AS160 redistributes CD36 to the surface and abrogates its translocation by insulin or the AMPK agonist 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR). Conversely, overexpression of a phosphorylation-deficient AS160 mutant (AS160 4P) suppresses the stimulated membrane recruitment of CD36. The AS160 substrate Rab8a GTPase is shown via overexpression and knock-down studies to be specifically involved in insulin/AICAR-induced CD36 membrane recruitment. Our findings directly demonstrate AS160 regulation of CD36 trafficking. In myocytes, the AS160 pathway also mediates the effect of insulin, AMPK, or contraction on surface recruitment of the glucose transporter GLUT4. Thus, AS160 constitutes a point of convergence for coordinating physiological regulation of CD36 and GLUT4 membrane recruitment.  相似文献   

Using specific antisera raised against synthetic peptides, we find that three distinct GTP-binding protein alpha subunits remain bound to the plasma membrane even after activation with nonhydrolyzable GTP analog. Trypsin cleaves each alpha subunit at a site near the amino-terminus, and quantitatively releases the large fragment (comprising all but an amino-terminal 2 kDa piece) from the membrane. Our results indicate that alpha subunits are essentially cytoplasmic proteins tethered to the inner surface of the membrane via an amino terminal stalk.  相似文献   

Decreasing muscle phosphagen content through dietary administration of the creatine analog beta-guanidinopropionic acid (beta-GPA) improves skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and resistance to fatigue during aerobic exercise in rodents, similar to that observed with endurance training. Surprisingly, the effect of beta-GPA on muscle substrate metabolism has been relatively unexamined, with only a few reports of increased muscle GLUT4 content and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake/clearance in rodent muscle. The effect of chronically decreasing muscle phophagen content on muscle fatty acid (FA) metabolism (transport, oxidation, esterification) is virtually unknown. The purpose of the present study was to examine changes in muscle substrate metabolism in response to 8 wk feeding of beta-GPA. Consistent with other reports, beta-GPA feeding decreased muscle ATP and total creatine content by approximately 50 and 90%, respectively. This decline in energy charge was associated with simultaneous increases in both glucose (GLUT4; +33 to 45%, P < 0.01) and FA (FAT/CD36; +28 to 33%, P < 0.05) transporters in the sarcolemma of red and white muscle. Accordingly, we also observed significant increases in insulin-stimulated glucose transport (+47%, P < 0.05) and AICAR-stimulated palmitate oxidation (+77%, P < 0.01) in the soleus muscle of beta-GPA-fed animals. Phosphorylation of AMPK (+20%, P < 0.05), but not total protein, was significantly increased in both fiber types in response to muscle phosphagen reduction. Thus the content of sarcolemmal transporters for both of the major energy substrates for muscle increased in response to a reduced energy charge. Increased phosphorylation of AMPK may be one of the triggers for this response.  相似文献   

The immunological relationships between chlorophyll-a/b proteins from higher-plant thylakoid membranes have been studied by assaying purified chlorophyll proteins (CPs) with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. Although low levels of cross-reactions were observed between all light-harvesting proteins, the peripheral antennae (LHCII) were largely distinct from the inner antennae (CP 26 and CP 29). Chlorophyll-protein 24 and LHCI-680 have been proposed to have a role in connecting the inner and outer antennae, respectively, in photosystems I and II, and were closely related. The immunological relationships closely corresponded to the spectral properties. Antibodies were also used for locating chlorophyll-a/b proteins in grana, stroma and bundle-sheath membranes showing a strong lateral heterogeneity, which was maintained following State I State II transition. The only exception to this pattern was a specific LHCII population enriched in State-II stroma membranes. Chlorophyll proteins from bundlesheath chloroplasts, that have only cyclic electron flow, had epitopes distinct from those of their mesophyll homologues.  相似文献   

The outer membrane proteins O-8 and O-9 were specifically bound to the peptidoglycan sacculus in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution. Other cellular proteins failed to interact with the peptidoglycan sacculus under the same conditions. When the outer membrane was preheated in SDS solution, the binding did not take place. Optimum binding was observed at pH 8 in the presence of 5 mM Mg2+. A high concentration of sodium chloride strongly inhibited the binding. The effects of these factors on the bindings of O-8 and O-9 required neither the bound nor the free form of Braun's lipoprotein, nor was the binding of either protein necessary for the binding of the other. Proteins O-8 and O-9 were also found in the peptidoglycan sacculus when it was prepared from cells in SDS solution at 60 degrees. A dilution experiment showed that the complex was not an artifact. The mode of interaction between these proteins and peptidoglycan in the preparation was similar to that in the reassembled O-8-O-9-peptidoglycan complex, as judged from the sensitivity to sodium chloride and temperature. The physiological importance of the complex is discussed in relation to the assembly of the outer membrane on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes were isolated from rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC-12) grown in spinner culture. The rapid and simple isolation procedure consisted of a differential and isopycnic centrifugation (in a linear sucrose gradient) with the aid of a high capacity fixed angle rotor equipped with siliconized centrifuge tubes. The isolated membranes were closed and osmotically active vesicles (about 0.3 μm in diameter) with a mean intravesicular water space of 1.84 μl / mg protein. In the presence of an inward gradient of sodium chloride and an outward gradient of potassium, [3H]noradrenaline (50 nM) was taken up and accumulated 550-fold (at 31°C). The uptake and accumulation of [3H]noradrenaline was temperature-sensitive and inhibited by the tricyclic antidepressant desipramine. Membrane vesicles isolated from PC-12 cells represent a useful model for the investigation of the molecular mechanism of the neuronal noradrenaline transport system.  相似文献   

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