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Lopez OR  Kursar TA 《Oecologia》2003,136(2):193-204
In the tropics, seasonally flooded forests (SFF) harbor fewer tree species than terra firme (i.e. non-flooded) forests. The low species diversity of tropical flooded forests has been ascribed to the paucity of species with adaptations to tolerate flooding. To test the hypothesis that flooding is the only factor restricting most species from SFF, we compared plant morphological and physiological responses to flooding in 2-month old seedlings of 6 species common to SFF and 12 species common to terra firme forests. Although flooding impaired growth, total biomass, maximum root length and stomatal conductance in most species, responses varied greatly and were species-specific. For example, after 90 days, flooding reduced leaf area growth by 10-50% in all species, except in Tabebuia, a common species from non-flooded habitats. Similarly, flooding had a 5-45% negative effect on total biomass for all species, except in 1 SFF and 1 terra firme species both of which had more biomass under flooding. A principal component analysis, using the above responses to flooding, provided no evidence that SFF and terra firme species differed in their responses to flooding. Flooding also caused reductions in root growth for most species. Rooting depth and root: shoot ratios were significantly less affected by flooding in SFF than in terra firme species. Although flood tolerance is critical for survival in flooded habitats, we hypothesize that responses to post-flooding events such as drought might be equally important in seasonal habitats. Therefore, we suggest that the ability to grow roots under anoxia might be critical in predicting success in inundated habitats that also experience a strong dry season.  相似文献   

Concerns about the impact of species diversity loss has heightened the importance of determining what limits local diversity and the relative roles of the available species pool and local interactions. Recent theory suggests that local diversity may exhibit linear or asymptotic responses to regional variation in species pools depending resource supply rates. We tested this idea by augmenting species pools in three sites along a natural productivity gradient (a surrogate for resource supply) in a mid-successional old-field. Augmentation of the species pool, enhanced local diversity more at medium than low productivity sites in this field and seed addition had no effect at high productivity, suggesting that diversity was saturated in high resource areas of this field. These results suggest that resource supply rates may mediate species pool-richness relationships. Species additions into cleared plots demonstrated that the observed differences in species recruitment along this gradient were largely driven by abiotic filtering at low and competitive filtering at high productivity. Furthermore, we observed that augmentation of the species pool shifted the productivity–diversity relationship from a negative linear to unimodal suggesting that species pools may influence reported productivity–diversity patterns.  相似文献   

In tropical forests, regional differences in annual rainfall correlate with differences in plant species composition. Although water availability is clearly one factor determining species distribution, other environmental variables that covary with rainfall may contribute to distributions. One such variable is light availability in the understory, which decreases towards wetter forests due to differences in canopy density and phenology. We established common garden experiments in three sites along a rainfall gradient across the Isthmus of Panama in order to measure the differences in understory light availability, and to evaluate their influence on the performance of 24 shade-tolerant species with contrasting distributions. Within sites, the effect of understory light availability on species performance depended strongly on water availability. When water was not limiting, either naturally in the wetter site or through water supplementation in drier sites, seedling performance improved at higher light. In contrast, when water was limiting at the drier sites, seedling performance was reduced at higher light, presumably due to an increase in water stress that affected mostly wet-distribution species. Although wetter forest understories were on average darker, wet-distribution species were not more shade-tolerant than dry-distribution species. Instead, wet-distribution species had higher absolute growth rates and, when water was not limiting, were better able to take advantage of small increases in light than dry-distribution species. Our results suggest that in wet forests the ability to grow fast during temporary increases in light may be a key trait for successful recruitment. The slower growth rates of the dry-distribution species, possibly due to trade-offs associated with greater drought tolerance, may exclude these species from wetter forests.  相似文献   

Does biochar influence soil physical properties and soil water availability?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  


This study aims to (i) determine the effects of incorporating 47 Mg ha?1 acacia green waste biochar on soil physical properties and water relations, and (ii) to explore the different mechanisms by which biochar influences soil porosity.


The pore size distribution of the biochar was determined by scanning electron microscope and mercury porosimetry. Soil physical properties and water relations were determined by in situ tension infiltrometers, desorption and evaporative flux on intact cores, pressure chamber analysis at ?1,500 kPa, and wet aggregate sieving.


Thirty months after incorporation, biochar application had no significant effect on soil moisture content, drainable porosity between –1.0 and ?10 kPa, field capacity, plant available water capacity, the van Genuchten soil water retention parameters, aggregate stability, nor the permanent wilting point. However, the biochar-amended soil had significantly higher near-saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water content at ?0.1 kPa, and significantly lower bulk density than the unamended control. Differences were attributed to the formation of large macropores (>1,200 μm) resulting from greater earthworm burrowing in the biochar-amended soil.


We found no evidence to suggest application of biochar influenced soil porosity by either direct pore contribution, creation of accommodation pores, or improved aggregate stability.  相似文献   

We explored the relationship between soil processes, estimated through soil respiration (R soil ), and the spatial variation in forest structure, assessed through the distribution of tree size, in order to understand the determinism of spatial variations in R soil in a tropical forest. The influence of tree size was examined using an index (I c ) calculated for each tree as a function of (1) the trunk cross section area and (2) the distance from the measurement point. We investigated the relationships between I c and litterfall, root mass and R soil , respectively. Strong significant relationships were found between I c and both litterfall and root mass. R soil showed a large range of variations over the 1-ha experimental plot, from 1.5 to 12.6 gC m?2 d?1. The best relationship between I c and R soil only explained 17% of the spatial variation in R soil . These results support the assumption that local spatial patterns in litter production and root mass depend on tree distribution in tropical forests. Our study also emphasizes the modest contribution of tree size distribution–which is mainly influenced by the presence of the biggest trees (among the large range size of the inventoried trees greater than 10 cm diameter at 1.30 m above ground level or at 0.5 m above the buttresses)–in explaining spatial variations in R soil .  相似文献   

We use observed patterns of species richness and composition of ant communities along a 1000 mm rainfall gradient in northern Australian savanna to assess the accuracy of species richness and turnover predictions derived from stacked species distribution models (S‐SDMs) and constrained by macroecological models (MEMs). We systematically sampled ants at 15 sites at 50 km intervals along the rainfall gradient in 2012 and 2013. Using the observed data, we created MEMs of species richness, composition and turnover. We built distribution models for 135 of the observed species using data from museum collections and online databases. We compared two approaches of stacking SDMs and three modelling algorithms to identify the most accurate way of predicting richness and composition. We then applied the same beta diversity metrics to compare the observed versus predicted patterns. Stacked SDMs consistently over‐predicted local species richness, and there was a mismatch between the observed pattern of richness estimated from the MEM, and the pattern predicted by S‐SDMs. The most accurate richness and turnover predictions occurred when the stacked models were rank‐ordered by their habitat suitability and constrained by the observed MEM richness predictions. In contrast with species richness, the predictions obtained by the MEM of community similarity, composition and turnover matched those predicted by the S‐SDMs. S‐SDMs regulated by MEMs may therefore be a useful tool in predicting compositional patterns despite being unreliable estimators of species richness. Our results highlight that the choice of species distribution model, the stacking method used, and underlying macroecological patterns all influence the accuracy of community assembly predictions derived from S‐SDMS.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Plant-available silicon (Si) is limited in strongly weathered tropical soils. The aim of the study was to evaluate Si fertilisation as a strategy to improve phosphorus (P)...  相似文献   

Local adaptation of populations along elevational gradients is well known, but conclusive evidence that such divergence has resulted in the origin of distinct species in parapatry remains lacking. We integrated morphological, vocal, genetic and behavioural data to test predictions pertaining to the hypothesis of parapatric ecological speciation associated with elevation in populations of a tropical montane songbird, the Grey‐breasted Wood‐wren (Henicorhina leucophrys: Troglodytidae), from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. We confirmed that two distinct populations exist along the elevational gradient. Phylogenetic analyses tentatively indicate that the two populations are not sister taxa, suggesting they did not differentiate from a single ancestor along the gradient, but rather resulted from separate colonization events. The populations showed marked divergence in morphometrics, vocalizations and genetic variation in mitochondrial and nuclear loci, and little to no evidence of hybridization. Individuals of both populations responded more strongly to their own local songs than to songs from another elevation. Although the two forms do not appear to have differentiated locally in parapatry, morphological and vocal divergence along the elevational gradient is consistent with adaptation, suggesting a possible link between adaptive evolution in morphology and songs and the origin of reproductive isolation via a behavioural barrier to gene flow. The adaptive value of phenotypic differences between populations requires additional study.  相似文献   

An upward shift in elevation is one of the most conspicuous species responses to climate change. Nevertheless, downward shifts and, apparently, the absences of response have also been recently reported. Given the growing evidence of multiple responses of species distributions due to climate change and the paucity of studies in the tropics, we evaluated the response of a montane bird community to climate change, without the confounding effects of land‐use change. To test for elevational shifts, we compared the distribution of 21 avian species in 1998 and 2015 using occupancy models. The historical data set was based on point counts, whereas the contemporary data set was based on acoustic monitoring. We detected a similar number of species in historical (36) and contemporary data sets (33). We show an overall pattern of no significant change in range limits for most species, although there was a significant shift in the range limit of eight species (38%). Elevation limits shifted mostly upward, and this pattern was more common for upper than lower limits. Our results highlight the variability of species responses to climate change and illustrate how acoustic monitoring provides an easy and powerful way to monitor animal populations along elevational gradients.  相似文献   

Equatorial stonechats (Saxicola torquata axillaris) in Africa are seasonal breeders like their temperate-zone conspecifics (S.t. rubicola). Their annual cycle in gonadal size and function is controlled by an endogenous circannual rhythmicity that has been shown to run for up to 10 years in a constant equatorial photoperiod under laboratory conditions, with a period deviating from 12 months. In nature, however, this rhythm is synchronized with the actual year. Because photoperiod is essentially constant at the equator, it is likely that other environmental factors act as zeitgebers. The authors test whether food availability affects reproductive cycles of free-living East African stonechats. The authors offered supplemental food to the birds 2 months before the regular onset of the breeding season. Supplementally fed males started to sing and display earlier than males of control pairs that did not receive extra food. Although the supplemented food advanced the onset of the breeding season in the pairs that were fed, the onset of the postnuptial molt following the breeding season was not correspondingly shifted. Furthermore, in the year following the experiment, all pairs initiated breeding at the same time. The authors conclude that food availability does not act as a zeitgeber, but rather as a factor that modifies the timing of reproduction without affecting the underlying rhythmicity. The authors propose that this is adaptive under environmental conditions that are relatively constant within a given year but may vary considerably between years. The zeitgeber synchronizing the endogenous rhythmicity remains to be identified.  相似文献   

Pendall E  Williams DG  Leavitt SW 《Oecologia》2005,145(4):605-618
Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of bulk leaf water (δDlw and δ18Olw) in piñon pine (Pinus edulis and P. monophylla) and gas exchange parameters were measured under field conditions to examine the effects of seasonal moisture stress on leaf water isotopic enrichment. Study sites were located near the lower elevation limit for piñon in the southwestern USA. Leaf-level transpiration measurements were made four times daily in spring, summer and early autumn; simultaneously, leaf samples were collected for water extraction and stable isotope analysis. Diurnal variations in δDlw and δ18Olw values were small, especially when leaf water residence times (molar leaf water content divided by transpiration rate) were high. Stomatal conductance explained most of the variance (60%) in leaf water enrichment across the dataset. Observed leaf water enrichment was compared with predictions of steady-state and nonsteady-state models. Nonsteady-state predictions fit observations the best, although D enrichment was often lower than predicted by any model. Hydrogen isotope ratios of leaf water and cellulose nitrate were strongly correlated, demonstrating preservation of a leaf water signal in wood and leaf cellulose.  相似文献   

Most studies have focused on the biodistribution of titanium(IV) oxide as nanoparticles or crystals in organism. But several reports suggested that titanium is released from implant in ionic form. Therefore, gaining insight into toxicokinetics of Ti ions will give valuable information, which may be useful when assessing the health risks of long-term exposure to titanium alloy implants in patients. A micro synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence (µ-SRXRF) was utilized to investigate the titanium distribution in the liver, spleen and kidneys of rats following single intravenous or 30-days oral administration of metal (6 mg Ti/b.w.) in ionic form. Titanium was mainly retained in kidneys after both intravenous and oral dosing, and also its compartmentalization in this organ was observed. Titanium in the liver was non-uniformly distributed—metal accumulated in single aggregates, and some of them were also enriched in calcium. Correlation analysis showed that metal did not displace essential elements, and in liver titanium strongly correlated with calcium. Two-dimensional maps of Ti distribution show that the location of the element is characteristic for the route of administration and time of exposure. We demonstrated that µ-SRXRF can provide information on the distribution of titanium in internal structures of whole organs, which helps in enhancing our understanding of the mechanism of ionic titanium accumulation in the body. This is significant due to the popularity of titanium implants and the potential release of metal ions from them to the organism.  相似文献   

The relationship between seed germination and ecological niche is determined by matching germination characteristics with environmental features. In this study, we selected tree species occurring in the largest savanna wetland in South America – the Pantanal. Very few species are endemic or exclusively found in savanna wetlands, and the majority of tree species occurring in the Pantanal are also found in the neighbouring Brazilian Cerrado, a drier vegetation type that does not flood. We investigated the relationship between germination characteristics and occurrence of savanna trees in wetlands testing the hypothesis that such seeds are tolerant to flooding. We also addressed the question of whether seed tolerance to flood, assessed by survival analysis, explains tree distribution along a gradient of flooding intensity. In this flooding gradient, widely distributed species are those that occur in areas subjected to low as well as to high flooding intensity whereas restricted distributed species are those that occur only in areas subjected to a low level of flood. Seeds from tree species occurring in areas subjected to different flooding intensities were collected. Seed tolerance and germination during and after both one and two months of simulated flood were evaluated. Our results show that seeds of most of the studied savanna species tolerated submergence, which helps to explain their occurrence and wide distribution in wetlands. Nevertheless, germination behaviour checked by survival functions (i.e. how germination is distributed over time) partially explained tree species distribution along a flooding gradient. We conclude that seed tolerance to flooding is one of the components of the regeneration niche that determines tree occurrence and distribution at the regional scale, from savanna to wetland, but not at a local scale along a flooding gradient.  相似文献   

For the larvae of two echinoderm species that coexist in Atlantic Canada (bipinnaria of the sea star Asterias rubens and 4- and 6-arm echinoplutei of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), we examined the effect of short- and long-term exposure to salinity (ranging from 18 to 35) on the probability of larval survival in laboratory experiments. We also related larval vertical distributions in response to sharp haloclines generated in the laboratory to survival probability in the salinity of different layers in the water column. For both species and developmental stages, survival probability decreased with decreasing salinity, and a salinity range of 24-27 emerged as the critical threshold for larval tolerance. The relationship between the proportion of larvae that crossed a halocline into the top water layer and the survival probability of larvae in the salinity of that layer was significant for both species. Interestingly, the shape of this response was species-specific but not stage-specific for S. droebachiensis. Our findings suggest that larval avoidance of low-salinity water layers may be an adaptive behavior that increases survival and indirectly influences larval distribution.  相似文献   

Light is one of the main factors of physical environment and it controls plant growth and development by interfering with photosynthesis, especially concerning CO2 assimilation. Photosynthetic characteristics and growth of C3 epiphytic orchids Miltonia flavescens and Miltonia spectabilis var. moreliana were analyzed under four radiation regimens (25, 50 and 75?% of global radiation and full sunlight). Anatomical characterizations were performed on plants grown at 25?% shade. Artificial shading was obtained using different shading nylon nets. The highest values of light-saturated photosynthetic, dark respiration, net photosynthetic and leaf transpiration rates, stomatal conductance and intercellular to atmospheric CO2 concentration ratio were observed at full sunlight and 25?% shade. Moreover, both species allocated greater amount of leaf dry weight in those treatments. On the other hand, it was observed a greater investment in pseudobulb biomass in more shaded conditions (50 and 75?%), corroborating with the highest values of intrinsic water-use efficiency observed in those treatments. It was found a significant effect of shading on leaf area and specific leaf area. The anatomical features reflected strategies to save water. The phenotypic plasticity and principal component analysis suggested that the physiological traits were more responsive to light levels than the morphological traits. The results indicate that those species appear to be adapted to high irradiances conditions and are capable of adjusting, via morphophysiological changes, to light availability.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of woody plants by a rural community in an area of dry land Caatinga vegetation in northeastern Brazil. Information was obtained concerning this woody species with a diameter that is equal to or greater than 3 centimeters (cm) at soil level surveyed in 100 sample plots totaling 1 hectare (ha). The following question is the hypothesis we tested. Is a plant’s relative importance (as measured by its use value) related to its “apparency,” as measured by its abundance and ecological dominance? “Apparency” explains the use value of plants in four categories: medicinal, construction, fuel, and technology. The most important uses of woody plants are related to harvesting for energy and construction purposes.  相似文献   

Coastal sand dunes are dynamic ecosystems characterized by strong abiotic gradients from the seashore inland. Due to significant differences in the abiotic parameters in such an environment, there is great interest in biotic adaptation in these habitats. The aim of the present study, which was conducted in the northern Sharon sand-dune area of Israel, was to illustrate the spatial changes of a soil microarthropod community along a gradient from the seashore inland. Soil samples were collected from the 0–10 cm depth at five locations at different distances, from the seashore inland. Samples were taken from the bare open spaces during the wet winter and dry summer seasons. The soil microarthropod community exhibited dependence both on seasonality and sampling location across the gradient. The community was more abundant during the wet winter seasons, with an increasing trend from the shore inland, while during the dry summers, such a trend was not observed and community density was lower. The dominant groups within soil Acari were Prostigmata and Endeostigmata, groups known to have many representatives with adaptation to xeric or psammic environments. In addition, mite diversity tended to be higher at the more distant locations from the seashore, and lower at the closer locations, a trend that appeared only during the wet winters. This study demonstrated the heterogeneity of a soil microarthropod community in a coastal dune field in a Mediterranean ecosystem, indicating that the gradient abiotic parameters also affect the abundance and composition of a soil microarthropod community in sand dunes.  相似文献   

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