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DNA microarray technology is a powerful technique that was recently developed in order to analyze thousands of genes in a short time. Presently, microarrays, or chips, of the cDNA type and oligonucleotide type are available from several sources. The number of publications in this area is increasing exponentially.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1742-1758
The patterns of foraging movements of the teiid species Cnemidophorus tigris (western whiptail) and four iguanid species, Gambelia wislizeni (leopard lizard), Uta stansburiana (side-blotched lizard), Phrynosoma platyrhinos (desert horned lizard), and Callisaurus draconoides (zebra-tailed lizard), were investigated between 1978 and 1981. Rates and frequencies of movement while foraging, based on more than 44 000 minutes of observation of over 500 different lizards, were analysed with respect to temporal variation on yearly, seasonal and daily time scales and compared to expectations froma dichotomous view of foraging modes. The notion of polarized foragiing tactics among lizards was partially supported. Among the iguanid species, only Gambelia exhibited rates of foraging movements that were not always significantly less than those of the active forager, Cnemidophorus. Nevertheless, the analyses also revealed temporal variation in the search tactics of iguanid species. Gambelia exhibited a seasonal decline in foraging movements during three out of four years. Phrynosoma, Callisaurus and Uta all exhibited seasonal declines in their foraging movements in some years, but not in others. The foraging movements of all iguanid species increased during the early-season of 1978, corresponding to a marked increase in late winter/early spring rainfall that year. Uta showed diurnal shifts in foraging movements during most years. Such diurnal variation was also apparent in Callisaurus in some years. Despite consistent differences between Cnemidophorus and most iguanid species, the presence of temporal variability in foraging movements of iguanid lizards indicates a capacity for shifts in tactics in these species. Thus, this variability more realistically reflects a continuum of foraging tactics than it does dichotomous strategies.  相似文献   

Plant hormone interactions: how complex are they?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Models describing plant hormone interactions are often complex and web-like. Here we assess several suggested interactions within one experimental system, elongating pea internodes. Results from this system indicate that at least some suggested interactions between auxin, gibberellins (GAs), brassinosteroids (BRs), abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene do not occur in this system or occur in the reverse direction to that suggested. Furthermore, some of the interactions are relatively weak and may be of little physiological relevance. This is especially true if plant hormones are assumed to show a log-linear response curve as many empirical results suggest. Although there is strong evidence to support some interactions between hormones (e.g. auxin stimulating ethylene and bioactive GA levels), at least some of the web-like complexities do not appear to be justified or are overstated. Simpler and more targeted models may be developed by dissecting out key interactions with major physiological effects.  相似文献   

Arrays of immobilized proteins have been developed for the discovery and characterization of protein functions ranging from molecular recognition to enzymatic activity. The success of these applications is highly dependent upon the maintenance of protein structure and function while in an immobilized state - a largely untested hypothesis. However, the immobilization of functional proteins is not without precedent. Active enzymes have been successfully immobilized for industrial applications for several decades. Furthermore, a survey of recent protein microarray literature reveals that an even wider range of proteins can maintain 'proper' function while immobilized. These reports help to validate the functionality of so-called functional protein microarrays.  相似文献   



Pollination drops and nectars (floral nectars) are secretions related to plant reproduction. The pollination drop is the landing site for the majority of gymnosperm pollen, whereas nectar of angiosperm flowers represents a common nutritional resource for a large variety of pollinators. Extrafloral nectars also are known from all vascular plants, although among the gymnosperms they are restricted to the Gnetales. Extrafloral nectars are not generally involved in reproduction but serve as ‘reward’ for ants defending plants against herbivores (indirect defence).


Although very different in their task, nectars and pollination drops share some features, e.g. basic chemical composition and eventual consumption by animals. This has led some authors to call these secretions collectively nectar. Modern techniques that permit chemical analysis and protein characterization have very recently added important information about these sugary secretions that appear to be much more than a ‘reward’ for pollinating (floral nectar) and defending animals (extrafloral nectar) or a landing site for pollen (pollination drop).


Nectar and pollination drops contain sugars as the main components, but the total concentration and the relative proportions are different. They also contain amino acids, of which proline is frequently the most abundant. Proteomic studies have revealed the presence of common functional classes of proteins such as invertases and defence-related proteins in nectar (floral and extrafloral) and pollination drops. Invertases allow for dynamic rearrangement of sugar composition following secretion. Defence-related proteins provide protection from invasion by fungi and bacteria. Currently, only few species have been studied in any depth. The chemical composition of the pollination drop must be investigated in a larger number of species if eventual phylogenetic relationships are to be revealed. Much more information can be provided from further proteomic studies of both nectar and pollination drop that will contribute to the study of plant reproduction and evolution.Key words: Nectar, pollination drop, ovular secretion, plant reproduction, proteins, sugars, gymnosperms, angiosperms, plant–animal interaction  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells typically contain numerous mitochondria, each with multiple copies of their own genome, the mtDNA. Uniparental transmission of mitochondria, usually via the mother, prevents the mixing of mtDNA from different individuals. While on the one hand, this should resolve the potential for selection for fast-replicating mtDNA variants that reduce organismal fitness, maternal inheritance will, in theory, come with another set of problems that are specifically relevant to males. Maternal inheritance implies that the mitochondrial genome is never transmitted through males, and thus selection can target only the mtDNA sequence when carried by females. A consequence is that mtDNA mutations that confer male-biased phenotypic expression will be prone to evade selection, and accumulate. Here, we review the evidence from the ecological, evolutionary and medical literature for male specificity of mtDNA mutations affecting fertility, health and ageing. While such effects have been discovered experimentally in the laboratory, their relevance to natural populations—including the human population—remains unclear. We suggest that the existence of male expression-biased mtDNA mutations is likely to be a broad phenomenon, but that these mutations remain cryptic owing to the presence of counter-adapted nuclear compensatory modifier mutations, which offset their deleterious effects.  相似文献   

N. Kato, K. Narutomi, M. Fukase and T. Motoyama Hollow spheroids in ascites of ovarian clear cell carcinoma: how are they formed and how do they behave? Objective: Although the multicellular aggregates (spheroids) in malignant ascites are usually solid throughout, they sometimes have acellular hollow spaces, especially in ascites of ovarian clear cell carcinoma. The purpose of this study is to analyse the origin and behaviour of hollow spheroids. Methods: Archival cytological and histological specimens of 32 ovarian carcinomas, including 12 clear cell carcinomas, were reviewed. HAC‐2, a clear cell carcinoma cell line, was injected into the abdominal cavity of nude mice for direct comparison of ascitic cytology and tumour histology. Spheroids that were collected from nude mice ascites were cultured in vitro to observe their behaviour. Results: Five of six clear cell carcinomas with hollow spheroids showed spherule‐like hyaluronan‐rich stroma in their tumour tissue, whereas those without hollow spheroids did not. After heterotransplantation, both ascites and tumour imprints showed small or large hollow spheroids. Hyaluronan was detected in the former but not in the latter. The abdominal tumours showed compact spherule‐like hyaluronan‐rich stroma, enlarged oedematous stroma or intermediate stroma. In both size and hyaluronan status, small and large hollow spheroids were approximately comparable to spherule‐like hyaluronan‐rich stroma and oedematous stroma, respectively. During culture in vitro, hollow spheroids were maintained as hollow spheroids in suspension, and produced daughter hollow spheroids. Conclusions: The hollow space in the spheroids originates from spherule‐like hyaluronan‐rich stroma, where water trapping by hyaluronan causes enlargement of the space. The matrix within the hollow space serves as a scaffold that regulates cell polarity and matrix production.  相似文献   

At fertilization, fusion of two differentiated gametes forms the zygote that is capable of forming all of the varied cell lineages of an organism. It is widely thought that the acquisition of totipotency involves extensive epigenetic reprogramming of the germline state into an embryonic state. However, recent data argue that this reprogramming is incomplete and that substantial epigenetic information passes from one generation to the next. In this review we summarize the changes in chromatin states that take place during mammalian gametogenesis and examine the evidence that early mammalian embryogenesis may be affected by inheritance of epigenetic information from the parental generation.  相似文献   

Cilia are conserved subcellular organelles with diverse sensory and developmental roles. Recently, they have emerged as crucial organelles whose dysfunction causes a wide spectrum of disorders called ciliopathies. Recent studies on the pathological mechanisms underlying ciliopathies showed that the ciliary compartment is further divided into subdomains with specific roles in the biogenesis, maintenance and function of cilia. Several conserved sets of molecules that play specific roles in each subcompartment have been discovered. Here we review recent progress on our understanding of ciliary subcompartments, especially focusing on the molecules required for their structure and/or function. [BMB Reports 2015; 48(7): 380-387]  相似文献   

Recently, there has been resurgence of interest in the question of small intestinal stem cells, their precise location and numbers in the crypts. In this article, we attempt to re-assess the data, including historical information often omitted in recent studies on the subject. The conclusion we draw is that the evidence supports the concept that active murine small intestinal stem cells in steady state are few in number and are proliferative. There are two evolving, but divergent views on their location (which may be more related to scope of capability and reversibility than to location) several lineage labelling and stem cell self-renewing studies (based on Lgr5 expression) suggest a location intercalated between the Paneth cells (crypt base columnar cells (CBCCs)), or classical cell kinetic, label-retention and radiobiological evidence plus other recent studies, pointing to a location four cell positions luminally from the base of the crypt The latter is supported by recent lineage labelling of Bmi-1-expressing cells and by studies on expression of Wip-1 phosphatase. The situation in the human small intestine remains unclear, but recent mtDNA mutation studies suggest that the stem cells in humans are also located above the Paneth cell zone. There could be a distinct and as yet undiscovered relationship between these observed traits, with stem cell properties both in cells of the crypt base and those at cell position 4.  相似文献   

Some cationic peptides, referred to as CPPs (cell-penetrating peptides), have the ability to translocate across biological membranes in a non-disruptive way and to overcome the impermeable nature of the cell membrane. They have been successfully used for drug delivery into mammalian cells; however, there is no consensus about the mechanism of cellular uptake. Both endocytic and non-endocytic pathways are supported by experimental evidence. The observation that some AMPs (antimicrobial peptides) can enter host cells without damaging their cytoplasmic membrane, as well as kill pathogenic agents, has also attracted attention. The capacity to translocate across the cell membrane has been reported for some of these AMPs. Like CPPs, AMPs are short and cationic sequences with a high affinity for membranes. Similarities between CPPs and AMPs prompted us to question if these two classes of peptides really belong to unrelated families. In this Review, a critical comparison of the mechanisms that underlie cellular uptake is undertaken. A reflection and a new perspective about CPPs and AMPs are presented.  相似文献   

Many researchers working in the area of aging and longevity base their conclusions on the behavior of empirical age trajectories of mortality rates. In such analyses, changes in the slope of the logarithm of the mortality curve are often associated with changes in the rate of individual aging. We show that such interpretation may be incorrect: the changes in the slope of this curve do not necessarily correspond to the changes in the rate of individual aging. We use three models of mortality and aging to illustrate this statement. The first one is based on the idea of frailty. We show that changes in frailty distribution alone may be responsible for changes in the slope. The second model exploits the idea of saving lives. It evaluates changes in mortality rate after elimination of lethal stressful events. The third model uses the idea of Strehler and Mildvan (1960). It shows that changes in the rate of individual aging may take place without changes in the slope of the logarithm of the mortality curve.  相似文献   

Mutation induction in directly exposed cells is currently regarded as the main component of the genetic risk of ionising radiation for humans. However, recent studies showing that exposure to ionising radiation results in elevated mutation rates detectable in the non-irradiated progeny of exposed cells challenge the existing paradigm in radiation biology. This review describes some recent data on radiation-induced genomic instability in vitro and mainly focuses on the in vivo phenomenon of transgenerational instability, where elevated mutation rates are detected in the non-exposed offspring of irradiated parents. The possible mechanisms and implications of transgenerational instability are also discussed.  相似文献   

The term radiation-induced bystander effect is used to describe radiation-induced biological changes that manifest in unirradiated cells remaining within an irradiated cell population. Despite their failure to fit into the framework of classical radiobiology, radiation-induced bystander effects have entered the mainstream and have become established in the radiobiology vocabulary as a bona fide radiation response. However, there is still no consensus on a precise definition of radiation-induced bystander effects, which currently encompasses a number of distinct signal-mediated effects. These effects are classified here into three classes: bystander effects, abscopal effects and cohort effects. In this review, the data have been evaluated to define, where possible, various features specific to radiation-induced bystander effects, including their timing, range, potency and dependence on dose, dose rate, radiation quality and cell type. The weight of evidence supporting these defining features is discussed in the context of bystander experimental systems that closely replicate realistic human exposure scenarios. Whether the manifestation of bystander effects in vivo is intrinsically limited to particular radiation exposure scenarios is considered. The conditions under which radiation-induced bystander effects are induced in vivo will ultimately determine their impact on radiation-induced carcinogenic risk.  相似文献   

Flowering plants are characterized by striking variation in reproductive systems, and the evolutionary lability of their sexual traits is often considered a major driver of lineage diversification. But, evolutionary transitions in reproductive form and function are never entirely unconstrained and many changes exhibit strong directionality. Here, I consider why this occurs by examining transitions in pollination, mating and sexual systems, some of which have been considered irreversible. Among pollination systems, shifts from bee to hummingbird pollination are rarely reversible, whereas transitions from animal to wind pollination are occasionally reversed. Specialized pollination systems can become destabilized through a loss of pollinator service resulting in a return to generalized pollination, or more commonly a reliance on self-pollination. Homomorphic and heteromorphic self-incompatibility systems have multiple origins but breakdown to self-compatibility occurs much more frequently with little evidence for subsequent gains, at least over short time-spans. Similarly, numerous examples of the shift from outcrossing to predominant self-fertilization are known, but cases of reversal are very limited supporting the view that autogamy usually represents an evolutionary dead-end. The evolution of dioecy from hermaphroditism has also been considered irreversible, although recent evidence indicates that the occurrence of sex inconstancy and hybridization can lead to the origin of derived sexual systems from dioecy. The directionality of many transitions clearly refutes the notion of unconstrained reproductive flexibility, but novel adaptive solutions generally do not retrace earlier patterns of trait evolution.  相似文献   

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