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Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) is a serine protease inhibitor whose deficiency could cause emphysema and liver disease and, as recently described, could be a risk factor for lung cancer development. Alpha-1-antitrypsin inhibits a variety of proteases but its primary target is neutrophil elastase, an extracellular endopeptidase capable of degrading most protein components of the extracellular matrix. Inhibition of neutrophil elastase by AAT has an important role in maintaining the integrity of connective tissue. The gene encoding for AAT spans over 12.2 kb, consists of seven exons and is highly polymorphic. Therefore several methods for mutation screening of alpha-1-antitrypsin gene have been developed. Method described here is based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). This method is highly efficient and reliable and allows rapid analysis of entire coding region of alpha-1-antitrypsin gene, including splice junction sites. Previously described DGGE based analysis of AAT gene included overnight electrophoresis of individually amplified fragments. The optimization of the method described in this paper is directed towards the shortening of the duration of electrophoresis and amplification of fragments in multiplex reaction in order to make the analysis less time-consuming and therefore more efficient.  相似文献   

Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by mutations of the gene coding for porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD). Until now, sixteen different mutations have been described. In an effort to investigate further the molecular epidemiology of AIP, we have undertaken a systematic study of different exons of the PBGD gene from a large number of unrelated patients. Here, we have examined seven of the fifteen exons of the gene from 43 unrelated Dutch and French AIP patients using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis after polymerase chain reaction amplification. Eleven new mutations were found, accounting for the enzymatic defect in about half of the patients. This study further documents the molecular heterogeneity of the mutations responsible for AIP and describes an efficient strategy to detect the mutations in patients with previously unknown abnormalities.  相似文献   

Here, the state of the art of the application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) in microbial ecology will be presented. Furthermore, the potentials and limitations of these techniques will be discussed, and it will be indicated why their use in ecological studies has become so important.  相似文献   

变性梯度凝胶电泳装置及其在DNA突变检测中的初步应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
设计了一套适用于变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)的装置。该装置为带缓冲液循环系统、可精确控制温度的夹芯式双垂直电泳槽,其整个凝胶板内的控温精度和均匀度均在±0.5℃范围内。对其在DNA突变检测中的应用作了初步的探讨。通过PCR-DGGE连用成功地分离了野生型p53基因和含点突变的P53基因(第141密码子由TGC突变为TAC)。  相似文献   

Summary The cystic fibrosis (CF) gene was recently identified as a gene spanning 250 kilobases (kbp) and coding for a 1480 amino acid protein, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Approximately 70% of CF mutations involve a three-base-pair deletion in CFTR exon 10, resulting in the loss of a phenylalanine at position 508 in the gene product (ΔF508). In order to screen for other molecular defects, we have used a strategy based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified gene segments. This method, which permits rapid detection of any sequence change in a given DNA stretch, was used successfully to analyse 61 non-ΔF508 CF chromosomes from French CF patients. A study of CFTR exons 10, 11, 14a, 15 and 20 detected three mutations located in exons 14a, 15 and 20, along with several nucleotide sequence polymorphisms. These nucleotide changes were identified by direct sequencing of PCR fragments displaying altered electrophoretic behaviour, together with some of the polymorphisms and mutations previously characterized by others. The strategy presented here constitutes a valuable tool for the development of carrier testing for individuals or couples with a family history of cystic fibrosis, and will contribute to deciphering the functionally important regions of the CFTR gene.  相似文献   

变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)在微生物生态学中的应用   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:44  
由于从环境样品中分离和培养细菌的困难,分子生物学方法已发展用来描述和鉴定微生物群落。近年来基于DNA方法的群落分析得到了迅速的发展,如PCR扩增技术,克隆文库法,荧光原位杂交法,限制性酶切片段长度多态性法,变性和温度梯度凝胶电泳法。DGGE已广泛用于分析自然环境中细菌、蓝细菌,古菌、微微型真核生物、真核生物和病毒群落的生物多样性。这一技术能够提供群落中优势种类信息和同时分析多个样品。具有可重复和容易操作等特点,适合于调查种群的时空变化,并且可通过对切下的带进行序列分析或与特异性探针杂交分析鉴定群落成员。DGGE分析微生物群落的一般步骤如下:一是核酸的提取,二是16S rRNA,18S rRNA或功能基因如可容性甲烷加单氧酶羟化酶基因(mmoX)和氨加单氧酶a一亚单位基因(amoA)片段的扩增,三是通过DGGE分析PCR产物。DGGE使用具有化学变性剂梯度的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶,该凝胶能够有区别的解链PCR扩增产物。由PCR产生的不同的DNA片段长度相同但核苷酸序列不同。因此不同的双链DNA片段由于沿着化学梯度的不同解链行为将在凝胶的不同位置上停止迁移。DNA解链行为的不同导致一个凝胶带图案,该图案是微生物群落中主要种类的一个轮廓。DGGE使用所有生物中保守的基因片段如细菌中的16S rRNA基因片段和真菌中的18S rRNA基因片段。然而同其他分子生物学方法一样,DGGE也有缺陷,其中之一是只能分离较小的片段,使用于系统发育分析比较和探针设计的序列信息量受到了限制。在某些情况下,由于所用基因的多拷贝导致一个种类多于一条带,因此不易鉴定群落结构到种的水平。此外,该技术具有内在的如单一细菌种类16S rDNA拷贝之间的异质性问题,可导致自然群落中微生物数量的过多估计。DGGE是分析微生物群落的一种有力的工具。不过为了减少DGGE和其它技术的缺陷,建议研究者结合DGGE和其它分子及微生物学方法以便更详细的观察微生物的群落结构和功能。  相似文献   

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in combination with PCR and 'GC-clamping' has proven highly efficient as a method for detection of DNA sequence differences. Due to strand dissociation phenomena, however, its use has been limited to the analysis of sequences with a relatively low content of GC pairs. This paper describes how treatment of template DNA with sodium bisulphite drastically lowers the melting temperature of very GC-rich sequences and renders them amenable to DGGE analysis. We demonstrate the use of bisulphite DGGE for rapid and efficient detection of mutations in the p16(INK4/CDKN2) tumour suppressor gene.  相似文献   

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a dominantly inherited condition predisposing to colorectal cancer. The recent isolation of the responsible gene (adenomatous polyposis coli or APC) has facilitated the search for germ line mutations in affected individuals. Previous authors have used the RNase protection assay and the single-strand conformation polymorphisms procedure to screen for mutations. In this study we used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE analysis of 10 APC exons (4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, and part of 15) in 33 unrelated Dutch FAP patients has led to the identification of eight novel germ line mutations resulting in stop codons or frameshifts. The results reported here indicate that (1) familial adenomatous polyposis is caused by an extremely heterogeneous spectrum of point mutations; (2) all the mutations found in this study are chain terminating; and (3) DGGE represents a rapid and sensitive technique for the detection of mutations in the unusually large APC gene. An extension of the DGGE analysis to the entire coding region in a sufficient number of clinically well-characterized, unrelated patients will facilitate the establishment of genotype-phenotype correlations. On the other hand, the occurrence of an extremely heterogeneous spectrum of mutations spread throughout the entire length of the large APC gene among the FAP patients indicates that this approach may not be useful as a rapid presymptomatic diagnostic procedure in a routine laboratory. Nevertheless, the above DGGE approach has incidentally led to the identification of a common polymorphism in exon 13. Such intragenic polymorphisms offer a practical approach to a more rapid procedure for presymptomatic diagnosis of FAP by linkage analysis in informative families.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels formed by the connexin43 protein are considered to play crucial roles in development and function because they allow the direct cell-to-cell exchange of molecules that mediate multiple signaling events. Previous results have shown that connexin43 channels are intricately gated by phosphorylation and that disruption of this regulation gives rise to severe heart malformations and defects of laterality in human, chick and frog. Here we report the identification of connexin43 gene mutations that represent a minor population of connexin43 alleles, which could be reliably detected by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to visualize normal and mutant DNAs that were separately sequenced. In contrast, sequencing of total PCR products without DGGE-pre-selection failed to consistently identify these mutations. Forty-six controls and 20 heart transplant recipients were examined in this study. In the latter group, 14 children had hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) in which connexin43 gene defects were detected in eight. The remaining six transplant patients with HLHS and all controls showed no defects. All eight HLHS children with gene defects had the same four substitutions: two that were silent polymorphisms, and two that were missense, replacing arginine codons at positions 362 and 376 with codons for glutamines. All four of these substitutions are identical to the nucleotide sequence of the connexin43 pseudogene, suggesting the possibility of an illicit recombination. A breakpoint region was identified 5' to the mutation site in a 63bp domain that is 100% identical in the gene and pseudogene. Results from in vitro phosphorylation indicate that the absence of arginines 362 and 376 completely abolishes phosphorylation in the connexin43 channel regulation domain suggesting a possible mechanism for the pathologies associated with HLHS.  相似文献   

Mutations in the hormone-binding domain of the human glucocorticoid receptor alpha (hGRalpha) gene have been detected in a variety of glucocorticoid resistance syndromes. Using the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis technique, we developed a sensitive method for the detection of alterations in the gene area coding for the whole hormone-binding domain and part of the DNA-binding domain of the hGRalpha. This method can be applied for screening of glucocorticoid receptor gene alterations in glucocorticoid-dependent diseases.  相似文献   

It has been shown that minor differences, such as single-base-pair substitutions between otherwise identical DNA fragments can result in altered melting behavior detectable by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Sequence variations in only a small DNA region within one locus can be detected using the previously described procedures. We have developed a method for the efficient Southern transfer of genomic DNA fragments from the denaturing gradient gels in order to be able to analyze larger regions in several loci for variation. The gels were made using polyacrylamide containing 2% low-geling-temperature agarose (LGT). The polyacrylamide gel (PAG) was crosslinked with a reversible crosslinker, and after electrophoresis the crosslinks were cleaved, the structure of the gel being maintained by the agarose. After this treatment of the denaturing gels, more than 90% of the DNA fragments could be transferred to nylon membranes by alkaline transfer, while electroblotting transferred only 10% of the DNA. Hybridization with gene-specific probes was then performed. We have used this technique to identify an RFLP in the COL1A2 gene in a human genomic DNA sample. The transfer technique described should make the use of DGGE more widely applicable since the genomic DNA fragments separated on one gel can be screened with several different probes, both cDNA and genomic probes.  相似文献   

Dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) catalyses the conversion of quinonoid dihydrobiopterin (qBH2) to tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), which serves as the obligatory cofactor for the aromatic amino acid hydroxylases. DHPR deficiency, caused by mutations in the QDPR gene, results in hyperphenylalaninemia and deficiency of various neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, with severe neurological symptoms as a consequence. We have studied, at the clinical and molecular levels, 17 patients belonging to 16 Turkish families with DHPR deficiency. The patients were detected at neonatal screening for hyperphenylalaninemia or upon the development of neurological symptoms. To identify the disease causing molecular defects, we developed a sensitive screening method that rapidly scans the entire open reading frame and all splice sites of the QDPR gene. This method combines PCR amplification and "GC-clamping" of each of the seven exonic regions of QDPR, resolution of mutations by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and identification of mutations by direct sequence analysis. A total of ten different mutations were identified, of which three are known (G23D, Y150C, R221X) and the remaining are novel (G17R, G18D, W35fs, Q66R, W90X, S97fs and G149R). Six of these mutations are missense variants, two are nonsense mutations, and two are frameshift mutations. All patients had homoallelic genotypes, which allowed the establishment of genotype-phenotype associations. Our findings suggest that DGGE is a fast and efficient method for detection of mutations in the QDPR gene, which may be useful for confirmatory DNA-based diagnosis, genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis in DHPR deficiency.  相似文献   

Summary The apolipoprotein B gene is subject to mutations that may be important in coronary heart diseases. We have used polymerase chain reaction and denaturin gradient gel electrophoresis to characterize a single nucleotide substitution in the apolipoprotein B gene. This mutation affects amino acid 4311 of the protein and converts asparagine to serine. It was found in 24% of the 81 unrelated individuals analyzed. Moreover, another mutation was detected by sequencing in a single individual.  相似文献   

应用DGGE研究微生物群落时的常见问题分析   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)是通过核酸片段对微生物群落进行研究,可以监测未培养细菌及其功能基因,被广泛地应用于微生物群落多样性和动态分析,并成为微生物分子生态学研究中的重要手段之一。文中论述了DGGE操作过程中遇到的常见问题,并提出了相应的解决方法。全面分析了样品预处理过程和PCR扩增效果对DGGE分析的影响,探讨了DGGE图谱的优化过程和图谱分析方法,并对DGGE的应用前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

Cody  Derek G.  Heath  Robert T.  Leff  Laura G. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):207-215
To study differences in bacterial assemblages among sites with different environmental conditions, sediment samples were collected from three sites along a South Carolina (U.S.A.) coastalplain stream with varying levels of anthropogenic perturbation. The objective of this study was to compare the bacterial assemblages among these sites to detect possible impacts from the disturbance. To accomplish this comparison, DNA was extracted from the samples and subjected to the polymerase chain reaction using primers designed to amplify bacterial 16S rRNA genes. Relative measures of bacterial genetic diversity, assessed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), revealed greater numbers of unique sequences at the disturbed sites. The number of bands, which is analogous to species richness, did not vary predictably among sites. Similarity indices revealed a high level of similarity among replicate samples from each site and low similarity between samples from different sites. This study demonstrated that bacterial assemblages differed among sites and that the presence or absence of certain species, represented by unique DGGE bands, differed among sites; unique bands were most commonly encountered at the disturbed sites. Based on the evidence gathered, we conclude that benthic bacterial assemblages vary longitudinally and that anthropogenic disturbance may alter the bacterial component of streams.  相似文献   

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