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The META-PP server (http://cubic.bioc.columbia.edu/meta/) simplifies access to a battery of public protein structure and function prediction servers by providing a common and stable web-based interface. The goal is to make these powerful and increasingly essential methods more readily available to nonexpert users and the bioinformatics community at large. At present META-PP provides access to a selected set of high-quality servers in the areas of comparative modelling, threading/fold recognition, secondary structure prediction and more specialized fields like contact and function prediction.  相似文献   

Lu Z  Cheng Z  Zhao Y  Volchenboum SL 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28228
Recent proteomics studies suggest high abundance and a much wider role for lysine acetylation (K-Ac) in cellular functions. Nevertheless, cross influence between K-Ac and other post-translational modifications (PTMs) has not been carefully examined. Here, we used a variety of bioinformatics tools to analyze several available K-Ac datasets. Using gene ontology databases, we demonstrate that K-Ac sites are found in all cellular compartments. KEGG analysis indicates that the K-Ac sites are found on proteins responsible for a diverse and wide array of vital cellular functions. Domain structure prediction shows that K-Ac sites are found throughout a wide variety of protein domains, including those in heat shock proteins and those involved in cell cycle functions and DNA repair. Secondary structure prediction proves that K-Ac sites are preferentially found in ordered structures such as alpha helices and beta sheets. Finally, by mutating K-Ac sites in silico and predicting the effect on nearby phosphorylation sites, we demonstrate that the majority of lysine acetylation sites have the potential to impact protein phosphorylation, methylation, and ubiquitination status. Our work validates earlier smaller-scale studies on the acetylome and demonstrates the importance of PTM crosstalk for regulation of cellular function.  相似文献   

Identifying sites of post-translational modifications on proteins is a major challenge in proteomics. O-Linked beta-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is a dynamic nucleocytoplasmic modification more analogous to phosphorylation than to classical complex O-glycosylation. We describe a mass spectrometry-based method for the identification of sites modified by O-GlcNAc that relies on mild beta-elimination followed by Michael addition with dithiothreitol (BEMAD). Using synthetic peptides, we also show that biotin pentylamine can replace dithiothreitol as the nucleophile. The modified peptides can be efficiently enriched by affinity chromatography, and the sites can be mapped using tandem mass spectrometry. This same methodology can be applied to mapping sites of serine and threonine phosphorylation, and we provide a strategy that uses modification-specific antibodies and enzymes to discriminate between the two post-translational modifications. The BEMAD methodology was validated by mapping three previously identified O-GlcNAc sites, as well as three novel sites, on Synapsin I purified from rat brain. BEMAD was then used on a purified nuclear pore complex preparation to map novel sites of O-GlcNAc modification on the Lamin B receptor and the nucleoporin Nup155. This method is amenable for performing quantitative mass spectrometry and can also be adapted to quantify cysteine residues. In addition, our studies emphasize the importance of distinguishing between O-phosphate versus O-GlcNAc when mapping sites of serine and threonine post-translational modification using beta-elimination/Michael addition methods.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation and acetylation are the most prevalent post-translational modifications (PTMs) detected in not only eukaryotes but also bacteria. We performed phosphoproteome and acetylome analyses of proteins from an extremely thermophilic eubacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8, and identified numerous phosphorylation and acetylation sites. To facilitate the elucidation of the structural aspects of these PTM events, we mapped the PTM sites on the known tertiary structures for the respective proteins and their homologs. Wu et al. (Mol Cell Proteomics 12:2701–2713, 2013) recently reported phosphoproteome analysis of proteins from T. thermophilus HB27. Therefore, we assessed the structural characteristics of these phosphorylation and acetylation sites on the tertiary structures of the identified proteins or their homologs. Our study revealed that many of the identified phosphosites are in close proximity to bound ligands, i.e., the numbers of ‘nearby’ and ‘peripheral’ phosphorylation sites represent 56 % (48/86 sites) of total identified phosphorylation sites. In addition, approximately 60 % of all phosphosites exhibited <10 % accessible surface area of their side chains, suggesting some structural rearrangement is required for phosphoryl transfer by kinases. Our findings also indicate that phosphorylation of a residue occurs more frequently at a flexible region of the protein, whereas lysine acetylation occurs more frequently in an ordered structure.  相似文献   

Functional switches are often regulated by dynamic protein modifications. Assessing protein functions, in vivo, and their functional switches remains still a great challenge in this age of development. An alternative methodology based on in silico procedures may facilitate assessing the multifunctionality of proteins and, in addition, allow predicting functions of those proteins that exhibit their functionality through transitory modifications. Extensive research is ongoing to predict the sequence of protein modification sites and analyze their dynamic nature. This study reports the analysis performed on phosphorylation, Phospho.ELM (version 3.0) and glycosylation, OGlycBase (version 6.0) data for mining association patterns utilizing a newly developed algorithm, MAPRes. This method, MAPRes (Mining Association Patterns among preferred amino acid residues in the vicinity of amino acids targeted for post-translational modifications), is based on mining association among significantly preferred amino acids of neighboring sequence environment and modification sites themselves. Association patterns arrived at by association pattern/rule mining were in significant conformity with the results of different approaches. However, attempts to analyze substrate sequence environment of phosphorylation sites catalyzed for Tyr kinases and the sequence data for O-GlcNAc modification were not successful, due to the limited data available. Using the MAPRes algorithm for developing an association among PTM site with its vicinal amino acids is a valid method with many potential uses: this is indeed the first method ever to apply the association pattern mining technique to protein post-translational modification data.  相似文献   

Tubulin-α(1A/1B) C-terminal tail (CTT) has seven glutamic acid residues among the last 11 amino acids of its sequence that are potential sites for glutamylation. Cleavage of C-terminal tyrosine resulting in the detyrosinated form of tubulin-α(1A/1B) is another major modification. These modifications among others bring about highly heterogeneous tubulin samples in brain cells and microtubules, play a major role in directing intracellular trafficking, microtubule dynamics, and mitotic events, and can vary depending on the cell and disease state, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. Identified previously using primary mass spectrometry (MS) ions and partial Edman sequencing, tubulin-α(1A/1B) glutamylation was found exclusively on the E(445) residue. We here describe the analysis of tubulin-α(1A/1B) glutamylation and detyrosination after 2-DE separation, trypsin and proteinase K in-gel digestion, and nanoUPLC-ESI-QqTOF-MS/MS of mouse brain and bovine microtubules. Tyrosinated, detyrosinated, and Δ2-tubulin-α(1A/1B) CTTs were identified on the basis of a comparison of fragmentation patterns and retention times between endogenous and synthetic peptides. Stringent acceptance criteria were adapted for the identification of novel glutamylation sites. In addition to the previously identified site at E(445), glutamylation on mouse and bovine tubulin-α(1A/1B) CTTs was identified on E(441) and E(443) with MASCOT Expect values below 0.01. O-Methylation of glutamates was also observed.  相似文献   

Granzymes kill cells in a variety of ways. They induce mitochondrial dysfunction through caspase dependent and caspase-independent pathways and destroy DNA and the integrity of the nucleus. For gaining a better understanding of the molecular function of granzyme M and its NK cell specificity, structural characterization of this enzyme by molecular modeling as well as its detailed comparison with other granzymes is presented in this study. The study includes mode of action of granzyme M using cationic binding sites, substrate specificity, post-translational structural modification and its functional relationship and interaction of the enzyme with inhibitor in an attempt to explore how the activity of human granzyme M is controlled under physiological conditions. It is concluded from the present study that the post-translational modification, including Oglycosylation of serine, phosphorylation of serine and threonine and myristoylation of glycine, play an important role in the interaction of enzyme with the cell surface membrane and regulate protein trafficking and stability. Phosphorylated serine and threonine also plays a role in tumor elimination, viral clearance and tissue repair. In Gzm M there are cationic sites, cs1 and cs2 that may participate in binding of Gzm M to the cell surface, thereby promoting its uptake and eventual release into the cytoplasm. Gzm M shows apoptotic activity both by caspase dependent and independent pathways. Modeling of inhibitors bound to the granzyme active site shows that the dimer also contributes to substrate specificity in a unique manner by extending the active-site cleft.  相似文献   

Histone H3 proteins are highly conserved across all eukaryotes and are dynamically modified by many post-translational modifications (PTMs). Here we describe a method that defines the evolution of the family of histone H3 proteins, including the emergence of functionally distinct variants. It combines information from histone H3 protein sequences in eukaryotic species with the evolution of these species as described by the tree of life (TOL) project. This so-called TOL analysis identified the time when the few observed protein sequence changes occurred and when distinct, co-existing H3 protein variants arose. Four distinct ancient duplication events were identified where replication-coupled (RC) H3 variants diverged from replication-independent (RI) forms, like histone H3.3 in animals. These independent events occurred in ancestral lineages leading to the clades of metazoa, viridiplantae, basidiomycota, and alveolata. The proto-H3 sequence in the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) was expanded to at least 133 of its 135 residues. Extreme conservation of known acetylation and methylation sites of lysines and arginines predicts that these PTMs will exist across the eukaryotic crown phyla and in protists with canonical chromatin structures. Less complete conservation was found for most serine and threonine phosphorylation sites. This study demonstrates that TOL analysis can determine the evolution of slowly evolving proteins in sequence-saturated datasets.  相似文献   



Protein post-translational modification (PTM) plays an essential role in various cellular processes that modulates the physical and chemical properties, folding, conformation, stability and activity of proteins, thereby modifying the functions of proteins. The improved throughput of mass spectrometry (MS) or MS/MS technology has not only brought about a surge in proteome-scale studies, but also contributed to a fruitful list of identified PTMs. However, with the increase in the number of identified PTMs, perhaps the more crucial question is what kind of biological mechanisms these PTMs are involved in. This is particularly important in light of the fact that most protein-based pharmaceuticals deliver their therapeutic effects through some form of PTM. Yet, our understanding is still limited with respect to the local effects and frequency of PTM sites near pharmaceutical binding sites and the interfaces of protein-protein interaction (PPI). Understanding PTM’s function is critical to our ability to manipulate the biological mechanisms of protein.


In this study, to understand the regulation of protein functions by PTMs, we mapped 25,835 PTM sites to proteins with available three-dimensional (3D) structural information in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), including 1785 modified PTM sites on the 3D structure. Based on the acquired structural PTM sites, we proposed to use five properties for the structural characterization of PTM substrate sites: the spatial composition of amino acids, residues and side-chain orientations surrounding the PTM substrate sites, as well as the secondary structure, division of acidity and alkaline residues, and solvent-accessible surface area. We further mapped the structural PTM sites to the structures of drug binding and PPI sites, identifying a total of 1917 PTM sites that may affect PPI and 3951 PTM sites associated with drug-target binding. An integrated analytical platform (CruxPTM), with a variety of methods and online molecular docking tools for exploring the structural characteristics of PTMs, is presented. In addition, all tertiary structures of PTM sites on proteins can be visualized using the JSmol program.


Resolving the function of PTM sites is important for understanding the role that proteins play in biological mechanisms. Our work attempted to delineate the structural correlation between PTM sites and PPI or drug-target binding. CurxPTM could help scientists narrow the scope of their PTM research and enhance the efficiency of PTM identification in the face of big proteome data. CruxPTM is now available at http://csb.cse.yzu.edu.tw/CruxPTM/.

Ubiquitin specific protease 7 (USP7) belongs to the family of deubiquitinating enzymes. Among other functions, USP7 is involved in the regulation of stress response pathways, epigenetic silencing and the progress of infections by DNA viruses. USP7 is a 130-kDa protein with a cysteine peptidase core, N- and C-terminal domains required for protein-protein interactions. In the present study, recombinant USP7 full length, along with several variants corresponding to domain deletions, were expressed in different hosts in order to analyze post-translational modifications, oligomerization state, enzymatic properties and subcellular localization patterns of the enzyme. USP7 is phosphorylated at S18 and S963, and ubiquitinated at K869 in mammalian cells. In in vitro activity assays, N- and C-terminal truncations affected the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme different. Both the protease core alone and in combination with the N-terminal domain are over 100-fold less active than the full length enzyme, whereas a construct including the C-terminal region displays a rather small decrease in catalytic efficiency. Limited proteolysis experiments revealed that USP7 variants containing the C-terminal domain interact more tightly with ubiquitin. Besides playing an important role in substrate recognition and processing, this region might be involved in enzyme dimerization. USP7 constructs lacking the N-terminal domain failed to localize in the cell nucleus, but no nuclear localization signal could be mapped within the enzyme's first 70 amino acids. Instead, the tumor necrosis factor receptor associated factor-like region (amino acids 70-205) was sufficient to achieve the nuclear localization of the enzyme, suggesting that interaction partners might be required for USP7 nuclear import.  相似文献   

Methionine is a sulfur-containing residue found in most proteins which are particularly susceptible to oxidation. Although methionine oxidation causes protein damage, it can in some cases activate protein function. Enzymatic systems reducing oxidized methionine have evolved in most bacterial species and methionine oxidation proves to be a reversible post-translational modification regulating protein activity. In this review, we inspect recent examples of methionine oxidation provoking protein loss and gain of function. We further speculate on the role of methionine oxidation as a multilayer endogenous antioxidant system and consider its potential consequences for bacterial virulence.  相似文献   

Rotavirus (RV) diarrhoea causes huge number deaths in children less than 5 years of age. In spite of available vaccines, it has been difficult to combat RV due to large number of antigenically distinct genotypes, high mutation rates, generation of reassortant viruses due to segmented genome. RV is an eukaryotic virus which utilizes host cell machinery for its propagation. Since RV only encodes 12 proteins, post-translational modification (PTM) is important mechanism for modification, which consequently alters their function. A single protein exhibiting different functions in different locations or in different subcellular sites, are known to be 'moonlighting'. So there is a possibility that viral proteins moonlight in separate location and in different time to exhibit diverse cellular effects. Based on the primary sequence, the putative behaviour of proteins in cellular environment can be predicted, which helps to classify them into different functional families with high reliability score. In this study, sites for phosphorylation, glycosylation and SUMOylation of the six RV structural proteins (VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, VP6 & VP7) & five non-structural proteins (NSP1, NSP2,NSP3,NSP4 & NSP5) and the functional families were predicted. As NSP6 is a very small protein and not required for virus growth & replication, it was not included in the study. Classification of RV proteins revealed multiple putative functions of each structural protein and varied number of PTM sites, indicating that RV proteins may also moonlight depending on requirements during viral life cycle. Targeting the crucial PTM sites on RV structural proteins may have implications in developing future anti-rotaviral strategies.  相似文献   



The number of available genome sequences is increasing, and easy-to-use software that enables efficient comparative analysis is needed.  相似文献   

The fibrillar collagen types I, II, and V/XI have recently been shown to have partially 3-hydroxylated proline (3Hyp) residues at sites other than the established primary Pro-986 site in the collagen triple helical domain. These sites showed tissue specificity in degree of hydroxylation and a pattern of D-periodic spacing. This suggested a contributory role in fibril supramolecular assembly. The sites in clade A fibrillar α1(II), α2(V), and α1(I) collagen chains share common features with known prolyl 3-hydroxylase 2 (P3H2) substrate sites in α1(IV) chains implying a role for this enzyme. We pursued this possibility using the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma cell line (RCS-LTC) found to express high levels of P3H2 mRNA. Mass spectrometry determined that all the additional candidate 3Hyp substrate sites in the pN type II collagen made by these cells were highly hydroxylated. In RNA interference experiments, P3H2 protein synthesis was suppressed coordinately with prolyl 3-hydroxylation at Pro-944, Pro-707, and the C-terminal GPP repeat of the pNα1(II) chain, but Pro-986 remained fully hydroxylated. Furthermore, when P3H2 expression was turned off, as seen naturally in cultured SAOS-2 osteosarcoma cells, full 3Hyp occupancy at Pro-986 in α1(I) chains was unaffected, whereas 3-hydroxylation of residue Pro-944 in the α2(V) chain was largely lost, and 3-hydroxylation of Pro-707 in α2(V) and α2(I) chains were sharply reduced. The results imply that P3H2 has preferred substrate sequences among the classes of 3Hyp sites in clade A collagen chains.  相似文献   

Post-translational modification of proteins plays a central role in cellular regulation but its study has been hampered by the exponential increase in substrate modification forms (“modforms”) with increasing numbers of sites. We consider here biochemical networks arising from post-translational modification under mass-action kinetics, allowing for multiple substrates, having different types of modification (phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, etc.) on multiple sites, acted upon by multiple forward and reverse enzymes (in total number L), using general enzymatic mechanisms. These assumptions are substantially more general than in previous studies. We show that the steady-state modform concentrations constitute an algebraic variety that can be parameterised by rational functions of the L free enzyme concentrations, with coefficients which are rational functions of the rate constants. The parameterisation allows steady states to be calculated by solving L algebraic equations, a dramatic reduction compared to simulating an exponentially large number of differential equations. This complexity collapse enables analysis in contexts that were previously intractable and leads to biological predictions that we review. Our results lay a foundation for the systems biology of post-translational modification and suggest deeper connections between biochemical networks and algebraic geometry.  相似文献   



Recognition of binding sites in proteins is a direct computational approach to the characterization of proteins in terms of biological and biochemical function. Residue preferences have been widely used in many studies but the results are often not satisfactory. Although different amino acid compositions among the interaction sites of different complexes have been observed, such differences have not been integrated into the prediction process. Furthermore, the evolution information has not been exploited to achieve a more powerful propensity.  相似文献   

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