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Abstract. Cell kinetics of human renal cell carcinomas xenotransplanted into nu/nu mice were analysed using the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) labelling method. Tumours were removed 0.5–14 h after injection of the BrdUrd solution. The tumour cells were stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated anti-BrdUrd antibodies and propidium iodide (DNA content). From the flow cytometry data the relative movement was calculated. Relative movement data of variable intervals after BrdUrd labelling were subjected to a fit procedure using log-normal distributions for S phase transition (Ts). The log-normal distributions were modified by inflation factors in order to get extremely asymmetric distributions. The best fits to the experimental data were obtained using wide asymmetric Ts distributions, indicating that progression through S phase in solid human tumours is considerably heterogeneous. This implies that the potential doubling time (Tpot) is longer than calculated from a single measured relative movement value obtained a few hours after BrdUrd labelling.  相似文献   

A Raza  K Ucar  H D Preisler 《Cytometry》1985,6(6):633-640
A monoclonal antibody against bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) was produced, and a rapid slide technique (RPMB technique) was developed for the estimation of S-phase cells in a population using this antibody. Bone marrow cells from patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) were studied by both the RPMB technique and tritiated thymidine (3HdThd) labeling index studies. The percentage of S-phase cells obtained by each method was compared in 50 samples, and the correlation coefficient was r = 0.89. A "double label" method is also described in which cells were simultaneously incubated with either BrdUrd and 3HdThd or BrdUrd and tritiated cytosine arabinoside (3HAra-C). The samples were first processed by the RPMB technique and then by autoradiography. Results showed only black grains overlying the nuclei of fluorescent cells in each group. An automated microphotometer was used to quantitate grains and fluorescence from each cell. This demonstrated an almost direct relationship between grains and fluorescence from BrdUrd + 3HdThd slides, whereas different patterns of relationship were noted from BrdU + 3HAra-C slides of leukemic patients. Their implications are discussed in the text. Finally, intravenous infusions of BrdUrd was given to five leukemic patients. S-phase cells were recognized distinctly within 5 min of starting the infusion. The percentage of S-phase cells was almost identical from in vivo and in vitro samples. Various possibilities of studying the biological behavior of acute leukemias and analyzing cell cycle characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of simian virus 40 large T-antigen (Tag) expression on the cell cycle of exponentially growing, established, mouse NIH 3T3 fibroblasts was examined by using a sensitive flow cytometric assay to analyze nonselected cells immediately after infection with a Tag-encoding recombinant retrovirus. Tag expression resulted in reduced percentages of G1-phase cells and increased percentages of S- and G2 + M-phase cells compared with cell populations infected with a control virus not encoding the Tag gene. Cell cycle-blocking drugs were used to examine the exit rate for each of the cell cycle phases, G1, S, and G2 + M, for Tag-expressing and Tag-nonexpressing cells growing in the same cell culture dish. As a result of Tag expression, the duration of the G1 phase was decreased (average G1-phase exit duration decreased by 18%) and the duration of the G2 + M phase was increased (average G2 + M exit duration increased by 29%). The duration of S phase was unaffected by Tag expression.  相似文献   

Objectives: The number of germ cells and somatic cells in human embryonic and foetal gonads has previously been estimated by stereological methods, which are time‐ and labour‐consuming with little information concerning cell proliferation. Here, we studied whether flow cytometry could be applied as an easier method, also enabling estimation of the fraction of cells in S or S+G2+M (SG2M) cell‐cycle phases as indicators of cell proliferation. Methods: Cell suspensions from 35 human embryonic gonads at days 37 to 68 post‐conception (pc) were immunomagnetically sorted into C‐KIT positive (germ) cells and negative (somatic) cells. They were stained for DNA content and analysed by flow cytometry. S and SG2M fractions could be measured for 13 of the female and 20 of the male gonads. The number of cells was estimated using fluorescent reference beads. Results: During the period from 37 to 68 days pc, female germ and somatic cells had a stable S and SG2M fractions indicating steady growth of both subpopulations, whereas they decreased in both male germ and somatic cells. The number of germ and somatic cells estimated by flow cytometry was significantly lower than in stereological estimates, suggesting loss of cells during preparation. Conclusions: Cell proliferation as indicated by S and SG2M fractions could be estimated specifically for primordial germ and somatic cells. Estimation of total number of germ and somatic cells was not feasible.  相似文献   

Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) incorporation and flow cytometry were used to measure human tumour kinetic parameters in vitro and in vivo. The technique was validated by comparison of labelling index estimates of mouse tumours in vivo and in vitro using BrdUrd and flow cytometry with tritiated thymidine (3HdThd) autoradiography. Similar labelling indices were obtained with both in vivo and in vitro incorporation into DNA of the two different precursors. Measurements of human tumour labelling indices were similar following in vitro incubation with either BrdUrd or 3HdThd. The use of BrdUrd allowed the visualization of a population of S-phase cells that did not appear to incorporate BrdUrd or 3HdThd. The human tumour labelling indices obtained with BrdUrd incorporation were similar to previously reported values using autoradiography studies. Preliminary studies demonstrated that significant human tumour labelling could be achieved with an intravenous injection of 500 mg BrdUrd.  相似文献   

The planarian adult stem cell (pASC) population has a specific molecular signature and can be easily visualized and isolated by flow cytometry. However, the lack of antibodies against specific surface markers for planarian cells prevents a deeper analysis of specific cell populations. Here, if we describe the results of the immunoscreening of pASC plasma membrane proteins (PMPs). A novel papain-based method for planarian cell dissociation enabling both high yield and improved cell viability was used to generate single cell preparations for PMP purification. PMPs were used for intraperitoneal immunization of mice and thus about 1000 hybridoma clones were generated and screened. Supernatants collected from the hybridoma clones were first screened by ELISA and then by live immuno-staining. About half of these supernatants stained all the planarian cells, whereas the other half specifically labeled a subfraction thereof. A detailed analysis of two hybridoma supernatants revealed that large subfractions of the X1, X2 and Xin populations differentially express specific membrane markers. Quantitative PCR data disclosed a correlation between the immunostaining results and the expression of markers of the early and late progeny, also for those pASCs in the S/G2/M phase of the cell cycle (X1 population). Thus, about two thirds of the cycling pASCs showed a specific membrane signature coupled with the expression of markers hitherto considered to be restricted to differentiating, post-mitotic progeny. In summary, a library of 66 monoclonal antibodies against planarian PMPs was generated. The analysis of two of the clones generated revealed that a subset of cells of the X1 population expresses early and late progeny markers, which might indicate that these cells are committed while still proliferating. The findings demonstrate the usefulness of our PMP antibody library for planarian research.  相似文献   

It is well established that activation of the Na-H exchanger NHE1 and increases in intracellular pH (pHi) are early and universal responses to mitogens and have permissive effects in promoting cell proliferation. Despite this evidence, a specific role for NHE1 or pHi in cell cycle progression remains undetermined. We now show that NHE1 activity and pHi regulate the timing of G2/M entry and transition. Prior to G2/M entry there is a rapid and transient increase in NHE1 activity and pHi, but in fibroblasts expressing a mutant NHE1 that lacks ion translocation activity, this increase in pHi is attenuated, S phase is delayed, and G2/M transition is impaired. In the absence of ion translocation by NHE1, expression of cyclin B1 and the kinase activity of Cdc2 are decreased and Wee1 kinase expression increases. Increasing pHi in the absence of NHE1 activity, however, is sufficient to restore Cdc2 activity and cyclin B1 expression and to promote G2/M entry and transition. These data indicate that a transient increase in pHi induced by NHE1 promotes the timing of G2/M, and they suggest that increases in pHi at the completion of S phase may constitute a previously unrecognized checkpoint for progression to G2 and mitosis.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a catabolic process that delivers cytoplasmic components via the autophagosome to lysosomes for degradation. Measuring autophagic activity is critical to dissect molecular mechanisms and functions of autophagy but remains challenging due to the lack of a definitive method. We have recently developed a new fluorescent probe, GFP-LC3-RFP-LC3ΔG, to assess autophagic flux. Upon intracellular expression, the probe is cleaved by ATG4 family proteases into equimolar amounts of GFP-LC3 and RFP-LC3ΔG. The former is degraded by autophagy while the latter persists as an internal control in the cytosol. Autophagic flux can thus be quantified by obtaining the ratio of GFP:RFP signals. Using this method, we have identified several autophagy-modulating drugs by screening an approved drug library. We have also demonstrated that induced and basal autophagic flux can be monitored in zebrafish and mice.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that geminin plays a vital role in both origin assembly and DNA re-replication during S-phase; however, no data to support a role for geminin in G2/M cells have been described. Here it is shown that in G2/M-phase, geminin participates in the promotion of proper cytokinesis. This claim can be supported through a series of observations. First, geminin in G2/M is loaded onto chromatin after it is tyrosine phosphorylated. It is unlike S-phase geminin that resides in the nuclear soluble fraction, where it is exclusively S/T phosphorylated. Secondly, on chromatin, geminin gets S/T phosphorylated in late G1; this modification causes the release of geminin from the chromatin. Cyclins bind and phosphorylate geminin in a sequential, cell cycle-dependent manner. These modifications correlated well with geminin departure from the chromatin. This suggests that cyclin functions to either release geminin from chromatin or at least keep it at bay until late S-phase. Thirdly, depletion of geminin from a diploid mammary epithelial cell line (HME) causes cells to arrest in late G2/M-phase. Massive serine-10 phosphorylated histone H3 staining and survivin localization to mid-body were observed; this suggests that they could be arrested in either mitosis or at cytokinesis. Finally, while in the absence of geminin, cyclin B1, chk1 and cdc7 are all over expressed. This paper will demonstrate that only cdc7 is important in maintaining the cytokinesis arrest in the absence of geminin. Only double depletion of geminin and cdc7 induce apoptosis. Our results taken together show, for the first time, that phosphorylation-induction activates oscillation of geminin between both nuclear soluble and chromatin compartments. Chromatin-bound geminin species functions to initiate or maintain proper cytokineses. In the absence of geminin, cells arrest in cytokinesis; this defines a novel checkpoint, monitored by cdc7, rather than cyclin B1 or chk1.  相似文献   

DNA double strand break (DSB) repair and checkpoint control represent two major mechanisms that function to reduce chromosomal instability following ionising irradiation (IR). Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) cells have long been known to have defective checkpoint responses. Recent studies have shown that they also have a DSB repair defect following IR raising the issue of how ATM’s repair and checkpoint functions interplay to maintain chromosomal stability. A-T and Artemis cells manifest an identical and epistatic repair defect throughout the cell cycle demonstrating that ATM’s major repair defect following IR represents Artemis-dependent end-processing. Artemis cells show efficient G2/M checkpoint induction and a prolonged arrest relative to normal cells. Following irradiation of G2 cells, this checkpoint is dependent on ATM and A-T cells fail to show checkpoint arrest. In contrast, cells irradiated during S phase initiate a G2/M checkpoint which is independent of ATM and, significantly, both Artemis and A-T cells show a prolonged arrest at the G2/M checkpoint likely reflecting their repair defect. Strikingly, the G2/M checkpoint is released before the completion of repair when approximately 10-20 DSBs remain both for S phase and G2 phase irradiated cells. This defined sensitivity level of the G2/M checkpoint explains the prolonged arrest in repair-deficient relative to normal cells and provides a conceptual framework for the co-operative phenotype between checkpoint and repair functions in maintaining chromosomal stability.  相似文献   

Cells in mitosis can be flow cytometrically discriminated from G1, S, and G2 cells by analysis of a nuclear suspension prepared with nonionic detergent, fixed with formaldehyde, and stained with mithramycin, propidium iodide, or ethidium bromide. With these DNA-fluorochromes, the fluorescence is quenched by formaldehyde less in mitotic nuclei than in interphase nuclei. Mitotic nuclei have a 20-40% increased mithramycin fluorescence and 30-60% decreased light scatter in comparison to those of G2 nuclei. There is a high correlation (r = 0.95; P less than 0.001) between microscope counts of mitotic figures in smear preparations of the initial cell suspension and the flow cytometrically estimated fraction of nuclei with increased mithramycin fluorescence. Flow sorting (FACS) demonstrates that the mitotic nuclei are confined to the peak of increased mithramycin fluorescence and decreased light scatter. The method has been applied to cultures of Yoshida ascites tumor cells, JB-1 reticulosarcoma cells, and PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes, incubated in the presence or absence of vinblastine for mitotic arrest. In a heteroploid mixture of fixed Yoshida (near-diploid) and JB-1 (hypotetraploid) nuclei, the mitotic fractions of the two cell lines could be estimated separately when analyzed with mithramycin fluorescence versus light scatter or with mithramycin fluorescence versus propidium iodide fluorescence.  相似文献   

A new method to discriminate G1, S, G2, M, and G1 postmitotic cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new flow cytometric method combining light scattering measurements, detection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation via fluorescent antibody, and quantitation of cellular DNA content by propidium iodide (PI) allows identification of additional compartments in the cell cycle. Thus, while cell staining with BrdU-antibodies and PI reveals the G1, S, and G2 + M phases of the cell cycle, differences in light scattering allow separation of G2 phase cells from M phase cells and subdivision of G1 phase into two compartments, i.e., G1A representing postmitotic cells which mature to G1B cells ready to initiate DNA synthesis. The method involves fixation of cells in 70% ethanol, extraction of histones with HC1, and thermal denaturation of DNA. This treatment appears to enhance the differences in chromatin structure of cells in the various phases of the cell cycle to the extent that cells could be separated on the basis of the 90 degrees scatter. Mitotic cells show much lower scatter than G2 phase cells, and G1 postmitotic cells (G1A) show lower scatter than G1 cells about to enter the S phase (G1B). Light scattering is correlated with chromatin condensation, as judged by microscopic evaluation of cells sorted on the basis of light scatter. The method has the advantage over the parental BrdU/DNA bivariate analysis in allowing the G2 and M phases of the cell cycle to be separated and the G1 phase to be analyzed in more detail. The method may also allow separation of unlabeled S phase cells from mitotic cells and distinguish between labeled and unlabeled mitotic cells.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric measurements of total DNA content, cell cycle distribution, and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) uptake were made in rat Walker-256 carcinoma cells. After both in vivo and in vitro pulse labelling with BrdUrd, Walker-256 tumor cells were stained with propidium iodide (PI) to estimate the total DNA content and a monoclonal antibody against BrdUrd to estimate the relative amount of cells in S phase. BrdUrd-labelled single cell suspensions were harvested at different time intervals to determine the movement of these cells within the cell cycle. To increase BrdUrd uptake, fluorodeoxyuridine (FDU), a thymidine antagonist, was also applied in vivo and in vitro. The results indicated exponential growth characteristics for this tumor between days 5 and 8 after implantation. Tumor doubling times, derived from changes in tumor volume in vivo and from the increase in cell number in vitro were similar. The mean time for DNA synthesis was estimated from the relative movement of BrdUrd-labelled cells towards G2. The percent of cells labelled with BrdUrd and the DNA synthesis time were similar regardless of the mode of BrdUrd administration. This study demonstrates that BrdUrd labelling of rat Walker-256 carcinoma cells in vitro yields kinetic estimates of tumor proliferation during exponential growth similar to those with the administration of BrdUrd in the intact tumor-bearing rat.  相似文献   

The cellular response to DNA damage is mediated by evolutionarily conserved Ser/Thr kinases, phosphorylation of Cdc25 protein phosphatases, binding to 14-3-3 proteins, and exit from the cell cycle. To investigate DNA damage responses mediated by the p38/stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) axis of signaling, the optimal phosphorylation motifs of mammalian p38alpha SAPK and MAPKAP kinase-2 were determined. The optimal substrate motif for MAPKAP kinase-2, but not for p38 SAPK, closely matches the 14-3-3 binding site on Cdc25B/C. We show that MAPKAP kinase-2 is directly responsible for Cdc25B/C phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding in vitro and in response to UV-induced DNA damage within mammalian cells. Downregulation of MAPKAP kinase-2 eliminates DNA damage-induced G2/M, G1, and intra S phase checkpoints. We propose that MAPKAP kinase-2 is a new member of the DNA damage checkpoint kinase family that functions in parallel with Chk1 and Chk2 to integrate DNA damage signaling responses and cell cycle arrest in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

DRG2, a member of the DRG subfamily in the GTP-binding protein superfamily, was identified as a repressed gene product in fibroblasts transformed by SV40. The significance of this down-regulation and the cellular role of DRG2 has not been understood in the past. To investigate the function of DRG2 we made a Jurkat cell line, Jurkat-LNCX2-DRG2, stably transfected with pLNCX2-DRG2 to overexpress human DRG2. Cell cycle distribution analysis revealed an increased accumulation of G(2)/M phase cells in Jurkat-LNCX2-DRG2 cells, indicating a retardation of cell-cycle progression. In addition, an overexpression of DRG2 reduced the sensitivity of Jurkat cells to the mitotic poison nocodazole. Our data suggest that overexpression of DRG2 in Jurkat cells affects genes regulating cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis, and that these molecular changes may be important in the growth or differentiation of cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Estimating the duration of S phase (T(S) ) and the potential doubling time (T(pot) ) from a single time measurement of the movement of cells using bivariate cytometry is common. However, these estimates require an assumption of the duration of G2 + M (T(G2+M) ). Inspection of the measured dynamic quantities, relative movement [RM(t)], fractions of labeled divided and undivided cells (f(lu)(t) and f(ld)(t)) suggests that T(G2+M), T(S), and T(pot) can be determined simultaneously. METHODS: An equation connecting the growth of the cell population, time, and the dynamic quantities was determined. The equation cannot be solved analytically, but accurate approximations can be used to find T(pot). From this result, the value of T(G2+M) can be determined from f(ld)(t), and T(S) can be determined from RM(t). RESULTS: Kinetic parameters obtained from single time estimates using the new method compared to those obtained from the analysis of multiple time-point measurements of MCa-K and MCa-4 murine tumors are shown to be in close agreement. Moreover, estimates of T(G2+M) in MCa-4 tumors, treated with paclitaxel, provide extra information on the changes in T(G2+M). When applied to the rat R3327-G prostate tumor model following androgen ablation, a correlation analysis of the T(pot) values obtained by the new and previous single time-point methods demonstrates that the rank order from shortest to longest T(pot) values are largely preserved. CONCLUSIONS: The new procedure makes direct estimation of T(G2+M) possible from single time-dynamic measurements. The results from previous studies on T(S) and T(pot) are largely unchanged, but extra information is now available.  相似文献   

Intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) has been proposed to play an important part in the regulation of the cell cycle. Although a number of studies have shown that stimulation of quiescent cells with growth factors causes an immediate rise in [Ca2+]i (Rabinovitch et al., 1986; Vincentini and Villereal, 1986; Hesketh et al., 1988; Tucker et al., 1989, Wahl et al., 1990), a causal relationship between the [Ca2+]i transient and the ability of the cells to reenter the cell cycle has not been firmly established. We have found that blocking the mitogen-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i with the cytoplasmic [Ca2+]i buffer dimethyl BAPTA (dmBAPTA) also blocks subsequent entry of cells into S phase. The dose response curves for inhibition of serum stimulation of [Ca2+]i and DNA synthesis by dmBAPTA are virtually identical including an anomalous stimulation observed at low levels of dmBAPTA. Reversal of the [Ca2+]i buffering effect of dmBAPTA by transient exposure of the cells to the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin also reverses the inhibition of DNA synthesis 20-24 h later. Ionomycin by itself does not stimulate DNA synthesis. These data are consistent with the conclusion that a transient increase in [Ca2+]i occurring shortly after serum stimulation of quiescent fibroblasts is necessary but not sufficient for subsequent entry of the cells into S phase. This study is the first to show a direct relationship between early serum stimulated Cai2+ increase and subsequent DNA synthesis in human cells. It also goes beyond recent studies on BALB/3T3 cells by providing dose response data and demonstrating reversibility, which are strong indications of a cause and effect relationship.  相似文献   

BAD, a member of the Bcl-2 protein family, promotes mitochondria-dependent apoptosis. Here, we report that BAD dissociates from 14-3-3zeta at each G2/M phase of proliferating lymphoid cells. The cell cycle-dependent dissociation of BAD was associated with phosphorylation at Ser-128, whereas mutant S128A-BAD, in which Ser-128 was converted to alanine, remained associated with 14-3-3zeta throughout the cell cycle. Although the cell cycle-dependent dissociation of BAD per se did not induce apoptosis, growth factor deprivation induced prompt apoptosis at the G2/M phase but not at the G1 phase. In cells expressing S128A-BAD, growth factor deprivation-induced apoptosis was markedly delayed and was accompanied by a delayed dephosphorylation of growth factor-dependent regulatory serine residues. These results indicate that BAD induces apoptosis upon detecting the coincidence of G2/M phase and growth factor deprivation.  相似文献   

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