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Are mental images like pictures? Yes, according to a new study showing that imagery can have a high degree of visual specificity and thereby disrupt perceptual rivalry.  相似文献   

Sengpiel F 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(13):R482-R485
The mechanism by which one or the other view of an ambiguous figure - such as the Necker cube - gains dominance has been unclear. Recent evidence suggests that the right frontoparietal cortex is responsible for the selection process, and that each cortical hemisphere represents one of the two rivalling percepts.  相似文献   

Meng Q  Cui D  Zhou K  Chen L  Ma Y 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33053
Mounting psychophysical evidence suggests that early visual computations are sensitive to the topological properties of stimuli, such as the determination of whether the object has a hole or not. Previous studies have demonstrated that the hole feature took some advantages during conscious perception. In this study, we investigate whether there exists a privileged processing for hole stimuli during unconscious perception. By applying a continuous flash suppression paradigm, the target was gradually introduced to one eye to compete against a flashed full contrast Mondrian pattern which was presented to the other eye. This method ensured that the target image was suppressed during the initial perceptual period. We compared the initial suppressed duration between the stimuli with and without the hole feature and found that hole stimuli required less time than no-hole stimuli to gain dominance against the identical suppression noise. These results suggest the hole feature could be processed in the absence of awareness, and there exists a privileged detection of hole stimuli during suppressed phase in the interocular rivalry.  相似文献   

Manousakis E 《Bio Systems》2012,109(2):115-125
We have carried out binocular rivalry experiments with a large number of subjects to obtain high quality statistics on probability distribution of dominance duration (PDDD) for two cases where (a) the rival stimulus is continuously presented and (b) the rival stimulus is periodically removed, with stimulus-on and stimulus-off intervals T(on) and T(off) respectively. In the present study we have chosen to study the regime of relatively long stimulus-on time, i.e., T(on)> 1s, where the stimulus presentation duration is significantly longer than the human reaction and recognition time. In the case of periodically removed stimulus, the total probability for percept reversal during each of the successive stimulus-on intervals T(on) can be predicted using the PDDD for continuous viewing. More importantly, this total probability for percept reversal during any stimulus-on interval is independent of the length T(off) of the preceding blank time, which can be quite long. We argue that this suggests that, in the regime of long T(on) and T(off) considered here, the variables representing the perceptual state do not change significantly during long blank intervals. We discuss that these findings impose challenges to theoretical models which aim at describing visual perception.  相似文献   

When the left and the right eye are simultaneously presented with incompatible images at overlapping retinal locations, an observer typically reports perceiving only one of the two images at a time. This phenomenon is called binocular rivalry. Perception during binocular rivalry is not stable; one of the images is perceptually dominant for a certain duration (typically in the order of a few seconds) after which perception switches towards the other image. This alternation between perceptual dominance and suppression will continue for as long the images are presented. A characteristic of binocular rivalry is that a perceptual transition from one image to the other generally occurs in a gradual manner: the image that was temporarily suppressed will regain perceptual dominance at isolated locations within the perceived image, after which its visibility spreads throughout the whole image. These gradual transitions from perceptual suppression to perceptual dominance have been labeled as traveling waves of perceptual dominance. In this study we investigate whether stimulus parameters affect the location at which a traveling wave starts. We varied the contrast, spatial frequency or motion speed in one of the rivaling images, while keeping the same parameter constant in the other image. We used a flash-suppression paradigm to force one of the rival images into perceptual suppression. Observers waited until the suppressed image became perceptually dominant again, and indicated the position at which this breakthrough from suppression occurred. Our results show that the starting point of a traveling wave during binocular rivalry is highly dependent on local stimulus parameters. More specifically, a traveling wave most likely started at the location where the contrast of the suppressed image was higher than that of the dominant one, the spatial frequency of the suppressed image was lower than that of the dominant one, and the motion speed of the suppressed image was higher than that of the dominant one. We suggest that a breakthrough from suppression to dominance occurs at the location where salience (the degree to which a stimulus element stands out relative to neighboring elements) of the suppressed image is higher than that of the dominant one. Our results further show that stimulus parameters affecting the temporal dynamics during continuous viewing of rival images described in other studies, also affect the spatial origin of traveling waves during binocular rivalry.  相似文献   

We view the world with two eyes and yet are typically only aware of a single, coherent image. Arguably the simplest explanation for this is that the visual system unites the two monocular stimuli into a common stream that eventually leads to a single coherent sensation. However, this notion is inconsistent with the well-known phenomenon of rivalry; when physically different stimuli project to the same retinal location, the ensuing perception alternates between the two monocular views in space and time. Although fundamental for understanding the principles of binocular vision and visual awareness, the mechanisms under-lying binocular rivalry remain controversial. Specifically, there is uncertainty about what determines whether monocular images undergo fusion or rivalry. By taking advantage of the perceptual phenomenon of color contrast, we show that physically identical monocular stimuli tend to rival-not fuse-when they signify different objects at the same location in visual space. Conversely, when physically different monocular stimuli are likely to represent the same object at the same location in space, fusion is more likely to result. The data suggest that what competes for visual awareness in the two eyes is not the physical similarity between images but the similarity in their perceptual/empirical meaning.  相似文献   

Early flight phase (approximately 40 m) of the athletes participating in the final round of the individual large hill ski jumping competition in Salt Lake City Olympics was filmed with two high-speed pan & tilt video cameras. The results showed that jumpers' steady flight position was almost completed within 0.5s. The most significant correlation with the length of the jump was found in the angle between the skis and body (r=.714, p.001 at 1.1s after the take-off). This particular phase seemed to be important because the ski angle of attack was also related to the jumping distance at the same phase. Although the more upright ski position relative to flight path resulted in longer jumping distance, the winner of the competition had significantly lower ski position as compared to the other good jumpers. This may be due to the high altitude (>2000 m) of the ski jumping stadium in this competition. Because of the low air density, the aerodynamic forces were also low and this probably caused less skillful jumpers to lean too much forward at this phase. Maintenance of speed seemed to be emphasized in this particular competition.  相似文献   

Although phagocytes appear to have a redundancy of both oxidative and non-oxidative killing mechanisms, nevertheless, bacterial pathogens are still able to evade these defenses in vivo and cause lethal infection. As the mechanisms by which phagocytes function have become detailed at the molecular level, both the recognition of specific bacterial virulence determinants and their effects at specific sites in the phagocyte are also being identified. Knowledge of these interactions may permit the use of immunomodulators either to neutralize these virulence determinants or to enhance the bactericidal capabilities of the phagocyte.  相似文献   

Bacteria-phagocyte interactions: emerging tactics in an ancient rivalry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Although phagocytes appear to have a redundancy of both oxidative and non-oxidative killing mechanisms, nevertheless, bacterial pathogens are still able to evade these defenses in vivo and cause lethal infection. As the mechanisms by which phagocytes function have become detailed at the molecular level, both the recognition of specific bacterial virulence determinants and their effects at specific sites in the phagocytes are also being identified. Knowledge of these interactions may permit the use of immunomodulators either to neutralize these virulence determinants or to enhance the bacterial capabilities of the phagocyte.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus undergoes irreversible fragmentation during apoptosis, in part as a result of caspase-mediated cleavage of several Golgi-associated proteins. However, Golgi structure and orientation is also regulated by the cytoskeleton and cytoskeletal changes have been implicated in inducing apoptosis. Consequently, we have analyzed the role of actin filaments and microtubules in apoptotic Golgi fragmentation. We demonstrate that in Fas receptor-activated cells, fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus was an early event that coincided with release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. Significantly, Golgi fragmentation preceded major changes in the organization of both the actin cytoskeleton and microtubules. In staurosporine-treated cells, actin filament organization was rapidly disrupted; however, the Golgi apparatus maintained its juxtanuclear localization and underwent complete fragmentation only at later times. Attempts to stabilize actin filaments with jasplakinolide prior to treatment with staurosporine did not prevent Golgi fragmentation. Finally, in response to Fas receptor activation or staurosporine treatment the levels of beta-actin or alpha-tubulin remained unaltered, whereas several Golgi proteins, p115 and golgin-160, underwent caspase-mediated cleavage. Our data demonstrate that breakdown of the Golgi apparatus is an early event during apoptosis that occurs independently of major changes to the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Although light is considered the primary entrainer of circadian rhythms in humans, nonphotic stimuli, including exercise and melatonin also phase shift the biological clock. Furthermore, in birds and nonhuman mammals, auditory stimuli are effective zeitgebers. This study investigated whether a nonphotic auditory stimulus phase shifts human circadian rhythms. Ten subjects (5 men and 5 women, ages 18-72, mean age +/- SD, 44.7 +/- 21.4 yr) completed two 4-day laboratory sessions in constant dim light (<20 lux). They received two consecutive presentations of either a 2-h auditory or control stimulus from 0100 to 0300 on the second and third nights (presentation order of the stimulus and control was counterbalanced). Core body temperature (CBT) was collected and stored in 2-min bins throughout the study and salivary melatonin was obtained every 30 min from 1900 to 2330 on the baseline and poststimulus/postcontrol nights. Circadian phase of dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) and of CBT minimum, before and after auditory or control presentation was assessed. The auditory stimulus produced significantly larger phase delays of the circadian melatonin (mean +/- SD, -0.89 +/- 0.40 h vs. -0.27 +/- 0.16 h) and CBT (-1.16 +/- 0.69 h vs. -0.44 +/- 0.27 h) rhythms than the control. Phase changes for the two circadian rhythms also positively correlated, indicating direct effects on the biological clock. In addition, the auditory stimulus significantly decreased fatigue compared with the control. This study is the first demonstration of an auditory stimulus phase-shifting circadian rhythms in humans, with shifts similar in size and direction to those of other nonphotic stimuli presented during the early subjective night. This novel stimulus may be a useful countermeasure to facilitate circadian adaptation after transmeridian travel or shift work.  相似文献   

Perceptual multistability is a phenomenon in which alternate interpretations of a fixed stimulus are perceived intermittently. Although correlates between activity in specific cortical areas and perception have been found, the complex patterns of activity and the underlying mechanisms that gate multistable perception are little understood. Here, we present a neural field competition model in which competing states are represented in a continuous feature space. Bifurcation analysis is used to describe the different types of complex spatio-temporal dynamics produced by the model in terms of several parameters and for different inputs. The dynamics of the model was then compared to human perception investigated psychophysically during long presentations of an ambiguous, multistable motion pattern known as the barberpole illusion. In order to do this, the model is operated in a parameter range where known physiological response properties are reproduced whilst also working close to bifurcation. The model accounts for characteristic behaviour from the psychophysical experiments in terms of the type of switching observed and changes in the rate of switching with respect to contrast. In this way, the modelling study sheds light on the underlying mechanisms that drive perceptual switching in different contrast regimes. The general approach presented is applicable to a broad range of perceptual competition problems in which spatial interactions play a role.  相似文献   

Perceptual bistability occurs when a physical stimulus gives rise to two distinct interpretations that alternate irregularly. Noise and adaptation processes are two possible mechanisms for switching in neuronal competition models that describe the alternating behaviors. Either of these processes, if strong enough, could alone cause the alternations in dominance. We examined their relative role in producing alternations by studying models where by smoothly varying the parameters, one can change the rhythmogenesis mechanism from being adaptation-driven to noise-driven. In consideration of the experimental constraints on the statistics of the alternations (mean and shape of the dominance duration distribution and correlations between successive durations) we ask whether we can rule out one of the mechanisms. We conclude that in order to comply with the observed mean of the dominance durations and their coefficient of variation, the models must operate within a balance between the noise and adaptation strength—both mechanisms are involved in producing alternations, in such a way that the system operates near the boundary between being adaptation-driven and noise-driven.  相似文献   

We introduce a neural network model of an early visual cortical area, in order to understand better results of psychophysical experiments concerning perceptual learning during odd element (pop-out) detection tasks (Ahissar and Hochstein, 1993, 1994a).The model describes a network, composed of orientation selective units, arranged in a hypercolumn structure, with receptive field properties modeled from real monkey neurons. Odd element detection is a final pattern of activity with one (or a few) salient units active. The learning algorithm used was the Associative reward-penalty (Ar-p) algorithm of reinforcement learning (Barto and Anandan, 1985), following physiological data indicating the role of supervision in cortical plasticity.Simulations show that network performance improves dramatically as the weights of inter-unit connections reach a balance between lateral iso-orientation inhibition, and facilitation from neighboring neurons with different preferred orientations. The network is able to learn even from chance performance, and in the presence of a large amount of noise in the response function. As additional tests of the model, we conducted experiments with human subjects in order to examine learning strategy and test model predictions.  相似文献   

An infant showing an unusual combination of craniofacial abnormalities is described. Synotia, astomia, a rudimentary proboscis, and a central placode in the hairline were observed. Serial sections of the head were examined microscopically. The proboscis contained a mass of striated muscle, but no bony or nervous tissue. Cyclopia was suggested by the central placode, the latter consisting of a thin, stratified, squamous nonkeratinized epithelium attached to an incomplete orbit by a strand of connective tissue. The orbit consisted of a bony shelf with bundles of nerves, striated muscle, and degenerate retinal tissue. The central nervous system cranial to the hindbrain was poorly developed. The midbrain and diencephalon were rudimentary, and there was poor separation of the small cerebral hemispheres. The auditory system was well represented. The maxilla and mandible were present, but there was no evidence of tooth formation. The wide range of midline abnormalities and anodontia suggest that this is a case of cranial neural crest deficiency.  相似文献   

Choroidal osteomas are benign osseous tumors of the choroid. These tumors typically occur unilaterally in the juxtapapillary region in young, healthy, white females. The fundus appearance is a yellow-white or orange-red elevated lesion with sharply demarcated irregular borders. Potential complications include growth and visual compromise secondary to choroidal neovascularization. Management involves photodocumentation with annual funduscopic examination and daily Amsler Grid self assessment. Laser photocoagulation is advocated in the presence of choroidal neovascularization within the arcades. A 70-year-old male presented with a unilateral subretinal elevated yellow-orange mass. Although atypical in presentation, the lesion was diagnosed as a choroidal osteoma based on the funduscopic appearance, computed tomography, ultrasonography and serologic testing.  相似文献   

Guinea pig lungs were infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis by intratracheal route and examined under electron microscope to investigate the morphological alterations of the organisms, if any, and the response of the host tissue. The bacilli showed no changes in their morphology, while the host tissues revealed several cells containing many electron-dense intracytoplasmic granules. These cells were predominantly seen during the 1st week of infection. The electron-dense bodies of these cells may be the ones observed by earlier workers and suggested to be the altered forms of tubercle bacilli. The present investigation, however, revealed them to be the granules of the mast cells. These cells were observed to respond to tuberculous infection during the first few days by appearing in large numbers crowded with intracytoplasmic granules and soon disintegrating as the result of subsequent degranulation. The above observation is presented and its significance discussed.  相似文献   

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