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Diffusion plays an important role in the transport of nutrients and signaling molecules in cartilaginous tissues. Diffusion coefficients can be measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Available methods to analyze FRAP data, however, assume homogeneity in the environment of the bleached area and neglect geometrical restrictions to diffusion. Hence, diffusion coefficients in inhomogeneous materials, such as most biological tissues, cannot be assessed accurately. In this study, a new method for analyzing data from FRAP measurements has been developed, which is applicable to inhomogeneous tissues. It is based on a fitting procedure of the intensity recovery after photobleaching with a two-dimensional finite element analysis, which includes Fick's law for diffusion. The finite element analysis can account for distinctive diffusivity in predefined zones, which allows determining diffusion coefficients in inhomogeneous samples. The method is validated theoretically and experimentally in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous tissues and subsequently applied to the proliferation zone of the growth plate. Finally, the importance of accounting for inhomogeneities, for appropriate assessment of diffusivity in inhomogeneous tissues, is illustrated. 相似文献
Cellulases are enzymes capable of depolymerizing cellulose. Understanding their interactions with cellulose can improve biomass saccharification and enzyme recycling in biofuel production. This paper presents a study on binding and binding reversibility of Thermobifida fusca cellulases Cel5A, Cel6B, and Cel9A bound onto Bacterial Microcrystalline Cellulose. Cellulase binding was assessed through fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) at 23, 34, and 45 °C. It was found that cellulase binding is only partially reversible. For processive cellulases Cel6B and Cel9A, an increase in temperature resulted in a decrease of the fraction of cellulases reversibly bound, while for endocellulase Cel5A this fraction remained constant. Kinetic parameters were obtained by fitting the FRAP curves to a binding-dominated model. The unbinding rate constants obtained for all temperatures were highest for Cel5A and lowest for Cel9A. The results presented demonstrate the usefulness of FRAP to access the fast binding kinetics characteristic of cellulases operating at their optimal temperature. 相似文献
Bioimaging: the visualisation, localisation and tracking of movement of specific molecules in cells using microscopy has become an increasing field of interest within life science research. For this, the availability of fluorescent and electron-dense markers for light and electron microscopy, respectively, is an essential tool to attach to the molecules of interest. In recent years, there has been an increasing effort to combine light and electron microscopy in a single experiment. Such correlative light electron microscopy (CLEM) experiments thus rely on using markers that are both fluorescent and electron dense. Unfortunately, there are very few markers that possess both these properties. Markers for light microscopy such as green fluorescent protein are generally not directly visible in the electron microscopy and vice versa for gold particles. Hence, there has been an intensive search for markers that are directly visible both in the light microscope and in the electron microscope. Here we discuss some of the strategies and pitfalls that are associated with the use of CLEM markers, which might serve as a “warning” that new probes should be extensively tested before use. We focus on the use of CLEM markers for the study of intracellular transport and specifically endocytosis. 相似文献
N. Thorball 《Histochemistry and cell biology》1981,71(2):209-233
Summary Coupling fluorescein-isothiocyanate to dextrans (FITC-D) extends the usefulness of the dextrans as electron microscopic tracer particles by permitting preceding fluorescence stereo microscopy and high-power light microscopy of the tissue specimens. The fate of the tracer may thus be studied in vivo during the experiment, during fixation, and during the succeeding tissue processing. A study of some simple physicochemical characteristics of the tracer, and the influence, if any, of the fixing agent are also made possible. FITC-D was found to be uncharged in the pH range from 6.5 to 8.5, more rapidly precipitated by acetone than by alcohol, and to react with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide in an unknown way during tissue fixation. FITC-D with molecular weights 70,000 and 150,000 showed no signs of diffusion during tissue preparation with the methods reported in the paper, whereas FITC-D 40,000 did so to a slight degree, when the tissue was kept for several days in the fixative vehicle. Securing the preservation of the lower molecular weight FITC-Ds during tissue fixation and preparation is more difficult and the described methods are not adequate. Dextrans provoke an anaphylactic reaction in most rat strains, but are well tolerated by Wistar Furth rats. The introduction of FITC into the dextran molecule might alter the biological reactions, but was also well tolerated by Wistar Furth rats. Combined fluorescence stereo microscopy, fluorescence microscopy of sections, light microscopy of stained sections and electron microscopy made it possible to follow a particular microcirculatory area, selected in vivo, to the final study in the electron microscope. 相似文献
N Thorball 《Histochemistry》1981,71(2):209-233
Coupling fluorescein-isothiocyanate to dextrans (FITC-D) extends the usefulness of the dextrans as electron microscopic tracer particles by permitting preceding fluorescence stereo microscopy and high-power light microscopy of the tissue specimens. The fate of the tracer may thus be studied in vivo during the experiment, during fixation, and during the succeeding tissue processing. A study of some simple physicochemical characteristics of the tracer, and the influence, if any, of the fixing agent are also made possible. FITC-D was found to be uncharged in the pH range from 6.5 to 8.5, more rapidly precipitated by acetone than by alcohol, and to react with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide in an unknown way during tissue fixation. FITC-D with molecular weights 70,000 and 150,000 showed no signs of diffusion during tissue preparation with the methods reported in the paper, whereas FITC-D 40,000 did so to a slight degree, when the tissue was kept for several days in the fixative vehicle. Securing the preservation of the lower molecular weight FITC-Ds during tissue fixation and preparation is more difficult and the described methods are not adequate. Dextrans provoke an anaphylactic reaction in most rat strains, but are well tolerated by Wistar Furth rats. The introduction of FITC into the dextran molecule might alter the biological reactions, but was also well tolerated by Wistar Furth rats. Combined fluorescence stereo microscopy, fluorescence microscopy of sections, light microscopy of strained sections and electron microscopy made it possible to follow a particular microcirculatory area, selected in vivo, to the final study in the electron microscope. 相似文献
The determination of diffusion coefficients from fluorescence recovery data is often complicated by geometric constraints imposed by the complex shapes of intracellular compartments. To address this issue, diffusion of proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is studied using cell biological and computational methods. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments are performed in tissue culture cells expressing GFP-KDEL, a soluble, fluorescent protein, in the ER lumen. The three-dimensional (3D) shape of the ER is determined by confocal microscopy and computationally reconstructed. Within these ER geometries diffusion of solutes is simulated using the method of particle strength exchange. The simulations are compared to experimental FRAP curves of GFP-KDEL in the same ER region. Comparisons of simulations in the 3D ER shapes to simulations in open 3D space show that the constraints imposed by the spatial confinement result in two- to fourfold underestimation of the molecular diffusion constant in the ER if the geometry is not taken into account. Using the same molecular diffusion constant in different simulations, the observed speed of fluorescence recovery varies by a factor of 2.5, depending on the particular ER geometry and the location of the bleached area. Organelle shape considerably influences diffusive transport and must be taken into account when relating experimental photobleaching data to molecular diffusion coefficients. This novel methodology combines experimental FRAP curves with high accuracy computer simulations of diffusion in the same ER geometry to determine the molecular diffusion constant of the solute in the particular ER lumen. 相似文献
Xiaojun Xu Yanhong Xue Buyun Tian Fengping Feng Lusheng Gu Weixing Li Wei Ji Tao Xu 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2018,61(11):1312-1319
Remarkable progress in correlative light and electron cryo-microscopy(cryo-CLEM) has been made in the past decade. A crucial component for cryo-CLEM is a dedicated cryo-fluorescence microscope(cryo-FM). Here, we describe an ultra-stable superresolution cryo-FM that exhibits excellent thermal and mechanical stability. The temperature fluctuations in 10 h are less than0.06 K, and the mechanical drift over 5 h is less than 200 nm in three dimensions. We have demonstrated the super-resolution imaging capability of this system(average single molecule localization accuracy of ~13.0 nm). The results suggest that our system is particularly suitable for long-term observations, such as single molecule localization microscopy(SMLM) and cryogenic super-resolution correlative light and electron microscopy(csCLEM). 相似文献
Irawati K Kandela Reiner Bleher Ralph M Albrecht 《The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry》2007,55(10):983-990
Multiple correlative immunolabeling permits colocalization of molecular species for sequential observation of the same sample in light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). This technique allows rapid evaluation of labeling via LM, prior to subsequent time-consuming preparation and observation with transmission electric microscopy (TEM). The procedure also yields two different complementary data sets. In LM, different fluorophores are distinguished by their respective excitation and emission wavelengths. In EM, colloidal metal nanoparticles of different elemental composition can be differentiated and mapped by energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy with electron spectroscopic imaging. For the highest level of spatial resolution in TEM, colloidal metal particles were conjugated directly to primary antibodies. For LM, fluorophores were conjugated to secondary antibodies, which did not affect the spatial resolution attainable by fluorescence microscopy but placed the fluorophore at a sufficient distance from the metal particle to limit quenching of the fluorescence signal. It also effectively kept the fluorophore at a sufficient distance from the colloidal metal particles, which resulted in limiting quenching of the fluorescent signal. Two well-defined model systems consisting of myosin and alpha-actinin bands of skeletal muscle tissue and also actin and alpha-actinin of human platelets in ultrathin Epon sections were labeled using both fluorophores (Cy2 and Cy3) as markers for LM and equally sized colloidal gold (cAu) and colloidal palladium (cPd) particles as reporters for TEM. Each sample was labeled by a mixture of conjugates or labels and observed by LM, then further processed for TEM. 相似文献
Ying Ren Michael J Kruhlak David P Bazett-Jones 《The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry》2003,51(5):605-612
Correlative imaging of a specific cell with both the light microscope and the electron microscope has proved to be a difficult task, requiring enormous amounts of patience and technical skill. We describe a technique with a high rate of success, which can be used to identify a particular cell in the light microscope and then to embed and thin-section it for electron microscopy. The technique also includes a method to obtain many uninterrupted, thin serial sections for imaging by conventional or energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy, to obtain images for 3D analysis of detail at the suborganelle level. 相似文献
Membrane fluidity of human cheek cells was determined using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and steady-state fluorescence anisotropy. The FRAP data showed that the lateral diffusion coefficient (D) and mobile fraction (%R) of lipid in the plasma membrane of control cells were 2.01×10–9 cm2/ sec and 54.25%, respectively. Trypsin treatment increased D and %R to 6.4×10–9 cm2/sec and 72.15%. In contrast, the anisotropy (r) for control cells was 0.270 which remained unchanged by trypsin treatment. The results show that diffusion of lipids in the plane of the membrane is restricted by trypsin-sensitive barriers. 相似文献
We applied a fluorescent ultrasmall immunogold probe, FluoroNanogold (FNG), to immunocytochemistry on ultrathin cryosections. FNG has the properties of both a fluorescent dye-conjugated antibody for fluorescence microscopy and a gold particle-conjugated antibody for electron microscopy. Therefore, this bifunctional immunoprobe permits correlative microscopic observation of the same cell profiles labeled in a single labeling procedure by these two imaging methods. We demonstrate the utility of FNG as a secondary antibody for immunocytochemical labeling of myeloperoxidase (a marker protein for azurophilic granules) in ultrathin cryosectioned human neutrophils. Its detection requires high spatial resolution because neutrophils contain many cytoplasmic granules. There was a one-to-one relationship between fluorescent structures labeled with FNG and organelle profiles labeled with the same silver-enhanced FNG in ultrathin cryosections. Use of FNG immunocytochemistry on ultrathin cryosections is an ideal methodology for high-resolution correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy and can provide unique information that may be difficult to obtain with a single imaging regimen. 相似文献
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching has been an established technique of quantifying the mobility of molecular species in cells and cell membranes for more than 30 years. However, under nonideal experimental conditions, the current methods of analysis still suffer from occasional problems; for example, when the signal/noise ratio is low, when there are temporal fluctuations in the illumination, or when there is bleaching during the recovery process. We here present a method of analysis that overcomes these problems, yielding accurate results even under nonideal experimental conditions. The method is based on circular averaging of each image, followed by spatial frequency analysis of the averaged radial data, and requires no prior knowledge of the shape of the bleached area. The method was validated using both simulated and experimental fluorescence recovery after photobleaching data, illustrating that the diffusion coefficient of a single diffusing component can be determined to within ∼1%, even for small signal levels (100 photon counts), and that at typical signal levels (5000 photon counts) a system with two diffusion coefficients can be analyzed with <10% error. 相似文献
Theory of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements on cylindrical surfaces.

D E Wolf 《Biophysical journal》1992,61(2):487-493
The theory of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements of isotropic diffusion on a cylindrical surface is developed for Gaussian beam illumination centered perpendicular to an infinitely-long cylinder. A general analytical solution is obtained which is a function of the ratio of the cylindrical radius (r) to the beam exp [-2] radius omega. Numerical analysis of this solution demonstrates that significant deviations from one dimensional recovery are observed for omega less than 3r and from two-dimensional recovery for omega greater than or equal to 0.5r. Numerical data and an algorithm for analysis of recovery data where 0.5r less than or equal to omega less than or equal to 3r is presented. 相似文献
Effect of concentration quenching on fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements.

Standard analysis of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) data is valid only if the quantum yield of unphotobleached fluorophores is independent of concentration, yet close molecular packing in two-dimensional systems may lead to significant fluorescence concentration quenching. Using total internal reflection fluorescence, we quantified the surface concentration dependence of the relative quantum yield of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled proteins adsorbed to polymeric surfaces before performing measurements of fluorescence recovery after pattern photobleaching. Adsorbed layers of FITC-labeled ribonuclease A displayed significant concentration quenching, and thus the standard FRAP analysis method was unacceptable. We present an extended FRAP analysis procedure that accounts for the changing quantum yield of diffusing fluorophores in systems that are influenced by concentration quenching. The extended analysis shows that if concentration quenching conditions prevail, there may be significant error in the transport parameters obtained from FRAP measurements by using the standard procedures. 相似文献
Three-dimensional fluorescence recovery after photobleaching with the confocal scanning laser microscope

Confocal scanning laser microscopes (CSLMs) are equipped with the feature to photobleach user-defined regions. This makes them a handy tool to perform fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) measurements. To allow quantification of such FRAP experiments, a three-dimensional model has been developed that describes the fluorescence recovery process for a disk-shaped geometry that is photobleached by the scanning beam of a CSLM. First the general mathematical basis is outlined describing the bleaching process for an arbitrary geometry bleached by a scanning laser beam. Next, these general expressions are applied to the bleaching by a CSLM of a disk-shaped geometry and an analytical solution is derived that describes three-dimensional fluorescence recovery in the bleached area as observed by the CSLM. The FRAP model is validated through both the Stokes-Einstein relation and the comparison of the measured diffusion coefficients with their theoretical estimates. Finally, the FRAP model is used to characterize the transport of FITC-dextrans through bulk three-dimensional biological materials: vitreous body isolated from bovine eyes, and lung sputum expectorated by cystic fibrosis patients. The decrease in the diffusion coefficient relative to its value in solution was dependent on the size of the FITC-dextrans in vitreous, whereas it was size-independent in cystic fibrosis sputum. 相似文献
Obstructed diffusion in phase-separated supported lipid bilayers: a combined atomic force microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching approach

Proteins and other macromolecules are believed to hinder molecular lateral diffusion in cellular membranes. We have constructed a well-characterized model system to better understand how obstacles in lipid bilayers obstruct diffusion. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching was used to measure the lateral diffusion coefficient in single supported bilayers composed of mixtures of 1,2-dilauroylphosphotidylcholine (DLPC) and 1,2-distearoylphosphotidylcholine (DSPC). Because these lipids are immiscible and phase separate at room temperature, a novel quenching technique allowed us to construct fluid DLPC bilayers containing small disk-shaped gel-phase DSPC domains that acted as obstacles to lateral diffusion. Our experimental setup enabled us to analyze the same samples with atomic force microscopy and exactly characterize the size, shape, and number of gel-phase domains before measuring the obstacle-dependent diffusion coefficient. Lateral obstructed diffusion was found to be dependent on obstacle area fraction, size, and geometry. Analysis of our results using a free area diffusion model shows the possibility of unexpected long-range ordering of fluid-phase lipids around the gel-phase obstacles. This lipid ordering has implications for lipid-mediated protein interactions in cellular membranes. 相似文献
Cellular signal transduction is dynamic, with signaling proteins continually associating and dissociating into and from protein complexes. Here we present a fluorescence recovery after photobleaching technique to determine the lifetime of protein complexes on intracellular vesicles. We use Bayesian inference based on a model that includes the diffusion of cytosolic proteins and their interaction with membrane-bound receptors. Our analysis is general: we incorporate prior information on protein diffusion, measurement error in determining fluorescence intensities, corrections for photobleaching, and variation in the concentration of receptors between vesicles. We apply our method to the complexes formed on endosomes by G-protein-coupled receptors and the protein β-arrestin. The lifetime of these complexes determines the recycling rate of the receptors. We find in mammalian cells that the bradykinin type 2 receptor and β-arrestin2 complex has a lifetime of ∼2 min, while the angiotensin II type 1A receptor and β-arrestin2 complex has a lifetime of ∼6 min. As well as allowing quantitative comparisons between experiments, our method provides in vivo parameters for systems biology simulations of signaling networks. 相似文献
Quantification of transport and binding parameters using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Potential for in vivo applications. 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1

Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) has been used extensively in the study of transport and binding in biological media in vitro. The present study adapts and further develops FRAP so that it may be utilized for the in vivo quantification of binding parameters. The technique is validated in vitro by measuring mass transport and binding parameters for the Concanavalin A/Mannose binding system (a diffusion-limited system). The pseudo-equilibrium constant (the product of the equilibrium constant and the total concentration of binding sites) for this system was determined to be 26 +/- 15 which compares favorably with literature values ranging between 16 and 32. The applicability of this technique to measure parameters for monoclonal antibody/antigen interactions in a thin tissue preparation such as the rabbit ear chamber tissue preparation is also examined. Unlike other methods for measuring binding parameters, this is the only technique which has the potential to measure parameters relevant to antibody delivery in vivo. The proposed technique is noninvasive and does not require a priori knowledge of, independent measurement of, or variation in the concentration of binding sites or total concentration of binding species. 相似文献