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This study investigated the effects of prolonged exercise performed in normoxia (N) and hypoxia (H) on neuromuscular fatigue, membrane excitability, and Na+-K+ -ATPase activity in working muscle. Ten untrained volunteers [peak oxygen consumption (Vo2peak) = 42.1 +/- 2.8 (SE) ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)] performed 90 min of cycling during N (inspired oxygen fraction = 0.21) and during H (inspired oxygen fraction = 0.14) at approximately 50% of normoxic Vo2peak. During N, 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity (nmol x mg protein(-1) x h(-1)) in vastus lateralis, used as a measure of Na+-K+-ATPase activity, decreased (P < 0.05) by 21% at 30 min of exercise compared with rest (101 +/- 53 vs. 79.6 +/- 4.3) with no further reductions observed at 90 min (72.8 +/- 8.0). During H, similar reductions (P < 0.05) were observed during the first 30 min (90.8 +/- 5.3 vs. 79.0 +/- 6.3) followed by further reductions (P < 0.05) at 90 min (50.5 +/- 3.9). Exercise in N resulted in reductions (P < 0.05) in both quadriceps maximal voluntary contractile force (MVC; 633 +/- 50 vs. 477 +/- 67 N) and force at low frequencies of stimulation, namely 10 Hz (142 +/- 16 vs. 86.7 +/- 10 N) and 20 Hz (283 +/- 32 vs. 236 +/- 31 N). No changes were observed in the amplitude, duration, and area of the muscle compound action potential (M wave). Exercise in H was without additional effect in altering MVC, low-frequency force, and M-wave properties. It is concluded that, although exercise in H resulted in a greater inactivation of Na+-K+-ATPase activity compared with N, neuromuscular fatigue and membrane excitability are not differentially altered.  相似文献   

The early plasticity of vastus lateralis Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase to the abrupt onset of prolonged submaximal cycling was studied in 12 untrained participants (Vo(2 peak) 44.8 +/- 2.0 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), mean +/- SE) using a 6-day protocol (3 days of exercise plus 3 days of recovery). Tissue samples were extracted prior to (Pre) and following exercise (Post) on day 1 (E1) and day 3 (E3) and on each day of recovery (R1, R2, R3) and analyzed for changes in maximal protein (beta(max)) (vanadate-facilitated [(3)H]ouabain binding), alpha- and beta-isoform concentration (quantitative immunoblotting) and maximal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity (V(max)) (3-O-methylfluorescein K(+)-stimulated phosphatase assay). For beta(max) (pmol/g wet wt), an increase (P < 0.05) of 11.8% was observed at R1 compared with E1-Pre (340 +/- 14 vs 304 +/- 17). For the alpha-isoforms alpha(1), alpha(2), and alpha(3), increases (P < 0.05) of 46, 42, and 31% were observed at R1, respectively. For the beta-isoform, beta(1) and beta(2) increased (P < 0.05) by 19 and 28% at R1, whereas beta(3) increased (P < 0.05) by 18% at R2. With the exception of alpha(2) and alpha(3), the increases in the isoforms persisted at R3. Exercise resulted in an average decrease (P < 0.05) in V(max) by 14.3%. No differences were observed in V(max) at E1 - Pre and E3 - Pre or between R1, R2, and R3. It is concluded that 3 days of prolonged exercise is a powerful stimulus for the rapid upregulation of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase subunit isoforms. Contrary to our hypothesis, the increase in subunit expression is not accompanied by increases in the maximal catalytic activity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a 16-h protocol of heavy intermittent exercise on the intrinsic activity and protein and isoform content of skeletal muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. The protocol consisted of 6 min of exercise performed once per hour at approximately 91% peak aerobic power (Vo(2 peak)) with tissue sampling from vastus lateralis before (B) and immediately after repetitions 1 (R1), 2 (R2), 9 (R9), and 16 (R16). Eleven untrained volunteers with a Vo(2 peak) of 44.3 +/- 2.3 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) participated in the study. Maximal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity (V(max), in nmol x mg protein(-1) x h(-1)) as measured by the 3-O-methylfluorescein K(+)-stimulated phosphatase assay was reduced (P < 0.05) by approximately 15% with exercise regardless of the number of repetitions performed. In addition, V(max) at R9 and R16 was lower (P < 0.05) than at R1 and R2. Vanadate-facilitated [(3)H]ouabain determination of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase content (maximum binding capacity, pmol/g wet wt), although unaltered by exercise, increased (P < 0.05) 8.3% by R9 with no further increase observed at R16. Assessment of relative changes in isoform abundance measured at B as determined by quantitative immunoblotting showed a 26% increase (P < 0.05) in the alpha(2)-isoform by R2 and a 29% increase in alpha(3) by R9. At R16, beta(3) was lower (P < 0.05) than at R2 and R9. No changes were observed in alpha(1), beta(1), or beta(2). It is concluded that repeated sessions of heavy exercise, although resulting in increases in the alpha(2)- and alpha(3)-isoforms and decreases in beta(3)-isoform, also result in depression in maximal catalytic activity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of prolonged exercise, with and without glucose supplementation, on metabolism and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+)-handling properties in working vastus lateralis muscle. Fifteen untrained volunteers [peak O(2) consumption (Vo(2peak)) = 3.45 +/- 0.17 l/min; mean +/- SE] cycled at approximately 60% Vo(2peak) on two occasions, during which they were provided with either an artificially sweetened placebo beverage (NG) or a 6% glucose (G) beverage (~1.00 g carbohydrate/kg body mass). Beverage supplementation started at 30 min of exercise and continued every 15 min thereafter. SR Ca(2+) handling, metabolic, and substrate responses were assessed in tissue extracted from the vastus lateralis at rest, after 30 min and 90 min of exercise, and at fatigue in both conditions. Plasma glucose during G was 15-23% higher (P < 0.05) than those observed during NG following 60 min of exercise until fatigue. Cycle time to fatigue was increased (P < 0.05) by approximately 19% during G (137 +/- 7 min) compared with NG (115 +/- 6 min). Prolonged exercise reduced (P < 0.05) maximal Ca(2+)-ATPase activity (-18.4%), SR Ca(2+) uptake (-27%), and both Phase 1 (-22.2%) and Phase 2 (-34.2%) Ca(2+)-release rates during NG. The exercise-induced reductions in SR Ca(2+)-cycling properties were not altered during G. The metabolic responses to exercise were all unaltered by glucose supplementation, since no differences in respiratory exchange ratios, carbohydrate and lipid oxidation rates, and muscle metabolite and glycogen contents were observed between NG and G. These results indicate that the maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis by glucose supplementation is without effect in modifying the muscle metabolic, endogenous glycogen, or SR Ca(2+)-handling responses.  相似文献   

We investigated whether depressed muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity with exercise reflected a loss of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase units, the time course of its recovery postexercise, and whether this depressed activity was related to increased Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase isoform gene expression. Fifteen subjects performed fatiguing, knee extensor exercise at approximately 40% maximal work output per contraction. A vastus lateralis muscle biopsy was taken at rest, fatigue, 3 h, and 24 h postexercise and analyzed for maximal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity via 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase (3-O-MFPase) activity, Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase content via [(3)H]ouabain binding sites, and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha(1)-, alpha(2)-, alpha(3)-, beta(1)-, beta(2)- and beta(3)-isoform mRNA expression by real-time RT-PCR. Exercise [352 (SD 267) s] did not affect [(3)H]ouabain binding sites but decreased 3-O-MFPase activity by 10.7 (SD 8)% (P < 0.05), which had recovered by 3 h postexercise, without further change at 24 h. Exercise elevated alpha(1)-isoform mRNA by 1.5-fold at fatigue (P < 0.05). This increase was inversely correlated with the percent change in 3-O-MFPase activity from rest to fatigue (%Delta3-O-MFPase(rest-fatigue)) (r = -0.60, P < 0.05). The average postexercise (fatigue, 3 h, 24 h) alpha(1)-isoform mRNA was increased 1.4-fold (P < 0.05) and approached a significant inverse correlation with %Delta3-O-MFPase(rest-fatigue) (r = -0.56, P = 0.08). Exercise elevated alpha(2)-isoform mRNA at fatigue 2.5-fold (P < 0.05), which was inversely correlated with %Delta3-O-MFPase(rest-fatigue) (r = -0.60, P = 0.05). The average postexercise alpha(2)-isoform mRNA was increased 2.2-fold (P < 0.05) and was inversely correlated with the %Delta3-O-MFPase(rest-fatigue) (r = -0.68, P < 0.05). Nonsignificant correlations were found between %Delta3-O-MFPase(rest-fatigue) and other isoforms. Thus acute exercise transiently decreased Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, which was correlated with increased Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase gene expression. This suggests a possible signal-transduction role for depressed muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity with exercise.  相似文献   

Prolonged exhaustive submaximal exercise in humans induces marked metabolic changes, but little is known about effects on muscle Na+-K+-ATPase activity and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ regulation. We therefore investigated whether these processes were impaired during cycling exercise at 74.3 +/- 1.2% maximal O2 uptake (mean +/- SE) continued until fatigue in eight healthy subjects (maximal O2 uptake of 3.93 +/- 0.69 l/min). A vastus lateralis muscle biopsy was taken at rest, at 10 and 45 min of exercise, and at fatigue. Muscle was analyzed for in vitro Na+-K+-ATPase activity [maximal K+-stimulated 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase (3-O-MFPase) activity], Na+-K+-ATPase content ([3H]ouabain binding sites), sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release rate induced by 4 chloro-m-cresol, and Ca2+ uptake rate. Cycling time to fatigue was 72.18 +/- 6.46 min. Muscle 3-O-MFPase activity (nmol.min(-1).g protein(-1)) fell from rest by 6.6 +/- 2.1% at 10 min (P <0.05), by 10.7 +/- 2.3% at 45 min (P <0.01), and by 12.6 +/- 1.6% at fatigue (P <0.01), whereas 3[H]ouabain binding site content was unchanged. Ca2+ release (mmol.min(-1).g protein(-1)) declined from rest by 10.0 +/- 3.8% at 45 min (P <0.05) and by 17.9 +/- 4.1% at fatigue (P < 0.01), whereas Ca2+ uptake rate fell from rest by 23.8 +/- 12.2% at fatigue (P=0.05). However, the decline in muscle 3-O-MFPase activity, Ca2+ uptake, and Ca2+ release were variable and not significantly correlated with time to fatigue. Thus prolonged exhaustive exercise impaired each of the maximal in vitro Na+-K+-ATPase activity, Ca2+ release, and Ca2+ uptake rates. This suggests that acutely downregulated muscle Na+, K+, and Ca2+ transport processes may be important factors in fatigue during prolonged exercise in humans.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of hypoxia and incremental exercise on muscle contractility, membrane excitability, and maximal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, 10 untrained volunteers (age = 20 +/- 0.37 yr and weight = 80.0 +/- 3.54 kg; +/- SE) performed progressive cycle exercise to fatigue on two occasions: while breathing normal room air (Norm; Fi(O(2)) = 0.21) and while breathing a normobaric hypoxic gas mixture (Hypox; Fi(O(2)) = 0.14). Muscle samples extracted from the vastus lateralis before exercise and at fatigue were analyzed for maximal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase (K(+)-stimulated 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase) activity in homogenates. A 32% reduction (P < 0.05) in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity was observed (90.9 +/- 7.6 vs. 62.1 +/- 6.4 nmol.mg protein(-1).h(-1)) in Norm. At fatigue, the reductions in Hypox were not different (81 +/- 5.6 vs. 57.2 +/- 7.5 nmol.mg protein(-1).h(-1)) from Norm. Measurement of quadriceps neuromuscular function, assessed before and after exercise, indicated a generalized reduction (P < 0.05) in maximal voluntary contractile force (MVC) and in force elicited at all frequencies of stimulation (10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 Hz). In general, no differences were observed between Norm and Hypox. The properties of the compound action potential, amplitude, duration, and area, which represent the electromyographic response to a single, supramaximal stimulus, were not altered by exercise or oxygen condition when assessed both during and after the progressive cycle task. Progressive exercise, conducted in Hypox, results in an inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and reductions in MVC and force at different frequencies of stimulation; these results are not different from those observed with Norm. These changes occur in the absence of reductions in neuromuscular excitability.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the decrements in exercise performance in chronic heart failure (CHF) remain poorly understood, but it has been suggested that sarcolemmal alterations could contribute to the early onset of muscular fatigue. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that the maximal number of ouabain binding sites (B(max)) is reduced in the skeletal muscle of rats with CHF (Musch TI, Wolfram S, Hageman KS, and Pickar JG. J Appl Physiol 92: 2326-2334, 2002). These reductions may coincide with changes in the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase isoform (alpha and beta) expression. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that reductions in B(max) would coincide with alterations in the alpha- and beta-subunit expression of the sarcolemmal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase of rats with CHF. Moreover, we tested the hypothesis that exercise training would increase B(max) along with producing significant changes in alpha- and beta-subunit expression. Rats underwent a sham operation (sham; n = 10) or a surgically induced myocardial infarction followed by random assignment to either a control (MI; n = 16) or exercise training group (MI-T; n = 16). The MI-T rats performed exercise training (ET) for 6-8 wk. Hemodynamic indexes demonstrated that MI and MI-T rats suffered from severe left ventricular dysfunction and congestive CHF. Maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2 max)) and endurance capacity (run time to fatigue) were reduced in MI rats compared with sham. B(max) in the soleus and plantaris muscles and the expression of the alpha(2)-isoform of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in the red portion of the gastrocnemius (gastrocnemius(red)) muscle were reduced in MI rats. After ET, Vo(2 max) and run time to fatigue were increased in the MI-T group of rats. This coincided with increases in soleus and plantaris B(max) and the expression of the alpha(2)-isoform in the gastrocnemius(red) muscle. In addition, the expression of the beta(2)-isoform of the gastrocnemius(red) muscle was increased in the MI-T rats compared with their sedentary counterparts. This study demonstrates that CHF-induced alterations in skeletal muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, including B(max) and isoform expression, can be partially reversed by ET.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether chronic heart failure (CHF) results in changes in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase properties in heart and skeletal muscles of different fiber-type composition. Adult rats were randomly assigned to a control (Con; n = 8) or CHF (n = 8) group. CHF was induced by ligation of the left main coronary artery. Examination of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity (means +/- SE) 12 wk after the ligation measured, using the 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase assay (3-O-MFPase), indicated higher (P < 0.05) levels in soleus (Sol) (250 +/- 13 vs. 179 +/- 18 nmol.mg protein(-1).h(-1)) and lower (P < 0.05) levels in diaphragm (Dia) (200 +/- 12 vs. 272 +/- 27 nmol.mg protein(-1).h(-1)) and left ventricle (LV) (760 +/- 62 vs. 992 +/- 16 nmol.mg protein(-1).h(-1)) in CHF compared with Con, respectively. Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase protein content, measured by the [(3)H]ouabain binding technique, was higher (P < 0.05) in white gastrocnemius (WG) (166 +/- 12 vs. 135 +/- 7.6 pmol/g wet wt) and lower (P < 0.05) in Sol (193 +/- 20 vs. 260 +/- 8.6 pmol/g wet wt) and LV (159 +/- 10 vs. 221 +/- 10 pmol/g wet wt) in CHF compared with Con, respectively. Isoform content in CHF, measured by Western blot techniques, showed both increases (WG; P < 0.05) and decreases (Sol; P < 0.05) in alpha(1). For alpha(2), only increases [red gastrocnemius (RG), Sol, and Dia; P < 0.05] occurred. The beta(2)-isoform was decreased (LV, Sol, RG, and WG; P < 0.05) in CHF, whereas the beta(1) was both increased (WG and Dia; P < 0.05) and decreased (Sol and LV; P < 0.05). For beta(3), decreases (P < 0.05) in RG were observed in CHF, whereas no differences were found in Sol and WG between CHF and Con. It is concluded that CHF results in alterations in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase that are muscle specific and property specific. Although decreases in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase content would appear to explain the lower 3-O-MFPase in the LV, such does not appear to be the case in skeletal muscles where a dissociation between these properties was observed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of two different intense exercise training regimens on skeletal muscle ion transport systems, performance, and metabolic response to exercise. Thirteen subjects performed either sprint training [ST; 6-s sprints (n = 6)], or speed endurance training [SET; 30-s runs approximately 130% Vo(2 max), n = 7]. Training in the SET group provoked higher (P < 0.05) plasma K(+) levels and muscle lactate/H(+) accumulation. Only in the SET group was the amount of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 (31%) and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase isoform alpha(2) (68%) elevated (P < 0.05) after training. Both groups had higher (P < 0.05) levels of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase beta(1)-isoform and monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1), but no change in MCT4 and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha(1)-isoform. Both groups had greater (P < 0.05) accumulation of lactate during exhaustive exercise and higher (P < 0.05) rates of muscle lactate decrease after exercise. The ST group improved (P < 0.05) sprint performance, whereas the SET group elevated (P < 0.05) performance during exhaustive continuous treadmill running. Improvement in the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test was larger (P < 0.05) in the SET than ST group (29% vs. 10%). Only the SET group had a decrease (P < 0.05) in fatigue index during a repeated sprint test. In conclusion, turnover of lactate/H(+) and K(+) in muscle during exercise does affect the adaptations of some but not all related muscle ion transport proteins with training. Adaptations with training do have an effect on the metabolic response to exercise and specific improvement in work capacity.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether fatiguing dynamic exercise depresses maximal in vitro Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and whether any depression is attenuated with chronic training. Eight untrained (UT), eight resistance-trained (RT), and eight endurance-trained (ET) subjects performed a quadriceps fatigue test, comprising 50 maximal isokinetic contractions (180 degrees /s, 0.5 Hz). Muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis) were taken before and immediately after exercise and were analyzed for maximal in vitro Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase (K(+)-stimulated 3-O-methylfluoroscein phosphatase) activity. Resting samples were analyzed for [(3)H]ouabain binding site content, which was 16.6 and 18.3% higher (P < 0.05) in ET than RT and UT, respectively (UT 311 +/- 41, RT 302 +/- 52, ET 357 +/- 29 pmol/g wet wt). 3-O-methylfluoroscein phosphatase activity was depressed at fatigue by -13.8 +/- 4.1% (P < 0.05), with no differences between groups (UT -13 +/- 4, RT -9 +/- 6, ET -22 +/- 6%). During incremental exercise, ET had a lower ratio of rise in plasma K(+) concentration to work than UT (P < 0.05) and tended (P = 0.09) to be lower than RT (UT 18.5 +/- 2.3, RT 16.2 +/- 2.2, ET 11.8 +/- 0.4 nmol. l(-1). J(-1)). In conclusion, maximal in vitro Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity was depressed with fatigue, regardless of training state, suggesting that this may be an important determinant of fatigue.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase plays an important role in the maintenance of electrolyte balance in the working muscle and thus may contribute to endurance performance. This study aimed to investigate the associations between genetic variants at the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha2 locus and the response (Delta) of maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2 max)) and maximal power output (W(max)) to 20 wk of endurance training in 472 sedentary Caucasian subjects from 99 families. VO(2 max) and W(max) were measured during two maximal cycle ergometer exercise tests before and again after the training program, and restriction fragment length polymorphisms at the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha2 (exons 1 and 21-22 with Bgl II) gene were typed. Sibling-pair linkage analysis revealed marginal evidence for linkage between the alpha2 haplotype and DeltaVO(2 max) (P = 0.054) and stronger linkages between the alpha2 exon 21-22 marker (P = 0.005) and alpha2 haplotype (P = 0.003) and DeltaW(max). In the whole cohort, DeltaVO(2 max) in the 3.3-kb homozygotes of the exon 1 marker (n = 5) was 41% lower than in the 8.0/3.3-kb heterozygotes (n = 87) and 48% lower than in the 8.0-kb homozygotes (n = 380; P = 0.018, adjusted for age, gender, baseline VO(2 max), and body weight). Among offspring, 10.5/10.5-kb homozygotes (n = 14) of the exon 21-22 marker showed a 571 +/- 56 (SE) ml O(2)/min increase in VO(2 max), whereas the increases in the 10.5/4.3-kb (n = 93) and 4.3/4.3-kb (n = 187) genotypes were 442 +/- 22 and 410 +/- 15 ml O(2)/min, respectively (P = 0.017). These data suggest that genetic variation at the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha2 locus influences the trainability of VO(2 max) in sedentary Caucasian subjects.  相似文献   

Athletes commonly attempt to enhance performance by training in normoxia but sleeping in hypoxia [live high and train low (LHTL)]. However, chronic hypoxia reduces muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase content, whereas fatiguing contractions reduce Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, which each may impair performance. We examined whether LHTL and intense exercise would decrease muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and whether these effects would be additive and sufficient to impair performance or plasma K(+) regulation. Thirteen subjects were randomly assigned to two fitness-matched groups, LHTL (n = 6) or control (Con, n = 7). LHTL slept at simulated moderate altitude (3,000 m, inspired O(2) fraction = 15.48%) for 23 nights and lived and trained by day under normoxic conditions in Canberra (altitude approximately 600 m). Con lived, trained, and slept in normoxia. A standardized incremental exercise test was conducted before and after LHTL. A vastus lateralis muscle biopsy was taken at rest and after exercise, before and after LHTL or Con, and analyzed for maximal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity [K(+)-stimulated 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase (3-O-MFPase)] and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase content ([(3)H]ouabain binding sites). 3-O-MFPase activity was decreased by -2.9 +/- 2.6% in LHTL (P < 0.05) and was depressed immediately after exercise (P < 0.05) similarly in Con and LHTL (-13.0 +/- 3.2 and -11.8 +/- 1.5%, respectively). Plasma K(+) concentration during exercise was unchanged by LHTL; [(3)H]ouabain binding was unchanged with LHTL or exercise. Peak oxygen consumption was reduced in LHTL (P < 0.05) but not in Con, whereas exercise work was unchanged in either group. Thus LHTL had a minor effect on, and incremental exercise reduced, Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity. However, the small LHTL-induced depression of 3-O-MFPase activity was insufficient to adversely affect either K(+) regulation or total work performed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity is reduced in muscle of different fiber composition after a single session of aerobic exercise in rats. In one experiment, untrained female Sprague-Dawley rats (weight 275 +/- 21 g; means +/- SE; n = 30) were run (Run) on a treadmill at 21 m/min and 8% grade until fatigue, or to a maximum of 2 h, which served as control (Con), or performed an additional 45 min of low-intensity exercise at 10 m/min (Run+). In a second experiment, utilizing rats of similar characteristics (weight 258 +/- 18 g; n = 32), Run was followed by passive recovery (Rec). Directly after exercise, rats were anesthetized, and tissue was extracted from Soleus (Sol), red vastus lateralis (RV), white vastus lateralis (WV), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and frozen for later analysis. 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity (3-O-MFPase) was determined as an indicator of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, and glycogen depletion identified recruitment of each muscle during exercise. 3-O-MFPase was decreased (P < 0.05) at Run+ by an average of 12% from Con in all muscles (P < 0.05). No difference was found between Con and Run. Glycogen was lower (P < 0.05) by 65, 57, 44, and 33% (Sol, EDL, RV, and WV, respectively) at Run, and there was no further depletion during the continued low-intensity exercise period. No differences in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity was observed between Con and Rec. The results of this study indicate that inactivation of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase can be induced by aerobic exercise in a volume-dependent manner and that the inactivation that occurs is not specific to muscles of different fiber-type composition. Inactivation of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase suggests intrinsic structural modifications by mechanisms that are unclear.  相似文献   

Acute regulation of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity in rat soleus muscle was investigated in response to 15 and 90 min of electrically induced contractile activity (500-ms trains at 30 Hz every 1.5 s). Kinetic measurements of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, assessed by the 3-O-methylfluorescein K(+)-stimulated phosphatase assay (3-O-MFP), were performed on crude homogenates (Hom) and on tissue separated into two membrane fractions, the sarcolemmal/particulate (SLP) and endosomal (En), in both stimulated (Stim) and contralateral control (Con) muscles. Maximal 3-O-MFP activity (V(max), nmol.mg protein(-1).h(-1)) was elevated (P < 0.05) in Stim by 40% and by 53% in Hom and by 37 and 40% in SLP at 15 and 90 min, respectively. The 38% increase (P < 0.05) in the alpha(2)-isoform subunit distribution in SLP at 15 min, as assessed by quantitative immunoblotting, persisted at 90 min, whereas for En a 42% decrease (P < 0.05) was observed only at 15 min. For the alpha(1)-subunit at 15 min, a 27% decrease (P < 0.05) was observed in En, whereas the 13% increase observed in SLP was not significant (P = 0.08). At 90 min, alpha(1) was increased (P < 0.05) by 14% in SLP and by 29% in En. No changes were observed in beta(1)-subunit distribution in En and SLP regardless of time of stimulation. Immunoprecipitation with antiphosphotyrosine antibody and quantitative immunoblotting with alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-antibodies indicated increases (P < 0.05) in tyrosine phosphorylation of 51% in alpha(2) at 15 min only. These results suggest that the increases in V(max) during contractile activity are mediated both by increased phosphorylation and by translocation of the enzyme to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that severe hypoxia limits exercise performance via decreased contractility of limb locomotor muscles. Nine male subjects [mean +/- SE maximum O(2) uptake (Vo(2 max)) = 56.5 +/- 2.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)] cycled at > or =90% Vo(2 max) to exhaustion in normoxia [NORM-EXH; inspired O(2) fraction (Fi(O(2))) = 0.21, arterial O(2) saturation (Sp(O(2))) = 93 +/- 1%] and hypoxia (HYPOX-EXH; Fi(O(2)) = 0.13, Sp(O(2)) = 76 +/- 1%). The subjects also exercised in normoxia for a time equal to that achieved in hypoxia (NORM-CTRL; Sp(O(2)) = 96 +/- 1%). Quadriceps twitch force, in response to supramaximal single (nonpotentiated and potentiated 1 Hz) and paired magnetic stimuli of the femoral nerve (10-100 Hz), was assessed pre- and at 2.5, 35, and 70 min postexercise. Hypoxia exacerbated exercise-induced peripheral fatigue, as evidenced by a greater decrease in potentiated twitch force in HYPOX-EXH vs. NORM-CTRL (-39 +/- 4 vs. -24 +/- 3%, P < 0.01). Time to exhaustion was reduced by more than two-thirds in HYPOX-EXH vs. NORM-EXH (4.2 +/- 0.5 vs. 13.4 +/- 0.8 min, P < 0.01); however, peripheral fatigue was not different in HYPOX-EXH vs. NORM-EXH (-34 +/- 4 vs. -39 +/- 4%, P > 0.05). Blood lactate concentration and perceptions of limb discomfort were higher throughout HYPOX-EXH vs. NORM-CTRL but were not different at end-exercise in HYPOX-EXH vs. NORM-EXH. We conclude that severe hypoxia exacerbates peripheral fatigue of limb locomotor muscles and that this effect may contribute, in part, to the early termination of exercise.  相似文献   

We assessed the hypothesis that the epinephrine surge present during sepsis accelerates aerobic glycolysis and lactate production by increasing activity of skeletal muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Healthy volunteers received an intravenous bolus of endotoxin or placebo in a randomized order on two different days. Endotoxemia induced a response resembling sepsis. Endotoxemia increased plasma epinephrine to a maximum at t = 2 h of 0.7 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.1 nmol/l (P < 0.05, n = 6-7). Endotoxemia reduced plasma K(+) reaching a nadir at t = 5 h of 3.3 +/- 0.1 vs. 3.8 +/- 0.1 mmol/l (P < 0.01, n = 6-7), followed by an increase to placebo level at t = 7-8 h. During the declining plasma K(+), a relative accumulation of K(+) was seen reaching a maximum at t = 6 h of 8.7 +/- 3.8 mmol/leg (P < 0.05). Plasma lactate increased to a maximum at t = 1 h of 2.5 +/- 0.5 vs. 0.9 +/- 0.1 mmol/l (P < 0.05, n = 8) in association with increased release of lactate from the legs. These changes were not associated with hypoperfusion or hypoxia. During the first 24 h after endotoxin infusion, renal K(+) excretion was 27 +/- 7 mmol, i.e., 58% higher than after placebo. Combination of the well-known stimulatory effect of catecholamines on skeletal muscle Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, with the present confirmation of an expected Na(+)-K(+)- ATPase-induced decline in plasma K(+), suggests that the increased lactate release was due to increased Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, supporting our hypothesis. Thus increased lactate levels in acutely and severely ill patients should not be managed only from the point of view that it reflects hypoxia.  相似文献   

Phospholemman (PLM, FXYD1) is a partner protein and regulator of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase (Na(+)-K(+) pump). We explored the impact of acute and short-term training exercise on PLM physiology in human skeletal muscle. A group of moderately trained males (n = 8) performed a 1-h acute bout of exercise by utilizing a one-legged cycling protocol. Muscle biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis at 0 and 63 min (non-exercised leg) and 30 and 60 min (exercised leg). In a group of sedentary males (n = 9), we determined the effect of a 10-day intense aerobic cycle training on Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase subunit expression, PLM phosphorylation, and total PLM expression as well as PLM phosphorylation in response to acute exercise (1 h at ~72% Vo(2peak)). Biopsies were taken at rest, immediately following, and 3 h after an acute exercise bout before and at the conclusion of the 10-day training study. PLM phosphorylation was increased both at Ser(63) and Ser(68) immediately after acute exercise (75%, P < 0.05, and 30%, P < 0.05, respectively). Short-term training had no adaptive effect on PLM phosphorylation at Ser(63) and Ser(68), nor was the total amount of PLM altered posttraining. The protein expressions of α(1)-, α(2)-,and β(1)-subunits of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase were increased after training (113%, P < 0.05, 49%, P < 0.05, and 27%, P < 0.05, respectively). Whereas an acute bout of exercise increased the phosphorylation of PKCα/βII on Thr(638/641) pre- and posttraining, phosphorylation of PKCζ/λ on Thr(403/410) was increased in response to acute exercise only after the 10-day training. In conclusion, we show that only acute exercise, and not short-term training, increases phosphorylation of PLM on Ser(63) and Ser(68), and data from one-legged cycling indicate that this effect of exercise on PLM phosphorylation is not due to systemic factors. Our results provide evidence that phosphorylation of PLM may play a role in the acute regulation of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase response to exercise.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that previously demonstrated gender differences in ACh-induced vascular relaxation could involve diverse Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase functions. We determined Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase by measuring arterial ouabain-sensitive 86Rb uptake in response to ACh. We found a significant increase of Na+ pump activity only in aortic rings from female rats (control 206 +/- 11 vs. 367 +/- 29 nmol 86Rb/K.min(-1).g wt tissue(-1); P < 0.01). Ovariectomy eliminated sex differences in Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase function, and chronic in vivo hormone replacement with 17beta-estradiol restored the ACh effect on Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Because ACh acts by enhancing production of NO, we examined whether the NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) mimics the action of ACh on Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity. SNP increased ouabain-sensitive 86Rb uptake in denuded female arteries (control 123 +/- 7 vs. 197 +/- 12 nmol 86Rb/K.min(-1).g wt tissue(-1); P < 0.05). Methylene blue (an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase) and KT-5823 (a cGMP-dependent kinase inhibitor) blocked the stimulatory action of SNP. Exposure of female thoracic aorta to the Na+/K+ pump inhibitor ouabain significantly decreased SNP-induced and ACh-mediated relaxation of aortic rings. At the molecular level, Western blot analysis of arterial tissue revealed significant gender differences in the relative abundance of catalytic isoforms of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Female-derived aortas exhibited a greater proportion of alpha2-isoform (44%) compared with male-derived aortas. Furthermore, estradiol upregulated the expression of alpha2 mRNA in male arterial explants. Our results demonstrate that enhancement of ACh-induced relaxation observed in female rats may be in part explained by 1) NO-dependent increased Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity in female vascular tissue and 2) greater abundance of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha2-isoform in females.  相似文献   

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