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A 522-base-long Y-chromosomal sequence was isolated from a BALB/c genomic library and was designated "BF046." It is repeated about 200 times in the male genome, and a difference was detected between the Mus musculus musculus and the M. m. domesticus type Y chromosomes. BF046- related sequences were present over the entire length of the Y chromosome as visualized by in situ hybridization. Southern blot analysis against DNAs isolated from eight species in the genus Mus showed that BF046-related sequences were amplified in the Y chromosomes of three closely related species: M. musculus, M. spicilegus, and M. spretus. To gain insight into the stability of the BF046 sequence family, we isolated 18 additional clones from these three mouse species and compared their sequences. The M. musculus sequences differed from the M. spicilegus and M. spretus sequences by two indels. The remaining parts of the sequences were very similar, but both parsimony and distance-based analytical methods divided the sequences into the same four subgroups, with each species having its own subgroup(s). Thus, the Y chromosomes of M. musculus, M. spicilegus, and M. spretus can be distinguished from one another.   相似文献   

The organization of the short dispersed repetitive sequences B1 and B2 in the mouse genome was investigated by hybridization of randomly selected genomic clones with isolated and labelled in vitro B1 and B2. Cloning and restriction mapping experiments indicated that these two DNA sequences were not entirely independently distributed along mouse DNA, but approximately half of them formed heterologous pairs separated by stretches of apparently random DNA.  相似文献   

Transposable and interspersed repetitive elements (TIREs) are ubiquitous features of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. However, controversy has arisen as to whether these sequences represent useless selfish DNA elements, with no cellular function, as opposed to useful genetic units.In this review, we selected two insect species, the Dipteran Drosophila and the Lepidopteran Bombyx mori (the silkmoth), in an attempt to resolve this debate. These two species were selected on the basis of the special interest that our laboratory has had over the years in Bombyx with its well known molecular and developmental biology, and the wealth of genetic data that exist for Drosophila. In addition, these two species represent contrasting repetitive element types and patterns of distribution. On one hand, Bombyx exhibits the short interspersion pattern in which Alu-like TIREs predominate while Drosophila possesses the long interspersion pattern in which retroviral-like TIREs are prevalent. In Bombyx, the main TIRE family is Bm-1 while the Drosophila group contains predominantly copia-like elements, non-LTR retroposons, bacterial-type retroposons and fold-back transposable elements sequences. our analysis of the information revealed highly non-random patterns of both TIRE biology and evolution, more indicative of these sequences acting as genomic symbionts under cellular regulation rather than useless or selfish junk DNA. In addition, we extended our analysis of potential TIRE functionality to what is known from other eukaryotic systems. From this study, it became apparent that these DNA elements may have originated as innocuous or selfish sequences and then adopted functions. The mechanism for this conversion from non-functionality to specific roles is a process of Coevolution between the repetitive element and other cellular DNA often times in close physical proximity. The resulting interdependence between repetitive elements and other cellular sequences restrict the number of evolutionarily successful mutational changes for a given fuction or cistron. This mutual limitation is what we call genome canalization. Well documented examples are discussed to support this hypothesis and a mechanistic model is presented for how such genomic canalization can occur. Also proposed are empirical studies which would support or invalidate aspects of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The 393bp nucleotide sequence of a HindIII genomic fragment mapping within the major long interspersed repeated sequence family (MIF-1, Bam, L1) of mouse is reported and compared to clone sequences of the same region of this repeated sequence. The consensus of the clone sequences significantly differs from the genomic fragment sequence by additions and deletions that are inconsistent with the physical and biochemical properties of the genomic fragment. While alternative explanations could account for some of these differences, several aspects of the experimental results imply that cloning artifacts contribute to the discrepancies. Despite the differences between the clone and genomic fragment sequences, the biologically interesting features previously noted in clone sequences (promoter-like signals and an open reading frame) are conserved in the genomic fragment sequence.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic poly(A)+RNAs containing ubiquitous B1 and B2 repeats of the mouse genome in normal tissues and tumors have been studied. Only one strand of the repeats is represented in cytoplasmic RNA in all the cases. Some tumor cells were found to be enriched in 1.4 kb B1+mRNA, 1.6 kb B2+mRNA and small (0.2-04 kb) B1+ and B2+ poly(A)+RNAs. On the other hand, mouse liver and kidney contained high amounts of 2 kb B2+mRNA. Its content increased noticeably in the regenerating liver, but in hepatoma it dropped to a zero level. Thus, the switching on (or off) of B1- and B2-containing mRNAs occurred noncoordinately. At the same time, the activation of the synthesis of small B2+RNA and small B1+RNA was simultaneous.  相似文献   

The mammalian interspersed repetitive (MIR) element was amplified in mammals 130 million years ago. The MIR element is at least 260 bp in length and is found in approximately 105 copies in the mammalian genome. We analyzed copies of the MIR element in the DNA of various mammals to determine its relationship to the structure and function of genes, in an attempt to identify specific uses of the MIR element within the mammalian genome. We found that alternative splicing within the acetylcholine receptor gene in humans takes place within the MIR element and results in the incorporation of part of the MIR element into the coding sequence of this gene. Furthermore, the polyadenylation signal (AATAAA) at the 3' end of four different mammalian genes is derived from the MIR element. These uses of the MIR element suggest that other regulatory sequences found within the mammalian genome originated from ancient transposable elements, many of which may no longer be recognizable.  相似文献   

A new family of centromeric highly repetitive DNA sequences was isolated from EcoRI-digested genomic DNA of the blue-breasted quail (Coturnix chinensis, Galliformes), and characterized by filter hybridization and chromosome in situ hybridization. The repeated elements were divided into two types by nucleotide length and chromosomal distribution; the 578-bp element predominantly localized to microchromosomes and the 1,524-bp element localized to chromosomes 1 and 2. The 578-bp element represented tandem arrays and did not hybridize to genomic DNAs of other Galliformes species, chicken (Gallus gallus), Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) and guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). On the other hand, the 1,524-bp element was not organized in tandem arrays, and did hybridize to the genomic DNAs of three other Galliformes species, suggesting that the 1,524-bp element is highly conserved in the Galliformes. The 578-bp element was composed of basic 20-bp internal repeats, and the consensus nucleotide sequence of the internal repeats had homologies to the 41-42 bp CNM repeat and the XHOI family repeat of chicken. Our data suggest that the microchromosome-specific highly repetitive sequences of the blue-breasted quail and chicken were derived from a common ancestral sequence, and that they are one of the major and essential components of chromosomal heterochromatin in Galliformes species.  相似文献   

In common laboratory mouse strains, which are derived from the crossing between three subspecies, peritoneal B cells are enriched in B-1a cells characterized by the CD5(+)Mac-1(+)B220(low)IgM(high)IgD(low)CD43(+)CD9(+) phenotype. Intriguingly in other vertebrates, CD5(+)Mac-1(+) cells have never been found in a specific anatomic site. To ascertain the peculiarity of the CD5(+) peritoneal B cells in laboratory mice, we analyzed the peritoneal B cell subsets in 9 inbred and 39 outbred wild-derived mouse strains belonging to 13 different species/subspecies. We found that most of these strains do not have the CD5(+) B-1a cell population. However, all of these strains including classical laboratory mouse strains, have variable proportions of a novel B cell population: Bw, which is characterized by a unique phenotype (CD5(-)Mac-1(+)B220(high)IgM(high)IgD(high)CD43(-)CD9(-)) and is not restricted to the peritoneal cavity. Bw cells are also distinct from both B-1 and B-2 cells from a functional point of view both by proliferative responses, cytokine secretion and Ab synthesis. Moreover, transfer experiments show that bone marrow and fetal liver cells from wild mice can give rise to Bw cells in alymphoid mice. The conservation of this B cell population, but not of the CD5(+) B-1a, during evolution of the genus Mus, its readiness to respond to TLR ligands and to produce high concentration of autoantibodies suggest that Bw cells play a key role in innate immunity.  相似文献   

We have developed a new technique for the generation of YAC contigs in the mouse genome that is based on the ability to detect overlapping clones by hybridization of shared IRS-PCR products. As a demonstration of the technique, a 5-cM, >5 megabase contig was developed on the distal half of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 1, spanning the region from Lamb2 to At3. The contig covers roughly 5% of the genetic distance of the chromosome and is comprised of more than 80 clones; 71 probes were assigned physical order on the chromosome, of which 59 were new markers generated in this study. Eight of the new probes were shown to be polymorphic between C3H/HeJ-gld and M. spretus. Three probes were mapped on a [(C3H/HeJ-gld x M. spretus) x C3H/HeJ-gld] interspecific backcross to integrate the physical map with a high-resolution genetic map of the region.  相似文献   

Over eight kilobases (kb) of sequence from eight genes including two mitochondrial loci, Cyt b and 12S, and six nuclear loci, B2m , Zp3 , Tcp1, Sry, Smcx and Smcy , were used to investigate phylogenetic relationships among 11 taxa representing eight species within the rodent genus Mus . Particular attention was given to discerning relationships among species within the subgenus Mus including members of a Palearctic clade ( M. musculus , M. spicilegus , M. macedonicus and M. spretus ) and members of an Asian clade ( M. caroli , M. cookii and M. cervicolor ), as previous studies using different datasets have produced different topologies for taxa within these two groups. While parsimony analyses of the combined eight-gene dataset yielded a single, fully resolved tree, support values were lower for nodes resolving relationships within the Palearctic and Asian clades than they were elsewhere in the tree. In addition, a maximum likelihood analysis of the same eight-gene dataset yielded different topologies for both the Palearctic and the Asian clades. Both observations are indicative of clade instability. The nature of this instability was explored through a comparison with our previous study in which we included the two mitochondrial loci and only four of the six nuclear genes, and through an analysis of partitioned data, specifically mitochondrial vs. nuclear genes. This study underscores the importance of considering among-site rate variation in phylogeny reconstruction. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 653–662.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic relationships between the New World Sciurus and the Old World Sciurus and their biogeographic history, the partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (1,040 base pairs) were analyzed on six Sciurus species: S. aberti, S. carolinensis, S. lis, S. niger, S. stramineus, and S. vulgaris. Phylogenetic trees (maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood methods) commonly showed two groups with high bootstrap values (73-100%): one consisting of the New World Sciurus and the other consisting of the Old World Sciurus. Genetic distances among the New World Sciurus species were remarkably larger than that between two Sciurus species of the Old World, suggesting the earlier radiation of the New World Sciurus than the Old World Sciurus.  相似文献   

This work presents a study of the distribution and pattern of variation throughout the ranges of three free-living mouse species of the genus Mus-M. macedonicus, M. spicilegus, and a M. cypriacus - based on sequencing of two segments of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. The study shows a similar level of variability in the three species and suggests their recent population expansion. The highest proportion of variation is found within populations indicating low genetic structuring. Phylogenetic analysis confirms the significant divergence of a mitochondrial lineage of M. macedonicus from Israel, recently described as a new subspecies, M. macedonicus spretoides. Conversely, no genetic hiatus is revealed between European and Asian populations of M. macedonicus macedonicus. Although phylogenetic relationships among M. spicilegus populations could not be unravelled precisely, the results suggest a recent westward expansion of the species. The mtDNA divergence between M. macedonicus and M. spicilegus is 7.3%, suggesting their split between c. 700,000 and 1 million years ago. These dates correspond with a coalescent estimate about 720,000 years ago. On the other hand, M. cypriacus appeared almost twice as divergent from the former species (4.5%) as from the latter (8.8%) suggesting a divergence of c. 430,000-610,000 years ago (coalescent approximately 490,000 years ago) and 830,000-1.2 million years ago (coalescent approximately 780,000 years ago), respectively. Approximate times of population expansion have also been estimated for all taxa and groups of populations. Existence of several glacial refuges and various colonization scenarios are discussed; since all estimated divergence times fall within interglacial periods it seems that climatic oscillations did not play a crucial role in the evolution of the three species.  相似文献   

The genomic organization and chromosomal distributions of two abundant tandemly repeated DNA sequences, dpTa1 and pSc119.2, were examined in six wild Hordeum taxa, representing the four basic genomes of the genus, by Southern and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The dpTa1 probe hybridized to between 30 and 60 sites on the chromosomes of all five diploid species studied, but hybridization patterns differed among the species. Hybridization of the pSc119.2 sequence to the chromosomes and Southern blots of digested DNA detected signals in Hordeum bulbosum, Hordeum chilense, Hordeum marinum and Hordeum murinum 4x, but not in Hordeum murinum 2x and Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum. A maximum of one pSc119.2 signal was observed in the terminal or subterminal region of each chromosome arm in the species carrying this sequence. The species carrying the same I-genome differed in the presence (Hordeum bulbosum) or absence (Hordeum spontaneum) of pSc119.2. The presence of pSc119.2 in the tetraploid cytotype of Hordeum murinum, but its absence in the diploid cytotype, suggests that the tetraploid is not likely to be a simple autotetraploid of the diploid. Data about the inter- and intra-specific variation of the two independent repetitive DNA sequences give information about both the interrelationships of the species and the evolution of the repetitive sequences. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted: 16 June 1999  相似文献   

The composition and orientation of the house mouse satellite DNA sequences (minor, major, TLC) were investigated by a FISH and CO-FISH approach in 11 taxa belonging to three clades of the subgenus Mus. Using a phylogenetic framework, our results highlighted two distribution patterns. The TLC satellite, the most recently discovered satellite, was present in all clades but varied quantitatively among species. This distribution supported its appearance in the ancestor of the subgenus followed by independent evolution in species of each clade. In contrast, the minor and major satellites occurred in only two clades of the subgenus indicating the simultaneous and recent amplification of these sequences. In addition, although qualitative differences in the composition and orientation of the satellite sequences were observed among the taxa, none of the features studied were unique to the house mouse and could account for the extensive chromosomal plasticity evidenced in Mus musculus domesticus.  相似文献   

One of the major components of basement membranes is the glycoprotein laminin, made up of three disulfide-bonded subunits, the A, B1, and B2 chains. We have isolated and sequenced overlapping mouse laminin B2 chain cDNA clones covering 7562 base pairs. The deduced amino acid sequence predicts that the mature B2 chain consists of 1572 residues, has an unglycosylated molecular weight of 173,541, and possesses 14 potential N-linked glycosylation sites. Analysis of the predicted secondary structure shows the presence of six domains, two rich in alpha-helical structure, two composed of homologous cysteine-rich repeat units, and two globular regions. The organization of the molecule is very similar to that of the mouse laminin B1 chain, and significant sequence homology between the B1 and B2 chains was found in their two cysteine-rich domains and in their amino-terminal globular domains.  相似文献   

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