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极端环境特殊微生物资源研究和开发具有广阔的应用前景和研究意义.对分离筛选自青海可可西里境内植被根围的8株在4和10 ℃条件下生长良好的低温适生芽孢杆菌进行鉴定分析.结果表明: 通过生理生化特征分析、rep-PCR指纹图谱分析、16S rDNA及gyrB基因序列分析鉴定,8株供试菌株分别为莫哈韦芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mojavensis)3株,解淀粉芽孢杆菌(B. amyloliquefaciens)1株和简单芽孢杆菌(B. simplex)4株.采用平板对峙试验从中筛选到4株对油菜菌核病原真菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)及水稻白叶枯病原细菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae)均具有显著拮抗活性的生防菌株;采用MALDI-TOF-MS质谱分析生防菌株的拮抗活性物质,结果显示菌株KKD-1 (B. mojavensis)产生脂肽类化合物泛革素和表面活性素,菌株KKD-2(B. amyloliquefaciens)产生脂肽类化合物伊枯草菌素A、泛革素和表面活性素,推断生防菌株的拮抗活性可能与脂肽化合物的合成及分泌有关.该研究为低温适生性芽孢杆菌生物肥料和生物农药的研发提供了菌株资源.  相似文献   

极端环境特殊微生物资源研究和开发具有广阔的应用前景和研究意义.对分离筛选自青海可可西里境内植被根围的8株在4和10℃条件下生长良好的低温适生芽孢杆菌进行鉴定分析.结果表明:通过生理生化特征分析、rep-PCR指纹图谱分析、16S rDNA及gyrB基因序列分析鉴定,8株供试菌株分别为莫哈韦芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mojavensis)3株,解淀粉芽孢杆菌(B.amyloliquefaciens)1株和简单芽孢杆菌(B.simplex)4株.采用平板对峙试验从中筛选到4株对油菜菌核病原真菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)及水稻白叶枯病原细菌(Xanthomonasoryzae pv.oryzae)均具有显著拮抗活性的生防菌株;采用MALDI-TOF-MS质谱分析生防菌株的拮抗活性物质,结果显示菌株KKD1(B.mojavensis)产生脂肽类化合物泛革素和表面活性素,菌株KKD2(B.amyloliquefaciens)产生脂肽类化合物伊枯草菌素A、泛革素和表面活性素,推断生防菌株的拮抗活性可能与脂肽化合物的合成及分泌有关.该研究为低温适生性芽孢杆菌生物肥料和生物农药的研发提供了菌株资源.  相似文献   

药用植物内生芽孢杆菌的多样性和系统发育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]了解药用植物内生芽孢杆菌的生物多样性.[方法]采用数值分类、16S rDNA PCR RFLP、BOX-PCR指纹图谱和16S rDNA序列分析技术对分离于几种药用植物的内生芽孢杆菌和已知参比菌株进行表型、遗传多样性及系统发育研究.[结果]供试菌株在数值分类聚类分析中在84%的相似水平上产生13个表观群.16S rDNAPCR-RFLP分析表明供试菌株表现出丰富的遗传多样性.BOX-PCR指纹图谱分析进一步证明药用植物的内生芽孢杆菌的基因组也具有多样性,聚群的结果与数值分类有较好一致性.用软件在Genbank中进行所得序列的同源性检索,并构建系统发育树.由16S rDNA序列分析可知,供试的代表菌株SCAU11与球形芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sphaericus)亲缘关系最近,SCAU78和SCAU25为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)的两个亚种,代表菌株SCAU39与巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)的亲缘关系最近.[结论]研究结果表明药用植物内生芽孢杆菌具有明显的表型和遗传多样性.  相似文献   

采用PCR-DGGE指纹、克隆测序和系统发育分析技术较系统地对我国南海贪婪倔海绵(Dysidea avara)和澳大利亚厚皮海绵(Craniella australiensis)共附生的优势细菌进行了研究。研究发现变形菌门(Proteobacteria)细菌是这两种海绵中的主要优势细菌,贪婪倔海绵中的变形菌包含了α、β、γ三种类型,而澳大利亚厚皮海绵中仅有γ一种类型。两种海绵都有拟杆菌(Bacteroidetes),但是具体的种类不同。这些细菌都是第一次在海绵中被发现。澳大利亚厚皮海绵共附生的优势细菌还包括放线菌属(Actinobacterium)及厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)细菌,菌群多样性要比贪婪倔海绵的丰富。两种海绵尽管来自于同一海域但其共附生优势细菌的组成明显不同,这说明海绵共附生微生物具有宿主特异性。  相似文献   

The 16S rRNA gene sequences were determined for type strains of 21 Bifidobacterium species. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the determined sequences and sequences from DNA databases, which contain the sequences of 11 type strains of Bifidobacterium species and 11 strains of related genera. All species of the genus Bifidobacterium and Gardnerella vaginalis ATCC 14018 belonged to a cluster phylogenetically distinct from the other genera. The cluster was divided into two subclusters: subcluster 1 composed of most species of Bifidobacterium and G. vaginalis, and subcluster 2 consisting of two species, B. denticolens and B. inopinatum; both of which were isolated from human dental caries. In the genus Bifidobacterium, four groups of species are known to be moderately to highly related by DNA-DNA hybridization. The four groups of species exhibited more than 99% similarity among their 16S rDNA sequences within each group. These results indicated that species with around 99% or more similarity in their 16S rDNA sequences should be confirmed for species identities.  相似文献   

福矛高温大曲中芽孢杆菌16S rDNA-RFLP及系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:从福建建瓯黄华山酿酒有限公司高温大曲中分离出89株芽孢杆菌,通过初步筛选鉴定并进行微生物多样性研究.方法:对其16S rDNA进行PCR - RFLP分析和系统发育研究.结果:初步筛选得到的18株芽孢杆菌被HhaⅠ和MspⅠ酶切聚类分为四大组.通过系统发育分析样品中有6株Bacillus subtilis,4株Bacillus cereus,2株Bacillus sonorensis,2株Bacillus licheniformis,以及Bacillus pumilus、Bacillus oleronius、Bacillus coagulans和Bacillus thuringiensis各1株.结论:研究显示该高温大曲中可培养芽孢杆菌具有微生物多样性.  相似文献   

The importance of the emerging genus Gordonia in industrial and environmental biotechnology is evidenced by the recent increase in associated publications and patents. But, investigations into potentially valuable Gordonia members are restricted by the limitations of current isolation and detection techniques. This motivated us to design a genus-specific oligonucleotide primer pair which could assist in rapid detection of species of the genus Gordonia by means of PCR-specific amplification. The Gordonia-specific 16S rDNA fragment (829 bp) was successfully amplified for all the reference Gordonia species with the designed primer pair G268F/G1096R. No amplification was noted for closely related species from other genera. The genus specificity was validated with 47 strains including wild-type isolates. Interestingly, two strains assigned earlier as Gordonia nitida (DSM 777) and Gordonia rubripertinctus (ATCC 21930) failed to produce a Gordonia-specific fragment with this primer pair. Further analysis of these two isolates based on 16S rDNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis classified them to the genus Rhodococcus. Preliminary screening of soil samples with the Gordonia-specific primers was successful in terms of the rapid detection of nine Gordonia wild-type isolates.  相似文献   

Abstract 16S rDNA sequence data was obtained for 11 species of Arthrobacter and 4 species of Micrococcus and compared with that from other members of the arthrobacterial lineage within the order Actinomycetales . The intermixing of members of these two genera and the placement of Renibacterium salmoninarum within the radiation of these two genera, as previously suggested by 16S rRNA cataloguing, is confirmed. The branching pattern reveals several closely related organisms that cluster around the type species of Arthrobacter and Micrococcus ; these species are considered 'core organisms'. A few species, however, branch outside the radiation of core organisms; these include Micrococcus kristinae, Micrococcus halophilus , and, as previously indicated, Micrococcus sedentarius and M. nishinomiyaensis . As phenotypic data that would support the exclusion of these four species from the genus Micrococcus are still lacking taxonomic conclusions should await more thorough comparative studies.  相似文献   

生物肥对有机黄瓜生长及土壤生物学特性的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
曹丹  宗良纲  肖峻  张倩  赵妍 《应用生态学报》2010,21(10):2587-2592
通过田间试验,研究了3种不同生物肥(“中和牌”、“NST型”和“爸爱我”)配合有机肥施用对有机黄瓜生长及土壤微生物和几种土壤酶活性的影响.结果表明:3种生物肥配施处理均可显著增加有机黄瓜产量,促进黄瓜根系生长和提高叶片叶绿素含量;与单施有机肥相比,“中和牌”生物肥与有机肥配施增产10.4%,“NST型”和“爸爱我”分别增产12.4%和29.2%.黄瓜幼苗期、初花期及采收期,生物肥与有机肥配施处理的土壤微生物生物量碳、氮均显著高于单施有机肥处理;同时,生物肥与有机肥配合施用还增强了土壤脲酶、酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性.  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify the dominant culturable and nonculturable microbiota of rainbow trout intestine. METHODS AND RESULTS: Microbial density of rainbow trout intestine was estimated by direct microscopic counts (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, DAPI) and by culturing on tryptone soya agar (TSA). Differential gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of bacterial DNA from intestinal samples, re-amplification of bands and sequence analysis was used to identify the bacteria that dominated samples where aerobic counts were < or =2% of the DAPI counts. 16S rDNA gene sequences of 146 bacterial isolates and three sequences of uncultured bacteria were identified. A set of oligonucleotide probes was constructed and used to detect and enumerate the bacterial community structure of the gastrointestinal tract of rainbow trout by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Members of the gamma subclass of Proteobacteria (mainly Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae) dominated the bacterial population structure. Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Shewanella, Plesiomonas and Proteus were also identified together with isolates belonging to the beta subclass of Proteobacteria and Gram-positive bacteria with high and low DNA G + C content. In most samples, the aerobic count (on TSA) was 50-90% of the direct (DAPI) count. A bacterium representing a previously unknown phylogenetic lineage with only 89% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to Anaerofilum pentosovorans was detected in intestinal samples where aerobic counts were < or =2% of direct (DAPI) counts. Ten to 75% of the microbial population in samples with low aerobic counts hybridized (FISH) with a probe constructed against this not-yet cultured bacterium. CONCLUSIONS: Proteobacteria belonging to the gamma subclass dominated the intestinal microbiota of rainbow trout. However, in some samples the microflora was dominated by uncultivated, presumed anaerobic, micro-organisms. The bacterial population structure of rainbow trout intestine, as well as total bacterial counts, varied from fish to fish. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Good correlation was seen between cultivation results and in situ analysis, however, a molecular approach was crucial for the identification of organisms uncultivated on TSA.  相似文献   

华重楼内生菌SS02的分离与抗菌活性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从华重楼(Paris polyphylla var.Chinensis Franch)的地下块茎中分离到一株内生细菌(SS02),试验表明其发酵液对13种作物致病菌的生长有抑制作用。形态和生理生化特征表明SS02属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.)细菌。扩增、测序得到SS02的部分16SrDNA序列,GenBank接收号AY842144。用Blastn调出与菌株16SrDNA同源的序列,用Clustalw进行多重序列对比,用Phylip按Neighbor—Joining法构建16SrDNA系统发育树。菌株SS02与Paenibacillus daejeonensis处于同一分支,相似性为97.7%,将其鉴定为Paenibacillus daejeonensisSS02。  相似文献   

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