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桑蓟马Pseudodendrothrips mori是桑树的一种主要害虫。它的寄生直接影响供桑叶的质量和产量。我们通过泰勒幂法则和Morisita的散度指标对桑树蓟马在植株和桑园内的空间分布进行检验,结果显示:P. mori种群在植株内和桑园里的分布都存在局部化。桑树中蓟马的分布在树内显示出幼虫蓟马位于低层(从上面叶子起5—10层), 但成虫更喜欢上层(从上面叶子起1—5层)。同一植株叶子的不同方向上蓟马密度没有出现明显变化。桑园内蓟马主要分布在桑园东部、南部和北部的植株上,中部,西部植株上的蓟马密度较低。P. mori的成虫和幼虫在叶子上的分布呈现明显聚集化。  相似文献   

节瓜蓟马空间分布图式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾玲  潘宏 《生态科学》1995,(2):142-146
对节瓜蓟马在节瓜上的空间分布状况进行了调查和分析,结果表明,该虫的空间分布型前期符合奈曼分布,后期符合负二项分布;其空间图式是聚集的,分布的基本成分是个体群;在节瓜不同叶位上分布差异显著。明显向心叶聚集,在瓜栅向光面与背光面虫口比例方面,均以向光面较多。  相似文献   

西花蓟马是近年来在我国局部地区暴发成灾的重要外来入侵害虫,有关西花蓟马入侵对本地蓟马种群动态、空间分布及优势种影响的报道较少。对云南省昆明市近郊蔬菜花期的蓟马种群动态和空间分布研究表明,蔬菜上的蓟马种类主要是西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)、花蓟马F.intonsa(Trybom)、棕榈蓟马T.palmi(Karny)和端大蓟马Megalurothrips distalis(Karny);不同蔬菜上的蓟马优势种存在一定差异,其中辣椒和茼蒿上的蓟马优势种为西花蓟马;韭菜、茄子和四季豆上的蓟马优势种分别为花蓟马、棕榈蓟马和端大蓟马。各蔬菜上的蓟马种群数量以花期为多,盛花期达最大值,其中茄子花上的蓟马成虫平均虫口密度最高,为14.93头/朵。利用聚集度指标进行空间分布检测表明,不同蔬菜上蓟马成虫的空间分布型均为聚集分布,且聚集程度随密度的增加而增大。本研究可为深入探讨西花蓟马对本地蓟马的竞争取代机制积累资料,同时为西花蓟马的综合治理奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

利用聚集度指标检验和比较频次法对白三叶草Trifolium repens生长期间西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis的空间分布型变化进行研究,结果如下:聚集度指标检验分析表明西花蓟马在白三叶草上的空间分布为聚集分布;利用频次拟合分析表明白三叶草上大部分生长期内其分布型为负二项分布,其聚集程度与虫口密度有关系,其空间分布不会因为一些人为干扰而改变。  相似文献   

桑天牛幼虫空间分布型及抽样技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘康成 《昆虫知识》1997,34(2):80-81
桑天牛AprionagermariHope是桑树的重要害虫,成虫咬食桑枝和产卵为害;幼虫蛀茎为害,造成桑枝衰老、干枯、折断、甚至整株枯死,严重影响桑树生长和桑叶产量。为摸清此虫发生规律,1992年作者进行了幼虫田间分布型调查,并依此确定了适合的抽样技术。现将结果整理如下。l空间分布型l.l调查方法选择杂交桑田5块,面积7O3.sin‘,随机取点130个,每点20株,共查2600株,调查结果见表1。1.2空间分布型指数检验将以上调查结果,用扩散系数、k值、聚集指标、扩散型指数及南一7回归检验[’I。1.2.l扩散系数检验C的95%置信区间的检验如…  相似文献   

西花蓟马在黄瓜和架豆上的空间分布型及理论抽样数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
路虹  宫亚军  石宝才  宋婧祎 《昆虫学报》2007,50(11):1187-1193
西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)已在北京部分蔬菜园区成功定居,对蔬菜生产造成危害。为了解该虫在蔬菜田的种群空间分布型,指导田间取样,本文应用几种聚集度指标的计算公式以及Taylor、Iwao的回归方程式,分析和测定了西花蓟马的种群空间分布格局。结果表明:在黄瓜和架豆上西花蓟马的空间分布型一致,均为聚集分布型;该虫的空间分布型不受种群密度的影响,并且也不随取样时间的变化而变化。种群数量动态研究显示西花蓟马成虫和若虫在黄瓜植株的中部叶片分布较多(从顶部向下数第4叶至第17叶片上成、若虫的分布数量多于其他叶片上的数量),未展开的叶片、嫩叶和下部老叶危害较轻。用Iwao回归法中α、β参数计算出在允许误差范围内的理论抽样数。  相似文献   

棕榈蓟马在茄子上的种群增长、分布和抽样技术研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
棕榈蓟马在茄子上的种群增长,用种群增长模型来分析,露地栽培的成虫、若虫种群增长率r分别为0.0630和0.0801,设施栽培分别为0.0983和0.1036。设施栽培的逻辑斯蒂曲线的K值为33.90,明显大于露地栽培的K值23.50。棕榈蓟马种群在茄子上空间分布调查结果,成、若虫的M^*-M回归式分别为M=0.6011+1.468M和M^*=7.2515+2.0640M。成虫+若虫的M-M回归式为  相似文献   

利用桑瘿蚊的空间分布参数m^#.k.α.β.b值.确定桑瘿蚊幼虫属聚集分布,其原因主要是由于本身的聚集习性引起的,同时根据Iwao模型进行了资料代换。采用Iwao法.Taylor幂法则及Southwood。公共值Kc的理论抽样模式得出在不同密度(x)和不同精度(D)要求下的理论抽样数。应用Kuno模型探讨了序贯抽样方法。  相似文献   

榕管蓟马(Gynaikothrips uzeli)是观赏植物垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)的重要害虫。通过对垂叶榕不同方位和高度的随机取样,运用5种聚集度指标以及Taylor幂法和Iwao回归模型分析和测定了榕管蓟马的种群空间格局。结果表明:榕管蓟马虫瘿主要分布于垂叶榕的中、下层,且下层4个方位的虫口密度差异均不显著。榕管蓟马虫瘿在垂叶榕上的理论分布型符合负二项分布,各项聚集度指标均满足CA>1、IDM>0、m*/m>1,且0<K<8,表明该蓟马在垂叶榕上的空间分布型为聚集分布,其聚集分布的原因与自身营虫瘿生活及喜阴习性有关。应用Iwao理论抽样模型确定了榕管蓟马不同种群密度与不同精度要求下的理论抽样数。  相似文献   

为系统明确黄胸蓟马在香蕉园的活动节律、消长规律与空间分布。采用蓝色诱虫板诱集法和田间踏查法,在2016—2018年期间调查了香蕉园黄胸蓟马成虫的活动高度情况、日间节律、以及不同香蕉品种(南天黄、巴西蕉与皇帝蕉)与不同地区(海南澄迈、广西玉林与云南景洪)的种群消长规律,同时分析了其空间分布格局与性比。结果显示:高度与蓟马种群数量密切相关,2—6 m是香蕉园黄胸蓟马的主要活动高度范围;蓟马种群的活动节律在晴、阴与雨天基本一致,日活动高峰时段为12:00—16:00时,夜间和阴雨天均活动少;黄胸蓟马的种群动态不受香蕉作物品种和地理区域的影响,但与香蕉作物的生长期密切相关;年度消长规律呈现单峰型,香蕉进入花蕾期时,蓟马种群数量快速增长,盛花期时达到高峰,其余时期少有发生。聚集指标与Taylor回归法分析共同表明黄胸蓟马成虫在香蕉园的空间分布型为聚集式分布。性比调查发现黄胸蓟马在香蕉花蕾内的雌虫比例约为70%,表明该虫是一个雌性为主的种群。为揭示黄胸蓟马的灾变规律提供了基础数据,同时可为香蕉蓟马的适时与精准化监测预报及防治提供指导依据。  相似文献   

Mulberry thrips Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa, 1908) is a major pest of mulberry trees recorded from different sericultural regions of the world. The thrips infestation affects the qualitative and quantitative characters of mulberry leaf, by direct feeding damage to leaves and the ingestion of sap, which in turn affects the silkworm cocoon crop. This is most harmful in dry climates and seasons when heavily attacked plants lose moisture heavily. Under these conditions infestation can seriously deplete yields. The seasonal population fluctuation and the degree of damage caused to the host plant are influenced by various environmental factors including climate, host-plant variety, topography, soil type, and management regimes.This article attempts to review all available documents on mulberry thrips and to discuss the practical approaches for best control of this pest.  相似文献   

Abstract Mulberry thrips Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa, 1908) is a major pest of mulberry trees recorded from different sericultural regions of the world. The thrips infestation affects the qualitative and quantitative characters of mulberry leaf, by direct feeding damage to leaves and the ingestion of sap, which in turn affects the silkworm cocoon crop. This is most harmful in dry climates and seasons when heavily attacked plants lose moisture heavily. Under these conditions infestation can seriously deplete yields. The seasonal population fluctuation and the degree of damage caused to the host plant are influenced by various environmental factors including climate, host-plant variety, topography, soil type, and management regimes. This article attempts to review all available documents on mulberry thrips and to discuss the practical approaches for best control of this pest.  相似文献   

The predation potential of Haplothrips brevitubus (Karny) for thrips was evaluated in the laboratory. When second stage larvae of Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa) were presented to an adult H. brevitubus at densities of 10, 20, 30, and 40 larvae per cage at 25 °C over 24 h, the number of larvae consumed per day increased with an increasing density up to 30. Predation of H. brevitubus exhibited the type II functional response. The mean development time of the egg, larva, and pupa of H. brevitubus were 4.5, 9.6, and 4.8 days, respectively, at 25 °C. The survival rate from egg to adult emergence was 94.7%. One H. brevitubus larva consumed 41.6 P. mori larvae on average during the total larval period. Adult longevity was 35.2 days in females and 34.6 days in males. The pre-oviposition period was 2.7 days and the oviposition period was 31.5 days. The lifetime fecundity was 120.1 eggs and the mean daily oviposition rate was 3.6 eggs. Calculated mean generation time (T) was 29.5 days, intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was 0.162, and net reproductive rate (R0) was 56.5. The rm value of H. brevitubus was higher than that of Thrips palmi Karny and almost equal to that of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande). These results indicate that H. brevitubus has good potential as a predator of P. mori and is likely to be useful for controlling thrips.  相似文献   

Abstract  Management of thrips in a hydroponic strawberry crop near Sydney, New South Wales, was studied from 1999 to 2002. The main species present were western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), plague thrips, Thrips imaginis Bagnall, and, occasionally, onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman. Their within- and between-plant distribution and the degree and type of damage caused are described, and used to recommend action thresholds. Flowers are identified as the primary monitoring site, and young green fruit as the key damage site. Action thresholds of approximately 45% of flowers with 5 or more adult western flower thrips, or 40% of flowers with 10 or more adult plague thrips are recommended. Alternative thresholds using all motile stages are given for flowers, and for young green and red berries. A higher tolerance is recommended during cool, wet periods.  相似文献   

Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan, 1913) is an important insect pest of fruits and vegetables. At present, it is primarily distributed in tropical and subtropical area. For a better understanding of the genetic makeup and migration patterns of T. hawaiiensis throughout the world, we isolated 11 novel polymorphic microsatellite loci from an enriched genomic library based on a biotin/streptavidin capture protocol. Genetic parameters were estimated on 80 individual thrips from two natural populations. The results showed that all 11 loci were highly polymorphic; the number of alleles ranged from six to 37, and nine loci demonstrated polymorphic information content (PIC) > 0.5. The observed (H O) and expected (H E) heterozygosities ranged from 0.350 to 0.925 and 0.307 to 0.952, respectively. Furthermore, only four locus/population combinations significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). These microsatellite markers have potential utility in population structure and gene flow studies of this species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):492-497
Thrips palmi is an important insect pest of vegetables and ornamental crops worldwide. Besides direct damage caused by feeding, it transmits several tospoviruses in a persistent-propagative manner. Eggs of T. palmi are microscopic and embedded within plant tissue by the sharp ovipositor of adult female. In the present study, an artificial oviposition setup has been standardized for T. palmi. Eggs of T. palmi were harvested in sterile water between two thin membranes. The developmental stages of T. palmi embryo were studied starting from oviposition up to hatching by inverted and confocal reflection microscopy. Energids were homogeneously distributed at an early stage of development. The anterior end of the egg curved with a constriction post 38 h. Initiation of tissue organization, mouthparts, appendages, compound eyes were observed at different time points. Appendages were well developed and segmentation was prominent post 70 h. The embryo was completely developed at around 80 h and hatched by 86 h post oviposition at 28 °C temperature. The study first time reports the embryonic development of T. palmi that would be helpful in detailed investigations of thrips developmental biology and evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract  The relationship between western flower thrips (WFT) populations in flowers and catches on yellow sticky traps was investigated in a hydroponic strawberry crop in the Sydney area in 1999–2000. The thrips population was initially dominated by males, but by mid-summer it was composed primarily of females. At a point when approximately 60–65% of WFT on traps were female (approximately 20–30 females per trap), the overall density of thrips on traps and in the crop increased rapidly, resulting in severe damage to immature fruit. The sex ratio of 0.60–0.65 females corresponded very closely to a mean of five adult WFT per flower at the start of the trapping week, which was an infestation level previously calculated as the action threshold to prevent damage to young green fruit.  相似文献   

The understanding of how environmental factors and agricultural practices affect population dynamics of insect pests is necessary for pest management. Here, we provide insight into the ecology of the banana rind thrips Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by collecting and analysing a spatiotemporal database of population estimates in Martinique (West French Indies). We assessed the influence of climatic variables (which were rainfall and temperature) and biotic variables (which were banana and three weed species) on the adult thrips abundance for different components of the banana plant (sucker, mother plant and bunch) and evaluated the effect of thrips abundance and standard bunch covers on damages. The abundance of thrips on the sucker, the mother plant, and the bunch was significantly related to the abundance on neighbouring banana plants, and spatial autocorrelation indicated that E. brevisetis dispersed for only short distances. The number of thrips on the mother plant and on the bunch was positively related to the number of thrips on the sucker, suggesting that the thrips may disperse from the sucker to the mother plant and then to the bunch. The abundance of thrips on the sucker increased with sucker height and was positively correlated with the mean daily rainfall during the 17 days before sampling; the length of that period might correspond with the time required for an individual to complete its life cycle. Covered bunches had 98% fewer thrips than non‐covered bunches, and the damage caused by thrips was linearly related to the number of thrips present between the 2nd and 4th week after flowering. Finally, we found that the presence of Alocasia cucullata, Dieffenbachia seguine and Peperomia pellucida is significantly related with a decrease in thrips abundance on banana plants, suggesting the use of these weeds as potential trap plants.  相似文献   

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