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In the accompanying paper, we have shown that the two-subunit cytochrome aa3 isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans displays the same kind of complex and interactive redox behavior as the 13-subunit cytochrome aa3 from beef heart. Therefore, the redox characteristics are not dependent on the additional 11 subunits. In the current work, we have examined the energy-transducing capabilities of both the two- and three-subunit enzymes obtained from Paracoccus denitrificans in relation to that of the 13-unit mammalian enzyme. We have found that in all of the tested functions, which included the development of delta psi and delta pH, and the pumping of protons, that the two-subunit enzyme is at least as efficient as the structurally more complex mammalian enzyme. There is thus a correlation between the complex redox behavior and energy transducing capabilities of the two enzymes. There was also no difference in energy-transducing capabilities between the two- and three-subunit forms of the bacterial enzyme. It seems that only 2 subunits are required for an efficient energy-transducing cytochrome aa3. The most likely role of the additional subunits in the mammalian enzyme, therefore, seems to be in regulation.  相似文献   

A shift in the spectrum of heme a induced by calcium or proton binding, or by the proton electrochemical gradient, has been attributed to interaction of Ca2+ or H+ with the vicinity of the heme propionates in mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, and proposed to be associated with the exit path of proton translocation. However, this shift is absent in cytochrome c oxidases from yeast and bacteria [Kirichenko et al. (1998) FEBS Lett. 423, 329-333]. Here we report that mutations of Glu56 or Gln63 in a newly described Ca2+/Na+ binding site in subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans [Ostermeier et al. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 10547-10553] establish the Ca2+-dependent spectral shift in heme a. This shift is counteracted by low pH and by sodium ions, as was described for mammalian cytochrome c oxidase, but in the mutant Paracoccus enzymes Na+ is also able to shift the heme a spectrum, albeit to a smaller extent. We conclude that the Ca2+-induced shift in both Paracoccus and mitochondrial cytochrome aa3 is due to binding of the cation to the new metal binding site. Comparison of the structures of this site in the two types of enzyme allows rationalization of their different reactivity with cations. Structural analysis and data from site-directed mutagenesis experiments suggest mechanisms by which the cation binding may influence the heme spectrum.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that methanol dehydrogenase from Paracoccusdenitrificans has a periplasmic location. The implications for the mechanism of proton translocation during electron flow from methanol to oxygen via cytochromes c and aa3, or to nitrite via cytochrome c and nitrite reductase, are discussed.  相似文献   

The optical spectrum of heme a is red-shifted in aa(3)-type cytochrome c oxidases compared to isolated low-spin heme A model compounds. Early spectroscopic studies indicated that this may be due to hydrogen-bonding of the formyl group of heme a to an amino acid in the close vicinity. Here we show that most of the optical spectral shift of native heme a is due to a hydrogen-bonding interaction between the formyl group and arginine-54 in subunit I of cytochrome aa(3) from Paracoccus denitrificans, and that a smaller part is due to an electrostatic interaction between the D ring propionate of heme a and arginine-474.  相似文献   

We have studied beef heart cytochrome c oxidase at 4.2 K with M?ssbauer spectroscopy using the 57Fe present in natural abundance. The spectra observed are very similar to those of the a- and a3-sites of cytochrome c1aa3 from Thermus thermophilus. Thus, many conclusions derived from studies of the bacterial oxidase (available with enriched 57Fe) also apply to the mammalian enzyme. In the resting (as isolated) state, cytochrome a3 of the mammalian enzyme exhibits a doublet with quadrupole splitting, delta EQ = 1.0 mm/s and isomer shift, delta = 0.48 mm/s. These parameters suggest a high spin ferric heme and rule out an Fe(IV) assignment. The absence of magnetic features in the 4.2 K spectrum is consistent with earlier proposals that cytochrome a3 is spin-coupled to a cupric ion. The absorption lines are rather broad, suggesting that the a3-site is heterogeneous in the resting enzyme. Reduced cytochrome a3 has delta EQ = 1.85 mm/s and delta = 0.93 mm/s, demonstrating that the heme iron is high spin ferrous. The observed value for delta EQ is smaller than those of hemoglobin (2.4 mm/s), myoglobin (2.2 mm/s), and cytochrome a3 from T. thermophilus (2.06 mm/s). The M?ssbauer spectra of oxidized cytochrome a3-CN show that the heme iron is low spin ferric and that the ground state has integer spin S greater than or equal to 1, which plausibly results from ferromagnetic coupling of the S = 1/2 heme to an S = 1/2 cupric ion. Reduced cytochrome a is low spin ferrous, with parameters similar to those of cytochrome b5 and cytochrome c.  相似文献   

M Müller  B Schlapfer  A Azzi 《Biochemistry》1988,27(19):7546-7551
Cytochrome c oxidase was isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans as a two-subunit enzyme. Chymotrypsin-catalyzed proteolysis reduced the molecular weight of each subunit by about 8000. The spectral properties of this preparation, as well as its Km for cytochrome c(1.7 muM), remained unchanged with respect to the native enzyme. Vmax was reduced by about 55% when assayed in Triton X-100 or in Triton X-100 supplemented with asolectin. Following further proteolysis by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, subunit I remained unchanged as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas subunit II was split into small peptides. These were removed by ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography. The one-subunit enzyme had an apparent molecular weight of 43,000. The reduction of molecular weight was also confirmed by the diminution of the ultraviolet/Soret absorption ratio. This value was 1.8-2.1 for the native enzyme and 1.3-1.5 for the one-subunit enzyme. The spectral properties (including the spectrum CO reduced minus reduced) were not modified by the proteolytic treatment, indicating that cytochromes a and a3 were present in equal amounts. The lack of spectral alteration and the known close association of the copper B atom with cytochrome a3 suggest that copper B is also contained within the one-subunit enzyme. The Km of the one-subunit oxidase was similar to that of the two-subunit enzyme; Vmax was decreased by about 50%. The activity of the one-subunit oxidase had a salt-dependent maximum at 30 mM KCl, almost identical with that of the undigested enzyme, and was inhibited by micromolar concentrations of KCN.  相似文献   

The two-subunit cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans contains two heme a groups and two copper atoms. However, when the enzyme is isolated from cells grown on a commonly employed medium, its electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum reveals not only a Cu(II) powder pattern, but also a hyperfine pattern from tightly bound Mn(II). The pure Mn(II) spectrum is observed at -40 degrees C; the pure Cu(II) spectrum can be seen with cytochrome c oxidase from P. denitrificans cells that had been grown in a Mn(II)-depleted medium. This Cu(II) spectrum is very similar to that of cytochrome c oxidase from yeast or bovine heart. Manganese is apparently not an essential component of P. denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase since it is present in substoichometric amounts relative to copper or heme a and since the manganese-free enzyme retains essentially full activity in oxidizing ferrocytochrome c. However, the manganese is not removed by EDTA and its EPR spectrum responds to the oxidation state of the oxidase. In contrast, manganese added to the yeast oxidase or to the manganese-free P. denitrificans enzyme can be removed by EDTA and does not respond to the oxidation state of the enzyme. This suggests that the manganese normally associated with P. denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase is incorporated into one or more internal sites during the biogenesis of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The role(s) of copper in a bacterial cytochrome oxidase of the aa 3-type was investigated by growth of Paracoccus denitrificans NCIB 8944, in batch and steady state continuous culture, in a medium from which the bulk of the copper had been extracted. In a medium containing approximately 0.02 M copper, cellular copper content, cytochromes a+a 3 and cytochrome a 3 were reduced to 55%, 58% and 33% respectively of control values and there were also less marked decreases in cytochromes c+c 1 (to 85%) and a CO-binding b-type cytochrome, possibly cytochrome o (to 71%). Copper deficiency elicited in reduced minus oxidized difference spectra a shift to shorter wavelengths and narrowing of the band width of the -band of the oxidase, and loss of a (negative) band near 830 nm attributable to CuA (the copper functionally associated with haem a in the oxidase complex). The oxidase in copper-deficient cells reacted with oxygen to form the oxy Compound A at rates similar to that in control cells but CO recombination to ferrous haem a 3 was slowed 4-fold in the copper deficient case. The results are interpreted as indicating loss of CuA and changes in the proportions of haems a and a 3 with retention of catalytic activity. Titrations of respiration rates with antimycin suggested that copper deficiency did not result in diversion of electron flux through an antimycin A-insensitive, cytochrome o-terminated branch of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) has a high affinity for nitric oxide (NO), a property involved in the regulation of respiration. It has been shown that the recombination kinetics of photolyzed NO with reduced CcO from Paracoccus denitrificans on the picosecond time scale depend strongly on the NO/enzyme stoichiometry and inferred that more than one NO can be accommodated by the active site, already at mildly suprastoichiometric NO concentrations. We have largely extended these studies by monitoring rebinding dynamics from the picosecond to the microsecond time scale, by performing parallel steady-state low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) characterizations on samples prepared similarly as for the optical experiments and comparing them with molecular-modeling results. A comparative study was performed on CcO ba(3) from Thermus thermophilus, where two NO molecules cannot be copresent in the active site in the steady state because of its NO reductase activity. The kinetic results allow discrimination between different models of NO-dependent recombination and show that the overall NO escape probability out of the protein is high when only one NO is bound to CcO aa(3), whereas strong rebinding on the 15-ns time scale was observed for CcO ba(3). The EPR characterizations show similar results for aa(3) at substoichiometric NO/enzyme ratios and for ba(3), indicating formation of a 6-coordinate heme-NO complex. The presence of a second NO molecule in the aa(3) active site strongly modifies the heme-NO EPR spectrum and can be rationalized by a rotation of the Fe-N-O plane with respect to the histidine that coordinates the heme iron. This proposal is supported by molecular-modeling studies that indicate a approximately 63 degrees rotation of heme-bound NO upon binding of a second NO to the close-lying copper center CuB. It is argued that the second NO binds to CuB.  相似文献   

An enzyme complex with ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, cytochrome c oxidase, and ubiquinol oxidase activities was purified from a detergent extract of the plasma membrane of aerobically grown Paracoccus denitrificans. This ubiquinol oxidase consists of seven polypeptides and contains two b cytochromes, cytochrome c1, cytochrome aa3, and a previously unreported c-type cytochrome. This c-type cytochrome has an apparent Mr of 22,000 and an alpha absorption maximum at 552 nm. Retention of this c cytochrome through purification presumably accounts for the independence of ubiquinol oxidase activity on added cytochrome c. Ubiquinol oxidase can be separated into a 3-subunit bc1 complex, a 3-subunit c-aa3 complex, and a 57-kDa polypeptide. This, together with detection of covalently bound heme and published molecular weights of cytochrome c1 and the subunits of cytochrome c oxidase, allows tentative identification of most of the subunits of ubiquinol oxidase with the prosthetic groups present. Ubiquinol oxidase contains cytochromes corresponding to those of the mitochondrial bc1 complex, cytochrome c oxidase complex, and a bound cytochrome c. Ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity of the complex is inhibited by inhibitors of the mitochondrial bc1 complex. Thus it seems likely that the pathway of electron transfer through the bc1 complex of ubiquinol oxidase is similar to that through the mitochondrial bc1 complex. The number of polypeptides present is less than half the number in the corresponding mitochondrial complexes. This structural simplicity may make ubiquinol oxidase from P. denitrificans a useful system with which to study the mechanisms of electron transfer and energy transduction in the bc1 and cytochrome c oxidase sections of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

The 1:1 complex between horse heart cytochrome c and bovine cytochrome c oxidase, and between yeast cytochrome c and Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase have been studied by a combination of second derivative absorption, circular dichroism (CD), and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The second derivative absorption and CD spectra reveal changes in the electronic transitions of cytochrome a upon complex formation. These results could reflect changes in ground state heme structure or changes in the protein environment surrounding the chromophore that affect either the ground or excited electronic states. The resonance Raman spectrum, on the other hand, reflects the heme structure in the ground electronic state only and shows no significant difference between cytochrome a vibrations in the complex or free enzyme. The only major difference between the Raman spectra of the free enzyme and complex is a broadening of the cytochrome a3 formyl band of the complex that is relieved upon complex dissociation at high ionic strength. These data suggest that the differences observed in the second derivative and CD spectra are the result of changes in the protein environment around cytochrome a that affect the electronic excited state. By analogy to other protein-chromophore systems, we suggest that the energy of the Soret pi* state of cytochrome a may be affected by (1) changes in the local dielectric, possibly brought about by movement of a charged amino acid side chain in proximity to the heme group, or (2) pi-pi interactions between the heme and aromatic amino acid residues.  相似文献   

Isolated cytochrome c oxidases of P. denitrificans and bovine heart were reconstituted in liposomes and the kinetics of cytochrome c oxidation were measured in the presence and absence of nucleotides either inside or outside of proteoliposomes, and after photolabelling with 8-azido-ATP. Intraliposomal ATP increases and ADP decreases the kinetics of ferrocytochrome c oxidation of the bovine but not of the Paracoccus enzyme. Extra-liposomal ATP and ADP increase the Km for cytochrome c of both enzymes, but ATP acts at lower concentrations than ADP. The increase of the Km for cytochrome c is obtained in coupled as well as in uncoupled proteoliposomes. Photolabelling with 8-azido-ATP of the reconstituted Paracoccus enzyme also increases the Km for cytochrome c which is completely prevented if ATP but not if ADP is present during illumination as was found with reconstituted cytochrome c oxidase from bovine heart. The data suggest a specific interaction of ATP and ADP with nuclear-coded subunits of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase from the matrix side, because the effects are not found with the Paracoccus enzyme, which lacks these subunits.  相似文献   

A highly active nitric oxide reductase was purified from Paracoccus denitrificans ATCC 35512, formerly named Thiosphaera pantotropha, which was anaerobically cultivated in the presence of nitrate. The enzyme was composed of two subunits with molecular masses of 34 and 15 kDa and contained two hemes b and one heme c per molecule. Copper was not found in the enzyme. The spectral properties suggested that one of the two hemes b and heme c were in six-coordinated low-spin states and another heme b was in a five-coordinated high-spin state and reacted with carbon monoxide. The enzyme showed high cytochrome c-nitric oxide oxidoreductase activity and formed nitrous oxide from nitric oxide with the expected stoichiometry when P. denitrificans ATCC 35512 ferrocytochrome c-550 was used as the electron donor. The V max and Km values for nitric oxide were 84 micromol of nitric oxide per min/mg of protein and 0.25 microM, respectively. Furthermore, the enzyme showed ferrocytochrome c-550-O2 oxidoreductase activity with a V max of 8.4 micromol of O2 per min/mg of protein and a Km value of 0.9 mM. Both activities were 50% inhibited by about 0.3 mM KCN.  相似文献   

Paracoccus denitrificans contains both NAD+- and NADP+-linked malic enzyme activities when grown on malate/nitrate. The enzyme is inactive in the absence of NH4+. AcetylCoA inhibits both activities competitively with respect to L-malate. Glyoxylate (0.5 mM) causes 60% inhibition of the NADP+-linked activity but has little effect on the NAD+-linked activity. Citrate, aspartate, AMP, ADP, and ATP, at 0.5mM, have little effect on either of the two activities. The results are discussed with regards to the control of malic enzyme activity within the cell.  相似文献   

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