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A novel family of membrane-bound E3 ubiquitin ligases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel E3 ubiquitin ligase family that consists of viral E3 ubiquitin ligases (E3s) and their mammalian homologues was recently discovered. These novel E3s are membrane-bound molecules that share the secondary structure and catalytic domain for E3 activity. All family members have two transmembrane regions at the center and a RING-CH domain at the amino terminus. Forced expression of these novel E3s has been shown to reduce the surface expression of various membrane proteins through ubiquitination of target molecules. Initial examples of viral E3s were identified in Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) and have been designated as modulator of immune recognition (MIR) 1, 2 and mK3, respectively. MIR 1, 2 and mK3 are able to down-regulate MHC class I molecule expression, and mK3 is required to establish an effective latent viral infection in vivo. The first characterized mammalian homologue to MIR 1, 2 and mK3 is c-MIR/MARCH VIII. Forced expression of c-MIR/MARCH VIII down-regulates B7-2, a co-stimulatory molecule important for antigen presentation. Subsequently, several mammalian molecules related to c-MIR/MARCH VIII have been characterized and named as membrane associated RING-CH (MARCH) family. However, the precise physiological function of MARCH family members remains as yet unknown.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin proteasome system is involved in the regulation of nearly every aspect of plant growth and development. Protein ubiquitination involves the covalent attachment of ubiquitin to target proteins through a cascade catalyzed by three enzymes known as E1, E2 and E3. E3s are of particular interest as they confer substrate specificity during ubiquitination through their diverse substrate recognition domains. Recently, a number of E3s have been identified that actively participate in abscisic acid hormone biology, including regulation of biosynthesis, de-repression or activation of abscisic acid response and degradation of signaling components. In this review, we summarize recent exciting studies of the different types of E3s that target specific mediators of abscisic acid signaling or affect the plants response to the hormone.Key words: abscisic acid, E3 ubiquitin ligase, proteasome, ubiquitinationPost-translational control of protein degradation by the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) is a highly regulated process essential for the proper growth and development of all eukaryotes through removing abnormal proteins and most short-lived regulatory proteins.1,2 Plants utilize the UPS to alter their proteome to mediate cellular changes required for growth, development and responses to biotic and abiotic stress. Plants also rely a great deal on hormones to induce changes in growth and development in response to a wide range of environmental stimuli. Hormone biosynthesis, perception, signaling and response can be exquisitely regulated through modulating protein levels via the UPS. Regulation of the abscisic acid (ABA) signaling pathway, like auxin, gibberellin, jasmonate and ethylene, have been linked to UPS components with the application of biochemical, genetic and genomic approaches.35 Although some aspects of ABA signaling have been elucidated, the involvement of the UPS, especially E3 ubiquitin ligases, help us gain further insight into the entire network of ABA signal transduction. In this review we focus on recently identified E3s that play a variety of roles in ABA signaling. A number of articles are available that provide a comprehensive review of the role of E3 ligases in the biosynthesis, perception and signaling by other hormones such as auxin and ethylene.35  相似文献   

Cullin-based E3 ligases are a large family of ubiquitin ligases with diverse cellular functions. They are composed of one of six mammalian cullin homologues, the Ring finger containing protein Roc1/Rbx1 and cullin homologue-specific adapter and substrate recognition subunits. To be active, cullin-based ligases require the covalent modification of a conserved lysine residue in the cullin protein with the ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8. To characterize this family of E3 ligases in intact cells, we generated a cell line with tetracycline-inducible expression of a dominant-negative mutant of the Nedd8-conjugating enzyme Ubc12, a reported inhibitor of cullin neddylation. Using this cell line, we demonstrate that the substrate recognition subunit Skp2 and the adaptor protein Skp1 are subject to Ubc12-dependent autoubiquitination and degradation. In contrast, cullin protein stability is not regulated by neddylation in mammalian cells. We also provide evidence that Cul1 and Cul3, as well as their associated substrate recognition subunits Skp2 and Keap1, respectively, homooligomerize in intact cells, suggesting that cullin-based ligases are dimeric. Cul3, but not Cul1 homooligomerization is dependent on substrate recognition subunit dimer formation. As shown for other E3 ubiquitin ligases, dimerization may play a role in regulating the activity of cullin-based E3 ligases.  相似文献   

Faithful division of eukaryotic cells requires temporal and spatial coordination of morphological transitions, which ensures that the newly replicated copies of the genome are equally distributed into the two daughter cells during mitosis. One of the mechanisms ensuring the fidelity of mitotic progression is targeted, ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of key regulators. E3-ubiquitin ligase complexes are crucial components in this pathway because they specifically select the relevant ubiquitination substrates. Cullin-based E3-ligases, such as Cul3, have recently emerged as crucial regulators of mitosis.  相似文献   

Cullin-based ubiquitin ligases: Cul3-BTB complexes join the family   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cullin-based E3 ligases target substrates for ubiquitin-dependent degradation by the 26S proteasome. The SCF (Skp1-Cul1-F-box) and ECS (ElonginC-Cul2-SOCS box) complexes are so far the best-characterized cullin-based ligases. Their atomic structure has been solved recently, and several substrates have been described in different organisms. In addition to Cul1 and Cul2, higher eucaryotic genomes encode for three other cullins: Cul3, Cul4, and Cul5. Recent results have shed light on the molecular composition and function of Cul3-based E3 ligases. In these complexes, BTB-domain-containing proteins may bridge the cullin to the substrate in a single polypeptide, while Skp1/F-box or ElonginC/SOCS heterodimers fulfill this function in the SCF and ECS complexes. BTB-containing proteins are evolutionary conserved and involved in diverse biological processes, but their function has not previously been linked to ubiquitin-dependent degradation. In this review, we present these new findings and compare the composition of Cul3-based ligases to the well-defined SCF and ECS ligases.  相似文献   

The budding yeast proteins Dma1 and Dma2 are members of the unique FHA-RING domain protein family and are linked to mitotic regulation and septin organization by ill-defined mechanisms. We show that Dma2 has ubiquitin ligase activity, and that septins Shs1 and Cdc11 are likely direct in vivo targets. We further propose that human RNF8, rather than Chfr, is the mammalian Dma homolog. As in yeast, RNF8 localizes to the centrosomes and cell division sites and promotes ubiquitylation of the septin SEPT7, whose depletion increases cell division anomalies. Together, these findings reveal evolutionary and functional conservation of Dma proteins, and suggest that RNF8 maintains genome stability through independent, yet analogous, nuclear and cytoplasmic ubiquitylation activities.  相似文献   

A loss of T cell tolerance underlies the development of most autoimmune diseases. The design of therapeutic strategies to reinstitute immune tolerance, however, is hampered by uncertainty regarding the molecular mechanisms involved in the inactivation of potentially autoreactive T cells. Recently, E3 ubiquitin ligases have been shown to mediate the development of a durable state of unresponsiveness in T cells called clonal anergy. In this review, we will discuss the mechanisms used by E3 ligases to control the activation of T cells and prevent the development of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

UBR5 (ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 5)/EDD (E3 ligase identified by differential display) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that is a potential biomarker for poor prognosis for recurrent, platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. UBR5 has a role in the DNA damage response and many such proteins are regulated by phosphorylation. UBR5 is a 309 kDa nuclear phosphoprotein that we previously identified as a substrate of the MAP kinase ERK2. With its 477 potential phosphorylation sites, little is known about UBR5 phosphorylation and how it may regulate protein function. Currently, thirty-four sites of phosphorylation on UBR5 have been reported in the literature, mostly identified by large scale proteomics studies of tissues or of cells after various treatments; however, no studies have specifically targeted the identification of UBR5 phosphorylation sites. In this study, we used Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to obtain a total sequence coverage of 64.3% from combining tryptic and GluC digests on UBR5 isolated from transfected COS-1 cells. We identified 24 sites of phosphorylation, 18 of which are novel sites. This data enhances our knowledge of UBR5 phosphorylation and provides a framework for the study of how phosphorylation affects UBR5 function.  相似文献   

PHD domains and E3 ubiquitin ligases: viruses make the connection   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
PHD domains constitute a widely distributed subfamily of zinc fingers whose biochemical functions have been unclear until now. Recently, several PHD-containing viral proteins have been identified that promote immune evasion by downregulating proteins that govern immune recognition. Studies show that these viral regulators lead to ubiquitination of their targets by functioning as E3 ubiquitin ligases -- an activity that requires the PHD motif. These are the first examples linking the PHD domain to E3 activity, but the recent discovery of PHD-dependent E3 activity in the cellular kinase MEKK1 and the close structural relation of PHD domains to RING fingers hint that many other PHD proteins might share this activity.  相似文献   

Cullin–RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRLs) control a plethora of biological pathways through targeted ubiquitylation of signalling proteins. These modular assemblies use substrate receptor modules to recruit specific targets. Recent efforts have focused on understanding the mechanisms that control the activity state of CRLs through dynamic alterations in CRL architecture. Central to these processes are cycles of cullin neddylation and deneddylation, as well as exchange of substrate receptor modules to re‐sculpt the CRL landscape, thereby responding to the cellular requirements to turn over distinct proteins in different contexts. This review is focused on how CRLs are dynamically controlled with an emphasis on how cullin neddylation cycles are integrated with receptor exchange.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) controls intracellular protein turnover in a substrate-specific manner via E3-type ubiquitin ligases. Mammalian fertilization and particularly sperm penetration through the oocyte vitelline coat, the zona pellucida (ZP), is regulated by UPS. We use an extrinsic substrate of the proteasome-dependent ubiquitin-fusion degradation pathway, the mutant ubiquitin UBB+1, to provide evidence that an E3-type ligase activity exists in sperm-acrosomal fractions. Protein electrophoresis gels from such de novo ubiquitination experiments contained a unique protein band identified by tandem mass spectrometry as being similar to ubiquitin ligase UBR7 (alternative name: C14ORF130). Corresponding mRNA was amplified from boar testis and several variants of the UBR7 protein were detected in boar, mouse and human sperm extracts by Western blotting. Genomic analysis indicated a high degree of evolutionary conservation, remarkably constant purifying selection and conserved testis expression of the UBR7 gene. By immunofluorescence, UBR7 was localized to the spermatid acrosomal cap and sperm acrosome, in addition to hotspots of proteasomal activity in spermatids, such as the cytoplasmic lobe, caudal manchette, nucleus and centrosome. During fertilization, UBR7 remained with the ZP-bound acrosomal shroud following acrosomal exocytosis. Thus, UBR7 is present in the acrosomal cap of round spermatids and within the acrosomal matrix of mature boar spermatozoa. These data provide the first evidence of ubiquitin ligase activity in mammalian spermatozoa and indicate UBR7 involvement in spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

Specificity of protein ubiquitylation is conferred by E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligases. We have annotated approximately 617 putative E3s and substrate-recognition subunits of E3 complexes encoded in the human genome. The limited knowledge of the function of members of the large E3 superfamily prompted us to generate genome-wide E3 cDNA and RNAi expression libraries designed for functional screening. An imaging-based screen using these libraries to identify E3s that regulate mitochondrial dynamics uncovered MULAN/FLJ12875, a RING finger protein whose ectopic expression and knockdown both interfered with mitochondrial trafficking and morphology. We found that MULAN is a mitochondrial protein - two transmembrane domains mediate its localization to the organelle's outer membrane. MULAN is oriented such that its E3-active, C-terminal RING finger is exposed to the cytosol, where it has access to other components of the Ub system. Both an intact RING finger and the correct subcellular localization were required for regulation of mitochondrial dynamics, suggesting that MULAN's downstream effectors are proteins that are either integral to, or associated with, mitochondria and that become modified with Ub. Interestingly, MULAN had previously been identified as an activator of NF-kappaB, thus providing a link between mitochondrial dynamics and mitochondria-to-nucleus signaling. These findings suggest the existence of a new, Ub-mediated mechanism responsible for integration of mitochondria into the cellular environment.  相似文献   

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