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The carbohydrate metabolism of the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) has been examined in trees that were exposed to SO2, and O3, in an open-air fumigation experiment located in the Liphook forest in southern England. Two-year-old seedlings were planted in 1985 in seven experimental plots. Five plots received fumigation treatments of SO2, O3 or a combination of these gases to give a 2 × 3 factorial design with one additional ambient plot Fumigation with SO2, occurred from May 1987 to December 1990 and O3, fumigation occurred from March to December 1988, May to December 1989 and February to December 1990. Five samples of needles for investigation of carbohydrate metabolism were taken between February and July 1989. The concentrations of soluble carbohydrates (including sucrose and hexoses) were greatly reduced in the needles taken from Scots pine growing in the treated plots, and were also reduced, but to a lesser extent, in the needles taken from Norway spruce. Little variation in the concentration of starch in the needles of either species was detected. The activities of the two final enzymes of sucrose synthesis, sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose 6-phos-phate phosphatase, were greatly reduced in the needles of Scots pine and were also reduced, but to a lesser extent, in the needles of Norway spruce in the fumigated plots. These reductions could be correlated with decreases in rates of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation determined by independent groups of researchers working on the Liphook site.  相似文献   

Field data on the sulphur and cation budget of growing Norway spruce canopies (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) are summarized. They are used to test a spruce decline model capable of quantifying effects of chronic SO2 pollution on spruce forests. At ambient SO2 concentrations, acute SO2 damage is rare, but exposure to polluted air produces reversible thinning of the canopy structure with a half-time of a few years. Canopy thinning in the spruce decline model is highest (i) at elevated SO2 pollution, (ii) in the mountains, (iii) at unfertilized sites with poor K+, Mg2+ or Zn2+ supply, (iv) at low spruce litter decomposition rates, and (v) acidic, shallow soils at high annual precipitation rates in the field and vice versa. Model application using field data from Würzburg (moderate SO2 pollution, alkaline soils, no spruce decline) and from the Erzgebirge (extreme SO2 pollution, acidic soils in the mountains, massive spruce decline) predicts canopy thinning by 2–11% in Würzburg and by 45–70% in the Erzgebirge. The model also predicts different SO2-tolerance limits for Norway spruce depending on the site elevation and on the nutritional status of the needles. If needle loss of more than 25% (damage class 2) is taken to indicate ‘real damage’ exceeding natural variances, then for optimum soil conditions SO2 tolerance limits range from (27.3 ± 7.4) μg m?3 to (62.6 ± 16.5) μg m?3. For shallow and acidic soils, SO2 tolerance limits range from (22.0 ± 5.5) μg m?3 to (37.4 ± 7.5) μ m?3. These tolerance limits, which are calculated on an ecophysiological data basis for Norway spruce are close to epidemiological SO2-toIerance limits as recommended by the IUFRO, UN-ECE and WHO. The observed statistical regression slope of the plot (damaged spruce trees vs. SO2-pollution) in west Germany is confirmed by modelling (6% error). Model application to other forest trees allows deduction of the observed sequence of SO2-sensitivity: Abies > Picea > Pinus > Fagus > Quercus. Thus, acute phytotoxicity of SO2 seems not to be involved in ‘forest decline’. Chronic SO2-pollution induces massive canopy thinning of Abies alba and Picea abies only at unfavourable sites, where natural stress factors and secondary effects of SO2pollution act together to produce tree decline.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic performance, mineral content and chloroplast pigments were investigated in August-September 1988 and 1989 in Norway spruce trees (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) exposed to SO2, and O3 in an open-air fumigation facility at Liphook, England. The data do not suggest a treatment effect on the mineral content of the needles in terms of nutrient leaching from the foliage. In addition, there were no direct SO2 and/or O3 effects on the content and/or composition of the chloroplast pigments. However, the long-term application of SO2 resulted in a depression of net photosynthesis under light saturation and ambient CO2 (A 340) which was probably caused by a treatment-related depression of the carboxylation efficiency (CE). In 1989, the supposed treatment effects were apparently masked by an insufficient N-supply and probably also by low water availability during summer. However, fumigation appeared to accelerate an N-deficiency-related decrease of CE, stomatal closure and the age-dependent development of the chlorophyll content of the needles. In 1989, an observed depression of the photosynthetic capacity (A2500) was in part accompanied by a decrease in light use efficiency (α), suggesting an enhanced photosensitivity resulting from the impact of several possible interacting stresses (drought, N deficiency and fumigation). The results support the general conclusion that long-term low-level SO2 dosage adversely affects the photosynthetic performance of the needle, whether directly or indirectly, and may also interact with other environmental stresses. The findings of our investigations are discussed with regard to the hypothesis of forest decline in the mountain regions of the Fichtelgebirge (north-eastern Bavaria, Germany).  相似文献   

Regarding time ranges of years, a rationale has been developed which is capable of explaining observed ‘spruce decline’ symptoms observed when spruce is exposed to air containing ambient levels of SO2. It integrates and interrelates (i) ecophysiological data (tree morphology, assimilate partitioning, canopy turnover, senescence physiology, stomatal conductance, canopy throughfall, sulphur metabolism, tonoplast symport), (ii) pedological data (soil leaching, cation recycling, litter decomposition, forest nutrition), and (iii) meteorological data (site elevation, length of the annual trunk growth period, SO2-pollution). Furthermore, it can explain field observations at numerous sites of spruce decline in central Europe where SO2 is implicated as a factor of forest decline: (i) thinning of the canopy structure; (ii) early needle senescence; (iii) cation deficiency; (iv) low SO2 tolerance at sites with depleted soils in the mountains; (v) synergism of SO2pollution and acidic precipitation; (vi) recovery after liming, fertilization and after decreasing SO2 pollution; and (vii) higher SO2 tolerances of deciduous angiosperms. Different SO2tolerance strategies are identified that are employed by more SO2-tolerant tree species. Ecophysiological SO2tolerance factors interact in a complex synergistic or antagonistic manner. It is concluded that chronic SO2 pollution at ambient concentrations predisposes mainly evergreen gymnosperms to suffer under synergistic environmental stresses (frost, drought, pathogens, etc.). Thinning of the crown structure is massive at extreme sites, where several stresses act simultaneously on the trees (depleted soils, high SO2 pollution, acidic rain, etc.). Mathematical formulations allow precise definitions of terms such as cooperativity, synergism, antagonism, vitality, predisposition, latency, etc. This universal rationale, which is applicable to all tree species, is exemplified here for Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). Integration of parameters yields an ordinary differential equation, which can be solved analytically. It predicts reversible dynamics of crown structures and gives an ecophysiological background to‘damage’.  相似文献   

Foliar elements were analysed in Scots pine, Sitka spruce and Norway spruce over a 6 year period before and during continuous exposure to SO2 and O3 in an open-air fumigation experiment. Sulphur dioxide treatment elevated foliar sulphur concentration in all species, and there were increases in foliar nitrogen in the two spruce species but not in pine. The concentrations of cations were frequently increased by SO2 treatment, but there was no correlation between the sulphur concentration of needles and their total cation charge. SO2-related elevations of foliar magnesium were correlated with the concentration of this element in soil solution, but the mechanism by which other cations were enhanced remains unclear. The only consistent effects on nutrient ratios were for SO2 treatments to increase sulphur/cation ratios.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr.) were planted as 2-year-old seedlings in an open-air fumigation facility at Liphook in southern England in March 1985. The soil was a humoferric podzol of pH 4. SO2 fumigation began in May 1987 and continued until December 1990. Long-term mean SO2 concentrations were 4,13 and 22 nmol mo?1. Three plots, one at each SO2 level, were also exposed to O3 at an average of 1–3.times the ambient level. O3 fumigation ran from March to December 1988, May to December 1989 and February to December 1990. Each species reacted differently to treatment. Scots pine showed no growth response to either pollutant, although other work on the site demonstrated a number of deleterious effects of SO2 on this species, including increased leaf loss and foliar injury. Stem basal diameter growth of Norway spruce was depressed in SO2-treated plots. In contrast, extension growth of shoots of Sitka spruce increased in SO2-treated plots, in apparent response to codeposition of NH3-N. However, diameter growth of Sitka spruce main stems did not increase. No effects of O3 on growth were recorded for any species.  相似文献   

Monthly uptake rates and the annual deposition of gaseous SO2 via the stomata of six Norway spruce canopies (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Germany (Königstein im Taunus, Witzenhausen, Grebenau, Frankenberg, Spessart, Fürth im Odenwald) were calculated (i) from statistical response functions of stomatal aperture depending on meteorological data, and (ii) from the synchronously measured SO2 immission at these stands. The stomatal response functions had been derived on the basis of thorough stomatal water conductance measurements in the field. Calculations of the SO2 conductance of spruce twigs and SO2 uptake rates via stomata need continuously measured complete data sets of the (i) light intensity, (ii) air temperature, (iii) air humidity and (iv) SO2 concentration in spruce forests from all the year. These data were recorded half hourly in different German spruce forests. The apparent needle water vapour pressure difference and transpiration rates were calculated from meteorological data. Additional use of canopy through flow data in dry years allowed the estimation of the mean stomatal conductance for H2O and SO2 of whole spruce canopies. The annual SO2 uptake of a mean unit needle surface in spruce forests was 32% of the SO2 uptake rate of exposed needles at the top of spruce crowns. There is significant SO2 uptake all the year. The mean SO2 dose at all sites and years received through the stomata was (0.25±0.07) mol SO2 m-2 (total needle surface) (nPa Pa-1)-1 (annual mean of SO2 immission; 1 nPa (SO2) Pa-1 (air) = 1 ppb) day-1 (vegetation period per year). Comparison of calculated SO2 uptake rates into needles with measured SO4 2- accumulation rates in needles from the mentioned sites and additionally from Würzburg, Schneeberg (Fichtelgebirge) and from three sites in the eastern Erzgebirge (Höckendorf, Kahleberg, Oberbärenburg) revealed that oxidative SO2 detoxification (SO4 2- formation) dominates only at sites with high SO2 immission and short vegetation periods. Under these conditions 70 to 90% of the annual stomatal SO2 uptake is detoxified via SO4 2- accumulation in needles. Cations are needed for neutralization of accumulating SO4 2- which are inavailable to support growth. Thus, SO2 induces a dominant and competitive additional nutrient cation demand, cation deficiency symptoms and enhanced needle loss (spruce decline symptoms) mainly at sites, where the ratio R=(SO2 immission): (length of the vegetation period) is higher than R=0.07 nPa Pa-1 day-1. Correlation analysis of the relative needle loss versus the SO2-dependent SO4 2- formation rate revealed a significant increase of needle loss at the 98% level (Student). At sites with small SO2 immission and long vegetation periods (R<0.07 nPa Pa-1 day-1) reductive SO2 detoxification via growth (and/or phloem export of SO4 2-) is not kinetically overburdened. Under these conditions only 30% of the annual SO2 uptake is detoxified via SO4 2- formation and spruce decline is small or absent. On the basis of the critical value R0.07 nPa Pa-1 day-1 recommended SO2 immission limits can be deduced on a mere ecophysiological basis. These deduced values are close to the proposed SO2 immission limits of the IUFRO, WHO and the UNECE.  相似文献   

Ion contents in needles from Norway spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] growing in Würzburg and in the SO2-polluted Erzgebirge mountains were analysed to quantify cations which accumulate together with sulphate. In Würzburg there was a positive correlation of potassium (0.680 ± 0.300 Eq Eq?1 SO4?2), magnesium (0.415 ± 0.111 Eq Eq?1 SO4?2) and zinc (0.059 ± 0.006 Eq Eq?1 SO42?). In the Erzgebirge, potassium was also the stoichiometrically most important cation (0–887 ± 0–180 Eq K+ Eq?1 SO42?). All other correlations examined were weak or statistically non-significant. At both sites the calcium content of spruce needles did not depend on the sulphate content. The lack of a role for Ca2+ in neutralizing sulphate is a consequence of the presence of free oxalic acid in needles. Soluble oxalic acid precipitates Ca2+, which thereby becomes unavailable as a counterion for SO42?. The activity coefficients of Ca2+ and oxalate2?, and the solubility product of Ca-oxalate, were determined from in vivo data. It is concluded that the chronic accumulation of atmospheric sulphate in spruce needle vacuoles depletes available potassium and thereby strongly interferes with spruce growth and canopy turnover. This leads to impaired spruce vitality, even at sites where acute SO2 disease symptoms are absent.  相似文献   

In vivo 15N and 14N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to investigate the assimilation of nitrate and ammonium in seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). The main objective was to study accumulation of free NH+4 and examine to what extent the nitrogen source affects the composition of the free amino acid pools in roots, stems and needles. NH+4 concentrations in plants growing in the presence of 0.5–50 mM ammonium were quantified using 14N NMR. The NH+4 values in tissues ranged from 6 to 46 μmol (g fresh weight)?1. with highest concentrations in roots and needles. The tissue NH+4 peaked at 5.0 mM NH+4 in the medium. and failed to increase when NH+4 in the medium was increased to 50 mM, indicating metabolic control of the concentration of this cation in tissues. The 14N NMR spectra were used to estimate pH of the NH+4 storage pools. Based on the pH sensitivity of the quintet of 14NH+4 resonance, we suggest that the pH of the ammonium storage compartments in the roots and stems should be 3.7–3.8, and in needles 3.4–3.5, representing extremely low pH values of the tissue. 15N from nitrate or ammonium was first incorporated into the amide group of glutamine and then into α-amino groups, confirming that the glutamine synthetase/ glutamate synthase cycle is the major route of nitrogen assimilation into amino acids and thus plays a role in lowering the levels of NH+4 in the cytoplasm. NH+4 can also be assimilated in roots in plants growing in darkness. The main 15N-labelled amino acids were glutamine. arginine and alanine. Almost no 15N signals from needles were observed. Double labelling (δN + w, wN) of arginine is consistent with the operation of the ornithine cycle, and enrichment indicates that this cycle is a major sink of newly assimilated nitrogen. Nitrogen assimilation in roots in the presence of added methionine sulphoximine and glutamate indicated the catabolic action of glutamate dehydrogenase. The 15N NMR spectra of plants grown on 15N-urea showed a marked increase in the labelling of ammonium and glutamine. indicating high urease activity. Amino acids were also quantified using high pressure liquid chromatography. Arginine was found to be an important transport form of nitrogen in the stem.  相似文献   

The dose- and time-response effects of 3 days of 6 h day-time sequential exposures to NO2, SO2 and SO2+NO2 of 0.45–1.81 μl l−1 (ppm) SO2 and 1.50–7.65 μl l−1 NO2 on photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration were examined for nine Carpatho-Ukrainian half-sib families and a population from the GFR ('Westerhof') of Norway spruce [ Piecea abies (L.) Karst.], all in their 5th growing season.
SO2+NO2 inhibited photosynthesis and transpiration and stimulated dark respiration more than SO2 alone. SO2 and SO2+NO2 at the lowest concentrations inhibited night transpiration, but increased it at the highest concentration, the strongest effects being obtained with combined exposures. Photosynthesis of the different half-sib families was affected significantly differently by SO2+NO2 exposures. NO2 alone had no effects.
Sensitivity to transpiration decline correlated negatively with branch density. Height of trees correlated postitively with decline sensitivity in the seed orchard. The distribution of photosynthesis and transpiration sensitivities over all tested half-sib families correlated negatively with the distribution of decline sensitivity of their parents in a rural Danish seed orchard. The relative photosynthesis and transpiration sensitivities may thus serve as diagnostic parameters for selecting against novel spruce decline.  相似文献   

The dose- and time-response effects of single 4 h day-time exposures of 0.064, 0.166, 0.336, 0.452 or 0.693 μl l?1 (ppm) O3 followed by single 4 h night-time exposures of 0.078, 0.198, 0.378, 0.502 or 0.747 μl l?1 O3 on photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration were examined for nine Carpatho-Ukrainian (‘Rachovo’) half-sib families and for two populations. ‘Westerhof’ from the FRG and ‘Schmiedefeld’ from the GDR, of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], all in their 4th growing season. Needles were scorched by 4 h exposures to 0.336 μl l?1 O3 and higher. The lag before photosynthesis and transpiration responded significantly to O3 decline took from a few minutes at the highest concentration to several hours at the lower concentrations. Recovery of photosynthesis and transpiration was absent or extremely slow. Photosynthesis of the different spruce types was affected significantly differently, the most sensitive spruce having its photosynthesis suppressed 1.9 times and its transpiration 1.6 times more than the most tolerant spruce. The physiological responses of ‘Westerhof’ were less sensitive than the average ‘Rachovo’ half-sibs. Neither night transpiration nor dark respiration were affected by high doses of night O3, preceded by day O3 exposures. The gradients of different photosynthesis and transpiration sensitivities of the young half-sibs (and ‘Westerhof’) demonstrated a significant, positive, mutual correlation, and significant positive correlations with the gradient of novel decline symptoms of their parents growing in Danish forests. The relative photosynthesis and transpiration sensitivities may thus serve as diagnostic parameters in laboratory tests for selection against novel spruce decline.  相似文献   

The induction of activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase (NR, EC, in needles of Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) by nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. In fumigation chambers an increase in nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was detected 4 h after the start of the NO2 treatment. During the first 2 days with 100 µg NO2 m−3, NRA reached a constant level and did not change during the following 4 days. At the same level of NO2, NRA was lower in needles from trees grown on NPK‐fertilized soil than on non‐fertilized soil. After the transfer of spruce trees from fertilized soil to NPK‐rich nutrient solution, NRA was transiently increased. This effect was assigned to root injuries causing nitrate transport to the shoot and subsequent induction of NRA. Neither trees on fertilized soil nor trees transferred to NPK‐poor nutrient solution had increased NRA unless NO2 was provided. The NO2 gradient in the vicinity of a highway was used to test the long‐term effect of elevated levels of NO2 on needle NRA of potted and field‐grown spruce trees. Compared with less polluted sites, permanently increased NRAs were detected when NO2 concentrations were above 20 µg m−3. Controls of field measurements some 10 years after the introduction of catalytic converters in cars showed no significant change neither in NO2 levels nor in the decreasing NRA of spruce needles with the distance from the highway.  相似文献   

The dose- and time-response effects of single 4-h day-exposures to 0.50, 0.79, 1.28, 1.58, 2.38 or 3.35 μl l?1 (ppm) SO2 followed by single 3-h night-exposures of 0.60, 0.87, 1.54, 1.91, 2.91 or 3.98 μl l?1 SO2 on photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration were examined for nine East European (Carpatho-Ukrainian, ‘Rachovo’) half-sib families and for two populations, one from the FRG (‘Westerhof’) and one from the GDR (‘Schmiedefeld’) of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], all in their 4th growing season. Even the lowest SO2 concentration reduced photosynthesis and transpiration within 1 h. Photosynthesis of the different spruce types was affected significantly differently, the most sensitive spruce being suppressed 2.5 times more than the most tolerant spruce. ‘Westerhof’ was more resistant to SO2 than the average ‘Rachovo’ half-sibs. Neither transpiration (stomatal reaction), which was affected alike by all SO2 concentrations, nor SO2 uptake, explained adequately the effects on photosynthesis. Night transpiration, but not dark respiratin, was stimulated by night SO2 preceded by day SO2 exposure. The gradient of different SO2 sensitivities among young trees from the half-sib families demonstrated a significant negative correlation with the gradient of different sensitivities to novel decline symptoms of their parents growing in a rural seed orchard in Denmark, and with the gradients of four morphology parameters, (height, branching, branch density and the number of Lammas shoots) of the young trees, which in turn demonstrated a positive correlation with decline sensitivity in the seed orchard. The relative photosynthesis sensitivity and the morphology of half-sibs may serve as diagnostic parameters for laboratory selection of the most resistent trees to novel spruce decline in the field. There was a positive correlation between SO2 induced scorching of Lammas shoots and the inhibition of photosynthesis, but not between the severity of SO2 scorching and symptoms of novel spruce decline. The two visible types of symptoms looked very different.  相似文献   

A mixture of tritiated and deuterated gibberellin A9 (GA9) was injected into elongating shoots of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] grafts grown under environmental conditions that were either inductive (heat and drought, HD) or noninductive (cool and wet, CW) for flowering. The shoots were divided into needles and shoot stems. The metabolites were purified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), detected by liquid scintillation counting of aliquots of collected fractions and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Deuterated GA9 was converted to deuterated GA4 in both treatments. The major metabolite in the CW-treated material was GA51. The HD-treated material did not convert GA9 to GA51, but a cellulase-hydrolysable GA9-conjugate was formed. The same metabolites were found in the shoot stems, though in smaller amounts. The amounts of detected metabolites were higher in the HD material, caused by a higher rate of metabolism and/or smaller losses of the metabolites during sample purification. The estimated amounts of endogenous GAs show that the HD-treated material contained higher amounts of GA9 but no differences in the amounts of GA4 were found.  相似文献   

Saplings of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies were grown in mono‐ and mixed cultures in a 2‐year phytotron study under all four combinations of ambient and elevated ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. The hypotheses tested were (1) that the competitiveness of beech rather than spruce is negatively affected by the exposure to enhanced O3 concentrations, (2) spruce benefits from the increase of resource availability (elevated CO2) in the mixed culture and (3) that the responsiveness of plants to CO2 and O3 depends on the type of competition (i.e. intra vs. interspecific). Beech displayed a competitive disadvantage when growing in mixture with spruce: after two growing seasons under interspecific competition, beech showed significant reductions in leaf gas exchange, biomass development and crown volume as compared with beech plants growing in monoculture. In competition with spruce, beech appeared to be nitrogen (N)‐limited, whereas spruce tended to benefit in terms of its plant N status. The responsiveness of the juvenile trees to the atmospheric treatments differed between species and was dominated by the type of competition: spruce growth benefited from elevated CO2 concentrations, while beech growth suffered from the enhanced O3 regime. In general, interspecific competition enhanced these atmospheric treatment effects, supporting our hypotheses. Significant differences in root : shoot biomass ratio between the type of competition under both elevated O3 and CO2 were not caused by readjustments of biomass partitioning, but were dependent on tree size. Our study stresses that competition is an important factor driving plant development, and suggests that the knowledge about responses of plants to elevated CO2 and/or O3, acquired from plants growing in monoculture, may not be transferred to plants grown under interspecific competition as typically found in the field.  相似文献   

The ambient pollution climate at the Liphook forest fumigation site, where coniferous trees were fumigated with SO2 and O3, for 4 years under field conditions, was characteristic of the fringes of the areas where pollutant effects are a problem. Experimental treatments increased SO2 concentrations to levels more characteristic of Eastern Europe, and summer O3 concentrations by 30%. Deposition of SO2 to the soil between the trees (inferred from shallow lysimeters) was significant, the deposition velocity being 2–1 mms?1. Deposition to Scots pine and Sitka spruce canopies was greater, deposition velocities being 8.5 and 9.4 mm s?1, respectively. These high values may perhaps be explained by co-deposition with NH3. Calculations assume that dry deposition was the sole source of SO42? gain in throughfall, and that there was no significant retention by the trees. There was a trend for O3 to enhance SO2 deposition to both soil and trees. Fumigation with SO2 led to a significant increase in leaching of cations from foliage. Each species neutralized about 63% of the dry-deposited SO2, predominantly by ion exchange for Ca and K. Equations are provided which allow calculation of foliar leaching given SO2 concentrations or SO42? deposition. Fumigation increased the rate of nutrient cycling considerably, without affecting foliar concentrations or damaging the trees. Ozone treatments did not enhance foliar leaching, calling into question some suggested mechanisms for the causes of forest decline.  相似文献   

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