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A complex mosaicism involving the X chromosome was found in a 35-year-old female affected by secondary amenorrhea and short stature. Her karyotype was: 45,X[20]/46,X,del(X)(pter-->q26::qter)[15]/46,X,idic(X)(pter-->q26::q26-->pter)[9]. No cell contained both abnormal X chromosomes. This observation would suggest a possible mechanism underlying the formation of isodicentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

The most common chromosomal anomaly is 45,X in the Turner syndrome. In addition to this, anomaly, mosaicism such as structural 46,X,i(Xq), 46,X,del(Xp), 46,X,r(X), 46,X,t(X;Y) and numerical 46XO/46,XX/47XXX are seen rather frequently. An infant with the Turner syndrome was found to have a karyotype 45X,t(1;2) (q41;p16) using high resolution banding. Based on our knowledge, we present the first case of 45X,t(1;2) (q41;p11.2), a karyotype in Turner's syndrome in the literature.  相似文献   

Rearranged X chromosome in Turner syndrome (TS) are generally well tolerated but in cases of ring X chromosomes and of X/autosome translocations the incidence of mental retardation and other congenital abnormalities can be significantly higher. These abnormal phenotypes can be ascribed to failed or partial X inactivation. Here, we report a 10-year-old female who was referred for a cytogenetic analysis because she developed an alopecia universalis. The patient, of normal intelligence, had been found to have traits of TS, especially short stature. A first cytogenetic analysis showed a no mosaic 45,X karyotype. Since, the risk of developing gonadoblastoma in TS patients with mosaicism for a Y derivative chromosome and because association of alopecia universalis and TS is uncommon, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed to search for a second cell population. Our patient was found to have a mosaic 45,X/46,X,+r. FISH analysis using sex chromosome probes permitted us to identify the very small marker as a ring X chromosome, detected in 90% of cells. The ring appeared to be formed almost totally of alphoid sequences with breakpoints in the juxtacentromeric region. The r(X) does not include the XIST locus and may, therefore, not be subject to X-inactivation. Unexpectedly mild phenotype in our patient and its association with alopecia universalis will be discussed.  相似文献   

Mean values and variances of deciduous and permanent tooth dimensions were compared between 121 45,X (Turner syndrome) females and 171 control subjects to clarify the role of the X chromosome on dental development. Although deciduous molars tended to be smaller than normal in 45,X females, there was no evidence of a reduction in tooth size for deciduous anterior teeth. In the permanent dentition, all mesiodistal dimensions were significantly smaller in 45,X females but only some of the buccolingual dimensions were smaller. The findings for deciduous tooth-size may reflect a sampling effect related to the extremely high frequency of spontaneous abortion in 45,X individuals. Results for permanent teeth are consistent with the concept of a decrease in enamel thickness in 45,X females.  相似文献   

In this case report we describe a child with a de novo deletion in the (q11.2q13) region of chromosome 14. The child presented with dysmorphic features - anophthalmia, microcephaly, and growth retardation. Cytogenetic studies showed mosaicism. The karyotype was 46,XX,del(14)(q11.2;q13) [16] /46,XX [9]. We compared the features observed in this child with that of others with the same deletion reported in scientific literature and found that this is the first report of a child mosaic for this deletion. It is also the first time it has been reported in association with anophthalmia.  相似文献   

We describe a 7-month-old male child with Silver-Russel syndrome (SRS) phenotype, presented with two major clinical features: low birth weight, short stature, and minor features, such as macrocephaly, clinodactyly, essential for the diagnosis of SRS. Routine cytogenetic studies with GTG-banding showed 46,XY,t(11;16)(p13;q24.3). Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with single copy probes BAC (11p13) and PAC (16q24.3), showed a reciprocal translocation. Chromosomal analysis of the mother was normal and the phenotypically normal father had apparently identical translocation t(11;16)(p13;q24.3). The disruption of growth factor genes at 11p and 16q breakpoint regions due to reciprocal translocation in the father might have caused SRS phenotype in the child.  相似文献   

Evidence for a Turner syndrome locus or loci at Xp11.2-p22.1.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Turner syndrome is the complex human phenotype associated with complete or partial monosomy X. Principle features of Turner syndrome include short stature, ovarian failure, and a variety of other anatomic and physiological abnormalities, such as webbed neck, lymphedema, cardiovascular and renal anomalies, hypertension, and autoimmune thyroid disease. We studied 28 apparently nonmosaic subjects with partial deletions of Xp, in order to map loci responsible for various components of the Turner syndrome phenotype. Subjects were carefully evaluated for the presence or absence of Turner syndrome features, and their deletions were mapped by FISH with a panel of Xp markers. Using a statistical method to examine genotype/phenotype correlations, we mapped one or more Turner syndrome traits to a critical region in Xp11.2-p22.1. These traits included short stature, ovarian failure, high-arched palate, and autoimmune thyroid disease. The results are useful for genetic counseling of individuals with partial monosomy X. Study of additional subjects should refine the localization of Turner syndrome loci and provide a rational basis for exploration of candidate genes.  相似文献   

Summary This report describes a female infant with a 47,X,del(X)(p11),+21 karyotype who has clinical features of both Down and Turner syndromes. The majority of her clinical features are suggestive of Down syndrome.  相似文献   

Isochromosome is a structurally unbalanced chromosome consisting of two short arms or two long arms, which are derived by abnormal centromere division or sister-chromatid exchange. Most autosomal isochromosomes are unusual, while those involving sex chromosomes are common. Kabuki syndrome (KS, OMIM 147920) is a multiple malformation/mental retardation syndrome of unknown etiology. A conventional cytogenetic study on lymphocytes from a 4-year-old girl with physical features suggestive of KS was found to have mosaicism for isochromosome for the long arm of the X. Although most manifestations present in this patient have been described before, this report is a rare association of clinical and cytogenetic findings in this syndrome. A genome-wide analysis and a larger number of patient groups studied could improve our understanding of the genetic basis of KS.  相似文献   

Angelman syndrome is a neuro-developmental disorder caused by genetic abnormalities affecting the maternal gene expression in the chromosome region 15q11-q13. In a study group of 45 Finnish Angelman patients, a recurrence of a del(15)(q11q13) was detected in one family. The mother's chromosomes 15 were structurally normal, whereas the patients and their unaffected brother shared an identical maternally derived haplotype outside the deletion region. These findings are suggestive of maternal germ-line mosaicism of del(15)(q11q13).  相似文献   

A child with monosomy for the distal part of the short arm of chromosome 3 (3p25-->pter) and trisomy for the terminal portion of the long arm of chromosome 17 (17q23-->qter) is presented. This unbalanced karyotype was derived from a balanced reciprocal 3p/17q translocation in the phenotypically normal mother. Main clinical features in the proband included growth and mental retardation, hypotonia, hirsutism, micro/brachycephaly, triangular face, synophris, broad and full nose, long philtrum, narrow upper lip, low set, posteriorly turned ears, anteriorly placed anus and congenital heart defect (Tetralogy of Fallot). Most of these clinical manifestations have been constantly reported in previous cases with terminal 3p deletion.  相似文献   

X/X translocations are quite rare in humans. The effect of this anomaly on the phenotype is variable and depends on the amount of deleted material and whether the chromosomes are joined by their long or short arms. We report an unusual case of Turner syndrome mosaicism in a 16-year-old girl, who was referred to our Institute for primary amenorrhoea associated with short stature. Endocrine evaluation revealed hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, which required a study of the karyotype. Cytogenetic analysis, performed on peripheral blood leucocytes, showed a mos 45,X/46,X,ter rea (X;X)(p22.3;p22.3) de novo karyotype. The prevalent cell line was 45,X (90% cells). A second cell line (10% cells) showed a very large marker chromosome, similar to a large metacentric chromosome. FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridisation) and molecular analysis revealed that the marker chromosome was dicentric and totally derived from the paternal X chromosome.  相似文献   

Chromosome 7q36 microdeletion syndrome is a rare genomic disorder characterized by underdevelopment of the brain, microcephaly, anomalies of the sex organs, and language problems. Developmental delay, intellectual disability, autistic spectrum disorders, BDMR syndrome, and unusual facial morphology are the key features of the chromosome 2q37 microdeletion syndrome. A genetic screening for two brothers with global developmental delay using high-resolution chromosomal analysis and subtelomeric multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification revealed subtelomeric rearrangements on the same sites of 2q37.2 and 7q35, with reversed deletion and duplication. Both of them showed dysmorphic facial features, severe disability of physical and intellectual development, and abnormal genitalia with differential abnormalities in their phenotypes. The family did not have abnormal genetic phenotypes. According to the genetic analysis of their parents, adjacent-1 segregation from their mother's was suggested as a mechanism of their gene mutation. By comparing the phenotypes of our patients with previous reports on similar patients, we tried to obtain the information of related genes and their chromosomal locations.  相似文献   

Expression of the marker(X)(q28) in lymphoblastoid cell lines   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The marker(X)(q28) chromosome associated with one type of X-linked mental retardation has been demonstrated in lymphoblastoid cell lines established from affected individuals. The mar(x) can reliably and repeatedly be seen by the addition of FUdR to the cultures for 24 hrs prior to harvest. This simple technique provides an excellent in vitro experimental test system for investigation of the mar(X).  相似文献   

Turner syndrome is a condition caused by numeric and structural abnormalities of the X chromosome, and is characterized by a series of clinical features, the most common being short stature and gonadal dysgenesis. An increased frequency of autoimmune diseases as well as an elevated incidence of autoantibodies has been observed in Turner patients.  相似文献   

A newborn girl with features of Turner and Cri du chat syndromes was found to have a pseudodicentric 5;X chromosome. Her karyotype was 45,X, psu dic(5;X)(p15.2;p22.1). The net result was monosomy for 5p15.2-pter and Xp22.1-pter. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed the Cri du chat region was deleted. Replication banding studies to assess the X-inactivation pattern found only the X portion of the pseudodicentric chromosome to be late replicating without any apparent spread of inactivation into chromosome 5 segment. There are only two cases reported with a dicentric X; autosome. In this paper, we compare the cytogenetics of the present case and those in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary The fate of fra(X) was followed after fusion of cells donated by a male fra(X) carrier with mouse A9 cells. Suppression of the fragile site was found in the hybrids as well as in human cells co-cultivated with mouse cells.  相似文献   

An infant with ambiguous genitalia was found to have a karyotype 45,X/46,X,r(Y)(p11.2;q11.23)/47,X,idic(Y)(p11.2),idic(Y)(p11.2) using G-banding, C-banding and FISH. Examination of the genitalia revealed a phallus measuring 1.5 cm in length and 0.5 cm wide with perineal orifice. Subtle phenotypic features consistent with Turner syndrome were not present. Genital ultrasonography revealed the presence of an infantile uterus. Endoscopy of the vagina, uterus and cervix appeared normal.  相似文献   

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